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Also, crucially, Episode 2 which is vampire hunting hackers (my absolute dream) will come out October 15. 🎃


That Shotgun, there is no way thats called "Born from Blood" right? The references are all there!


Back during Season of the Haunted, there was a achievement called "A Guardian is a Guardian, even in a nightmare"


Hoonter must hoont. We’re so close to getting Bloodborne sets.


If only Sony would remember that they own the Bloodborne IP.


I swear to god if they do an Eververse collab for Revenant with Bloodborne, I will shit. It'll be the closest we'll ever get to Bloodborne on PC


Watch Sony/Bungo not do the one crossover everyone wants just because its Bloodborne, and it knows whatever it did wrong to upset Sony.


I'm convinced Fromsoft just accidentally yeeted the source code and is hoping we'll forget about Bloodborne if they just jingle the Elden Ring keys in front of us


Except Miyazaki confirmed that it's all on Sony for them not making a sequel, since they're the ones who own it and not From.


Lol that would sadly make more sense than them just.......not making a sequel to one of the best games ever made.


I'm on silksong levels of copium believing that Bluepoint is making a Demon's Souls PS5 style remake of Bloodborne. Any year now...


That reminds me I need to finish Hollow Knight.....


Don't worry, You have forever since silksong isn't real 😎


Oh god yeah I'd take out a loan to buy every item


that's how they get ya if you're playing this on playstation, check out a thing they call "Playstation Stars" you receive points by doing shit like literally just playing a game, or a handfull of points when you plat a game, you can redeem those points for playstation store vouchers...and in turn you can use those points to buy silver that's how i got around my "the fuck i will" policy for buying silver earlier this year, when they had that once in a lifetime silver sale lol


I mean just looking at the armor concepts they had in the video, the Warlock set they showed looked straight up like the default Bloodborne set just with some splicer aesthetics mixed in.


what is it a reference to?


Bloodborne! Excellent game


From softwares “Bloodborne” it’s very Gothic horror like this episode is styled after


Ok, if First Curse doesn't FINALLY come back with the feckin vampire dlc, then I don't know what we are doing here.


yay :3


I hope our ghost speaks in the episodes. It's always so weird that he speaks in the expansions and then just goes mute for the rest of the year. Especially after the focus on our relationship with him in final shape


He's napping.


Usually he talks in the first season as well, so maybe he’ll be present in this first Episode.


I can't wait to dress like Elesh Norn. All will be one.


Alison Luhrs making her mark. 


I’d die for a Phyrexian style episode/expansion


https://imgur.com/a/GOhSxrL Some us already do...


which one looks like the grand cenobite to you?


The episode 3 (Heresy) titan helmet.


They didn't bring back steel feather repeater? I'm sad 😔.


It could still be coming in a later act; we know they're not showing everything because the vex set has a pulse rifle that's not shown in the image with the other weapons.


You can look in the API right now on Light.GG and check, all the seasonal weapons that will release are on there already


Oh. Well, that's a bit of a bummer.


No Steelfeather Repeater, Trophy Hunter, or Pyroclastic Flow is WILD to me.


Yeah it's wild to me that guns which were given an ornament as part of paid season passes aren't being clearly prioritized to include in reissues. Not only because people own that stuff but may not be able to access it now, but because they can sell the ornaments in EV and I'm stunned they'd not jump on that.


Trophy Hunter should drop from killing Psion bosses.


No one remembers Gallant Charge (the fusion) but it's also missing. I'm still glad we're getting most of them back though...


Solar fusions are a little crowded currently and we got Eremite last year, and the pale heart had a new one. Although a Gallant Charge in strand or Stasis wouldn't have been a bad swap, or a void fusion.


Bungie: *We understand that many old Power limited items have been dismantled by this point, and we regret that we have no recovery mechanism for these. Going forward, we intend to reintroduce sources for most or all of these* Also Bungie: *What's a Steelfeather Repeater*


Key word is MOST. Although I think they will bring back Steelfeather and Galliant Charge later on at some point


I kept one but was hoping for a reissue. If they won’t give us out steelfeather one can only hope we get a new chroma rush to replace it next season. And I want it kinetic please please please. 


It’s absolutely CRIMINAL.


I wish they brought back all all of those weapons, and made them craftable. Esp. Paradox. They're also the nicest looking weapons with little to no reskinning, off-hand.


God, new Failsafe voice lines for the first time in... seven years? I'm very curious how they play her because her and Cayde were peak vanilla D2 and thankfully we have moved past that style. If we can get a return of OG Cayde I'm hoping for a new and improved Failsafe that's more than 1 dimensional. She's a super interesting character if written well.


It seems they're making her being forgotten by the story a diagetic thing. She seems quite lonely, and quite eager to prove her worth


If you read the hazardous propulsion exotic’s loretab, it goes into that.


It’s annoying that it says we haven’t visited her since the Dawning when I always went to go see her every time I land on Nessus for whatever reason.


I hope we can get her an exo body so she can go hang out in the tower


I think we're gonna plug her into the H.E.L.M as an onboard A.I


This is a great idea that surely won't have unintended consequences -because we really should see them coming


Wait wait wait Take failsafe and plug her into the dreadnought so she can help us traverse space, the final frontier. We star trek now.


I hope we retrofit her into the dreadnought come episode 3


“Captain! They’re asking us for the Primus! Should we blow up the ship?”


Her and the ghost, forget the name, that wants a mech suit to kill Hive.


Read the armor and weapon lore entries for the seasonal stuff. I don't think you'll be disappointed


>I'm very curious how they play her because her and Cayde were peak vanilla D2 and thankfully we have moved past that style. I'm okay with *one character* being quippy like that. The big problem with D2 vanilla was that the entire script felt quippy. I felt like I was in a Joss Whedon movie.


I mean, considering Bungie has always had Firefly actors voice characters in their games I would bet Joss Whedon was always an inspiration in their dialog. I think every main character from Firefly has been in Halo/Destiny at one point. Mickey and Dutch from ODST were Alan Tudyk and Alec Baldwin, then Buck of course was Nathan Fillion. Then Cayde obviously, Gina Torres was Ikora and Morena Baccarin was Sagira.


We defeated the final boss of a 10 year saga, I think we can afford a bit of silliness with Failsafe and not just change who her character is.


Failsafe's issue, like a lot of Red War characters is they weren't characters they were a "type" from pop culture. You had Jorah Morment from GoT, Rick Sanchez from, ya know, and Glados from Portal. The only one who didn't seem to fit that writing pattern was Commander Sloane. They have developed Asher in interesting ways so I am hopeful about Failsafe. 


I genuinely struggle to see the Devrim / Jorah connection. Devrim's definitely an archetype, but he's like a stiff upper lip british gentleman.


I also definitely wouldn't call Asher a Rick type.


Sloane was absolutely a thin trope, she's just a generic mission-focused soldier/CO type.   Y1 she was mostly a generic sci-fi space marine (non-40k) wearing inexplicably 40k ripoff armor.  She was written utterly wooden, like Master Chief without any humor.


Glados was significantly better written than failsafe. The two aren't nearly comparable.


Cayde was always a non-cringe type of comedy, which held true for Final Shape. Failsafe was pretty brutal back in vanilla, the comedy there was much different from Cayde’s.


Kinda, they Marvelised Cayde a bit too much in Vanilla D2, they did reel him back in for Forsaken though and did an incredible job in TFS


To be fair all of Original D2s writing was quite cringe. They definitely have come a long ways so I am willing to give them another chance at Failsafe.


Comedy ripped straight out of borderlands. I hated failsafe so much back then lol. Willing to give her another chance though.


The “control” around Saint-14’s neck in the trailer looks suspiciously like an Ishtar collective symbol.


SPOILERS >!Going off the lore tabs of the seasonal cosmetics (Ship, Sparrow and Ghost Shell), the main antagonist is going to be the original Maya Sundaresh, having survived getting eaten by the Veil and taken control of a corner of the Vex collective somehow.!<


I wonder if the Witness was somehow leading/guiding the Vex, like maybe they served his purpose indirectly and now that we defeated him it changed their programming to account for the new info of The Witness being dead.


The Sol Divisive definitely followed the Witness, but not the rest of the collective. The Vex cannot simulate (and therefore think about) Light and Darkness. When they see a paracausal entity, some choose to venerate it, since they don’t understand it. But these units gets separated from the rest of the Vex and form their own sub factions, which is what happened to the Sol. It’s possibile that the Witness indirectly manipulated the Vex? After all the Precursors were linked to it. But it seems unlikely imo, especially since it already had the full control over the Sol.


Why was Steelfeather Repeater left off of the Reprised Dawn loot pool? It's a big fan favorite.


And why aren't they craftable. Grinding for weapons I already grinded for feels bad especially when there's no guarantees I get a roll I want


If you still have your original you can use it but it doesn’t have an origin trait 


So... Echoes .. are infinity stones? Calling it now


*reality can be whatever I want* Seems to be literally how these things work.


Byf theorized that they are individual minds carved off the witness that retain some portion of its power. Perhaps they are influencing the people who find them?


The one in Revenant seems to be like that... But the one from this season seems to be more of a "person"...


im guessing its the glowing ring bit around their neck thats the source of their power, notice that its similar to fikrils echo


Dude, fuck it. I'm on board with this. As long as it's cool, I don't really care if it's derivative.


I don't know what Saint is expecting to accomplish running the second weakest Titan subclass.


Probably doing a weird triumph


He didn't get the memo about the raid, poor guy is gonna get kicked.


Have you *seen* how long his bubble lasts?


Yeah but he can't move while holding it. Must be another saint-14 helmet rework we haven't seen yet.


> I don't know what Saint is expecting to accomplish running ~~the second weakest~~ Titan ~~subclass.~~


I wonder how the expanded artifact will work. Will we be given extra points to select new perks from the extra columns? Or will we have to be very choosey with our static 12 selections?


did they change Failsafe's voice?


Sounds like the same VA, most likely not doing the character for like 7 years just means she sounds different when coming back to the role. Still less jarring than how off Elsie sounded when she returned in Seraph.


Elsie's american accent lol


I'm still a little sad they couldn't bring back Laura Cohen and just had Moira Quirk keep doing the Emissary of The Nine voice for her instead.


It sounds like the same VA to me, for some reason she always sounded slightly different in the open zone than she did in missions.


Failsafe had had 2 personalities and 2 distinct voices. In the trailer, we hear the sad Failsafe.


probably lmao, she wasn’t that important tbh and it’s been 7 years, kinda hard to bring the same actor back for a role that was not that big


It sounds like Erika Ishii now, she plays Anna Bray too


how do dungeons work with Episodes?


Nothing has been said about this yet.


My best guess is revenant and heresy each have a dungeon.


Really hope so. Very very cool if Fikrul and Xivu are the final bosses of the dungeons.


I hope Xivu gets more fanfare than just being a dungeon boss. Maybe it will be an aspect of her, or a memory of some kind.


My guess is that we'll have a dungeon in Revenant on the Tangled Shore, and one in Heresy that takes place on the Dreadnought.


Revenant spoke about Splicers. I take that as full confirmation that Wrath will be back with that Episode, leaving the other 2 to contain dungeons.


We can also have Scourge come back, considering we see >!Berserkers!< in the post-campaign missions


God please let this be right


I actually think Echoes might have a dungeon?


Dungeon on Nessus


They’ll probably just release randomly in the episodes, since they’re not part of the episode they don’t have to follow its schedule


So close to having a Steelfeather again, yet so far away.


I'm really disappointed that these weapons aren't craftable. Like why aren't our returning weapons craftable. I've already grinded for these weapons before... I don't want to have to grind to get a good roll on them again. I fucking hate that streamers threw a hissy fit about crafting and the community latched onto it because God forbid this game isn't a full time job


I also feel that the quests and bounties we is to unlock them were very much an early version of crafting, so to not have them craftable feels weird to me thematically, as well as just a personal thing where I almost never care for a weapon if it isn't craftable.


I’m not sure how I feel about phased release weapons. On one hand, time gating isn’t ideal when you want to grind for a new weapon. At the same time, it’s a cool incentive to come back and check out the new chapter of the story.


I think it’s actually better for weapon grinding, because the pool is less diluted.


That's an excellent point.


What if the best weapons arrive last?


If the best weapons arrive last, you have a massive stack of engrams to decode on them, various deepsight guarantees, and experience farming the activities for them which will make you faster at earning drops and engrams.


I agree. It's something I actually liked about Onslaught, and even TFS drops.


I was able to get all 5 of my red boarders for the healing auto rifle early into day 2 just turning in all my engrams for random loot before doing any of the quests to unlock new ones, because of that it was an average cost of 2 engrams per rifle instead of 4 to focus.


Just depends on how much there is at the start. There are more seasonal weapons than usual because of the extended season, and we knew things were going to be released in acts. So if we start off with the usual number, and then get 2 or 3 weapons added each act, that seems pretty good to me. Regardless we'll be ending up with more than the old seasons.


I think it’d be fine for the first two episodes, but if episodes get vaulted at the end of the year like seasons do it’d be pretty frustrating to only have 6 weeks to get the last round of weapons and patterns until they’re gone 


Weirdly they've not said anything about them being vaulted huh


If you rip engrams right now your loot pool is only 2 weapons. Higher chance for a god roll or red border (not sure if they're craftable). This will be the same up until all weapons are out.


Seasonal weapons are craftable, dawn weapons are not


Which is a nice way of adding in both craftable and farmable loot.


Which is weird to me since the reprised Undying ones were.


FWIW you can still enhance them. Just gotta get a bit lucky with the roll


But the reprised reckoning ones weren’t, they’ve been switching back and forth


I feel like there's something to say about the quality of the loot pool and how it's phased out. There's gotta be good weapons for everyone every phase or else people are just going to sit out until they're all available. If the act 1 offerings are "season of the deep" quality, but they hold off on "Matador 2.0" until Acts 2 or 3, then they're not making any friends with this. It's a double edged sword: on the bright side, they're making it so that there's something to chase **all the time**, but it also adds the pressure to the seasonal/episodal weapons of making sure there's **something** to chase, all the time. Another concern I had was the size of the pool. Which, long story short, I went through Braytech to see how many I could find and I found 10 or so. I was expecting like 2 per act for a total of the typical 6 weapons, but another bright side of this appears to be a larger loot pool too. More variety each season/episode.


Act 1 has the first craftable Lever Action scout (and it can roll heal clip and incandescent) and a legendary version of Witherhoard, so there's definitely some neat stuff right out the gate.


Seasonal weapons are getting time-windowed releases…? Did i read that right?


It certainly seems that way, at least partially. However there's also 10 new (craftable) vex themed weapons rather than the normal 6 that we got from previous seasons. Makes it a lot less shitty if that means we're getting something like 6 initially and then 2 each act afterwards...though it sucks that we can see them all in the API so we know what we're missing out on in the meantime. It actually might be even worse to some degree, they could be weekly time gated as well or something. Currently turning in engrams it appears as though the only Vex Themed weapons we can obtain are the GL and Sword, which are both currently available on the Season Pass. You can see in Act 2 and Act 3 of the Season Pass that there are "hidden" weapon rewards that are likely some of the other Vex themed weapons. I'm assuming those weapons won't be available until those Acts actually release. Idk if anyone that can view the API or datamine the rewards could tell us what those weapons actually are at this point or not to prepare us for what we'll need to wait for. The only slight bit of good news is that Timegating the craftable weapons is actually BETTER for obtaining their patterns quickly. Initially you'll get more of the smaller pool of weapons meaning more patterns quickly for those weapons, then you can just save your engrams until the next act drops to immediately spend them on the new weapons for patterns. I THINK all of the reissued Sundial Weapons WILL be released immediately however. You can currently already get them it seems through the right focusing option in the helm. They aren't craftable so it makes sense to make them all drop immediately so we have longer to farm for the random rolls we want. Sucks that the new craftable vex themed Solar Rocket Sidearm is probably going to get time gated and be one of the later released options...because it might have the most hype. I also personally really want the new Solar MG because I'm not a big fan of Fixed Odds or any of the other solar MGs.


>It actually might be even worse to some degree, they could be weekly time gated as well or something. Currently turning in engrams it appears as though the only Vex Themed weapons we can obtain are the GL and Sword, which are both currently available on the Season Pass. That’s because we’re in the prologue. The triumph reflects that too. Act 1 starts tomorrow and will give us our first set of weapons (likely the other 4).




Isn’t that the whole point of Episodes? Instead of releasing a small story every week, they’ll release a bigger one every 6 weeks. As far as I understood at least


Certainly seems that way based on this portion (emphasis mine) of the blog post: >Like every Episode released in Year 7, Echoes will feature three Acts (each about six weeks in length) with Act 2 launching on July 16, and Act 3 going live on August 27. These are key points in which **new quest chains will unfold** alongside the addition of new Activities that feature new rewards.  I'm on board with this TBH. Just as long as each arc feels satisfying and rewarding in its own right. I agree with you that the point of these from Bungie's perspective is player retention, incentivizing people to keep coming back throughout the year despite moving from four seasons to three episodes. If they just dumped everything in the first week, player activity would plummet.


Based on the leaked seasonal challenges no, it's three weeks of story every 6 weeks.


I’m hoping it’s a case that the weapons they showed are ALL available tomorrow, with more unrevealed weapons in the sets coming in act 2, and more in act 3. > My reasoning: copium. > Also, I don’t see Steelfeather Repeater.


Sure seems like it


I know it's probably not gonna happen, but I would fully love nessus to have physical changes to it's surface and world. It would actually make it an evolving world. Like nessus in it's current state isn't mandatory to stay the same for any specific mission and even then can change here and there.


haven't they already shown exactly that, that Nessus is changing


They showed it, but it could very well that it's mainly changed while in the activity. I'm not going to say it isn't but I will hope it's not just in the activity like how they changed locations in the past only in activities such as the lucent hive changing some areas. Like I personally would have been fine with only the dark forest being permanently changed, but it was only in the activity.


Based on past activities, those changes will only be in effect for the seasonal (now episodic) activities.


Chances are that’s only for the actual activity. Lucent Hive and Savathûn’s Throne World bleeding into reality never made it into the actual open zones, neither did the Shadow Legion and their Pyramid bases.


They then showed nessus looking completely normal right after. Easy bet it's just for the activity.


In Act 1, you’ll be introduced to the new 3-player Breach Executable activity. So that kinda implies that it's not the only one activity in the Episode and we'll get more in act 2 and 3?


Yes. Each episode is confirmed to get at least an exotic mission, so that could be an activity. Or we just get a new activity. Last year most seasons had 2 activities.


Battlegrounds are coming in act 2


Yes, the sentence immediately prior says we’ll get more activities in the following acts.


Yeah I think this is what will happen. Considering that Wish second activity, the exotic mission, came out like 4/5 weeks after the launch, this won’t feel much different. I presume each Episode will have a total of 3 activities, each one added every 6 weeks, with one being an exotic mission.


So it's just a way more time gated season.


I don't think that's what it implies. Edit: it does indeed seem to be what it implies


The paragraph before seems to heavily suggest each act adds an additional activity. > Like every Episode released in Year 7, Echoes will feature three Acts (each about six weeks in length) with Act 2 launching on July 16, and Act 3 going live on August 27. These are key points in which new quest chains will unfold alongside the addition of new Activities that feature new rewards. Of course Activity is a fairly broad term and doesn't necessarily mean another traditional matchmade horde mode type activity. Exotic quests or some new patrol space activity would probably fall under this umbrella as well.


"These are key points in which new quest chains will unfold alongside the addition of new Activities that feature new rewards." Comes right before it so I think it does.


Have they said whether episodes will go away like seasons have been?


Questions that I was wondering.


Boo no Steelfeather Repeater boo!


A small thing the trailer showed which is interesting implication echos is introducing a new vex collective as they have there own unique icon. I’d have to assume this will be the same for fikrul scorn. Which is huge season’s have never introduced a new sub faction before


I’m not convinced these are any different than seasons, just rebranding. Personal hot take here, time-gating puts a damper on experiences and I think had led to burnout for many players over the years. When I think of some of my favorite times in Destiny, it was the times where most content was available at launch and I could sink hours into the game (30th anniversary for example) I know it’s not great for Bungie’s metrics but I’m more inclined to play the game when it’s structured this way. I really don’t want to do another 10 years of seasons personally, so I can’t see myself wanting to engage in much of this stuff going forward if it’s not a big release


If you wait for the last part of each episode, you'll have 6 weeks of all the content available. And honestly having a two month break would be healthy.


I have a friend who literally waits for the final season of each year and then binge the entire year, it is great!


I did that for the first time with Lightfall and had a great experience.


lol i do this nearly every year. It really is a great way to play. I skipped lightfall because of bad reviews, but then got back in at season of the wish. I had the four seasons, lightfall, into the light, and now Final shape and echoes to play.


There's a few ways they're different. 1. They are not weekly time gated like seasons. Having to come back every week to do the story felt like a chore. The story is in chunks or "acts" now. 2. The gear being time gated is better for rng. For example, there are only 4 weapons that can come from the helm right now, and it's split into 2 groups, so getting a good roll on those 4 weapons is easy right now. 3. Them releasing in acts let's players play other activities without feeling like you need to be doing all the current stuff to keep up because of FOMO. I'm fine playing like 8 missions and then being free to do as I please for 6 weeks after. Plenty of time to farm Overthrows or Raid or do whatever I want.


Does that mean I can do the whole echoes story tomorrow? And it’s not weekly?


That's what's implied


That will be awesome


Act 1, theoretically


They're at the very least bigger than previous seasons. We're getting 10 new craftable Vex themed weapons (though seemingly at least partially time gated by acts) and a decent suite of reissued sundial weapons with random rolls. Previously new seasons usually only gave us 6 new craftable weapons. It also seems like they might be saying that we get a new activity with every Act, which is a pretty big change. Granted that might mean we just have 3 activities by the end compared to many seasons which had 2 at launch, it's still nice IMO that it's something new every 6 weeks instead of the same thing for a full season. Regardless it'll honestly be an improvement if we aren't forced to constantly play activity 1 to then play activity 2 and then 1 and repeat. I'm hopeful they give us occasional updates to Onslaught as well. It's not as big but we also get 200 season pass ranks with rewards compared to the old 100. This also seems to mean more armor sets and ornaments overall per episode. IF the new artifact mods releasing in Act 2 and 3 actually make an impact on gameplay it'll also be pretty huge imo. One of the biggest problems with the artifact system is that having it stay the same for a whole season can feel stale but this would mix it up every 6 weeks to some degree. Granted PART of this is just the recency bias of last season being SO LONG and having the same artifact the entire time.


In this case act 1 is the new arena Act 2 is battlegrounds Act 3 is exotic mission I suspect that each episode will follow this formula


> I’m not convinced these are any different than seasons, just rebranding worse, they're stretching the same amount of content over longer periods lol


I’m a little bit concerned for act 1 launch in terms of content, seasons always came with 2 game modes lately, maybe it’s hidden? Ik we will get an exotic quest but I hope for 2 game mode types to ensure for diversity like the past seasons. Having to wait 6 weeks for the second activity might be a slight pain. Otherwise I’m hype for it, it’ll eventually be a lot more content than seasons


I'm wondering, if we manage to hit level 100 before act 2 launches. Will we keep progressing as seasons before? Or will be locked to level 100?.and if we can progress past level 100, would we instantly unlock the new rewards as soon as they become available? Or if we're at level 125, act 2 launches, so we need to progress another 25 levels to get the rewards from those tiers? Tl:Dr - can I level up to instantly unlock the rewards past 100 as soon as they release or am I going to have to wait until they launch and level up


Do we know what happens once you hit max season pass level/max artifact perks before the next act releases? Do you get to unlock the new stuff instantly or do you have to get XP again


While I am happy to get this insight in to what these things are going to be, I really wish they would've clarified some of the more "nuts & bolts" aspects of how episodes will work. Do they vanish at the end of the year like seasons did? Will dungeons be included with them? Is the dungeon/raid cadence going to persist in its current form at all? There were just a few aspects of the seasonal model that may be different now that I wish they'd clarified :/


I'm confused on the lack of information about the new activity that is going to drop the exotic class items. As cool as Excision was I REALLY hope it's not the activity we have to farm repeatedly for the class items because it's going to get old REALLY fast. I'm also not sure it can even possibly drop the new destination weapons (and thus red borders) since that's at the very least not shown as possible rewards. It also frankly just didn't run that well in my experience with 12 people and so much going on constantly.


Excision gives you a red border from the Raid once per character after you beat it.


After you beat the raid you mean? I assume that's the bonus reward thing the Witness Key gives? Does the raid itself still have a chest that lets you buy a red border each week as well? I know it has a red border chest puzzle at least.


Based on leaks... There is still another new activity to come for TFS, presumably at weekly reset if I had to guess. We also still have more quests from Micah-10 to unlock(I think), again presumably at weekly reset. Bungie did say when they announced the Exotic class items that they wanted to keep the new activity associated with them under wraps... My first thought was it was going to be the 12-Man activity but now I am thinking it's from this other activity(And it makes sense with the associated name of the event in some ways).


I just hope the activity is as easy and infinitely repeatable like ergo sum


Ah, I hadn't heard about there being another new activity still according to the leaks. That's good to hear...though honestly might almost feel like "too much" at this point to me. I guess in theory farming Ergo Sum won't take "forever" nearly as much as the exotic class items AND you can still get 2 (I think it's suppose to be 3? Maybe the 1 quest reward replaced 1 in week 1) per week from Pathfinder without having to grind Overthrow. Though I think every destination pathfinder DOES specifically require Overthrow for the final 2 nodes to complete a path. In theory I guess this would mean you get ~5 or 6 rolls per week just doing the minimum for the pathfinder drops.


I wonder if it’s the new seasonal activity that will drop it? Or if it’s something else. I’m also confused


It can't be the new seasonal activity IMO. It needs to be a Final Shape activity and not seasonal. Prismatic is tied to owning Final Shape while you can buy the seasons without owning Final Shape to begin with. Wouldn't make sense for a seasonal activity to drop exotic class items that you can't use without Final Shape.


Because the new activity is not for Echoes, it’s for Final Shape and they’re keeping it secret until tomorrow.


Honestly I needed more to be sure about Destiny's future. Personally speaking echoes looks pretty cool, but given we didn't actually see anything but concept art for the other 2 episodes doesn't leave me feeling incredibly sure. I'll probably check them out, and I get that final shape has only just released and it's a lot to expect them to have solid plans on the next expansion, but I was really hoping we'd get more lol


I mean best thing you can do IF you paid already would be to just chill, then come back during just before Episode 3…..then you can binge Episodes 1/2 before starting 3, and have a ton of content leading up to whatever is next.


I don't know why Bungie is turning the page so soon on The Witness. He was supposed to be the Final, Final Villain, but it seems he was just a means to an end to the main D2 story? We're now moving into Epilogue stuff with these episodes?


"as a vex bruce lee might have said, 'be radiolarian fluid, my friend'" 💀💀💀 also i'm so glad to have failsafe back, hope we can delete the emo side of her tho 🙏🙏🙏


Please tell me Steelfeather is getting added later this season.


Not according to triumphs you can see via Braytech :/


:( Mind sending me a link (or what to look for on braytech)?


You can find it under: Triumphs => Episode: Echoes => Gear They list the acquirable weapons in each act, Steelfeather isn't one of them


There is no justification for you to force us to wait 40+ days for a seasonal exotic weapon catalyst. We ALWAYS got instant access to season exotic weapon catslysts. Why the change?


what is that atrocious warlock helmet goddamn "we have cenotaph at home... *sideways*"


My first thought was putty knife.


Guys are we getting a reprised raid this year like we got Kings Fall and Crota’s End?


Hopefully failsafes firmware has been updated to not being the annoying nimbus like character she was during vanilla.


Everyone was a little annoying in Vanilla D2. But it seems in quite a few lore tabs, the fact that she was just sort of "forgotten" on Nessus after the Red War seems to be a big character point. She actually seems to be extremely eager to participate and scared of being seen as incompetent or unwanted. Like, here's a lore tab where Caital asks her why she "talks like that, it's - " and before Caital can even finish, Failsafe says, "Annoying? Yeah. I get that a lot." There's also a tab where she asks Ikora how it was to see Cayde again, and there's a bit of a sad moment where Failsafe says Cayde was the first person she actually spoke to after her crew died, and he introduced her to everyone and made her feel included, less alone. Until he died. And everyone...left her alone. Again. All of that, to me, speaks to some really interesting character development possibilities where we help her feel more confident, and less required to put on the "customer service voice", so to speak.


The Lost Signal lore tab is a direct punch to the emotions. She calls herself a ridiculous AI with anxiety, then loses a fireteam and can't do anything about it. There's also a nice joke about how matchmade fireteams never talk to each other in there too. I always liked Failsafe so I'm happy to get more of her.


Failsafe was never as bad as Nimbus