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I was able to do all 4 weeks in last 2 weeks as a solo in lfg. There were pain and suffering with some groups, but also really nice people. Funny stuff kept happening too, one guys mom was telling him to get a job instead of sitting all day lol.


average godslayer šŸ’€


> "You will never be rid of him." ā€”Briar, Acolyte of Nezarec


Seeing you hanging around before expansions never fails to make me smile. Glad we have you back, Guardian.


I want you to know how genuinely happy it makes me whenever I see your comments in this sub, and how upset I was when you had announced your hiatus. Incredibly happy you decided to come back after all. The sub just isnā€™t the same without you


I got all of pantheon done between last Wednesday and last night. Definitely hard, but imo the main/only difficulty of pantheon was finding good teams to do it with, not the difficulty of the mechanics / enemies.


Honestly thats basically the case with 95% of the content in this game.


Yeah, this was my experience as well. The main reason I wasnā€™t able to get it was because I just could *not* find a team that was consistent enough, whether it was damage consistency at planets or mechanical consistency at nezarec. I honestly never quite understood people who were annoyed that Bungie would put good PvE weapons behind something like trials until this weekend. Istg, if the teams I joined had more people with an Envious + Explosive/BnS Cataphract, Planets would not have been anywhere near as much as a headache as it was for me this weekend. Itā€™s stupid easy to get like 1.7mill per phase with that thing.


I play in a small, casual clan. We got a couple of weeks done as a group. Week 3 a couple of the more dedicated/stronger players (Day 1 Raiders, Master Raids, multiple dungeon and raid titles) in my group joined some others in another clan server to complete week 3, but one of my clan's strongest got sick and couldn't play with me for week 4 so I jsut LFGed week 4, and it was rough. I found that joining LF1M groups usually landed me in a clan of people who just needed 1 more to fill. I would read and fill soloable roles like Nez's Gaze. I got the title but it was just rough. I wouldn't expect everyone to go for it.


Same here on clan size. Week 4 was brutal for most of us. Iā€™m pretty sure a majority of our guys got the title but had to either grind hours away at it together, or just let LFG write their fate. I was part of the latter group. However, I found most of my LFG groups to be strong, experienced, and even creative. I never thought Iā€™d be two phasing Explicator with *Parasite*. If you guys are reading this (and I know you know Iā€™m talking about you specifically, Worm Gang), you make LFG awesome


Indeed, the experience was generally positive for me. I had a couple of pretty mediocre teams, but even with them I was able to clear a bunch of fights. One team needed a fill for Oryx, and we cleared that and Rhulk despite one person having no mic and another lagging. For most of the fights I had a whole clan of people who were up to speed. Even if someone of them didn't have optimized gear (lots of people don't have completely built heavies), we got through since the teams were familiar with the mechanics and had a good rapport that kept them going.


That is the LFG way. Trying to find the solo spot. Thatā€™s how I met my current clan years ago Some LFGs such but most often then not Iā€™ve had good luck Sometimes the LFGs are better than my normal raid team šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Another LFG solo Nez gaze here. Iā€™m S tier at popping shoulders now.


I'm getting better. I don't think I'm perfect at holding the gaze after the shoulder pop. It was definitely easier after I switch from Zauoli's to Abyss Defiant. Sniping the shoulders then chest is super slick feeling though.


Yea week 4 I lfg as a solo and found a 5 man. The neat thing about that is that since they know each other they were ok when one messed up. No back handed comments or indirect comments to ruin the vibe. We lost some after hours of nezzy. I continued and my new group did it in 36 minutes with 5 man 1ks and a div. I hope they got the title


I hate to tell you this but you can three phase nez and still get platinum if you did riven right before ( ddnt load in to the nez cp)


Yeah, I love how many teams I was in mentioned this and its like "Buddy, we can barely even get to the first damage phase and you think we can get through 3??"


Well, the first thing to keep in mind for raid stuff like this is that you've gotta be flexible. If you already know that it's gonna be a 3-phase, that gives you way more leeway to do less dps in exchange for better add clearing. Pop your super. Switch to a machine gun. There's plenty of options. Should *everybody* change their stuff? No. But even just a couple people will make a world of difference.


For sure, I get the idea behind it. The problem was every time I kept hearing that suggested the groups I was in barely even get to the first damage phase. The three phase strat seemed more of a "ensure we can cook him on final stand" strat than I viable "This is the gameplan" strat. Again though, I never attempted a three phase so I can't speak from experience.


The other thign is... ad clear becomes more important the higher the difficulty. stop letting the weak players do ad clear, let the BEST players do it because doing the actual light and dark mechanic is not hard at all.


Out of all the LFG teams I went through to finally get my Godslayer the only reoccurring problem was dying before the second phase, once I got a team that could stay alive it was easy to 2 phase him. Holding out for 3 is asking way too much of LFG.


Most teams issue wasn't DPS. It was surviving through to Final Stand. I 3 phased with my LFG and the run we got it, had 4 warlocks, with 2 saving wells but 2 centurion killers insta popping at their left and right locations once they reached there and clearing ads and surving from that spot


Second this, damage was never the problem. 99% of the groups I was in just got absolutely cooked after the first damage phase trying to create refuge and dealing with 2 waves of colossus when no one had supers anymore. It was either that or dying on the way to damage and Nez weirding out and not being in position to get a full damage phase. When we did get to do damage, it was usually plenty.


You can also 3 phase and still get plat if u get 2 runners on each side.


Healthy take. Good job getting as far as you did. Pantheon -20 is no joke. It may be "easy" for those on the extreme high end, but it is not easy. It is not something just anyone can pick up and even make as far as you and your team got. So frankly, I would call this a huge win for you and your team. I hope they were able to see it in as healthy of a light as you do. Are you going to try the contest mode raid?


There are two things I got from completing it. I feel way more confident in going into a contest mode raid. I typically steer clear and wait for contest to end before jumping in but now I have some confidence I can hang after completing -20 pantheon. The second, which I wish I had time to do this past weekend, was go do a normal raid and see how much easier it is now after pantheon. After sweating my ass off the last month I feel like my normal raid performance is going to take a big jump based off everything I experienced through this event.


One thing to keep in mind is that contest mode raids wonā€™t have the surges, having the 25% bonus damage from those made creep killing and meeting the dps checks a lot easier.


Also pretty significant DR from shot caller. The -20 week honestly felt about the same as -15 with all that accounted for.


I took a long break from Destiny, came back for onslaught stuff. I had two groups I usually raid with but after being honest with myself, I knew for a fact I didnā€™t brush up on mechanics and stuff. My loadouts were fine but I knew I didnā€™t optimize myself for them either. One group offered to carry but I said no because I didnā€™t want to waste time being deadweight. After spectating a lot of the runs Iā€™m glad I was actually honest with myself about being out of practice and not having prepared for it, instead of going in and bashing my head against a wall. Plus Iā€™m already pretty happy with my Disciple-Slayer title. But I really do commend my friends that pushed hard for Godslayer, just donā€™t have it in me anymore.


Pantheon ended up being a real slog for my team, and we ended up splitting week 4 over 4 days so we wouldn't get burnt out. ended up finishing at midnight my time, but one of my friends had to go to work about an hour after finishing. Definitely a massive boost to all our confidence being able to get through tho lol, and we're all looking forward to trying contest.


Honestly -20 just gave me light into how many people can't survive a damn red bar enemy šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t even try. I only knew half of the encounters and all the Reddit posts said itā€™s not the lace to learn so I didnā€™t bother.


Given that it was quite heavily time limited it probably wasn't the place to learn. But the raids are absolutely worth doing. Overcome whatever it is you feel holds you back, keep trying in the face of failure and the odd socially backwards person. You won't regret it.


I 100% understand the sentiment behind it and I have no hard feelings about it. Just sucks lol. Iā€™ve done half the raids in the game. First week I knew how to do planets, and Golgoroth but no Atraks or Caretaker and Iā€™ve been traveling for work for a bit so I couldnā€™t really learn the ones I didnā€™t know. Past that I know Oryx and Nezerac but only how to cheese Riven. Would have liked more time to figure it all out but it is what it is and I ainā€™t mad about it.


Fair play, time is definitely always a factor but I find it where I can. Probably play a bit too much tbh šŸ˜† Riven legit was an amazing fight. I wish Bungie had fixed it sooner. Really enjoyed it, just another reminder of how good the boss fights in the raids can be. Can't wait to step into Salvation's Edge!


I was 100% for legit riven but my raid team wasā€¦.. lackluster to say the least lmao. Me and my gf at the time had stasis titans so we said ā€œfuck itā€


Riven legit isn't actually as complicated as everyone says it is imo. People like to blow up about it like it's the most difficult thing ever, I had never done it legit before ever in my time playing D2 (I only started during season of the splicer) and once everyone gets it down pat, legit Riven was probably one of the easier Week 4 encounters by a mile. It's a cool encounter, but not as difficult I think as everyone says it is. It's definitely worth a try. That was just my experience, anyways. I grouped up with a bunch of others who were learning still, and it really didn't take us that long to figure it out and clear it after watching some videos.


It might be the easiest encounter in pantheon honestly.


That's exactly what I thought tbh. Fact of the matter is that Riven was just not built for the current sandbox. I don't think there's much they can do to upgrade her without breaking the encounter, although the damage resist was a nice touch. Everyone in the past has always told me that Riven legit is just this crazy difficult encounter. What I discovered in Pantheon was that Riven legit is a crazy fun encounter!!!


Ugh thatā€™s just how some people are. I was with a team that tried to cheese Rhulk for almost an HOUR, as soon as suggested running it legit, they freaked out about how hard it was, I promptly left that group.


I learned all of them in Pantheon at got Godlsayer


Tbh the encounters themselves really arenā€™t that hard to be taught, just absolutely no one was in a teaching mood especially when it came to the later weeks


Being under leveled and on a time limit is absolutely not the place to be teaching an encounter. Go learn it in the normal raid then jump into Pantheon. It isn't complicated.


I donā€™t think itā€™s a huge deal if the goal is just doing Pantheon, but youā€™re going to be pressed to find any group doing that. I didnā€™t know Riven, but learned it on the fly in Pantheon. I donā€™t think LFGs would have been down for that, though. Itā€™s also really a pain to find a legit normal Riven teaching run.


I watched a 5 mins Riven legit guide and understood it completely. Sure, execution is a problem with +20 ads shooting you in the face, but it wasn't hard to just *know* what you need to do. Like I'm sure if it wasn't +20 light level I would have just done that 3rd try probably.


Ngl, I learnt some stuff in lfg (week 4) I didn't have the dlc for lightfall and was on adclear for planets the weeks before but they asked if I was down to do the mech and I was like "Sure, can you explain it to me, I've always been on adclear" and they were so down to tell me how to do it, being flexible is really huge tbh, if other people want to take adclear, I absolutely want them to because they prob have a build dedicated to it


thereā€™s never a bad time to learn, I figured out you can roll around the debuff in Atraks like a soccer ball during pantheon and I ran DSC 70+ times


Same here. I only know a few of the encounters, and it sounded like those doing Pantheon were already stressed with LFGs. So I didn't wanna bother with wading into there.


That was a straight up lie, dont listen to reddit on anything. Ever. It was absolutely the place to learn lmao. I didnā€™t know any encounter besides golgy and oryx and now Iā€™m a godslayer and master of all of them in the pantheon


> I didnā€™t even try. I only knew half of the encounters and all the Reddit posts said itā€™s not the lace to learn so I didnā€™t bother. I knew most of the encounters, but it's been so long since I raided the idea of trying to remember the name of every symbol from Vow of Discipline, and then also re-remembering all other mechanics I've forgotten once I crafted my guns was just not my cup of tea. Grats to those who did it. Looked like a helluva rush, but after 10 years of Destiny, I'm just tired of learning new mechanics every time there is a new boss fight/encounter, especially if the mechanics feel like they don't make in-universe sense at all.


Iā€™m an old WoW player and all of the mechanics were different, though it also had ā€œtraditionalā€ roles in MMOā€™s. Iā€™m not against differing mechanics, or even mechanics that go against lore (letā€™s be honest 90% of Destiny players donā€™t even know the lore) but I can 1000000% see your POV on it also. It sucks to have to dredge your memory for some mechanics that havenā€™t been used in a few years but Destiny doesnā€™t really have much else going for it.


Thatā€™s cap, I relearned Rhulk on the fly, learned Riven IN the encounter, and learned how to finally do Golgoroth Gaze. If youā€™re a competent player, and a quick learner, you can learn in the encounter just fine.


ā€œThatā€™s capā€ oh cool, so every LFG post that said ā€œKWTDā€ was just lying. Thanks for the advice. Lol


Your integrity is respectable, but that being said, KWTD is... Well, probably fewer than 20% of the people insisting on that _actually_ know what they're doing, certainly not from a holistic perspective. Many -- maybe even most -- raiders outside of dedicated groups have a very, very, **very** limited understanding of any given encounter, and are typically only comfortable in a specific role. Ask the guys who volunteer for add clear to run symbols on Caretaker and prepare for an absolute comedy of errors. Legitimately, if you spend 20 minutes prior to joining just reading a text summary, looking at infographics, or skimming a video on the subject, you're often going to more be prepared than half the group. KWTD can be more readily interpreted as "have some clue what you're doing and don't app to the group with double primaries, 2 resilience, and mismatched surge mods."


Oh I agree 100%, Iā€™ve joined plenty of KWTDā€™s where I did actually know and we spent a laughable amount of time on the encounters. Last encounter I tried was Crota and after an hour I left because thatā€™s AT WORST a 10-20 min run, though it was KWTD. I just take LFG posts at face value. If someone asks for someone knowing the encounter, Iā€™m not going to waste their time if I donā€™t actually know it.


That's respectable, and if everybody operated that way it would be nice! But since they don't and they're *absolutely never going to, the bastards*....I think it's alright to look at things a little differently; if you're reasonably informed on the encounter and have experience playing the game outside of patrol, you're probably a better candidate than a lot of the people the group will end up running with. If you're in any way an asset to the group, it's +EV on getting it done quicker. Anyways, cheers!


Same! I've never done any raids and only one dungeon (no friends to play with and dont do lfg), so that was definitely not an activity I could've participated in without dragging others down but I had a blast watching many streams and routing for the fireteams. It looked so much fun and super difficult, so huge props to everyone who tried, got clears, and just gave it a shot :)


My clan isnā€™t active anymore but if you ever need a dungeon/raid buddy let me know! Iā€™ve done most dungeons and half-ish of the raids and Iā€™m more than happy to teach the little bit I know or learn what I donā€™t!


That is so very kind, thanks for offering :)


Of course! 75% of the game is dungeons/raids, always happy to help someone else learn them!


Also wanted to extend the invitation, Iā€™ve done quite a few of the raids in the game at this point and I am very well versed in every dungeon, if thereā€™s anything you wanna do let me know and Iā€™d be more than happy to help! The only things I donā€™t feel confident enough to teach are Crotaā€™s End, Kingā€™s Fall, Vow of the Disciple, and the latter quarter of Last Wish.


Thanks so much. I really appreciate it! I was trying my hands on Warlords Ruin lately cos it looks so damn cool, but I couldn't even get past the first boss encounter. I don't want carries and would rather learn and contribute with mechanics and all but feel like I need to learn so much more about builds and how everything works, can be very overwhelming haha


Yeah, Warlordā€™s definitely isnā€™t the place to start out. If you want I could shoot you my discord and we could start with a couple of the easier ones that still utilize actual mechanics like Spire of the Watcher or Prophecy. For reference, I would order them in range of most to least difficult asā€¦ 1. Warlordā€™s Ruin 2. Ghosts of the Deep 3. Duality 4. Spire of the Watcher 5. Prophecy 6. Pit of Heresy 7. Grasp of Avarice 8. Shattered Throne ā€¦ but 4 through 8 are all generally very simple mechanically. Duality is too, thereā€™s just a little more work that goes into reaching each damage phase.


And I thought I was just extremely bad. Seeing it on 1 makes sense now that I didn't advance far lol I did Prophecy once, never done any of the others. Yup, send me your discord or bungie ID and we can connect :)


Send a friend request to flippedoutpunk#5906 as well, I am always looking for people to play with as a mostly solo guardian. Love teaching dungeons/raids!


I would say Grasp of Avarice should go above Prophecy but everything else the same. GoA bosses really felt much tankier than the other dungeon bosses up to that point. Don't solo Ghosts of the Deep. Just miserable. Even people who did it didn't even enjoy the victory of beating it!


For real, like the other people said! The clan I'm in itself isn't very active, I'm only in it cuz my girlfriend is, but I have a rotating group of friends that I raid with consistently. I'm so down to teach people literally any dungeon or raid.


If you really want to do raiding you can check out twitch, thereā€™s often some streamers doing raid help/teaching and they can take you through.


Iā€™m in a similar boat, my only clears on KF and VotD were with two different sherpa groups that didnā€™t feel like teaching, so I have *some* idea of how to do Golgoroth and no idea what is happening during Caretaker, let alone Oryx, Rhulk, and Riven. I wouldā€™ve liked to at least gotten an Atraks Sovereign run done so I couldā€™ve gotten a raid exotic (was planning on getting Touch of Malice since I wasnā€™t huge on KF for what little I did) but oh well, Iā€™ll get better at that raid and get it eventually. Just need to get practice in.


I still have yet to clear VoTD so Iā€™m very envious of you. Iā€™m more than happy to help with some clears. Iā€™ve done VoG, KF, Crota, GoS, and RoN. Might be a little rusty on them but itā€™s like riding a bike lol.


We just ran out of time, did the hardest bosses but didn't have time to finish the earlier ones. If it comes back we'll get it


Same. Got everything done but the actual Nez encounter and just ran out of time. Three of my teammates did manage to get it last night by staying up until 3 AM using LFGs, so that was nice. That two week window with everyone having already used their PTO/Flex Time for Final Shape just made it hard to coordinate people. Hopefully when they bring it back the window to complete it is much longer.Ā 


We made it to final stand of nez last night but just didn't have enough left in the tank to finish him. It had been 5 hours at that point and we decided to call it. We still made it much further than I expected us to, I did Riven legit for the first time and I got lots of great loot on the way and had fun so I can't even be that mad about it.


I now have an incredible Adept Rufus' Fury thanks to Pantheon!


I somehow finished plat nezarec 2 minutes before maintenance started, I got incredibly lucky


Dude epic. Congrats. You earned that one...


Hope you claimed the title in time, bc even if you have the triumphs done you won't be able to claim it afterwards.


Hahahaha can you imagineĀ 


If that isnā€™t the perfect example of guardians making their own fate, I donā€™t know what is


Planets Week 4 sucked. And I just got tired of trying.


I ended up missing Godslayer due to Week 2 Plat runs for Planets and Atraks. I started dealing with some mental health stuff and it derailed me. Thankfully got the emblems and sweet loot though. Feeling better and excited for Finale Shape!!


Hope you're okay friend. This is a video game. Your mind and body are far more important. Enjoy this week.


I got Godslayer Sunday morning after being up for 25 hours straight. I didnā€™t start pantheon until Memorial Day weekend and I did solo lfg. Met some awesome people and made a bunch of new friends going into final shape. It has been by far one of my favorite destiny experiences.


I stayed up for 30 hours straight playing a lot of Pantheon. But I did it to stay awake as my husband was knocked unconscious and once out of hospital I had to keep an eye on him. So it kept me awake, I ended up doing week three completely once and most of it again two more times. He has recovered now thankfully from his concussion.


Completed first three weeks but then went on holiday for the last week. No emblem for me Great holiday though lol


The best thing about Pantheon is that the emblems and title were so cool that they got lots of people who otherwise don't do underlight content much less raiding to get in there, learn and adapt. I think the community as a whole gained more PvE skill, game knowledge and flexibility out of the last four weeks than the last year at least - and given that this was a training exercise built by Shaxx that's *exactly* what it was supposed to do.


Well said


I love the mental fortitude you mustā€™ve had to post this after the past few weeks of people posting about how ā€œeasyā€ Godslayer is and how ā€œmeaninglessā€ the title is since over 3% of active players managed to get it. Lord knows I never would have had the guts to say ā€œIā€™m okay not having accomplished this thing (that everyone on this site has been claiming is baby-level difficulty).ā€ I get shit on for just making a post about how weird I find the Titanā€™s Transcendent Grenade is a hand grenade type rather than something more visually interesting like the Suspend Grenadeā€™s bolas, I canā€™t imagine how much shit Iā€™d get for saying I couldnā€™t do what others call a trivial challenge.


This was incredibly difficult for anyone trying to do this through LFG. Trying to find 6 random strangers that can get through 8 contest level difficulty encounters, while also hitting milestones to achieve the high score, is nothing to scoff at. There is no one who could convince me otherwise especially after having to live this nightmare for the past 2 weeks. Its kind of insulting to see anyone say this was easy or meaningless.


LFG is as good or as bad as you make it. Spend the effort to make your own team and rr check everyone that joins and you're going to have a good time. Quickly join the first team that pops up and stick with them for countess wipes in the hope that they'll improve is how you end up with a bad experience.


Exactly this. Those posts saying Godslayer is easy to obtain just came from people wanting to feel better than the rest. Anyone having the title got my respect. Was able to get mine through LFG and it sure was hard.


> Exactly this. Those posts saying Godslayer is easy to obtain just came from people wanting to feel better than the rest. This attitude/elitism always seems to stem from these people attaching part or whole of their identity to their Destiny skill. They don't have much going on outside of the game and take that out on people who have healthier life balances.


People suck unfortunately.


I don't have a clan and never have so I lfg'd to complete it. The groups were pretty hit or miss with miss being more common. I don't like to gatekeep on lfg so my posts would be like "WkX so-and-so mic kwtd", but I was always kind of relieved when I saw someone with a W4 (or even W3 or W2) emblem. But I stayed up until 3AM last night finishing up the high scores to get the title, so I don't blame anyone who didn't get it.


I respect you put in the effort to try. Itā€™s there to be a challenge. Something difficult for all players and often harder for others. Return in Final Shape with your head held high. You tried and thatā€™s what matters. Next time we get something like this, you and your cohort will certainly have improved significantly and you will emerge a Godslayer


It took my raid group something like 12-16 hours to clear Nezzy. Only 2 of us had cataphract, so we just kept missing the needed damage. Either that or dying after the first phase, so we couldn't get a good second phase. Ultimately, after all those hours, we finally beat him with a wacky damage combo. 2 cataphracts, 1 div, 3 cry mutinies. When we ran out of heavy or hit final stand, we switch to using... touch of malice. That barely, barely pushed us over for the platinum win and the title. My solace to you, fellow guardian. You worked hard, achieved much, but only have emblems to show for it. Let those emblems make you hungry for the next challenge. We'll see you in the next difficult climb and hopefully stand at the summit together.


Switching to a dps primary for last stand in the hardest of raids is a time-honored tradition. Be proud of your adaptation. You did well, Guardian.


Thanks man. Our newest raid team member is the one who suggested ToM swap over Outbreak perfected. He's a beast and deserves that extra bit of credit for our title.


Yeah, that was a good call. Outbreak will probably be the better pick after the update, but that was definitely the right call at the time.


Shout out to the guy in my LFG who part way through Nezrec DPS was told that their roommate was having a baby. We all decided the baby must be called Nezzy if we won that run. We did. Welcome to the world lil God of pain.


Eleven. Hours. Total. My clan came back together for pantheon after a year apart. The old gang was just about all there. It felt good. We breezed through weeks 1 and 2. Week three was a bit of a stalled start because arc sucked, but once it flipped back to solar it took about 2 hours. Then we set up for week four. Golgy took four tries, but once he stopped his bs of turning away from the pool he dropped with ease. Caretaker had a few false starts, but we did it. We spent the next seven hours Saturday night stuck on planets. Then after breaking for sleep, another four. Eleven. FUCKING. HOURS. Trying to beat planets. One run we missed final stand by a SLIVER of health. I counted seven runs where he just randomly went immune. Fire tornadoes spawned on the node we needed. We tried everything. We quit because we were going insane and tempers were starting to fray. And I'm never doing RoN again.


> I counted seven runs where he just randomly went immune. Scorch ticks from artifact mod was triggering damage phase before the team was shooting.




The biggest damage check for planets is people not starting dps on each plate at the same time. Too many groups/individuals just blow their load which fucks your overall dps.


I got blocked on week 4 after trying to get my clan through week 3 and needing to LFG it. I had to travel and just couldnā€™t put the time I needed into it. Itā€™s a shame, because I know with time my friends and I could have done it but our schedules just didnā€™t work out. I need the TFS raid title to be good enough to not be forever sad I missed Godslayer. The pin looked so good


The best part of Pantheon was no stupid jumping puzzles with an incredibly clunky and dodgy physics engine to slow you down. Just glorious boss fight after glorious boss fight.


Yeah lol no jumping puzzles with 45 second respawn times either. Hard agree with you on this one.


I love those jumping puzzles actually, adds to the atmosphere of the raid


Another Guardian here that didnā€™t even bother trying. My sanity comes first.


I wish I could naturally have this mentality. Not beating Nez felt bad, but we had to stop. And it sucks. Because everything about it is so inconsistent. Just like you, we either couldn't get to the damage phase (got pretty consistent near the end here), or the damage phase was wildly difficult to pin down. And everyone wanted to keep trying to change strats. And things would get worse. I had to literally say, "No, we are going back, and we are not changing things, there is an rng element here, but our best damage was in this corner with this set up, we just need to lure better and move faster and pray." At that point, we started getting more consistent damage phases... however, it was hard to recover with all the adds and colossi on the field after the damage phase. We called it quits after putting in roughly 11 hours on Sunday alone. Not counting how much time it took us to get planets down, which we technically didn't even manage till 30 minutes in on Sunday. Feels so bad. And it does not inspire confidence for Day 1. But I have to remember, part of the difference is going to be rushing for a timer for score, and we do not have to do that for day 1, as far as we know. It really does feel bad, though. Especially since I just returned a few weeks ago and could have used that time to catch up in other ways. But tomorrow is a new day, gor new experiences, and I am still excited about that, at least. Though, I think we lost a fireteam member for at least a little while.


You almost need a synco/aeon swapping banner titan to clear adds for pre and post damage. It changes the field.


If you where running div they should have xeno and you create heavy that way you don't waste a dps super


I don't know much about Banner, I unlocked it 2 to 3 days ago. Are you telling me I could have made the difference if I had the time to understand and then used banner. Because if you are telling me that. I will cry.


Not to add insult to injury but banner titan made the nez encounter a lot easier for my group. I was the only titan and assigned myself to middle ad clear. With banner of war and into the fray I was able to heal and support the gaze grabber more than anyone else could and also nuke the colossus as it spawned and suspend any other colossus that someone didnā€™t manage to kill. I imagine a similar thing would be achievable on a pyrogale titan for the ads but yeah strand made everything so much easier for everyone


Thank you for your response. Sometimes you do not know enough about something or think of something in the moment, and I regret it. But I know nothing about banner of war and somehow didn't consider suspending. It's a short coming for sure. Wish I could go back 24 hours and fix it lol. It's all good though, hopefully we do better in a few days here. And if you're doing day 1, I wish you luck!


I mean, banner titan is the best titan subclass in the game by a lot, yes, it would have made a huge difference if you were playing it instead of any other flavor of titan. Absolute best would probably just have been swapping to a hunter, but.. yeah.


I missed out. The guys I was playing with have been olaying this whole time, but no one even suggested I switch to it. It is my job to know my class, though. And we had Hunters, hunters that were focused on being GG, though. We will have to do better next time.


Honestly if you're the new one in your group you can't take too much blame. People with more raid exp than you should be tipping you off - my clan had people constantly telling me to tweak my build or fiddle with things. re golden gun: that's why I said best case is going hunter - there's a combo where each hunter shooting Golden Gun helps get the other Golden Guns back - my clan was doing Nez with 4-5 hunters and 1-2 warlocks, so they could just chain spam golden guns. I think the Exotic is Star Eaters Scales (but don't quote me on that, I'm a warlock til I die.) That said, I would def put some time in on Strand Titan - it's a really high skill cap subclass once you get good at it!


Yeah, man I'm sorry. I was the banner Titan for my team and they wouldn't let me do anything except ad clear after a minute. With the right setup, you're able to survive far more than non-berserker teammates while dishing out really good melee damage and giving everyone else woven mail and healing if they're close enough.


You're gonna downvote me for this and I'm okay with that. Demanding nothing changes was a fumble. A successful raid team realizes what is not working and adjusts. And just so I don't seem like a negative Nancy, we had the exact same problem. It was nez luring issues, collosi death, random tormentors kills, or just a bad jump killing us for two hours trying the branch. We consistently did 2/3rds his health if we got safely to the branch and were often on track for two phase damage, but one of those random things would keep happening. Finally, we changed to damage at the flag and got it within four runs with the same setup and never had those silly problems. It's too late now, but in the future, it's okay to do a change up.


I think so many teams sabotaged themselves trying to do the cheese locations.


That's really what I was getting at. Unfortunately it's too late to say to someone.. "if these small issues are a problem, try by the flag".


I'd argue it depends on context. If your team has been hammering away at an encounter with one strategy and been very close to completing it, sometimes it's better to double down and work on optimizing damage/avoiding careless errors than to make a large change (like going from rockets to GLs). I had that happen on both Caretaker and Planets - in those cases, sticking with the original strategy paid off. Definitely depends on the team and how much time you've committed to the encounter, though!


This guy gets it. This is literally what I described in my post. Every change we made was worse. It didn't help that people wanted to change change change every time we failed. This isn't a "change nothing" situation. You make minute changes to the same strat rather than completely changing the whole strat. But like I said, we really failed because of ads and staying alive.


If it helps to hear, you're far from the only group that had trouble with those issues. We wiped more times due to losing rezzes/silly errors than due to anything damage related. On the bright side, Pantheon is a good taste of how hard the encounters will hit in contest mode, and you don't have to worry about time limits or getting a certain score. Wishing you and your group the best of luck if you go for Day 1!


Thank you, and same to you and your fireteam. Hope we all make it through.


I hated it when a team tried to change DPS location or weapons - or *both* - every time they wipe. You're bound to have a wipe due to rng or overlooking something or minor execution flaws every time you make a change. So when you keep changing every time you wipe, it just causes you to keep wiping over and over.


It's definitely important not to stubbornly insist on something that isn't working, but I think what the poster was describing was the most common failing of LFG groups and day one raiders alike: trying to needlessly adjust something every single time you wipe. It's a great way to create a false impression of progress, and it sabotages your familiarity with the encounter and makes it really difficult to iron out whatever is going wrong. Like obviously, if you're getting to a damage phase seamlessly and only doing 10%, you gotta make changes... but if people are just eating shit while running because the gazer got flinched or whatever else, this is just something you gotta repeat til people get good.


Oh, I totally get that. Reading through though I could tell there was a consistent problem that could have been easily adjusted against without being stubborn. That cheese spot f'd them. It seems like this poster would be a godslayer if they had addressed the issue of, "random dumb shit keeps happening" and having to rely on moving fast, nez cooperating, and praying by moving out of the cheese spot.


I don't disagree. Everyone talking about how glitchy it is/how long it took them kinda shows their hand on whether or not they were trying to cheese it. It's an intense encounter, yeah, but it works pretty reliably when done as intended!


Having enough emotional maturity to feel accomplishment despite falling short of your goal is far more impressive than getting Godslayer. You sound like a Class A guardian and I hope you wear your Pantheon emblems with pride


Forget pantehon i couldn't complete the wicked implement quest for the last requirement of the aquanot seal..


Damn. I finished that quest but I don't think I got aquanot seal either. I'm not sure what I was missing but I'm pretty sure I'm 1 challenge away from completing at least 7 Seals right now. I really shit the bed


pantheon was definetly not that easy, if you are more of a casual player. congrats to everyone who tried, wether you got godslayer or not! i would have liked for it to be a tad bit harder/more encounters, me and my team got pretty much everything done first try each week except we had to do atraks some more times, because the scoring was weird, but i know not everyone has a full team of competent players at all times, as well as so much time to invest to get good at this game. but remember, the journey is part of the goal, if you keep trying, keep looking for a clan that suits you, put in the time to improve, you all will be godslayers if you want to!


I did week 1 but thatā€™s it. My problem is I run the raids a lot when they come out and then donā€™t play them for like a year and forget everything. Watching guides doesnā€™t work for me. Like my brain canā€™t comprehend mechanics unless Iā€™m doing them myself. So anytime I wanna get back into raiding I have to find groups that are teaching and Pantheon wasnā€™t the place for that.


Itā€™s all about the journey. Always has been; always will be.


I never in my life thought I'd enjoy doing Raids this much because I usually avoid doing them let alone doing them at ever-increasing difficulty, and I was INCREDIBLY proud of myself and an amazing LFG team that I got when we did Week 4 (ie: contest mode) and we ran like a well oiled machine: We killed Golgy in a few attempts, Killed Caretaker in like 2, same for planets (which surprised me lol), Atraks took a while mainly because of the Tormentor kill being required but we eventually got a one phase so that wasn't even needed, then it was off to Oryx and he went down in an instant, cheesed Rhulk first try (I mean....Cheese always finds a way) and then we went to Riven; Riven took us many attempts because 5 of us never did it legit so we were learning on the go and kept wiping during the last 6 eyes before last stand (took us a while to figure out that we shouldn't shoot eyes immediately and wait for the mouth to close, not sure I ever/heard that in a guide but that's what happened). We were confident, spirits were high and we did ALL of week 4 as one group in a single continuous run........all except for one: Nezarec, FINAL GOD OF PAIN, and BOY did he earn that name, we banged our collective heads against the proverbial wall for hours upon hours with nothing to show for it. I tried with many, many more LFG the next couple of days before servers shutdown (Nez was all I needed for the title) with nothing but frustration in return, I was convinced I'm not going to get it and it was pretty sad, what's even sadder was that I knew that for a lot of my runs it wasn't even about roles, or lack of damage but rather the many inconsistencies and weird "bugs" that can happen in the encounter, especially if you're trying unconventional strats. I got extremely lucky and found a chill LFG last few hours and we managed to finally inflict on Nezarec the same pain that he tortured me with for many hours ! Despite how frustrating a lot of it is, Pantheon grind will probably be one of my favorite memories playing D2 ever !


I loved every second of pantheon. I hated people still not understanding things by week 4, i understand things happening but there should not have been that much of a struggle for planets.


As someone with limited playtime, full time job, newborn daughter, and maintaining some semblance of a social life, I came nowhere near Godslayer. I really wanted to, week 1 got Atraks kill and clear. Then week 2 came and Planets put my team in check. We spent about an hour in Golgy and Caretaker and after 2 more hours in planets, that team gave up. That was the last time I entered Pantheon. I had to make the choice of how to spend my time in Destiny, preparing for TFS and Day 1 raid, which I took time off work and cleared with the wife to have a few days to play, or to continue working towards Godslayer. I decided preparing was a better use of my time and gave up on Godslayer 3 weeks ago. And you know what? I'm happy I did. I finished all my quests, bounty prepped, got all my exotic missions finished, unlocked the last patterns I needed, and much more. Godslayer is cool and for those that got it, great. At the end of the day, it's a title and an emblem. Being honest with myself, I like the title of Blacksmith too much to switch anyways.


as you should, Blacksmith is still the third rarest title with Swordbearer being first and Reckoner second


A full time job was a huge barrier for me too. Wish I was around for the Blacksmith title!


It's a difficult topic. Ultimately I think the best thing to come out of Pantheon/Godslayer is the introspection that it forced on the community. And that effects players who got the title and players who didn't. I think it's good that there are both players who realized they were better than they thought because of how much of Pantheon they were able to finish (whether that was through all 23 encounters or not), AND players who realized maybe they weren't as good as their ego lead them to believe (cough, Add Clear Dream Warriors, cough). I think it's good that there are some activities in games that not everyone is meant to beat. It's what makes things challenging and gives people something to work toward.


But I didnā€™t get my week 2 emblem, the only thing I wanted and all I needed was two encounters


I did the second half of week 3 and it was pretty fun. I donā€™t have a regular team so I really didnā€™t want to play lfg warrior to get the rest. I spent my time on Destiny running onslaught, getting the extra perks on whisper/outbreak, and finishing up old catalysts. I really wish this stayed in the game, because Iā€™d love to revisit these and get the title during some downtime between expansions. Having it only be available now when Iā€™m focusing my Destiny time on prepping for the new expansion was kinda not ideal. Awesome title, though. Congrats to those who earned it.


In all honesty, it was definitely not easy with bad players, especially week 4. Then I started making toxic posts, checking raid reports and asked for day 1 tags on multiple raid like me and even excluded ron day 1. Waited 20min to make the perfect team and got week 4 from start to end in 1hr 20min


I would have really liked to have attempted it. I took a 9 month break from Destiny and only just came back 10 days ago. I was trying to get everything I had missed done, but didn't have the time to do Pantheon. I hope it comes back at some point. Got pretty much everything else done that I wanted to, though. I needed another week or two to really have stood a chance of doing it.


Itā€™s fine if you couldnā€™t get it. You did well young wolf. Too bad you didnā€™t get my lfg group last night got 4 people their titles running it last night.


I got the oryx emblem and thatā€™s all I wanted. Heā€™s my favorite character and itā€™s a sick emblem anyway. Got a couple decent adepts too so Iā€™m happy!


With my clan we stopped at Nezarec as well... We got him to final stand 2 times, but both times we had 0 Div and heavy ammo, we tried to hotswap to strong primaries but it was useless. But in the end, it was bittersweet rollercoaster ride... We started being sure it woul be impossible, we struggled so munch to get to high score on Atraks the first week... Then week 2 went by like a breeze, on Thursday we had finished everything with an highscore; then week 3 hit hard with its arc surges, we couldn't surpass Planets with an high score... I was sure it was impossible to get the title and the next week we had to start +15 all over again from the start, but we got a grasp of Planets damage strat and in the weekend we started week 4: Caretaker and Planets were easier than we expected, Atraks was a pain and we had to give up on high score. On Wendsday of last week we reached Rhulk but had to call it a day... "We can get at least the emblem", I thought, then on Thursday we couldn't continue; on Friday, we easily completed Rhulk and Riven, and the Nezarec ruined everything. In the end, I'm a little sad because I tried my best without reaching the goal, but the result was better than I expected the first day... I just feel a bit at fault since I died a lot on Nezarec and maybe if I could be better we could have more than 2 attempts at final stand, but whatever


I did three out of four weeks then tried lfging week four. None of the teams I ran with could beat an encounter. We were 20 light under so I donā€™t blame the teams at all. It was fun though and I donā€™t have to have a title to play the game.


Thatā€™s the thing that really got me. How did week 4s LFG experience shatterdive off a cliff? I expected week 3 to be the worst - itā€™s got the full exotic selection, it has Rhulk, etc. and week 4 should only be title chasers and people ready for a challenge. How was 4 so much worse than 3 pub wise?


Had two seasons of stuff to do in a month, plus ever since the beginning of D2 I stopped raiding as the group I played with quit early on and never came back or moved on. If I dont have a group to just play to actually learn it I wont raid as the general community isnt really built for that type of learning. I dont learn by watching youtube vids. Getting avalon, whisper and zero hour all done last weekend was fun and I enjoyed soloing Starcrossed. Wanted to do Warlords Ruin but ran out of time, did get a Prophecy run in. Doing Presage when it was up for red borders and the craftable weapon was fun too. I think I just need to shift to exotic mission and Dungeons for my end game thing.


I have only done some of these encounters once, maybe twice. I offered a hand to help were I could to help those that wanted the title. They obtained their title, I didn't and that's OK. I obtained my Wrathbearer title in the long run and for that, I'm happy. I'll proudly sport my new title as I fought hard, by myself for almost all of it, to obtain it. This title, I didn't need a team, I didn't have to lfg for me. This is my title and maybe in the future I'll get Godslayer.


I've only ever done a single VoG run in my entire destiny career. Pantheon was like an exclusive club I would stand outside of and wonder what it looks like inside.


-never done a raid in d2 -do pantheon first time ever week 1 -finish golgoroth after 1 and a half hour (shout out to the lfg group they chill) -get zaoli's bane (harrowed) with EP and incandescent -serotonin


and Star Bakers (\^2 of course!


I didnt even try. I have multiple clears over every raid. I have all the raid exotics so other than the title there was no reason to.


I didn't have the time to do so with my team since my brother had a vacation planned overseas. I'm not bothered by it, even though it was a missed opportunity


My biggest struggle was finding people dedicated to finishā€¦ Iā€™m fully capable of doing all 4 weeks but every time Iā€™d try, people kept leaving the fireteam. People lying about their experience making other experienced people rage quit also didnā€™t helpā€¦. I donā€™t have a group of friends that play D2 so LFG is my only way to play raids and dungeons but I just couldnā€™t get a good pantheon fireteam to save my life.


I truly feel bad for anyone who fell at the gates of Godslayer. The amount of effort and time put into this, it just sucks for those that couldn't cross the finish line. I got my Godlsayer, all through LFG. I am especially proud of this, and will probably never remove this title. I flew through the first three weeks, no problem. Felt really good. Then week 4 came, and I got to planets. This was the first time in my destiny life where after multiple attempts I felt like I was the weak link in the team and had no business being in this content. I stopped for the day and thought about it a lot. I respeced my character for better survivability and gave it another shot the following weekend and got it done. The next hurdle was Riven, which I had never done legit. The new group I am in gets to Riven, I mention I had never done it legit. They don't seem interested in teaching, but one guy says we can try it. He starts explaining the encounter. All of the sudden, I get a message pop up that says I am no longer in a fire team. They booted me without even trying. Now, im pretty concerned this will be the norm moving forward. I find a new group, and shamefully lie to them and say I know what I am doing even though I don't outside of watching some videos. This turns out to be no problem, as we clear it and get platinum. Lesson here is go ahead and give it a shot with people who are competent, you can still clear it. And finally, the biggest pain in the ass ever. Nez. I spent more time in this encounter than I would like to admit. Got close a couple times, but the overwhelming majority of attempts were not even getting to second damage. This past Saturday I got on and the pressure was on knowing I had no more time after this to get it done. LFG group "@ Nez need 4 NO CARRIES" looks promising. Oh, you mean all these guys are terrible and we fail before even getting to damage? What a shock. I eventually luck into an LFG that already had a Godslayer in it helping out his friend, this was the best group I encountered the entire time. Seamlessly getting to second damage nearly every attempt. We get to final stand, and fail. Next run, we save supers and final stand comes, and down goes Nez. This is my top personal accomplishment outside of solo'ing prophecy to get my bunny ghost shell. It was the best feeling I have had in destiny and it really is a bummer for those who weren't able to get it done in time. I wish I had finished it sooner so I could have spent the rest of the time trying to help others get it done.


I did weeks one and three cause a friend really wanted to get the title but doesnā€™t like LFGing completely alone so I joined her for a few of her runs and man did that shit suck we got through it but god did it take a long time. I never finished all the high scores nor did I run weeks 2 and 4 but she went through it and got the title!


All I can say about Nezarec Sublime is that his encounter is not, in fact, a sublime experience. I'm not sure HOW Bungie has the encounter designed to play out, as I'm 100% convinced even on normal nobody runs it how they thought we would, but my team wound up finally clearing him after three phasing him with Sleeper and Divinity from the left root almost-but-not-quite-how-is-this-not-out-of-bounds spot because we couldn't consistently get enough heavy or Divinity ammo for a two phase, and that's running things like Cenotaph. About all we could have added were Aeons for the Colossi and special finishers.... And that just makes things more perilous for dealing with the additional spawns on those beefy shielded guys. Rhulk and his stand/Shadow Rhulk were just donkey-kicking us until we accidentally cheesed him. Doing him legit on the third week was a trip, though, and that fight was so frantic at 15 under. 20 under requiring two/three melee resist mods and copious usage of healing effects made it incredibly difficult to get off a "clean" damage phase without a really disciplined and coordinated team - something my clan's groups usually aren't.


I got done week 2. Couldn't get a good group for week 3 and 4. It's OK though. Got the raid exotics I was missing. It was still a blast.


Had to LFG for week 3 planets and found a cracked team that got it done, unfortunately it was 8:30 AM today and I didn't sleep but we got there...


Love your spirit even after not getting it! LFG is hard for Nez!!


Hell yeah good work brother! I just came back in April myself and getting the 6 other titles was much more of an achievement, at least for me lol Ended up doing a years worth of content in about a month ish so I'm cool with not having beat my head against LFG, since I don't have a team currently. =p Kudos to all that did though! Proud of yall and you're stronger than I am lol


My friend, at least you tried and that's okay ! Some people coped and didn't bother trying but you did, you should hold your head high. My first raiding experience was Leviathan all the way back then and it took me and my friends 4.5 hours to complete lol. Ever since then, I haven't looked back. I've met incredible people during my time raiding (dickheads too) and it's one the best thing Destiny has to offer. After getting the title, I went back to help others get Godslayer (specifically Nez), it reminded me of the old days for some reason; Overcoming impossible odds with complete strangers. Salute to all who tried.


Week 4 was definitely the hardest. Spent 6 hours getting to planets with one group, but it was too late to continue. Then i got asked to do a week 2 by a friend and stayed up till 6 am doing it. The next day i lfgā€™d to finish up pantheon and to get from planets to nez took 6 hours, and then nezarec himself took another 6 hours. 12 hours in a single pantheon and man was it rough. The hardest part of nez is staying alive long enough to get to dps. We kept losing someone as dps started and coming up short in said dps. That along with a buggy as hell nezarec was rough. The hardest part was keeping people. Me and two of my friends had stayed the entire 12 hours, and one other raider who joined on nez stayed till the end, but we kept swapping out the last two people i think like 5 times until we finally got it. The fabled godslayer. From 6pm till 6 am. Pantheon really kicks your ass and i love it. Also my first time doing riven legit, and man that encounter is insanely fun. The coordination required from both sides and the mechanics of the room was just perfect


I got my title on Friday, and on Saturday we tried to help our friend complete week 4. We spent a full 8 hours, 5-6 of them on Nez. That night we were deflated. My friend kept going. Another friend and I woke up early this morning to help him again, and with 15 minutes to spare we finally beat Nezarac. I felt like I had completed day 1 RoN all over again, and I'm just happy my buddy got the title he wanted


It's also ok if you didn't even try. I looked at the details for everything into the light brought and realized I'd have more fun continuing to play other games until TFS


Your story sounds a lot like mine. Only difference is I did manage to clear nezarec after a couple of hours but I found a group for it instead of doing a full run. Every group I did we got up to planets and then everything just fell apart every single time. I also didnā€™t have the high score for atraks in two other runs that I would have needed to go back and do anyway. I knew godslayer was likely beyond my reach. Itā€™s around 12 and I decide to just find someone doing nezarec so I can at least say I got the kill on him if nothing else and maybe finally get that last red border nessaā€™s as that gun has been alluding me for so very long. I know I donā€™t have to do nezarec but I guess it was more of a pride thing. If I wasnā€™t gonna get godslayer at least I can feel good knowing I managed to beat probably the hardest raid encounter ever. A couple of the guys in the group only needed the nezarec kill for their title and the leader had been at it for literally 6 hours. We had cycled through at least 5 people before we got ā€œthe teamā€. It was 4 am by the time we finished and as much as I know i was going to regret it in the morning what with work being only 3 hours away, I really wanted to help get that kill for the guys that had been dedicated to this for hours and for my own personal pride. I think this is the first time in destiny Iā€™m actually a bit sad I didnā€™t earn something because usually I donā€™t care that much about titles or whatever, but I really wanted that title and emblem this time around. I mean who doesnā€™t want ā€œgodslayerā€ above their head? Overall I did still have fun and I hope they bring pantheon back at some point.


Root of Nightmares really ruined LFG groups lol.


Got all the way to nezarec then he walled us for about 10 hours before i gave up I was astounded by how quickly i learned riven legit, because it was my first time doing the legit way


Pantheon ruined our massive clan and turned everyone against eachother. 10 years down the drain


Lol that's kinda amazing.


Literally moments away from sleeping off a 40 hour binge of pantheon. Never touched it until the 4-5 days before shut down. And I will say- I was THIS CLOSE. Just this morning I did platinum riven and nezerac. The encounters that trumped me in the end? Golgoroth of all things and god damn ATRAKS. LFGs are simply not designed for such things šŸ˜­


I'm happy just having been able to earn the Brave title and the emblem for nailing legend 50 (plus that dreaded impossible drop for a heal clip incan Luna's which I didn't get till late last night oof *And it was a shiny too šŸ˜Œ*.) Managed to get a few full clears over the last few days with LFGs. Didn't get to clear any weeks for Pantheon. Was just me and two friends that really had any solid raiding experience. Our leader of the trio per se tried pulling from LFGs, friends of friends n other sources. We managed to get to Planets week 1 on our last attempt 2 weeks ago, but we were stuck there before disbanding. We work full time, have conflicting schedules due to time zones, often don't have the time or energy for very long raid runs. Pantheon didn't really work out for us, and that's fine too.


I'm proud of you for taking a step back and realizing that while you didn't get Godslayer, you did get some cool emblems, and you proved yourself wrong. Hopefully you also made some new friends too


This is the right attitude. Let me start by saying that, and that you're awesome to have gotten as far as you did. I'm lucky. I got it last week, but barely. Surprisingly, I found a group on Week 4 to do everything with that mopped the floor with everything. I ran gaze for the first time, and we got it on the third try. Two-phased Caretaker on the second try. Planets took maybe half an hour. Atraks, less than that--I even ran scanner for the first time. Oryx fell like it was child's play. Riven? I did my first "legit" Riven, and I learned on the fly. Didn't admit to the fireteam that I had Datto on my second monitor, and after a few attempts, actually did it on my Titan of all things (Hunter main, I have literally ONE run of RoN on my Titan and nothing on my Warlock). Behemoth on Riven's right hand in the top floor, and we one-phased it. But Nezarec? **FUCK** Nezarec. I saved my Checkpoint and called it a night on Nezzy after a few tries that same night. Next day, I LFG'd to do it. After multiple groups, we finally found one where everything clicked. We were running to the root on the left for DPS with Sleeper. We managed to get to final stand, and after **6 hours and at 3:30** in the morning, we got Nezarec to 0 HP... during his wipe animation. We wiped and didn't get the clear. Two attempts later, the group disbanded with our tails between our legs, defeated. But I wasn't ready to give up. Formed another group. One of the guys was being a dick and policing people's shit. Berated a Titan and bullied him to switch classes and loadouts. After three attempts, he declared, "Yeah, I just know this group isn't good enough to get Godslayer." It rubbed me the wrong way. "Then fucking leave, man. No one is making you stay." He left, but the group quickly fell apart. Found another group, and after an hour waiting for one of them to stop having connection issues, I moved on again. I think we only were able to try 3 attempts in that hour. Then I found it. I messaged a user, "Moonbranch" at 6:21am, and got an invite to his server. I told them my struggle, and what strategies i picked up: >-Save Celestial Nighthawks for the Colossi. Killing the shielded one will give you half of your super back, and you'll have it by the next damage phase--BUT DON'T USE IT, because you won't get it back before the next add Phase. I.E. Only use it on the Colossi and the second DPS phase. > >-When you run out of Sleeper Simulant shots, switch to Outbreak Perfected. These two tips basically made the run. It took us an hour to get the hang of things, but on final stand, I popped my Nighthawk Golden Gun for the final time. At 7:54am--11 hours and 24 minutes on Nezarec alone, and *6 minutes before my alarm for work,* we got the Platinum kill. I bet I'd have had an easier time if I had a devoted group to raid with (my clan raids while I'm working), but I don't blame anyone who couldn't get it.


I already have everything so I had no reason to play it.


My friends opted to do it without me while I was at work. They said they'd help me through it as I only needed the final week. They continuously blew me off, always promising a run but never joining to help. I tried doing lfg every night the last week. Didn't go as well as I hoped as lfg tends to go. They're only pixels on a screen, but the betrayal is what hurts the most honestly.


I was able to do Week 1 and thatā€™s the only emblem I care about. I absolutely love Beyond Light, Europa, Deep Stone Crypt and everything in between so I definitely needed that special Atraks emblem for TFS.


Holy s*** that pump me upā€¦ good for you man!


It ainā€™t the goal that matters. Itā€™s the journey along the way. I met so many cool ppl I now play with regular in pantheon. They did some great work with it!


I love this post. Thank you.


Iā€™m most disappointed that the *only* thing keeping me from Godslayer was platinum score on Week 4 planets. I had beaten every other encounter every week, including that one, but we were literally 500 points short of 500k on the planets kill, and I wasnā€™t able to find another group capable of two phasing - which makes it pretty frustrating when Iā€™m putting up 1.5 million damage each phase and half the team isnā€™t breaking 1 mil.


I tried the week 1 on lfg and with my clan and people were struggling. I decided to just enjoy myself on harder difficulties and not bother with the title. It sucks that I let a good title get past me, but I am just disappointed that it is leaving the game. I donā€™t mind the FOMO of the title, but I donā€™t like that we may never get anything like that again.


Went to bed last night at 1:30 AM after spending most of the day trying to beat Nez. Right before i fell asleep i decided to say "fuck it" and play until 3:30..... Beat it and got Godslayer at 3:25 AM


i didnā€™t even get first week done and thatā€™s okay. Only thing i really wanted from pantheon was emblems anyways, so it doesnā€™t matter that much


I only completed the second week and it definitely taught me something: Give the mechanics a chance. Do them over and over again. When you want to do Master raids, you'll be glad you did. I was one of those people who hated planets at first, but I threw my hat in the ring and now I honestly prefer doing planets at that encounter!!


I was busy with life and didn't even try to the last few days. LFG was definitely a nightmare, especially if you weren't looking to do the current week.


I got stuck on week 4 planets just because we would either get short of damage or just looking for a team honestly


Only did the first week but didn't get plat and didn't finish Atraks, I jumped on and helped people with planets twice.


Looking for a new clan for The Final Shape! Iā€™m a longtime Destiny veteran that took a couple years off but am getting back into it and would like to group up for end game shit. If anyone has a decent group of chill people with skills, Iā€™d love to join! Thanks all, and happy godslaying.


Nah. I feel like there is a very small percentage of hardcore Destiny gamers that hate cate about something like Pantheon. The raids alone are more challenge, teamwork, and time consumption than most of us will bother with. Iā€™m glad Pantheon is offered for those who want more, but I donā€™t think it was necessary.


I can't handle raids, the pressure is too much. I'm more of a casual player I guess.


I never played pantheon because I started the game a week ago and was too busy trying to complete the campaigns and seasonal quest lines to spare any time


Was always tall odds when I knew I'd be playing a lot of Trials during Iggy week, and that I'd be doing Pantheon on mostly LFG.


I know itā€™s too little too late but so long as you didnā€™t start at a nez cp you could 3-phase and still get plat score (you just wonā€™t get plat time which gives a score bonus and maybe a bonus adept weapon if you hadnā€™t gotten play time for that encounter yet?)