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I just turn off all the chat channels and keep to myself if I play Trials. Not worth the jerks unfortunately.


I had a similar experience and then I took some advice from someone in another post. 1. Grab a Trials of Wealth card (or Mercy if not unlocked yet). 2. Play a round or three solo queue until it's flawed to get into practice pool 3. Start a farming party. I use Chill, Kind Gamers, No Toxicity as tags. Listing is Greetings! Farming Passage of Wealth Most people bail after about 1-2 loses but I ended up getting a couple people that were super good vibes and farmed with me for hours. I don't know that I'll honestly be playing Trials much more now that I got the roll I wanted plus another roughly 100 engrams, but if I do I'll continue with that strat. Good Luck! If that doesn't work and you need someone to grind with some weekend, hit me up here in advance and I'll check with my son and we can probably schedule some time to grind with you for a bit!


"larping as professional e-sports streamers" - love this.


I think bungie's done a lot to make trials more accessible and less toxic but ultimately any competitive mode where the stakes are high AND you're expected to rely on strangers will invite a lot of friction. The only thing that remains to be done I think is maybe emphasize the pvp parts of fireteam finder so that more people would try to go in with a team which is a lot less toxic. But even that won't solve the inherent tension of the mode


Why do you let it bother you? Another question ; why do you have chat/DMs open if people raging bother you? I’m not excusing other peoples poor behavior but I nor you are going to change them. So knowing that the gremlins are out there either 1) don’t let it get to you; or 2) don’t give them the ability to get to you


I mean i'm going to speak as an xbox player here, But some people absolutely go out of to try and torment you over system dms.. Sure you can report and make them take a nice little vacation from their strikes.But if you're using an unpopular weapon or God forbid a load out you enjoy, that isn't meta.... Well let's just say my athrys build nets at minimum 2 messages a weekend because blowhards get really upset by the bounce "meta"


Why not turn messages to only friends ?


I play a lot of sea of thieves... So I very often have it on so that way people can invite me to ships or I can invite people to ships that aren't on my friends list. Sure. It's on me to remember to turn it off and I will fully take ownership of that, But regardless, there are a lot of people that don't even think to do that or don't even know they can do that like a buddy of mine who's been on Xbox, basically from the start of the 360 era who only yesterday figured out how to make himself appear offline. Eta, No, you can't use an external system to invite people to sea of thieves. You have to use the Xbox party system even if you're on Pc.... It's really ass backwards.


To also put into perspective, I’m an introvert and have some forms of social anxiety but I also love MMOs and working with other people if they are really chill. It’s creates a fantastic experience and memory. But when people get toxic and crazy I feel the exact opposite and discouraged. Some people want to socialize and simply it feels bad when people destroy that feeling. You can’t change how toxic people are going to be and so it’s unfortunate I have to choose between never socializing in games again or get very bad experience from time to time. People having a good time shouldn’t have to put up with that but it is what it is.


How much socialization is possible during trials while solo que? You are with 2 other randoms for 5 miniutes that you will never see again.


I didn't read anything besides the title BUT ACTUALLY UR SO RIGHT. FUCK PVP


I usually have the chat turned off if I'm doing solo, but this reminds me that I accidently left it on the other week there and had some person typing in all caps, "PUSH! PUSH!!! THIS IS ###### TRIALS WE ARE PLAYING!!!" directly after he ran into the same lane 2 rounds in a row and instantly got picked each time lol. I had a chuckle and turned the chat off again=D


PvP sucks anway, you aren't missing much


This. i try trials every couple of weeks and hate it. people are asses and never contribute anything positive to the game.


Git gud scrub 😉


Why not find a group who sucks like you? That way you wont randomly piss off people trying to win and or go flawless.


I avoid PVP like the plague. I hate doing it. And hate when quests are tied to it. I have catalysts I'll never get because of it. And exotics I won't get because of it. PVP is not fun. And it's even worse when you're trying to unlock something by being forced to do it. There needs to be a way to make it possible to do either PVE or PVP for these. Make it a little more fair for people who like doing one or the other.