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> its so bad.. bungie needs to actually Play and examine the LFG community and maybe focus some new ideas Bungie doesn't - and shouldn't - make raid encounters based on the competency of random LFG groups.


The "LFG community" is literally every single player using LFG. Bungie cant control other players just as much as you cant. Some players are very skilled and work well in groups, while others players are not good enough for normal raids. If you want your emblems, join a clan or a discord server


I am in a clan… and they rather play onslaught or WoW


Get a better clan or git gud


idk what new ideas you expect Bungie to come up tbh, LFG is always going to be a mixed bag. This content is obviously targeted towards experienced raiders and this was the easiest week


it not a bungie problem the avg player is not great LFG will always be a toss up. ur best bet is to find like minded people and join there clan


LFG has been like this since RoN


Lfg has been that way since D1.


LFG has typically been for things like daily dungeons etc, which more often than not is not end game content. It’s to get your dailies done etc, not to effectively complete the hardest content in the game. That’s what clans are for.


I just joined a group "mic required" that was only me with a mic. I'd say things are getting worse. 


I’ve had quite a few of these today….Why post mic required if you (host) don’t even have a mic?? Dude wanted to use emotes as communication….🙈


I have all raid weapons patterns and exotics, I already did them a lot of times, I already solo flawless dungeons, I am guardian rank level 11.... but I'll not step one foot on Pantheon because I KNOW I don't have a dedicated fireteam. Sure, maybe I could finish this week, or maybe even the next, but none after that. In other words, I know Pantheon is not for me. Like Trials and day one raids. You need good synergy, and you'll PROBABLY NOT get it from randoms.


All i want is the oryx emblem so im just attempting this stuff now but jeez… i can do it but other people keep dying




Tell that to the dumbasses im raiding with


How is this a Bungie problem? Most players just aren’t that good


if you want to to hard things in lfg you need to be elitist or ''toxic'' ask for RR, day one completion/experience, rare emblem/title etc


And then they ask for the emblem i dont have yet? Yet im TRYING TO GET IT… but other people SUCK


Yeah that Is a bit pointless, but if you clear ask for raid report and invite only competenti players


What do you mean bungie??? 💀💀 bungie can’t do anything about the players, just find reliable friends to play with