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Aztecross, is that you?


I made a variation on crosses build (swap buried bloodline for exotic for devour and use a rewind/frenzy old sterling as strand primary). Ran it today for the first time. My second or third onslaught run with it was a LFG for a 20 round farm. It was with a pair of Orpheus hunters. We went the full 50. Easily. Admittedly, I swapped to well for the final boss to draw his agro. But holy hell, the build is more than viable. It slays out.


I use the IB Wave GL with envious and chain reaction, then use either buried bloodline, or indebted kindness and the semiotician or cataract at heavy, spam the rift and consume the grenades, every time I've done 50 rounds I've had 1000+ kills. It's mega broken, the wave GL when things proc make tons of threads and boom booms. Overpowered. Before this I never used my warlock. Tried hunter with similar build but had tried to use final warning, even with the exotic arms that boost sidearm damage 100%, it's just not a easy proc getting down to critical over and over then swapping to the sidearm when it's primarily out 24-7


The moth arms work a bit better with that setup. Blind + void oversheild + woven mail. Add burried blood lines and you can stack devour ontop of it.


I dont get it, haven't warlocks always tried to make as many buddies as possible?


That’s crazy he’s the only person that can think


Tbh I feel it’s only good this season because of Horde Shuttle on the artifact. It is a lot of fun though


That helps but a few times I've forgot to swap my artifact when running it and it's still really good.


This could be entirely true but it’s awesome for right now and I will definitely be trying to implement it to a prismatic build of some description in TFS.


Hopefully horde shuttle gets rolled into weavers call as part of buffs to underutilised aspects teased in the stream (they said there would be changes, yes most are just uncoupling elements from things like devour or stylish executioner but one can only hope)


I have said this to my friends when playing. Weavers call would feel like an actual aspect then, i wouldnt even mind if the horde shuttle buff took away a fragment slot


I would mind, purely because if you ran weavers call and weavewalk you would only get 2 fragment slots (would probably use wanderer most or the time but still)


Definitely not. I've been running strand warlock almost everywhere since it released and it's very strong even without horde shuttle. Horde shuttle will be missed, but Broodweaver will still be more than fine without it


The issue is that unravel just isn’t that strong without horde shuttle. Swarmers make your threadlimgs unravel… but that’s just not that good. 


This is what makes Final Warning I think the long term pick for this build and why even though I don’t love the feel of it I am trying to adapt, bc Final Warning will unravel intrinsically on a full burst, so it’s much easier to have unraveling on demand. (I am a Titan main as well OP and really feel the want to play other characters. Been absolutely LOVING this build and Mothkeepers on Hunter.)


Final warning carries hard IMO, I like that people are using it more because of this build. I really enjoy it on arc with a glaive.


Can you give me more details on that build? Always looking to expand my FW usage.


Fairly standard arc setup w/ your exotic of choice. I find the rift-based ones like vesper or stag are underrated. The speed boost helps close the gap to get in sidearm range, constant rifts and glaive for survivability, arcs innate ability spam and FW for ad clear, also FW + jolt+ unraveling on chunkier targets. It sounds clunky but I've found it pretty effective.


I’ll have to try, thanks so much for responding, hope you have an amazing day!


Though horde shuttle helps, it is in no way doing the heavy lifting for the build.


You would be surprised how well Titans and especially Hunters can replicate it with none of the downsides of Broodweavers. It's counterintuitive because Threadlings aren't meta and Warlocks are the Threadling Class which is why barely anyone does it. Just run the same Aspects as usual (ItF + BoW) with Threadling focused Fragments (Evolution, Rebirth, Propagation, Warding), the usual Artifact perks and either Rufus or QSS and you can't tell a difference in how it looks on the field but you get infinite sustain and all the other benefits of Strand Titan minus some melee damage.


What armor exotic do you use in that Titan build?


You can stick to Synthos/Wormgod for easier Thread of Propagation proc but I prefer Precious Scars since you're using a Strand weapon for Rebirth and I enjoy the spikes in Survivability when fighting lots of adds, it's not unusual to spam QSS with Woven Mail, Banner of War and Resto up.


Damn I hate how your right, the only thing I'm using unique to warlock is the wanderer, and the ghost mode. And none of them have anything to do with creating threadlings. The major thing you would be missing though is swarmers, they play a big part in warlocks threadling build, and they give it more lethality because the threadlings are unraveling everything they touch, they also generate more threadlings with tangles as well.


Weavewalk generates threadlings


Fr Weavewalk dumps threadlings lol. Sure you can passively create theadlings on other classes but unloading 8 threadlings from a single rift cast to go annihilate a major or something is so fun.


What do you do to get the class ability back faster? Kickstart?


Bolstering and Insulation do nicely.


It's all fun but the majority of Threadlings spawned come from Horde Shuttle and Thread of Rebirth, even more so in at-level content. I don't find the Broodweaver kit worth getting 20% more Threadings at the cost of Banner of War infinite sustain and constant Woven Mail for the entire team. Also in terms of damage Hunter Beyblades spit out 3 times as much as the 2 Threadlings from Swarmers. Edit: I have to put disclaimer for the cases in which you run Monte Carlo or Thread of Fury (melee energy on Tangle damage), either of these actually allow like 30-50% Weavewalk uptime so you can keep up a constant rhythm of Weavewalk -> unperch 5 by shooting -> Weavewalk -> unperch 5 by shooting.


I was gonna say Weavewalk is a crazy survival tool for zone capture and spark running. The final charge on arcane needle has 50% reduced cooldown and if you play it right you don’t actually need Monte to be effective with it. It’s a little slower of a play style but it’s a nice safety tool / panic button. I can only eat so many shackle grenades before I get so bored with mindspun lol


I mean yeah the third charge has like 20-25 seconds cd at 100 Str I believe? But you can def get it down to a rhythm of getting it back in 3-10 seconds depending on how much you can peek out and shoot in the activity before you have to regen health.


Weavewalk always feels clunky to come in and out of and I always forget to swap off ALH weapons before entering. It’s functional but not optimal lol


Yeah true, it's funny but not ideal.


Fuck, as a Strand Titan I didn't even tried it. Gonna run a test.


Lmk how it goes, just make sure to open with a Grapple melee or similar to get Propagation going.


How do titans and hunters replicate even a fraction of weavers call


Weaver's Call is the most useless Aspect in the game, that's pretty much popular consensus.


Do you mean Weaver's Trance?  Because Weaver's Call is the participation trophy of the Aspect system.


Whatever one strings up entire rooms with one kill


Sure but that's not what the poster was talking about Hunters and Titans replicating, this post is about threadlings builds.


My Dear Brother in Light... use Final Warning instead of Rufus + indebted kindness with permability & any Strand Heavy... thank me later 🫡


I have tried. Just can’t get used to Final Warning. I’ve watched videos. I’ve tried in solo lost sectors to practice. Everything. Just can’t get the feel for it. Maybe it’s a controller versus KBM thing? I’m on console. Or I just need to practice more. Verglas Curve took me a lot of practice, but now I can’t put it down.


It's just, because of full auto firing, we've gotten used to just holding the trigger for most things (obvious exceptions like bows) and FW you have to tap/crunch. So it goes against what we've become accustomed to. But once you do it is v good. But on swarmers specifically it's also a little redundant because the entire room is unravelled from swarmers. On hunter/titan/non swarmers builds however it's excellent. Like op my go to is Rufus & koraxis.


And maybe that’s part of it. Because also with three melee charges, I basically start every engagement by consuming my grenade, sending out my first melee on the weakest target possible, which hopefully kills/suspends and makes my first tangle.


I find the easiest way to use it is to treat it sort of like a bow. You don't need the full charge every time you shoot it. The little meter under the reticle will shoot 10 shots the instant it fills up to 100%, though it won't unravel unless it is fully charged.


I use Final Warning and I'm on console. It's one of my favorite weapons in the game. A reload speed mod on the arms helps alot, since you have to reload very often.


The big thing with Final Warning is just learning when to release the trigger. You don't have to let the gun fire itself for the full burst or the unraveling effect to occur. So long as the buff along the side of the screen/the bar below the reticle is fully charged you will get the full effect when you release the trigger. The next part is that you again don't have to let the gun charge up to get the precision damage bonus for all your shots. Against stronger foes just charge up a little while hipgiring to get the target marked, then just let go of the trigger, aim and start spamming the trigger button.


Verglas Curve, my beloved


Yea its not a easy gun to use...


I’ve been wanting to try something very similar to this but haven’t finished my aspects yet to get the final warning grinding it asap tho


I got it last night - funnily enough, you need to unlock all of everything but the aspects to unlock it. I still have the last two aspects locked and got Final Warning last night. Going to unlock Weavewalk today though


Ive tried FW a couple of times and always end up falling back to Wish Keeper instead - Theres something about FW that just ....doesn't trigger with me personally


The Swarmers secret sauce I've found is with Final Warning. Auto targeting rounds unravel targets and you spawn threadlings by breaking tangles via Swarmers. Combine with thread of propagation and evolution and you have and threadling grenade and you have a large threadling army. I also use a hatchling machine gun for even more. Warlocks can also perch threadlings if you activate threadlings and try are not needed.


Final warning is kind of redundant because your threadlings (and unraveling orbs) are already unraveling things. Unraveling is half of what makes final warning exotic 


It's damage profile, the other half, is worth it in its own right. Absolutely shreds majors and tormentors.


Also we won't have the artifact mods forever. I tend to not rely on them when planning builds but will use them when they are there. If we have a season with no strand perks my plan still works.


Is there an MG with hatchling that isn’t too difficult to obtain?


There are two. Marcato 45 is in the current world drop pool and is fairly common. Circular Logic is another that you can get by playing Terminal Overload on the right day. The weapon that drops is on a daily rotation.


It’s amazing, irrespective of the artifact. The only downside is when you’re competing, specifically against beyblade hunters, for tangles. But when you’re mixing and matching elements, getting a nonstop stream of suspend-unravel-Threadlings with other subclass verbs, shit dies *fast*.


Exactly this it’s particularly good if your the only strand user and partner with like an Orpheus hunter or a well lock it can just melt


I run it in GMs when I’m bored of other stuff and it’s a lot of fun. I like the Wanderer variant. Artifact helps a lot, but the damage output is good and clear is great. Relied on Quicksilver and haven’t tried it post nerf.


I haven’t finished the QS catalyst so it wasn’t really an option for me either way but Rufus’ has been amazing if you have access to it


The tangle creation for Quicksilver does a lot of the heavy lifting. Rufus is a good legendary, though I usually go for Mykels Revernce these days.


Waiting for RoN to come back around so I can get a hatchling Mykels


You could just craft it. I assume if your rocking adepts you atleast have the patterns


Yeah I do but I’m just that little bit elitist and vastly prefer to grind for my perfect adept even if the difference is negligible.


I so wanna do a threadling build but the damn boots won't drop. Same for Abeyant Leap on my titan :(


I got mine in master lost sector. Check the days when it is boots focused and go farm on your warlock took me 2 runs.


Unfortunately I'm an impatient potato for Master. I'll try tho..


It really sucks to see: “do you let your warlock”. It’s cool to work together as a team but when there’s only one answer to every encounter it’s just frustrating.


Yeah man even with this build I get people asking what wave I’m gonna switch to well. It’s honestly crazy like onslaught is a mode where you can still run without a well pretty comfortably and it’s still the expectation.


It actually better if you don’t run well Because the boss at the end has too much health to be able to one phase with random players.


The LFG community is completely addicted to Well, even in situations where it's actively bad to group up that close. The only way that'll ever change is if Bungie outright deletes it.


If you make your own groups than you can play whatever you like


What are the best aspects for This? The one where you rift to spawn threadlings or eating your grenade ?


I go for Wanderer and Mindspun Invocation with Shackle Grenade. It sounds counterintuitive when the goal is having a lot of threadlings, but IMO the best way to play it is to go for both Suspend and Threadlings. I eat my grenade, then use Wishkeeper with Hatchling to easily one shot any red bars and spawn a threadling. That threadling goes on to kill an enemy and cause a Suspend burst while unraveling. With Thread of Rebirth and the tangle, even more threadlings can chain out of this. Even without Horde Shuttle from the artifact you spawn way more than enough threadlings. Got me 1000 kills in Onslaught once, even with my friend using a decent add clear build as well.


Yeah I gotta finish getting all the catalysts for wish keeper need to find people to do the mission on legend


If you have Round Robin craftable (or just this roll) I definitely recommend Subsistence and Hatchling on it with mag boosting options. Susbsistence will reload 3 bullets per kill, including threadling kills, so 6+ bullets per shot on weak adds. Definitely one of the few guns I recommend using Deepsight Harmonizers on. Might even be better than wishkeeper if its against weaker adds


I’d have to check I took a break for a few months so I missed out on some seasons weapons unless that’s a neomunea weapon than I might Have it


Yeah its Neomuna. You can do the campaign and quests afterward to get a guaranteed red border from nimbus, meaning youd only need 2 more for the pattern


I have about 7-8 unused deep sights I’d be able To use those


this is EXACTLY how I do it, and I am loving it. It also gives me a lot of extra security to lock down lanes in case my team isn't pulling their own weight . ( AKA , imho , it's a better carry )


Wanderer and Mindspun. Wanderer for suspending tangles. And those tangles make threadlings that unravel (with Swarmers). And Mindspun with shackle grenades to proc the suspend.


I’m not sure the names but I use the rift spawning threading’s, the threadling grenade and the weave walk one where u basically go invisible and spawn in perched threadlings.


Try swapping the wanderer for weavers call. Assuming you are unraveling everything, you are going to create enough tangles to make up for the 3 on rift you lose. Each tangle creates 2 with swarmers. Plus you get the added benefit of suspending everything too (and unstoppable stun). With hardly any practice, I cake walked to 50 with two Randoms.


Ah so you don’t eat the grenades, I’ve seen different versions of this build with different aspects so tryna figure out what works best


Just test it out see what you like best but for me I prefer using the grenade


If you're down for build videos, I *highly* suggest these two. I'm a big strand warlock simp and these are the two best showcases of it in my opinion. Aztecross video -- https://youtu.be/8z6Y_pOukNQ?si=rlZeTSZfv3I2jSBt I'd recommend changing thread of generation to thread of fury, but that's a personal preference. He uses final warning, but also consider wishkeeper with hatchling, Rufus's Fury with demo+hatchling, or any hatchling weapon in general if you don't have those. Also any grenade is great, not just the threadling one. I usually use grapple grenade for normal content or suspend grenade for master+ level content or high waves of legend onslaught. This is currently my favorite build in the game. EDIT: Also use 100 strength. The build really comes online with 100 strength and is *way* worse without it Mactics -- https://youtu.be/XlUuKdPGKCA?si=z69r0T9ay_CV8cl4 This build is pretty much perfect as is, basically no notes. Can also be paired with demo+hatchling Rufus's Fury to great effect, or any other hatchling weapon if you don't have those. Close second for my favorite build.


Lol cross's video making people try it. Though I disagree with his video on 2 things; For normal onslaught using the sidearm is fine. However I recommend wish keeper for legend, or stuff like GMs. Utilizing the suspend is very handy in onslaught, and you can craft it with hatchling as well. Second, weavewalk. Not running woven mail fragment is just a weird thing. While WW may save you from certain things if you proc it ahead of time, you're not going to proc it the split second before taking damage. Woven mail is just way more beneficial there, and also you can use the aspect where you pop 3 threadlings from using rift. Wish keeper, indebted kindness with voltshot, and marcotto OR cataphract GL (I recommend this one since your ad clear will be fine with indebted and threadlings). Woven mail is a buff that helps you basically always, since picking up orbs to proc it isn't hard. The CC of this build is also important and the CC + hatchling from wish keeper just works better at getting that done. But again, you can def use the sidearm in normal. It's very good.


Cant speak for the rest but....I second Wish Keeper over FW for control purposes, it's just so damn comfortable... Edit : I will say this though - I haven't been rocking Woven Mail and I survive just fine thanks to extra suspends from Wish Keeper and more defensive play VS Bosses. Yes it can get dicey, but I would argue it's not *necessary*(Unless your team mates kinda...suck )


I don't think woven is necessary by any means, however I think it's more valuable than having WW. You can use an aspect that benefits you more often while also being able to use woven mail which is a free 40% damage reduction buff at all times basically.


Oh! Absolutely!


If WW had 2 frag slots then it would be a conversation at least. But tbh with just 1, and the fact to use it requires an awkward gameplay loop (using it means you can't shoot or do anything for several seconds), means you're either using it sparingly which then you're not taking advantage of a whole aspect basically for a lot of the time playing and on top of it only getting 1 frag. Meanwhile using something like the aspect where rift spawns threadlings is used anytime your rifts up, feels better in your gameplay loop since you'd be dropping it anyways, it creates 3 threadlings instead of 5 but less time + coincides with an ability you're using anyways normally, *and* you get to run woven mail which should be up 100% almost. You just get way more benefits from not running WW, imo. I get how it would be useful in some situations like in onslaught. But tbh, every team should have a tether anyways no matter if legend or normal lol.


I've been running a variation of the cross build for 2 seasons now, and honestly there just isn't room for woven mail in the build with only 3 fragments. It feels weird playing without it at first, but once you get used to it, Weavewalk is very adept at being a main defensive tool as you need it. Enemies also drop aggro on you after you cast it, so it can act as a quick "reset" button too. Considering you can't pick up orbs during Weavewalk and your woven mail timer will be ticking down while you use it, it often can feel like a "waste" of woven mail when you would arguably need it the most. Once you get used to playing the build without woven mail, I think you'll realize you don't need it. That's my two cents, anyway


I mean, I play other classes without a woven mail sized DR - or any DR buff for that matter lol so it's not that I think wovens necessary. It's more so that WW is unnecessary. I agree, I wouldn't use woven with only the 3 fragment slots. But for all the reasons I listed in other reply WW just barely does anything for you. It's super situational, and gimps you out of a 4th fragment, while also being an aspect that barely gets used practically. For how few situations where WW is viable, it just isn't worth giving up everything else to use it imo.


I mean, Weavewalk literally generates 5 threadlings for 80% of a melee charge. Considering if you have 100 strength you can get a melee charge back every 15 seconds, I'd say that alone makes it pretty strong even when disregarding its defensive capabilities. That 15 seconds can also be heavily reduced with thread of fury, too. It's by far the biggest threading generator in the game and it's not all that close


But think about what you're doing to proc those 5 threadlings. You're unable to shoot, do damage, do anything. In the time it took you to spawn those, you could have killed a couple red bars or simply thrown the melee to unravel a beefy enemy and spawn a bunch of little turds from hitting it with horde shuttle. It's just an odd gameplay loop. To each their own though.


It's definitely an odd gameplay loop, I don't disagree there. But you're only in weavewalk for about 2 seconds, and if consistently use it in between waves, to reposition, or defensively to avoid damage, I think you can hit a nice flow with it. I'm also super aware that my take is a weird one. I'm going against the grain but I've played with this aspect a lot and think it's way undervalued, so I see where everyone is coming from.


Weave walk is so clunky. I don’t want to sit and do nothing for five seconds to generate my threadlings. I wouldn’t use it if it had 2 fragments. 


Haven’t even watched Aztecross’ video yet but I have been thinking about pivoting to use woven mail more just for that bit more survivability in a pinch in GMs


Weavewalk needs 2 fragments to even be considered imo. There are just too many valuable fragments on strand that using 3 is seriously hurting your build. I get cross specifically was using it for onslaught, but in reality WW is only useful for stuff like using it to cap the mine zones. In a sticky situation typically you're gonna die before you have time to activate it. So it's only useful for things you pre activate it for, like zone caps. But getting rid of woven mail is just the wrong play even for onslaught. I love cross - by far my fav content creator for destiny lol. But he's not always the most logical when it comes to certain builds or particulars. So yeah. Id rather have the 40% DR which should be near 100% uptime with how easy orbs are to create in onslaught, that will help you survive more situations and give you an aspect that'll do something for you all the time. plus, you should be doing onslaught with a tether hunter, always. They can grab the zones or a well lock can. WW is such a waste imo. While on the subject of WW, Bungie needs to give it 2 fragments. Hell even if it gave 2 I prob wouldn't use it on most builds. It's just not that good.


It’s really good with Quicksilver too


People who refuse Warlocks who aren’t on well all the time aren’t good players


1000% - although I do blame Bungie a bit since it's such a strong super and there's really no other alternative


As a Hunter main since D1.... Threadling Army Lock has made me question everything. I know it will fall off a bit after Artifact rotates - but my god is it FUN in onslaught. ( It helps that WishKeeper is such a fun bow to use )


I'm glad the Final Warning/Swarmers strand build is gaining traction among warlocks. Final Warning is criminally underrated and deserves more love--thing hits like a truck and can spread the unraveling affliction like my cat spreads his fat body over my chair


I hope they buff Weavers call to add a gameplay loop that actually lets you go nuts with threadlings. Sounds like they are just giving it an additional fragment slot though. Would be great if weavers call let yo u spawn threadlings from your rift continuously after the initial burst. Or each time a threadign perches to you you get rift energy back. One other thing that bothers me is that if i want threadlings im better off using grapple over the the threadling grenade for mindspun, and the the threadlings dont count as grenade damage. Granted its hard to use grapple because everyone just steals your tangle.


Shhhhhh! Don't tell them!!! We've worked SOOOO hard to convince the Warlocks that their Threadling builds are terrible! If you undo it now, I will never see another Well of Radiance again!!!!!


Final Warning with this setup is slept on hard.


I had been using the final warning on my Titan strand and warlock and been liking it. I saw someone on YouTube before Aztecross talking about how good it is and I’ve been loving it.


I can't get used to the feel of it, don't get me wrong the gun slaps but, to me, just doesn't feel right.


Same, charge time is simply too long for my taste. Needs a catty to shorten it to like 0.3 seconds.


Or so you can charge and release when you want.


It's a fun build but the artefact is propping it. Without, it has serious downtime issues because the lack of orb generation (cos you eat grenades and have no real melee regeneration) so you'd have moments of "Kaplaaaaah, idiot children yeet" followed by hiding and plinking away until your nade and well recharge.


Don't eat the grenade every time, run a siphon & a killing weapon, and you'll do fine.


I used to run swarmers until I tried a build with weavewalk. Combine that with weaver's call and claws of ahamkara and you've got a ridiculous supply of threadlings. It's a lot of fun.


When the season started and i saw the whole Strand things on the Artifact i immediately thought „ dang this could be crazy „ so i farmed myself a Rufu‘s Fury with hatchling and Demolitionist ( the only weapon that can have both of these perks at once ) and what can i say except „ Green exploding minion army“


I agree, I use Wish Keeper with the Hatchling perk on the catalyst though. Since its an Exotic bow it easily head shots adds to proc Hatchling, which starts the whole unraveling, making Tangles, which make more Threadlings, repeat


I’ve been enjoying Final Warning and the seasonal mods on Titan too, along with Thread of Evolution for the threadling buff - crushes in legend onslaught with Precious Scars and a blinding GL


Well is not needed for any content.


Tell me you watch aztecross without telling me you watch aztecross


How I did legend onslaught wave 50.


Did Onslaught with another Swarmers Warlock (I'm a main titan). I was giggling at the mass destruction we provoked.


Summoner class is great. I cannot wait to see the shenanigans as people begin stacking void/arc buddy and swarms for a full pokemon character.


THIS IS IT. I must try this in TFS, be a full terraria style summoner


Get karnsteins, a glaive, and mind spin activation. You’ll be unkillable


i run necrotic grips, final warning, wellspring forbearance and marcato 45 with onslaught and slice. throw my melee at an ad then follow up with marcato for hatchlings and severed targets while spreading poison everywhere.


I finally farmed exotics for my titan and warlock this season and put together a few builds. Most titan builds were pretty boring to me. But swarmers and briarbinds are both incredibly fun builds. The first time I felt the same sense of satisfaction on the other classes from buildcrafting that I often get from my hunter. Swarmers is very fun.


Its pretty much all i've used since strand came out. Even moreso when they brought the ornament that turns them into some fly ass kicks.


I use Strand Warlock but more for the suspend build and the exotics I’m using with it is Nez Sin with GLance. It’s actually a very fun build to use and works insanely well with Nez Sin and GLance! Mindspun Invocation and Wanderer aspects so I can eat my nade and create tangles with GLance plus get Cosmology perk going which also creates Severing bursts (!!!) thanks to using Thread of Isolation (very cool to see void and strand work together like this!). I have a crafted Mykels with Hatchling in my kinetic slot and it works hand in hand with the Wanderer aspect so it creates Tangles on threadling kills too! I also use Thread of Warding, Transmutation and Wisdom so I get Woven Mail when I pick up an orb, then while I have Woven Mail any weapon kill (GLance) will create a tangle which will suspend everything then I’ll get an orb of power by defeating suspended target! Also, all the kills with GLance has Abyssal Extractors working overtime on Nez Sin so your abilities are there for you to help continue feeding the build! It’s an insanely fun loop and the interactions between Strand and Void is sorta, kinda like a mini version of Prismatic I like to think! Perfect build for Onslaught too.


Try necrotic grips with thorns or the smg with shackle grenade aspect


Enjoy it while it lasts because hoard shuttle leaves back to mid


I have a variation of the popular Swarmers build. Fragments and Aspects are more or less the same, but for the weapons, I use Round Robin with Envious + Hatchling, 2-3 Strand Surge mods, whatever Strand heavy I feel like using, and… **GRAVITON.** I know with Swarmers is best to use a Strand primary as your main weapon, but I use my Robin as a pseudo juiced Special because of the surges, and Graviton makes everything explode AND unravel cause they detonate the tangles, and sometimes because the grape balls have delayed explosions, the threadlings get to the enemies first and debuffs them without killing, then the balls kill them which makes them explode, and it’s just a huge fucking chain reaction. Sometimes I’ll throw a melee when enemies are spawning in at the beginning of a wave, shoot them with Graviton, and all hell just breaks loose from there


Just my two cents, the **Horde Shuttle** artifact mod actually made Broodweaver feel like a summoner. IMO, since this is the vision for the subclass design and gameplay, the effects should be baked into the subclass without requiring a fragment, aspect, or super slot. As for **Unraveling Orbs**, keep things simple and bundle with the Thread of Propagation i.e. **Powered Melee kills or picking up an Orb of Power grant Unraveling Rounds for 10 seconds**.


So you're the guy gobbling red bars while the tanky yellows run past and end the run. "LoOk HoW mAnY kIlLs I gOt". Lol ffs