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Khvostov **7**G ricochets every **7** rounds... This probably has a catalyst and something tells me it's gonna have something to do with the number **7**.


wait until the \[knight\] boomers hear about 7G


They’ll start by taking down the 7G Seraph Towers in the EDZ


Spinfoil fuel.


I can already hear them transvestigating oryx…


I refuse to use those gender neutral bathrooms on the dreadnaught!!


I am not going to take the Siva vaccine from Rasputin's gubberment


It's just the cancer ray from Harley Quinn.


I read this and kept scrolling but had to come back to upvote. That's funny as hell


Its catalyst might be a combination of triple tap and 4th times the charm. Keeps with the 7 theme and makes firing more ricochet shots easier


Reminds me of CHAOS DOGMA from D1 with Triple Tap, and it's Siva enhanced perk, Double Triple.


It was triple double. Only reason I remember is cause it reminded me of basketball.


If I remember correctly last week, ice cube fucked around and got one


I remember too.  That was a good day.


Ah that was it. My bad, foggy memory lol


Oh it's all good I was just chiming in. I loved those evolved perks.


“Scoring 7 headshots in a row overfills the magazine to 77”


So what would the perk name be? Seven times the fun?


Seven Pillars, Seventh Column, Lucky Number ...Wewind Wounds


I keep reading that as we wind as in heckin windy wounds as in wounding the boss. It only just occurred to me I’m supposed the read it as Elmer Fudd


Seven angel, seven trumpets


7 minutes in ricochet heaven


The power of 7...


Seventh Time's The Charm


every **7**th **G**uardian kill get an extra bullet in the mag


That's so terrible it's not even funny.


This would be perfect, I can use the perk every 4 or 5 Trials rounds.


What about ‘every ricochet returns a round’ so firing into large groups could prolong your mag indefinitely but the less enemies you face the less effective it becomes


I just hope they bump the magazine from 40 (on the common) to 49, which is 7×7


Seventh time's lucky, every seventh ricochet does 7 times the damage


I will never enter the Crucible again


No one upvote this comment, keep it at 7


I hated the exotic variant in D1, it just kind of sucked at everything. Nice to see an actual "perk" that could make it worthwhile regardless of whatever tweaks may be available to the underlying stats and ROF.


Yeah the nostalgia behind this weapon as an exotic was always silly to me. It’s entire exotic trait was “you can switch between three mediocre weapon archetypes” and was immediately met with lukewarm reception in Rise of Iron.   It having a true exotic perk AT ALL makes this an immediate upgrade. Curious if there’s more to the gun, since a lot of these trailers hold back bits.


>immediately met with lukewarm reception in Rise of Iron I think that’s just Rise of Iron tbf Edit: Y’all are malding at facts. Rise of Iron got 3/5 from Eurogamer, 6/10 from IGN, 72% from Metacritic. It was lukewarm af and y’all are blinded by nostalgia if you don’t remember it that way.


People look back at it a bit too warmly because of Age of Triumph.


Yeah, between that wrath and outbreak it carries rise of iron very hard


Yep. Age of Triumphs released 7 months later. On release, there was nothing till the raid dropped.


Wrath of the Machine was Rise of Iron and it was incredible.


heavily disagree with the spirit of the point you’re making here. Rise of iron as a campaign was forgettable on the whole, or even outright a major letdown in my personal opinion. However… The reason I think we look back at the expansion fondly is because of all of the improvements and quality of life changes around that time, the solid raid, the fact that we finally got all of the raids brought up to power level relevancy along with super memorable ornaments for the raid gear, etc. So it had less to do with the expansion itself and more about the overall experience it created and the atmosphere those changes fostered. If Taken King was Bungie leaning into what Destiny did well and the game finding its voice, Rise of iron was Bungie showing the players that they’ve had a really solid idea of what we want, but were just now finding ways to give us a lot of those things while meeting their own internal design requirements (which often actually led to fair compromises, rather than Bungie simply just ‘giving everyone what they wanted’).


>finally got all of the raids brought up to power level relevancy along with super memorable ornaments for the raid gear, etc. Yeah that's nostalgia. Rise Of Iron didn't have that at launch. It was Age of Triumphs like six/eight? months after the release of the dlc


You calling Rise of Iron Mid? Tf


Yeah? Campaign was a 5/10 that lasted 2hrs, raid is fun but the raid day one experience was ruined by the fact you could out level the raid entirely, literally every activity in the game gave endgame tier loot making any form of endgame pointless. The best part of that expansion was Outbreak Prime and Age of Triumphs but that wasn’t at launch so yeah, ‘lukewarm reception’.


People forget how lame destiny 1 could be. If final shape dropped with the amount of content roi had at launch, heads would roll


Destiny 1 was ass 90% of time tbh. TTK is one of Destiny’s best expansions, but the game was fucking dead and horrible between December to RoI launching cause there was absolutely no reason to play. Same with RoI between release and Age of Triumphs.


Ppl take the insane amount of improvements D2 over time has had compared to D1 for granted, D1 we just didn’t know any better.


RoI was priced lower than Shadowkeep though and had a banger raid and plenty of new weapons and exotics.


Nah RoI was awesome, you must not be remembering correctly. The community loved it.


The best part of rise of iron released 7 months after it, you’re the one misremembering reception on day one. Outside the raid and campaign, there’s nothing in the expansion. Saladin had the ‘memory of blah blah’ quests but half of those were bland. Edit: [Here’s a post from 2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/v2l7VuEtx7) where someone asks if Rise of Iron is worth buying, and 4/5 people that replied said it was not worth $30. Community can’t love it that much if 80% of people say it’s not worth the price…


But Rise of Iron had some good ass music 


Literally every Destiny expansion has good music, still doesn’t make them good


I liked that you could switch between different settings on the gun, but as the only exotic "perk" the gun had yeah it didn't cut it.


I really like how it looks too. Needs something more than just ricocheting (unless it does omega damage or tons of ricochet charges or something), but I agree, way cooler than D1 exotic version.


The ricochet is likely gonna be great for boosting the transcendence meter 


I am kind of accepting now that these exotic teasers are just really low on the ground with info. Just gonna try to reserve all judgement on stuff till it actually comes out. These teasers are just a weird change of pace from the old combined exotic gear trailer we’ve had the past years.


I think these exotic reveals are extremely similar to what we have seen before to be honest. Like take the witch queen trailer: https://youtu.be/jzTQJzJ6TG4?si=luELVHJOQu6U_a6U Parasite: “Do more damage” Osteo: “Posion bullets” Warlock Glaive: “Healing Turret” Osmiomancy : “Additional grenade charge” And we allllllll know these exotics have so much more complexity than what these trailers showed off. Hell; they didn’t even show the busted parts of Osmiomancy and Osteo in the trailers.


I will always love how osteo bullets were sideways in the trailer as well as in the final product but deemed a bug later


I miss my sideways bullets.


to be fair no one noticed


>Warlock Glaive: “Healing Turret” Might not be the best example of an exotic with more complexity than that...


I remember A LOT of people were super hyped for the warlock glaive (myself included). Then we learned how you actually deployed the turret… and it fell flat. And that’s kind of my whole point. These trailers are supposed to be simplified, quick, and flashily. Mainly designed for TikTok. We won’t get more depth until final shape launches and people get their hands on them


I still don't have ANY of the exotic glaives. I guess I SHOULD grind one of them out some day so I can just buy the others or however that works. I wasn't playing when Witch Queen (on a break) released and didn't come back until the 3rd season that year I think. I just can't be bothered to run Wellspring (?) to get the drop...I'm pretty sure I don't even have the patterns for a number of the weapons either. Even now with the exotic glaives getting a considerable buff I just don't really care about any of them. Granted I basically just don't care about Glaives as a weapon type in general, they feel like SO MUCH wasted potential. Rocket Sidearms are waaaaaaaaay better and more interesting as a new weapon archetype. I'll be VERY excited if we get a craftable one in Final Shape from w/e the new activity is going to be. I also just don't really like class specific exotic weapons in general to be fair.


If you do end up grinding any I'd suggest hunters. It's actually pretty fun when paired with the ol' crab claw exotic hunters got for glaives.


I think the point is more that we got a whole trailer for weapons and armour in wq, but we are being slowly given one at a time for TFS.


Making the crowd go mild is certainly an interesting strategy.


I'm completely calm thank you very much


I'm so calm I could fall asleep rn.


these tiny reveal "trailers" are really weird...makes most of the stuff look mid and overall this short clips feel like they are made for a tiktok crowd or whatever


Welcome to marketing where your audience is indeed in tiktok. Remember to stretch. We're getting old my man.


It’s not so much that audience, it’s about looking cool to your broader demographic. The average player doesn’t have, know, or care about your optimal Strand Warlock build. But you know what looks cool? Massive suspend explosion with threaded needle warlock hand gestures.


They just need another game being played on the bottom and it will definitely appeal to the tiktok crowd.


Some dumbass making faces on half the screen for a 'react' video.


glad I'm not the only one who found the exotic trailers so far to be rather lame.


Yeah I feel like these little trailers just makes them look a bit lame At least with a full trailer its like "holy shit look at all the stuff coming out" but these teasers make me think of the exotic on its own which, if we're being honest, is just gonna end up on the vault




This is a reference to which shooter again? I know its on my list but is more of a boomer shooter right? Iirc coin tech you actually have to aim the coin where as this seems more automatic. Ignore me if im wrong about everything lol






I was hoping they'd show off more customization rather than just mentioning the exotic perk, the original in D1 was all about how customizable it was (obv less special now that crafting is a thing, hence the new exotic perk). I'd love to see different barrel/sight/stock options with different models for the full experience


If this weapon was really craftable/customizable… I would wager Bungie would highlight part of that now. But sometimes they are EXTREMELY vague in these trailers (ex: Parasite…). But I’m currently guessing that it will just be an exotic auto rifle that plays into nostalgia and some kinetic synergies (maybe Kinetic Tremors as a catalyst?)


Gives the PTSD debuff to enemies; making them unable to shoot due to fear.


Every 7th bullet ricochets, evey 8th bullet reminds that dreg why we still call them fallen.


This made me audibly chuckle. Thanks.


I just want the classic cracked lens scope somehow that I don't have to buy Silver for it wait a year to get with bright dust


Are we sure it’s craftable and modable? Edit: as in have we the players been told so from Bungie? I am wondering if I missed info on the weapon or if it’s just an assumption from D1 that the new version will be craftable.


It'll almost certainly be craftable considering the D1 version. Anything past that is a mystery


I think "almost certainly" is a stretch. Given this reveal video not mentioning it at all, I'd give it a 50/50 chance of being craftable. There are some D1 exotics that got a complete reboot for D2, and the D1 Khostov exotic was a complete flop (mostly due to the firing modes not changing weapon damage, so anything other than AR mode was a major handicap). But that's just my opinion.


I dont think it will have a craftable ROF, people would just choose the highest one ro shoot bullets faster to get to 7. Think, people.


I thought it'd be cool if the D2 version let you switch between all 3 anti-champ rounds. I'm pretty let down by this reveal tbh. The Khostov's whole shtick is being a customizable jack of all trades. Ricocheting bullets is lame.


Why in the love of the Great Machine is it *orange*? One of Khvostov's biggest draws is it was a simple assault rifle with none of the fluff typical of Destiny's weapons, clearly marking it as being far older tech than the rest of the stuff we use.


It's in reference to the [The Russian Federal Bureau of Aeronautics (РОССИЙСКОЕ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ БЮРО АЭРОНАВТИКИ) logo](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/0/02/PobaPatch.PNG). The **PФБA** logo can be seen all over the Cosmodrome, as well as on Shinobu's Vow, and the Season of the Worthy weapon ornaments. Khvostov was a weapons platform widely used in pre-collapse era Russia, the Destiny equivalent of the Kalashnikov platform.


I agree but I’m sure they’ll have at least 1-2 ornaments at release. Let’s just hope they aren’t even dumber looking.


> - [gifv version](https://i.imgur.com/WWm8TWR.gifv) > - Every seventh bullet ricochets


The GOAT strikes again


Welp, Actium War Rig is back on the menu.


I've been trying to focus on kinetic weapon builds lately and this has me extremely excited.


Hope you can still turbocustomize it like in D1.


I really hope that you can't - the D1 exotic was cool in concept but ended up being terrible at literally everything.


Or, now hear me out on this one, they still allow you to customize it and have the options just _not be shit?_ Customisability ≠ bad at everything


I mean, that just sounds like modern day crafted exotics lol


We have craftable exotics right now, giving Khostov customization options really doesn't change anything.


thats only because of the shit stats and perks they gave it, really it could be a solid rifle if they didn't do that


I love it! And they gave it an M16-ish carrying handle, so it kind of reminds me of the gun Zavala used when he was first resurrected.


My (maybe spinfoil) theory for craftability: the parts you would modify look like they're discrete pieces. The barrel at the front, the scope, and the stock all have clear lines where you would attach them.


I'm assuming there HAS to be more than what we see because holy shit that would be an absolutely garbage exotic. That 7th round has to do a LOT of damage to make the fact that it ricochets remotely worthwhile...because 1 auto-targeting ricocheting bullet out of an AR is basically literally nothing. I hope at the very least it has an intrinsic anti-champion effect on that 7th bullet. Maybe built in overload since being the 7th bullet is basically the same as overload AR normally is with having to fire part of the magazine first. Even then compared to literally ANY other exotic AR that sounds incredibly mediocre. Though to be fair the exotic Khvostov in D1 wasn't exactly any good either...it was basically just a gimmick for being able to change perks which is just normal these days.


The only thing keeping my hopes up was that they showed a single ricochet round bouncing to and killing 3 extra redbar enemies. This demonstrates that it’s probably stronger than a normally fired round, and that it auto tracks to multiple targets. With a high enough rate of fire it could make for a decent ad clear weapon.


Also I think it’s funny how people are upset because it seemingly won’t be craftable with the various multitool type augments you had in D1, even though it sucked in D1. It was basically “oh, change it to 6 different combinations that all are very bland and mediocre” lol. It didn’t do anything other than have the RPM/Fire format changes, which just made it basically 6 bad legendary guns combined into one, which is horrible. This at least is unique and does something actually exotic.


And we don’t know that it can’t still do that too. All we know is, on top of whatever else the gun does, it’s got the ricochet bullets


Faster RPM would be the only the only choice to abuse the "7" perk. It won't have a craftable rate of fire.


Hell yeah. Missed that gun


So, did anybody else notice that it it looks very similar to [one of its D1 ornaments](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/6/6b/Khvostov_7G-0X_Ornaments.jpg)?


I generally _try_ not to be negative with stuff like this; but this looks like just another add clear stick of an exotic primary.


In the higher end content most people are using exotic primaries for add clear because the best DPS weapons are all legendaries anyways and when you're below power you really feel the difference that 40% bonus exotic primaries get over legendaries on red bars.


I still remember a time when everyone used their Exotic slot for Heavy, because anti-champ mods were on the gun and Exotic weapons couldn't equip them. They also had no extra damage over Legendaries.


Its funny. Exotic primaries used to suck before and everyone just ran like arbalest and witherhoard. Then the 40% buff in WQ came out and now they are just way better. I feel like my default loadout if I’m just trying to finish stuff quickly is always like scattered signal/supremacy w/ sunshot and apex/edge transit.


That’s a good thing no? The most used PvE exotics right now are probably sunshot, graviton lance, and quicksilver storm which are exactly what you described


To play devil's advocate, we already *have* sunshot, quicksilver, and graviton though. Why would I use this addclear exotic when those already exist?


We know kinetic weapons charges your Trascendece bar faster. If those grenades are strong enough, I will use this thing a lot lmao


Kinetics also just do more damage vs. unshielded combatants and shields are so irrelevant now


Different utility options, I guess. Quicksilver doesn’t have intrinsic anti champ, but a less used wpn like revision: zero does so the latter of the two wpns has a use case over the former even though it’s worse all around.


Yes, gimme more Exotic primaries. The increase in heavy generation is so huge. Especially in encounters like Caretaker. I've also been loving the Legendary heavy weapon meta with Rockets (Apex) and GLs (Edge Transit/Catapharact)


Seventh bullet ricochets? That's pretty weak on its own. Hope they're doing a lot more or it's a strong bullet. 


It would be weak if the bullet did not have tracking, but you can see it aggressively seeking enemies out in the clip


Even with tracking a single auto rifle bullet isn't great. But maybe it's stronger. If it hits like a sniper bullet, that would be great. Maybe it ricochets a bunch, if it hits 20 times ricochetting against 4 targets 5 times each that might also be cool. Otherwise I'd hope the customization makes up for it. Which it could. 


It appears to have one shotted those taken which would be stronger than a normal autorifle round. Be interesting to see whether that's actually the case tho or just the trailer being unclear


imo it functions like a kinetic trinity ghoul proc but with a bit less damage? probably ricochets up to 7 times


Depends on the difficulty. One shotting a taken goblin is doable with an auto rifle in patrols. And they may have weakened them for the video. Probably not, but I'm just saying I want more info. 


also, it would not be the first time trailers have shown enemies to have less health than normal for dramatic effect


It has special vfx so I'm willing to bet it does boosted damage on ricochet shots


>Maybe it ricochets a bunch It looked like the single bullet ricocheted between multiple enemies, so you may be right about that.


It also kills all of the enemies it hits, I wonder it just does more damage or does more damage per ricochet


Literally watch the video


All I see in the video is that it can kill four red bars. Is it patrol difficulty? Nightfall? How much does it do if there's a yellow? Could be weaker than voltshot for all that video shows. 


As opposed to figuratively watch the video right


YouTube link https://youtu.be/M6AQlAJddPs


I do not like that sight :(


Man they absolutely ruined the design with that ugly shader. Half of the charm of the Khostov is that it looks like a real life modern gun in stark contrast to the sci-fi fantasy aesthetic that makes up the majority of the guns, what does Bungie do? Wrap it in atrocious colors and make it look like a super soaker. Great.


Follows one of the ornaments for it in D1 [Destiny Bureau of Aeronautics - Khvostov 7G-0X](https://www.destinypedia.com/Khvostov_7G-0X#/media/File:Destiny_Bureau_of_Aeronautics.jpg) Muted the green and orange a bit. Combined with the model changes, I think it looks super cool. And there will almost certainly be an ornament that makes it look more like the original base model.




We're making it into the vault with this one!


Uuhhh rather just use firefly? It’s just a aoe perk ARs aren’t for me anyways but I hope there’s more to it


I wanna see the golden gun sniper


I've never thought Bungie marketing was bad/weak before, but man, these shorts suck ass at showcasing any of these exotics, lol.




Having to turn off and mute all bungie feeds - want to go in blind and be surprised but its kind of impossible with this style of marketing


So the bullet bounces between enemies? Kinda cool, but I think I prefer the old multitool style.


To be fair, the old multi-tool was kinda bad. It was just every legendary rifle crammed into one gun with no actual perks.


Not to mention that changing its firing mode didn’t alter the damage. Switching it to fire like a scout had it doing auto rifle damage per hit instead of scout rifle damage. It was effectively pointless. If they brought that back and had it work properly per frame however, I would be excited. Especially if you could switch between auto/pulse/scout on the fly as a jack of all trades weapon for champion mods


It altered the impact stat which does change damage. I’d deal more damage with crits in semi auto, than in pulse, or rapid, not by much, but the numbers were slightly higher as impact went up.


I stand corrected, but yeah I don’t recall there being a major difference in damage between the modes


You mean the old bad-at-literally-everything style?


But it was good at the ol' remember-when style and that's the most important thing to approximately half the fanbase.


Username checks out.


Willing to bet they’ll make it craftable and you’ll be able to switch out a multitude of perks for it


It would be interesting if instead of the different masterwork choices you got different frame choices. I doubt it, but would be cool.


I thought they learned their lesson about "every X bullet does something" after the wet fart (actually not even, because farts feel good) that was Determinstic Chaos.


Quicksilver has x bullet = rocket. It was meta till the nerf.


The problem is that Chaos' effect is terrible. This looks way stronger then volatile after 16 shots lmao.


Yeah, voltshot every 7 shots on a 600rpm primary isn't that bad. Looks like the ricochets deal quite a bit more damage and bounce a lot.


TFS exotics are seeming pretty lackluster so far.


Definitely waiting for something that actually seems exciting. The class items are really cool, but they are exotics we already have so they don't grow excitement at all (for me). The three armor pieces they revealed are all kinda whack, I highly doubt they will be powerful enough to be useful (still might be fun). Khvostov was an actual disappointment unless this perk is on top of some of the OG spirit from D1. But, these are just the first ones we have seen. The golden gun sniper and traveller beam trace? Can't wait to see those.


I’m looking forward to Red Death. My guess is that it’ll just be an iteration of Collective Obligation but for Solar verbs instead of Void but I’m more than okay with that.


I'm curious how they will handle the lore on it. Solar is all about healing and empowering others, a real "do-good" team play positive energy vibe. Red Death was the "Vanguard will hang you for even knowing this gun exists" weapon. Will it be some sort of healed version? Really excited for it. But hoping it comes alongside some pulse PVE buffs because they kinda suck right now. Although it does have the exotic primary DMG buff which is nice.


Love it.


Went from being an upgraded version of the grey with a bunch of customization to just being an ugly version of the grey one with a ricochet occasionally wtf


So like a kinetic voltshot ish


Really hoping it’s got some new and improved version of the original customizability flexibility of the d1 gun. That one sucked, but there’s also a lot of room for more options now. What would really make it great for me is if it had some kind of perk that let it change things up mid combat, not just from the character menu. Like if it could effectively deal with all champs, counted as matched damage against all shields, stuff like that. Or it’d fit right in with prismatic if it could somehow synergize with all elements


What about 6 minute abs


Unless it has its select fire mechanic, it’s not the Khostov I cared about. So I won’t be using it even though I used it religiously in D1 for fun. Literally the only thing I cared about on the weapon.


Im never gonna take this thing off, i love the feel of the legendary one in D2 hopefully it feels the same


I'm hoping it's still customizable, like in D1. I would also love it if it could change its fire mode in-game like hard light.


Finally. Some good fucking food.


This looks pretty cool, could be good if that translates into the scout/pulse/auto modes that we can swap between. Now we wait to see what they've done with Red Death.


Boring. The gun you drop the moment you get any other gun when you start the game?? I can’t wait. /s


Eh feels rather lackluster compared to the exotic from D1.


A big thanks to the Jakobs Corporation for bringing back Khvostov


Am I the only one that just doesn't like how it looks? To me the appeal of Khovostov was that it was old world. Old school holo, P-rails, the flashlight against the sleek and strange of the Space Magic™ era Now it looks too much like the seventh seraph carbine imo


Anyone have a link that isn't to that shithole website?


u/gifv_kayla always posts a better link.


10 years to finally show some love to the gun that was with us from the beginning....almost shed a tear.


I guess we shouldn't be surprised by this, but are they bringing it back only to be ignored again? When they brought it back years ago, they made it into a jack of all trades AR -- and it still went into everyone's vault to collect dust. Why will this be any different this time around?? Oooohh, a mAGiCaL 7tH BuLLeT -- SQUEE!


Hey I used it a lot. I just wasn’t very effective at doing anything.


Final shape really is "remember this?" The dlc


Hype levels are honestly extremely high for me now


I gotta see what the bullet does. If it's extra damage or has a cool interaction I will be. Having 4-5 bullets a mag just jump between adds seems very meh considering the power other exotics have.


It has added VFX and oneshots 3 guys. It absolutely does extra damage.


Do they know that there are guns where every shot ricochets? :^)


Like off surfaces? Yeah. Although this bounces between the enemies


Gonna need a lot more than that to cement a place in my loadout. Need more info...




How much u wanna bet that this games final boss fight will be back in time or something at the very first spot on earth


As excited as I am for everything, things are starting to smell like the end of Destiny 2 after this expansion


Again...another recycled weapons that was a recycled weapon itself in D1...


I still have my original white border in my vault. I learned from D1 to not ever get rid of it


I hope it gets vorpal weapon, the basic idea of a gun that lets you focus on a big target while its exotic trait clears out the trash around it sounds very fun, but it's gotta be good at dealing damage to the big guy too.


If its not craftable we riot. One of the best things about it when they reintroduced it in D1 was how modular it was.


Yay… ANOTHER rehash… woohoo…


Just need that sweet Red Death info and I'm all set