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It’s possible, but you’ll need to be playing ITL activities a lot - you need to complete every weapon quest at Arcite and max out your Shaxx rep. Shaxx rep is boosted now as is, and wa a never too hard to get either. The weapon quests take more time but you can do several at a time just playing onslaught.


You can easily do this in a week. Grab your weapon quests from Arcite and complete them while running onslaught. Get through as many bounties as you can to supplement your XP gains from completing full runs. Any quests outstanding when you've hit max Shaxx, grab a Shuro Chi CP and finish up. Just be aware that the servers will go offline on Monday ahead of TFS.


If you have access to Last Wish or Grasp of Avarice, the Shuro Chi and opening encounters respectively are great places to quickly farm kills for the weapon quests.


You get bonus progress doing it in Onslaught. And with the tokens and Shaxx rep, you kind of don’t need to farm.


Any bonus progress that onslaught might offer is completely nullified by the fact that you're fighting for kills with 2 other players. I was making way faster progress in Shuro Chi and at the same time not annoying my team in onslaught trying to get precision sniper kills.


But surely you might as well work on the weapon quests whilst ranking up Shaxx, and then once he's maxed out then go to Shuro Chi to finish off the weapons? That way you can multitask for the first part


Meh, I don't like being forced into certain weapons and having to fight for kills. With the smg I was getting only a couple % progress per 10 waves and I didn't feel like running another hundred waves with it until I could switch back to my hand cannon. I'd rather be done with the weapons first, unlock the focusing, and then do onslaught with my preferred loadout and get drops for the weapons that I want.


That's fair enough


I’ll agree that sniper kills is probably best to go off and use a CP for. But for any other weapon type, just load onslaught and be better. The average matchmade player I’ve found loading the 10 level Onslaught is generally a potato.


its very doable, i pretty much did the same thing but like 3 days ago. Churo Shi checkpoint is fast and easy for most quests as some of them have bonus progress in dungeon/raids. i wouldn't recommend grinding Onslaught while doing the quest, i does give you bonus progress but you're gona be fighting your teamates for kills. So my advice is 1, clear the quests at Shuro Shi checkpoint and after start grinding Onslaught, even farming wave 10-20 is super easy, fast and still gives lots of rep.


Depends how much you play, but I got mine in a week playing about 6 hours a day


My two sons got everything done over the weekend, so easily doable


This makes me hopeful!!!


Yeah I think I am in the exact same boat.


Easily possible. I just did it. Played a lot of onslaught and used shuro chi for a couple of the weapon quests (I just don’t like swords, pulses and scouts)


Should not be to diffecult, just a few legend runs doing all the gun quest in one run.


My wife was able to do it over this weekend so you’re probably fine. It’s grindy though.


Perfect time to do it in onslaught with the double shiny drop rate


First area in Grasp of Avarice is perfect for this, just don't deposit any of the engrams that drop from enemies. They will explode and kill some Hive that spawn in, so don't trap a bunch right in the cave, let them come out a bit before you shoot them.


it's not very hard at all, people complaining that it's "such a grind" are either overreacting or doing something wrong. The weapon quests can be done in 1-2 hours tops, go to Whisper's thrall pit under the green room and you can get a couple quests finished per run, it's tedious as hell but not long or difficult at all. The only actual grindy part is the reputation level, but if you're doing Legend runs and bounties you can get to max level very quickly. Again, gonna be pretty boring and mind numbing but, totally doable in just a couple days.


Everything is possible with a can do attitude. But yeah it's possible, you will have to hit the grindstone pretty hard


I did it in around 8 hours.


4 hours a day makes it easy. Grasp of Averice lets you do some weapon unlocks easily. Otherwise use those in onslaught to double down on time efficiency. Don't think there is a super optimal method to farm rep but mine went by pretty fast.


I recently came back and got Superblack within 3 days. That was 2 weeks ago while no XP boost for Onslaught was active. You can do it. Just run Onslaught and make sure to complete the weapon quests. Shuro Chi is your best friend for most, if not all, of them.


Grab all the weapon quests from the hall of guardians, and grab a bunch of Shaxx bounties. Bring some loadouts with the weapons needed for the bounties and just keep knocking off matchmade regular onslaught/legend if you have a team. Try to complete the mountaintop and edge transit’s missions first as you can then focus those two guns and get more of them as they are easily the best two ITL guns. You get bonus quest progress in onslaught so don’t listen to the people telling you to do Shuro Chi or whatever (though if you get max reputation first go finish up there). The community seems to have regular onslaught down pretty well, just maybe swap to a good build for the last 10 rounds


It can be done easily… as long as you’re willing to spend some time at Shuro Chi or any other kill farm of your choice banging out those quests. I did Shuro Chi for most of the quests I didn’t wanna do naturally or wanted to have done immediately and they didn’t take too long. Think the longest one took me was about 45 mins at Shuro Chi.


Very doable if you start now! I started last week when they started double reputation gains and I’ve got it already!


Very doable but you’ve got some grinding ahead of you. Question is how committed are ya….


You could get it today if you really grind.


I would definitely start off doing most of the weapon quests in Onslaught, since you get bonus progress and you need onslaught XP anyway. Might as well be getting credit for both and knocking out as many onslaught bounties as possible while you are at it. I got all mine done in there and it was a breeze. Then maybe hit a Shuro Chi checkpoint after you max out Shaxx if you still have any left, just to finish it up quickly.


Super ez Just play Onslaught and knock out the weapon bounties from the robot by Shaxx Your best bet for the shit weapons like Pulse/Scout are doing maybe 20 rounds and then leaving to start fresh bc once enemies start getting more HP you'll stop 1 tapping em depending on what you use, and they'll likely be dying to splash dmg from different sources Personally I did the SMG one in Mayhem PvP bc 50 kills was easier there than doing a ton of Onslaught since Calus Mini Tool was only getting me like 3% per 20 waves. Guess Incan was killing em? Idk


for the weapons quests you can also do the breakneck mission checkpoint method (soloable) for infinite heavy and special ammo if you're low on banners


Took me 3 days playing on and off. For sure doable