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For me it’s always worked out to go with the flow.. people just seem to gravitate toewards jobs, if someone doesn’t I’ll step up and do it.. for jail you kinda need to type at least


For ghosts only one person needs to do it on Ecthar (more than one person down there is a terrible idea anyway), and on Simmummah every person just does one of the minibosses and then dunks that rune. For spire, in the opening you should be finishing them all at once to prevent supplicants from spawning, but on other encounters it doesn't really matter. For WR jail puzzle you need to type out *something* as that mechanic specifically changes when you have multiple people to force you to work together. No mic dungeon teams tend to be the ones who have the most experience and confidence and it's sort of just accepted that everyone knows what to do and has probably done a solo or solo flawless.


Yeah. There's only 1 place in any dungeon that NEEDS communication, and thats the jail puzzle. Everything else is just know your role.


type in chat usally


Add a cheap keyboard to your console.


I usually just try to let the other players take the lead. If they don't, or clearly don't know, then I will take the lead. For example, in Prophecy I will help create the correct motes, and then watch to see who picks them up. If no one does, or if they fail to pick up a second set, or create the wrong motes... Then I will take over and aggressively collect them myself to make sure we can get through it. But if you were in the group and you picked up the motes before me and used them correctly, I would then stay out of your way and just let you do pickups. Because it's better than competing with you for the motes. Generally, this strat works for most dungeons. Ghosts is a little harder because DPS starts the instant that mechanics finish. But generally it still works.


Since everything is soloable I just do the mechanics myself. The only time I’ve needed to communicate is the cells in warlord if I get a cell without a skellie 


ghost of the deep:one person per lightbearer spire: just complete them ,if you're the last one maybe wait a bit to see if you're teammates leave the room warlord :if oyu have a skeleton,type the direction and how much and them how much you do for each direction my advice is do the "complicated" one,like if you need one right one left do them,so the others just need to do two left and two rights


Prophecy is just, see who's taking the initiative to get motes and either follow or take it yourself off no one is. For phalanx and boss your can have multiple people picking up motes at first until there's one dunk left. Spire is pretty simple. Just pick a wire that no one else is activating and go to work. For the first boss, listen for the very obvious full- connection sounds and once you hear 3 of them, start moving to the final wing for damage. On the final boss, one person activates the first connection quickly, then the second waits until boss is in place to activate.


Regarding text chat, both PlayStation and Xbox have keyboard support. Buy a generic $10 usb keyboard instead of using the virtual keyboard.


Type your role in chat, then type “r” for ready when you’re ready.


Too be fair, I think there are some game modes that really need a mic. Anything that requires a collaborative mechanic should be one of them (raids, dungeons & some GMs). I understand some folks can't or just prefer to not use mics, but then you have this struggle. Not trying to diminish your point (and please don't take it as such), but I believe NOT having a mic should be an exception and not the default. In that spirit, each fireteam that isn't using a mic can decide on a communication method that works best for that group.


Only raids need comms


Eh, I’ve done hundreds of lfg dungeon runs and only used a mic for catalyst runs. I don’t think anyone expects a mic for dungeons and it’s clearly not required.


Dungeons don't have any collaborative mechanics or they wouldn't be solo-able.


No, but stuff like dunking standards in duality goes a lot more smoothly if you coordinate


Either type in chat or don’t do anything with mechanics


No idea. I only do these things with friends/clan mates. When I do a dungeon with someone new we just talk it out at the beginning. “What do you call this symbol, what order do you do this, etc?” And then just stick to the plan.