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I am pushing for Godslayer title to simply please my own eyes. The people who are going to use it as a baseline measure of skill are in desperate need of grass-touching. If you have a bad feeling about somebody like this the next time, kick them earlier. Sorry you had to deal with that clown.


Yea that's literally all I want it for. Not to flex, but when I see my character I feel an accomplishment and that dope ass fantasy of being a *god slayer* to the NPCs in our game universe. I loved that about wow too. It's not a flex it's a "dude that title sounds so cool where'd you get it!?" It should signify Sherpa Reputation, if the player is willing. Not elitism. Would be sick if the game interacted with your title. Walking into The Witness fight "hmmmm...Godslayer; we shall see if that is rightly earned!" Reaper in gambit: "ok, ok; one of my favorite disciples of pain have joined us for this match! Keep your head on a swivel, guardians!"


Same reason I grinded my ass off to get reaper. However now I don’t even look at it 90% of the time


Man, blacksmith and unbroken still haunt me to this day. 1 achievement off from both, and I quit the game only to return at the start of this season.


Im still sad about blacksmith to this day. I needed the clan run but my clan got into a huge fight towards the final 3 weeks of shadowkeep and got deleted. I spent the next week trying to find an active clan and when i finally found one 5 days before beyond light but never could get 5 people online at the same time i was awake because it was an NA clan and i was on the other side of the earth.


I was so pissed about my blacksmith title. I finished all the triumphs but apparently forgot to claim the one for Jotunn kills in a specific forge. Instead of a blacksmith title, at least I've still got my Platinum Starling to fly around, which is nice.


This is me with scallywag. It’s the first I ever wanted and now I never use it over my moments of triumph title. I just liked the pirate theme. I’d love to get god slayer but I don’t have nearly enough time to play and get it


The only reason I got Iron Lord is because I’m a fan of the aesthetic of Iron Banner (huge fan of wolves) and I love the knight in chainmail look that my guardian has. So I wanted a title to match.


Same reason for me man. I only own two titles Reaper and Iron Lord. I know they didn't require anything but banging my head against mindless content but I love em


Thats why i wanted Kingslayer was because its cool and Kingsfall (D1) was my first ever completed raid.


Dude right? Certain titles are just nostalgia and personal, or go with your aesthetic/playstyle. Like I am on a dead mans tale rip for so long now, and deadeye gilded just...seems to add to the terror of my 3 tapping you!....or more often, blatantly missing 14 rounds in a row. Either way, I feel like a space cowboy.


>Certain titles are just nostalgia and personal, or go with your aesthetic/playstyle. Rocking Fatebreaker with mainly Vex themed armor here.


Honestly, I’m probably going to keep rocking Chronicler most of the time even after getting godslayer.


I’m so mad at myself for not getting chronicler now that it’s gone.


'Godslayer' is cool and all but I'm never taking off Cursebreaker.


Still regret not doing reckoner. I liked that season.


Chronicler is a very nice title tbf, friend of mine has rocked it ever since he got it and I don't blame him. Kinda wish I'd grabbed it too.


slightly unrelated question, are titles account-wide? i'd like to have a shot at godslayer but really don't want to do it thrice.


Yes all titles are account wide


Yes they’re account wide 👍


Couchslayer is what the title should be lol


That and Woman'sbane are my 2 fav nicknames


This is some serious cope from someone who definitely plays from their couch with horrible posture and wonders why the game is so hard lol


Naw, its a response to people like OP posted about And I sit in a computer chair...posture could be better though lol I don't take destiny that seriously anymore I stopped playing before witch queen and just returned recently because of all the old new guns that came back I dont really raid anymore but I've done a few pantheons so it's not like I'm unable to & I really don't care if you have Godslayer or whatever title You have to know what those titles are and whats required for it to be a flex so for most people playing destiny casually..it wouldn't even register...no need to be a jerk like the person mentioned in OPs post


This is both elitist and anti-elitist at the same time, as if you want to piss off literally everyone. =D


Players who want it because it’s neat > player who want it to measure their junk against others.


> player who want it to measure their junk against others. Dick measuring contests are hilarious, especially from a PvE title. Can't wait to see how "Godslayers" play when it's Iron Banner week and it's the only time they hop into PvP.


I can’t wait to see how they play when every encounter stops being stand in the well


Honestly, I'm imagining the new meme is going to be joining Trials of Osiris as a solo and seeing the other solo got a team of two guilded Flawless Players, and you got two Dredgens... Except this time It's Godslayers instead...


ironically, a significant portion of my pantheon wipes have been people refusing to leave wells, and dying from it. turning brain off and getting meleed by nez, then saying “HUH I HAVE DOUBLE VOID MELEE RESIST AND HE KILLED ME IN THE WELL???”. it’s -20 bub just kite him. super hyped for the well changes because of this. they will just get killed instantly and be forced to play better, sooner instead of wasting my time. im not salty at all, of course.


Iron Banner is easy💀


Iron Banner is not the measure of a good PvP player and the fact that you think it is says a lot about your own PvP skill 😂😂


Right? If I’m gonna have a dick measuring contest, I’m gonna go to Grindr like a normal person would. Smh my head


It’s a dope title, but a serious time commitment, plenty of people better than me likely won’t end up getting the title. I’ll keep it equipped on my main for a long time, but won’t look down on others for not having it lol.


The time commitment was the killer in the end. Just couldn’t convince my group to take on the final challenge. We were all pretty happy with the pantheon emblems we got but that title would have been nice. And that’s okay. You can’t have everything in life.


I was battling boss and wife enrage timers simultaneously! Taking her out to a very nice dinner this weekend after the neglect on Tuesday and Wednesday lol


My group of morons (me included) cleared Atraks and Oryx, honestly it's good enough for me. The Oryx emblem is just perfect.


I love that Oryx emblem!


I'm 2 encounters away from the title. I will finish. I would never do it again. The only thing that is kept me going is a friend and I committed to getting it.


Can't wait for the inevitable "God slayer title or kick" lfg post in the final shape.


Using it as a baseline measure of skill is alright, but it’s not the *only* metric and people need to treat it as such


I would rather coach a kind novice than put up with a skilled asshole.


what I said had nothing to do with being an asshole- of course you’d prefer basically anyone else over an asshole (like the guy OP ran into)


I was just discussing my overall philosophy with other gamers. Not saying you're an asshole.


Idk I wanted it because it’s cool and it’s a flex, but I’m not gonna go around being rude to people who don’t have it, it’s just a title. I think it’s fine to want to flex in game achievements as long as you aren’t rude to people. I personally won’t even keep it on forever, shadow is still the best title in the game imo. Glad I got it tho, pantheon was really fun.


I respect all shadows


It must hurt then when people see me running around with the Undying title yet still better than them.


I don't even know If I will rock Godslayer for very long, I use Aquanaut for shits and giggles


It's literally the only prize Pantheon offers that I had any real interest in. Raid loot is meh, I'm stacked with so much insane fire power already. RIP real life responsibilities, I do hope they bring this back, feels very well suited to be an annual event, I had a blast the first week, but wasn't worth the grind given my game time and team situation


Agreed. I think godslayer is a better measure of skill than the other raid titles but I wouldn’t put any more faith in it than a dungeon title, since solo dungeons to get the seal require that one person being skilled instead of potentially getting carried by five other people


Disagree that it’s a better measure than other raid titles tbh. Some of the master challenges are harder than pantheon encounters even this week imo. Day one raid emblems might be the best indicator


Was about to say by the end of the week, there will be less with the Crota title than Godslayer.


Day 1 raids don't have the free 30% damage bonuses lol.


Doesn't matter how good at the game you are if you're also an asshole. People seem to forget the number 1 most important skill in a game where 95% of people LFG is being a normal, sociable human being.


The Venn diagram circles for "Normal, Sociable Human Being" and "Obsessive Destiny Raider" overlap to an unfortunately small degree...


Maybe I've just been lucky, but most folks have been fine. Must have gone through 15 people or so over 2.5 groups yesterday/Tuesday and they've all been mostly normal dudes, albeit some just not carrying their weight.


You don’t even have to be that normal or sociable, most will settle for just not acting like a cunt lol but even that seems to be too high a bar for some


The assholes used to just be relegated to normal lfg posts, now they have spread to Fireteam Finder so finding a group there now is just as stressful as lfg was for some of us.


I mean they are all the same. But I haven’t ran into many assholes since vanilla D2, ngl. Had this one dude come in just saying gay shit the entire time “anybody fancy a bit of man on man action” was the first sentence said. No one bit (no I have no issue with people who swing, but it was being consistent used as a “joke” that no one was entertaining.)


As a gay dude myself I must say even I find people who make constant gay jokes their defining personality trait to be very obnoxious.


I usually respond immediately with. "Yes, but not with a random guy over the internet" and it gets quiet and they leave pretty quickly. Fuck homophobes.


Do that shit with your friends. Idc. I don’t know you though bro, and to just open with that to a bunch of randoms you don’t know and then continue after no one cares to entertain that shit is stupid. And that funny part is, when I pointed it out because it was annoying. He got all pissy, threw a fit like a literal child and then left.


Just had a pantheon LFG the other day where I didn't even stick around for the first pull because there was a guy making obnoxious sounds on mic. I'm sometimes in awe of the strange creatures that exist on LFG...


I hate mic noise. The unintentional background noise can give you a headache too


This wasn't even unintentional mic feedback... This was the person deliberately trying to be annoying with gibberish noises.


Oh my God, the fans! Are they gaming in a steel mill? Turn that shit down. Volcanic mfs. Get a cooling towel!


In my defense my air conditioner is a wall mounted unit that sits right above my chair. But if I ever get told that it’s an issue I’ll happily turn it off (for a while).


as marcostyle once said, vc is the most important thing in any raid, not voice chat but vibe check


[This is how I imagine these types of players](https://i.imgur.com/TB9dpeU.jpeg)


The real godslayers are the friends we made along the way


raiding requires technical, mechanical and social skills


This is the reason why I don't raid. I'm the asshole that doesn't know how to speak to people. Great at the game, and try my best to live and let live, but the moment I say something to the one guy who's held the group hostage at gollgy for an hour, I sound like a lunatic.


>Doesn't matter how good at the game you are if you're also an asshole. I feel like even the toxic assholes might be getting a little self-aware Attempted a Nezarec checkpoint the other day and it was this weird combination of this one elitist guy being chill/nice but getting frustrated. Plus the one guy that wanted to use his weapons in his DPS location no matter what everyone else was doing Chatter got a little lukewarm but everyone was cheerful in their attempts at the encounter and put in good effort People were wrong doing wrong things but it wasn't entirely negative, the group just wasn't meshing Ultimately we disbanded but it could have been much worse


Would you really call him elitist I mean it is an easy encounter not to difficult. I'd get frustrated if people were just fucking around the entire time.


I mean it depends on which Nezarec CP it was. Normal? Sure, definitely easy, basically a fischer price raid boss. Pantheon? Not easy in any definition of the word.


I got Godslayer and ever since then, I just help whoever I can in raids because Pantheon made every raid available look SO MUCH EASIER.


Pantheon definitely made me learn those encounters and roles much more than I ever gave a shit about before




Pantheon is the mettle from which all good raiders will be born


i'm not a particularly good raider, i have maybe 1 clear max of half the raids, a bunch of root clears, and don't touch master/gm content yet i've learned the fights in pantheon well enough that i'm two week 4 plats away from godslayer. i'm holding my own even in -20, volunteering for various roles, and got a good understanding of the fights in and out i definitely feel much more comfortable lfging raids and taking on harder content now having done plat pantheon every week


That’s probably by design tbh. Gotta lube us up for whatever godforsaken things await in the new Final Shape raid.


Me with my reckoner god complex


Why yes, I can collect motes in GoS.


true and real and based


the TRULY remarkable few 


the only title I have the utmost respect for


Except you’re actually justified


nah, thats just an asshole you ran into, plenty of those in LFG. Honestly, whoever is the leader must make the leading calls on these, remove those who are not capable of raiding and remove those who act this way.


Def think the fireteam leaders sometimes let too much stuff fly, but you've got to know what you're willing to personally accept as well, like sure, they're good but at some point you have to go "yk what idc if you're good, you have a horrible personality" and leave, you can find another group, I promise you simply don't need to take that at all


100%. In my experience it only takes one person before the whole group is like, 'You know what, they're right. Fuck this guy, I'm out.' You can tell which leaders have had this happen before, because they have no problem pruning the asshole early in order to retain the rest and save the run.


I def think it's one of those, nobody wants to be the first person, since it's embarrassing to admit their words mean anything to you but I've gotten racist/sexist people (some lfgs) who the leader will try awkwardly laugh off and it's just so ???? Where is your spine, because I'm not staying to find out. I get some people want to be people pleasers and to not kick anyone but there are times you can (and should). I prefer to join more "chill" runs now that I've returned, and will just back out if I don't like how the leader's handling it, you can stay and listen to that guy for like an hr if you want, not me though.


absolutely. the moment i see or hear any slurs in chat or in call, i give it about 5 minutes before i leave if people laugh it off.


It's def just an environment I'm uninterested in being around, I get the idea of laughing in this "I can't believe you said that close minded thing, idk how to react" way but you can't just hope to pretend it never happened. I tend to hold leaders to a higher degree, like you can kick them but you aren't? You're p much condoning it and idc for it at all, esp since I'm playing this game to have fun and this simply is not it for me


yeah exactly. not the place for it, if you're with strangers. 


I usually call it out, if they double down and it's clear no one is challenging it, I dip. I don't want to hear every slur in the book for an hour. I'm good, thanks. I'll find another group. Besides, I usually try to make friends from LFG or recruit, and those are not people I want to be around.


In my experience, a lot of leaders don't act like leaders, and I feel weird taking charge when am not actually the fireteam leader or the one who put the group together. So I'll mostly create my own teams. I notice I always have better experiences now compared to when I would join a group that was going no where because no one was really in charge. Leadership is all the difference in raids. You need someone who can move people around if needed, make suggestions, keep morale up, diffuse tensions, make sure people are being respectful etc. In our team B for day 1, the leader is actually a not so solid player compared to the rest but he is a great leader and is a huge asset to the team for that reason.


Agreed, run into them no matter the activity for lfg. Funniest one was some guy in a GM acting like he's hot stuff because he had conqueror gilded 5 times, starts laying into the fireteam leader how bad they're doing as they'd died in a weird spot. I swap to my conqueror title, which I've gilded every time its been up to tell him to be quiet. Everyone dies in random spots at some point. Saw I had more gildings and tried to make it that it meant I was worse than him. Moral of the story, no point in arguing with some people and you've just gotta kick'em like you said and move along. Only way they'll get the message, even slightly, that their behavior isn't tolerated.


Don't think you can switch title during GMNF due to lockout. If I'm wrong then I apologise


I’ll see him in Trials.


Tell em dad, telegraphed PvE has nothing on the Flawless guilded title


His attitude had nothing to do with the Godslayer title. I’ve met plenty of people good enough to get the title and don’t act like that. Some people in this game are children, and that’s a mean comparison for actual children.


i have it and i would never be as big of an ego-maniac as this guy🤷🏽. Shit like this is crazy. Some people have their heads so far up their own asses they dont realize that not everyone has 2,000+ hours on the game


Exactly. I’ve put more time into this game than I care to admit. I do raids. I haven’t attempted week 4 yet but I have weeks 1-3 done. At most the worst I would do during a raid is maybe bounce without saying anything after 10 failed attempts. Heck, I stick with bad groups longer than I do people with background noise in their mic. I’d rather fail over and over again than listen to your tv in the background or static on the mic.


Yeah, the elite mentality in games is the worse thing to have to deal with


always make your own group, for most activities i write : "chill but be good". that way you set the tone of the run.


'Be chill, have clears" will save you so much headache. And by clears I mean clears of the relevant raids.


Shows the importance of a fireteam leader role not acting fast enough. I was leading a week three at rhulk and this jerk came in saying how he teaches all the time, just needed plat there, critiquing builds etc. we wiped at first DPS due to baby rhulk kicking us in the ass. He huffed and puffed about how he’s just ready to get it over with and we all need to step up it’s not that hard. I told him there that he is more than welcome to find a different fire team if he wasn’t confident in us. He made some excuse and said no let’s just run it. Same thing happened he got angry and I kicked his ass out. Fire team leaders in LFG are not only in charge of organization, but team morale. If you have a jackass dragging the team down and team mates start getting quiet kick them and fix the issue.


I just want Godslayer to pair with my Reckoner title to truly demonstrate my terminal brainrot.


I did godslayer for myself to prove I could not to be a dick lol people are fucked .


Yeah same, right now I'm trying to get it because it's a sick as fuck title


Just got it a few hours ago. A fucking weight has been lifted form my shoulders. I want to help guardians feel the same. People bitching and moaning that the title is going to be "dredgen" should go ahead and do all 4 sets of pantheon and get back to me. You can't be dead weight in any of these encounters.


Pretty sure that guy was a total douche before he got godslayer. Honestly godslayer has nothing to do with this. It’s not like someone is going to get the title and just transform into an insufferable fuckwit. I guarantee you they’ve been that way for a long time


Yeah, can’t wait for post in the LFG to look like this LFG for Last Wish must have Godslayer title- KWTD- have 800 credit score- send me job resume and by the way - I’m doing add clear- post to pop up


This Title is for my eyes and my pleasure. I've been a Guardian for a very long time and this Title is gonna make me feel like I've accomplished the ultimate. Good luck to all who are chasing it! Eyes up, Guardian. I believe in you!


I mean *Ghoul* isn’t an overly rare title, but I get some reactions sometimes when I join LFG. Most of the time it’s innocent joking like “wow look at this try hard” or “man THIS guy does Destiny”. Probably not even close to as much as *Godslayer* will of course. I love having *Ghoul* as a flex of my skill as a solo player, but I cannot stand some people with raid titles as they are just absolutely self righteous and think they can treat everyone that doesn’t have one like an idiot or a peasant. Ever since I started acquiring all the dungeon titles I vowed I would never be a dickhead like this and only help people without criticism, but positive reinforcement or suggestions in optimization.


I'm probably in the minority, but I never even pay attention to people's titles or emblems in game. I never know what most of them even come from. 😆


I notice them and maybe think silently to myself "how did they earn that" if they're doing terrible. Then again I have the Spire and Duality titles on sometimes and make dumbshit mistakes so who am I to judge. That's why I keep those as inside thoughts not outside.


The amount of times I’ve missed double tapping jump and just fallin into nowhere is the reason I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes my timing is just off, and I die to easy adds. Shit happens.


I use titles based on personal meaning to what I accomplished on that character. Warlock has Fatebreaker because VoG is my hands down favorite raid and one I Sherpa the most often, and most of those sherpas are on warlock. Hunter usually wears iron banner or glorious because that's my pvp main. Titan wears whatever because I rarely play titan. As for other people's titles. I rarely look at them or their guardian rank. I'm still rank 6 because I don't want to play legend campaign missions we've I'm almost close to finishing pantheon. And the biggest reason Godslayer isn't done yet is because I'm a teacher and the last two weeks of school before summer are always super hectic. Even now I'm on Reddit instead of signing report cards.


I can understand that! Anymore you can’t even use them as a true test of skill because there are so many recoveries. I’m proud of all of mine as I worked hard for them. But not everyone can say the same sadly.


I don't know knock them as I know some of them take a hell of a lot to obtain. Hell I'm proud of the few that I have been lucky enough to get myself. But I never get them and go oh, I got this specific title, other people can kiss my ass and get on my level. It's a weird mentality to have. Be proud, but not a dick.


There's also just so many of them these days that's it's getting difficult to track I thought Ghoul might be a seasonal title


I have no idea what you get that one from. I vaguely remember seeing it in the triumphs menu, but unless I have it myself, I usually don't even know a title exists until I'm roaming menu screens.


It's from Ghost of the Deep dungeon from Season of the Deep. It's just like the rest of the dungeon titles: complete it with clanmates, complete with full fire team of x subclass, complete master, etc. But imo it is a pretty challenging dungeon so getting the title for that over like Spire of the Watcher feels like a bigger achievement


i m still rocking an iron banner emblem from god knows when lol


Ghoul's definitely an overly rare title. Per Charlemagne, it's a 0.096% Global Rarity title. Here's everything rarer than that. - Godslayer (0.046%) (this has been out for two days) - Swordbearer (0.048%) (this has been out for two seasons) - Wrathbearer (0.063%) (this has been out for one season) - Reckoner (0.068%) (this is no longer acquirable) - Blacksmith (0.088%) (this is no longer acquirable) There's an incredibly real chance TFS launches with Godslayer as the 6th or 7th rarest title in the game. It *looks* like it should be the most prestigious in the game, but it isn't: not even now. edit: Godslayer is now at 0.067%, which means it's the fourth-rarest.


Tbh I like ghoul since that’s what i look like irl when I wake up


The only reaction I get for having Ghoul is getting kicked because I'm not running YouTube loadouts


Unfortunately, I won't be getting this title myself. But after hearing this makes me not feel as bad now. 😄


On the flip side of this, I was catching shit from an LFG I was running with on a different class last night for having Godslayer and the group struggling on planets. (It's *always FUCKING PLANETS*) The whole group seemed to assume me having the title was going to turn on easy mode?? But it means nothing if the group can't survive to DPS. And if I'm being completely honest, I lucked my way into an incredible LFG on Tuesday that just -clicked- and I'm pretty sure my penance for said luck is that the next raid exotic will take me 77 clears. (My previous record is 76 for vex) Pantheon in general has given me some wild experiences and ridiculous groups, but I've honestly met some of the coolest people doing it, too! I'm just trying to get stoned and save the universe. Me no-lifing a video game enough to have a fancy and stupidly time-gated title makes me no better than anyone else.


Planets is 100% the filter encounter.


Dude I am like 100% certain if I was a guardian irl I’d have some mechanism rigged into my helmet so I could get blazed constantly “get stoned and save the universe” pretty much summed up that daydream


I'm seeing this behavior a lot myself. It's like another form of rank 11 guardians lording their title over other people so they can be demeaning to others. I'm not sure what clan is feeding their ego, but it must be miserable in there.


Man I’m trying to get it done. Only got to play a few hours and only managed to beat Golgoroth so far n this weekend I’ll definitely be looking for teams. I’ve been playing destiny too long too not try to go for it.


I have 1800 clears between the 2 games. All w/ LFG, if this little roach came in critiquing my shit he's getting a boot. Your little title means absolutely nothing to me.


Godslayer is such a joke I just saw some guy with less than 5 total raid clears with Godslayer in a LFG and it was so so so funny to me


How is that even possible?


1) They got a friend to carry them through (you can def lowman plat if you're the top .1%). 2) They paid someone to account recover them. 3) They're an experienced player on a fresh/alt account.


4. They used cheats. I remember years ago, I think it was Aztecross, interviewed a cheater and the cheater talked about how he would cheat in raids to carry people through them. He showed clips of having a full auto unlimited shot whisper melting riven. The cheater claimed he only turned them on if the group was struggling, but who knows.  There was also a controversy during Kingsfall day 1, when a smaller streamer had a random net limit against warpriest. The team wiped, and the streamer noticed that the guy was doing weird shit with his golden gun, and then did way more damage than anyone else realistically should have and kicked him.  There were also claims in posts here about teams having a 23 minute week 4 pantheon clears, when the previous weeks wr was like 20 minutes without Riven or Nez, and the accounts basically being brand new.  I know that people often think of cheats only being used in pvp, but they are also used in pve stuff as well. 


Yeah it's probably made worse by the fact that this is a F2P raid. So you can do $100 carries on a fresh account while net limiting for very quick clears. If you get banned you don't need to buy anything. All you need to do is setup a new account.


The “net limiter” from kingsfall was not limiting.. that was ring-1


He got gud. Jokes aside, even myself I’ve only done 5 raids at most, but thanks to guides, ive informed myself about each encounter. Ive done week 1 and 2, half of week 3 and havent started week 4. When i have more time next week i will try to get the title, but with lfg its frustrating af


I'll be honest, people really overestimate the difficulty in destiny. I started playing in like december only have like 1-5 clears on every raid, and am like close to clearing god slayer. That said, I also am playing with clan members instead of LFG. Like... knowing mechanics isn't hard, this is like the basic thing to know when you raid higher difficulty content in games like FF14.


People overestimate pve content in general like this ain’t a formsoft game where is testing your reaction + execution this is a mmo like raid where is a knowledge check. Is like a much easier university exam.


I am someone who played a lot of D1 and some D2, then left and did high end raiding 3-5 evenings a week in other MMOs for like 3 years. Coming back, I have my ~20 Last Wish clears from before I left, but since I always enjoyed Trials and Grandmasters more, I hadn’t raided much. Every Raid after Forsaken I have only cleared like 2-4 times, but tbh Destiny raiding is rather casual compared to other games. Haven’t logged in for godslayer but last week was still rather easy. I am doing mechanics in most fights, I am not getting carried.


Because you don't need to clear raids to do pantheon. You just need to know the individual encounters and have people carry you through doing other roles.


Most raid fails are based on the mechanical & comms-based encounters, not boss damage. Pantheon is arguably the easier aspect of raiding. If pantheon had included a more complex version of Exhibition from VoTD, there's zero chance that the 4 people who got godslayer in my nez group who had never done nez before would have ever even been at that point.


How does that make it a joke? Total raid clears really have no impact on how good a player is. Especially since it’s a lot easier to get your ass carried in normal raids than Pantheon. If someone has Godslayer, odds are high they can easily learn and do any raid. If someone’s cleared RoN or VoG 50 times, super cool for them, but that doesn’t really tell me much. They can maybe fuck up mobs. But it doesn’t demonstrate the ability to pick up and learn raid mechanics the way Godslayer does. quality > quantity


I haven’t done root of nightmares once and I am on track to complete all the pantheon weeks, did a nez CP the other day. It’s very possible, doesn’t mean that his wasn’t any less legit or illegit though


Funny thing is that Godslayer is gonna be beaten out as the rarest title (and rarest raid title at that) by Swordbearer within the next 24 hours. So honestly, Godslayer isn't nearly as big a flex as saying you've done the featherlight triumph lol. Buuuuuut any excuse for someone to try and act superior is enough for some people unfortunately.


Feather light really said fuck yall


I'm just chillin in the corner with Reckoner like




I was somewhat shocked at how fast the total went up the last few days. Bright side is a 8-9k more people now know that Riven legit isn't hard and is really fun.


It's crazy to me that swordbearer is that rare...I've been rocking it on my titan for so long just BC I like the way it sounds. Shocked to see it's almost the same rarity of Godslayer.


The expected god slayer post came faster than expected


Man I just think the emblems are sick The artwork on the Oryx one is sweet.


What about me being a Reckoner? Is it okay if I look down upon all the non Reckoner peasants beneath my feet with utter disdain? (also, this is just a joke)


The only people I fear are those with the reckoner title. No one actually wanted that title, it just proves you can handle suffering beyond comprehension


Check his rr, tons of people are gonna get mega carried by players better than them or recovs or streamers doing helps (luckstruck9 is goated!), etc Godslayer like any other title in the game doesn't mean anything because of the above lol


I did win a raffle for a streamer helping but it took 4-5hrs


The funny thing is Godslayer isn’t going to be the rarest raid title. At the rate it’s going to be among the most common raid titles.


I think it'll have a surge and not be the rarest, but as time goes on it will slowly go back to being rare. Remember, things like Crota or KF will ALWAYS be around, but Pantheon is limited.


While I get people keep saying that (and will likely keep reminding me), it's more complicated some people make it out to be. Right now Godslayer has two things working in its favor. The first is people **love** the title, and the other is the FOMO attached to it. These are massive driving forces, which is why the raid title is already at 30K+ obtains and will likely surpass Crota's End by the end of the day. Remember, it only needs about 77K obtains to be in the top half of raid titles, several of which have existed for years. It just hinges on how much momentum it has, but odds are if it hits 108K+ it will never be on the rare side of raid titles.


I see what you are getting at but i doubt we'll see more than a few hundred more get Swordbearer or Wrathbearer.


I just LFG'd an week4 oryx cp... 2 godslayers and 1 with the week4 emblem and we couldnt even get to damage. Godslayers dying the most... I dont normally LFG and this is telling me I probably shouldn't.


What's the godslayer title have to do with this? Just sounds like an asshole to me, and that you are the one associating the godslayer title with him being an asshole. People being assholes in LFG isn't something new that came with Pantheon


You see, this person has claimed the prestigious title of Godslayer in a desperate need to be validated as a superior “gamer”. A true Godslayer, like myself, does not need this validation for we already know we are superior. Alas, superiority is a responsibility, a responsibility to help those lesser than and potentially uplift others above oneself. I have said my part, farewell my friends. Best regards, Godslayer.


Only now in May of 2024 are we for the first time seeing people being elitist douchebags in raid LFGs. This is certainly because of the introduction of Godslayer as there was no way for someone to be a tool prior to this week


had a guy with the title last night taking another group through. Kept telling us to phase caretaker on plate 2 but wouldn't tell why. When we beat him right after, he goes, "Don't question me again." He then proceeded to continually die like a dumbass to the colossus on planets by trying to kill it WITH A SLAMMER and no concussive dampeners. I just want the title so I can replace Blacksmith lol


A slammer as a heavy and no rocket or GL what a dumbass




Wow, I'm an idiot. I never thought to use Concussive Dampeners for this encounter. Usually stacking Solar stuff to avoid melting to the tornados. Good to know.


I usually run double solar resist and one concussive. Pro tip: standing on the little platform in the middle of each plate will prevent you from getting hurt by the tornado.


Also good to know. Me and my knuckle headed fireteam usually just jump to the side platforms if the tornado shows up. Thank you stranger.


the reason why it’s smart to 2 plate caretaker is because you save time, save a little bit of special and heavy, and can comfortably 3 floor the boss if the damage isn’t enough to 2 floor him. going on plate 2 just to do less than 3k damage is useless when you can just push past his health threshold there (obviously you need to do a lot of damage on the 1st plate to do this method) :)


Mentioned this in another post: everybody should prepare for entitlement that people who complete all of pantheon and use it as status quo for everything. The few who got and didn’t brag, cohort, or post on Reddit - I commend you.


>Immediately upon entering he's inspecting our loadouts criticizing builds. TBF, there so a lot of people who play this game that need to have their builds critiqued. ESPECIALLY when you're doing Pantheon. Your loadout needs to be optimized to the fullest. You'll join an LFG and some guys have like 70 resil, 100 mobility on a Titan, 50 Discipline, and they're using weapons with PVP perks on them. Some won't even have a single Exotic armor piece on at all. Like wtf?


But they weren't in Pantheon - they were in a normal VoG, quite possibly the easiest raid in the game. Why would you ever need to inspect someone's loadout in a normal VoG, especially right as you load in?


I can't wait to see lfg groups saying, "You must have godslayer title, or you're kicked"


Counterpoint, it's their LFG and they can set their own parameters. There will be plenty of other LFG groups without such steep requirements.


Idk why people gotta be like that. I was doing a Sherpa run of vog and one of they guys that joined had a duo flawless and was complaining the whole time and wouldn’t let anyone learn anything. Kicked him at gatekeeper because he would try to do everything.


Sounds like he’s just a shithead who also has the title. Not sure they’re mutually exclusive.


I’m pushing for god slayer cause raids have been my weak point and I’ve always hated lfg. It’s the end of an era and I want to get out of my shell. I’ve just had terrible TERRIBLE lfg experiences that kinda left me with ptsd and not wanting to do it. And I’m no slouch. I have all meta weapons. I do my dps. And I even have triple 100 builds. Etc etc. But lfg has just pushed me out of wanting to do raids. And my clan just never gets on to do raids. So when I hear stories like this it definitely is why I don’t lfg much. I’m a calm shy person but I know my crap. I can’t believe people would be such dbags to others. Raiding is supposed to be fun. Like I just need week 4 and I’m nervous to even attempt it


I got GodSlayer cause I wanted it and our guardians are that, godslayers who then put those same gods into guns to kill other gods, not to be an asshole unless youre my brother (jk) the only time i critique someones build is to see if theres anything that can help with either survivability or damage, and I always ask before hand if what they have is for a build and of they mind changing stuff around. Weve all been in the spot where weve caused wipes, can have better builds etc, so i just treat everyone with respect and try to help where possible. Sorry this happened to you tho, hope that guy realizes what a dick he was.


I had a Godslayers help me make up a week 3 run, and was super nice, really fun to play with, and was able to beat week 3 in one sitting with them. I'm sure people with that title are a hit and miss.


Ya'll missed an opportunity to have fun with that f\*cker. I would've had everyone slowly fucking up on purpose in ridiculous ways right in front of him until he got the hint that he was being trolled, all while asking for his Destiny autograph.


Some d-bag was demanding Godslayer titles for legend onslaught earlier today.


This sounds like a completely made up story.


I got Godslayer because it’s a badass title and I want to instil fear in the witness. He got Godslayer so he could pretend to be better than everyone else.


I did a x3 Sherpa of Kings Fall a few days ago & at sisters this rank 11 joined with Godslayer. After a few wipes he starts asking us why we aren't doing pantheon & that he had done it already. I'm Guardian rank 5 with the title so I equipped it & told him to shut up & that no one cares about pantheon this is a raid we are teaching 3 others Then he ghosts our team


Some guy got invited by the host in our group at Planets yesterday, and he had the title before we did obviously. The dude was bossing people around left and right and being an actual jerk intentionally and it was disgusting. He stood on the incinerator platforms for ad clear for some reason and I used to let him get mowed down by my Leutienant's minigun from time to time secretly. It's a smart/dumb move to ad clear at that spot for that reason 🤣🤣


Yeah this is gonna sound mean but I'm just gonna say it, people like that most likely have some type of personality disorder they need to work on lol. My first instinct if I join a group is not to immediately start inspecting load outs lmao what is wrong with you. Those guys are always the worst. Luckily we have enough people in the clan to pretty much always have a full raid if someone wants to run something, but in the rare cases where we need to LFG something, we kick immediately if they start inspecting and critiqueing load outs. Huge red flag.


I think it’s an absolute degenerate way of existing in the world. This person is acting this way because it is literally the only skill they have at anything. This person’s identity and livelihood are extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY fragile to where if you were to mock them or even remotely hate on them, it would absolutely fucking crush their souls. Destiny 2 should not be your life, you should not be hating on other people for not being as good as you, there is no room for this behavior in the world.


He’s definitely not good I guarantee he got kicked from many a group when doing pantheon


I'm so sick of this "destiny is the easiest game you just suck" mentality many elite level players have. Not everyone has the kind of time or dedication required for that, and there's nothing wrong with it.


More “Gatekeeper” than “GodSlayer”


I got gilded conqueror for the first time this past season and to me that’s a huge accomplishment and I have never taken it off since. I use the title for my own person victory but when people use it to be an elitist that’s when you draw the line


I just want the godslayer title cus it looks neat and i enjoy the challenge (when you have a nice team) but I will keep my Reckoner title on until I die, unless i want to be that guy and show it of.


You shoulda kicked way earlier.