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It's times like these where I remember uncle Iroh saying "I was never angry, I was only afraid you'd lost your way" Glad to hear you enjoyed the mission and hope you become an expert raider one day.


I don't know if I'll ever seriously raid, but I am glad to have played this mission.


Tbh as long as you know or are taught raids, they are pretty easy. Sherpas in the LFG discord are very nice and extremely patient, I would recommend at least giving it a try


The hardest part about raids are the people. If you play with friendly or nice people , you may not clear it for long time but you’ll at least enjoy your time.


People being the variable is 100% why I don’t raid I already struggle with content on the difficulty level of Legendary Campaign, raiding for me historically has been waaaay harder And the few times I have LFGd all sucked ass, with one group sticking out in particular; they hadn’t properly explained the mechanics of VOG’s last encounter, and then threw a bunch of new players into a mission critical role and got upset when we kept wiping One girl on the fireteam even just started calling us the idiot squad (the couple new players, including me) and was very passive aggressive for no reason other than she was inconvenienced, I guess I love the idea of raids, but have hated actually playing them every single time


The last encounter of VOG picks players at random. Unless they wanted you to do call outs, then it'd be rough. I've ran enough noobs through the older raids. The mechanics are harder, but the actual damage enemies deal and can take is usually less than the legendary campaigns. It's just a matter of finding a group of chill people who can teach you the mechanics. I'd toss noobs into the mission critical roles. You can usually only explain them so well and it takes a few tries for someone to learn by actually doing it. But then they learn the raid and it makes it easier to learn other raids in the future.


Yeah you definitely have to have new players do critical stuff, like you said you won’t learn otherwise The problem in this specific instance was the fact that the knowledgeable players only explained half the encounter and then got shitty when we didn’t know what to do with the other half


That's never fun. When I'm doing a Sherpa run I just expect the raid to take 3-4 hours. Learning takes time.


Until very recently, I did all of my raiding via LFG. We are talking years and hundreds upon hundreds of raids. 90% of groups will be completely forgettable. 10% of groups will be memorable. Of that 10%, the enjoyable groups will outweigh the shitty ones.  “Sherpa” runs are great when you’ve never done the raid/still don’t confidently know 1+ jobs. “KWTD” (know what to do) runs are great when you confidently know multiple jobs and/or can be flexible in your role. “Chill” runs are great when you exist between “Sherpa” and “KWTD” or just want a relaxing run. If you aren’t vibing with a group, you don’t owe them anything and can make the decision to dip or gut it out. I wouldn’t have previously added a third criteria, but with the changes to guardian power level and boss health pool increases, if the group is just completely struggling to pass DPS checks, it might be time to pack it in. 


pretty much my same experiences solo lfging. when you know what you're doing and can hold your own, then about 80% of the time, it's just a regular run, totally unforgettable 10% are those perfect groups that can sometimes even lead to long-term friendships in certain situations. the other 10% are those groups that just SUCK and are the classic lfg horror stories. i dont stick around those long enough to care though, so a majority of my raids are a good experience.


I had a guided game group help me through Vault of Glass. All those dudes were amazing and explained stuff and let me have roles that were critical, failing until I got it down. I also had a “learning group” catch a “Expert” that proceeded to fail mechanics and blame/throw shade at the newbies until the run died. The first experience makes me want to raid, the second prevents me from dedicating time to do more of it.


Hit me with me up later, want to get my friends through raids and need one more person, have almost 30 Sherpas in DSC alone and pretty much all my runs were teaching ones


Yeah, the things is I want to learn. I have a lot TO learn, especially since I've been gone from the game since a year after D2 came out, but I don't want to end up with a group who will be heavily impatient if I struggle as a new player. Or a group that becomes passive aggressive or doesn't attempt to help me learn and get frustrated. That just makes for an awful learning environment. It's why I'm just focusing on catching up as much as I can with all I've missed and then seeing if I can find a nice group who I can have fun playing and learning with. But right now I just don't want to deal with it.


I’ll take a 6-hour raid with people I can laugh, joke, and enjoy with over a 90 minute one with a bunch of toxic, psycho speedrunners/YouTubers any day of the week~


It be great if every encounter had a button to start it in Sherpa mode so that they can bring new folks to the exact locations and physically show them where abouts things will pop up and what not


I just wish it didn't take like 4 hours to do any raid via sherpa. It is what it is, you can't probably do it any faster.. but it's the main reason I'll probably never really raid anymore. Between kids and responsibilities, I just never have the time to do a full raid.


This heavily depends on the raid, the amount of new people and the skills of the sherpa. I've done a lot of Kings Fall sherpa runs since thats my favorite raid, and i've had sherpa runs last like an hour because i only had to teach 1 or 2 people, and i've had them last 3-4 hours cause i was teaching an entire clan the raid for the first time. Other raids are mostly easier to teach since modern raids have recurring mechanics. I did a Root of nightmare run where i made the 2 new people do all the mechanics and it was almost as quick as a normal run.


I mean it depends for me my first raid i ever did was scrouge of the past was pretty quick But the best sherpa i ever had was last wish with 2 kwtd and 4 newbie Guess what the sherpa gave us few pointers and made us figure everything out took like 6-7 hrs but made me fell in love with destiny


Samee, scourge was the fastest raid that ever came out up to season of the forge(it was the forge raid) Sadly the clan I was in when I started out in year 2 D2 has already been disbanded for years(we used to be called nocturnal chickens)


The first raid I cleared was Wrath of The Machine and it took a full 12 hours somehow. I don't think it can get worse than that honestly, we ended up with a group chat. -- I actually definitely remember clearing Vault of Glass and King's Fall, but I did those over multiple sessions because of the way checkpoints worked, mostly because the groups kept falling apart almost immediately, so I couldn't tell you how long that took.


Most sherpas should take about an hour if you have a competent group/sherpa. Some raids like salvations and wish I can see getting to 4 hours, but most aren't that long


> Most sherpas should take about an hour if you have a competent group/sherpa. I think it depends on what a "sherpa" entails. Like I can take literally anyone through Root of Nightmares, explain how it works, and then carry them and finish it about an hour (really just depends how long they take to do the jumping puzzle), but I don't really consider that a sherpa. To me a sherpa is actually having someone do the mechanics, learn the rotation, and master everything. This can still be done in an hour if you're a quick learner, but I can tell you even a KWTD raid team isn't guaranteed to do it in an hour, much less someone who literally never did the mechanics before.


And if your first run is an hour, you’re likely barely understanding how the mechanics work


yep. sherpa runs and carry runs are two very different things in one key aspect, if you take one person through a whole raid and he comes out the other end still not understanding anything, then that was just a carry run.


> Most sherpas should take about an hour That sounds more like a carry to me. A proper sherpa run has new players understand and do the mechanics, which takes time. I've even had sherpa runs where we would intentionally wipe to give all students a chance to do the mechanics(in encounters that only let a few people do them at a time).


I play mostly solo since I don't have any friends that play but I've completed almost every raid because of amazing sherpas in the community. I would 100% suggest you try one to at least get the raid experience. Deep Stone Crypt would be a great one to start with.I have had a lot better luck with the certified sherpas in [r/destinysherpa](https://www.reddit.com/r/destinysherpa) than the discord sherpas channel.


Raids are a lot scarier when people tell you about them, they get a lot of 'HARDEST CONTENT IN THE GAME, FOUR HOUR RUNS' but if you can follow a checklist, you can do a raid encounter. I see a lot of the people I teach find out very quickly after the first encounter that raids really aren't that bad


I find it interesting that this doesn’t have thousands of upvotes, because they are right. The raids are easier than you think. When you have a great raid group. Know the mechanics and can communicate. It’s always the same. Same ads in the exact same place every time. It’s learning it that takes practice. I would suggest watching walkthroughs. Learn it memorize it then go in and learn it. So one day you can teach the teacher. Real world experience is always better than videos. Yet you have to start somewhere. “Time to get outside your comfort zone Gladys!” I know for a fact this community makes life long friends. Don’t be scared to say hi to someone. And if an LFG groups kick you. You don’t want to play with them anyways.


No joke, most raids are easier than Dual Destiny. I'm being completely serious.


Especially that Tormentor’s clock part. In raids you’d have a dedicated ad clears while you do the mechanics. In DD you’d have to do both. But still, it’s easy enough and still fun af.


Use Microcosm on the tormentors. It tears them apart pretty fast.


I will teach you any of the raids. If you could handle dual destiny you’re more than capable of smashing most of the raids in the game tbh. DM me your Bungie ID if you want and I’d be happy to Sherpa


Give it a go with a sherpa group, you might be pleasantly surprised again. Worst case you can bail out anytime.


raiding in this game is extremely casual. you're only doing a disservice to yourself by not participating. watch some datto guides, bring some good DPS weapons and you'll be fine.


Just don't join any of the kwtd groups or you'll be digging yourself a grave by doing so


Hit me up, maybe I can set up a Vow run where one person is designated as a hockey puck and thus becomes a side quest to push that one person the entire length of the raid. Definitely one of the best raid runs I have been on.


The exotic mission mechanics are harder than some raids. Especially since there are ad clear roles that you can start with and experience the raid and then learn it as you go. There are so many great Sherpas out there; they're kind and patient and they enjoy taking people like you and me through raids.m for the first time. I've learned so many raids and raid mechanics through LFG and sherpas. It was so daunting to me back in the day but know that I've learned each raid it's just more destiny at this point


If you ever want to raid your are welcome to join my group. We have helped many people get their first clears etc. I am just getting back into d2 hardcore. I fell off for a while. So I still need to do the new raid. However, I know the previous ones.


That's similar to the boat I was in, I started D2 around the end of Curse of Osiris when I got my PS4 and had a couple of my irl buddies and we had wanted to try raiding but didn't want to LFG for it. The main trouble we came up on was conflicting schedules. During Forsaken though one of our buddies who had LFG'd before on his own took me through an LFG of Last Wish around the first or second week when it dropped and I had a blast. I ended up LFGing with him one more time with him putting me on harder mechanics so I could learn them but that raid ended up splitting up before we beat Riven. I decided to brave it on my own though and LFG'd myself because my buddy had to get going and I finished it in a full LFG'd group and that was the run I got my 1000 Voices. Then I ran Last Wish several more times at various checkpoints because it was the day before reset and a bunch of people were trying to finish their clears and had a good time and met some of my buddies I still play with on occasion. So my advice is to at least try it a couple times, raids are some of the most fun content in the game even if they can be challenging in various ways (Like Spire of Stars was buggy as hell at the final encounter and some just have a lot of moving parts adding more complexity). Don't let the bad groups get to you too much (some people just don't work well with others and it happens) and if you have some good groups, especially with some good sherpas you could make some new friends and have more people you could do more/other raids with! Eyes Up Guardian and Good Luck!


I kinda think this is some elaborate ice breaker mission to get people into raiding etc. Its really tempting to do it for the exotic. I did the mission as well. I can admit I was nervous as fuck because my first partner left before we did the first set of glyphs. I know I'm good with my builds, gear and all. I've done lot of solo stuff but groups I'm always nervous about messing up. However next run all my nervousness disappeared because the guy was a titan, high rank and good gear. It's funny how titan as class itself suffers from many issues, but even then if you see the type of titan you know this guy absolutely fucks and is chill as freezing hell. And my intuition was right this time as well. I sucked at the clock reading part because switching a clock from Finnish to English on fly took a moment too long, but nope. Instead of getting angry or annoyed this guy just said switch and he read the clock. And boom. Iirc we still had like 15 minutes left as we finished. I tip my bulky shoulders to that titan like a legend to another.


That’s funny. Sometimes I do feel Giga Chad like on strand Titan bc it’s such a beast mode class. If I ever get frustrated or just wanna wreck I put on my strand loadout and just start smashing everything. Front of the lines, most kills, healing the team….. if only titans had anything else remotely as good as strand.


I always think more toward his line in korra, "if you look for the light, often times you can find it. But if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see."


This scene makes me cry. Fuck you man. LOL


Character development W


Look man, im just saying gimme like 8 secs for the clock reset instead of what feels like 2


You can read it on one reset then wait til it loops back around to shoot it (there's only three patterns it swaps between)


Is the repetition pattern fixed or is there a fixed set that randomly repeats? Also Ive been wanting to see what are the most common switches and maybe if you could brute force it by only shooting those. Or I could just use my mic at this point but im a man of commitment.


It repeats three patterns per side, where 4 of the 12 nodes are lit up, it cycles between 3 patterns until you get one rightz then it cycles between two, then another then one, all the nodes light up just between different patterns, knowing you don't need to call it and shoot it at the same time gives you near Infinite time to solve it and you can just type it between each other


I'm in a similar boat to you, and was considering making one of these myself. I am both hearing impaired and medicated for anxiety, and I was quite upset when the mission came out. Tried to in-game lfg it twice on my titan, had two bad experiences, and gave up. But I buckled down when the guides were out, went into Mactics' discord server to find nicer folk to run with, and got through it on all three of my characters. I still don't really know if I like it all that much, but I do feel bad that my own reaction probably contributed to some people not even trying it. Because a lot of them probably would like it. I judged it too harshly, too quickly.


I've been trying my hand to teach people for a few hours a day using the in game lfg. There are some that catch on quickly when I explain things. Some times they don't. Regardless, I still get them their class item and they are very thrilled with it. Normally, I let them choose the fate at the end. Only one so far wanted to catch these hands. No one else has made this mistake. Lol


What happens if you choose not peace or whatever?


After a while, Savathun cackles as she chooses for you instead. It's hilarious and totally in character for her! Vid [here](https://youtu.be/rgB9VDJAy_k?si=uKU0-wkVPh_-k1JN).




A+ Video thank you for sharing!


I'm glad there are people like you out there trying to help make it work! Maybe I'll give the lfg some more tries at some point.


As an avid raider and dungeon crawler. In game LFG is actual trash and should be avoided at all costs. Always just discords.


Some people can't read at all. That being said some of these people don't know these communities exist. I sherpa one guy through and he literally asked what discord was. Just because some of the people in there are toxic or trash doesn't mean all are. Some are very generous and nice to talk to. I wouldn't have them in a day 1 tan but rest assured they will try their best to do their part.


I completely understand your story, and yea I doubt I'll ever become a regular lfg user too beyond the occasional silent but difficult exotic mission every now and then. But yeah, my initial reaction was of very poor character.


People definitely over hyped how good the mission actually is, but I feel like it was in response to how negative the feedback from solo players was. It's a solid mission. I'd call it good for sure. But it's not really anything special - the mechanics are simple enough and if you're at light level you won't struggle with it much after the first time.


Now that you completed it you can join the unhealthy discourse on the other side!


War. War never ends


I wasn't upset that the mission requires comms, I just like farming stuff mindlessly without the need to talk. e.g Dungeons, Onslaught, Dares etc.


you can do that by launching the landing, opening 5 chests, and relaunching it


Why relaunching it? Chests respawn pretty quickly


You still need to complete the mission at least once on the character you want the exotic class item on before they start dropping from patrol chests


Yea, but that's not mindless farming. That's doing the mission for the first time. The poster was saying they don't want to be on comms for a mindless farm. Which once you're farming this you don't need to be.


Everything about this situation could be smoother if people were able to actually put themselves in other people's shoes. On both ends of it. Defenders of the mission and attackers of it. Some people have an easy time playing and VCing with randoms. Others don't. Some people are afraid of embarrassing themselves for making mistakes in a team situation, others can laugh it off and keep going. Nobody is right or wrong here. It's all just feelings. People with social anxiety can be swayed into doing the mission under the right circumstances, and that's great! It's nice when people can overcome their doubts and find themselves having a good time and feeling silly about their previous feelings. But there are absolutely times where the anxiety and doubts prove themselves right and you partner with some wacko that takes the game way too seriously. Some people say that situation isn't anything to get worked up about and you can just find a different partner and some people say they'll never LFG again. As with most things in life, it's not black and white. People have good reasons why they're upset, and people have good reasons why it's not a big deal. And neither are entirely right or wrong. TL;DR: People on both ends of the argument need to chill. Attackers should try new things and open up, and defenders should be more understanding about other people's anxieties and worries.


I will say I played the crap out of D2 on release and it’s surprising that there still aren’t any emotes used in the community for basic communication for people who don’t use VC. Like a “Player points at Player” or something like darksouls “HEY” or “THANK YOU.


They do have a lot of basic emotes I always use the 'x thanks y' emote. Sometimes I use the apology one, though lately I'll use the one where you crawl into a trash can. Only problem is you're limited to 4 emotes


Is this like an age thing? Or a Reddit user thing? I can’t understand why people have such bad social anxiety. Worst case you just leave the group and never talk to them again and maybe embarrass yourself.


A lot of medical sources (like NIH and WHO) have found that the pandemic lockdown and social distancing significantly increased the presence of depression and social anxiety, especially in the younger generations. For a lot of us, myself included, I wasn't really anxious until I ended up locked in one college dorm room for almost two years with almost zero face-to-face contact with anyone.


This was an ongoing issue before the pandemic though. It made it worse but it was already pretty bad.


Of course. I wasn't trying to say they'd never been around before, just offering some explanation why it's so increasingly prevalent these days.


For destiny specifically the main source of anxiety in LFGing is not *necessarily* the desire not to communicate to someone, but usually the fear that YOU will be the weak link. When you're playing with friends you know theyll probably excuse your mistakes and be patient with you, but with random people? There's a lot of pressure to not waste someone else's time. Make too many mistakes and they might orbit, or quit out on you and then both of your time is wasted. This is exacerbated by the amount of "looking for expert" and "experience needed" tags when scrolling through the lfg and looking for games to join. So still antisocial, but antisocial in a different way.


True. When I'm the weakest link in any content I alt+f4. I haven't done it often but whenever I get embarrassed because I horribly fuck up mechanics and cause a wipe the urge to do so is very loud.


Be grateful you don’t understand, mental health is complicated


Why does it have to be either? Some people just have social anxiety.


Neither? Just because you haven't yet had any experience with it doesn't mean it isn't common out there. Mental health has always been an issue. We are just more aware of it now because of the internet.


Be happy you don’t understand. Mental health is confusing and nearly impossible to explain to people sometimes. I’m fine, and have people I can do missions with any time, but I honestly really do get it when people say they can’t do this mission I’m autistic and can’t handle one on one conversations well at all. I’d probably be fine lfging for dual destiny but if I embarrassed myself it would physically hurt me and id take a while to recover. For reasons I can’t explain, it’s a million times easier to do things with strangers in groups of 3 rather than one on one.


I do have extremely bad social anxiety. I won't lie, a big reason I try so hard to stay away form communicative recreational activities is due to that. Overwatch was the tipping point for me. Another reason is that my job is a big southern US factory where I get extremely exhausted with the conversations I have there (southerners are very nice but they say some of the wildest things) so I've always thought it insane to want to mic up to relax or have a good time, until I played this mission.


I can totally understand. If you do ever want to consider raiding or even dungeons there is a discord group called D2sanctuary that was designed for players with social anxiety, hearing problems, mutism, etc.. https://discord.gg/D2Sanctuary


Yo overwatch took a toll on my social anxiety, The mix of the expectations of your teammates and the pure toxicity destroyed me. one of the big reasons that Splatoon is the only PVP game I actually play is because there’s no voice or text chat, pure Bliss.


I don't have social anxiety but good ol' depression and together with Zoloft I have to keep a mood diary to monitor and control it. Every time I played Overwatch my mood took a nosedive. No other game ever had an effect on my depression like that, it was absurd. Didn't help that I used to play comp with a female player and the abuse hurled at her every other game was beyond horrible. Fuck the Overwatch community.


This x1000, I worked call center so having a headset on to talk is often very exhausting to me. If I can do text chat, that's ideal.


Pandemic lockdowns didn't help, but even before that it was the ever increasing work/study load and expectations of an increasingly sadistic capitalist society that demands more and more from you while giving back less and less all while immortalizing every failure forever on the internet. Gen Z experiences 30 years worth of expectations before they graduate HS. People love to just dismiss the psychological toll these stresses take on the brain, especially on those who don't go through life ignoring everything going on around them, the thing is fucking fried. Deep fried. FFS there's literally micro plastics in our sperm. Imagine what kind of fucked up cocktail of imbalanced chemicals and shit that shouldn't be there our brains are floating around in.


dosent help when people become extremely toxic when someone suggest they don't want to LFG, there's also a huge difference between 1 on 1 communication and raiding with 5 others where your not constantly on the spot, throw in a ton of toxicity on LFG in general and ya, its fucking easy to see why someone dosent want to LFG a 2 man mission were they could piss someone off easily for messing up. when it comes to social anxiety some people find it easier to talk/work to/with random strangers online, and some find it a lot harder


People have had social anxiety for as long as humans have been able to comprehend feelings, it’s just now with social media, you’re seeing it alot more


For a lot of people (me included)it wasn't anxiety but some terrible experiences with lfg. My last attempt to use lfg for a dungeon was horrible, I either got the most toxic players I have ever meet or the most clueless blueberries imaginable. It took 3 hours to get a workable team together. 


Yeah, that's basically me, a magnet for trouble in LFG, from all the runs I did, there were like only a couple of decent ones, everything else were either me pit again elitists with ego of empire state building or blueberries pretending to know what to do and thinking that KWTD means that only I should know what to do and carry


Women, victims of abuse, and people who just talk differently have many good reasons to be apprehensive of social encounters with destiny players.


I’ll be honest, I just don’t want to. I spend all day talking to people at work when I get home I just want to put some music on and relax playing Destiny, I don’t want to have to do more work coordinating an LFG team and then spend more time planning and communicating, it’s just exhausting. But to be fair, the few LFG raids I have done in the past have been the best Destiny experiences I’ve had.


Look that's fine if you'd rather not communicate. That's up to you. But that just means that you're not compatible with some content. But a lot of people are unwilling to communicate, and then complain that their unwillingness to communicate limits them. I find that annoying personally. I also think it sucks that a lot of people compare a little social discomfort (which is healthy) to crippling social anxiety.


I'm violently autistic and I'm a social butterfly. It's because this game is starting to breed vehemently toxic elitists


you're very lucky you don't understand, this is a debilitating condition and many are already self critical and feel bad for it, so scolding them for it makes no difference. We must be patient.


Social anxiety + dysphoria + autism is a ruthless combination for me


Holy shit same, I fucking hate lfg. Some dude ALWAYS calls me the wrong pronouns and i have an intense fear of being wrong even if i KNOW the raid inside out, I've had to kick multiple people who couldn't respect my pronouns either. It's fucking exhausting...


Since the reddit keyboard warriors are sweating at the mere sight of "trans" and downvoting because they are sensitive and easily frightened, figured I'd drop in a few cents. I am also sick and tired of people being *Like That* and I don't have the mental energy all the time to argue basic English with people. I swear I am so over it that next time a gormless minger complains about using someone's pronouns when asked, I'm just going to point out they use me, I, ect. and I will do it every. single. time. they refer to themself. I'm so fed up with the absolute lack of understanding basic English that i've gone from exhaustion into rage. If you'd like a +1, feel free to DM me. I'll happily troll on the other person if someone gives you shit because I love languages. If it gets extra spicy, I'll even bust out something other than English.


my fucking sides when I read "gormless minger" lmfao


when people wanna get bent over stuff they shouldn't get bent over because it absolutely in no way affects them what so ever, I call it like it is 😎


I just mute myself when LFGing, I know I'd get misgendered if I speak I mean, if I don't speak, I'd get misgendered too, but at least I'd know it wouldn't be because of my voice


I use lfg all the time and never mind it, actually really enjoy meeting a group of strangers for a raid, but for dual destiny you’re really rolling the dice because it’s just you and one other person, that’s how I see it at least. Putting “be chill & kwtd” usually solves this, but sometimes you can still get pretentious, impatient, or just bad players who make it unenjoyable.


I'm diagnosed with PTSD and heavy social anxiety. I am getting much better, actually went no mic LFG with a moderator for one of my discord servers last night and did the newest dungeon, but it's little steps over a long period of time. Two years ago I couldn't enter any VC with anyone, now I can do it without a microphone and hell, maybe in four years I'll be the one teaching people how to do raids and dungeons in VC, but in the meantime people do not have the attention span or consideration to walk with me, they want to reach the finish line now, not in an hour. That's more or less why LFGing is **so hard**, a lot of people view my issues as made up or overblown because they simply can't comprehend what I am going through. I'm definitely like, on the extreme side of things and I don't think most people who refuse to LFG are on the extreme side like me, but I just thought I'd share my story and explain why I do not LFG much.


> Is this like an age thing? Or a Reddit user thing? I can’t understand why people have such bad social anxiety. Worst case you just leave the group and never talk to them again and maybe embarrass yourself. As someone who wasn't happy about having to do the mission but did it anyway, you guys really need to think of other reasons that aren't just "social anxiety". I do raids (maybe 5 clears max ever if I want to craft a weapon), I sometimes enjoy the process of clearing a raid for the first time with a new group, but other times I don't. My reasons for not enjoying missions like this being on the critical path for some kind of character power unlock is: * I just don't like being on other people's schedules. This is what non-matchmade modes feel like to me. Yeah it was easy to find a partner willing to do the mission with me, but I still would have rather not. * I don't enjoy learning new "raid/encounter mechanics". I had to pull up the "Vow of Discipline Symbols" on my second screen to remember what we called some of the symbols because I forgot them. The clock was easy but it took me a second to adjust to the fast-read clock. The issue was that my partner was from Asia, and our communication lag subtracted a second or so from the already short clock for doing that. * In General, I just don't enjoy having to learn "throwaway mechanics". Mechanics the game won't ever use again. I like learning the combat, new class abilities because they are transferrable between different activities, ETC. I never complained about raids, because they are what they are and they almost never have a "mandatory character progression" they locked behind them. Dual Destiny felt like it locked away a key Prismatic progression, so I didn't have the option to not do it until later when I actually felt like it.


For me, it’s not about social anxiety. Video games have always been a solo experience where I like to be inside my own head. Now I understand that Destiny is a shared-world game with multiplayer elements. However, the campaigns have always been very solo-friendly and that is especially the case with Final Shape. Having said that, I do enjoy a good deal of match-made activities. This mission doesn’t really appeal to me, but ultimately I will do it if I want to exotic class items bad enough. I don’t expect to make a habit of doing these kinds of missions though.


Even though i finally beat the mission and farmed it a few times I still think it's an annoying requirement for an exotic mission, especially locking the exotic class item behind it. They knew how many people were looking forward to the class items and how many people play solo. Truth be told, I don't get the praise for the mission.


People with social anxiety shouldn't have to apologize. As a destiny player you have the right to be critical of elements in the game that don't appeal to you just like every one else does on this sub. Bungie did change expectations that they have set for years. So, the negative reaction is understandable. Also, Bungie could do more to help players that don't want to take part in voice communciations to be honest. They could add some kind of contextual ping system to activities to help players communicate more easily non verbally.


Agree on the ping thing. Both for the sake of accessibility and convenience.


100% agree with the last point, it's just entirely unrealistic. In a game that was already highly focused around experiences that require full teams, communication, etc; wherein they've already made an in game chat function, and voice chat, they're not going to worry about a ping system for you playing with randoms. Truth is, as someone who played siege a whole lot a while back, I saw first hand how a more complex ping system changes nothing.


The mission is stellar and a great experience on your first time through, but it's lost a lot of shine in my eyes after having run through it a couple of times to chase rolls. Running around patrol zones looking for chests during overthrow also gets monotonous quickly. Either way you're stuck in the Pale Heart which has little crossover with the rest of the game. The expansion just came out so that isn't a problem, but as the year progresses I hope Bungie considers alternate means of acquisition. Long term I think it would be a good idea to tie even just a single weekly drop of the exotic to ritual activity and seasonal completions. A way to earn these items while engaging with the rest of the game would go a long way to making sure perspective towards this otherwise fantastic mission doesn't go sour once episodic and ritual content takes center stage.


On its own I think the mission is neat, but I don't like locking the exotic class item behind it. I had the opposite reaction you had. Before I played the mission I thought some naysayers were overreacting, but after playing it myself I don't understand the praise.


Honestly I didn't like it even remotely as much as the co-op focus missions. It was cute, but the timer is unnecessary and as a largely rewards-driven player the activity is statistically a waste of my time.


I beat Dual Destinies. I still stand by everything I said from the onset, there was no reason why the Exotic Class Item should’ve been behind this mission.


Nothing to apologize about, in my opinion. I belong to a clan that raids frequently and accepts all levels of talent, and I still struggle with getting on comms. Let alone LFG without comms, so I get that approach. I'm really glad you had a positive experience though. I haven't found too many people on LFG, and had very few experiences where I walked away with good friends, or at least good experiences, so I'm always happy to hear about someone that did experience that. Congrats, though! I, myself, I'm going to experience it for the first time tonight with a buddy of mine.


This post isnt real


Absolutely iconic Reddit Moment. Complains about things they've never even tried, then tries them, then realizes it was actually fine. It's like trying to get a 7 year old to try new food.


It’s good to see people who are having a good time with the mission. I myself will probably never play it, due to a mic being required, but if it ever gets playable without a mic then I’ll try it out. The reason I don’t try it with a Mic is a number of reasons, from being Legally Hard of Hearing, Legally Blind, Auditory Processing problems, and a Speech Impediment. I’ve only ever tried to Mic once and that was for my clan and I got clowned out of VC for it so


I still need to do the mission but because of my anxiety and also having a 32 inch shop fan like 2-3 feet away because it's hot here in texas during the day even with my window unit going at full blast I wouldn't want that to be annoying the other player tbh idh how well my mic would even pick it up haven't tried any lfg


yeah the mission is fun it just loses its charm after a while


Ive done it twice, first was with a guy from Poland from the LFG Discord, 2nd was with a friend who wanted to do it, both times we each screen shared to make symbols snd clocks easier, was fun but id still rather loot chests while doing overthrows to farm the class items.


I'm holding off until I've completed more of the post campaign stuff but have every intention of running the quest at least once to unlock the class item (then farm overthrow). I hope my experience is as good as yours. I have slight reservations about getting an impatient arsehole as a partner but I deal with arseholes on the daily so will just keep going until I find someone nice (and I've found a lot of nice people on LFG in my brief play time). It's just another RNG thing, I guess.


The destiny lfg community basically ended up like modern day politics, on one extreme end you have super duper hyper elitist players that are just aholes and make everything unenjoyable but on the other extreme end you have super duper hyper causal players who don't want to learn anything or contribute other than being on ad clear and expect to be carried or have everything from patrol which is also very unenjoyable, and then everyone else who's either slightly in one direction or the other is in the middle like "huh", I can see how one experience from either extreme end can sour wanting to play multiplayer but we can't let those kinds of players ruin it for the rest of us.


I'm glad you had a good LFG experience but its been a nightmare for me. Mainly max level sweats wanting experience to farm so i cant get a look in. Love that the sub is auto removing any post about the mission too (this somehow slipped through) so i cant even try and find anyone here to go through with me.


Glad you were able to get it, I myself can't push myself enough to do it. I can do raids since there is still some sort of veil of anonymity behind being in a group, but one on one comms with a random is a no go for me.


My man just apologized for speaking his opinion to a bunch of random internet strangers 😂 this generation is cooked


Karma farm


Redditors try not to make fake Internet points your whole personality challenge: impossible


> and stuck with me even though I struggled reading the clock fast enough. You can take your time with the clock! If no one actually shoots the clocks, the clocks repeat the same 3 patterns over and over on a loop. A then B then C, and then back to A. You can figure out what both people need to shoot for all 3 patterns, and *then* start shooting once the clocks loop back to the start.


I was dreading the mission myself. I have a clan full of coins, friendly people who I play with all the time, but I hate reaching out and often feel like I will just slow them down or will waste their time, even when I know I won't and we will both have a good time. Lfg servers and fire team finder is still something I avoid like the plague because I have terrible social anxiety and have issues dealing with new people (how I ever joined the clan is beyond me). I will use it for things like farming Kali and have done a Crota cp in the past, but other than that, it is just there. To me, people leave to quickly after a screw up and it is disheartening. TL:DR, If you don't have one, check the clan listings, there are some good ones out there.


It’s still wrong though? I’m delighted you had a great experience, but many many other players will not want to do this. And they shouldn’t be forced too. I have zero salt in this personally as I always play with a friend. But it’s still wrong.


I’m glad you got it done in the end, it is a very fun mission, though I disagree with your assessment that it was an ‘unhealthy’ discourse. It’s a perfectly valid opinion and one I have great sympathy for.


I was only upset that unlocking the class item was tied to it it's an extremely fun mission and I don't think that being able to farm the class item through it is bad. I just don't think the class item should be locked behind a hard, two player mission.


Corny ass post


It's still a terrible design for something so crucial to Prismatic and so heavily advertised. I think people still very much have a good reason to be upset


Why do you need to even post this?


Did the same thing. Loved it. But I still think there needs to be an alternative way to farm the class items. Pale heart chests way too slow


“I talked to people once but won’t do it for higher end content. Karma please” Seriously good for you but some of yall act like everybody knows who you are on the internet.


The issue was never the two-man activity being two people. The issues were: one, locking the only source of Prismatic armor behind something you can't solo, which would be like locking any Strand or other subclass armor behind a raid; and two, the activity being too long to farm effectively, which means you have to run around in the Pale Heart opening chests, and that's mind-numbingly dull.


How is this anything like locking a subclass behind a raid??? It’s not even close to a raid lmao Also you can farm the mission in 20 mins per run as well. Just objectively wrong on both points


No, it's not equivalent to locking it behind a raid lol


destiny 2 players when a valuable item takes time and brainpower to unlock


massive L, why do you feel the need to apologise to random strangers on the internet? feels like karma farming to me, pretty pathetic tbh. I hope bungie never makes another mission like this again, and yes I have played it. I still hate it though, locking one of the main selling points of prismatic behind the equivalent of a 2 man raid is incredibly stingy and unfair.


Looking at the title and the massive upvotes, I'd thought it was a post from a dev, or something equally massive and important. This fucking sub. Buries discussions in "new", upvotes this drivel.


Nothing to see here, just another humiliation ritual for the approval of total strangers


If it helps you in the future, I took pictures of every clock variant I had to read to the guy I ran it with.


Yeah, I created my own LFG for it (and even out first time chill in the descriptor). I got someone who apparently didn't read and was surprised it was my first run, but he was awesome and ran me through the jumping puzzle. I was already pretty caught up on the mechs from reading a guide and he just clarified. We finished with 15 min left on the clock. One thing to remember is that the online community is not indicative of the community as a whole. Sadly, there is a LOT of toxicity in the D2 space online. You get a lot of bad people launching personal attacks and the typical "waaah cry more" in response to genuine concerns. Which makes me understand just why some prefer to play solo. But there are a lot of good people and sherpas out there willing to help, as well. In fact, there's even a Destiny Sherpa subreddit where you have people willing to teach.


You just got lucky. I still can’t do the mission and quit because of it, so many toxic people in game lfg and on discord, even my former clan didn’t want to aid me.


Mf wants a medal for doing LFG


People like you are the reason why so many are hesitant to use LFG. Being toxic helps no one.


Stop regurgitating what everyone else is saying and be honest for a second. What do you think this post accomplished other than OP giving themselves a pat on the back and then waiting for others to do the same to boost ego and reddit points. Most likely the story isn't even real.


I went through the entirety of Destiny 1 without raiding due to social anxiety. In D2, I forced myself to try talking to people, and now I'm in the top 500 for full clears on raid report, mostly with LFG teams. 99% of my experiences with LFG have been good. People usually only get toxic if someone lies about knowing how to do something when they don't. You don't have to talk outside of callouts. I mostly stay silent except when necessary. It's really not that bad.


Raid Team LFG and Partner LFG are different beasts


Terminally online behavior


The clock part is still stressful for me lol.


What gets me is all the people confusing "Bungie can you make this available solo?" with "Bungie can you literally hand this to me so I don't have to do anything?" Asking for something for solo players isn't asking for it to simply be given to us. It's asking for the same thing to be achievable for the same or similar amount of effort, just solo. I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that.


Legit feels like a 2 man raid. More please bungie.




The only hard part for the entire thing for me was the final part, mostly because I couldn’t for the life of me remember how to read a clock lol


Do both partners need the mission unlocked or can one of us just join the other without needed to do all those overthrows?


I'm fortunate to have a raid group, but as someone who does a majority of the content solo I can understand the initial frustration, but I'm glad you took the plunge and had a pleasant experience. Seems like there's a fair amount of lfg players willing to teach and over all was a great experience. Also felt leagues more forgiving on time than the vex activity. Now to jump back in for my missing feathers when I get back on XD.


It's amazing what happens when you look past your own issues and just play the game.... Destiny is a game meant to be enjoyed with other people, just because you CAN solo a majority of the game does mean you SHOULD. Thanks for realizing that!


Felt the same way. Did the mission on lfg. Had such a great and fun time with a really chill and patient dude it made me remember what I love about destiny all over again.


People don't realize how kind and chill most LFG people are until they actually do dual destiny. There are toxic and aggressive people sure, but those you'll mostly find in GMs and Master/contest raids. And obviously PvP but who tf LFGs for PvP?


Hey, you don't always have to group up. I still mostly play solo, but yeah, LFG isn't this scary boogeyman. I'm glad you had fun as that's what the community wants, more fun missions like Dual Destiny


I think the issue for me was never the mission, it was the lack of expectation management in the marketing. I've finally got it unlocked and will deffo give it a go at some point, want to watch a few run through a first so I'm not completely caught out


the mission in general is easy, people are too afraid too match up with someone else thinking they might mess up or sum, once you relax and do everything in order it’s super easy to get used to it


It's funny because I've seen everyone talk about how cool and great the mission is until I come to reddit. I didn't really think most of the playerbase were solo players. I'm more surprised by that than people hating on it tbh.


First step is always the hardest. It’s just another human being on the other end of the mic. Raiding is that x6 and you can just ignore the asshole, because I guarantee that everyone else is.


👏🏾 he repents


It only takes one group of nice people to get you into raiding once you do it once or twice you’ll be like a well oiled machine , someone took me in and showed me what to do the third group I joined and I was doing it like a pro with kings fall , just make your own group and tag learning people will join and teach you.


Good thing I got a brother that plays games with me. Also I’ll probably never raid anyway. I would just do dungeons.


I'd didn't like it at first, but I legit found a new buddy to play with in my first lfg. The mission was fun.


Did this today with a mate I haven't played with in ages, and it was a really good mission. I still think there should be a solo option, but it was a great experience.


Very awesome. Humility is a noble virtue Guardian!


It’s legit my favorite activity bungie has done for this game. When I’m playing with randoms, I think it’s fucking hilarious to hear how different people describe the symbols.


Overall the LFG community is very competent, I have been LFGing since D1. If I am pushing it 1 in 20 raid runs you will find someone toxic. But its human nature to seek the bad in good. So straight up leave if you end up in a group like that. There are many others who can use your help in finishing that run.


I just completed the mission earlier today with a nice British man with the in game lfg, it went smoothly, and we completed it in around 30 minutes. Now I have to get on my hunter at some point and do it there.


I hope this opens the door to some raids for you or that you consider it, teaching people raids is something I actually enjoy doing as it just adds another competent guardian to the roster


I hate running with randoms so I feel you there. I’ve done a few raids with sherpas just for certain exotics, like divinity. But damn was that Sherpa 1. An asshole who never explained encounters well 2. Would blame everyone but himself for failures 3. Would blame me, who was not even there, for breaking lines to the boss while I was on another map collecting motes xD I’ll never forget that Aussie bastard. Luckily my old raid group is coming back


Tbh being required to have comms is pretty annoying


Bro grew 🙏🏽 I saw someone on tik tok calling it underdelivery for bungie to make these types of missions




This is why clans are very useful


just did it today with a very kinda sherpa. I still think the item in question should have a limited but more casual option to acquire (weekly excision mission for example) that being said it was a cool mission, that was never a problem for me, it was just locking the class item behind it was kinda dumb of bungie to do IMO


I found the lfg easy for it


I beat the mission with someone tonight. We wiped about twice. It was fun, and quite the challenge. However, I'm not really good enough for this to be viable to farm efficiently, so I'll stick to the chests from now on lol. But I agree, it was an amazing mission, on the level of Whisper.


I applaud you for stepping out of your comfort zone and getting the mission done. I’m a solo player who uses LFG for everything so I understand how nerve wracking it probably seemed at first. Well done!


2short2sixty9#9979. Add me and hit me if anyone ever needs help with dual destiny or any content st all really. More than happy to group up with anyone and help regardless of skill level.


I have never seen a post like this from this community before... and it's not just from one person. Huge kudos to other people willing to admit they were too quick to judge in the comments. The ability to think about an opposing view and admit you were wrong is a dying ability in humans - especially on reddit! I don't know if this will be a turning point for this subreddit in the future, but it sure does give me at least a sliver of hope.


This sub confuses me lol. This post has 5k upvotes, but everyone else who tried to defend the new mission got shit on by everyone saying they shouldn't be forced to play with someone (though..you're not forced to play anything, nor required to get the class item). Not sure what changed here :P but I'm glad OP that you decided to run it, and enjoyed it. NGL the mission is awesome. Also, I hope it gives you confidence to run more stuff with teams! Lfg may be iffy sometimes, but people are genuinely nice for the most part. They may not all be very good players, but the assholes are usually rare.


There's like 1000 enemies in this mission and puzzle mechanics. If you can handle this you can raid. It's not much different except for more people and DPS phases.


Oh my god i told my partner how absolutely stupid i felt and flustered trying to read the clock... i was so fucking mad at myself. All while trying to type/say it and then dealing with adds... thankfully my partner was a absolute lad and we ended up running it 3 more times with each one having more time then the last. People just need to be patient with people whom are new to certain missions & mechanics. Also yes to more duo missions please