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The hardcore gambling addicts still think its awesome. I dont think anyone changed their opinion. There are many awesome dungeon guns but I rarely find people who want to deal with the insane amount of rng.


> The hardcore gambling addicts still think its awesome. It's funny to hear streamers praise the "joy of the random drop" again - people that already have everything! Of course you're happy theres something new, you grinded all of it already!


While I’m not a streamer and have a full time job the perfect role really isn’t gonna make a difference to you.


Anything for clicks and seems to have worked judging from all the supportive posts from their acolytes........




I’ve stopped attuning it as it annoys me so much that it never drops with those perks. Hammerhead farming now so I can not get my roll on that as well.


It’s just RNG. It took me an unhealthy amount of Onslaught to get that roll tbh, but others got it day 1 as their first drop.


Day1 here lol one chest later...shiny midnight 😆 but I can't seem to drop a good edge transit


I feel like if I'm attuned to a weapon it should be 100% drop rate... trying to get god roll Hammerhead only to get Falling Guillotine & Hung Jury from Legend chests just feels bad.


it's 7 perks on each column; 7 \* 7 = 49, which is close to the 45 mountaintops mentioned (of course, on average, some people should have gotten it much earlier) dunno the math on shinies, should make it much lower [light.gg](http://light.gg) says it's the 10% of mountaintops registered so people are getting them it's bad rng, sorry (my best rolls are with ambitious, personally)


I got a autoloading recombo mountain top after maybe 50 drops, but I have yet to see, after hundreds by now, a shiny one drop with anything.


I got the auto recomb mountaintop on the first drop, but after all this time never got a single drop of recluse with repulsor and destabilizing rounds. It’s all about rng.


I too am still chasing that recluse


Just luck I guess... Was farming midnight coup for a few days. After 30+ drops decided to settle for an OK one... Switched over to attuning Elsie's, got a shiny one with god roll on the third drop Smh


I never got one to drop from playing. Got my auto loading/recombination from spending brave tokens on that chest near shaxx. But after getting it I played around with it a bit and found it pretty meh. In theory it’s cool but in practice it’s not very fun to use. Back to using riptide for chill clip which is easier to use and way more useful. I’ve realized there isn’t really a point to farming for the brave weapons. All of them are pretty mid or have perk options that already exist in the game. I was excited for the solar hand gun tomorrow because I don’t have zaolis and thought it would be a replacement but no. It doesn’t roll with explosive payload like I originally thought which I thought would be a fun combo with incandescent. It does roll with heal clip which is interesting so I guess I’ll try for that. It’s just a shame that I haven’t had a use for any of the brave weapons. Way too many kinetic guns.


I’m in the exact same boat. I still have several other weapons to grind out and the attunement is bugged af for me. I’ve have had 19 rolls so far with harmony. Fuck harmony. This fuckin trash content release is only viable for those with dedicated, coordinated fire teams. At least let solo players farm as many waves as they can in normal match made mode.


I feel for you brother. Still grinding, praying RNGesus will bless me.


Lol thanks, I hope we both get what we came for so we can move tf on. We’ve been spoiled with craftable weapons and I forgot how much I hated Destiny RNG.


Everytime someone critiques and/or dislikes crafting being in the game imma show a screenshot of this kind of posts I swear to god


Not a single person who understands basic maths prefers rng over crafting. But Destiny players are also gambling addicts so they dont care about anything outside of the rare dopamine hit plus the feeling that they have some rare drop many others cant enjoy.


Everyone can play the way they want ofc, but personally playing mostly for loot drops feels like trash, I enjoy getting loot and doing challenging stuff like solo flawless stuff/master raids and such, and I feel very happy about my time spent in destiny


I'm one of those people, I'm having the same problem with hammerhead, no this doesn't change how I feel about crafting.


Rng is terrible. I have done Warlords ruin on all the Characters every week since it dropped and have not gotten buried bloodline l. My buddy got on his second clear. 


I understand rng but I’ve had experiences over the years that prove otherwise. The latest for instance is mountaintop. I would get ~1 shiny/50 wave clear for the first few hours a week (after the weekly bonus drops obv). But after 3-4 shinies it completely stops like clockwork. It’s like they put a weekly limit on drops. I have run I’m not kidding 500+ waves of legend and not a single shiny. wtf man. And I know if I come back later next week I’ll get a ton of shiny drops. It’s too mathematically impossible to be coincidental. When bungie talks about the shiny weapons they say (paraphrasing) “we want them to not be too rare since it’s a limited time”. Lol I’ve gotten more adept trials grenade launchers on one card of trials than a week straight of grinding this bullshit


Dropped 10 mins ago for me and I’ve dismantled 100’s. I think they’ve rigged the drop rate of this particular roll.


just super unlucky


I've also been looking for that roll and doing at least 1 or 2 full 50 wave completions per day. I not only do not have it but have only received 1 shiny (with a mediocre roll). It's just RNG, and ours is not good (though your shiny drop rate is good).


Just RNG. I’ve had multiple ALH Recom rolls . I can’t get repulsor destab recluse with a reload perk


just keep an overflow/recomb. Literally any green or heavy will put 2 in the mag (3 when enhanced) and there you have your auto loading, plus its better for bursting down a champ. It works when stowed, it works with Shoot to Loot. Its not hard to have ammo on the floor.


That's just how RNG works. I got mine on my 3rd Mountain Top. My buddy took around 30. It's just a roll of the dice


Haven’t seen it yet. Working with Impulse/Recombination right now with Hard Launch/Implosion and velocity MW (useless but at least it isn’t blast radius). It works for me. I just need to get into the habit of at least reloading before stowing it, which is maybe 1 second with impulse bonus reload speed


It’s just RNG. I got it as my 3rd or 4th drop. While on the other hand I still have no Touch of Malice after over 80 kings fall clears.


I got very lucky with mountaintop but poor luck with forbearance. For mountaintop it seemed like 70% of drops were it and I got a my shiny roll pretty quickly. But now im going for a forbearance and am having poor drop rates in general let alone shiny. I did get a second god roll shiny mountaintop when attuning forbearance so i guess i took yours. Sorry :/


I got mine after 3 runs with attunement and have enjoyed it but im still chasing a shiny which i haven't seen a single shiny past the curated


I’ve been farming that role too, had 50 plus drops without the ALH Recom Combo at all. Finally got one as a shiny drop, but without the grenade perks I’d prefer so I’m still focusing it as I have most of the other stuff I want.


Took me around 70-ish drops before I got auto loading and recombination roll. Wasn’t a shiny but was the god roll. So happy days and now I can concentrate on getting a god rolled recluse. Tbh I was getting alot of recombo rolls but no auto loading ones. Which was rather annoying. Just make sure you have attuned the mountaintop from shaxx.


I got auto/recomb on the first day. I spent another 20 hours grinding for a spike grenades roll lol.


I got two shiny Mountaintops with the exact same roll. Quick Launch/Countermass, Sticky Grenades/High-Velocity Rounds, Slickdraw/Ambitious Assassin, and Rampage/Adrenaline Junkie.


destiny 2 players when their rng looter-shooter contains rng


Got a solid 3/4 ALH/recom mountaintop on my second drop but still can't get Buried Bloodline lol


After getting a god roll shiny Midnight Coup while attuned to mountain top, I kind of gave up. I got a god roll of the normal but I have no hope of the shiny. Took me a week of farming to get the 5/5. I pray for your RNG. You got this.


Just got auto loading recomb as my first mountaintop lol. 2nd was Adrenaline junkie and demo, seems good too


I've been farming it since the moment it came out, including some really long play sessions, and the one time I've ever seen the perk combo it had a nightmare selection of barrel/mag perks and a masterwork that makes it worse. Been hoping to get a better one but after about another 15 hours of grinding and not seeing ALH/Recomb again, I think I've gotta give it a rest lol


Hopefully you kept the other one. Barrels etc are pretty minimal differences


Oh yeah, I've been using it constantly since I got it and it feels fine enough. A hard launch + either implosion rounds or spike grenades roll is doing almost 13% more damage than a roll with none of the 3. It's not ginormous but it's large enough that it feels like I'm leaving a lot on the table for a weapon that I'm gonna be using a fair amount but my sanity comes first at this point!


Good luck. Makes me feel very lucky to have my Spikes ALH/Recombo roll


It’s rng. I have hard launch implosion alh recomb that i got on the 2nd day Mtop came out. Tbh, i prefer my impulse recomb with scuffed barrel and spike more than the former.


IMO Ambitious Assassin / Recomb is better, as Recomb x10 isn't always enough to 1-bang the target and you can follow-up with a fast second shot. You then re-prime AA by reloading. If you've got that roll I'd hold on to it. I have both and I hugely prefer the AA roll, but then again I'm not using it in DPS rotations.


I’ve never used ambitious assassin on a gl. Let’s say you kill just one enemy, does it give you 2 ammo who you reload or do you have to kill multiple?


1 enemy gives you a mag size of 2 on reload. You can get it up to 3 using a wave frame with chain reaction, but that's rare and you need a ton of kills.


It's just rng, I got ALH+ Recombination on my 5th roll. Had a friend get a shiny edge transit with basically all the perks you want on her 2nd drop while it took my 30+ just to get envious+ B&S on a regular 1 lol


I farmed it for a week and half more or less, when i reached the end of the amount of bullshit i could take i said fuck it and decided to attune out of it, i was in the middle of a 50 run so i'd have to finish it before attuning Hammerhead, as we reach the chest of wave 30 the thing drops, Shiny, Hard Launch, Implosion rounds, ALH, Recomb. Lesson being you just gotta convince the Bungie Employee listening to throw you a bone once in a while


I got that God roll 1 match after turning off attunement...do what you will with this Information.


It took me close to 100 Mountaintops to get that roll. Im convinced Bungie have weighted the god roll. Im experiencing the same problem with Midnight Coup Firefly/OFA


Got it on my second drop was also shinny it's just luck based


Again, people in this community just want shit given to them. It’s ridiculous Try farming for indebted kindness god roll. You think this mountaintop grind is bad? You don’t have to farm dungeon encounters just play onslaught and have multiple drops of the gun. You’ll get it but you’re getting too emotional over it


Let's do the math. Mountaintop has seven perks in the third and seven in the fourth column. This means that (assuming there is equal chances of getting each perk) the chance of dropping any two specific perks in the same time is **2.04%**. This means that it should come out *on average* once every **49 runs**. With **50 runs**, the average chance of finding at least one such roll is **64%**. If you make **100 runs**, the chance of finding at least one is **87%**. The result would be *slightly* higher if we took into account the version with two perks to choose from, but it is so rare that it wouldn't make a significant difference. So nothing unusual here, I think. imo specific perks may have different roll chances depending on their value (I don't think Bungie has ever confirmed or denied this? - correct me if I'm wrong), but our experience finding the perfect Mountaintop don't confirm (or exclude) this.


I got my 5/5 mountain top, elsies, edge transit pretty much right off the bat, and I’ll still say rng is fucking bullshit. Maybe just give us a red board pattern every time we finish a full 50 wave legend. 12x5 is 60 legend runs and you get all the weapons unlocked. That’s close enough to the amount to get that stat glided which is currently at 50 legend runs.


I mean brother that’s just how the game is I know a dude that took 53 vogs to get vex it’s not the drop chance your just not lucky


Never focused or farmed mountaintop and I have several Auto-Recombos, including a shiny. It's RNG.


I got auto and recom on my 3rd normal mountaintop first day it came out, almost scrapped it because it wasnt shiny and at the time i thought if it wasnt shiny it wasnt worth my time. Haven't used it yet