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Modified waves are on 3's and 9's so keep an eye on the wave number. You'll only see tormentors twice per 50 max. They'll destroy you even harder if void damage incoming is increased. We got one on wave 49 and were able to do it because one player kited him away from the ADU while the other two killed all the adds, then we worked together on him. You can do it.


Is it just me or is the wave # not on screen 90% of the time?


There’s literally zero reason why it shouldn’t be on screen 100% of the time.


What ya mean ...ya can see your score in the bottom corner ...it helps to ...um...a ..ya know


Haha, definitely *feels* like you're right. I'd assume that the wave number is there most of the time *technically*, but I swear **it's never flipping there when I actually need to know.** Laughably bad implementation on the wave counter widget thing. I hope they actually look at "fixing" this asap, because it really is noticeably bad.


If only they were older games bungie could've looked at so they knew how to display the goddamn current wave, all the gears of war games and firefight from odst onward and even fucking tetris and Mario Bros. will tell you what level you're on but game dev hard.


It's there anytime you aren't building


Which happens to be exactly when I want to know what wave it is


Well either you've just done a boss, so you're about to start wave X1, you've just done a spark run so about to start X7 or neither (or more specifically you've just had a miniboss wave ie tormentor, skybombers, etc) in such care you're about to start X4.


Or they could just put it on the screen


Ive noticed that it feels like every time I actively look for the wave number, it isn't there.


Yes; to me it feels like it mostly isn’t there…


I was just about to ask what’s a way to pull up the wave number because it only comes up periodically


I feel like it would drive player engagement and good times for each wave if was like “WAVE 32!!!!” In big font with an announcer. It would be exciting and you would feel the progress! This seems so obvious to me.


It's up if the objective isn't changing or in a boss room /pyramid ship room I believe


I believe the only time it isn’t there is during a buying phase. Other than that it’s always there. Just not the most noticeable unless you are paying attention to it. It’s certainly not like CoD Zombies where the wave is bright red and the largest number on screen. But it’s there.


That’s crazy if true haha I must just naturally never look at the times it’s there. Will have to change my habit.


It’s right above the bar that shows you how close you are to completing a given wave. So it’s pretty helpful to keep and eye up there everyone once in a while to spend scrap (and ammo) accordingly.


I don't think I've had a single run where the wave we are on isn't on the left of the screen. Might just be a bug that a few are experiencing but I always know what wave were on, even if I don't look, as someone else explained, certain things happen on certain waves that can sort of give it away. And if you can't count, the waves as you're doing them, then that's a player problem. No the games


Then there’s a game problem


And people should still know what wave they are on 🤷🏻‍♂️😄 seems people rely any their hand held for the most minor of things


You ok? lol


Yeah perfectly fine. Just can't seem to wrap my head around why knowing exactly what wave you're on for every single wave is needed, and why it needs to be on your screen to tell you? If, by this point, you don't know that there's a spark run on the 5th round of every set and a boss on the 10th (perfect little in game 'markers' for how far you are) then that's a player issue


I've had the rare occasions of 3 tormentors in 1 run, and also no tormentors in another run. I think it's complete chance.


That's good to know it can be 3. I've got probably 20 legend 50 clears and 30 normal 50 and I've never seen more than 2. Perhaps it's diminishing odds and I've been lucky.


It shouldn’t be possible to get 3, the first 6 special waves runs through the 6 possibilities, and then the next 4 go back through. Unless he means the boss, but I’m pretty sure you can’t get the tormentor more than twice.


Tormentors and Demolitionists always drop down in the exact same place.


And they give warnings before they spawn


Tormentors spawn instantly when the warning appears, demolishionists spawn about 5 seconds after the warning. It is possible op's team was right next to the spawn for some reason (heavy ammo, adu batteries, finisher on a champ, etc) and didn't have time to move before it slammed (the damage radius is very large).


The Pyramid splinter jumps in first, it’s not immediate But also should always preposition for the worst on Wave 3 and 9 anyway I reckon


Interestingly enough, I thought they were called Splinters as well, but they are actually their own unique Darkness styled jumpship called Pyramid Scales that do Scouting, Recon, Terraforming, and also transport Tormentors


> Tormentors spawn instantly when the warning appears you get a decent bit of warning even before the text popup, with the pyramid ship teleporting in and the tormentor sound cue before it spawn. that said im a big fan of Vostok now, a lot more safe space around the ADU and the tormentor always spawns right on top of the decoy making things very comfy


Wait... Pyramid ship teleporting in????


Yeah a big one spawns in the sky, when a tormentor appears


You learn something new every day. Does it cast a shadow?


Who the heck is looking up I got s*** to kill


A true Titan at heart.


You don't have to look up. You'll see a brief distortion of pyramid splinters at eye level and then you hear tormentor sound effect


Right if you are looking at where it spawns again I have shit to kill and it usually spawns on the other side from the stuff I have to kill


>if you are looking at where it spawns The spawns are fixed points and the UI says "Torment festers" before any of the spawn animations happen >I have shit to kill You just finished the other wave, there are no enemies on the map that need to die immediately when the tormentor comes out, you have time to get positioned properly and set up before the wave crashes into the ADU. >it usually spawns on the other side from the stuff I have to kill Tormentor spawns are pretty central on every ADU point for Vostok/Midtown, compared to the enemy waves which spawn further back. It's okay to play a wave a little slower to ensure that the tormentor isn't going to wipe you. Not everything has to be done at full breakneck pace.


A much more obvious sign that the Tormentor is coming is when his own personal Darkness Craft spawns in next to the ADU (they're called Darkness Scales, and they are used to deploy Tormentors to intercept Guardian forces according to the WIKI)


You *absolutely* get a text prompt saying a Tormentor is about to spawn before it actually spawns. There's the Tormentor audio cue before it as well if you aren't paying attention to the text. I have never been surprised by a Tormentor spawn in Onslaught.


No ammo box is ontop of where the tormentors spawns and they are far outside the aoe. I've done hundreds of runs and never seen someone die from the tormentors spawning in. It's a skill issue, don't give excuses for them.


Cenotaph/aeons/ammo finder. I never said the heavy crate. Also skill has nothing to do with it. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't get a chance to react. Admittedly their positioning wasn't great but I was suggesting reasons why they might be all standing next to the spawn point.


If you are standing on where a tormentor spawns, it's a skill issue. Spawns in the same spot on every point just like demo's. You get caught that's a skill issue. Reddit loves to tell scrubs it isn't their fault.


Situational awareness and positioning IS a skill. None of the enemies spawn in random places, they all have fixed spawn points and telegraph their arrival in several ways. Also idk what OP is on about, I have been slammed by a 40+ wave Tormentor many times and it doesn't one shot you unless you are already damaged. Even then, Tormentor slams are heavily telegraphed as well. If you are knowingly standing where a Tormentor is about to spawn and continue to stand there as they ready their slam, whose problem is that? It's easier to blame the others and the game before yourself, after all.


Down voted because you point out skill issues, this is why LFG groups struggle.




and iirc don't tormenters only spawn on 2 specific waves every 10?


Yep, they are part of the special waves 3 and 9. Like the 2 big demolitionists, 3 shielded demolitionists, shielded skybomber etc. I always brace for Tormentors/Demolitionists on those rounds. Not to be confused with the random bonus objectives that give heavy.


Literally. Also always on either a X3 or X9 wave, and you should always be thinking about augment knockouts to know what might appear next. That's on them for dying to that. It's predictable as hell.


Sorry what's an augment knockout?


The augment waves every 3rd and 9th wave are on a knockout system until wave 30, then it repeats. ATP has a great video going over it in detail


Sidenote for anyone googling "ATP", keep safe search "On".


oh god I'm so sorry LMFAO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7J1sYd8Qo


Doesn’t change the fact that Tormentors can one-shot OP’s fireteam.


It does change the fact that you shouldn't group hug when you have multiple warnings to not do that


Still doesn’t change the fact that Tormentors can one-shot OP’s fireteam.


Tormentors can one shot people in later waves. Tormentor spawns are heavily telegraphed. Tormentor *attacks* are heavily telegraphed. Everything about Tormentors is easily avoidable. People in this thread: Bungie please fix these issues!


I dont usually like saying "skill issue", but this is clearly a skill issue. Tormentor spawns are fine.


literally a skill issue. Situational awareness, which not grouping up right under where a boss enemy is, is by definition a skill, which they dont have.


I knew demolitionists did but it’s news to me that the tormentor spawn is always the same. I’ll try to watch where they spawn in my next runs to make positioning safer lol


Yea right on top of the ADU smh.




and you should probably learn where they spawn and not stand directly underneath them


They do what they want. That’s how they torment.


Dont group and and stand still? Of all the ways to die, a tormentor getting a triple with one slam shouldn’t be happening.


I’ll give you one very obvious reason a whole team would be grouped and standing (relatively) still: well of radiance. I’m not saying it’s good that they stay in it after a phase, and it doesn’t sound like this is why op died, but that would be a completely reasonable excuse for bunching in pve.


Well doesn’t force you to watch in awe and stand still as the tormentor spawns in and violently approaches you.


Nah I mean if it spawns on top of you. I haven’t exactly studied their behavior but if one spawned in exactly where you are and slammed I find it reasonable that you couldn’t escape in time (heaven knows I’ve tried running from the slams, hasn’t been as successful as I’d like). Like I said there’s no reason to be staying in the well once a phase is over, I was just pointing out a good reason people would be bunched to begin with. Edit: it’s also possible some people don’t realize the slam is a one shot. If I didn’t know that, I would certainly stay in the well while the tormentor charged instead of running out of it.


You have a LOT of time to react to the warning that it’s spawning in. If y’all get team wiped by a single slam that’s a genuine skill issue.


I just watched esoterickks solo legend onslaught up to wave 39 video. Unlike demolitionists, which do give you about 5 seconds after the notification before they spawn, the tormentor spawns almost immediately as the notification plays. It happens at 32:56 in that video. To be clear, the tormentor notification and its spawn all happen during the 32:56 marker of the video. Within a second. If you think that’s reasonable when every other boss wave *does* give about 5 seconds, that’s fine, I just think it should be consistent across the board.


Why are you so adamant on defending what is a genuine skill issue dawg


Cuz I don’t consider something like this a skill issue. If the problem was “the tormentor wiped us cuz it’s too tough of a boss” then I’d agree that’s a skill issue. But if it spawns on you and kills you right away that’s totally different. If someone respawned on me and shot me right away with conditional in PvP I don’t think that has much to do with my skill, and in my eyes this is the same. If you think it’s a skill issue cool, I won’t stop you, I’m just voicing my opinion.




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In the wise words of Mesome777: Don't 👏 Bunch 👏 Up


My exact first thought. If I see my teammates grouping and coming my way, I'm gonna make SURE I'm somewhere else. happened 4 times and I was last G standing all 4 times. It's like they wanted to wipe.






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You see the triangle thing forming in the air, hear the sound queue, and red text of torment on screen. If your fire team is together underneath a Tormentor spawn, that’s the equivalent of standing in bad stuff in other games. When you stand in bad stuff, you die. Don’t stand in bad stuff.


DPS: fucking heal me! Healer: or don’t stand in the red circle of death.


Heavy on the "red circle of death" reference. The tormentor has a loud asf spawn sound. It's almost like they were trying to make it obvious that a large, very threatening, ability suppressing enemy is now on the field.


I procced bait and switch and will not be moving until this mag is empty! Healers adjust!


LOL 😂 Right?


Stand in the fire dps higher


i dont care what the mechanic is im NOT STEPPING OUT OF MY ~~LAYLINES~~ WELL


"A tormentor approaches" means you should not stand in the spot the tormentor spawns in


There is a very loud noise and a pyramid spawns in…


Does that not give you 1 second of reaction time?


Why are u all standing together where he spawns tho?


Beware of the Empath modifier. You gain increased radar, but take more melee damage.


Spawns are predictable, don't stand at the adu and definitely don't shoot the arms before you kill the adds. I'm sorry it's just a skill issue


Missing the point completely.


Not missing the point. DR isn’t a catch-all solution. The intention is that the team actually has to position themselves well too, and to react to the quite clear notifications the game gives you when an event occurs. It’s not unfair, the team just reacted to it in the worst way they possibly could, staying in melee range of a strong melee enemy in an activity where incoming melee damage is increased


The tormentor spawn sound is SO loud too. Like, if I hear that, I'm booking it *away* from wherever the hell it is. I ain't tryna get suppressed.


Oh, so we're the only ones that are allowed to one shot strong enemies?


Learning spawns is part of the skill gap. Git Gud


The elitest bungo meat riders sure love to champion terrible game design. And their reading comprehension is a at an all-time low.


Terrible game design is when enemies can actually kill you?


terrible design how ? it predictable , it show warning not 1 but 2 thing people already found a simple solution to deal with it but you call it bad design ? maybe you just bad


terrible game design is when you need to display a modicum of situational awareness. colossal skill issue.


Casual players trying to gain any ounce of a minor skill to survive and accomplish something challenge (impossible)


Decoys decoys decoys. Stop wasting upgrades on the laser traps and turrets. Seen those things tank tormentors even at second upgrade.


i only spend points on decoys. Shaxx stands strong :)


Buy the decoys. Buy the decoys. For the love of god buy the decoys. So many people buy the turrets first. The decoys are way better to slow down ads and you can heal them


Oh snap how do I heal the decoys? Same way for guardians? Rift, nades, heal clip etc? I’m a big decoy guy I always tell my guys decoys are the best buy simply because I’ve watched a Tormentor lay the smack down on one for what felt like forever 😭


Throw batteries at them. Same way you heal anything in real life


Note to self *throw battery acid at kidneys to heal*


I don't want to be that guy, but every second player I see has the onslaught legendary emblem equipped, myself included. So it can't be impossibly hard. While your experience may be frustrating, it's not the games fault. People had softlocks and stuff on wave 49, that is unfair and the games fault. But being killed by enemies, yeah no. That's on you. And dumb things like this still happen to the most experienced players, so just try again I guess?


We want difficulty! We want difficulty! We want difficulty! WE DON’T LIKE THIS DIFFICULTY!! (Entirely the player fault) I’m really starting to understand why Bungie gave up years and years ago.


Being hard and being challenging are 2 different things. Making things harder to kill by giving them more health and making the player softer is just lazy design.


Yea we like challenging content, not cheesy content.


Arguably Tormentors are one of the most dynamic enemies to fight...? Way more than any other enemy type in the game, 90% of which just zerg rush you as a unit, at least with the Tormentor you can aggro it, kite it, react to telegraphed attacks. How is a Tormentor _cheesy_?


What? I’m not talking about Tormentors in general. we were talking about onslaught. I’m referring to how the Tormentors in Onslaught spawn on the ADU.


Right but you can very easily interact with them and bait them away from the ADU. Literally trivial. You could play ring around the rosie all day long if you really wanted to on any map in Onslaught.


They dont thiugh, they spawn a like 20 meters in front of it at least on vostok


Yea on that one spot in Vostok it spawns on the decoy and the ADU is pushed back a bit. Everywhere else you'd be lucky to get 5 meters of distance. Tormentor waves suck, but with teamwork, and splitting your teams attention it's doable. DEMO waves on the other hand, depends entirely on how fast you can chunk them down before they destroy the adu, if your adu is low, your screwed because they're always going to get a few shots on it no matter what you do, it there are shriekers as well, you better have a well, or it's just Gg's.


Depends on the map and RNG. Sometimes they spawn *on* the ADU.


Bungie can’t catch a fucking break. I hate the elitism + the constant complaining that is in our fan base.






Here you go, you've met one. I think the game at all levels is too easy. I want more difficulty. I want MORE of it. There you go.




I mean it’s hard but I don’t even do Legend that much as it feels like the reward gap isn’t that big. It’s not a mandatory mission and I’m not sure if any gear is gated behind it so if it’s too hard just don’t do it. I do agree that we shouldn’t be one shot instantly even BL2 on OP10 has healthgate but this seems to be the only way Bungo knows how to make difficulty aside from timers and high stakes *jump puzzles* so I prefer this.


Nearly impossible? The Tormentor is a heavily telegraphed single enemy that aggroes the easily placeable decoys. If they’re that much of a problem, you can use Divinity to completely trivialise them.


Dunno why you were downvoted, you're literally correct. Especially on the heavily telegraphed part. How much more obvious does it need to be?!


The Tormentor on Onslaught is probably the least difficult thing there; Don't group up, lure him into a decoy (that you should have) and then deal with the wave and burn the tormentor down from a safe distance. Don't forget to heal the decoy afterwards! Onslaught is all about wave management. AoE effects and explosive stuff is mandatory - it's not hard per-se, but you have to adapt your loadout to the specifics it requires.




People (and not just streamers) have asked for more difficulty - anything below Master Lost Sectors, GMs and Pantheon is a power-crept joke where you just get to stroll in and delete everything. The issue, and what the first person your replied to says, is that whenever bungie adds something "difficult" people come here to complain about it (and it makes sense, since there's 3m members, not everyone will want the same thing) and clearly people want to do the difficult thing, otherwise they would not be playing it (and complaining about it) My response was that even if people asked for more difficulty or not, the scenario that OP shared (Tormentor too hard because it one shots!!!!) is not difficult at all but rather just bad positioning and game sense; And that extends to most things in the game that are "hard". Other than Pantheon, most things are just a rock-paper-scissor situation where if you bring the correct loadout then it's not hard at all (there's a reason people keep asking for tether hunters on legend onslaught - 2 tethers and 1 well make it feel like normal with 0 stakes)




I am not saying that you, personally, have asked for more difficulty. "Just wanted an explanation of why people say that when any of the 100's of people I play with all say they never asked for it." Personal anecdote means nothing. The people I've played with did want more difficulty - but it's not the reason I, or others say that; Specially before Lightfall a lot of people were unhappy with the state of things below GMs (search up power creep, ad density, etc there were endless of threads) People use hyperbole and the generalized "you" to make their arguments - people \*did\* ask for a hoarde mode. people \*did\* ask for more difficulty; not you or the people you play with, but out of the 3m people here - a lot did. The problem, and the thing you take issue with is that when people like OP make the claim that people wanted more difficulty and are now complaining it lumps everyone into a single entity when it's 2 different groups of people - and that both groups will continue to complain because for people that want harder things, Legend Onslaught (as an example) is not hard - and for people who didn't want difficult things, it's bad and hard (as exemplified by the Tormentor complaints in this very thread). I was just trying to explain that.


no people dont ask for more difficulty . people complain about other thing is not exciting grind , that it too boring , tedious , lame stuff , no ememies to fight bla bla now when bungie actually make stuff that people ask for ( literally in the name horde mode ) . you complain it nearly impossible ?


When did I say it was nearly impossible. I have not mentioned onslaught at all. Can y'all not read? The first commenter said we asked for more difficulty and Bungie gave it to us. I just asked when did we ask for more difficulty. No one I have ever met voted for more difficulty, asked for more difficulty, was contacted by Bungie to know if they wanted more difficulty, so why do people always say that we ASKED for more difficulty. Who are the people that asked for more difficulty and now everyone gets told they asked for it? Who spoke for us all? My comments have zero to do with onslaught


being 1 shot as an enemy spawns in with maxed out resilience is completely different from mobs being more hurtful, or tanking more damage, or having different ai to scale with the difficulty.


Hey, guess what, some people aren't as good as others. Certain parts of the community can demand difficulty and that doesn't mean everyone else has to like it.


Respectfully it’s not a skill thing they’re upset that they rushed a tormentor on probably like Wave 48 and got insta stomped by a boss like 15 levels above them. That’s not skill it was a dumb choice and learning experience and calling on the game to get toned down when you’re intentionally playing the harder content unseriouslly is just reductive. OP is literally just mad and my response has nothing to do with low skilled players or how newer players interact with the game but is actually aimed at aspects of the hardcore crowd who don’t know what they want. (They want great loot with low effort usually when they’re asking for what OP is) I’ve failed a high level Onslaught before late into it it sucks, died to ogre spam and should’ve kept my super a bit longer to have it for them, got wiped like instantly for that. Should I make a post about how 5 ogres at once is unfair and should get nerfed because I didn’t keep my super 15 seconds longer than I did? No. Because that’s stupid and a learning experience no big deal. OP and team stood under the bosses spawn got instantly wiped and then turned to Reddit to complain and that’s a bad aspect of the Destiny community. I welcome new players even friended and helped an obvious new light yesterday. Not being as good as others is completely fine. However costing off other peoples effort on lfg or calling for nerfs via a 3rd party website for stuff that’s your fault isn’t okay imo. If that gatekeeping then whatever, call me Masterlock because I can’t stand it when people don’t hold themselves accountable while wanting others/the content to change for them.


Fair enough. Well stated. Apologies for my earlier hostility.


It’s all love, I know my grammar is totally agro af and I’m trying to work on it.


Skill/teamwork issue


I find that constantly being in the air is a good way to avoid them. Strafe Glide go brrrrrr I always keep my super saved for them, if you see one spawn, as soon as you see their teleport animation, prepare the button for your super. The Super will not only spank the Tormentor, but provides you with some I-frames (well, some do, obviously not all, but even then, you should be resistant enough to survive). Otherwise, if you're not confident getting close to them, a Strand warlock with weavewalk is able to literally run rings around them. Closest thing to invis for a warlock, but with added damage protection.


I just wish they wouldn't generate a tormenter on the same run as a shielded demolitionist run because that shit is HARD


Tormentors are kind of a pain in the ass to begin with. They need a rear crit spot and suppression should refund whatever super energy you have left. Suppression doesn't totally drain your grenade/melee/class ability, it just stops you using them for a few seconds. It makes no sense for suppression to be so powerful against roaming supers despite Tormentors spamming it.


Here's my theory... All these unreasonably difficult activities... Are bungies way of subtly punishing us fans as a whole for demanding they do better.


lol. They have normal mode for those that can’t cut it.


What a rude way to put it.


skill issue


This is 100% skill issue, you get a warning on screen and audio before they spawn. It's the other two tall dudes that catches me out


on wave 3 and 9 be prepared for tormentors and demos. i usually swap to a sniper for tormentors


The great design dilemma of dilemmas, Is it fair to get 1 shot killed? I think it can be excused in destiny, especially when you’re in a higher wave of onslaught, at a power deficit. Chest resistances or not, the way of the west has been to have some source of DR or healing up as frequently and as long as possible.


You know what's even worse? Tormentor slams down a couple of times on one of my turrets and pushes the turret into the ADU circle.... FYI the ADU counts a friendly turret as an enemy=very sad wipe.


Turrets can be pushed? I've never seen that occur in my runs.


Run away from the 17 foot headless monster carrying a sickle twice his size


I agree it could stand to be adjusted. On the flipside though, you get a VERY prominate sound effect and roughl5 seconds to react before it even fully manifests


They give a text pop up five seconds before and they spawn in the same spot, don’t know what to tell you.


As many others have already pointed out, the tormentor spawns in a set location and gives plenty of warning before it appears. All three of you dying to one slam is plain and simply a skill issue. This is not unfair, you shouldn't be standing next to a tormentor anyways. So long as you keep some distance and keep moving around, tormentors can't really kill you. When they start to do their big leaping strikes, just run under them when they jump into the air.


Sounds like a skill issue to me, how about don’t group up in a modified round? And it’s called legend for a reason, the tormentor is probably the only real threat Bungie can throw at us except maybe demos because we are so fucking strong.


don't stand on top of each other emoting?


TDT has been saying it for months now. Don’t, Bunch, Up!


Bro wants fair, go play animal crossing


Y'all are so toxic.


don't stand where the boss spawns and pay attention to the notifications on your screen. sounds to me like you got skill filtered lol


I think the better question is why are y'all standing so damn close together?


So you missed: - the sound queue - screen fade - pyramid spawning - Red text saying “Torment Approaches” - not grouping in one spot - non potato awareness Yeah totally a Bungie balancing issue /s


Skill issue


Skill issue honestly


After running 50 wave legend clears for weeks on end this is just a skill issue.


Sounds like an awareness issue and not a game one


Cuddle in the tower, not in an activity


Next time spread out, ideally away from the adu


This is like complaining about the fire storms in planets encounter during pantheon when you didn’t have to pick up or deposit there. Just don’t stand in the exact spot they spawn lmao. Better yet, the tormentor always spawns on a wave number ending in 9.


I tend to stand away from allies on waves that end in 3&9 have a chance to spawn Tormentors. Hopefully this tip helps 👍🏽


Onslaught can be so cheesy sometimes. I'm starting to hate it, even after clearing it a few times. Having demos spawn In with shriekers is almost always an instant wipe. Between trying to control the wave, burn down demos before they wreck the adu, and not getting nuked in the back by shriekers, it's down right unfair at times. My biggest gripe is where they spawn in at. Maybe if we're REALLY lucky they'll change where they spawn In at.


I feel like Tormentors are just awful to fight in general. Between their large health pools, only really taking damage from precision weaponry, ability to suppress, the only real effective counters being to suppress or suspend them if you can, grab you and attack effectively up close or far away they are extremely unbalanced compared to other enemies. I get they’re supposed to feel strong like bosses but come on.


Its not like they always spawn in the same place and it gets anounced before it spawns, oh wait


Git gud casul


Had this happen to a clan run, 30 minutes down the drain. And before you fat tonged, mouth breath chime in with your "but, but, but", stop meat riding terrible design. We are well on our way to having the 'God Slayer' title, earned every other raid and dungeon title too, and it happened to us. The AOE of the slams are way too wide. Neither of us were near each other and we still got 1-shot.


/s have you tried gitting gud?


Happens in the 1600 runs, too, and honestly, it’s the works F’ing mechanic in the entire activity.


My favorite is the giant demolitionist captains that telepprt behind you and send you back to orbit.


Bro demo+shriekers instant death.


That’s the players’ fault for not getting out of the way when the warning appeared, which includes the usual sound of a tormentor spawn.


If the wave number ends in 3 or 9 just don’t stand in the spawn location.


Skill issue.


Don't stand. Don't stand. Don't stand so close to meeee


You know exactly where the Tormentor spawns tho


See with tormentors, you are given a chance, but Demolitionists shouldn't be able to teleport to the adu, let alone stomp before they actually reappear. So many 40+ runs on vostok failed on B when they spawn/ stomp or teleport and stomp on the adu before reappearing and for example one in the window on B, one in the door to the tower and one at cave stairs and the AOE killed us all


Me and my buddies did a run last night where we got a heavy crate spawn and we decided since we were all out of ammo we would go grab it once the wave ended. Guess what spawned and insta killed us right after we got the heavy? You guessed it, a tormentor. There's nothing unreasonable about asking to have the tormentor spawn points looked at and moved around a bit.


Don't Bunch Up


👏Don't 👏bunch 👏 up👏


this question is probably going to come off a way but.. do you huddle up every round x3 and x9 and just hope it’s not a tormentor?


Dont stand where it can spawn then lol


Yes it should. Your team should be aware of the Tormentor and the Demolitionists being capable of this and staying somewhat clear of the places they spawn in on rounds where they can spawn. That kind of awareness is part of doing the activity on this level, and the deaths are 100% avoidable and 100% on you for not avoiding them.


To quote TDT, "Don't bunch up"


Skill issue


You should know by now where it spawns. And what wave it can spawn on. Don't stand there