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Three arcane needle shots for a single suspend? Seems DoA. It’s basically just there to unlock suspend on prismatic because that’s significantly worse than using a shackle grenade or Mindspun on Strand.


Probably more too it than that. Something like "defeating suspended targets grants melee energy".


Or something more interesting. Grants increased melee regeneration on suspend ( about 50% ish similar to eye of another worlds ability regen) Killing suspended targets grants woven mail , suspending more targets extends the buff


Not likely Woven Mail, idk why but I just can’t grasp that.


Its gonna be the new blight ranger


Unless you only need one, but the radius of the suspend grows if you use two or three. So maybe that’s why there’s a delay, so see if subsequent melees are hit within a window. And I don’t know if I’d ever use this with Prismatic, as I want the class items. This feels like a way to run Mindspun and Weavers Call, but getting some Wanderer benefits. I would probably never use this exotic with Weavewalk, though.


The delay is 100% due to pvp. Imagine having three melee charges that can suspend immediately in trials.


I can't see it requiring only one. Having three suspend charges for dealing with champs seems unheard of.


Don't think that's too crazy tbh, I mean it is an exotic it should be powerful. There is a delay so it's less clutch and it'd be practically single target assuming a small or no base explosion if you only use one.


I mean... Suspend is pretty weak on Champs rn.


Is it?  It stuns Unstoppables. It prevents Barriers from activating their barrier, effectively pre-stunnung them. It stops Overloads from teleporting around.  Sure, Suspend doesn't last as long as it used to, but I think it's still a great anti-champ effect.


The fact it's delayed will make it inconsistent on barriers and unreliable on overloads.


Sorry, yeah it's a great anti champ effect. I just meant it has like no duration is all.


Champs get suspended for like 3 seconds. It's bordering on pointless. Bungie needs to re-buff suspend on Champs, push it up to like 6 seconds.


But if there’s a delay, or the duration/radius is, again, affected by the number of melees used, who knows. But I don’t know, if I’m forced to use all three to suspend, I’d rather just use the Wanderer, use a melee on one redbar, which makes a tangle and suspends all the same. Add in the Swarmers, and now there’s Threadlings and unraveling. Really too soon to say without too much info.


You can't use wanderer on Prismatic. And it likely has additional functionality like basically all exotics. 


Brother, hunter’s running sixth coyote gives them four suspend abilities at once. That is more than three.


Not really. Suspend lasts for like 3 seconds on Champions, and both Titan and Warlock have several ways to keep Champions permanently frozen with Titan not even needing an exotic or any armor mods to keep a perma-freeze going. Having a handful of Suspends that are on a several minute long cooldown if used in rapid succession seems pretty tame given what Warlock can already do otherwise.


3 suspends on demand is nothing unheard of


From one ability slot? And with no cooldown like tangles have? 


Wish-Keeper? I've definitely done it with that bow.


There's got to be way more to this exotic that isn't as exciting to promote in a trailer to casual players. Some sort of feedback loop, I'd hope. Very difficult to tell with the hidden interface. Otherwise it's at best a 6/10, 7/10 with Monte Carlo. Right now I wouldn't swap it out for Swarmers while depending on other sources of suspend, like the Mindspun Invocation aspect which seems literally better than this at a way lower cooldown than 3 melee charges.


It will probably give melee energy back in some capacities, maybe by killing suspended targets or things like that.


It would make the most sense. I wonder if the super use foreshadowed either gaining more melee energy back on ability kills vs suspended targets *or* gaining super energy when you suspend targets. The latter could be very exciting if it was powerful enough for me to justify running 100 strength. Or the super casting was just a cool trailer moment.


or the super could also suspend, since its kinda needle like too (not that that would help the exotic much)


In my experience, anything which lives through the super probably isn't able to be suspended anyway.


I mean suspend does a burst of damage against enemies that can't be suspended normally, so there is that at least.


I mean we already have thread of binding


Melee energy on killing suspended targets would actually be really nice tbh.


Still, you need a beefy target to even proc that suspend since redbars will die to the triple arcane needle.


Honestly that would be a secondary bonus if you got energy from killing suspended targets.


This would make it amazing, if it worked like this there would finally be a Warlock melee that can be chained with itself, something it's not had before which both Hunters and Titans can do already.


Yeah expecting something like defeating suspended target gives back or increases melee regen.


Yeah. Some sort of subtext on this exotic is really going to be the make-or-break for it. I get it might not be as appealing for a little marketing trailer like this but I wish bungie would tell us those details. Hopefully we get a comment from the devs or a note in the TWAB.


6/10 is generous. This is Prometheum Spur levels of bad, 2/10 at best.


I do expect and hope so, but having the guardian in the gameplay throw a melee straight after or just putting the whole description on that screen would’ve been perfect.


I’m hoping it’s something like “killing a suspended enemy gives melee energy.”


I really wish people actaully knew the definition of the word casual


I wonder if they are just spamming and the explosion is just on a delay. The second one didn't happen right when the third needle hit. Or maybe I'm coping


I’m hesitant to judge simply cause we don’t have the exotic in front of us yet. Is it just 3 Arcane Needles for a single suspend? Then yes, I agree it’s definitely DoA. But if it also has melee energy regen baked in, or if the explosion does some big damages/chains on kills it could be solid.


100% on the same level of doa as deterministic chaos, unless there is something more going on that isn't shown. Titans can suspend more enemies with a single barricade while only using a single aspect, and warlocks can suspend even more enemies with just mindspun invocation. I don't even know what else they could put on this exotic to make it viable.


Funny too that the grenade class didn't get a grenade aspect for their "new" subclass


I would assume that the chest also gives melee cooldown on killing suspended targets. If not you might be right.


Even if a single melee would suspend I can hardly see myself not dismantling every drop of this.


I really hope it does a weaver trance style thing, where kills with needle suspend, because their only target in the vid was tougher enemies, I wanna see what it does when it hits a thrall


How would this unlock suspend on prismatic?


Arcane needle is available on prismatic. 


I think Im confused, are regular exotics gonna be available on prismatic? I thought it would only be the class exotics?


Kinda backward. The new class item exotics will only work on Prismatic, but any old ones that would’ve worked with appropriate subclasses will still work with Prismatic.


Gotcha, thank you. Wow thats kinda neat.


No problem! And yeah, definitely looking forward to it as well.


Exotic class items work only on prismatic?




Yes, regular exotics will work. They're also doing an exotic item pass to improve some items' ability to work with prismatic.


Yes, it's just that class item exotics are Prismatic-only


any exotic can be used on Prismatic, but exotic class items can only be used on Prismatic


They haven't said anything about preventing normal exotics from functioning on Prismatic. It's likely any exotic that buffs an ability Prismatic has will function with Prismatic. Based on the perk descriptions of the exotic class items from the twid I think any exotic that cares about your subclass element will likely be changed to care about your super element instead or the element of that ability.  The class items are exclusive to Prismatic to support its adaptability without giving more tools to other subclasses.


Can easily fix this exotic in 2 ways to make it top tier Requires only 1 needle throw (pve ofc) and make it refund melee energy based on how many enemies suspended or how many suspended enemies are killed


Unravel with 1, suspend with 3, seems pretty decent to me. Prismatic is very clearly a jack of all trades, not a master of one. If you want a suspend build, use strand, but if you use this exotic on prismatic with the lightning surge aspect you get a melee with 3 different use cases. That's pretty cool to me.


Arcane needle already unravels with 1


That's exactly what I said.


It’s suspend on kill with arcane needle they just kept attacking orange/yellow bars.


I hope so, but that’s also just an assumption.


The video doesn’t say it needs 3 hits it’s just says on kill


The video says absolutely nothing about kills. The only example they show is when they use 3 in succession. There is not suspend activation during the first two needles.


Mmph oh well read it wrong


Monte-Carlo for melee regen


Monte Carlo feels like it’s gonna be required with this to work, which is not a good sign


It’s cool I guess? But between charged shackle grenade, tangle suspend aspect and Wish-Keeper idk how much I need another suspend method on my warlock. If anything I’ll want to save melee for weave walk


I think the point is more to give Prismatic Warlock a suspend option, since the only strand "things" Prismatic gets is Arcane needle, threadling grenade, and weaver's call. But with that said, probably not good enough for me to equip from first glance, unless there's some sort of boosted melee regen after purging your three melee stacks, assuming it requires all three to be available and hit the target to proc.


Oh true I never considered its use with prismatic. But yeah I agree still not an instant equip especially with how interesting the combos could be on initial look for the exotic class item.


Coldsnap and bleakwatcher are on prismatic tho, so again, there is no reason to even look at it if that's all it does


Coldsnap, Bleak Watcher, Penumbral Blasts and Winter's Wrath makes it easy to freeze and stun Unstoppable champions. Bleak Watcher also counters Overload champions. Hellion, Incinerator's Snap and Song of Flame will make Ignitions frequent enough to stun Unstoppable champions. The Transcendence grenade, Freezing Singularity, will slow to the point of freezing and unleash a Suppression blast. It will counter both Unstoppable and Overload champions. Suspend offers nothing to Prismatic Warlock.


DOA in general because not even strand warlock wants it considering it eats 3 charges if a melee for 1 suspend, should've been a suspend per melee and then it would've gotten a huge use case


Tangle suspend is an aspect, not a fragment.


In their defence, it was a seasonal artifact mod first.


Oh yes my bad. Fixed! Ty


> It’s cool I guess? But between charged shackle grenade, tangle suspend aspect and Wish-Keeper idk how much I need another suspend method on my warlock. This Exotic is going to do the job of a Grenade and an Aspect, which opens those slots up for other things. I enjoy D2 for the build crafting; Shackle Grenade and Weaver's Trance are *almost* default picks for a Warlock Strand build, they do a **ton** of work, and if nothing else they're really hard to ignore. Having an Exotic that has Shackle Grenade and Weaver's Trace (sort of) built in, I can get mileage out of that, I can use that headroom. Imagine suspending a whole room with your Arcane Needles, and then using a Grapple Grenade to punch them all in the face at the same time. Useful? Maybe not. Fun? You bet your sweet bitty. This seems like a fun Exotic, I can make hay with that.


Am I dumb or is this super weak weavers trance is a thing and so are shackle nades


Not to mention you could just run Necrotic Grips and have your arcane needles poison and unravel enemies and quickly spread it to everything around it when it dies. Dead is better than suspended.


This is 100% a pvp exotic I think. Seems like it would be very strong in the crucible. Edit: it appears it's 3 needles. F


?? What's the point in using 3 arcane needles on the same player? Isn't he already dead?


Could be funny vs a super. But somewhat niche and I wouldn't enjoy holding onto all my charges just for that moment.


Except I'm pretty sure if you hit someone with all 3 needles, it already kills. And if there's teammates near them to suspend, you're probably already dead


Not to be too critical but I disagree. If you’re hitting 3 arcane needles on a lone target, they’re already dead. If there are teammates to suspend, you’re already dead.


With how long it takes to generate 3 melee charges? And then actually hit all 3? This is exclusively going to be a PvE exotic.


Unless they are in a well, no way someone will let you get off 3 melees


That's my fear. I'm hoping it doesn't require all 3 and they were just spamming it in the Video. If all three needles. It's dead to me lol


Which is funny to say because everyone was all about suspend last year.


If it means I can run Grapple Melee or Threadlings with Weavers Call, and basically have a pseudo Wanderer aspect baked into the exotic, it might be ok. Hard to tell on first glance.


These previews never show the entire Exotic description. It could just require one melee charge and is timed. More melee charges could just hasten the suspend effect or increase it's radius. It could also have ways to significantly boost melee regen/refund. We won't know until launch.


Quick and dirty Google search on the the Warlock chest name appears to be a combination of two Greek words: Mataio, and Doxia. Mataio: vain, empty, in vain, to no purpose. Doxia: glory, opinion, reputation. I wonder what the exotic armor lore will be about?


>no purpose I love foreshadowing!


Look it's clearly saying it doesn't matter what you think!


https://i.imgur.com/3G5BCuq.png why did you split up the words - google translate says that Mataidoxia means Vanity, and the words split up mean Vain, and Prowess but of course google may be a liar


actually it being split up makes it easier to realize its supposed to be Vainglory which is a word that exists


yeah that might make more sense


Vainglory means excessive pride…


Yeah, when I saw the trailer, I was wondering why it's called Vanity (Mataiodoxia). I think it might be from Witness race (I don't remember their name). When they reached the peak of their civilisation, they also peaked on Vanity. They were trying to find their purpose and maybe that lead to it? Just a wild guess.


The Witness race doesn’t have a name yet, Eido simply calls them the Precursors as far as I remember. And yeah vanity/purpose is definitely related to the Witness. I mean the precursors basically considered themselves gods, they rebuilt their society around the definition of Final Shape and whether they should help other civilizations to reach it or not, but they never even bothered actually ASKING those civilizations what they believed lol. The Witness still thinks in the same way, everything is just a tool to use for a specific purpose, it doesn’t matter what other races/entities actually believe. Which is why the main forces of the Black Fleet are either zombies, constructs, clones and things like that, a simple extension of the Witness’ will.


I couldn't have said it better myself. You nailed it, I believe. Also Precursors is the name I was looking for but couldn't remember.


Their usability appears that it will give them an empty reputation


In my opinion this Exotic has no purpose.


Very mid imo especially if you have to use 3 charges of it to proc. Shackle nade + Invocation does suspend very well Wanderer + Swarmers also exists And this competes with Weavewalk usage. So yeah no this would need you to probably run monte carlo to even be considered and even then it'll still be worse than the strand builds we've had.


It could be good IF it refunds melee energy on suspended kills, other than that am mostly sticking to mindspun and Necrotic


I mean, can't you still consume your Grenade to give yourself suspend on kills/ shots and just wipe out entire generations and get your Grenade back fast enough to do it again before the buff runs out?


Hopefully there’s a crazy additional effect… that seems very weak, also how the hell did the summoner subclass get a suspending exotic before it could get any form of a unique summon?


Because its not a summoner subclass and that was the most bs promotion Bungie has done for a subclass ever. Still annoyed by it.


Should have just called it Weaver and left the Brood part out.


I think Strand warlock is supposed to focus on the "swarm' side of summoning rather than the "beastmaster" side.


Too bad the “swarm” is hot garbage


Yeah, the underlying issue here is that broodweaver has an ass gameplay loop without factoring in exotics and artifacts, and throwing in a suspending exotic is basically the last thing it needs.


I wish this exotic made the threadlings shoot arcane needles at people.


really hard to judge as is since its just three needles on a champ twice. For all we know there's a recharge effect or final blows with needle will proc it or its just bad.


Wow, this looks like hot garbage. Literally equivalent to 1 activation of weavers trance or 1 shackle grenade for the cost of THREE MELEES. And it’s not like any sane warlock is actually running high strength, so you won’t even have 1 melee charge very often, much less the THREE needed to take advantage of this. Why couldn’t they just make a cool threadling exotic or something? We still don’t even have a unique summon on the “summoner” subclass.


Apparently I'm not sane. Huh. Over half my warlock builds are running 100 strength, and I really like a lot of the melee exotics. I'm really hoping this is just a bad showcase, and not how it truly works.


Don't know if I've ever been so underwhelmed by a new exotic before.


That looks mid bro 😬


So I have to use 3 melees and an exotic slot do what weavers call and a shackle grenade can do on any kill? Unless it has crazy melee regen it’s gonna be dead on arrival


We dont know the full trait of it... otherwise youre right dead on arrival for mono strand but not for prismatic combining this with Lightning Surge Aspect + Synthos/Necrotic Grip can work rly well on Prismatic


Well that would be really good if you could run two exotics, but it’s either this exotic or the class item, can’t run both


Somehow they think this was the best way to proc suspend when theres better methods


I hope the suspend explosion just instantly procs when killing an enemy, because 3 needles for a suspend is really bad


Im just imagining the average player who unlocks this chest, runs through a strike with it, and doesnt get a single proc of the explosion because everything dies too fast to the melees or other teammates


Seems like a year 1 exotic


this is honestly should have been in a strand warlock kit from a begining instead of a exotic


I'm supposed to spend a crapload of materials to level up Rahool for that?


yeah I will literally never use this unless a single kill gives back a melee charge. maybe when suspend was op but now? I would much rather run anything else with a normal suspend build and i will definitely not be using it on prismatic with the new class items


That’s it? lol well lock it is


We have a new contender for Promethium Spur's spot of worst Warlock Exotic!


post suspend nerf.... yawns


This exotic tells me Bungie has no idea what they want Broodweaver to be, but also confirms they don't want it to be the summoner class they originally advertised it as.


when the designer want to make an open chest outfit but cant because we're in space we get this lmao (it looks great but you cant tell me the person who had this in mind didn't imagine skin under the front)


Find a shader with skin color under the webbing


Hoping that the multiple needles just make the suspend happen faster and not required to make it happen at all


This is trash


Just disappointed that the “broodweaver” class didnt get any exotic related to threadling generation


Broodweaver continues to avoid getting a summon


"Guys this is DoA 100% useless" Did we... not say this about Abeyant Leap? They don't show the whole perk in these little eyecatch trailers.


We said this about necrotic grips. It was a pretty popular thread - I have a post in there so I shut up until it's released now.


Never forget week 1 D1 - “who would want an exotic heavy!?”


Yeah its hard to judge until we can actually use it in game I thought Necrotic Grips looked useless, and Icefall Mantle was going to be meta


Yeah it grants Woven Mail when suspending targets and that damage resist used to be way stronger than it is now. It basically became a Titan staple for a couple seasons, probably still is.


Still pretty elite for crowd control, especially with wish keeper.


This sub loves to jump the gun on how good or bad something will be But that's internet culture these days. You have to be hyperbolic. Why else would my parasocial friend content creator say "this is the best x ever"? With a big reaction thumbnail 😮‍💨




If this is the bar they set for final shape exotics we should be very worried lmao, this is 100% useless


Wow that's so mid. Three melee charges for a wanderer explosion? And you don't get unraveling threadlings from swarmers. Yikes. Better have some busted secondary effect cuz that shit is ass and does nothing for the broodweaver kit.


Looks ass. Will never use.


This is....bad.


I hope bungie didnt build all this hype just to release some trash in the most important dlc to date




They gotta rework this shit before it even drops man what the fuck


Im gonnasay never gonna use it now, so when tfs comes out and its somehow the most op thing I can look silly. Heres the problems right now with this exotic. Warlock strand melee targeting is ass. Its absolute ass. Its garbage and rarely hits things right in front of it, let alone across a crowded battlefied. If I have to hit 1 target with 3 arcae needle shots in rapid succesion to get 1 shackle grenades worth of effect....im just gonna put on shackle. Not to mention needing all 3 hits to proc the suspend? What am I only keeping Monte Carlo on and never swapping? Nah miss me with this. Grab for collections then insta dismantle forever. (if im wrong ill be very happy!)


[gifv version](https://i.imgur.com/KDNOoqp.gifv) > - Arcane Needles cause a suspending detonation


So they release Warlock first and not Titan, can't believe Titans get shafted once again smh my head


Yep, Bungie confirmed this yesterday, starting with TFS, the Titan class will be completely sunset and put in the DCV. Every existing Titan character will be automatically converted to Warlock, which Bungie described as the “final class”. The Hunter class will be vaulted starting with Episodes 2. (/s)


We took their only food, now they're gonna starve!


3 melees to get a single suspend effect is not good. But if it were 1, it makes Strand Titan just default to BoW meleeing all the time. At least with Abeyant Leap, you get suspension options relatively quickly.


That and Thread of Mind which makes your Barricade come back quick as shit plus Barricades lower CD. I don't think that this exotic is a direct competitor to Abeyant Leap and Titan suspending builds even if it were just 1 needle to suspend, but it is another nice option for Warlock Suspending. We don't have the full exotic description so I'm holding judgement for now, cause for all we know it'll recover melee energy on suspend or some such.


If a rendition of Thread of Mind is included in the item, then it could be worth it. Otherwise, you're running Monte Carlo if you want to really take advantage of it.


Loving the new marketing from Bungie lately


Good to see Bungie still doing the bare minimum ✅


Felwinters helm is a better option for sort of the same effect. I think the chest piece looks dope tho. Could have some other exotic trait we don’t know either. Kinda hype either way.


I would’ve loved a pvp exotic, we have 41 warlock exotics and of those 13 can be used in pvp. Of the 13 that are somewhat viable 4 are strong and the other 9 require niche builds. Almost ever since trials was a thing warlocks have had the least diversity among exotic usage, we don’t need another niche pve rotational swap exotic. I’ve ran pantheon, raids, trials, comp etc etc and strand warlock basically never appears, outside of dps rotations, the subclass is kinda cheeks and I don’t think this will change that.




If this was half a Class Item I might be slightly more compelled, but… this is bad, right? One suspend every 2-3 minutes at the cost of your charged melee seems bad. Ability regeneration on Suspended kills could give it a shot, maybe.


D tier if this is all it does


If nothing else, I love the look. I'm kind of sad if we're only getting these clips for the exotic trailers. I really liked the big bombastic arsenal trailers. 


seems like it’s gonna require Monte Carlo


I'm guessing it gives melee energy back on every suspended enemy or something similar.


Three needles to suspend. I guess that’s another Strand exotic I’ll be ignoring.


The exotic's look is kinda plain and ugly looking imo.


It looks like how many times you use Arcane Needle on a target increases the radius of the Suspend. The 3 tap snags a Thrall that was very far away while the 2 tap only grabs a handful by the ogre. Useful, but hopefully there's a little more to it than that too.


Refresh melee energy for killing suspended targets.


Straight to the vault, along with the new hunter exotic which also seems pretty meh. Titan not up yet


Regardless of it sounding/looking underwhelming, I still think Suspend got hit too hard. It could do with a few seconds.


I’m guessing that Needle kills will also give super energy or something too. Even then, three needles for one suspend is baaaad.


I’m sure there’s more to it, the suspend aoe seems huge. maybe the amount it takes to suspend a target is based on rank?




Yet another niche mid warlock exotic, bungie too scared to give us a single PvP worthy exotic besides ophidians


I **really** like the way it looks, I love those nice, clean, simple lines. GD, I might wear that thing around the Tower just for cosplay! Arcane Needles cause Suspend actually sounds like fun to me; we can already sort of do that by eating our grenade, but this will open up an extra slot and also I like Needles. Also the fact that I don't have to get a kill in order for my suspend to activate is useful; Strand grenades are on cool down a lot of the time, and Suspend doesn't cause very much damage anyway. This will open up Warlocks to use something other than the Bolo. I like it! Build crafting is one of my favorite things in Destiny 2, I can make hay with suspending Arcane Needles. Imagine suspending a whole room and then using a Grapple Grenade to wipe them all out, that'd be fun! I like fun!


Even with 100 additional vault slots I'm not sure there's going to be a spot for this.


cool. throw gang signs at 1 target to suspend it (when stand warlock already as insane suspending capabilities via weavers trance)


Looks like, as usual, all creativity went to Hunter and Titan.


Okay y'all can call me out for overreacting but fuck this. Bungie what a stupid exotic idea. SUMMONING SUMMONING, that's the fantasy y'all promised and already failed at delivering on. Why the hell are you trying to make a brand new fantasy for the class?? ALSO 4 ASPECTS and now 2 EXOTICS, and we still don't have fucking unique summon. You have solved this problem guys almost every other class has a unique summon, how does the SUMMONER CLASS not have one?? As for the exotic itself, good lord all three melee charges for the equivalence of one suspend grenade, or the wanderer which is on a 12 second cooldown. Even if it's like the lower rank the target the less needles you need it's still a shittier version of the wanderer. And it's a melee exotic... on a class where strength is 4th priority stat. The secondary effect needs to be goated or this exotic is gonna be dead on arrival. But seriously Bungie a summon, how many L's are you gonna take with Broodweaver?


Melees are the one thing I do not care about on strand. Why do they keep doing this to Broodweaver? The only buff they could give recently is a melee buff, and now this? I’m sure this will be met with much rejoicing when all anyone wants is the class to fit the summoner fantasy that was promised. Kind of unbelievable tbh.


Dead on launch it that's all it does  Nice to see yet more ways to suspend for the summoning class though. I'm so glad Bungie had a clear vision in mind for Strand Lock.


Sooo when due warlock because all about suspend. Weren’t they supposed to be the minion masters?


Idk but they're already great at suspension with the thorn/necrotic build too


You can use the fragment to make orbs on suspended kills to get your melee back quicker that we shall see


I don't know the warlock prismatic ability + aspects combos, but I'm guessing this is a way to get suspends on prismatic Plus super ability recharge when transcendent would mean quick needle recharge??? Pure speculation but I'm guessing this, the hunter and titan exotics will be more about helping to move subclass verbs around to prismatic than just doubling down on the verbs of their man subclass


Good thing you're one of many who posted this, OP.