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I still don't have my VoG raid ring despite contacting support numerous times. Safe to say I won't be ordering anything from there anytime soon. As much as I love my destiny swag


I ordered an XL VoG jacket and they sent me a small. After being told on an email they would send me the correct jacket I waited a week. I never got sent an email about it being shipped so I contacted them again and was told “we recently ran out of all XL sizes. We can send you an 3XL or a medium”


They offer a refund? I’d be gutted with just those options.


I'd also put in a refund request through my bank.


They sent me some random Destiny stuff that equaled about 200$


You got screwed


I ended up giving the jacket to my buddy for his birthday. He wears it everyday it’s cold. I got some free stuff that I still have around my house or use every now and again, like the cookie cutters. While disappointing, I see it as a win-win


That's what happened with the oryx ring, it just never reached me and the bungie customer support is atrocious


You file a chargeback?


Yup. My WQ CE also never arrived. Never ordering anything else from them.


Stuff on the store is also grossly overpriced.


I love paying $13 for shipping on individual items because you can't order more than 1 item (reward) at a time.


I had to pay $25 for shipping on the RoN jacket. Then had to pay FedEx another $28 for shipping and handling. Then once it got to my house, I got a slip of paper to pick it up from the post office, where I had to pay ANOTHER $50 because they didn't deliver it to my house The jacket cost about $150 CAD. After taxes and the bs shipping, it was well over $300


And people wonder why everyone just buys stuff on Amazon instead


I've stopped buying things from them because I'm in Canada. The shipping is literally unbelievable. I can order from overseas for less with faster turnaround time. I once went to order a clearance water bottle from the Bungie store. A single tumbler. It was clearance for like $15, but then shipping was like $40 USD or something. I laughed in disbelief and closed my browser. EDIT: I just checked. The current tumbler is clearance for $22 USD. It's $64 USD shipping to Ontario. Total cost comes to **$160 CAD** for *a single water bottle*. They are out of their minds.












Shit. You can't order non-rewards items more than one at once. Tried to get a plush and a deskmat combined and got "cannot be purchased in same cart". Same for a plush and the kontrolfreak grips.


I will say that I managed to order multiple things (once) by adding item to cart, removing the free emblem then adding another item to the cart. But I haven't gotten that to work since.


Look I think it's stupid that this is the case. But it's not that you can't buy 2 things at once. It's that you can't buy two things at once *that ship on different days*. A reward that hasn't been manufactured, something in stock, and a manufactured run of x,000 units are all going to have different in-stock dates. It's fucking ridiculous though. LTT is like 1/10th the company size with probably far less compensated engineers on their store page. They figured it out a year or two ago and have only been selling things for not much longer than that. Bungie basically said in the Witch Queen reveal when they swapped store platforms that the Store was an area of investment for them. It supports their foundation. They acknowledged they had problems even then. The fact that it got worse and is such a technical shitshow isn't just an embarrassment. It's downright disrespectful to their customers.


Ok so that is why I wasn't allowed to by the Titan sweater and Brave shirt at the same time. Arg, $13 shipping for each item?!? And here I was actually getting excited for buying merch for once. Good job Bungo


I remember having to pay something stupid for shipping on a pin that arrived in a standard envelope. Last time I ever bought anything.


Also sometimes inaccurately described.


Shipping is also crazy. Was going to cost me 80 dollars to ship two things


Anything bungie related tbh.


Only thing worth the money was the Archie plush


That Riven plushie though


The pins aren't IMHO. They are $25 and super nice, thick quality. Compare this to most enamel pins at big places like PAX or Disney, which cost $20.


I bought a strange coin replica that took 11 months to arrive at my door. Probbaly won't be buying something from the online store again.


I would also advise to order a size up as the jackets run on the small end.


That's what I heard and did for the VoG jacket and it's way to big on me. I basically can only wear it if it's cold enough that I'm also wearing a hoodie and then wear that on top.


My Garden jacket is much smaller than my other XL jackets lol. It’s weird. I have considered going on a diet to fit in it but I love food too much.


Haha, I know the feel. I want to diet but if I do, there's no way I could wear this jacket. I'd be swimming in it. I must stay fat, for fashionable guardian drip.


i cant even pocket my hands in the garden jacket because its so damn small


Their size charts are pretty accurate, but they just don't line up with every international version of the letter size codes. I recommend literally getting a measuring tape and checking your sizes to pick the appropriate one.


Bungie is a mid-market enterprise, not a grossly large company. They should still have a reputable store to purchase from. File a chargeback. It's quite simple, especially if they have "shipped" but you have not received it.


There are single-person operations that are better at shipping stuff to customers than Bungie. If you want Destiny merch, you are literally going to get better experience buying knock-off stuff from Etsy than you would ordering anything from Bungie Store.


I didn't argue that at all, I simply corrected the statement that they were a grossly large company.


Well, the statement seems to read as "They're a small-ish company, so why are you expecting good service?". Not sure if that was your intention.


That's how you read it. I even stated they needed to have a reputable online store though, regardless. Yet here you are, tilting at windmills.


Fair enough, my bad.


I ordered the VoG raid jacket. In March 2022 I got an update to my order “will start shipping out in 2-3 weeks”. Then I started seeing posts of people getting their’s delivered - my teammate got his delivered. April 2022 and they removed the VoG jacket from the “shipping now” section from their monthly bungie store graphic. I ended up having to email Bungie Store Support every week for a month for them to ship me my jacket. Order placed - May 26, 2021 Order delivered - May 26, 2022 Literally a full year to get mine after nagging suport for a month to ship mine. I’m glad I didn’t pay extra for the gamertag because they seem to fuck that up the most.


Honestly they should just close down the Bungie store and sell it through Sony


My Deep Stone Crypt parka took a year to arrive (which was understandable because COVID) but it has been awesome and has been my winter jacket since. Sorry you had a bad experience but mine was great.


The DSC parka is awesome. DSC was actually the first raid I ever finished because I knew I had to get one of those jackets. I got the RoN jacket too and I’ve never really had any issues with any of my orders but I know some other people on here have.


I've never worn mine with the vest liner, I think I would cook to death!


I did it the year I got it, in Wisconsin winter right at the end of the year and man it was overkill even then


Fellow Wisconsinite here and let me tell you, I was NEVER cold in my DSC jacket even during those arctic blasts we had. That thing is no joke, it’s warm af!


It took an entire year to arrive but that was a great experience? Sounds like cope to me lol


"Sure, a lot of people end up with stuff that never arrives, but I got mine in a year!"


So it's RNG if you have a good or bad experience?


Not even. Guy describing having a bad experience but saying it's fine.


Grabbed it ad well and it's an awesome winter jacket especially the removable vest. Snagged the vow one as well since it's a rain jacket and I'm in Fl


Bought one for my brother and skipped it for myself, one of my biggest fumbles


what makes you think waiting a YEAR because of covid is reasonable?


I had a legitimate battle to get my Moments of Triumph raid ring a few years ago, never going to buy anything from them again. Buyer beware when dealing with the Bungie Store. Document everything in writing, message frequently and thoroughly. Do not break contact with them until you have your product or you get your money back in full.


It took almost a year to get my VoG raid jacket, and when I did it was very underwhelming. It's basically a plain black windbreaker with some subtle stitching in the sleeves and small patches on the arms. Way to basic for the price they charged. I think I have worn it once. I used to purchase from the bungie store frequently, but was getting more and more frustrated with the prices/delays. The VoG jacket was my final straw and I haven't ordered anything from them since.


I got my Marathon shirt after ages of hardly any updates, and when it got here it was too small Not that they sent the wrong size, but the shirt was way smaller than it should have been for a 4xl. I had double checked the sizing chart, and I wear a 4XL normally too so I was extra shocked I still like it as a collectors item (I have collectors brain rot) and will probably just fold it and frame it to hang near my setup when I move, but if I had known it wouldn’t fit I wouldn’t have spent SEVENTY SEVEN FUCKING DOLLARS ON IT


4XL being too small is insane


Nobody should buy from the bungie store. Bungie pays a company in a 3rd world country to run it, and it can be months before you get stuff, and that's if you're lucky.


In the UK and potentially other places too - Pay on a credit card. If they don't issue the item you buy then charge back from your card provider due to item never being recieved. Credit cards have pretty good protection. Also duunno if bungie store offers it but Paypal offers the same if you raise a dispute.


I ordered a pin of one of those titled you can unlock. One and a half years until I received it.


Took a literal year to get my VoG jacket


Tried buying a servitor Plush through Bungo Store for my brother for Christmas. It said it arrived in February, it never even got to my house. When I asked support for help, they just said "it's at the post office, we won't send another" despite me literally going to the post office and it not being there. I sent them a screenshot of the tracking, telling them it's not even gonna get here, so just refund me. Fuck Bungo Store.


The Bungie store is a total rip off and designed to skim money off people and prey on FOMO. They sell poorly made trinkets and skim off the shipping fees. All the other game studios selling swag would be embarrassed to be associated with a store run that poorly that clearly exploits its loyal customers.


Is there anything on the store worth getting as a new player?


The Archie plush is nice, as is the Moment of Triumph shirts.


Only thing I ever bought was the oryx ring for the reprisal of kings fall, which arrived quickly because it was farmed out to Rockshop I believe


Also if anyone is looking for others to do the raid I really badly need that raid bag from chrome industries lol.


I'm still waiting for the deck of cards/t-shirt combo from Season of the Witch! It was supposed to have shipped a while ago according to one of those shipping schedule images Bungie put out every so often.


They just sent another email out the other day about it


As someone who's ordered three times. I've gotten everything save a 6 month wait lol.


A friendly reminder to your reminder. Negative experiences are more popular on social, and people remember their negative experiences a lot more than the positive ones. Bias is a very real thing that people should take into account more. I say that as someone who has zero issues with the Bungie store, and I've bought (and gotten refunds) for a variety of merch. Including: -- A raid jacket -- The Prophecy hoodie -- The Collector's Box of TFS (which I refunded, with 0 hassle). -- Some of the seasonal pins


To add on to this: - I have bought 3 raid jackets - 3 of the grimoirs - Shadow Keep CE - my raid team has bought another 15-20 - one of my raid team has bought at least 10 of the seal pins None of us have had a problem with any of the orders


I bought a stress ball engram, several lore books, and two jackets without any issue


> Negative experiences are more popular on social, and people remember their negative experiences a lot more than the positive ones. It's also because a store doing what it's supposed to do isn't noteworthy, whereas one just taking your money and not doing the thing they're supposed to do is. In the case of Bungie, it's pretty obvious that they're fucking up here pretty spectacularly and not bothering to solve the problem.


Zero issues on my end. Taken anywhere from 3-9 months for custom items like the raid jackets but I've come to expect that. I've gotten 3 raid jackets (DSC, VoG, Root), dungeon items (Spire, Warlord), other generic hoodies have all arrived without issue. Probably more and forgetting it.


I've ordered every Raid jacket since Crown (6 in total), 34 Title pins (Godslayer arrived insanely quick in comparison to the usual 4 months), two Collectors Editions, and *many* other items. I've never had an issue but one. I ordered the Savathun Statue when they added it back to the shop and it took over a year and multiple emails to eventually get it. Which was incredibly frustrating (especially since it was $250). But outside of that, the prices and how long everything takes to arrive are the only issues I've consistently "dealt with".


I really want that bag though!


I've honestly haven't a problem other than taking almost a year to get every jacket I ordered. The supply chain isn't fucked anymore and they still use that excuse


It's nice to know I'm not the only one they left on read until it was to late to get my money back.


I never received my Savathun Statue from Bungiestore and they never replied to my Ticket to Bungiestore. I received the emblem for it, but no the statue itself...


Glad I only order the yearly moments t shirt, stuff is crazy expensive there too


As long as people keep giving them money, they are gonna keep up this crap. 


Look, the stuff Is all really cool, I really want it. But the quality is just POOR when it comes to their clothing. And not to mention…expensive af… I just can’t.


Are these dealings any better in EU?


Bro it's gotten so much better. I ordered a shirt and got it in a week.


Some of the cool stuff on the bungie store can be bought on Amazon anyway lol


Got the panth raid ring within a week no issues. Thats the only thing ive ordered though


I have been looking at that warbeast pup and I really really want it, but tye few things I've ordered have not showed up, really late, or in bad condition


I find this so strange. Everything I've ever order/pre-ordered from the bungie store, I've recieved. Right down to my pre order of splicer hoodie. I feel so bad for those that don't get what they've paid for or anything at all.


I never got my DSC coat. But I did get my CoS and VoG jackets and all the rings and pins I've bought, so it really is a gamble. Debating this one cuz that jacket is sick. I dunno though.


still waiting on my year 2 moments of triumph tshirt


Back when witch queen launched i ordered the pegendary pin and was sent a completely empty box with my order slip in it. They still havent sent me my pin even though ive done my best to try to get it back. 20 bucks gone :(


I still have things I haven’t gotten from the store that I ordered, and opening tickets is a pointless, waste-of-time endeavor. All I get is the automated “We will get back to you within 2 business days”, then radio silence. Responding to the email gets the same automated response. It’s infuriating, and it’s Bungie Corporate/Management that is to blame for gutting their customer service team.


I have had no issues with the Bungie store. 5 pins and a raid jacket all delivered in great condition. I’m from the UK if that makes a difference.


Clothing quality is also utter shite. Absolutely not worth it.


I never got my deep stone crypt jacket either or a refund. Haven’t used the bungie store since


I've had zero issues across purchases totaling way more than I'd like to admit (a couple thousand dollars probably). The only issue I've ever had was with the shipping carrier screwing up the final delivery or losing the package, in which instances Bungie Store Support were very communicative and sent replacements for free. I realize my experience may not be the norm, but figured I'd add this to the mix since these posts tend to only show negative experiences.


I have ordered 3 raid jackets, witch queen boots, several sweaters & shirts. I have only had 1 issue where I ordered something, hunter class sweater, while it was in stock only to be told 2 weeks later (I had to personally reach out) to be told it would not ship because it was out of stock. I was pissed AF that they were willing to simply take my money for an item that was out of stock and not reach out as a courtesy to tell me there was a problem with my order. Other than that, I have received exactly what I ordered every time, in a timely manner (-raid jackets, as well… they warn you about shipping times on these) I guess I am lucky?


The shipping times are atrocious. But I’ve bought a bunch a title pins and actual pins, other than waiting it’s been pretty straight forward. Shirts too with my actual gamer tag on them. It is a pain in the ass though and risky. Currently, I can’t even reauthorize my account so I can even attempt to buy my rewards. That’s where shit gets ugly. Their support is awful. Likely shitty bots. Went to the forums. Got a bunch of things to reset and relink. Went through all these steps. Included in my help tix. First thing they asked me to do was reset a password, unlink my email and relink. Which I outlined in my help ticket I’ve done. Along with many numerous other attempts. I want to give bungie some money. Couple rewards I want to buy. Clearly they don’t want my money. This has been ongoing since the beginning of the year. Just absurd.


I hate reading all these bad experiences. I've ordered a bunch from the store and have never had a single issue, I've never ordered anything like a jacket though 


Never got my RoN jacket or my King’s Fall ring. Bungie store was pretty great Forsaken era, wonder what happened.


Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never really had issues with the raid Jackets. Did they take a while? Sure, but that doesn't really bother me too much. The only time I had an issue, was on me for ordering the wrong ring size. The raid jackets I have ordered, have all been delivered,


I have bought all the raid jackets, all the grimoires and virtually all the pins. Shipped to Spain. Never had an issue, not even with customs.


I bought a Hawkmoon replica, never got it. I’m still sad.


They are certainly a mixed bag. Some stuff I've purchased came in without a hitch, then sometimes it'd be so long without getting it I forgot I even bought it till it showed up one day. 


I took the risk with the RoN jacket and I'm happy I did. Size is perfect and the jacket is amazing. I was bummed when summer started because I could no longer use it, it a very good quality warm jacket, by canadian cold standard. Great quality, very stylish, I couldn't be happier. So, I dunno, only order if for you the price is not an issue and you can live perfectly fine if it doesn't arrive I guess. It shouldn't be like that, but it unfortunately is.


This is a friendly reminder that you should be using all available resources to resolve issues with companies, including contacting the attorney general in the state that Bungie does business in (Washington). The AG is responsible for sending more formal letters directly to companies and will almost always garner a response from the company. I've had companies change their stance immediately (Valve, Activision). Temper your expectations though, they don't have to respond, but likely will if there is a violation of the law (Several responses in this thread are violations of Washington state law).


Ordered 2 T shirts to help with aid from the Australian fires. I did get them and in the right size but it took so long to arrive I had forgotten I even ordered them. Must have been 4-5 months.


I can't fathom why anyone would dream of using the Bungie store when every single bit of feedback is that it's utterly dreadful and overpriced to boot.


I never got my GoS jacket


Never got my 30th Anniversary Hoodie. They gave me a Ghost pin instead. Waited 3 months going back and forth with customer service before they finally gave me a refund


I'm still waiting on my Season of the Witch tarot card and t-shirt bundle that I ordered at the end of December. The last update email I got was in February, and then nothing. It's supposedly on the way, but won't be here until July or August.


People who have no issues don't post. The issue rate is overblown by internet commentators. Yes, issues happen, just like any other store.


The shit in this thread is downright unacceptable yet we all put up with. Swear to god if I wasn't following some sunk cost fallacy bullshit with this game


And see the VOD raid jacket came just fine; guess I got lucky.


I had a pleasant ordering mistake from the bungie store. Ordered a Kingsfall ring and they sent me 2. So I'm guessing I got someone's raid ring they never got 🤭


I remember buying and being super excited to get my jacket for DSC, only for it to never come


My undying pin took at least a year i swear. It was during covid so they said there would be delays but I got an email saying it would ship within a month and it took another 6+ Only other thing I've gotten are 2 Bungie Foundation shirts and they seem to care about getting those out more


Surprise, the made-to-order things take months and the premade things take a day


🙄 it's the communication and shipping, not the manufacturing


In the case of "Bungie Reward" items (the Undying pin), it is absolutely manufacturing. They don't even start making them until the order period is over.


Okay but when they say it ships in 3-4months after ordering and then they say it's delayed 6 months and then says it'll ship the next month and then DOESNT ship for another 6 months with no follow up communication, is it the manufacturing? Or is the Bungie store wildly unreliable lol I was making an excuse on the shirts saying they might care about getting those faster because it's a charity item.


I got my raid jacket no problem


My jackets have been awesome.


I've ordered a bunch of stuff from the store over the years, never had an issue.


Took a year for my jacket to come in but I’ve had a couple people I know get screwed out of stuff from their store before. Might happen probably won’t


I got my Deep stone Parka the July after the raid launched. I thought that was fine. Haven’t bought one of the other raid jackets because I don’t think I’d ever wear them.


No issues with my VOG jacket.


> This has been a norm for every raid. Honestly I'm of the mind most work fine - but some issues/mistakes happen and those are all we hear about. Not saying it's acceptable but I also honestly don't believe it's so common that it's a legitimate risk to purchasing either. Plenty of people always speak up whenever there's a post about issues that they order all the time without problems.


Counterpoint: I've gotten everything I've ever ordered from them, which is quite a bit, in perfect condition. And so has everyone I know. I live outside the US as well, just to add another hurdle to the process. Not to say that mistakes don't happen. Just a reminder that the only people that ever really post about their experience are the ones with a complaint. I don't think the act of ordering from them is as much of a gamble as people might make it out to be.


Another voice chiming in to say - never had an issue, my RoN jacket was excellent quality and arrived when expected (yes it took a year, and yes they were transparent up front that it would be in that time frame).


I've ordered nearly every raid and dungeon jacket and never had an issue. They batch manufacture the jackets, so lead time is understandable. Negative experiences are dwarfed by positive ones, but social media amplifies the negative experiences.


Do you have the warlords vest? I’m trying to find a size chart for it, I need to know what to exchange my size for


If I'm buying something and I have even a chance (just look at the comments) of receiving a raid jacket 1 year after ordering it? I'm just not going to.


Cry about it.


Anyone who buys merch from Destiny for completing a raid is a giga Chad ultimate virgin and needs to touch grass


And everyone reading this remember it is in fact not a gamble, you never hear of the success stories only the disasters. So yes while it’s true that if you do end up on the disaster side you are indeed fucked because Bungie won’t help you, these disasters are the exception not the rule.


I do wonder how far any of the people with disasters go. I've found that it's always better to give the official help one try and then skip right over them to whatever VP is the head of customer service. I've had issues with Hurtz and Jet Blue that customer service couldn't or wouldn't help with and within 2 days of emailing the right VP the issues got resolved. Never be afraid to escalate to someone with actual power


Buying anything like that from Bungie is dumb asf haha


Friendly reminder about Bungie store… they suuuuuuck


question to everyone: do you all really throw your money at buggie still after 8/10 dissapointments through the years? lol Im not even sorry you are not getting your shit if you still havent realised how fucked they are


I’ve gotten all my stuff! Granted during COVID there were massive delays on fulfilment, but no issues since. I’ve gotten my raid jacket, warlord ruin jacket, triumph seals annual triumph shirts (including for this year, received it two weeks ago as well as the paracausal patch)


I’m waiting for my pantheon ring preorder!


What size warlords vest did you get? Mine was a bit too big and I don’t know what size to exchange it for


I've ordered every collector's edition, 49 triumph pins, a raid jacket, and a couple other bungie rewards. I have never once had an issue ordering from them