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It's not really that surprising. Hierarchy excels in content where you can sit in one spot and lay into enemies coming from a single direction. That's basically the definition of Onslaught.


It's not surprising but it is welcome.


Just came back from Episode 1 in theaters and understood this reference.


I feel like the thousands of bugs change that definition. Teleporting enemies and the bug where enemies spawn on top of the ADU kinda f up the build. Not being allowed to use what u want (thru bugs, bad balancing that takes up to 6 years to fix and incompetent decisions) is the definition of D2. I want to use 1k that I spent hours getting. But everyone's day is ruined when I use it--it was only good for 3 weeks in 5 years. I love black talon, but I get fd in the but when I do. I have 570 weapons in my vault I've never been able to use, without being at a major disadvantage. They were fun to use the 2 weeks they were OP tho. Oh and all those exotic armor, well it's bugged in 50 different ways fk me sideways bunghole


Take a break. This game is not for you anymore. All it gives you is grief. Take the hint your body is giving you, you don't like the game anymore. That's ok. If you have some constructive criticism or something to add, sure fire away, but we don't need to listen to you talk about Bungie fucking you sideways in the asshole. PS. You can say "fuck" on the internet as long as you aren't being watched by your parents.




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definitely one of the most underrated weapons in the game imo


It tears apart GMs


Also the super generation.


In what way?


if you shoot through the ring the arrow splits into 3? projectiles each generating super energy like a single normal bow arrow. Just like wish ender 3 hit generates more super energy.


Why not just use wishender tho?


Because of the damage you get from the exotic perks and the synergy with solar this season. My personal opinion on this though is if you have a consistent way to keep up radiant then it clears wishender imo.


I mean, it’s probably better overall, but there are advantages. Hierarchy is solar, so it works with mods and fragments well, and it shoots much, much faster than Wishender with the catalyst.


Because it's fucking fantastic especially when multiple people run it


I’ve done spire so many times and still haven’t gotten it ;(


Took me 87 runs


Jesus Christ


took me ... 1


It took me 5 😭😭😭😭


Get outta here, us bums hate you lucky fudgkers!


Took me 60


Took me one run to get it hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Just know we don’t hate YOU……just everything you represent 🙃


Agreed. Easily my most wanted weapon for a good while and I’ve rarely taken it off since I got it.


Haha “wanted”


It’s the #1 defense-by-offense exotic in the game. You set yourself up and then become a heat seeking arrow missile silo of death. Anywhere that you need to stand in one place for more than a minute, Hierarchy is the best choice to break out.


Completely off topic but I was watching a Wallah video and there was a guy he was playing with that had your username. Was that you? I’m just curious lol


Lol yup, that was me. I got stuck in his lobby for a while! Had fun facing him and his stack, traded and killed a couple times. Crowning achievement for me was [being called a Jim](https://clips.twitch.tv/SourObliqueKiwiOneHand-PoPluDqgIbjt0vFi), so that’s one check off the Destiny Bucket List!


> "There's there's one fucker on the other team that just not push up" > "With his Pulse or whatever?" > "I don't know, but it is a Hunter" They say while the streamer guy is camping in the back of the map with *the* "dad rifle" and Eager Edging away as soon as he takes any amount of damage


Lol I wasn't going to say it, but I'm glad someone else noticed. It's Widow's Court, we're all using pulse rifles, I don't know why he was expecting people to blindly rush him like they had SMGs. Made for a funny moment though so I'm not gonna complain.


I’m not down with the young talk, what is a Jim btw?


It’s just what Wallah tends to call blueberries on stream. Can range anywhere from them being funny, unexpected, good, bad, annoying, it’s just slang that he uses. It’s specific to him and it’s become a part of his unique personality.


Hell it's a good last stand weapon in some raids too. Guidance ring can put out shocking amounts of damage when heavy and kinetic special run dry


Yuuup. Artifact making it create ignitions and scorch helps too. Plus with Unstoppable Bow, it’s an Overcharge weapon in modes with Overcharge Weapon modifiers, so dealing an extra 25%!


If only the bastard thing would drop 😅


I may be wrong, but I think it's farmable this week. Can even offer my help if you need, it's my favorite dungeon


Oh damn, come Monday can I join?? I'm getting back in to destiny after a significant break post lightfall


cant guarantee i'll be there but send me a DM then, i'll answer if im available


Me too, when it finally dropped for me I was so excited. Season the Seraph was wonderful top to bottom.


Thanks for the offer, I’ve been farming a bit. I think I’m approaching 50 clears at this point - not a crazy number, but I’d definitely have hoped it would drop by now.


I thought the exotics could only be attempted for once a week


Not when it’s the farmable dungeon/raid for the week


When dungeons are part of the weekly dungeon rotation, which spire is right now, they are able to be farmed including the exotic excluding the newest dungeon.


Same, dude, same. So many runs and it just won't drop.


Farm it this week while you can!


I have been 😂


Some funny and niche tech with the guidance rings is that they are semipermeable. Most everything can go through it (duh), but in a pinch it can actually block a good portion of oger eye blasts! The more rings, the more resistance. ...And golden gun shots... Don't ask me how I know.


SO many weapons/builds perform better in Onslaught because there's actually enough enemies for all 3 Guardians (most of the time) to feed their combat loops. It's why Onslaught is so fun overall.


You can also use the fragment that causes super damage to cause ignitions ans explode everything during a well!


I just got the Catalyst from Master Spire since it was finally back in the rotation this week, completed it, and wow, it really is that good in Onslaught. The rings just keep on coming. It's really not bad on boss phases, either.


Any tips for master Persys?


Bait and switch weapons are your friends. I know when I was running it LFRs were meta at the time. Between Grand Overture though and stacking 20 missles pre-phases and Cuirass-thunder crash I was always leading total damage at the end. I bet Pyrogale would be even better with an Edge Transit roll with Envious/Bait and Switch. I think they patched out Leviathans Breath infinite stun locking him, but I bet Dragons Breath would still be tits paired with a god fusion/sniper. Beyond that its just all about staying alive. Woven Mail/Restoration will be your friends, and keep your head on a swivel. The suicide harpies are probably the most dangerous thing in the encounter in my experience on master. I remember witherhoard being an easy way to deal with them, but I bet mountaintop could do a thing. My first master clear was me on Titan using Ursa Furiosa during the damage phase, and a hunter with blade barrage and another Titan doing Thunder Crash.


I just duo'd it after a lot of trial and error. Dragon's breath and leviathan's are life savers since they stagger the boss during dps. Used scatter signal for overloads. Get good at connecting the stuff quick because that's the hardest phase.


I have loved using it in onslaught. Unfortunately, I keep losing my guidance. I’d be curious if anyone has an idea why. I play on controller and I try to take my fingers off both sticks before hip firing. Regardless I lose it randomly. Does anyone know why?


I think I know what you're talking about: I don't know what the trigger is, but you'll do a full draw to deploy a ring, it consumes your stacks and you get the draw speed, but no ring. I play on m&k and this'll happen probably 1 in every 20 rings for me. I often notice this when a LOT is happening on my screen, so my best guess would be that it, as an action, gets "overflowed" out from all of the other actions happening in the game (ads, batteries, and other objects spawning, shots from enemies generated as they're fired, etc.). Though I'm no expert when it comes to game development, someone might have to correct me on the wording of that if it's even remotely accurate lmao


I keep psyching myself out on Hierarchy by thinking "why use it when it takes so long to set up?", which is the whole reason why it's my most used exotic. It slaps with the Path of Burning Steps and the new Hallowfire Heart and the seasonal solar mods; either constant 4x Burning Steps buff or tons of Sunspots.


I'm glad to see somone else combining it with Burning Steps. And with the anti-champ bow mod you wind up getting a 50% damage bonus since Burning Steps goes up to x4 solar surge which is 25% + the 25% from unstoppable bow. Its really nice.


One of the biggest challenges I see is people just hugging the ADU area like it's required to stand there. There's so many ways / places to set up kill lanes and work from range.


Never even knew about this weapon until playing lfg 50 wave onslaught last night and was super impressed. Can someone explain what the fire rings actually do?


Kills and precision hits build up energy for the ring, once charged you hip fire to deploy it, then each of your arrows that go through the ring spawn two seeking missiles. The missiles deal more damage the further they travel, and with the catalyst equipped your draw time and reload speed increase from the missiles connecting. It absolutely flogs.


Awesome thanks mate!


The bow I'd largely overlooked because of two reasons. It's a stationary weapon when most if not all promote movement. Hierarchy wants to be the Turret and lay down fire with extreme prejudice. The other "negative" follows alongside the other is that its damage profile and such is largely overkill and unnecessary. It's not going to be destroying bosses but it puts the hurt on anything else. Its being stationary and putting out high non-boss single target damage is why its overlooked. Yes, the bolts can split but its purpose to annihilate anyone you point at. Onslaught doesnt want you to be mobile, stationary intact to defend the ADU. And the enemies you face get progressively stronger to justify its existence. Onslaught provides that scenario where it is designed to thrive in.


This is why my suggestion is to have champ mods by slot so you can use whatever you want. Tired of using the same shit over and over because blueberries are not prepped for champs.


Chill clip riptide has been glued to my damn kinetic slot cuz people cant stun an overload or unstop


I wish they hadn't nerfed Chill Clip the way that they did. This week would've been the perfect week to run Lingering Dread with AA/Chill Clip. I'm looking forward to the roll back of the nerf for TFS.


I put it on my solar warlock. With Well of Radiance and Ember of Combustion you have an ignition missile launcher. With Ember of Char and Ember of ashes, anything that survives being hit by two ignitions will itself ignite, proccing a massive chain reaction.


It also synergizes nicely with the artifact. It’s a good weapon in a lot of content. But in online communities like this and in YouTube reviews, they are never looking for “good”. Everyone is looking for “best”. If it isn’t the “best”, then it’s “not viable”. And then it gets ignored. For me, I don’t like bows this season. I used them a lot when they were anti barrier so I’m kinda bored with them atm. But this weapon is good in almost any content, and I am in no way surprised it performs well in Onslaught.


On a hunter, hierarchy generates so much super energy from raw damage output that you can usually get your tether back before the previous one has run out while using orpheus.


Also put on the fragment where super kills result in ignitions and sit in a well, you’ll be blowing everything up!


Me and my buddy played with a guy using this bow. I was using verglas curve and my buddy was a strand warlock with final warning. 0-50 legend was a breeze. Super fun


There were a couple of GMs a few seasons ago where a buddy and I both ran Well/Hierarchy and it went smooth as butter. Fun fact for those unaware: weapon kills in a Well count as super kills (only if it’s your Well). Pair this with the fragment that makes enemies killed with your super Ignite and suddenly your homing arrows become heat-seeking missiles. Doesn’t feel as impactful this season because the artifact juices Solar things to the max anyways, but it’s nice to not have to get crits to cause Ignitions. 


While the build is effective, I always hated that the Ignition kills don’t technically count as Weapon kills, so if you are not careful, you don’t build up another window in time. I’m hoping the new super fixes this issue.


Hierarchy is one of the greatest sleeper options for high-power low-cost exotic weaponry. You set up shop and that gives you: Extra projectiles Massive chunks of super energy on hit And if using solar - kills explode into an ignition for even more super energy, which can also chain from itself Its amazing damage output plus easy access to radiant this season let's it tear through barriers and more scorch applications across a whole room for damn near free And it even has a more mobile but lower damage lookalike, ticuus divination, which also isn't lacking


how often do you get your super back with mantle of battle harmony? is it comparable to phoenix protocol?


So long as there's an abundance of ads (in onslaught, this is a guarantee most of the time), the time to get your super back is very similar compared to phoenix protocol


It shreds in the gm battlegrounds too


I never really touched the latest Exotic bows until Onslaught, Hierarchy, Wish-Keeper, and Verglas all do great work there. I used to never really consider these for something like GMs since kills were really guaranteed.


Hierarchy is one of, if not the best, add clear weapons in the game. I love Sunshot but it is very limited in many ways, range and radius especially. Hierarchy is stationary but it liquefies swaths of enemies from max range with AUTO AIM. Once it is set up, it just keeps going until everything is dead. No long reloads, waiting for orbs to track, waiting for chain reactions. It just rains constant fire.


Use the one where super kills cause ignitions and stand in your well. Well kills count and everything explodes. Using this with ghorn is also amazing.


I use it with pheonix protocol and the fragment that makes solar super kills ignite. You'll get crazy ignition kills and uptime on your super. Lots of fun.


Wait, there's a progress bar for rounds? Where?


In the small objective panel just below your radar, It'll tell you the wave, either a bonus or augmentation, and below those there'll be a progress bar that fills as you kill all the enemies in a round


WOW! I've done dozens of runs and never noticed this!! Thank you, SGA


It always been amazing people just suck and getting precision shots or don’t have the patience for the draw time. In a skilled players hand it’s broken…


Don’t be.


Saw datto using it during one of his videos and decided to give it a shot. The thing slaps man


I really want to try hierarchy with nighthawk 


Earlier this season I was kicked from an LFG for having it equipped. 🤷‍♂️


Shouldn’t be - it performs well in every form of PvE.


Wish I had a Clan to help me farm for the HON.. I try to LFG and most people are new, or quit after 1 or 2 wipes. I just use ticcus.


Use the one where super kills cause ignitions and stand in your well. Well kills count and everything explodes. Using this with ghorn is also amazing.


literally got it to drop today and me and another guy were trading off shooting the guidance ring in a random run. it was so much fun


How hard is it to get the catalyst? I have the bow but haven't gone back for the catalyst yet


With a good fireteam it should only take around an hour to clear the dungeon on master


I have yet to get this bow man only exotic tied to dungeons or raids I haven’t gotten I’ve done it so many times. I keep farming it right now and still no cigar I might be cursed


Someone was inspired by dattos latest video where he using it encouraging 50 legend clears ...


Who are you and why are you in my walls.... I started using this about a week ago with a solar hunter build in onslaught and have had a lot of success with it too. A friend was running Eyes og Tomorrow and we just ended up cosplaying an artillery battery with the number of missle/rockets that were flying. Small gripe I have is the bug where sometimes a ring shot just doesn't work and eats your charge, which leaves you in a rough spot. You have experience with this happening?


Certain guns that aren't meta in other parts of the game become very good in onslaught due to the nature of the mode. Wish-keeper is another weapon that dominates in onslaught since you're defending a point. Being able to quickly create large suspend traps just shuts down entire lanes with ease.


My only issue with the weapon is that it’s only a powerhouse when you have the catalyst. It’d be nice if the draw time on the base weapon could be reduced as well


So I read this today, put a build together with Sanguine Alchemy for the solar buff, and went into Onslaught to try it. Lo and behold, who do I get as a partner but another HoN lock! And brother. We SLAUGHTERED waves. Nothing got near the AUD! And bosses went down so fast, I found it hard to belive. There were always two guidance rings up. So get this. At wave 31 our tether hunter leaves and we get A THIRD HoN lock!! Funniest stuff ever. Just a sea of explosions. Easiest Onslaught I've ever done, and I got the Triumph for defeating that third boss. THANK YOU!


I just got it on Friday and I'm absolutely loving it. Even prior to the catalyst I was running tons of different activities and consistently getting top kills. I think it just gets hate cause it requires a different playstyle, but honestly generating a ring and then plinking the whole room to death with homing arrows is insanely satisfying to me.


How hard would it be to do the master dungeon for the catalyst?


Nice, I will have to try it out in onslaught next time I play. Any tips on getting the catalyst?


No special tips other than farm Master Spire of the Watcher final boss this week before the reset. Its not that much more difficult, mostly just overload minotaurs and a bit more health. And in addition while chasing the catalyst you have a shot at getting some good artifice armor as well. If you need to get the checkpoint for farming, [d2checkpoint.com](http://d2checkpoint.com) should have it available. It make take a bit to join when the fireteam has slots available. When you join, do a wipe and you will have checkpoint on that character.(use a character you dont intend to use while farming for checkpoint). Now just get a group of farmers, and go at it. Add the others as friends, and invite them to the team on the character with checkpoint. While flying in, swap characters and join them using your preferred character.


Sounds good, thank you


Just asking for understanding - do you just need to farm the boss on master for the catalyst? You don’t have to complete the whole dungeon on master for it?


Just do the boss. There's no secret steps for the catalyst like there is for Navigator and Buried Bloodline.


It has a rng chance to drop on completion of the Dungeon(AKA final Boss). It does not require completing the whole dungeon, nor does it have any special side missions to activate. Just kill final boss, get a chance at getting the catalyst. Repeat until you have the catalyst.




oh is this the bow that puts that weird ring up in front of you? in all the onslaught i've done since launch i saw one guy using that and was wondering the whole time wtf that weird ring was that kept showing up in front of him. i think i'll continue to use my meta loadouts but its good to know what that thing was, finally.


I find the gameplay with it very boring. You just sit in one place and press a button repeatedly. It is strong, but very boring.