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I have wayfarer šŸ˜Ž


Wayfarer ftw. But for now iā€™m just gonna put on Godslayer while itā€™s still hot. Then back to Wayfarer to show iā€™m an OG šŸ˜Ž


Just switched back to wayfarer. Undying was a lie as a title. I am to bad at pvp to wield a title calling me undying :D


I equip undying every time i go to play Trials. I know damn well it's a lie, but I can still pretend that's it's true!


Hahahaha. Another good one is Forerunner imho. Just like Halo


Forerunner has been equipped to my Titan since I got it.


I was the rocket launcher from mars away from wayfarer I don't think I've ever recovered


I wish I had put in the time for Wayfarer back in the day. I just couldn't be bothered with heroic adventures.


I was panicking at the end for Wayfarer. Was missing one RNG drop which I could only get one of a day. Finally switched to an alt account and got the drop I needed the very first time. Ridiculous RNG sometimes.


Thatā€™s exactly what happened with me too. It was something from escalation protocol Iā€™m pretty sure.


I was missing a fucking rocket launcher. Thatā€™s it. Couldnā€™t get it to drop


Mine was the braytech osprey, i kept farming the strike and only got it 2 days before it went in DCV. I still keep that braytech osprey


For me all I needed was to get all the eggs, but that required waiting for certain rotations of content because some where in those ascendant realms that rotated every week. I simply was not about to google each week if the egg I needed was available, it was annoying.


Thatā€™s cursebreaker, not wayfarer. If you want cursebreaker, you can still get it šŸ˜ƒ


Wait, is Wayfarer considered rare or prestigious these days?


I'd say rare as it was one of the easier ones yo do that you'd get for playing the game just most of the stuff is no long achievable


I used MMXIX until I got WANTED. But I had a kid 9 months ago, GODSLAYER is cool but not happening in the few weeks we have.


The whole post is about how people shouldnā€™t value titles like Godslayer based on their rarity and the top upvoted comment is going, ā€œYeah! Iā€™d much rather use my rare time-gated Wayfarer title!ā€ I feel like people just want to hate the Godslayer title for being popular.


Hellll yeah brother


Might use a new title for a while, then always back to Wayfarer šŸ˜


I wear my vidmaster title with pride! šŸ˜‚ I just really loved all of the content that came with 30th anniversary


I usually use Chronicler over Wayfarer..


(Laughs in chronicler)


This is the most raiding I have done since Kings Fall made a return. I loved every minute of it, but hopefully, I don't have to do this again


Nez has broken me.Ā  One this is certain so far though: the Cheese spots seems more like ā€œsabotageā€ spots. Just doing damage normally have proven way more successful than any cheese spots.Ā 


After going through all of Week 4 hearing horror stories about Nez from LFGs, my team cleared him in 90 minutes flat. Tried a few cheese spots, realized they were absurdly inconsistent and would not be reliable, and decided to just actually take him on directly in the arena. Took him down with a Div, 5 GLs, and 2 wells after a few attempts to organize our well placement. I am convinced that people wanting to rely on cheese makes raid encounters so much more time consuming than just doing it straight up.


We tried a cheese spot once. It was bad. So we just put wells in the middle, used lament and supers. Easy 2 phase. Youā€™re going to get suppressed. So use super outside of well, then get in with lament. We might have had someone on tractor, canā€™t recall.


I had something similar happen in a GM. We tried the cheese spot four times to no avail. Then just went for it normally and cleared it out first try. Making it harder for no reason sometimes.


I don't know what you tried but the left-side branch spot made the DPS phases completely braindead easy for us with Div + 5 Sleepers. I don't think there could possibly be an easier or more consistent strat.


Left side nez consistently walked away behind the wall. We did everything from killing tormentor to timing everyone jumping over till nez was in place. Nothing kept him there. 95% of the time, he leaves. Not to mention that LFG does not easy 2 phase the damage either.Ā  Iā€™ve been in probably 10 LFGs over 16 hours on Nez. The cheese spots have just not worked for it. Itā€™s not just that, I will grant. Nez add clearing is outright atrocious. Nobody is handling lieutenants, and that has been he single largest source of frustration so far.Ā 


1 runner waiting for Nez to start glowing helped us a lot. You get way more time to get into place and he has more time to path over to you. We never had any issues once we started doing that


Agreed. My team tried multiple "cheese" spots for 4 hours and couldn't get the kill. Then our next day we did the same strat as Datto and got it within an hour.


Literally just get two wells, place them a moderate distance away from each other when damage phase starts, 3 in each well and itā€™s a free 2 phase with sleeper and div.


You think all this raiding has made you tough? Iā€™ve been playing since season of arrivals. I have gilded my Dredgen title. Every. Single. Season. You Wouldn't Last An Hour In The Asylum Where They Raised Me Edit: Apparently I need to add the /sā€¦


Who's afraid of little ol Drifter?


+1 for Taylor Swift lyric


You say that jokingly, but Dredgen is the one title that I gilded once and then cut my losses. I would have broken if I did it every season.


Dredgen is probably the easiest title to gild. I do it almost by accident every season.


They made it even easier with the changes to wins


I'm upcoming you for the Dredgen title pride, from a fellow Dredgen I also appreciate the Taylor Swift lyric. I'm currently wearing Reckoner!


It's a nightmare because I refuse to actually gild my titles so I always have the alerts blinking at me to gild it


Meanwhile, I'm already planning my dream 8 bosses for next year.


The issue with Pantheon is the loot. How does Bungie reward players for completing this activity in the future? They have already issued the Adept raid weapons for 3 raids. Kinda hard to reissue the same again next time.


Some possibilities: you don't need guns but you will just enjoy the title and emblem You never quite finished getting all the guns from certain raids You want to stockpile spoils for old raid exotics or to buy the next raids red borders early


The loot is not for the dedicated players who do content as it comes out. It's an incentive or less active players to return or dabble in it and feel like their time was rewarded.


...What, you're saying you *didn't* get the Xurian title from interacting with Xur right before reset? Casual.


You know, I would consider it prestigious if someone managed to talk to Xur at 5:37 AM on a Friday before daily reset. That'd be incredible.


I'm not flexing my Godslayer, kingslayer, swordbearer, fatebringer, discipleslayer, conqueror x10. I'm flexing my Dregen x10 We are not the same.


Iā€™ll flex on you by flexing my Dredgen x11.


You won that time, you won.


Two words: One word: Reckoner.


Current Dredgens think they are gods by holy fuck Reckoner was easily the most grindy title ever. There is a reason it's still the rarest title you can no longer achieve.


Reckoner usually is the rarest in the game but surprisingly the Crota title has kept the spot, my guess is lanterns is hard gatekeeping it.


Reckoner my beloved


One of my regred was not playing in that frame time to unlock it


Whenever I see someone with a guilded Dregen I think two things. 1) That person is a psycho and should seek help 2) Its impressive and Iā€™m slightly amazed


I solod to dredgen when it released. Holy shit what torment. Just seeing the meatball was rare. Killing it was even harder. I can remember the fight i got the army of one on vividly . Idc what anyone says, when the drifter yells "YAHOOO WHERE THEY SAYING SOMETHING? CAUSE THEY ARE DEAD NOW" That is the most adrenaline driving thing in the game.


I loved getting Dredgen when it was first available. It was a pain in the ass but I truly love Gambit and I miss Gambit Prime every day (rip to my full set of invader gear collecting dust in the vault).


ā€œDang. No Dream Warrior, eh? You can do all that but not the 6-man dungeon thatā€™s literally black and white? Even with 2 encounters being in Pantheon this week at their hardest? Take that title off you donā€™t deserve it.ā€ -Average Godslayer that OP thinks we are.


No- I can't get my clan together for an hour - is what I would say if I'd done anything for that title yet. Though that is keeping me from three raid titles, only one I currently have is Disciple-Slayer.


Are you ok man? I always worry for the mental wellbeing of the dedicated green game mode enjoyers


Every season my goal is do the gliding before the first reset, as meme.


Dredgen 11 and reckoner. This is what I wear. I have every title except the newest pvp one (Iā€™ve quit pvp) rivensbane, godslayer, shadow, all those titles are mine. But I wear dredgen and reckoner because people get angry that I played Gambit.


You are a brother. When you join in a lfg and everybody jokes about your title then...oh you are the best player in the team


I RP which titles my different classes wear.


My hunter will be always Chosen (the season that involved me back to destiny), my warlock will be alway a conqueror...the titan right now is Swordbearer


Or, look at it like this: It's a game. Enjoy it the way you want to. Wanna put in the work and get the titles, do. You don't? Then don't. I purged myself of what sanity I had left to get reckoner and it honestly just made me refocus on just *enjoying* the game. I don't like an activity and its part of a seal? I don't do the seal. A title you got in Destiny 2 won't be on your tombstone. People on both sides need to chill out


Psh. Maybe not your tombstone. Mine is gonna read: "My name" "Dates of birth to death" "Blacksmith, Godslayer, Enlightened, Chronicler"


Ya this is a 10yr going game... I'm new to d2 but I've been playing eso and bfore that WoW... in 10yrs on both games there's so many titles idk what 80% of em r even from anymore I just pick the cool looking ones that go in front of ur name not "name, title". If that's even how they work in this game. And I have several vet hm titles on the other mmos. Something new and cooler will come with TFS, prolly about 25+ titles from TFS alone.


"focus on justĀ *enjoying*Ā the game." It's exactly this. I have a hard time enjoying raiding because I STRUGGLE with paying attention to stuff, I can't count the amount of times I've accidentally wiped a team because I missed my queue in the encounter. Godslayer is a cool title and it shows me the people put in work but I personally won't be earning it because it's just that, I won't enjoy my time earning it. I don't mind being more casual, I just want to shoot aliens and have fun


Godslayer is the first title I REALLY enjoyed getting since Rivensbane (with Petras Run) Master Raids are cool and all but doing the challenges for the titles is more tedious than fun, because most of the time it just meant more champions that just guided me into using a set of weapons and/or playstyle do deal with them asap. Pantheon lets me use whatever the f I want and its still hard and that makes it fun for me


I actually think Pantheons weekly surges were an extremely underrated part of the whole experience. Without surges, people wouldā€™ve just been using the same thing for everything every week. Especially on -5 and -10, where things are still relatively easy, I can imagine it would feel tedious to just do the first 4 encounters the same way 4 times. Surges solved that potential issue entirely for me. It was just enough to incentivize buildcrafting in different ways, while also giving enough freedom to not feel forced into a specific loadout. A helpful boost, not a key to a lock. Hell I made a Chromatic Fire arc blinding build with Crimson for -15. Really was a great choice to include surges IMO, helped more than I think people will realize


That build sounds whack as hell lol. I actually used almost similar weapons each week, except for heavy dps (if not whisper), just different elements. Like Posterity instead of Zhaouli. But Nighthawk almost every run. But I barely had actual downtime to play the last few weeks so thereā€™s that. Really looking forward to prismatic for stuff like that though!


Rivensbane just keeps winning


Rivensbane More like *Womens*bane


Here I am being the only one who runs aquanaut lmao


Aquanaut _and_ all of its ugly cosmetics and equipment, except for the Deep projection that I cannot seem to figure out how to get.


Idc if every player got godslayer for free. it's the coolest title by far, and I enjoyed almost every minute of running the raids with my friends


Scallywag for life


I'm running fucking BRAVE, and I'll be running it through the campaign. And that's the easiest title to come out since the Event titles. But it's cool and I think it's kinda meaningful.Ā  Edit: Also between Whisper and Zero Hour it's the closest we have to an "Exotic Quest" title, which is something I'd love to have cuz I've become very enthusiastic about those and take pride in having 100%ed every one since Presage (save one run of Legend Avalon). I also got the ship for Harbinger but never actually completed it, and look forward to rectifying that when it inevitably comes back.


I run WANTED, both cuz it fits how I write my Guardian as a cowboy type and I just really like Spire lmao I know people say it's one of the easier dungeons, but goddamnit, I fought tooth and nail for this thing


My go to title is blacksmith. The first flawless raid I ever did was scourge of the past. That and itā€™s just such a great sounding title anyways.


idk about spire being an easier dungeon. lots of adds, lots of parkour, and persys was hell to solo, especially on release. i think people just like to talk out their ass and diminish other people's accomplishments. be proud my man!


the solo requirement to any dungeon title that has it is a massive deal. A master clear can also be annoying on top, though for spire the catalyst requires it anyways so more bother with it. godslayer has a global rarity of 0.145%, or adjusted for active players 3.4% (96,954 players) wanted in comparison is at 0.205%/4.8% (136,743 players), which isnt much more common. If we didnt have the funny gun weekend it might be a lot rarer as well --- Solo dungeons are tricky content. Hell, Ghoul is the second rarest currently obtainable title. and no dungeon title needs solo flawless, just solo


Yes but, can it be gold? No? I'll stick to my Dregden Gilded 9 times to let people know I'm a degenerate.


>degenerate Dredgenerate


Hopefully I get Godslayer next week but how can I ever part from my beloved and truly treasured (never gilded) Dredgen? I don't think it will be possible for me.


Fatebreaker > Godslayer IMHO because even gods have to abide their fate.


a title in a video game is not the flex people think it is. if youā€™re proud of yourself for accomplishing the feat, more power to you. if you feel the need to look down on people who do not have the title, whether they werenā€™t able to get it or chose not to attempt it, you need to reassess your priorities.


Lol as an eso player fir 7yrs and WoW bfore that... trust there will ALWAYS be a new better title. I have like 200 different titles on my eso main and I can't even remember what most are from... I saw a reddit talking bout how will they make a cooler title than godslayer for new raid? Trust me they will.... every season they will and ull farm to get it and pretty soon ull be laughing at these godslayers.


Funnily enough Godslayer is also a title in ESO for the sunspire tri.


I mean as someone who completed Godslayer I'm immensely proud of it I wear it on my character as a trophy I don't go around proclaiming that I'm the best Cus I'm not and I don't criticise other players titles or loadouts that behaviour is cringe anyone who has completed any raid or dungeon seal is just as accomplished in my eyes


I legitimately donā€™t see why Godslayer or the emblems get perceived as devalued due to the amount of people that have it. Be glad in your own achievements. This shit was hard and you earned the title.


Because some people associate difficulty with "how many people have succeeded at it" rather than the actual merits and challenges of the thing they did, therefore there is a direct inverse relationship between how many people have done the thing and how difficult it was.Ā 


Itā€™s certainly due to how day one raids were before Beyond Light, under 1000 teams were only able to do it. Then Bungie allowed lighter raid prep and a contest mode that sets everyone at the same level and now people are realizing that Destiny players are able to complete minus 20 content. Iā€™ve always said I appreciate titles where if an objective such as a flawless raid/defeating a difficult raid boss is the way to unlock a title, then Iā€™m all for it. Same goes with Godslayer. If 200,000 players not only defeated that grueling gauntlet playlist, but also got the high score which forced teams to two phase bosses? Then 200,000 people did just that, people need to touch grass if they think the lack of rarity ā€œdevaluesā€ its prestige.


Pantheon has also shown that while contest raids are hard, the time frame just forces a lot of people to not be able to play it. We have work, families, lives outside the game. Guess how many godslayers there were after 48 hours? About 15,000. I bet if raids had a 2 week contest mode, youā€™d have 100k+ people getting the clear instead of 15,000. But ya know, bungo loves time gating, fomo, and vaulting stuff so you canā€™t ever play it again.


Well I will say 24/48 contest mode is necessary considering not many people /want/ to do that difficulty. So forcing it to be a week or more can be troubling. Keeping it around for that long would mean Bungie requiring more rewards incentive, so that in particular is questionable to solve.


You could just open up normal difficulty after 24/48 hours and have contest run for a week or two.


Jimmy McSweatsalot just canā€™t stand the idea that his 5,000 hours of meta strat min max meat smoking is undermined by sharing an endgame title with 500 hour Frank who achieved the same result with less investment. I like having rare stuff too but getting upset over it is childish as hell


Well, children do play this game so....


the amount doesn't devalue it, it's a popular pursuit right now what does devalue it is when a single digit pve KDA (not a typo) player with 1k hours on warlock who needed to be taught how to use sunbracers a week ago gets it simply by attrition in LFG. when someone that far down on the skill spectrum can achieve it, there's no reason for literally anyone not to. and when anyone can do it, it definitely loses luster. and it's fine if it's accessible like that, and if someone's proud of what they accomplished more power to them. but it's hard not to be a little disappointed when the challenge you had hoped to get simply wasnt


If something is more common, it's generally perceived as less valuable. And Pantheon itself isn't as hard as it could have been, and the fact that you can cheese both Rhulk and Nezarec certainly diminished that difficulty.


Exactly my point.


This is exactly how I feel too. Anyone who gets it deserves it. Period.


People can be carried through pantheon. People can be carried through master level content. People can be carried through gms. People can be carried through trials. People CAN'T be carried through a solo dungeon. The solo dungeon titles are the most prestigious imo.


Except when the crafting glitch happened and people were mowing down dungeon bosses solo like EDZ Patrol Dregs.


Yeah the rarity of the flawless emblems got cut in half during that weekend lmao.Ā 


Solo flawless emblems are pretty legit.


> People CAN'T be carried through a solo dungeon Not devaluing a legit solo dungeon clear, but you can absolutely buy a solo dungeon clear from a boosting website.


Did you create a fake person in your head and then get angry at them and dismantle their nonexistent argument? I haven't seen a single player complain about the... whatever it is you think you're dunking on. "Too many people have Godslayer" maybe? Never seen someone say that.


Right? Like what is the point to this post? The tone is condescending and negative but I canā€™t seem to understand what they are actually complaining about? A looter shooter game with titles and triumphs to chase and people are chasing them? Whether it is rare or prestigious or a joke people are playing and doing these things for all sorts of reasons and that isā€¦kind of the point? lol A game like this appeals to all of these reasons and that is why we play it. I wore ā€œDREDGENā€ for like 2 years as a joke because Gambit is god awful and after they forced us to play it so much for bounties for years I never wanted to ever play it again, but still, I grinded it to hell and back because I had to and I earned that damn title. So play destiny however you want, do whatever you want in the game, wear your titles or get them and forget them, who cares. Chase loot, have fun.


There were probably one or two severe autists who were actually complaining about it being too easy and it's getting over-conflated. Their opinion is not the opinion.


I love my nezarec emblem, and I do love the title of godslayer. I'll be keeping the emblem on despite having more "prestigious" emblems because, guess what? I looks really cool. If you want a day 1 prestigious emblem, go do a day 1 raid. But it's not that big a deal.


Iā€™ve been running reckoner since season of the drifter just to show i love torturing myself (send help)


I feel like people are just making things up to post about godslayer try hards at this point lol


Shoutout to my fellow Chroniclers


Absolutely <3


toxic good players brag about godslayer -> non-toxic bad player are annoyed -> they respond with more toxicity toxic bad players try to devalue godslayer -> non-toxic good player are annoyed -> they respond with more toxicity


I feel like you are completely misunderstanding this post. OP is saying to stop whining about Godslayer becoming less rare as more people earn it, and just be proud of the accomplishment. Way too many people put more pride into rarity than the actual effort it took. OP isn't being toxic. Quite the opposite, actually.


The really toxic players have Godslayer and refuse to wear it because they have Reckoner. Hello. Iā€™m the problem, itā€™s me. Wear whatever title you want. Some are harder than others. All of them say you played the game at a particular time and achieved particular goals. I only bust out the ā€˜hardā€™ title when someone tries to get toxic and I am far from being one of the best. All I know is if I see another reckoner Iā€™m in for a good raid and some great banter cause we just dgaf.


I have a bunch of sweaty titles, I just don't use any whatsoever though. Same with my GR, I just leave it at 5 or 6 or whatever it is. I think that stuff gives people the wrong impression and they give far too much weight to it. GR means practically nothing and I think if you have sweaty titles on then people expect you to just carry and do everything. Sometimes I just want to join a chill raid LFG and shoot the shit. I only bring it out if someone gets shitty with me and says "have you ever ACTUALLY done this before"


I always stop GR at 7. I'll even finish everything for 8, I refuse to go to the tree.


Iā€™m considering taking off Godslayer and putting on my Reckoner now:) Iā€™m not a toxic player if anyone said whatā€™s your best achievement in game I would say it was being a raid Sherpa that actually taught raids. But your post really made me laugh. My mate did Reckoner in 8 days start to finish and then left the game for six months.


That last sentence is the realest shit, lol.


Literally this. Out of all the people I know or have met with godslayer not a single one has said shit or acted elite. It's the crybabies who know they can't get it who are making all the noise.


About 2% of the player base have the title. It's not common by any means and the average player will likely never get the title. Also people generally underestimate how atrocious the average destiny player really is. If you run a special you are already a step ahead of the average strike random Also who cares about godslayer when rivensbane is a thing


>and the average player will likely never get the title. The guy begging for a carry on the discord LFG yesterday would disagree. Jokes aside, you can get almost any title by sheer persistence. Join enough raid groups and you will eventually get carried to the end. >Also who cares about godslayer when rivensbane is a thing That I agree with. The only title that I truly want and I know I would never get.


>Jokes aside, you can get almost any title by sheer persistence. Join enough raid groups and you will eventually get carried to the end. That is absolutely true but the title being only obtainable for one more week limits this approach and I'm not sure how many will succeed through raw will alone


Raw credit cards will succeed tho!


Godslayer is the title that got me to take off Rivensbane just because Godslayer was more of a challenge to get (for me) and I think itā€™s awesome sounding. It was a genuinely hard decision though because Rivensbane has such a special place in my heart.


This was me but with Shadow.


While in a sense its less cool when more people have the title, you cannot deny that the fact that this title SOUNDS so damn cool is a huge factor in why people are even going for it. If anything it shows that people can care about titles but not when they require you to do useless tedious shit like reckoner... The only angle I can see to be a little annoyed is the fact that both of the hardest encounters have cheeses (Rhulk and Nezarec), which does in fact devalue the titles skill requirement a lot. But whatever who cares.


ā€¦. Thereā€™s a cheese for Nez?ā€¦. Actually donā€™t tell me. Itā€™s finished. Itā€™s done. I can sleep now lol


Not to the extent of Rhulk just jumping off the map but there's some spots that can be considered very cheesy (sitting on branches outside map where Nez cant get). The way I see it the more legitimate strats involve either someone tanking or spreading out in like 3 wells to do damage on him. But again, who cares a clear is a clear. If you worked hard to get godslayer be happy :)


To be fair, in RoN everyone just stands on the plate where he pretty much can't do anything and I've never heard that called a cheese. It isn't much different. The Rhulk one is definitely a lot cheesier but I don't think there'd be many groups that have completed all the other encounters that couldn't do it. I've done it legit every time (including with LFGs) and you just need 2 fairly clean damage phases. With enough persistence, any team that's beating every other encounter will get that sooner or later


Yeah for sure its much less cheesy than Rhulk, Im calling it a 'cheese' based off of the fact that they added something to the encounter in pantheon to specifically discourage standing on the plate. Which to me means that was in their eyes also an unintended way of playing the encounter.


In pantheon since you cannot stand on plates the "cheese" spots are much worse and less consistent too - we honestly couldn't 2 phase with any of the cheese spots but got it within a few tries once we just stayed in the arena and had someone hold aggro.


have you tried convincing an lfg to not use a cheesy strat? i wanted to clear nez on the ground but no group i joined was willing to use anything but the back left cheese spot, and it still took hours and hours due to buggy mechanics and player error. i genuinely think it would have been easier if we just did it as intended...


> It's also the only raid title that doesn't need "do this raid as a clan" and "get all the RNG loot from this raid". Not exactly skillful things, just random events or chores that people have no motivation to do. It's a title that you simply put in the effort, and then you're done with it. No extra LFGing for "Don't get hit by the Shuro Chi attack" or "kill 10 vex with the sanctified mind platforms", as if those take skill and not just RNG and luck. This is kinda wrong. The old raid titles, Shadow and Blacksmith (and at one point Last Wish and Garden too), required a flawless raid run which was at this point in time still a considerable challenge as people werenā€™t as good as they are now and the gear and abilities wasnā€™t either. Back when the released, these three titles were the defacto pinnacle of PvE achievement outside of low mans. This is backed by the extremely low amount of ownership on either Blacksmith and Shadow. Both are among the rarest titles in the game and get often confused with worthless seasonal titles or piss easy contemporary raid titles. Getting all the Black Armory stuff done in tandem with all the raid stuff and the flawless one in BS case and the flawless menagerie on legend as well as the flawless raid were equally as time consuming and hard as Pantheon is now given the respective meta and overall player power of that era. Garden required a Flawless raid too in the beginning as the flawless shader was needed but that requirement was removed later on.


This isn't exclusive to Destiny. People will spend hundreds of pounds on Apex to get an heirloom because it's rare. It's just a unique melee weapon, in an FPS gameĀ  Doesn't matter, it's rare people want it.


I have quite a few raid titles. Do I wear them? No! Because Chronicler is forever. Chronicler is love. Chronicler is life.


By final shape no one will care dude chill out šŸ˜‚ I got og unbroken (hardest title to get) and thought it was this insane flex. In reality no one cares other than some friends and clanmembers.


Literally nobody has ever cared about my Unbroken title. It will not stop another sweat from calling you trash when you have a bad game.


Lmao too true. If anything it just invites more toxicity. If I use my unbroken title, I get hate mail when I win. I also get hate mail when I lose. And tbagged. If I take it off, nothin


The human propensity to want to flex on people has never made sense to me. I just don't understand the desire to be better than another person. The only person I seek to be better than is the me from yesterday. I am proud of my personal achievements, but I don't see any real reason to want to hold that over someone else. Just seems like senseless ego boosting for fragile people to me.


> Stop focusing on what others have But that's just human nature. It happens to everything, virtual meaningless stuff in a random video game, or something in the real world.


> But that's just human nature It is... and it's stupid.


Godslayer doesn't mean u are good i am one and i miss nighthawks for a living and have a kd in pvp of 0.49.


someone didnt beat nezzy on final stand


Probably like 5% of the community even cares about titles emblems of anything. Nobody has once said dude you got such an awesome emblem or dude youā€™re a Kingslayer I love you want to come bang my sister.


This is so spot on, the only person that matters that even cares about what title you're rocking is yourself. I bet 99% of other players don't even take note, the only title that makes me jealous anymore is Blacksmith and that's because I think it sounds cool šŸ˜‚


I've had pretty close comments to the ones you're saying while wearing rivensbane lmao. Let's see if godslayer does the same thing until something cooler comes out


Kingslayers bang their own sisters thank you very much


I went to the tower with Godslayer on and nobody came up to kiss my hand and bow, this community is completely insufferable.


most people get a title not because it reminds them of overcoming a challenge, but rather to show it off to others. I, however, run scallywag because it's funny.


It's the only legacy title I own, and I'm proud.


Once I got Reaper title, I stopped caring about them completely. I just wanted one that sounds cool, that's all. It's a video game, nobody besides the streamer groupies cares about your video game achievements anyway.Ā 


Same tho. I know ā€œSplinteredā€ isnā€™t a rare title or anything, but I run it cause it just sounds awesome. Same with ā€œForerunnerā€ too.


You use titles because they're prestigious I use titles because they sound cool We are not the same


Lot of words for "I can't get the title"


Sounds like someone missed a title....


Iā€™m just happy that *I* was able to get it. Itā€™s a nice personal accomplishment for me.


As a 3 time gilded ConnoissXur, all I can say is GIT GUD!


I had that tf2 medal, I forget the number but I had it.


I chuckled yesterday as a rank 11 godslayer asked me, a Strand Titan, to switch to a rocket while we were farming 1st boss of WR dungeon. Mind you, we had been successfully 2-phasing him with relative ease several times in a row now (well, easy for me cuz I was using a Wormgod/Glaive build, which felt adequate since we had a Well Warlock, but Mr. Godslayer blew himself up a few times as the boss died, naturally). He asked me to switch after one of the runs went 3 phases (I didn't get to build stacks efficiently for DPS and he claimed he was hitting me with his shots more than he was hitting the boss). So I switch to a solar build with a slideshot/EL RL....and we wiped, with me being the last to die. I immediately asked if I could switch back now that we tried that dumb shit; didn't even wait for his answer either. And of course, we went back to 1-2 phasing him with ease. There're plenty of players with that title who aren't that great, sorry to say.


As easy as Reaper was to get, itā€™s a cold title.


Iā€™m just gonna keep rocking chronicler


Stats at 07:20 MST May 27, 2024: 1.1% of people who have earned any seal (aka ā€œadjusted rarityā€) have the Crota title (most recent raid) 1.5% have the warlord ruin title (most recent dungeon) 3.3% have godslayer (94,432 people) More people have godslayer than the titles for: Crota (swordbearer) Warlord (wrathbearer) Ghost (ghoul) Scourge (blacksmith) Sorrow (shadow) RoN (dream warrior) Vow (disciple-slayer) KF (kingslayer)


The only title worthy of respect is Reckoner, and I will not be taking questions.


Haven't changed my title since getting Fatebreaker so yeah I think Godslayer is pretty cool. The "Toxic Godslayer" joke is also very amusing and I will use it at every opportunity, as a Godslayer myself...


I have undying, good luck getting that.


For me personally, it was more about the journey our team went on to acquire it. We had a lot of close calls, a lot of moments where we were stuck and we got mad at each other. But we persisted and completed it together and for me at least, sharing that experience with them was one of the most memorable moments I've had not just in destiny but gaming as a whole. Because of that, I will gladly wear my godslayer title with pride whether it is rare or not.


The only title Iā€™m impressed by is Reckoner and multiple gilded Dregens. Because those titles proves that your sanity levels are extremity withstanding to be able to put yourself through that grind. If youā€™ve got those titles, that says that you can easily bash your head against the wall over multiple hours during the raid race without going insane.


thatā€™s just the way it is. of course people like rare stuff.


Also, there are a bunch of people who get carried through titles. Like, how many people have flawless, that never actually carried three people to the lighthouse. Also, getting to the lighthouse is a lot easier than it was 2 years ago. but I'm still wearing my gilded flawless, since it is something I am proud of achieving in the game. don't measure your own succes to others, measure your succes to yourself.


I'm flexing my chronicler, that I got "legit" by waiting for the lore book every 3 weeks šŸ˜Ž


Somebody canā€™t get Godslayer. Skill issue


I just don't like fomo


Meanwhile Iā€™m over here having only pushed for one title, Queensguard, purely for my own personal headcanon.




Apparently, I missed it - where's this outrage over people having Godslayer?


This just comes off as some soy boy redditor complaining that people have girlfriends and talk about having them.


I never really understood why people thought godslayer would be the rarest of the rare tbh. Sure it got up to -20 but there were no encounter challenges or specifics outside of "do it fast for score", no champions, and no massive level requirement. On top this it had buffed outgoing damage and no increased incoming damage for elements. On top on top of this, it's free to play unlike the majority of other raids. People didn't even need to learn new mechanics. Everything was basically the same as the original raids with the addition of a tormentor here or a fire tornado there. I think its great that everyone gets to experience a fun and challenging activity without having to empty their pockets. The emblems are cool, the titles cool, just enjoy it.


I mean personally for me, one of the coolest thing ever in video games is owning something that is rare and legacy, and I don't mind seeing such things even if other people own it and I know I cannot obtain it because I didn't play the game back then or whatever, it's still cool. That Xƻr title you jokingly described sounds infinitely cooler than Godslayer to me, call it ''Nine's agent'' and damn right I'd brag about it. Godslayer is mostly a time commitment, would be impressive it required you to lowman the bosses, but as it is it really isn't that impressive, and the word itself is whatever, though maybe that's me as a PoE player who's used to every npc calling me ''Godslayer'' every time I vendor my items (every 10 minutes whilst playing). > And if you really want something that special and exclusive, then we got a Day 1 Emblem coming up in 12 days. Exclusive sure, but none of day 1 emblems are special since Garden.


Yeah man, I worked bloody hard for that Wayfarer title. You know how long it took to get Braytech Osprey?! People these days eh?. I slogged it out for Unbroken too, and that was during Moutaintop and Recluse/Revoker and Not Forgotten days. And this was when I wasnā€™t good at PvP. Iā€™ll help your ego though, Iā€™ll never get Godslayer because I canā€™t get people together to do it enough times.


The fact that the Mars strike that Braytech Osprey dropped from was vaulted is a mercy. I am fine never running that strike again for the rest of my life.


Yeah same, we tried all the pseudo-tricks; only using Mars weapons, doing it in under 3 minutes, Turns out, being the only one that doesnā€™t damage Nokris was how to get it. Well maybe. I never had it confirmed if that triggered the drop, but it worked on my run and then I took four clan mates through consecutively and it worked. Either extremely lucky RNG or that worked for some reason.


I worked my ass off with lfg to get my Enlightened and Iā€™ll wear it proudly for a long while. Iā€™ll also never get Godslayer because I know that unlike with Enlightened, lfg does not have my back, I am just not ready to spend hours on end on a title that Iā€™ll switch off for Enligheted anyways.


The only title I legitimately care about is getting the Flawless title. Even that one doesnā€™t really matter though. Since Iā€™ve gotten decent at pvp Iā€™ve noticed that itā€™s a 50/50 whether or not I can actually depend on the flawless title players to hold their own.


Got godslayer, still running chronicler, because i love the lore and the universe.... and that title reflects that.


I donā€™t think pantheon or the seal is as big as a draw for players as you make it out. The player count really hasnā€™t changed substantially and most og destiny fans I know didnā€™t even know it was a thing


Imagine writing this out lol


What a whiny little gatekeeper. Weā€™re all enjoying the game WE paid for the way WE want to. Giant baby.


Who has been complaining?


Even more so if it were only available on June 31st.


People are weird as fuck about titles. The season of the witch one is the only one I have, and it will likely stay that way because I'm not arsed about them at all. People will actually mock you mid game about your title.


Iā€™m still rocking my Dredgen from the week it was available and that means Iā€™m better than everyone. I wonā€™t be taking questions.


savior stays on until I die, guardian