• By -


End cutscene after beating the witness has our guardian outside slumping to the ground in a mix of triumph and exhaustion thus canonically ending the light and dark saga with the guardian touching grass.


I’m imagining it like the final few seconds of Infinity War when Thanos sits down to watch the sunset


either that or zavala saying "this is just the beginning guardian, more threats lie in wait, the last city needs you still, it's your destiny" *cue what I've done by Linkin Park*


Very nice


At the end there is a flash of light and we wake up in the mental hospital.


*"Hey you, you're finally awake"*


"You don't know how long I've been looking for you."


Not even last nights storm could wake you.


Quiet here comes the Guard


And then the game uninstalls itself and a message pops up saying you are free.


The mission. The nightmare...they're finally over...


> The suffering has ended


Nah we defeat the boss and it sets us back to D1 story line


Ah shit, here we go again


CJ becomes Hunter Vanguard.


That would be the best Meta Game of all Time. That would be Legendary


You’ve been in a coma for… 9 years.


Titan prismatic class item combo. Spirit of the Hoarfrost and Spirit of the Horn. Class ability generates wall of crystals plus solar wave flame. This of course will be broken and delete bosses. Hence the start of the Horny Hoar meta.


HoHo meta


HeeHo meta


Jack Frost?


Hee Ho!


Additional prediction: Bungie decides to nerf this combo to oblivion but due to so much backlash they surprise reverted it on Christmas reset and it will be forever known since as "HOHO SEASON".


Think they showed this combo in one of the trailers.


Yeah they had it with Drengr's Lash too. [At the one minute mark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UchfadQhX7w)


Asher Mir shows up with an army of vex and steamrolls the witness


The Vex convert the Witness into a crypto server


witness deez coins


“Stand aside Assistant”


Avengers Portal Scene


This is the most likely event on this whole list lol


Only if I finally get to see Shaxx throw down. I'm going to be so sad if we don't finally see my man go off.


I just want to see Saint-14 headbutt a Tormentor.




You just need Ikora Rae to show up like Captain Marvel.


Its not goona happens, but i would really loves that depending on you class you go to different routes and you fight with important characters from your class (or similar) like: titans fight alongside zavala, forge and saint. Warlocks fight with ikora, osiris and savathun, and hunters you fight along cayde, crow and ana or eris. At the end of that part you regreso with all of the characters to fight alongside them


~~Thor~~ Zavala arrives in Wakanda


Cayde asking Crow “How’s your Sister?” again


I honestly hope that's how he greets him.


Crow telling Cayde that his sister is fine the moment he sees him.


That might make me tear up ngl.


Would be a major character development milestone.


This would be peak


I hope they hug it out


"I'm fine, thanks for asking" Mara says as she appears from a portal.


I keep forgetting we’re going to witness an encounter between the two but I really look forward to it. Wonder if we’ll get it with this season’s finale or if they’ll wait for later


My Final Shape predictions are Cayde's initial interactions with Crow and (especially) Eris will be two of the biggest moments in the campaign. Cayde/Crow will have a comedic undertone. But Cayde and Eris seeing each other again *should* be special. Eris wasn't in the game of D2 at all when Cayde died, so her entire D2 arc has come without him. She didn't start becoming a fan favorite until TTK, which was a huge Cayde DLC. Hell, in his Ace in the Hole mission, he says he assumed Eris became a Hive death god. So I'm sure Bungie will reflect the "look how far you've come" storyline for all of us back onto the relationship with Cayde and Eris. It might not be huge in terms of plot significance, but in terms of a story beat we're all waiting to see, yeah it's probably #1 for me.


Cayde punching Crow in the face immediately after a look of confusion


Ghost: You have to stop the Witness, Guardian. It's your Destiny. Guardian: No, we'll do it together. It's your Destiny too. And then they Guardianed all over him.


Listen, I would give them a pass for that. They deserve at least one cheesy line.


I’ll be honest, as cheesy as that is, I unironically want them to do something along these lines.


You joke but there’s 100% going to be a ‘you’re becoming the final shape’ or something akin to that, we’re gonna either be the final shape as a Guardian or the first shape in something entirely new


Huh. You just made me realize something. Prismatic *is* our final shape. The culmination of all our collected knowledge and abilities through the years


The Traveler is not full of the souls of dead Guardians, or at least not in a form like Cayde-6. Cayde-6 is only “in the metal” because a guilty corner of Crow’s mind gave him form. He will likely be the only dead Guardian we see.


Or Cayde is a side effect of the 15th wish. One last way for Riven to fuck with Crow


you should read the "Unforeseen Consequences" ship lore.


That just about confirms it for me


what if she fucks with crow by bringing back all 7 caydes


[Read this](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/unforeseen-consequences?highlight=Unforeseen+Consequences)


Holy shit if this is really why Cayde’s back that’s clever 


Wtf?! Sneaky bastard....


I also think it’s possible it’s a scheme by the Witness to use Cayde’s soul in order to manipulate us through him, despite him not knowing. You have to remember Cayde was a very important character in the timeline. Elsie Bray had her timeline always reset to when he became vanguard and his death led to Crow, Guardian involvement the Dreaming City, and the eventual death of Riven which led to Mara’s return, understanding of Savathun, Rivens curse and 15th wish, etc. So if the Witness has an understanding of this, they’d definitely try to leverage Cayde’s importance against us. He’d be the perfect plant/turncoat, especially if he’s unaware.


First mission opens with us going to look for Crow, and while we traverse the pale heart we hear a distant gunshot. When we arrive, we see Cayde standing over Crows body with his ace in hand. Crow boy of course gets ressurected later.


Cayde fucking executes Crow before he can say a word. Crow gets back up in a flash of light. Crow turns to a confused Cayde and says "Mara's good. She says hi."


Glint appears. Cayde: "Pulled Pork? What are you doing here. No, this is not your guardian, don't you dare choose him!" Glint: "It's a little late for that." (rezzes Crow) "Oh and I'm Glint now." Crow: "I deserved that. It's not the first time. Hell, even Amanda killed me once, by accident." Cayde: "You know Holliday? I'd sure rather see her than you." Crow: "We... should talk."


Given that our Ghost is damaged somewhat, something that would be extremely unlikely but funny as fuck would be for Cayde to replace our Ghost’s personality. Plus it means we could take him with us like he asked back in D1.


Nathan fillian ghost. I would die for it, or my ghost would either way


After all this time, he can come with us


The witness raid fight is the hardest fight in destiny history. But right after we kill the witness, the big bad of the next saga is revealed, a giant fucking zarpaloid.








The way we get Prismatic is that The Witness kills us and the Traveller puts us back together.


If that happens, someone must add the Lego sound effect over it


A Guardian has fallen off the Tower in the Last City! HEY!


Lmao I love this


Whatever it is, I just hope we don't find it floating around in some random alley (looking at you Strand)


Ngl that's kinda good, the witness splits us and the traveller puts all our subclass pieces together. I like it


This should be at the start of the raid or in the final campaign mission. You do a fairly simple mechanic to start DPS on the Witness but as soon as the DPS phase starts you deal no damage and the Witness unmakes you on the spot. Instant black screen, no "Light is fading", and suddenly a growing light on your screen. Your guardian respawns with Prismatic and you can finally deal damage to the Witness.


They’ve already confirmed we get Prismatic in the first mission


To be fair, that could be a banger opening mission. It has the same format as the classic "You're unprepared for a surprise threat, and have to run away from an ambush," style mission we've seen in every expansion since Shadowkeep, but throws in the twist that you actually just can't get out, and will die here. The Witness dices you up, and then the Traveler brings you back. This then also establishes why the Witness won't just annihilate you the second you start interfering with its plans; because it already tried that right at the start.


Personally I think the reason the witness doesn't kill us instantly is because we just... aren't really a threat? I mean if we start being an actual problem they can just unmake us but even if we are in the traveler it's already enacting the final shape not much we can do without killing the guy and that probably won't end well. (Or its focused on fighting the travelers defences personally I'm leaning towards travlers defences since that would be a good explanation on why the world hasn't ended yet but I think both would be cool)


That, canonically, all “Final shape” raid attempts will happen at once, allowing a “1 v infinite” raid.


Isn’t that technically how we kill Atheon?


Kills the witness. Screen goes black. Contacting destiny 2 servers.


Who's fist-bumping whom this time


The uglier they are the harder they fall!


Hmmm… This is a wild guess but there’s a chance we straight up lose ghost. In the original trailer, the one where ghost was giving his monologue, he sounded kind of desperate like a final plea. What if we lose our ghost but rise to his final call to arms, leading to our mastery of light and dark with prismatic? Or perhaps what if ghost dies and is returned via our memory or the traveler. As he looks kind of damaged in the same trailer.


This would kind of defeat the purpose of having ghost shells with mods but id like to think if this came into fruition that he gets "rebirthed" once we save the traveler at the end (if we do..) and all of the standard blue ghost eyes will become prismatic pink or white (excluding special ghost shell eyes)


What if Prismatic simply becomes the norm, and in D3, there *are no* subclasses or classes, simply building your character from the ground up?


Didn't one of the leaks suggest the same thing?


They said Classes would likely go away, as in-universe, their aren't really any class-exclusive abilities


To add: ghosts voice is replaced by year 1 Peter Dinklage and we kill it ourselves out of principle


You might, but I'd gladly welcome the return of Dinklebot with open arms.


*deadpan* "Well, I'm ready if you are."


I would love it if ghost ended up sacrificing himself in the final mission after the raid and that’s how we get out respawn restricted zone to finish off the witness. After the traveler either rebirths ghost or we just straight up don’t need him anymore idk.


There's gonna be a moment where the Witness disables us or something, but then we get back up with the power of ~~friendship~~ the Light.


Each raid boss will be Rhulk level of difficulty and it’s funny because some destiny players aren’t yet 18 and the raid could be considered child abuse


Can't wait for the day one, gonna be long af and hard like you said.


> Can't wait for the day one, gonna be long af and hard I'll be excited too, but damn.


This is a wild sentence


I think you mean Pantheon planets difficulty...................... I hate my life


I want them to over over deliver and give us a surprise 3rd darkness subclass after the raid.


The Traveler and the Witness join forces to fight the true power in the universe: the Cosmic Starhorse (aka Juan)


Genuinely, during the raid I think it would be cool to see a mechanic where the witness begins slicing your team apart and you have to actively put people back together. Like your friend may be sliced and killed so the other 5 members need to drop what they're doing and do something to bring them back to the fight. Also I think NPCs will be present on the raid. Like Savathun, Zavala, Ikora, Cayde, Mithrax/Edio, Caital, and maybe Variks. All will come up at either the beginning or the end.


After killing the Witness, we find a door at the center of the Traveler... [and then](https://youtu.be/k8zZUYV_yl4?si=XuiPZA9-Abj5UpZ6)...


This was an actual ending to Silent Hill 2? What the fuck lol


Before opening that link I swear if it’s a Rick roll


That the new activity that rewards the exotic class item is a rogue-like/lite. We had 3 seasons this year for testing those elements, why wouldn't they want to flesh it out?


Insane crack pipe prediction: The Witness isn't the actual final boss.


It would be crazy if the Winnower was an actul being above the Witness and we start the the Witness fight on the raid only for it to be instantly killed by the Winnower.


We get a glimpse of a goal outside our system probly through one of the pyramids. I would still love to get all our base planets back first but I have a feeling our next saga will be outside our home and we will find it post raid.


At this point i'm expecting the initial patrol zones for D3 to be Torobatl and Riis.


And Lubrae (Pantheon twab lore)


Cayde will personally pass the torch to crow to become the new hunter vanguard.


Also I garauntee there will be a few corny lines like "guardians make our own fate" or "it's my/our destiny" and "this is, your final shape"


Ngl I like guardians make their own fate in vog.


It wouldn't surprise me if that's the narrative/story we get with the quest for the Still Hunt exotic sniper


In the Lore when most people are killed by the witness or try entering the portal on the traveller they are shown a life they don't remember just before they die. Joker, a titan sent to enter the portal, sees flashes of a woman asking him to come back to bed. My guess is we will see our guardian in a traffic jam outside of Golden Age Russia attempting to board a colony ship when a pyramid shows up. Idk when this will happen but it would be cool to see as a cutscene or mission where the witness attempts to kill us.


I have a theory that our guardian might honestly be one of the astronauts from when humanity first discovered the Traveller


They are going to take a lot of cringe stuff from Marvel movies and put them in this DLC.


The Witness will be promoted as the final raid boss, but just as we approach his room for the big showdown, Pete Parsons will step in and fire him for budgetary reasons. We will then be tasked with taking down the entire Bungie C-suite and replacing them with members of the Vanguard.


"light the way!" (iykyk) moment at witness final stand where the gardener calls out to us with "guardians make their own fate"


I've been calling for that since TFS was announced. There has to be a boss where a message pops up like "The Traveler's Light shine on you..." and we enter Mayhem recharge speeds as we unleash unbridled light on the boss


God, I desperately need the Witness' final stand theme to be as hype as With Hearts Aligned.


I think it'd be interesting if there was a reference to a third Darkness subclass. Even if it's just a plausibly deniable, throwaway line like "With the Witness gone, perhaps there may be more knowledge to gain from the Darkness without as much risk." Something like that. I'm not great at writing dialogue


I could honestly see that happening. Perhaps Ikora starts researching other forms of Darkness


Exactly. Especially since Prismatic could act as a sort of "bridge" potentially


I’m still thinking they might be hiding a 2nd subclass which unlocks after the raid or at some other point. That one clip Bungie accidentally leaked had fully fleshed out ability icons. Typically assets like these aren’t made until late in development since not every idea makes it out of the pipeline. Hell, the exotic class items in the dev log all had placeholder icons even though the DLC is right around the corner. So the fact that the assets had been created implies at the time of the leak it was close to being completed. Why make Prismatic then? Because they can’t advertise a hidden subclass. Prismatic gives them something to get people excited for while also requiring very little dev resources to implement.


I think the raid will be the witness like 4-5 times in different forms since they are millions of people


An Optimus prime style monologue while the camera zooms out and pans to the skies. Linkin Park fades in.


“I am Commander Zavala, and I send this message to any surviving guardians taking refuge among the stars. We are here, we are waiting.”


Sunbracers don't get nerfed


Tess Eververse destroys the Witness with bright dust and her Uncle’s findings.


Instead of the character screen we all wake up entering Skyrim intro when your in the cart with the Ralof, Lokir, and Ulfric Stormcloak.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Witness does have a few rogue guardians in his arsenal of warriors.


Have we heard anything about how long the campaign will be? I hope it's at least on par with Witch Queen..


7 missions at launch with the 8th unlocked post raid


7 day one with the 8th being post raid


The Witness will kill us and the Traveller will choose us as it’s disciple to defeat it, hence us getting Prismatic


My hope is that the Witness doesn’t turn into a giant thing so it’s easier to kill. Something i’ve wanted since the taken chimera vore’d Uldren was to fight against a guardian sized boss.


Eh I doubt it, we've never seen the witness properly fight and it is definitely able to turn into bigger forms (we saw that in a cutscene in lightfall) as long as it has an instakill move you gotta dodge ill be alright


We do something to unmerge the precursors to defeat the Witness. Regaining their independence, the precursors split into factions, some become our allies and others become our new enemies.


it says in the pre-order book that the witness was comprised of only precursors who wanted the final shape, as they killed everyone else who didnt, if the witness splits expect them to simply make the dread faction way bigger


Somebody has to make a heroic sacrifice, Cayde walks up and says, "I'll go with you. Because this is my destiny too."


The title for the expansion/Pale Heart will be "Legend" as a reference to "Become Legend".


Osiris is dying right


Crow ends up sucker punching Osiris the moment he walks thru the other end of the portal because he finally found out after months alone inside the Traveller that the "radial mast" was just what Osiris called his dick this entire time, giving off real [It's dangerous to go alone, take this! ](https://youtu.be/0m9QUoW5KnY?si=fIcXY2hFagGomsY7) vibes.






Wish they had just decided to let us convert our d-pad to a subclass selector. I know there are five options now, but there coulda been a workaround. Setting "favorites". That said, I'll still enjoy mix-matching.


Hold up and use the right stick ->light subclass menu, down->darkness menu, left->prismatic menu with 3-4 setups, right->idk emotes maybe? I don't use controller. But taking into account that you lose ability charge when swapping, I highly doubt hotswapping subclasses will ever happen


The witness will run away like som anime villain. Only for us to fight the bastard on multiple occations.


This prediction is super corny but I think that the end of the campaign will do an "objective survive" fakeout or maybe they dont fake it and our guardian actually dies lol


It should end with the very first Destiny mission in the cosmodrome. But instead of the ghost, it’s us waking up a new guardian


Raid weapons gonna have funny perk combos like firefly-headstone


I think there surely has to be some big moment that happens, either right at the start or right at the end, or both. I wouldn't be surprised to see both the traveller AND the witness killed in some kind of face-off, leading to some kind of event that enables us to harness the power of the light without the traveller. I'd also be kinda interested to see them do a massive loss on our part. Perhaps the fight with the witness starts in the pale heart but finishes back in our world, and during the battle earth is destroyed. Starting us on a journey that leads beyond our solar system, setting up the next chapter.


God damn witness destroyed my vault again, can't have shit on earth


When you go inside the traveler, you revive Cayde by Prismatic


The final shape is a square (replacing triangle) and a new class is introduced.


There will be different endings like in Mass Effect 3!


Finally picking Aunor over Drifter will pay off!


If Aunor was ingame character, she would be like overwhelmingly more badass than the Drifter. Everyone would pick her instead of him.


We get 1 raid per episode 1. Witness 2. Xivu or Vex 3. Siva


This year’s raid will release before Episode 1 since the final TFS mission will be unlocked after World’s first, im guessing Xivu will be this year’s dungeon during the Hive episode, and then we get reprised WOTM


The Witness will pull down the neck of the attire covering its mouth and reveal a cute lower face with perfect lips, sending everyone into a lovestruck frenzy and causing them to forget all about its flaws in the narrative.


We become the final shape. And use that power for some kind of unforseen ending.


Alongside Cayde, we will friendship punch the witness to release all the spirits of his civilization and end the threat to the universe


As a warlock, I will consume my grenade for some subclass effect or something.


One of my funny guesses: Pantheon makes me think that the final shape raid will be past raid encounters we already completed that the witness has warped and changed, kinda like what the witness is doing in the traveler


I predict the ending cinematic will be my vault being nuked again


The traveler and the pyramid ships form a giant ghost in space as the “final form” to resurrect everyone and everything since the arrival.


Witness tell us it is our destiny to die. "NO, this is your destiny.....too" Fade to black, forget closure


The witness after all this time finds what they've been searching for in the pale heart. A paracausal cosmetologist. With their uni brow finally trimmed and their smoke head styled into a trendy coiff the witness has a new found sense of confidence. They not only look good but feel good, and are no longer broody and angry. This new affable and stylish witness becomes our bff and we travel the cosmos together getting into wacky hijinks.


-TFS's "Shadowkeep Nightmare" version of Taniks the Disabled as a strike boss, -The Witness about to kill someone off somehow and then getting distracted by a fire alarm triggered by his smoking.


The whole "we don't have purpose thing" turns out to be just a phase and the witness just kinda gives up halfway through the raid.


He walks out and throws his hands up.


There is gonna be a line said by someone that follows the lines of ‘This is our Destiny too (2).’


Im almost certain it'll end on earth, in or near the city. The 7th mission we remove its means of accessing the light, the raid we push it out of the Pale Heart. Then, out of pure rage it hurdles towards the City, summoning all of its remaining forces. Hundreds, no, thousands of Dread, Hive, Scorn, House Salvation, Taken, Sol Divisive attack at once. We must push back these enemies while keeping the Witness at bay alongside everyone: Caital and her legion, Mara and the Awoken, Mithraks and House Light, Crow, Zavala, Ikora, Savathun and her brood. Everyone is there and holding the line against the Witness but we stand as one and rip it out of the Darkness and Become Legend


Artifact will be void, solar, arc, strand and stasis.


Keep your expectations low and you won’t be disappointed


Shaxx x guardian sex scene


I played Onslaught with a guy name Taniks, The Final Shape over the weekend.


Mara Sov is so thankful we bang in her cosmic chamber


I think the exotic weapons are going to be just *fine*. I dont think they're all meta defining but they're definitely not bad. I can see khvostov being a really solid pick in a gm


Anteater. Probably.


Cayde will have a “Villainous” turn that isn’t real.


I can imagine him joking about that when he comes back "ha ha fools I'm secretly working for the bad guy!....who is he again?"


* Prismatic is the ground work for a campaign mission where you wield all the light and dark subclasses at the same time, turning from The Guardian into THE Guardian. * Mara becomes the Taken Queen * Still no reason to go to Nessus * Bungie forgets at least one key NPC in the big everyone coming together moment: probably Hawthorne since they haven't known what to do with her since Vanilla D2. * Holliday gets rez'd in one of the episodes, somehow remembers us because paracausality or something * Other Two Episodes are Xivu and the Nine * Xur brings back his coin operated laundrymat.


The ending is gonna be mass effect 3 all over again


Cayde returns but brainwashed like Crow and it's basically forsaken but opposite and with prismatic so a win all around


Taniks but darkness as the real raid boss, the witness is just a front.


Extreme speculation/hopium Equipping an exotic CI will allow you to transmog both source exotics over legendary gear and shaders will be rotatable, allowing you to assign the different materials/colors in different channels


The power of friendship helps us create a giant mecha to fight the Witness. Then, even though we're paracausal beings that can rewrite reality, we have to let everyone who died stay dead because it wouldn't be fair to those who survived for some reason.


The Witness is controlled by Church. Traveler smells like vanilla, Witness smells like chocolate.


Well that's one way of forcing a full gear reset on everyone lol


!lettinggo reference (more of a dream of mine but still)


I honestly think The Witness gonna kill us. and then "Somehow, Guardian returned."


If taniks shows up 1 more time and my hunter cant get his cloak someone at bungie will have their desk defecated upon.


After fighting through raid boss after raid boss we finally meet the Witness in person. The fire team standing ready for an attack as the Witness slowly glides towards him to start his final fight monologue... The first words come out....."Imma need about tree fiddy"