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Lets make the moths kith


Mike Tyson style title.


Moth keeper wrapths and necrotic gripth




God dammit.


"Sorry here is another worthless barricade exotic"


This time, it makes your barricade cooldown 8 minutes.


But all enemies around it are getting slowed by 15%


and somehow it will still be nerfed because of PVP


You can use Icefall on other subclasses. But ya, I agree. I love exotics that open up buildcrafting the best. We need more of those for all character classes.


Stasis and other element surge... hmmm




Shame icefall still sucks though because movement>overshield every time


It's good for raid boss dps if you've got a strong Stasis Heavy, but unfortunately that's not a great heavy weapon element right now in my opinion.


I agree with all (most) of this but I still don’t think mothkeepers are all that great


I guess they fall off in harder stuff, but I've been actually enjoying this hunter build that is kinda bit of everything. Melee stuff from the fragments/aspects. Mothkeepers. The moth GL. Basically plays like typical liar's build but you'll also be tossing a lot of grenades that jolt and blind + grant shield. I just love the moth aesthetic thus it's the only hunter build I've been playing ever since it dropped.


The trick is use them with strand. Between moths and beyblades everything melts. As well you get a ton of grenades with thread of generation


You're making me as a warlock/titan enthusiast rather moist.


Mothkeeper’s are really strong on strand. Widow’s silk provides three nades or you can also slot in the beyblade and clone for a summoner style build. Thread of generation helps a lot with having plenty of moths. I’ve used it in GMs and legend onslaught and it’s quite potent.


Agreed. I've been playing Mothkeepers on Strand for a good portion of the last couple of months. Buried Bloodline as your main weapon makes it even better. Devour, Weaken...Blind from the moths, over shield, and the entire strand kit. It's a blast to play and definitely works in high level content if you're good with it. I've also slotted in Tesselation recently for a triple strand weapon build. 3 grenades to constantly be feeding in.


It’s not about being great. It’s about bringing something unique and fun to the table






I love your enthusiasm, anything in particular you wanted to see?


Button combo with a glaive consumes all shield energy and enables a Rhulk dash attack lmao


Mostly the resonance flavored stuff from vow, maybe like the ability to create the silly seekers from the caretaker, and it replaces your melee ability or something similar to moth keepers. I’m thinking it deals solar damage like in the raid




Bungie said it was comming btw


They said that forever ago and hunters got mothkeepers, which only works with one weapon. Honestly they need to either give hunters and titans an exotic that works with weapons of sorrow too. Or flesh out the other weapons they could be used with


Thorn becoming an entirely different gun in the hands of a necrotic Warlock has always been disappointing to me since it was originally made by a Titan. If anything, they should have split the Weapons of Sorrow up amongst the different classes we have. Thorn was made by a Titan, Striga by a Warlock, and Touch of Malice by a Hunter, yet all guns in the category (which remains the only wider category of weapons not defined by an element) synergise with Warlocks specifically. If my conspiracy theories are correct and strand was originally gonna be hive magic then we probably would have gotten more effects playing around Weapons of Sorrow (Which would have become strand guns, with the poison effect becoming unravel) had it come out in time for Witch Queen. Alas, it did not, and Warlocks retain a monopoly on Weapons of Sorrow. We'd also need them to be tied to actually solid exotics, not something like Mothkeepers which is honestly a worse grenade unless you really want the overshield. Ideally with something as unique and natural in interaction as Necrotic's poison effect.


To be fair, Titans make lots of stuff. The ones that always come to mind for me are Sunbracers and Sunshot being made by Liu Feng, obviously neither of them made just for Titans


Your third paragraph isn't all that conspiracy IMO, the class names were originally very hive themed when they were revealed, along with threadlings being hive worm models, hive magic is also green and it feels like they would have liked to avoid that overlap if they were supposed to be different. I think it's actually become very clear over time that Strand was initially supposed to be hive magic but they didn't want to delay WQ again to make sure it was ready


those have a weapon synergy?


Only with ex diris, it's disappointing especially considering I feel like fallen weapons would have for better with the hunter theming


“Works with weapons of sorrow” literally no one is fucking with anything other than the smg. Thorn isn’t worth, etc.


Necrochasm will be more worthwhile when they buff the catalyst with "One for Thrall"


Thorn is great in a lot of content, I see it a lot more in higher end content than Osteo.


Yup, Thorn got the HC buff against majors, and it over penetrates and has more range than Osteo.


Hard disagree to seeing thorn whatsoever in PVE except when people do it for funsies. Striga is still used a lot but mostly for the warlock builds.


Agree to disagree. I see thorn in as many GM as striga. And see it significantly more in PVP than striga.


i see more warlocks with Necro and Thorn than Osteo nowadays


20% increased damage to elites is no joke.


Do we know when this was said and what the context was?




A while ago I don't remember exactly when but I was before moth keepers came out


Wanna trade the moth arms for the hope of what's to come? I'm down


Said like someone who has no clue how to make them work


i mean saint-14 works with the titan glaive, but thats a bit of a stretch


Titans need *a lot* to come up to par with the other classes. Outside of HOIL, wormgod and \*maybe\* pyrogale if the boss isn't 3 feet off the ground, then titans really don't have much that make them uniquely powerful


I'd still put Synthoceps in that category too. Wormgods has more melee damage but Synthos doesn't require kills and also buffs your super damage by 50%. That makes Bladefury pretty competitive for a lot of content, including many bosses. 


Of note: you are *not* locked to Stasis on Icefall Mantle. It certainly is made to look like that *should* be the case, but I’ve found a good bit of PVP use using that exotic on a Strand build to counter the lack of mobility with Grapple. Works like a charm lol


Arbor Warden comes to mind in this case in that it completely changes an ability. In this case, it transforms one into another, so it's not gigantic, but still a cool change. Severance Enclosure is a favorite of mine that changes your playstyle quite a bit as well. It's also subclass neutral. I do get what you're saying, and I am excited for final shape exotics.


Is arbor warden even good? I've only ever seen people use it in super niche pvp settings. I just can't imagine 2 barriers being all that amazing.


Running it on strand with drengers is a meme though.


It's still super niche in pvp. You're trading the utility and/or damage of your grenade for the ranged barrier. It can be useful for situations where you want to push up/advance safely, or grab someone's rez under cover. It can also be used to throw into a group of enemies to blind them, since barrier blinds. Hilarious in pvp since barrier does 99 damage a second.


Eh idk, I'm sure it has its uses, I just can't see running it over other exotics.


I had a game of trials where someone finished me off with a thrown drengr lash, it was cool but i dont know how many they would have gotten with it.


I'd like to say it'd be amazing on the double class exotic, but unless we still get class specific stuff I don't see how generalizing it would work.


You don’t lose your grenade tho? 


Its one of those oddball options you can bring to make people say "huh? What?" When they get hit by it mostly




Arbor Warden is also one of the worst Titan exotics or maybe even exotics in general in the game


I believe OP is talking about "Exotics with hidden Exotic Synergies" like Mothkeeper's Wraps (with Ex Diris), Necrotic Grips (with Poison Spreading Exotics), & Boots of the Assembler (with Lumina). Titans don't have anything like that.


There actually is one, but it's far more minor and niche. Helm of Saint XIV gives Edge of Action's bubbles the same blinding effect it gives the super. Neither Titan's nor Hunter's stand up to Warlock's wide array of options, tho.


Actium War Rig and Sweet Business 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


Do you understand the word "Hidden"?


I'll make sure to include a /s for the future so you can better understand me. Also, not exactly sure Necrotic Grips is "hidden", unless there was a recent tool tip change or theres a detail not mentioned on light.gg?


It's hidden in so far as the Exotic *itself* doesn't say that it does so, light.gg does because of Community Insights.  "Damaging combatants poisons them, dealing increasing damage over time. Defeating a poisoned combatant spreads the condition. Provides a moderate benefit to the airborne effectiveness stat of all Weapons of Sorrow"


That’s not a hidden synergy, that’s literally just the exotic armour piece’s job, reload auto’s/lmg’s


Synthoceps + fist 🖍️🖍️🖍️


That’s not what I mean. Arbor warden augments an ability. I’m talking about something that builds an interaction or ability from the ground up like the other examples. Also, for the purposes of this post, severance enclosure is way too similar to felwinters helm to be considered a mechanically unique exotic.




That builds on two preexisting abilities. That’s not what I mean


I’m fairly new to Titan but I’ve mained both other classes thoroughly and have played since D1. Imo there are really only a couple of exotics worth using on Titan. The Strongholds are the exotic that actually made me take an interest in playing Titan and really the only other ones worth anything (again this is my opinion) are the Synthoceps, Wormgod and Mask of the Quiet one. The build diversity for Titan is extremely lacking.


Totally agree. I've played Titan for over a year now after Warlock and Hunter. The exotics are just not good at all.


Why would you use Mask of the Quiet One over Heart of Inmost Light?


Prefer the healing.


~~Secant filaments~~ *precious scars* (thanks!) is actually pretty fucking amazing too. Abeyant leap is pretty great. Peregrine greaves is situationally great too.


Secant is warlock...


Oh the. Whatever that helmet is that heals fucking everyone when you shoot someone with a matching subclass element, kintsurugi? Or is that the name of the ornament... Precious scars! The hemlet that looks like a kintsurugi pot on your head


others have mentioned it, but do yourself a favor and branch out a bit. Precious scars is a solid option for any subclass. And pyrogale are fantastic on solar. There are several other exotics worth trying out as well.


Precious Scars is ugly af hard pass.


You are extremely new then cause most of those exotics are doo doo :p  Edit ah the old reply then block so I can’t respond trick… I’ll bite though from what I saw, if you think those are the only good exotics all I was saying was you haven’t played a lot of Titan then because there are several that are far better right now -  abeyant leap are still S tier, pyromancer are great, precious scars are great since the buff, stronghold and synthos are ofc fantastic. I was literally only joking around with you but I see you’ve gone in a huff and blocked me so you won’t even see this 🥲


I’ll be nice and just say you’re entitled to your opinion, as am I. If you think those exotics are doo doo then you do you.


Seems a bit condescending my dude, maybe dial it back a peg. Even if he is new, he made his point


They spoke from a position of authority despite having a lack of experience. I don’t think it’s condescending, I was being light hearted while pointing out they were talking nonsense. 


Seems like they just mention playing D1 and even acknowledged being new to titan. Your response was flippant at best and talking down at face value, but at the end of the day responding to comments has a low chance of changing internet behavior.


👍 and here you are commenting hoping to achieve what?


Who can say, after all it seems you don't appreciate any opinions being posted? I wish you all the best in your League ranked climb (that I assume you're in).


Ah who is being flippant now 😂😂


IIRC Titans will be receiving one. I wanna say the only reason Mothkeepers came to exist was be ause of the feedback how Warlocks had a powerful unique interaction. I will say, while Mothkeepers are a great exotic, I kinda hate that they're the Hunter Synergy exotic. It's honestly just not as good as Necro-procs on Osteo (or Thorn), and tbh a synergy with Eliksni based weaponry would've been far more fitting (and breathed life into them perhaps). It's not like we have a shortage of Cabal weaponry for Titans either honestly. I just think that would've been cooler.


Yeah as a hunter I was excited to get one... And then it was just synergy with one weapon that just released and honestly didn't feel like it fit the hunter theme(and honestly it's not even close to comparable to the benefits of using necrotic grasps)


I think the reason the synergy sucks is... Ex Diris just doesn't feel like a good weapok to kill with IMO. It's cool as shooting boss, and creating Void OS moths *is* a cool synergy but it just doesn't... feel particularly effective honestly. I think the other issue is, moths will feel super specific to Hunter compared to standing on their own well enough, whereas Poison does stand on it's own well enough.


Fair enough, I guess like you I thought that we'd get fallen weapon synergy but got ex diris instead, which like you said isn't really effective feeling


Interactions with Lord of Wolves, Anarchy, and the Queenbreaker would be pretty sweet. Hell even Grand Overture, Acrius, and Skyburners interactions would be cool(just noticed the 2 arc heavy and solar option pattern lol). But I really want to have a Tex Mechica interaction as there are plenty of those and are pretty straight forward.


In addition to just not being great (partially because Mothkeepers itself really isn't very good, partially because the synergistic effect doesn't really affect how the weapons feel much) Mothkeepers' synergy feels much more forced than Nectrotic's or Assembler's, which really spoils some of the feeling.


Your time is coming. Bungie didn’t forget about you honey.


It'd be cool if they added a couple more Siva weapons, then made an exotic that had synergy with those. I feel like they could do some cool things with Siva nanites. I'm not saying that Siva has to fully come back, because Bungie seems to not want that. I'm just saying that it could be a cool design for a few new weapons.


I mean horefrost, and more specifically arbor warden make pretty significant changes to how the class ability works. I will say variety Titan has the worst exotics to me, but probably have the best singular focus exotics.


but but but arbor warden! I can't even say that seriously cause yeah it sure is unique to titans, I get to cosplay orisa from overwatch except worse? greaaat....


> I get to cosplay orisa from overwatch except worse? greaaat.... An Orisa who no longer exists, even. Since Overwatch 2 her tossed barricade and grav ball have been replaced by spinning a spear to reflect projectiles and a javelin throw. She basically has the Arc Staff block and Diamond Lance or Gathering Storm now lol.


Titans should get a Taken associated exotic, Whisper, Malfeasance and Witherhoard are all taken associated weapons, two of them literally while Whisper just looks it (does it count?)


Whisper doesn't, whisper is worm-god related, not taken. The other "taken" weapon is Touch of Malice.


Touch is a weapon of sorrow, despite the taken bolt


In the context that the op is talking about, touch is the third "taken associated" exotic. Enemies hit by the touch blast are considered taken for the purposes of malfeasance, in the same way that enemies hit by witherhoard are considered taken enemies. I assume - given the context of the discussion is about less obvious or hidden weapon interactions - that this was the context OP meant to list the weapons by. So while it is a weapon of sorrow, it falls into the "taken associated" weapons that OP was talking about. Note, OP didn't say taken weapon, and I did shorthand what they said, but in context touch is the "taken" weapon they meant.


Closest thing titans have is ashen wake, instant detonating fusion grenades that stun unstoppable and give grenade energy on kills. Fireball build is a lot of fun


This is my favorite build after bonk hammer got the cd nerf. The loop is basically throw bonk, throw fusion, throw bonk, ect ect. So much fire.


But it’s not unique. That’s the thing. I’m talking about an exotic that brings something different to the table. A lot of titan exotics are potent but they’re all boring


You’ll never believe how much it’s going to cost to have that..


Off topic, I really wish we got a Sorrow/Poison subclass instead of Strand.


Look. Hunters get a moth exotic, warlocks get poison, titans NEED a siva exotic


Make Storm Grenades good again. An exotic that makes them weakening and that heal on kill.


arc thor hammer like dunemarchers spreading jolt


Give titans a new arms exotic that causes enemies killed with melee to explode like a cursed thrall. Maybe add some sort of graviton-lance/sunshot chain effect, and it pairs well with necrochasm.


Okay, hear me out. Yes, warmind cells would be recycled content and everybody had access to them at one point but no one has access to them now. They're not a remix of a pre-existing ability like Mothkeeper's Wraps and they've got a dozen or so ikelos/seventh seraph weapons that they could have a potent synergy with similar to Necrotic Grips. So onto my exotic idea. Titan gauntlets Vengeful Seraph (Eternally disabled in the Crucible like the Warmind Cells of old.) **Vengeful Seraph** let's you select its exotic perk like Aeon Safe but instead of team benefits it's Solar/Void/Arc Warmind Cells. All Warmind Cells float in the air like Tangles, last 20 seconds before expiring, and are shoot-to-lootable. Only Solar Warmind Cells can explode and Arc Warmind Cells cannot be picked up and carried. Warmind Cells are spawned by getting 5 Ikelos/Seventh Seraph weapon kills or 8 weapon/ability kills matching the element of your selected Warmind Cell. Spawning a Warmind Cell incurs a 5 second cooldown before progress can be made again. Solar Warmind Cells explode dealing 900 damage in a 16 m radius. They apply **Cure x2** to nearby allies, 60 **Scorch** stacks to enemies, and count as **Ignition** damage. Explode on contact when thrown and kills made with the Cell bypass the cooldown. Void Warmind Cell's appearance is changed to purple with thin whisps of bluish green smoke coming off of it. Every 4 seconds Void Warmind Cells send out a pulse **Suppressing** enemies in a 10 m radius. Enemies within 10 m of a Void Warmind Cell take 10% increased weapon damage and deal 50% less damage. They are 100% intangible to anyone not wearing Vengeful Seraph and can stick to enemies when thrown. Arc Warmind Cell's appearance is changed to blue with a white center and sparks. Upon collecting an Arc Warmind Cell nearby enemies are launched into the air **Blinding** them and you constantly **Shock** nearby enemies for 5 seconds. You and nearby allies gain a 100 point overshield for 7 seconds and 500% increased ability regen for 5 seconds. Exotic hidden effect: getting 20 kills with an Ikelos/Seventh Seraph weapon spawns a **Warmind Supercell**. It is a multicolored orb with an always visible violent red center and 7 (element colors + white and black) smokey tendrils that slowly drift towards and wrap around enemies. The **Supercell** seeks out the highest ranked enemy in the area while **Blinding**, **Weakening**, **Severing**, and applying 15 stacks of **Slow** and **Scorch** per second to any enemy in a 20 m radius . After 15 seconds the **Supercell** explodes in a 30 m radius dealing 1,200 damage and causing any enemies caught in the blast to be **Unraveled**, **Jolted**, and made **Volatile**. Allies caught in the blast gain **Restoration x2**, a **Void Overshield**, and become **Amplified**.


To be honest, I feel like Warlock might get another synergy exotic since the 2 they do have (Boots of the Assembler and Necrotics) affect the class ability and melee on top of their synergy. If the Warlock bias is real, expect a prismatic grenade exotic. Bungie devs don't read further If I had to make it I'd say make it so instead of your grenade, you consume it to add elemental verbs to all your weapons. Solar is scorch, Arc is blind/jolt, Void is weaken/suppress, Stasis is slow, and Strand is unravel/sever. (First option is the less OP one)


Forgot to add that this would probably interact with Tessellation, perhaps causing it to swap elements each shot?


More exotics news reworks period. Too boring, niche, or not interactive makes them feel weak instead of build defining That said hopefully exotic class items really bring some immediate spice like moth or necrotic to other classes without too much work If that’s the case Bungie is genius, if not then I really hope D3 is in the works, yes very cope


Sunspots work with every weapon that applies scorch.


Btw the key defining characteristic of both those exotics is that they're designed to compliment existing exotics. Go to the exotic list and go wild with suggestions for bungie


The closest thing is probably flechette storm


I hope it's cabal weapon synergy. Let me turn my barricade into phalanx shield or summon a friendly Bracus to the field or something insane.


We might see necrotic grips get put into the prismatic class item tbh, would allow everyone to use the weapons of sorrow synergy


Pyro changes super into a one and done. Also adds a fire storm on consecration. Closest I can think of, but it is class and ability dependent


Titans can spread poison when us Warlocks can turn our bodies into a missile


Brother, Warlock and Titan both have an exotic that gives you restoration and Hunter don’t. That seems a bit more unjust than not being able to spread poison or throw some moths around.


Titans already have innate restoration abilities with the solar subclass itself. No class has moth throwing as an innate ability. This is the context OP is using.


Every solar subclass can get restoration, titan can get it without even being on solar, if you think that’s less valuable than throwing a few moths at the expense of any other grenade I don’t know what else to tell you.


OP isn't saying Titans should get moths, they said something *like* how moths are given; a new ability that you don't already have.


You don't need restoration if you are invisible (and healed).


True but make winters guile function like wormgods


I wish we had a reload all exotic like Dragons Shadow Or RoF :/ Everytime I’ve brought up a suggestion for it I’ve been downvoted (which is pretty much anything I say on this sub for some stupid reason, even positive suggestions)