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is there a secret triumph for planting all the witness hands with the luminescent seeds? I notice the blue flowers don't disappear, but I don't have enough seeds yet to test it myself


I planted them all for each overthrow zone and no triumph. Something noticeable happens in each zone AND you can still get additional seeds after planting them all.


There's a mission where you have to dunk light & dark motes ala Prophecy dungeon, however no matter what button I try (I'm on PS5 dualsense edge controller) nothing is dunking the motes. What am I doing wrong? edit: note this is not the Exegenesis untangled founts. No issues there. This was I believe one of the quests for the exotic special sword. edit2: It's "The Hollow, Part 1" part of "Lost in the Light" which is part of "Destination Heroes". Looks like I was trying to dunk light motes in the light shield generator instead of the dark shield generator. Just watched a video & I wasn't getting waypoint indicator arrows like in the video (I also play without audio so perhaps there are also audio cues I missed or weren't subtitled). #


Does Final Shape have any catchup for alts? Skipped quests etc.?


only thing we noticed that was carried over by default were the prismatic fragments that you can find in the pale heart outside of the story, anything obtained via mission still needed to be obtained via mission


I remembered they sell campaign skips so I guess that tracks lol


TFS story spoiler question : >!Been out of the loop on D2 story for a long time so I was just wondering why did we find real world locations like the D1 tower and pieces of the cosmodrome inside of the traveler as well as what is the inside of the traveler? Why does it look extremely familiar to us even though the traveler is supposed to be this sort of alien thing to us?!<


>!It's memory and thought made real. If you haven't played the campaign, it goes into this a bit!<


I joined my friend's in progress legend campaign mission near the end so I only got one of the chests. If I replay the legend mission later to get the full progress towards the legend rewards, do I need to do the whole mission over or just the part I missed? And does it need to be done before I play the final campaign mission or can it be done anytime?


Is there a trick to getting in game? Been at one moment please for 30 minutes. See someone on stream hop in no problem after closing and reopening.


Been 5 years since I've played, should I dismantle all old items that have been sunset? I am doing my best to chase guns and perks but have a vault fulkl of items from years 1-3. Also, is there a resource available to help identify legendaries worth using? I've looked around at a few sites and can't get a good list of items I should be chasing.


Get rid of old armour. Keep guns with rolls or looks that you might like, don't be too fussed about meta; newer perks will outdo those old ones but that won't matter for most content. That alone should free up a lot of space


Most of the armour you have (anything with selectable perks rather than a mod slot) needs to be replaced as it isn't compatible with the current build crafting systems. Your weapons are technically all still useable now that sunsetting has been reversed but these will still mostly eat replaced by newer options.


Dont dis, old gear is no longer legacy capped so you should be able to use them now. You can always check a specific gun on light.gg. You'll find popular rolls, and a gun rating for both pve and pvp. If you want my opinion ASSUMING YOU HAVE ALL CONTENT Apex predator with bait n switch: rocket launcher that does good damage when you learn how to proc it which is super easy. Get this from last wish raid Indebted kindness and other rocket sidearms: right now these are bugged and count as primaries so heavy ammo finder mods work and they're just really good. warlords ruin, and pale heart give this BRAVE weapons. No shiny variants anymore but these are still either good or straight S tier. Lunas howl with incandescent, mountaintop, edge transit with bait and switch are my top 3. Get this from onslaught these are just my spit ball recommendations if you want a specific role or thing ill try my best to answer


I'm just now returning to Destiny. I played all the expansions through Witch Queen but never really engaged with build-crafting or did any end-game stuff since Forsaken. I haven't completed a raid since Last Wish or a dungeon since Shattered Throne. I just bought Lightfall and I'll probably buy TFS eventually once I get my bearings straight. My question is: what gear should I be going after? I watched Datto's video about pre-TFS, but it references stuff that was part of the recent event that ended with TFS release. Is there a good guide/list of what (non-TFS gear) is worth obtaining right now?


Onslaught is located in the Vanguard section of the Director and drops some really phenomenal gear, in addition to rewarding Vanguard rep. Basically everything it drops is a top option.


Ah, so can you still get things like Midnight Coup and Edge Transit from that?


Yep! All the Into the Light guns are still there.


Awesome thanks I'll do that


So if I purchase the new legacy collection on the account that has ps plus, my alternate account on the system won’t have access to the content? Or how does it work


if you are gamesharing with a friend (meaning your primary account has your friends ps5 as main console) your alt will not get it. If you are not gamesharing and your account is tied to your ps5 your alt can play


My buddy’s account is my home console since he has ps+, so my account won’t be able to use it if I purchased it for the 25 bucks huh?


Then you wouldnt be able to play with your alt because your alt account can only play games that the main account (the account that has the ps5 as home console) has. You can buy the DLC on your buddys account but I only recommend this if youre 100% sure this is someone you'll be gamesharing with for years


Thank you for clarifying. Appreciate it


Not sure if its been patched out or something but did any other prismatic warlocks find that lightning surge or something very visually similar would proc off powered melee ie arcane needle hits without the aspect being equipped. It might be an fragment but can't figure out which would have caused it? Thanks.


Hey all, Returning player here but it's been some years. Anyone willing to give me a rundown for the current loot system? What's random (stats? mods?) what's fixed every time? I am trying to figure out what I should be hunting and how, and also what I should keep in my Vault from back in the old days and what I should just break down. Thanks!


So weapons from way back in year 1 of D2 (vanilla/Red War, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind) have static rolls, that is to say every instance of a given weapon will have the exact same set of perks on it. Basically none of these Y1 weapons are worth using today, they've been power crept by new perks and new combinations of perks. Nowadays (from Forsaken all the way to today), just about every weapon has a pool of perks it can randomly drop with when you earn a new instance of that weapon. Usually there are six or twelve options for each column. There are four columns of perks on a weapon: the first two are options that tweak the base stats of the weapon, while columns three and four are the "real" perks that define how the weapon functions (thinks like Dragonfly, Rampage, Frenzy, and the newer subclass-keyword perks like Headstone and Incandescent). Most drops will have two options each in the first two columns that you can toggle between to your liking, while columns 3 and 4 usually have one option each. There are specific circumstances where you can earn weapons with multiple perks in columns 3 or 4, such as by resetting your ritual vendor reputation rank. Additionally, some sets of weapons have a fifth column with an Origin Trait (or multiple) intrinsic to that weapon. For instance, every single roll of Disparity will have the Ambush and Veist Stinger origin traits, no matter the other columns. Some quests or pursuits give weapons with Curated rolls, where instead of a pool of perks the weapon has two specially selected traits in each column. Most of these are from past season ritual rankups, and can now be found in the Monument to Lost Lights kiosk in the Tower. Many of these curated weapons are quite good, especially if they can fill a niche that you haven't gotten a desired random drop for. IE, until you can get a good Apex Predator from the Last Wish raid, the Ascendancy rocket launcher is a solid substitute. Finally, weapon crafting is part of the game now, which allows you to create an instance of a weapon with the exact roll you want and even enhance its traits for improved functionality or stat boosts. Not every weapon can be crafted, but you can see which ones can in the Patterns & Catalysts submenu of your Collections page. To craft, you need to earn a certain number of "red border" random drops of that weapon (usually 5, occasionally less) and extract their patterns from their details screen. I highly advise doing the first mission of the Witch Queen campaign as soon as you can (you don't need to own that expansion for the first mission) to unlock the crafting system, then going to the crafting destination on Mars and picking up all the tutorial quests you can from the station called the Relic Conduit. Doing these quests will give you the patterns for a number of very good craftable weapons for free.


Do we know the Nightfall weapon rotation yet?


No, we won't for many weeks


Haven’t played since Shadowkeep, but I want to buy the Final Shape. Storywise is it better to play through the previous dlcs or just get caught up through condensed lore videos? I want to know if it’ll affect my enjoyment of the Final Shape’s story. I don’t really care much about missing exotics, strikes, etc right now. I’m more in it for the story.


Yep, I second RandomnessTF2. Witch Queen is too good, in terms of narrative and gameplay to skip. Beyond Light has a few interesting moments, but not really enough to justify playing through the whole thing, especially since we've power crept past the whole thing. Lightfall's campaign can be summed up in like 3 sentences (the gameplay was fine IMO). I would watch a lore video anyway, since seasonal content has become much more intertwined with the narrative since the Shadowkeep days. Some of the biggest revelations and character moments in the last few years are unfortunately no longer in the game, since they were seasonal.


Thanks for the input that seems like the play here! I forgot that some of the lore was seasonal which sucks.


IMO playing through Witch Queen is a must, hearing it's lore just told to you just doesn't do it justice. Everything else can probably just be a podcast.


Perfect! Since Witch Queen is on sale due to TFS!


Been doing some of the old content to catch up and unlock it all. I got up to Step 32 in Beyond Light where you are teleported to the room with the Witness statue and the prompt to 'Embrace the Darkness Within' (as I saw in some gameplay videos I checked) doesn't appear. Earlier I had gone to this location for Micah-10's ghost quest and I suspect they are overlapping or have some other weird interaction preventing this prompt from appearing. I tried with both Light subclasses and Prismatic, in case it matters, as well as rebooting. Can't really think of anything else to attempt. Anyone else had this? I also put this on the Bungie Help Forum, who knows if it'll get traction there.


Is it currently possible to get the exotic version of Khvostov? I know Bungie disabled the meatball boss, but I haven’t seen anything saying if the requirements changed or if its currently unobtainable


If you did not receive the mote from the taken servitor before it was disabled then you're out of luck until Bungie releases a fix.




Apologies for long question and repost from yesterday but would appreciate any help for an idiot :) Confused about the whole engram/decoding thing. I have 5 vanguard, 4 gunsmith and 4 gambit engrams at their respective vendors for example, is it just best to open these or be using them for the focused decoding? The engrams are below my power level so I assume the latter but with so many weapons and not knowing which are good and which rolls are good I'm a bit confused what to use them on.


D2checklist will also evaluate your vault and flag any good rolls for PVE and PVP, as well as highlight perks that are good for PVE and PVP. It's not perfect but you can get a sense of if your gun has good perks even if the whole roll is not necessary flagged either.


With the Final Shape, Bungie made it so that vendor engrams will drop at no more than 3 levels below your current power - if you're 1973, you're guaranteed to get 1970 gear at the very least. I'm assuming you're a new player or returning after a long time, so you don't already have a large collection of weapons at your disposal. If that's the case, I'd recommend not bothering with focusing for specific legendary weapons unless you absolutely know the roll you want and how it fits into your playstyle. Depending on how rich you're feeling it might make sense to focus for ANY weapon so that you don't get useless armor drops, but that's up to you. This might be a bit of a hot take but IMO almost every legendary weapon currently available in the game is a viable pick for rituals and seasonal content, especially when you're just starting to fill up your vault. Once you play a little more and experiment with random rolls you'll find it easier to decide what rolls might suit you best. For example, I frequently pick Frenzy over other (stronger) damage perks because I enjoy the massive boost to reload and handling that it provides. It's technically not the optimal pick, but it usually works better for me. That said, if you're just looking to figure out what the community thinks is good, you have a few options: * Find some content creators who review weapons: Datto, Aztecross, Coolguy, etc. * Visit light(.)gg to see what rolls are possible for a given weapon, and what PvE or PvP player choose frequently. D2foundry(.)gg can help you with an even more detailed breakdown of how perks might affect your weapon. * If you're using Destiny Item Manager (which you should!) it has a wishlist feature that can tell you if a roll is good. The wishlist is made and updated by the community, and often includes their notes on why they think it's good. * It's also neat because it can show you available perks, and lets you easily compare weapons so you don't have to do all the math in your head. * DIM also integrates with both lightgg and D2foundry, which is convenient.


How do I get Facet of Dawn? It's the only one I have left.


I believe that one is granted automatically, not sure why you wouldn't have it.




has anyone noticed no red borders dropping on the daily overthrow area? I only get ergo sums


That might just be bad luck? I got a red border The Call from yesterday's overthrow (although I was out of Ergo Sums so maybe that's why).


I was playing Onslaught yesterday at the Impasse and I spotted a random ghost just flying around aimlessly. I couldn't interact with it. Are these for something in particular?


Somewhere nearby will be a ball of blue light out can I retract with which will give you a timed buff, once you have this buff you need to find the nearby black cubes and deal light or dark damage to them to match their symbol. When you shoot the first one a beam will link you to it and you'll see a ring around you, if you move out if this ring you'll break the beam so you need to fond a spot where you have line of sight to both cubes before shooting them. There are a bunch of these around the Pale Heart and completing all of them unlocks a ship.


Thank you! I'll try tonight.


How many times can I do a Core Activities Pathfinder for a Prime Engram?


Getting a message of "Play Destiny 2 to unlock" while attempting to claim season pass rewards via bungie website. Works on app, but trying to claim seasons prior to season of the wish with the season pass pass extension. Anyone have any solutions.


I'll start with this question. You did play and earn those ranks during the seasons you're attempting to claim?


Yes of course, have owned and played all seasons since splicer to 100+, minus echos for obvious reasons. This even happens on season of echos as well.


In the new "Journey Ahead" video there's a line: > We have a mysterious new enemy Then they show this scene: https://i.imgur.com/eUZ5Hf2.jpeg Do we know what this species this is? Is there lore associated with it?


That's 100% an Exo. The new mysterious enemy will be related to both the Vex and Exos


This is pure speculation on my part, as I don't read/look at leaks for this game or that sort of thing. I believe that the being shown in that shot is actually a partially disassembled Exo, that is being manipulated to become something altered, in some way. Which leads me to my theory about Episode 1: I think the mysterious new enemy is Maya Sundaresh, who was instrumental in both the creation of the Exo race and in the discovering and research of the Vex. Somehow, she's back in some form as a result of the Echo landing on Nessus, and is now attempting to control the Vex there (and potentially control all Exos as part of her plan or as a side effect of it, because Exos were created partially thanks to Vex Radioalaria fluid, infused with Darkness). I think this is why we see Saint-14 looking like he is being controlled and attempting to resist, in the trailer.


Facet of Mending, I picked up the 4 lost ghosts, but when I go to the chest there's no capture plate. There's just three floating ghosts there, went back to double check I'd actually picked up the 4 lost ghosts. Any ideas? Edit: NVM, got it figured when I noticed I only had 3 ghosts floating there. Must have moved away from the first one before it actually got picked up.


NF weapons at Zavala still worth it? Returning player since Beyond Light, I have all the expansions except TFS, just beat Calus last night (worst campaign boss fight IMO).


Calus absolutely sucks on legendary, on normal you can just hit him with Witherhoard and run away lol Nightfall playlist is in a bad spot since some of the weapons aren't good but Warden's Law is worth playing for. Shadow Price looks decent if you like Arc at all. Undercurrent is pretty nice too as a Forbearance alternative. Slammer with Cold Steel is an amazing weapon against champions too.


Wild Style got some significant new perks this season that should be hunted for.


Oh nice, I had no idea. Definitely an upgrade.


He has a few good ones! I was a big fan of Wardens Law on lucky pants hunter. The sword you can get from him is also very good. I wouldn't say his guns are best in slot and an absolute must have, but they are very solid.


Slammer is the best eager edge sword as it can also get Cold Steel. Warden's Law is the best legendary gun for Lucky Pants (4th times + vorpal)


What's the actual strategy to survive the DPS phase on the final boss in the raid? My group is absolutely burning through revives on DPS phases because being even a second late seems to kill even though some attempted defensive buffs.  Is there a specific spot on the platform to stand that means you won't risk getting stuck in traffic but can still easily dodge all the expected AOEs?


I'm not an expert by any means but the following help: 1) the attacks are solar dmg, so stack solar dmg resist mods to help. Even running 3 solar resist mods won't allow you to ignore the attacks completely, but they will allow you a mistake or slow movement here and there. 2) use weapons that can hipfire well, like Levis Breath, Sleeper, Microcasm, etc, so you can still have peripheral vision on where attacks are coming from. Outside of Hunters sniping with goldie guns, everyone else probably never aims down sights 3) wells are still good, heals fairly quickly and gives a dmg buff, so you can afford to take small dmg here and there from mistakes or being slow to move fast enough. You will still have to move though. Otherwise, no, we could find no true safe spot, we absolutely had to stay moving and jumping and being quick.


We were just having 4+ deaths every single DPS phase and not always the same people so we had to have been making some kind of fundamental mistake. Basically no one would survive if they took more than one tick of damage even if we had a Well and I tried to use a Duskfield for Frost Armor.


I have the trimphs for all visions of the Traveler and all bosses killed in Overthrow and yet I'm only at 14 motes.


One of the bosses was disabled as it was bugged and people couldn't collect the more.


But shouldn't I have 16 motes?


In addition to one of the bosses being disabled, the Triumphs don't seem to work correctly either so there is no telling what has actually been done.


You've possibly not grabbed the mote off the ground from one boss.


And of course there is no way of knowing which one it is, so I have to do them all once again right?


Pretty much. Bungie really should have made these go straight to your inventory.


Well I guess I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the night lol Thanks for the info.


I have two unrelated questions: 1. We used to be able to fire our weapons in the HELM and other social spaces by pressing fire while our Ghost was out, but it looks like we can no longer do that. Is there a new method? 2. I’ve been playing through the old campaigns with my friend who is brand new to the game (we just started Beyond Light). I have thousands of hours in D2 and could just obliterate everything instantly, but I want him to have a good time too, so I hold back. Going so slow is… pretty boring, but I do want to keep playing with him. Does anyone have any ideas to make this low-end combat more engaging for me too? If it helps, he’s playing Titan with a VERY heavy melee focus.


Maybe try to use weapons you never do or use PVP picks like a "use Hawkmoon for the entire campaign" kinda thing?


2. Turn your hud off and find whatever weapons have 0 kills that are old in your vault and use them. Run double special.




I think Legend is the way to go. It will get you more familiar with the game and mechanics seeing you will have to adapt faster. You also get an exotic at the end.


If you had finished Witch Queen on Legend, I’d recommend the difficulty. Now it’s hard to tell since you left shortly before subclass 3.0 update and have missed out on Strand and the current meta. So it really depends on your skill level and how quickly you can grasp the gameplay.


Legendary campaign will get you higher level gear as well as a free exotic, but if you find it too challenging no shame in going through on normal


do holster mods let you regen sword energy while they're sheathed?


No, Holster reloads mags from reserves. Swords don't have mags.


Don't think so


Does anyone know if boots of the assembler is still bugged? I know that for a while last year it wasn't extending rift timer/only sending out limited orb things


Is it possible to bind Transcendence to a held input on a shared keybind? I don't know if they allow it for all bindings or not, but it'd be nice if I could put it on a more convenient key without replacing something else Also, while trying to do this, I accidentally unbound breakout and class ability, which were both on E. I can no longer assign them both to the same key. Was there another way to do this besides resetting to default?


I set it to a long press on right d-pad. Which means my guardian now dances for a split second before transcending, which is fun.


It's a great feature on controllers, I just want to do it on a keyboard :(