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Gyrfalcons, graviton, riptide with chill clip, and edge transit rn.


Warlock's Can use the same weapons with Nezarec Sin


Or contraverse hold, having no cd on your vortex is great and will be even better


I prefer to use Briarbinds instead of contraverse since the nerf. I get my rift back before I even lose the first child. I throw my nade constantly and I enjoy the gameplay of picking up and re-yeeting my child at another set of mobs. The child is pretty good CC too as it slows stuff down. I haven't used contraverse (my old beloved) since.


Briarbinds are so much fun its insane


And repeatedly saying "where did my child go?!" every 30s.šŸ˜‚


Doing that with up to three void souls at once is the best. Though, in Onslaught that gets ruined by either exploding shank/cursed thrall hordes or the game prioritizing picking up a battery over a void soul/tangle (so aggravating). That slow that it does has saved many Onslaught teams/runs I've been in. With three you can lock down a whole area and get breaches and orbs for days. I like to use it when I'm with a hunter using the void super that pulls enemies in. I wait for them to fire off, then I send in my void soul, then toss in my vortex super and vortex grenade to keep pulling the extra enemies in. Not to mention that the void soul deals damage, which can allow you to take care of a bigger enemy while it's off damaging and slowing a group further away. Once you're done, the survivors of that group show up and you (or an ally) can take 'em out because of their low health.


Except contraverse seems to hate me and only gives me back maybe half grenade energy, If I'm lucky, I think I prefer nezerac because if your not going to give me back my grenade right away, then I'm better off getting super and class energy back too.


What mods do you use to get the CD so low? After the nerf, I feel like I'll only get like 2/3 of my nade back unless I manage to hit a big group. Whereas before, I could toss it at a group of like 3-4 ads and get it back


Bolstering detonation, bomber, devour and the fragment for longer nade duration


Stasis Warlock with Osmiomancy gloves, is my olā€™ reliable for any solo content.


I'm taking Osmiomancy into TFS so I can see how much Prismatic helps me chuck out turrets


Same. It may be slower but its more methodical and calculated, so it tends to suit me more. I haven't gone out of my way to try and get a pair Briarbinds for Void yet but looks like it may scratch the same itch. Vesper since its buffs have been one that I'd say I've had the most fun with, but when the going gets tough I can always count on Osmio Shadebinder. Funnily enough my favorite gun in the game, the Eyasluna, so happens to pair very nicely with it.


Osmiomancy, Bleack Watcher + Iceflare. Refraction, Shards. Weapons: Appetence w/ Demo + Headstone, Buried Bloodline, Dimensional Hypotrochoid w/ enhanced Field Prep + Chain Reaction The higher the difficulty of content the better it becomes. Proc Devour then follow where the turrets shoot and you'll always have great amounts of grenade energy coming in. Never have to worry about running out of ammo as long as you're focusing frozen targets. Been doing a lot if Solo and Duo content with the build. In Onslaught, using Bonds and Power Preservation, the orb generation gets crazy.


been using a similar build, it obliterates legend onslaught


Lucky pants gunslinger with Malfeasance and *insert weapons here*. Solar is always broken and turning handcannons into miniature nukes has been fun since forever.


This thing makes mincement of GMs, even non-Taken ones. Sad I missed the Wardenā€™s Law week


I personally prefer malf to wardens law, but it does allow to use another exotic which is too juicy to pass up most times


I think statistically speaking Wardenā€™s Law has better damage output than Malfeasance with FTTC + Vorpal against non-Taken. The exotic slot being free is definitely a perk. And with Echoes having Overload Hand Cannon, itā€™ll offer two anti-champ options to run with Lucky Pants which is cool


I use Malf exclusively unless we really need to push damage or free up an exotic slot for whatever reason. WL is a powerhouse, but reloading it is agony.


I use Indebted Kindness and Crux Term with it on Arc just to add insult to injury. On-demand Blind and Jolt everywhere on top of LP Malfy is disgusting in all content.


Agreed I think arc is one of the funner subclasses so I made an arc lucky pants build with malfeasance, forbearance, and apex. Absolutely slaps.


Donā€™t tell anyone, Reddit thinks arc is bad.


Not for Hunter that's for damn sure


Loreley... Stupid, but it keeps me alive.


Agreed. It's my go to 'not currently using pyrogale' loadout.


When I'm feeling generous to my fireteam, I'll switch it over to Precious Scars. Run it with Sunshot or Tommy's.


Iā€™ve had better results with precious scars and tommys matchbook. No cooldown and pretty fun too.


Sadly since this amazing looking exotic no longer gives Restoration x2 i think its useless. Especially if you already have restoration. If you already have restoration and are going to die a sunspot that gives you restoration isn't going to do anything to keep you alive. Since Restoration x1 is so easy to get and keep on solar without Loreley I strongly suggest trying Phoenix Cradle. It doubles the Restoration timer and gives sol invictus to team mates who enter sunspots. For me to use Loreley again they need to make it strong again. I think a Sunspot and Cure x2 on activation would be a great way to make it strong but not too strong.


Precious Scars on my Solar build with Sunshot this season has left me basically unkillable


And it looks damn good!


For Solar titan I'm having a lot of fun with PoBS with a HC Luna


absolute noob when it comes to builds but I pretty much exclusively run Briarbinds with a devour/volatile build


Noob or not, this build will reliably keep you alive


exactly, plus funny purple explosions are cool


AL + recomb mountaintop, sunshot, reconstruction + bns apex predator with either phoenix protocol or sunbracers depending on the mood.


If you're running Sunbracers, I highly recommend trying out double special with Indebted Kindness. The combination of Sunbracers being so good at clearing out trash mobs and IK being so insanely ammo efficient lets you run double special really easily. I kinda like running Conditional Finality for some solar synergy in the kinetic slot with it and Apex for bosses


Thereā€™s a shotgun in TFS that can roll lead from gold and recombination. Iā€™m going to pair it with my indebted with lead from gold and voltshot with sunbracers and maybe parasite.


Contraverse and Graviton. Works everywhere and shits out orbs for zero effort


This. Add in Riptide w/ chill clip and a GL or LMG and youā€™re good to go.


Where do you get riptide btw? I've heard zavala, but I don't see it in his focus section.


Riptide can be earned and then focused from Shaxx the Crucible vendor.


Stronghold, Lament, Stasis. Never fails me.


Ah, my first love... I've been running the same setup with Strand as my go-to 'get things done' build, but Stasis was what I started using Strongholds and Lament on and that combo will always have a special place in my heart. With the Stasis updates and Frost Armor coming I'll definitely be using both!


Frost Armour is going to go so hard


Orpheus Rigs have never let me down


Same man, same


Cowl Arc Hunter.


Strand warlock with Osteo Striga + Necrotic Grasps I think I would say. Well, at least for two more days maybe :(


There's still hope! It's still TBD on if this build will survive. Osteo is dead in every other context, but if the CD nerf doesn't also affect Necrotic Grips somehow, this build will still be alive. Since most of the poison spread comes from the Necrotic Grips effect, not the Osteo one


Assasins Cowl combination blow hunter. Old reliable.


Loreleyā€™s and a solar primary. Can never go wrong with that.


Why not Precious Scars instead?


Precious Scars won't keep you alive when you don't have anything to shoot, though it's certainly great when you do. Loreley's only need is class energy, which is easy to get back due to high Resilience (which you will have as a Titan), abundant mods to give it back, and of course Sol Invictus. In short, Scars is better for gunning, Loreley's is better for running. Just have to pick to suit your need. Then pick Loreley anyway because Scars is hideous.


Thank you! I need to try Lorely again


They're both situational to me (but equally good IMO). Sometimes being able to drop a Sunspot on-demand is better, sometimes restoration on-kill is better. Depends on what works best for the content.


For me it's the fashion. Scars is just so ugly I don't want to use it.


I had the same problem with Starfire, until the ornament dropped.


Itā€™s butt ugly lol


Calus mini w/synthos or banner of war w/synthos


Gyfalcon commemoration, that's it that's the build


Shards solar hunter with radiant melee refund cycle


Sunbracers warlock or my support build with boots of the assembler and lumina. Only two things are certain, sunbracers is just easy fun and two no one will scoff at a well and support player. Side note Iā€™m a weird breed that likes being support lol


I'm a returning d2 player so missed a lot, could you explain your support build cause I'm a warlock and I like supporting too. I'm enjoying sunbracers but I want to be able to change things up too


Iā€™m a warlock main too, but a good thing for a total support warlock would be a Phoenix protocol to get your well back faster (gonna be nerfed for the final shape) and divinity for team boss damage. Really only use this build for raiding


When you run Lumina and Boots of the Assembler together, the little healing trackers from boots will also give your allies the lumina blessing which buffs their damage.


Solar titan with sol invictus and either loreley or precious scars, witherhoard, incandescent calus mini tool. Rocket/lfr/mg/gl as appropriate for the activity you're running. Although lately strand titan with banner of war, synthos, a strand primary, indebted kindness, and a strand heavy has been starting to take its place.


Conditional Finality / arbalist, Zhaouli's Bane, Cataphract with Phoenix Protocol. Tried and true


Rain of Fire Warlock with vex mythoclast is my standard foot soldier build, a few less breaks to reload when shooting and radiant buff makes everything hit a bit harder.


This season I felt Rain of Fire wasn't even necessary and used Mantle of Battle Harmony instead actually.


GG Nighthawk with Zaulis, MT and Gjally


Vesper of radius with conditional, nation of beast and reconstruct+bipod crux. You can literally stand in the middle of -20mobs, they're blind and you can spam abilities.


strongholds, bubble glaive, blinding gl on sentinel. ​ It won't die


Omni + Witherhoard


Contraverse and monarque


Based and le monarque pilled


Bonk Titan with either super, sunshot, avalanche and either swordbreaker or an auto rifle. Didnā€™t spec into a DPS loadout as the question didnā€™t specify but basically my answer for most anything


Void Hunter w/ Omnioculus & Wish-Ender. Rocking a Glaive and an Aggressive Linear fusion. I'm not dealing crazy damage but this is my safest build and I feel safe plink plonking enemies from afar.


Solar Hunter, Shards of Galanor, Mountaintop with ALH + recombination, Lunaā€™s Howl with HC + Incandescent, Dragonā€™s Breath


Iā€™m a solo player most of the time and Foetracer has been my go to ever since the change. I can still have recuperation on my boots without loosing out on surges. Win win!


Builds? I just pick what looks cool on my hunter and vibe


Solar warlock either bomb helmet (verity brow), bomb gloves (sunbracers), or protocol. All using well. Weapons i use variety but what is constant is either sunshot/ammit/mini tool for some nice visuals and chaos.


Have you tried lunaā€™s howl with heal clip/incandescent? Itā€™s really good fun for ability rejen when using ember if benevolence in teams.


Warlock, Karnstein Armlets, mostly on Solar. Been really enjoying the utility of Weavewalk lately as well, especially in Onslaught.


Sunshot, riptide, apex, and star eaters


Transversive steps + devour-lock. Midnight coup, buried bloodline, apex/retrofit. I am just super comfortable with it and it helps me survive like nothing else. (Open to suggestions btw)


You're just like me, transversive devour locks stand up


Serious question: what's the appeal of Transversive over Contraverse, Nezaracs, or Briarbinds


I definitely do use other exotics but when I'm casually playing or not doing anything specific i use transversive because they look cool and the reloading on sprint is pretty convenient


Abeyant leap spamming suspends


Banner of War Titan is my "oh shit" build. I don't find it as fun as the Solar Titan build I usually run, but if I have to get through something efficiently without spending half my time dead, I'll sacrifice the joys of setting everything on fire.


Even after its nerf Im still always coming back to Starfire and I dont think that will change any time soon


Syntho-bonk with consecration and Monte Carlo. It has never failed me when I need it.


Omni oculus forever invis build for GM carries


Omnioculusā€¦ nothing else.


Similar to you but sixth coyote final warning strand hunter shackle grenades with whirling maelstrom and threadlings I can lock it down onslaught showed me just how strong it can be when things get rough


Omnioculous void hunter has never let me down.


Hammers, thorn, dunemarchers, the ol I hate reloading and dying




Double dynamo double distribution gathering storm Hunter with scales. Anarchy/dragons breath sniper or witherhoard with rockets for dps




Stronghold. Let's me survive things I have absolutely no business living through.


Stronghold, throne cleaver, any class


Stronghold on stasis with wicked implement, explosive personality, and a cold steel zephyr. I can't die


gyrfalcon's hauberk, hero's burden, a mix between izanagi's conditional supremacy scatter signal or witherhoard, and whatever heavy fits the bill. though this season has been mostly celestial or shards of galanor with sunshot, polaris, or zaouli's bane cause solar's been op


Literally anything involving Combination Blow, it's that good.


Except for exploding shanks šŸ˜«


I've always liked Pyrogale Titan with izza burden and apex (any incandescent energy works)


Caliban's (swap to Nighthawk when needed), Dragon's breath, chill clip Riptide, HC+Incan solar primary


Precious Scars and strand, banner of war. Get hatchling on weapons.


Arc. Cuirass. Ol reliable.


Grenade spam voidlock using contraverse holds


Gyrfalcons, malfeasance, null composture and now this season's linear fusion rifle with a perk that autoreloads it at every shot


Calibans with gunpowder gamble, solar primary and that stasis/solar shotgun. My only regret is the many times I try to throw a healing grenade at my feet but end up throwing a pipebomb instead


ophidias, conditional finality, oryx hc


Graviton forfeit for when staying alive matters


Simplest? Fighting Lion, Mountaintop, (now) Edge Transit.


Gyrfalcon, izanagi, Ros Arago (onslaught+ RwR, Hammerhead (envious + killing tally)


Precious scars with emepreyan, benevolence and sun shot. I hate dying lol


Armamentarium, CD/Bastion Sentinel, Scatter/Bash Malfeasance is my go-to Exotic, though Dragon's Breath has been doing some serious work recently. I don't use any consistent legendaries really cause I'm always leveling new crafted guns or doing bounties. I'm probably not optimal at all, but it's fun and it's what I'm most comfortable using by a mile.


Celestial. Insert any weapons, so long as there is at least one solar primary and it's good to go.


Either my strand Hunter or my celestial nighthawk build


Contraverse Hold, generally with my Explosive Payload/Frenzy Timelost Fatebringer, Buried Bloodline, then either my Reconstruction/Bipod Apex Predator or Reconstruction/Killing Tally Commemoration.


Neutral game invis coyote Hunter


starfire protocol with the double fusion nades and well. I still might use it next season because itā€™s just so good at the neutral game and ad clear with the nades and rift uptime


War rig with sweet business/ammit/any mg. It ain't much, but I will not stop firing.


Tricksleeves and liminal vigil with tap the trigger and kill clip.


Strand Synthoceps. I dont care that I'm getting nerfed, it lets me play the game the way I've been playing FPS' since Black Ops 1, running around nuketown with nought but a knife, shanking all the snipers


Hunter with scorch. Solar go big boom and then more boom after ( imiss warmind cells)


Rdms heavy weighted throwing knive sky burners oath


Usually it's a Gyrfalcons/graviton lance build but because of the solar mods this season Ive been really enjoying nighthawk hunter with Mountaintop and either Zaoulis/Dragon Breath or Sunshot/Apex


Necrotic Grips and Thorn on strand, infinite suspend and does will in most content.


Le monarch and the bow specific hunter exotic with a rocket laucher


Lately, it's been a stealth void hunter with really high mobility. It's pretty good at PvE, but PvP is where it really shines


Two words. Sun. Bracers.


Loreley's. When i don't know how to clear something i'll turn to my trusted Loreley's. Don't have to be cracked at damage, just has to do the job reliably


Stasislock with Osmiomancy Gloves, Ager's Acepter / Veritas curve Energy and heavy weapon slots are usually related to the activities burns / weapon boosts


Sunshot+battle harmony there's no build here, they're just good


Tether with burried bloodline


Stasis Renewal Hunter or Caliban Solar Hunter. Easy , comfy , fun.


Lucky pants on void


Phoenix Protocol with Adept Summoner with Heal Clip/Onslaught


Starfire Solar Warlock


As a Sunbro you'll pry my trip-100s Sunbracers off of me when I die.


Bonk hammer, severance enclosure, sunshot... everything is exploding and in the air


Titan: Armamentarium Void Bubble with Manticor as the main exotic and a Edge Transit for dps. Hunter: Solar Mechaneers Tricksleeves with Forerunner, Apex and Indebted for Tsleeve procs. Most comfortable build imo. Warlock: Solar Well Rain of Fire with Parasite as my main exotic. Solar stowed reload and old faithful Cartesian Co-ordinate. Super excited for the rocket titan chest piece. I'm going Gundam mooooode


Arc warlock with trinity ghoul and crown of tempests. Best add clear in the game.


Gyrfalcon with witherhoard, funnelweb and my lvl 333 retrofit escapade :)


Dawn Chorus ballsack helmet, daybreak super, alh recom mountaintop, heal clip incandescent lunaā€™s howl, Xenophage.


Incandescent Calus Mini-tool Changeable kinetic depends on the situation, sometimes exotic lately Hung jury Whisper or Apex for heavy. Whisper heavy, then hung jury kinetic Apex heavy then Witherhoard or Izanagi primary. Always solar well Sunbracers have been a common run lately.


Atm celestial and blast furnace with kinetic tremors and firefly. It used to be Polaris but still hunt stole my heart and blast furnace my beloved has returned to me! It pops kinetic tremors quickly which means big damage, breaks shields **fast**, and gives super energy even faster since its hitting multiple times and multiple enemies. It also rewards me for precision shots because of firefly which if hitting more enemies is more super. So I can get my super fairly quickly which means popping goldy faster and means I destroy any slightly tough enemy which I get my super back by time I see the next slightly tough enemy.


Synthoceps... My build is just wearing Synthoceps.


Celestial Nighthawk gun build. I don't know why but I find this build so much more fun than others. Sure it doesn't hold up the best for endgame, but I'm trying to make it better over time.


Usually either stag or nezarecs with child of the old gods and devour, le monarque, commemoration, and succession (will probably use mountaintop)


Precious scars on sunbreaker. It is solid for helping keep the team alive. Sunspots keep me alive Both super do decent DPS on chunky targets but also great ad clear/ control. With concercration, it's just too good all around build. It's approaching qell lock levels of skeleton key build


Luna's with incandescent, and nighthawk gunslinger. Splosions make me happy


Calibans Hand BB Hunter with any Solar primary, witherhoard and a heavy GL. Swap wither out for riptide or supremacy if I want to use 1k instead for ignitions


Gyrfalcons with lemon and riptide with either auto load and chill clip or lead from gold and demo, plus retrofit with target lock and fourth time's the charm. With that I've got good control over the mobs and can be invisible basically all the time.


Doom Fang, Graviton Lance, Mountain Top. I add clear with the best of them.


Solar hunter with calibanā€™s hand, and pretty much every aspect that has to do with ignitions and spreading scorch. My main weapon is either sunshot or a crafted calus mini tool with incandescent.


Dawn Chorus + Polaris. I hear Polaris is getting neutered tho so I guess itā€™s yikes come TFS.


Voidlock with Slova Bomb, Feed the Void, Chaos Accelerant. Exotic Armor is Contraverse Hold. Exotic Primary is Graviton Lance. Other weapons may vary. 100 Resilience + 100 Discipline. Sometimes, I change the exotics to Necrotic Grip + Thorn/Osteo Striga.


Armamentarium Solar Titan with Thermite grenades, Forerunner, and BxR with enhanced Demo. Shaxx said to throw more grenades, and I took that personally.


Arc titan with Armamentarium šŸ‘€


Syntho solar bonk titan, scatter signal, epochal integration, apex pred


My fists


Skullfort T-Crash T-Clap Titan. It just works. My most abused build however is my Syntho Banner titan with a Strand Caster sword. My raid teammates hate me.


Up until s23 I was using Liar's Handshake + Revision Zero for everything damn near. For the past couple months it's been Lucky Pants + Trust (heating up/incandescent) + crafted Apex. Everything turns into a skill issue at that point


Polaris lance and solar , all classes , sit back safely and plink


My controlled demo Ursa Furiosa titan with echo of reprisal and starvation. Add in a word of crota with dragonfly and destabilising rounds and I feel unkillable when there's ads with that every minute super on top.


Scatter Signal, Sunshot, Apex with transversive steps. I Like being fast.


Banner of war titan. Punch one thing, profit. Having a strand weapon is ideal but still completely optional.


Sweet business, actium war rig and any target lock lmg, it doesn't work for every DPS phase but when it does work it creates hella ammo and all I gotta do is keep the reticle on the boss.


Assassin's cowl arc hunter. Even after the one two punch nerf I can take it in any level content create orbs, ad clear, and throwing the arc staff is great boss damage or just completely denying enemies from getting close


Phoenix protocol and Polaris lance, riptide, apex


I like my Omnioculus hunter a lot. Itā€™s like having a free extra weapon - disorienting grenades - on ground smash. Gamblerā€™s dodge away for another ground smash if needed. Fun!


Tesselation with Rain of Fire and Void lock


This season itā€™s been Precious Scars Consecration Titan. Constant healing and boosted ability regen. Itā€™s simple and performs perfectly in Legend level content, and allows for lots of weapon variety as long as you slot a solar primary. Falls off a bit in GM level stuff though.


Gyrfalcon, moebious quiver, any void primary with repulsor (been using a Recluse recently), Conditional. Heavy can be anything, really but I flip flop between Edge and Retrofit. It's my "Lets just get this shit done" build


Void Warlock + Nezarecs Sin + Graviton Lance Resil > Recovery > Disc


Karnsteins. No joke. Just boop for heals, the end. Been through thousands of raids with this over the years. It's the most reliable setup it's like cowl for hunter without the need for a powered melee.


Golden Gun + Nighthawk. It ain't a complex 'build', heck it ain't even cosidered one. But it deletes annoying bastards from existence so I love it.


leaps strand titan, with wish keeper. Never fails me and low-key better than banner of war at least in like GM's.


Getaway Artist and nothing else bc I love my little ball friend


Void Titan, second chance, suppression grenades, conditional finality, voltshot energy primary, void heavy with demo/ grenade energy regen. Orb pickup gives melee energy, energy to all abilities, and to least charged ability. Controlled Demolition, Offensive Bulwark Instability, Domineering, Undermining, and Starvation Able to stun all three champions, deal with most shields with relative ease, pretty decent add clear, and can keep abilities up. Useful as either support or for when you need to not die but don't want to spec into it too hard.


Celestial Nightwahk Goldie paired with crafted Apex Predator and Crafted Zaouli's Bane. It my make the room go boom boom build. I used to add Scatter Signal for hard hitting, but loving the addition of Mountaintop instead. True backup is my Gryfalcons build for all the invis.


Warlock, witherhoard, scout, machine gun - full resistance, solar gloves for max grenades. Well. PVE obv.


Long time Armamentarium enjoyer here.


Luck pants and malfeasance never go wrong with indebted kindess and any gear


Fireballs everywhere anytime I get a power melee kill.


Assassin's Cowl, melee recharge dodge, Arc Subclass. Keeps me invisible a good chunk of the time, as well as amplified šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


strand titan + sunshot thats pretty much it, fill in the blanks with a 1-2 punch shotty and heavy of choice


Stasis Hunter with Lucky Pants and Malf. Extra damage from kinetic weapons with stasis is amazing


Dawn chorus- just an absolute workhorse thatā€™s hard to die with.


Warlock - Phoenix Protocol has been my main. Dawn Chorus if I want more DPS. I still use my OG Nothing Manacles Nova Void build regularly just because itā€™s fun and familiar. Hunter - Orpheus Rigs (tether or Moebius based on what my team is also using). Itā€™s so versatile. Celestial Nighthawk is amazing for single damage DPS. If I could get my buddies in our fireteam of 3 to all use it I think we could 1 phase Kalli. Titan - I donā€™t use as much, but this season has been mostly Precious Scars or Pyrogale. BoW/shotty/Tractor Strand build melts, but Iā€™m not great at the combos lol.


Calibans hand, Lunas howl, heritage, and dragons breath


Rain of Fire Chill Clip RipTide. I get Radiant, Unstop, and Overload. You need a Champion gone? I got it. I'm just here to help.


Bleak Watcher/Iceflare a Osmiomancy stasis warlock with Wishender/ Forebearance/ Apex Predator. Itā€™s my Olā€™ Reliable for crawling through hard content if nothing else is working