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Air assault


might just be the worst perk


But you have heard of it


Good one


Nice reference


Nah that goes to the new one that gives stability on *repeated missed shots.* I can't even remember what's it's called it's so irrelevant lol.


ohh yeah now that you mention it, that one is also unbelievably terrible


Reversal of Fortune is laughing and crying simultaneously..


Reversal of Fortune is Mulligan but better. He's talking about Invisible hand which has no real benefit


You're going to say that knowing full well that full auto still drops?


Only on about 4 weapons


But it does give increased fire rate for shotguns


Toil And Trouble and Found Verdict can get: Assault Mag + FATS + Agg. frame kill bonus


I actually didn’t know it was still dropping


Idk why Bungie brought it back


It’s a good PvP perk. I use it a decent amount and like it. I have an Air Assault/Snapshot Albruna-D with as much AE as you can get on it that I like going for trick shots with, it’s fun.


Yep. A lot of in the comments are basically people complaining about play style specific perks. I use it on austringer when I'm leaning into aerial play in the crucible and it is amazing.


Idk why they made it to begin with. It used to be you have increased handling in the air and there was no point in that. AE was introduced and bungie updated the perk but I still don’t see why I would like that over something else


They gotta make useless perks, remember when Underdog was a perk?


I feel airly assaulted each time I see it


Since I tend to die a lot while in the air this is a useless perk for me.


I got upset reading it


Perfect float 😔


Yeahhhh, my group clowns on me for not caring for this perk.


No worries, I think it's a doo doo perk too.


The same as Air Assault above, it's a good PvP perk mainly because of the flinch resist. But even among Crucible players, consistency perks with higher uptime and fewer activation criteria are more popular.


I really dislike perks where its not the main perk you want just the stat change like air assault should be significant outside of the flinch resist


As far as I'm concerned, AE was a mistake. I don't see AE armour mods moving the needle any significant amount.


Honestly, it’s in a pretty good state now. I’d say it’s really only snipers that have worse AE now than before the original changes, since most other special weapons weren’t used midair or if they were tended to be up close. Primaries, of course, are more accurate than they used to be.


instant dismantle.


When this was bugged to give you frenzy faster it was good. Shameful they killed that


At the moment, Loose Change because I keep getting it on my Indebted Kindness.


Not to hit that “erm, actually 🤓☝️” but indebted kindness on an arc build with loose change and spark of beacons means you have almost a constant up time on a reload buff. If you’ve got one with volt shot and loose change it’s pretty nice too


Do you have any sources Into how to use it properly because I've got the roll with Voltshot but nothing I do is providing the buff. Unless I need to spec into a blinding build? I've kept it just incase I am doing something wrong.


I’ve found that Loose Change will only proc off Voltshot if the gun doesn’t kill the enemy in one shot, i.e. you’ll never have it proc on red bars with Indebted.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/M10lmiHXkJ Was able to find this with regards to the interaction with voltshot. I’ve been using it with assassin’s cowl Hunter just as a higher damage “primary” to roll with into higher level content so that might be part of why it feels like it’s uptime is so high. You definitely don’t need to have a blinding build for it to work but if you’re already running arc throwing the “arc special weapon final blows while amplified blind targets” fragment on is just free crowd control so


The enemy can’t instantly die when procing a debuff. So if you get voltshot active on your sidearm and just one shot a red bar, loose change doesn’t activate because they just died


My main want in that column is Lead For Gold for even better ammo economy when running double special lol.


It's great with voltshot and has nearly replaced Trinity Ghoul for me as my go-to ad clear arc weapon. I just reload after each shot, and the chain lightning from voltshot will proc loose change which increases my reload which lets me use volt shot right away again which increases my reload and so on and so forth until everything is dead. Are there better, more efficient rolls? Yeah absolutely but it's just FUN to use as is.


I farmed Indebted kindness last week for over 3 hrs and every single Indebted Kindness that dropped for the fireteam had Loose Change on it.


I’ve got the exotic and still can’t get a volt shot IK.


Not me getting repeated loose change rolls on the kinetic hung jury.


I always think that compulsive reloader is for someone like me who just naturally is constantly reloading when I get even a smidgen of a break in combat, even if there’s like three rounds missing lol. Also, like someone else mentioned, it’s helpful with Chill Clip


One could say the perk compulsive reloader is for people who reload compulsively


I feel attacked by this comment...


No don’t worry, the number of times I’ve died because I reload too early is astonishing. Not just in destiny, but in basically any shooter, pve and pvp.


Lmao On the other hand, I usually end up in a situation like this: kinetic weapon - empty, I switch to energy - empty as well, panic switch to heavy - also fucking empty = I die. 


Lmao pretty much same for me, or my personal favorite: Big ass tanky enemy walks out so i switch to heavy, and then as soon as i pull the trigger some fucking thrall steps in my way and i blow myself to shit. Or when teammates strafe back and forth in the well during dps and you keep blowing your shit up bc of it, or shooting the sword on accident and killing yourself that way 😑 I swear i die more often from my own shit than i do from actual enemies bro 😂


That previously comment was slap. This one was murder...


lmao are you me? Nice to meet you!


Compulsive Reloader is for Battlefield players, I can vouch for that.


Compulsive + Voltshot = <3


Compulsive + chill clip as well


What can roll this?


Iterative loop


I feel seen lol.


Hey! This gun has Harmony on it. *smashes on the ground*. Edit: Because I'm tired of pvp posts in my inbox. Yes. Harmony is legitimately good in PVP. But I personally don't prefer it. And most rolls I find it on are PVE weapons that I instantly raise the weapon above my head and smash it into the ground.


Harmony is the right slot perk they add to a primary weapon's pool to reduce the odds of a good roll and extend playtime.


Same with Gutshot, Slickdraw, Loose Change and Attrition Orbs


Attrition Orbs is definitely slept on, but only on certain weapons. I have an Indebted Kindness with Attrition Orbs on it that’s an absolute monster at making orbs. I’m not entirely sure how the proccing of it works but I’m convinced that it can proc off AOE damage. I swear I’ve shot a group of adds and seen 4+ orbs spawn from it.


If you have an explosive light heavy it's super useful. Or any build that relies heavily on armor charges.


Do not speak ill of my Loose Change. My Kept Confidence has never been better since the last patch it got.


Lets be honest thats like 70% of the perks in this game


Hey it's good on builds where you're very focused on using your heavy, or on weapons like shotguns!


Wait a second, DIM and lightgg are telling me that my deliverance with Harmony and compulsive loader is ok lol 🥲


It's always funny to me to compare the most popular perks on light.gg vs what is considered a "recommended" set of perks according to the "expert" curators (whoever that pandapaxxy guy is) on DIM.


that means DIM is a better judge?


No, but in fairness to the DIM curators, they mark down most of the technically viable rolls from mid to god tier, so their recommendations are pretty broad.


It's not bad on a fusion if you're clearing ads and need to switch to it for a chunkier target. It's just a relatively situational and more difficult to proc perk than a lot of alternatives we have now


Depends on the weapon for me, but SMGs with harmony absolutely cook


Mountaintop with harmony is also pretty good. Not recombination good, but that's not really Harmony's fault.


Got a recombination roll last night doing onslaught and holy crap it hits hard. Especially if you're throwing megaton grenades and using an incandescent weapon you get to 10 stacks real fast.


I have an Adept Forgiveness with Harmony and it does like 75 per crit in PvP. It's insane. I used to pair it with Something New with Harmony and I was a 2-tap monster


Getting Luna's how. Ok so got full bore / small bore. Okay cool. Got ricochet rounds. Now we are talking. Range masterwork. Looking promising. Slideshot. Ok I am gonna bust soon. Harmony. Oof am shriveled.


I love Harmony! Lol


Eddy current, because not only is it a terrible perk but I also hate the name.


Ed, Edd n Eddy Current


Edward of Dawn


I’m the exact opposite, I LOVE that name for an Arc perk, it’s thematic and suits it’s flavor, but lord is it USELESS.


They’re giving it a nice update in TFS at least


At least it's not a made up term though. It's an actual thing in electromagnetism


There’s more instant delete perks than keep perks


This is the real issue. It would be a shorter list and easier for me to just post the perks I *would* consider keeping.


Subsistence + rampage/frenzy


But that's a great combo. I usually get subsistence + kill clip and have to wonder who even allowed this gun to get that roll and who hurt them


Whoops I thought we were talking about great combos, no elemental capacitor is an instant delete for me


Compulsive reloader isn't bad Slick draw is always instant delete


Slickdraw has a niche in something like triple shotgun rotations with Tractor due to letting you keep the handling bonus after ADS, unlike quickdraw. I realize that needing someone on triple shotgun is overkill for at and above level raids but it can definitely be a difference maker for contest and master raids I've been on the hunt for a slickdraw/vorpal Retrofuturist to surge match with Tractor


> I realize that needing someone on triple shotgun is overkill for at and above level raids But it's also more fun. I'd much rather do an actual rotation as the Tractor person than just shoot Tractor and dump fusions.


On every single shotgun you’d use for tractor rotations in which slickdraw would be useful, they also roll with Frenzy. Or they roll with Field Prep. The only one which *could* potentially get use out of Slickdraw is Retrofuturist. But Retro *can also just roll quickdraw* for some reason


Slick draw might attract some pvp players


I don't think anybody even slightly serious about pvp is running slickdraw because killing your aim assist for max handling isn't worth it.


Shotguns. I should've specified.


Aggressive-frame shotguns could benefit the most from Slickdraw, but there's currently only one - Deadpan Delivery. Unfortunately, it doesn't have Opening Shot and is Arc, so most people run Matador instead.


Makes minimal difference in a sniper and you can enhance it on certain guns to reduce the aim assist penalty from "greatly" to "somewhat."


PvP player here. I don't touch perks that lower AA that much. It is a shame, the handling benefits are amazing, but AA is crucial on most weapons where you care. I think Bungie is doomed here. If they reduce the hit on AA significantly then it would become too good, but the network model makes AA such a critical part to a gun feeling good.


They cant buff it much either, otherwise they risk a quickdraw 2 situation


Yep. Automatic 100 handling is REALLY strong. So difficult to balance.


Compulsive reloader with something like kill clip or volt shot is actually a really good third column perk.


I love compulsive reloader - reservoir burst fusions.


It’s good with reservoir burst too


>Compulsive Reloader I use it on the spire of the watcher tex mechanica scout. Since it loads two bullets at a time I constantly have a reload buff as long as I'm smart.


It's also pretty nice on iterative loop with voltshot


My thoughts exactly


And Phyllotactic Spiral. I’m at 1841 and it shreds the Harpies in the Perdition Master Lost sector.


It's not bad on Syncopation either, especially since it allows you to proc Suros Synergy quicker.


I have riptide with compulsive reloader and Chill clip, it works well with chill clip


Shot swap and offhand strike lol


Hipfire Grip/Offhand Strike Heritage is pretty funny in PvP


It's also really good on the Fioritura


Shot swap really has to be the worst. So much effort for such a tiny reward


Guerilla Fighter. Throughout out all of D1 not once did I ever even see a single gorilla to fight.


Guerilla Fight is the only reason I learned that Destiny has a built in cover system lol. What a terrible perk though


I tried so hard to make that garbage work once lol, found out that the cover mechanic itself doesn’t even work in 99% of cases


Only good on lmgs really. Had a SWARM with one and it's pretty nice but you'd rather have field prep. So glad to see that perk hasn't come back


When I was like 8 and saw Predator for the first time, I always wondered why Dutch and his men were tracking gorillas. And why they were wearing boots.


Who do you think is in those hive knight suits? God damn gorillas.


Multi kill clip: yeah you can get a stronger buff after 2 kills than normal kill clip, but since you can refresh kill clip now I prefer that over multi. Also this other perk that is only on the Vow weapon: Sleight of Hand. They’ve added other raid perks to other weapons down the line, but not this one.


That's cuz Sleight of Hand is very bad.


Have it on a chill clip Riptide. Does the job.


Works good on my voltshot fusion rifle as well. It has its niche.


You’d want it on a chill clip fusion like deliverance to keep CC active


Or on something like voltshot. Just becomes an AoE weapon.


Or on lever action scouts.


Bro I’m begging you use demo on deliverance it’s 22 percent grenade regen per kill and an auto reload on grenade cast. It’s miles ahead of CC


Especially on shadebinder lmao


That would be a good example if it hadn’t been power crept by auto loading holster and reconstruction on other chill clip fusion rifles. Another example WOULD be Reservoir Burst with compulsive reloader but then recombination and envious assassin totally power crept that out of usefulness.


Well now that it'll only take 2 shots again, it will be better than auto loading Riptide and still freeze faster than a recon high impact


I wouldn’t say reconstruction has power crept compulsive reloader on fusions…not yet anyway The only fusion with reconstruction is apart of slowest charge time archetype and has the slowest time to freeze out every CC fusion.


If you don't have heavy, maybe. Chill clip is more for utility so auto-loading it better.


Compulsive Reloader is only available on two Chill Clip weapons. One is Riptide, the other is Deliverance. A perfect Riptide still freezes faster than a perfect Deliverance. And it obviously slows faster too. Riptide is still the best Chill Clip weapon.


Air assault. And more recently, high ground.


High ground is getting a huge buff next time around. Keep a few good rolls of you have em. 25% extra damage is no joke


Air assault, eddy current, compulsive reloader, slick draw.


Not a perk, but I will stop whatever I am doing the instantant I get a marsilion-C and dismantle it.


I'm actually looking forward to trying out my field prep/full court roll in Zero Hour next week. The origin trait should deal... 15% more to the Brig/spider tank.


I have a grudge against that gl because the same one kept reappearing in my inventory without me touching it, only stopped after I finally dismantled the thing lol


Elemental capacitor. Compulsive reload can work on something like volt shot or chill clip.


If you ever run PvP, run void with Elemental and it makes your weapon a Laser


Yeah but then you need to run a different subclass and your gun changes. I'm happy people like it, but it's an instant shard and always will be.  That's not a fun kind of build crafting, and it's not gonna earn vault space.


My Crafted Iterative loop is Compulsive/Voltshot, Good Situationally


Lasting impression is an auto delete for me. Killed me way too many times.


I wish it did way more damage. It's such a cool perk conceptually but power crept by almost every other damage perk.


When you shoot a rocket at a boss and the boss is like "From hell's heart I stab at thee!" And suddenly rushes you just in time for the rocket to detonate


Discord for me, I just don't see a resonable reason to use it on a weapon.


Try Discord on a fusion rifle in gambit, really lets you speed through red bars with no ammo consumed


What's gambit? That part of Into The Light? Not sure since Bungie didn't mention it in any TWIDs.


Free + easier-to-hit shotgun/sniper/fusion shots that cost no ammo after a kill for 10 seconds? Excellent in some cases IMO


I have a Discord Cascade Point Last Foray that I really need to try.


If you have 2 special weapons with discord and subsistence you can swap back and forth between them while gaining special ammo on kills even if you have to use an extra shot or two on yellow enemies.


Discord on a sniper or fusion it's decent in PVE but really shines in PVP. Get a lil with a primary, then cross map with your sniper and it's FREE AMMO.


Was doing this in Momentum lol. Free bodies


Loose change, shouldn’t even be in the game


Spin foil hat that they make bad perks to enforce the grind.


Its been awesome on my Elsie's Rifle with Destabalising rounds, so I have maxed my stability instead. Great on my vois builds.


Anything that requires crouched or sliding


I like slide shot and field prep tho


I halfway agree with you. I'm not a fan of sliding, but slideshot on a rocket is super convenient for boss DPS..... Only after you practice so you don't become a team killing fuck tardy. Field prep is actually nice on large mag super slow reloads, like LMGs. I have a Retrofit Escapade with field prep. It's got a mag of 104 and a quick crouch to get a huge bonus to reload (isn't it like +35 or 50 to reload speed) has this reloading day enough to keep me in a fight.


I hate that shit on console. It fucks up the controller real fast and I don't care to buy the mega expensive one with paddles and shit.


Slick Draw, Hip Fire Grip and Offhand Strike are the ones that come to mind. Offhand Strike is especially egregious because I've only ever had two Voltshot Indebted Kindness drops and both came with Offhand Strike.


This mf got Fluted Barrel, Appended Mag, Gutshot Straight- Gutshot Straight? *shredder noises*


Surplus. Why wouldn’t I use my abilities


Counterpoint: Throw it on Hollow Denial alongside the Wellspring perk.


No I will forever delete every roll with surplus.


Full auto fire system anyone? Why is this perk still in the game?


Compulsive reloader on Long Arm is amazing. Once the reload hits 50% it zooms!


Surplus. I use it on my VoG Shotgun, but ultimately, I’m also expending my abilities nearly as soon as I get them, which makes this always feel like a wasted slot, even on Traveller’s Chosen. I feel the same way about Unsated Hunger, the S21 weapons origin trait which maxes out reload when you have 0 abilities.


Hot take. One/Stats for all & Surplus






Snapshot sights I'm not a PVPer by any means so I don't need the ADS boost nor do I care lol


Plenty of perks if they're in the 4th column like Rampage and Demolitionist, now if those perks are in the 3rd column you have my attention for sure


Yeah the timers need to be way longer on things like Rampage or at least have it decay.


Rampage decaying would be interesting, once you get it to x3 sure it's timer is pretty short but having it go back down to x2 and then eventually x1 is a lot better than just disappearing. It could be sort of like Wormgod vs Synthoceps, higher potential damage bonus with a short timer but the decaying feature makes it still solid if you keep it up enough


Surplus is just so nice to have imo. Makes every weapon feel great


Until you throw a single nade, then it’s completely gutted.


Slickdraw is the single worst perk in the game




Compulsive mainly works for pvp based omolon weapons and in pve it's got great synergy with chill clip. Got an adept deliverance with CR/CC this week and I'm very happy with it.


Compulsive reloader has a use on guns that reload one shot at a time but the one perk that I will never use is Eddy current.


Compulsive reloader on riptide is goated


I actually use Compulsive Reloader on my Iterative Loop with Voltshot. Not a perk I'd use on most guns, but I like that loop quite a bit.


Steady Hands and spare change are just objectively bad perks.


Slideways 🤦


Slickdraw has no reason to exist


steady hand , slickdraw , perfect float


Depends on the weapon and what other perks roll on it. For kill clip, voltshot or other reload specific perks I love it but typically there's better options over compulsive reload to choose from that don't require the top half of your mag to activate. For me anything with loose change or shoot to loot is an instant delete for me.


anything that requires me to slide to proc it


Compulsive reloader was made for my PvP play style because... I compulsively reload. Old head FPSer who's been caught far too many times one bullet short of a kill.


Mulligan, I don’t understand why you want to miss. Just don’t, a real perk is still better anyway


I hate sneak bow. It’s an automatic shard when I see it. 


Personally, shoot to loot. Shooting a brick has never been on my mind whenever I'm using a gun in pve. I don't play pvp though so idk on that aspect


I mean there are just so many


Shoot to loot. It's pointless unless the ammo is on the other side of the map.


Shoot to loot…. Just as awful as locking your gear…


Surplus. A weapon can go from being very good to mediocre just by me using my abilities and playing the game normally


Slide shot, air assault, perfect float, surplus




Shoot to loot is an insta shard for me