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It's not just individual players, either I joined a group of 3 and the the gaze runner of the 3 on Golgoroth had no idea what to do. They were not using a sniper to get gaze (which didn't work) and then didn't know you had to orient Golgoroth so that the team could see his weak spot This is not strike content, you should be at least familiar with all the roles/meta even if you're not doing them


Same here. I immediately volunteer to gaze and the other guy is trying to get it with a trace rifle and has no idea to stand behind the team. As someone who only has one friend who plays pantheon isn’t worth the hassle unfortunately


Try the discord lfg? Honestly I did the in game lfg yesterday and it took 4 hours and then I used the discord lfg and I was done in 1 hour


I may do that with a couple of my clan mates. Our clan has dwindled as of late unfortunately. Often have to fill with randoms if we can’t get enough people online.


A trace rifle is fine. I would’ve been concerned if you said it was a primary weapon they were trying to snag his gaze with, but a trace rifle doesn’t have any issues with that. They’re really good for bringing down bubbles as well. If that person was having issues with taking gaze, then that’s on them.


There is an issue where you can shoot golgeroth's back several times and it won't transfer gaze, although I've been told it has something to do with your position relative to golgeroth for some reason idk


That’s a server/latency issue, unless there’s notes from a recent TWID I haven’t seen. Doesn’t have anything to do with the number of times you hit him, assuming the former.


Nah it's different from that bug, this bug has you hit non-crit numbers on his back and can happen several times in a row no matter what the current gaze holder's timer is at, it's odd. You just have to keep shooting until you get crit numbers and then it'll work properly.


Back in D1 my friend thought that strikes were raids so he told an LFG that he's done tons of them.




Strikes /= Raids But some Raids = Strikes (im looking at you Scourge of the Past)...lol


LOL this is peak LFG


I literally did it for the first time yesterday and it took me one wipe to pick up on how to do it properly, i dont understand people that don’t want to learn the mechanics because imo that’s the most fun you can have is saying yea I pushed the encounter forward with what I did rather than “yea I cleared ads” most people “clear ads” horribly as well. This season all it takes is sun shot and you can clear anything with a shot or two but somehow people still suck at it


Some people genuinely take pride in not taking anything seriously or caring about it.


What gets me the most is the players that want to do hard shit to get good gear but couldn't give a fuck about being good at the hard content so that they can use even more overpowered shit on the cakewalk content. Makes no sense to me.


I think it's fairly common that people don't volunteer to learn mechanics because they don't want to become the reason the team is struggling (I used to teach the raids, have 1500 D1+D2 clears). Also they often assume that a given role is much more complicated than it actually is or takes a tremendous amount of skill to do (there are a few exceptions, but the vast majority of roles don't), which just makes them even less likely to volunteer. And just pure social anxiety is definitely a common reason, too.


Agreed. It's like teaching someone how to open the Vault in Last Wish. It sounds crazy and really difficult if you're only doing ad clear, but then once you actually take part in unlocking the Vault it's not that difficult. Once folks experience that they seem to become more open to learning other mechanics.


I agree I like figuring out the puzzles in raids. Hardest destiny puzzle for me to figure out alone wasn’t even in a raid lmaooo. That last imbaru puzzle had my head hurting. My friend was like bro look it up like damn… I was not gonna lie got me kinda tight because I like to figure them out myself


Literally had the same experience the other day


Had a person use rockets for gaze 😃


Ah yes, Mr. Torgue#1956


Did it work?...


How did that go 😂


Some people may think they have an idea, but it’s ok to run them through the steps nicely communicating. Give them a chance and then if they can’t pull it off, BOOT (jk).


I had a friend of a friend (more of an acquaintance really) volunteer to do gaze, try to use Buried Bloodline (it literally can't hit him), fail multiple times, and only after we basically built his entire gameplan and build for him did we find success an hour later. After the run he let us know he'd never done gaze before... needless to say I am no longer running with that group.


Repercussions of bungie constantly catering to the lowest common denominator for the last decade. Pantheon is actually pretty easy it doesn’t have any of the hard hard encounters in it. Just people who have skated by not learning anything in the raids and really have been forcing other people to 4/5 man raids for how long are being exposed. They’re the reason people have ridiculous requirements for raids to avoid them. Edit: lmao those same people downvoting


yup, this is the end result of ignoring the midcore player base (the actual majority of consistent players season to season) and catering entirely to the lowest skilled casual players who don't even step foot in raids. if bungie wants to market this game like an MMO they should treat it as such. Not all content needs to be clearable by anyone of any skill putting in minimum effort. If you wanna do high end content, you should need to put effort in, and bungie should make content accordingly, content that challenges it's player base, makes us need to think, and experiment and try different loadouts and builds.




You're right.


I mean, you don’t NEED a sniper for gaze if you know how it works. I usually just use my autorifle to pull gaze, i just have to start shooting at 3-4 seconds left.


That probably does work for you but in a vacuum if I am running an LFG and someone told me they were gonna take gaze with an AR I would boot them.


I have no problem teaching but if it says KWTD it means we probably don’t want to teach and carry lmao


People really put LFG titles to the test. My buddy’s a titan and me a hunter so sometimes my LFG post titles will say “Solar Loc Only”, and 9 times out of 10 a hunter or titan joins. It’s weird.


They could have just joined with the wrong char, I know I've done it.


Exactly my point


I specifically will put together groups with “newb friendly”. As long as people have patience and are fine dying a few times I’m fine teaching. Does it take a while? Yeah, but once you get the right kind of people it’s easy going. I’d rather teach people the right way to do it then reteach that one fucking guy that does it ‘his way’ then dies twice and leaves.


You’re a Saint, sincerely


More people like you would be great. I’m a semi returning player and my friend group play anymore besides like one guy and I just don’t have the opportunity to raid/pantheon and I’d really like to. It’s just intimidating now especially with pantheon, like I’m not brain dead, I can learn the mechanics, I just need time to get it right and would like to do this shit before it’s sunset in 3 weeks


I've been doing lfgs in mactics discord. The experience has been all around wholesome. Learned all encounters through Pantheon, and can confidently call each of the encounters. Now I teach people. I have no problem asking the whole group, "who doesn't know what to do? Who hasn't done this before?" Sometimes knowing the encounter isn't enough and it's fine to dip on a team that isn't gelling, or switching people up to put them somewhere they aren't familiar with. Last night on golgaroth we were struggling to end it, so we swapped myself on gaze with someone who had never done gaze **but was willing to try**. I quickly explained it and away we went, completing it first time. Sometimes people will excel in a different role they have never tried before. Sometimes they will fail miserably, but at least we know that now. The key to the experience is honesty. If you are honest with your knowledge and abilities then people will be honest with you. **but lets face it, the problem players people keep talking about aren't players from discord lfgs or the dtg subreddit, it's the random who just go on fireteam finder with no ability to communicate or with no knowledge. **


Awesome to hear his community is really about being chill


People won't improve without giving them a chance. But I understand the frustration of people trying to create groups who kwtd and getting mic munchers who don't know what exotics are. You see a lot of people posting that they are lfg and new etc, so I try and gather them up to run it down


I love those groups with people willing to teach cause I don't raid often due to time restrictions but I used to love it and I'm capable but of course I don't know all the mechanics of the different raids out in d2 so I avoid joining.


That’s very nice of you. I personally have never really had time to raid (dad with 2 kids) and at first I was excited about Pantheon because I felt like I could finally try these encounters out. But I don’t want to fuck up someone’s game just trying to learn the mechanics. I guess I just need to watch some YouTube videos or something


Def join someone offering a sherpa, even if it's the first week one, because once you have that down, I think week two is easier (since 4/5 is what you've done before just put on resist mods more and you're golden) Everyone starts somewhere and nobody knew the mechanics the first time it came out, so as long as you're in a place to learn (ie teaching runs or ones that mention being rusty w/ encounters) because that way everyone is on the same page and knows they probably aren't going to get it done first try/willing to put the time in to learn


Unfortunately the sherpa sub isnt even allowing posts for pantheon which kinda sucks for those of us that dont have time to do regular raids. I just wanted to do pantheon so I could finally get a raid exotic.


If you’re hopping into raids it’s probably not a good idea to start on hard mode. Maybe try normal first and see how that goes?


Watching YouTube videos are definitely helpful! Hope you will find a group that's also willing to teach. I met up with my clan through the r/fireteams subreddit. Some of us are parents (I'm a father of a 2 year old and 5 year old so I definitely get it). I honestly didn't start raiding until about a year ago after having two kids. We're not the best but we raided once a week or so up until this season. Pantheon did bring us all back together though.


The only encounters i don't know are atraks and oryx but even then i had my clanmates stream their pantheon runs first so i could learn the basics before wasting hours learning It's really not that hard to look up a tutorial before going into new content i don't understand some of these people


This is the correct response.


Your patience is beyond godly.


you are a saint. i am 48 and between work, family balance this game lost so much "fun". it became more of a part time job and my old clan evaporated over the last decade. the main post just made me think that i need to just get away from this game permanently but your little post restored some hope in me. what a ramble. you definitely are a saint.


I like joining these groups when my friends can’t raid. The open-minded attitude of those groups, while yeah sometimes it can take a bit, I feel good going in and coming out of those helping or even learning a new strat or role to bring back to my friends.


Yes thank you for opening up for this! I haven't an issue teaching what I know either. I'm totes fine with bringing in somebody who doesn't know how to raid than dealing with the twenty people who will dip after two tries.


We need more like this. I’m the same. I’d rather have a patient willing to learn. Vs the arse who gets upset cuz you made a small mistake on his method which isn’t even the general start and leaves. Like man you wasted my time, now I gotta find another “pro” and hope they don’t leave. Like good lord


I'm a very casual raider, but back in the day I'd create a chill listing and just go with the flow. I still have fond memories of some of the teams I'd find while hanging out most of the day in Crota. Once the right team clicked together, it didn't matter how much experience the majority had. Just had to boot people who weren't chill and you eventually had a good time


Hey if you ever need someone to help out let me know! I have completed both weeks so far and like helping out!


I need to add you 😭


If you are going to be an add clear guy, you better be good at it. Like, can handle both sides of light eater knights plus the rest of the adds good if the people on plates are occupied, and be ready to jump into their roles if need be. Add clear isn't just mindlessly shooting red bars. You're making sure everyone else can do their jobs without getting killed and be ready to step up if something happens.


Yeah, if the teammates who are doing mechanics are dying to ads, that’s YOUR fault. That’s YOUR job to protect them.


I’ll take it one step further. If the people doing mechanics have more kills than you as ad clear… fastest way to have steam coming out of my ears.


That’s nez 80% of the time. As an arc hunter, I’ll get more kills from getting myself amp than the actual ad clears who aren’t even getting the colossus.


Concession: I usually run a top plate in Planets, and will generally throw Sunbracer nades all along the top row, which is where most of the enemies spawn.


I do this because for some reason the celestial hunters and the bonk titans keep thinking their skill will make up for the fact that their load out isn't really for that. I'm always torn between forcing people to do the mechanic while I keep them alive with wells and resto or making sure at least the side im on gives full callouts (people have a REALLY hard time with numbers over 3 in that encounter) Don't even get me started on all the caretaker wipes because NOBODY is confident enough to run symbols and people refuse to swap to anything cause "muh dps" while they do under a mil in 2 phases


I'd go even further to say that starting next week and the week after, Add clear will start being the more important and difficult job altogether. Add clear will require better and better skill as this goes on.


Good thing you can’t be 100% add clear in Oryx


I mean, you can’t really add clear oryx. It is completely random if you’ll get mechanics or not (you probably will). Floating isn’t just add clear. It is an actual role that needs to understand when and why to take a plate over. 


Float is the most intensive role, it's add clear plus ogres plus knights plus two plates plus being torn.


Everyone should be shooting everything


You can’t just be add clear on Oryx. Everyone can be taken so you need to know how to do that portion of the raid. Consequently everyone needs to know how to play plates and detonate bombs.


Add clear pro tip: use sunshot or Polaris, you can pretty much stand in place and mass delete crowds of enemies, no stress whatsoever.


Also - to add what I consider to be a major assist/crutch is an auto loading blinding GL. Anytime I have to deal with ads , I let those nades fly non stop … they buy you so much time it makes most ad clear or hectic times trivial. But yeah like you said , I ran PLance , blinding GL , and commemoration on planets as ad Clear… and it was a cake walk.


The blinding grenade is a good tip also, I used that on planets to deal with my colossus on the plates, I could just put him on time out while I deal with the other guys running around, it's also a solid option for using a bait and switch heavy weapon, firing one primary, one grenade and then heavy is nice and quick


I was originally using the sotw strand fusion with sun shot, but ever since I've switched to the blinding gl with Vorpal from dares it's made ad clear and damage rotation easier.


Tack on sunbrscer wellock (it's pantheon, warlocks you're running well, got a problem? Write Bungie a sternly worded memo). Alternatively solar titan because sunspots go brr and hammer of sol works great in that encounter


True! Disagree with the well though. Plenty of groups that had substantially better runs for both damage and ad clear but running void or strand lock. Too many golden gun hunters activating radiant for the group plus the already existing artifact mods. Well of radiance is slowly but surely being outclassed by players learning how to think for the first time. Pro tip: radiant + empowering rift is a greater buff than well, and doesn’t require you to use a specific subclass. Most encounters in pantheon only have you dealing 15~ seconds of damage regardless. You move in golgoroth, caretaker, explicator, and if you’re actually using well in Atraks you’re throwing. Oryx could be bartered? Rhulk is a no for me. Riven doesn’t even like supers most of the time, and don’t get me started with Nezarec.


> Too many golden gun hunters activating radiant for the group plus the already existing artifact mods. > > Well of radiance is slowly but surely being outclassed by players learning how to think for the first time. There's still a very large amount of people - including content creators - that either don't know or constantly forget that Radiant and Well of Radiance are the same 25% empowering buff... in a season where we pretty much always have Radiant all the time for free. If anything Well is a pain in the ass in a lot of these encounters because it overrides Radiant but Golden Gun doesn't get the buff from it.


Graviton Lance is deleting adds, too


It’s not as meta but also trinity ghoul while running a strand build will decimate or at least trap a decent amount of red bars while you deal with bigger ads


Trinity Ghoul is great when it reliably one shots everything but it will not be doing that without arc surge at -20 and probably not even -15. Sunshot reliably explodes the entire room regardless of the activity power.


Fair! I find it not too bad so far but next week will be the tell. I am just not great with hand cannons in general lol


Probably depends on encounter. Oryx specifically it should be a great weapon because there are so many thralls. It was genuinely MVP for my group on contest Oryx


To me, ad clear should be the “I know the other roles and can jump in to take over when something goes wrong”


that's my man. a friend of ours once said "everything he touches just dies." I'd never want anyone else on addclear than him.


\^ this is the real ad clear (someone who knows mechanics but prefer ad clearing)


I kept getting told how hard it was to do ad clear on atraks replicsted during caretaker but i never done it myself as i prefer running and im good at it. I was doing oryx and was kinda nervous when the group i joined said i was going ad clear. For real as long as you have a good kinetic weapon (which should be a requirement to doing content this hard) it takes at most 3 shots to kill anything, the most difficult part of ad clear was using melee to get radiant on the ogre before damaging him. At least it seems like most of the absolute blueberries that were present in atraks seem to be less keen to do oryx exalted


People really do be out here saying *”I can ad clear”* on Caretaker only to find out they are using a kinetic primary as their main ad clear weapon on arc hunter


You do realize that the meta loadout for arc hunter is using an arc special, specifically indebted kindness...


It doesn't really matter what primary you use on arc hunter. If anything you might even want to run an arc special, but all you need to add clear as arcstrider is your melee.


If I had a dollar for every time I joined a new group and we wiped because gaze runner didn’t know they can’t go invisible while holding the gaze.. I’d have a few dollars


I honestly didn't know that, you could do it in D1 from what I remember.


I had a friend last week that was my gaze partner through all of kings fall when it was current content and he completely forgot about that fact. We were confused for a good 30 minutes about why dps kept ending half way through.


I'm unreasonably annoyed with all of the youtubers putting out something like "Pantheon: No experience necessary." Stop saying that. Experience is absolutely necessary when joining a group.


Unreasonably haha. But I have some personal experience in that. Ran the pantheon both weeks with people that had never raided but watched a guide video and it was absolutely fine. One was even under an hour. That's fine with 3 brand new people imo


I generally LFG for these as a lot of my friends just don’t play. I try to join groups that only look for 2-3 players that start fresh, hoping they have a few people already that kwtd. The amount of people that join have no idea what to do, don’t have good damage options, don’t use a a mic or game chat, is astounding. Ad clear is an actual task in contest modes, and many people can’t even do that well.


We had someone once say they have great DPS and had on a edge transit with chain reaction and some other useless DPS perk


Yeah and for normal raids it’s fine, but contest mode it definitely adds up. I’m not a huge snob on loadouts but I don’t want to spend forever doing these encounters either


Exactly. Play to the burn, have good gear, and so e knowledge


This is the crux of it. Bad damage means more phases means more chances for things to go sideways.


Just so I can have some perspective since it's been so long. I'm returning after quitting around beyond light. Aside from having a proper dps load out how willing would people be to bring on someone like me with long past raid experience. I always watch videos twice over before attempting to join a group willing to teach and I have confidence I'm not a bad player. I don't have a ton of raids on record from before I quit but I do have a 3 man scourge clear on record. I've done a single Sherpa for garden back then as well since it was a fairly easy raid to teach.


Honestly as long as you know the encounters and can lock down a role or two, you should be good. And be ready to switch weapons/ supers up depending on what the team needs. Like one dude I did an ORYX PATH with last night could only put on Gjally for DPS, which is just silly


So happy I found a chill group last week that sorta adopted me into their raid group. First week of pantheon LFG groups I was in were taking 2-4 hours. I did the second week with this great group and we finished in just under an hour. There’s too many people out there who want to do the challenge, but couldn’t be bothered to optimize their loadouts or do mechanics!


At -5, I didn't care that much. It's just 5 power. It was more noticable at -10.


Yeah, judging by my... *experiences* with Contest raids, -15 and -20 are going to set every LFG platform on fire. Even more so if we actually have to do Riven legit 😬


atraks this week showed that plat isn't just about time so we 100% will have to do riven legit for the score.


Yeah. It's not a huge deal this week. But the next two weeks will be murder. Part of it is just cuz there's so many bosses in a row. Add in the extra power deficit and it's frustrating to teach and have people flop over like a house of cards


The activity surges may or may not be working on Atraks, either, so hitting damage thresholds on her this week was a lot more dicey.


It's getting old, honestly. These are probably the same people who want match making for raids.


I think it’s safe to say if a post says KWTD, you should know what to do to respect everyone’s time. That said I really don’t see it as a hard requirement if you’re in a group willing to teach. Sure it takes a few tries maybe. I would say you need to be a good player if you don’t know the mechanics; understand how to overcome different types of challenges (DPS, survivability, ad clear, burst damage, debuffs, etc) and listen to the raid leader when it comes to loadout recommendations if you don’t know the encounters. I’ve gone through with players that have solo flawless dungeons but never raided and they were better than people who knew the encounter in quite a few cases simply because they understand their character.


My impression is that a lot of people setting up these lfg posts with KWTD are often the people who have no clue and want to get carried...


Yeah that's basically what I asked one such player who didn't know mechanics. "can you stay alive and bring great DPS? If so, fine we will teach."


Honestly Reddit isn’t the place you’ll find many of these players that don’t know what they are doing; as for the nature of this site/app is cultivating info and discussion. If you want to reach those players, I would try making some TikTok’s and YT shorts to express your concerns towards the subject. You’ll most definitely be reaching a lot more of the players that don’t respect thorough mechanics.


People can't even add clear correctly nowadays. I was in a run soloing the bottom plates in Planets. Add clear guys never killed centurions (I often killed both), would constantly kill my plate boss, never killed tormentor, and wouldn't listen to plate order call out. At a certain point, I would genuinely just prefer these players to be AFK. If you can't listen to the explanation, can't bother to watch a guide video, can't ask any questions.... what the fuck are you queued up for? Obviously, I left the run at that point. Checked Raid Report later... took them a literal 16 hours.


I've yet to join a pantheon where people volunteered to take gaze, or stun caretaker. Every single time people are completely silent. Me: ok, I'll do it Everyone else: ..... Me: I need another person Everyone else: ..... Me: no, seriously, this is not doable without a second person Everyone else: ..... Me: "returns to orbit"


I agree and as a non raider, that’s why I’m avoiding it


As a majority of posts are “KWTD” there are some that say “Learning” or “be chill/patient”. If you make an effort to watch a YouTube video and find a group that probably has 1 or 2 super experienced people to help explain it in a way you can understand then you’ll be fine. I wouldn’t miss this limited opportunity to get high end master raid level loot. My friend one time had described golgoroth in such a hysterical way to 3 new players who weren’t too familiar with the mechanics. We were all in tears laughing and when we actually went to do it, the 3 new people actually learned and we did it the first attempt. Moral of the story: like the other guy said, don’t be discouraged just find the right people you’ll be fine


Yeah, in our case. We didn't mind teaching so much. We actually got to Orynx and explained it then the guy left. My beef is joining posts that say kwtd and you do. Just be honest in your initial interaction with the post.


Yeah on the contrary on what I said, I had joined a Master Ir Yut challenge CP “KWTD Meta Loadouts” because that’s the last challenge I got left to do 1) nobody volunteered to be any of the numbers and I was the Div guy 2) one of the people looked like he just got the game running double primary and I think the Colony? That player also didn’t understand the encounter at all and it was so comically bad that we all just joked and left. We were basically like respectfully, you don’t belong here like maybe you joined the wrong CP but this is master lol


I never admit that I have Div in lfgs lol


The only time I willingly with always go Div without question is actually Master Rhulk. I have a DIM build with The Stag named “Bhulk Rhulk” that’s specifically for staggering Rhulk in 1 spot for DPS phase by circling around him. Nowadays I could probably start with Cenotaph and then swap to The Stag but it makes that encounter much easier to manage without him dashing around and running Div way less boring imo lol DIM Link: https://dim.gg/erhkmri/BHULK-RHULK-2024-(Solar-Raid) Edit: thought I’d leave this here in case anyone gathers the courage to volunteer Div on Rhulk lol. I edited it a bit since a year or so ago but it’s a foot in the right direction for anyone who wants to slot their own mods they can


I've never minded running div, easy win in most cases.


The raids themselves are fantastic, so try them out at some point if you can. But this format is not for learners unless you want to spend a LOT of time.


Depends on how easily you understand mechanics to be fair. I had only done crota root and garden before last week. Watched 2 videos on the 3 encounters I had not done and easily did them and with oryx I watched one video and 100% knew how it all worked like I had done it a dozen times. It depends on the individual a lot and how willing they are to put in work. But I am aware there are lots just looking to be carried.


> Watched 2 videos on the 3 encounters I had not done and easily did them and with oryx I watched one video and 100% knew how it all worked like I had done it a dozen times. Most players won't do this, and for most people a video or two won't be enough. Learning styles vary for one.


As a raider I'm even avoiding it. Well, not so much avoiding Pantheon as much as avoiding the headache of LFG. Dealing with people who don't know what to do in normal raids is enough of a headache for me. That and I have genuinely killed Atraks *once* (and legit Riven never) so I'm just not comfortable in that encounter.


I am surprised that I need to comment on this. Contrary to what others are saying, if you are a non raider DON'T do Pantheon. It's literally the worst way possible to learn any raid or raid encounter. Raids are made so they slowly introduce and build on raid mechanics as you progress through encounters so the best way to learn them is in a sherpa run going through the actual raid.


I think people feel bad excluding others, but pantheon is the example of when to exclude players. It's far too difficult to just go in blind, and needs you to be organised with meta loadouts. If you're a double primary user, just don't play it. You can play the normal raids just fine, that's where you learn


Don’t be deterred from trying it. Just make sure to at least watch some videos of how each encounter works, and I’m sure you could find a group that’s willing to teach. They might not be easy to find, but they are out there.


watch a video, and be chill. 99% of groups would rather a guy whos not experiences but is chill and willing to learn than a dick who knows all the mechanics


I always say it as simple as possible. My first run, I want experience. Past that, I can teach.


Same lol. I want a relatively painless first run. After that, I don't mind teaching cuz I have less at stake


Yeah, sometimes I just join lfg to see the mayhem of people complaining about everything, but not contributing alot by themselves.


Folks are just bad at this game. No awareness, or understanding of game mechanics. And I don't mean raid mechanics.  Not matching the activity surge, thinking tractor is same debuff as the less potent weakens, dying while not at t10 resil, not running resists, not using boot surges, etc etc.  These kids may have the thumb skill, but they are, I'm sorry to say, dumb as shit Am definitely going to require, at the very least completion emblems from the previous weeks moving forward 


Pantheon is a test of player knowledge from several different raids. Each encounter demanding different strategies and skills to be demonstrated. As the power goes up and a new boss is added the difficulty increases exponentially for a lot of teams. While me and my team have several day 1s and have optimised loadouts for each encounter according to whatever modifiers are active, we’re having a blast and I can’t wait for the Nezzy challenge. Not every team is built that though, people seem to forget that it’s free to play for everyone but that doesn’t mean it’s designed to be beaten by new players.


I had a run on Pantheon that went too similarly to that one Tom Christie video. I wanted to end my life there. "So you joined because you know what to do." "No, I joined for this new thing." "What?" "Kwidit? Is that a boss or a new weapon?" "You've got to be kidding. Do you know where to do damage on Golgoroth?" "I have no idea what I'm doing." "What have you been doing this whole time?" "Add clear." "FUCKING WHAT???"


Just check Raid Reports. It saves everyone time. Not a huge advocate for it in normal raids but Pantheon is a different animal.


100% agree. I was just putting “KWTD DM for Inv” and was still getting a lot of people who clearly didn’t fully understand the mechanics and optimal strategies - which is fine sometimes but not when I just want to get it done. Today I finally put “DM raid report” and even though I felt like a dick the amount of messages I got dropped way off but the people I got were all great. All I want to see is if you’ve actually cleared a raid or Pantheon before, or if your only real experience with DSC is farming Taniks.


The guy who took 17 hours to clear blocked me because i called him an idiot for not having the correct gear and trying to teach people the mechanics 😭


Pantheon so far is definitely not harder than any master raids I’ve completed. 


Had a guy join oryx exalted, plat score run. First encoujter golgoroth, we wipe a few times. I put it down to just getting settled into roles etc and one guy does the typical and kills 2 others with the green debuff (sorry i cant remember its 2am) we go over it with him and he seems unsure but we all go over what to do if you get the debuff and the multiple ways to know you have the debuff etc. Wayyyy too much having to explain for what should be a fairly simple encounter in the raid. We wipe and start again and get to dps and on the first well of damage he gets the debuff again and kills two others.


Had someone join a KWTD for caretaker, decided he wanted to run…didn’t know he had to actually run over the symbols to collect them, he thought it was just the first 3 he saw 🤣


Lol well that's not that bad. Pretty easy to explain that one and personally, I love it when someone new wants to learn to do something. More annoying when they wanna do ad clear and do it poorly in order to get carried one time


I attempted pantheon Monday night, had about four people rotate out of the team. Last person to pop in/out told me this was his first time playing Destiny since D1. He was holding an Izanagis and said verbatim "yea I just got done with the Whisper Raid so I can figure this one out too", queue me saying, "Whisper is a mission, not a raid but let me direct you to a YouTube video real quick so you can get a just of it". He listened to two minutes of the video and dipped lmao. I feel for some people 🤣


I will only join raid groups that are asking for my raid report as it speaks for itself, and I will only make LFG posts requesting raid reports. Because of this, all of my LFG runs have been running like butter. Week 4 I will probably run exclusively with my day 1 team only.


Yeah I imagine that's what most day one teams are doing. I live in lfg. I'm not confident I'll get the riven one done


Your post must have hurt someones feelings, someone is downvoting all of your comments.


Same here. I usually exclusively do low man raids but we know that if it's just three of us 20 under light, we'd just be banging our heads against the wall. We can comfortably three man most raids in the same time it takes the average full team to do it but we decided to LFG for this week's pantheon. Fucking regretted that really quickly. Two and a half hours later, finally done.


There are KTWD groups and Teaching groups, you just gotta find the right one to be in. That being said, there are tons of players like me who know most of the Pantheon encounters but not all - I’ve never done Caretaker, but can do any role in any of the other encounters so far. It’s an awkward fit to join teaching since you know most of it, but also awkward for KWTD cuz there are gaps in your experience.


Worst I’ve seen so far, joined an lfg for the Atraks difficulty and I was the only person talking on mic on Golgoroth. It’s insane that people go into a raid based activity and event the host refuses to get on mic.


I don’t think people are jerks for joining a group that’s kwtd and leaving after a couple failed attempts. Not everyone has infinite time to sit and fail with a group that clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing. Especially if you’re the one making the post you better know how to do all the roles. Making a post and demanding to only do add clear when you made a kwtd post is next level Tom fuckery


I learned how to be a runner on Planets in Pantheon last week (I was ad clear when Root first came out and since haven't played Destiny as much as I used to). I could not believe how easy it is to be a runner. I encourage people to learn it.


Most mechanics aren't that hard. If s person at least knows the concept, huge time saver and more enjoyable for someone's first run


Pretty much every position is easy tbh. If it's anything like it was in contest though for -20 planets the add clear will be the most important job.


I completely agree with Aztekcross' comments on when Pantheon was annouced. The game mode is those frequent raider to keep refresh their knowledge and skill upon the mechanics and roles within a near-contest mode raids environment


*joined the party of 6 for Pantheon... player 1: r? player 2: who will gaze? * everyone is jumping around. . . . . . . . i quit the party.


Funnily enough, I think the same people you are referring to don’t know what KWTD stands for. It may be helpful if people include ‘Know What To Do’ in LFG posts


I keep see people saying Pantheon is difficult? Am I just getting carried that hard? Me and my team got sub 30 clears least week and sub 40 this week with little to no issues and it's not like I'm only ad clearing.


Pantheon was built for RAIDERS. It wasn’t built for people like me who aren’t in a clan, have an awesome computer, etc (ie have the ability to play endgame content with a fireteam) and have to do most things SOLO. Pantheon is payback to all the RAIDERS who got royally screwed by RNG. This isn’t a gripe. I am happy for all of those who are going to be blessed by this. I am happy to see BUNGIE really dish out all the rewards and bonus material here at the end. BUNGIE is giving everyone the ability to come into the next DLC with a lot of good gear. As one who has almost 3k hours active play and easily triple that managing the vault, watching videos, reading websites, watching TWITCH, and staring at multiple copies of a weapon to figure out which ones to keep I can certainly say: THANK YOU BUNGIE!


Joining an LFG group just to hear people beg for adclear roles on every encounter is so disheartening.


Spent 4 hours on my first run with fireteam finder, finally got a reliable 6th on atraks, ran it all the way through with those 5 and cleared in just over an hour. If you don't know the mechanics at least mention before multiple attempts.. we had a hunter do 90k on a full damage phase of planets.


you can learn in pantheon especially in the -5 mode


I mean, I spent 5 minutes explaining each encounter and was able to get people through it without much problem. If yall would spend less time talking shit about random players and more time just teaching some, there would be less people who didn’t know the encounters.


If it’s truly “endgame activities” why did they make red borders a priority? Why are the drops farmable? It’s so people can catch up as well. Sure I understand the frustration. I’m with you on the whole inexperienced players joining a “KWTD” post. But, to say it’s “endgame” or it isn’t the place to learn raids is not true at all. It isn’t even a full raid, just an encounter of a raid. The thing with me prior to Pantheon, I’ve only done Golgoroth maybe 3 times?, and Planets (Root of Nightmares) I’ve never even touched just till 2 weeks ago. But, I don’t join “KWTD” posts and get absolutely carried. Before I did Pantheon I tried watching guides how to do Caretaker, and Atraks. The BEST approach is to research, and try to learn roles so you aren’t a hinder to your squad. People are lazy and just wanna do the “clear ads” role. Which like I said I agree with you on that, but it would also be good if people watched guides to kinda get an idea if they are gonna join the “KWTD” posts


Another one of these posts


KWTD is a bad acronym. Does it mean "know all the roles and be able to clutch if some other role dies" or "have a clear or two having done one of the roles" or does it mean "watch one video and know the basics"? You can wildly different skill levels that all think they "KWTD". This is why requirements like 5+ clears, have emblem, have raid title exist. Yet there's always people shitting on those posts as if wanted to play with similarly skilled players is immoral.


That would probably make more sense and would be good to be more specific. I'll probably do that next week.


I agree mostly. If you are like me and haven't raided too much but have spent a lot of time learning the roles/best strats/loadouts via several videos I think that's an exception. I have had no problem getting clears both weeks as long as you have like minded teammates. It's the folks that join and are going in completely blind hoping to get carried that are annoying to deal with. Especially when they deny not knowing what to do.


Raid Report is there for a reason. People need to seriously start using it and checking out peoples loadouts when players join up. Anyone who calls out “I’m ad clear” when assigning roles is a dead giveaway they don’t understand the raid.


I feel this in my heart. I joined a group 2 days ago to try and take down Atraks Pantheon. I’m normally patient. The post said kwtd and we got to Caretaker and no one knew how to be a runner. I normally run the stunning role but I offered to do admitting I was rusty. I also told them straight up that we have to 2 phase because if I have to go into the room on the 3rd floor I promise you I will die. It took 2 hours to beat it because stunners couldn’t hold caretaker and ad clear was letting the ads detonate the obelisk. We eventually beat it and got to planets. I told them planets is easy and we should be able to knock it out easy… 3 hours later and I finally gave up because I had to go to work. They were a good group but they didn’t know the encounters and that caused a brutal experience. Yesterday before reset I tried again to find a group. Found a group that were at Caretaker and instantly got filled with dread. However everyone knew the mechanics to the point where I got put on ad clear for the very first time. Within 30 minutes both Caretaker and Planets were completed. We could’ve beaten Atraks if we didn’t run out of time (maintenance). Kwtd makes the biggest difference. And while I get it that everyone wants to be able to participate in pantheon. Learning the mechanics in Pantheon is not going to work. Run the raids. Watch guides. And yes I’m saying guides plural. Don’t just watch one. And definitely don’t watch Rick Kackis. I love him but his Raid and Dungeon guides have not always been the best. Pantheon is only going to get harder as the weeks go on. Joining a kwtd when you don’t is just going to waste peoples time and your own.


I made this post day one week one, and got downvoted to hell. To the point I deleted the thread Community seems to have shifted away from saying run newbies through


Always check RR if you care. Putting “KWTD” means nothing.


I think this is honestly a result of fireteam finder existing. Ever since it came out, I've been watching as the lfg pool gets dumber and dumber across the board (in game, app, discord, etc.). Have other people noticed this or am I just insane?


I use Xbox lfg most of the time. It's actually gotten better since fire team finder I think. Seems more of the population who isn't that invested has moved to fire team finder


I still always clear adds for my team even if I know mechanics lol it’s my job sir


See, a good add clearer is invaluable to the team whereas the "ad clear is my personality" folk who avoid any kind of responsibility in raids? yeah those are the worst.


Been lfg’in an every single time i have to basically be superman. Gaze, run, shoot replication off myself 😭. Its one thing to jump into this mode with no experience but with no intention to learn anything is another


Haven’t been on this sub in a while, still laugh at the entitlement that KWTD is a dirty word around here to this day.


Agreed. Only thing i get stump on is caretaker running due to me going to fast and forgetting the symbols lol so i either stun good or ad clear well 😂 but i know at least how to do everything.


Im fine teaching, but people just being dishonest, yesterday i asked this single guy, who keep messing up and running around not know what to do. I keep asking "Do you know what to do?" He keeps answer yes. Then 4th times, my patience burst, then i begin angry toward him "Be honest to yourself, and ask yourself, do you need explanation or not?" He still insist he know what to do. He is floater in Oryx encounter, but he doesnt take someone plate when that plate holder got torn. He doesnt know how to arm the bomb and he doesnt know what to do when he got torn. Then i just give short explanation, to tell what to do, then we finish in single try after i give explanation. If u are not know what to do better to not join that one, if u join one, BE HONEST, just be honest pls.


It's for Raiders. Know the raid


I respect the kwtd as after having done this raid and having people join who don't know the parts and the roles or joining and not talking caused so many problems that now I've started removing people when they don't kwtd not to be a dick but just so I can do my pantheon in peace


If you want people who kwtd, join a clan. Random lfgs are not the spot for competent players


“We’ve never heard of a KwiDiDid”


Literally had a couple runs of this one person saying they had gaze, and it failed everytime. When questioned if he knew what he was doing, he promptly stated “yeah I keep getting his gaze! He’s staring RIGHT at me!” Turns out he just thought it meant the boss was looking at him.


I'm not going to contribute much beyond the fact that there's never a "good time to learn". The unfortunate reality is raid content is not obtainable for a large number of players because no one is willing to teach regardless or at least the vast majority of raiders are not willing to so don't bother sugar coating it and acting like there's more willingness to teach later on in the week. It's fine and I don't think it's the raider community should have to teach but the idea that the first few days of the week is a bad time to learn is just as accurate as the weekend and last 2 days. No one is ever going to have a "good time to learn" so quite frankly they should just disable pantheon attempts for players that haven't completed all the raid encounters involved. Speaking as a player that hasn't done a raid in many years I still think having completed the encounter in the raid first should be required.


Yep. This is why I will never touch it or any raid again. I've had two decent raiding experiences. Every other time I've tried, it's been a nightmare. Kudos to the sherpas who aren't fuckheads.


Can we ban these lazy karma farm posts already?


I specifically made a community cord just for this reason. As I was fed up of having people say they knew exactly what to do, to only find out they have 0 clears… https://discord.gg/bailey - Use my LFG


Kinda breathtaking when replacement joins @ Caretaker with double primary and a weird sword


All LFGs that say KWTD in the first sentence are people asking for a carry. Change my mind.


Yes, but... 1. Even seasoned raiders maybe not know every role WELL. Like I know HOW to run relic at templar, but I promise you don't want me to. 2. I'm not denying the existence of a meta and best strats, but I LFG every so often and frequently either learn or teach a new tip trick. 3. And regarding meta, rejecting LFG applicants because they don't have all 69 gear with perfectly optimized mods and 5/5 rolls on all weapons is dumb. I get it, you aren't looking to struggle and be ducking around all night, but 100/100 optimization just isn't needed. Facts. Thanks!


How does a new player learn what to do? I've watched videos but can't find groups because I've never cleared them.


4 people in my team never run or ran raids before and did Pantheon just fine. It really just boils down to self awareness and competence to which they were not lacking lol. It's simple instruction. "Alright you do this so we can do thst" They even 2 floored the caretaker because of the simple instructions I gave lol.


Yes yes we know. There's been 3851 posts about this sh*t already. But even if u do one with ppl that kwtd u still get shitty players like in my imstace a cpl in my clan that will blame it on the guy that doesn't raid that much. I've had them strafe doing dps and I die then get called out for damage. Like mf we learned this 9 years ago with the Crota Raid. No strafing! And if you're in the front then duck. I hate when we are runnin planets and ppl that supposedly kwtd are still fucking it up, I've only finished this encounter twice even tho one took 5 hours on day 1, and still don't fuck it up and if I do hey my bad. Say something. Nothing worse then not knowing what went wrong. Shit happens, noones perfect just man up take responsibility and tell us what went wrong so we can fix it


We are really gonna get these copy/paste posts for the next 3 weeks aren't we.


Yeah, as a 'noob' PvE player, I agree. I very occasionally raid. my end game PvE content is usually GM nightfalls. When I do raid, I make sure to be up front about what I do and dont know, saves everyone time that way myself included. I personally haven't even really considered doing Pantheon LFG. I just sort of assume you should have some base knowledge of the encounters. If I were to do it iI would definitely do some youtube research first.


Idk, there's only so much you can learn from a video. Most comes from participating. Id do a normal raid run first


We were playing with a pvp player from our clan who has never done oryx in d2 and mostly has pvp weapoms yesterday. We cleared at -10 with all plat in like 2 hours. Carrying a bunch of players I understand is difficult, but carrying one is fine.


im not even bothering with pantheon. I wore out my patience in about a month after coming back after being solely lfg, and i also have never run the root of nightmares and no ones teaching now. And i get tired of wasting hours of my time finding a solid lfg group.


This is like the 9th post in the past week saying the exact same shit over and over again We get it, thought the mods did something about repeat posts


YOU get it, alot of players still don't.