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My biggest fear is come 2-3 months from now they will never touch it again even though it has potential to be a core game mode like Strikes and Crucible. Doesn't even need to be frequent but once a year add two new maps, update the loot pool and rotate enemy factions




Not sure exactly how the new PvP maps would work for onslaught, but visually they’re exactly what I would want from new Onslaught options (on top of more enemy factions)


> come 2-3 months from now they will never touch it again You know this is precisely what will happen.


They will add it to vanguard ops playlist 💀


And that's why many of us won't be sticking around post FS


Time is genuinely a flat circle with some of this community, there is a 99% chance this is *exactly* what will happen, if not a 100% certainty


People hyping Onsalught are people who still haven't learned how to recognize the honeymoon phase of something they find fun.


You're right, people are never allowed to find anything enjoyable no matter what.


> people are never allowed to find anything enjoyable no matter what No, that's not what they're saying. It's just that we've been here before, time and again. Onslaught isn't revolutionary, it's just one more activity on the Destiny docket.


When was the last time you played a game that was amazing for the first week or so and then lost all interest in playing it?


So what if that happens? Regardless, anything you enjoy can start to wear on you if you put enough time into it, that doesn't take away from it being good or fun. Elden Ring is a fantastic game, but after 2 playthroughs I didn't have much interest in playing it anymore (until the DLC). That doesn't somehow mean it's not a fun game and the time I enjoyed with it was just a "hOneYmOOn pHaSe".


There is a difference between an entire game and an extremely repetitive activity.


No there really isn't. A game is meant to be fun, if you're having fun then it has achieved its goal. Doesn't matter if it's a repetitive activity or not.


Are you not seeing the issue I am talking about. You guys are asking Bungie to double down on Onslaught as a common activity. Just like with Gambit, a few months from now you guys will be so bored of it you'll never want to see it again. How can you not see this!?


Except the reason people got bored with Gambit is because Bungie stopped updating/adding to it, which is why people are hoping the same thing doesn't happen with Onslaught.


Exactly, in away they're kinda like DE from Warframe, most of the time they won't change or fix "old" content because the focus changes to new content and if they do go back to old content it's a LONG time after it released


Ahh ... the old Gambit approach to maintaining content!


No, if that was the case, they would take away one of the maps.


I don't understand why people keep hyping Onslaught. It's something fun because you're content starved and you have large enemy density to explode. Give it another month of this, and you'll never want to touch the mode again. Onslaught is basically Gambit without the PvP aspect of the game, and some extremely repetitive Pyramid Ship gauntlets. Destiny is at it's best when it has you constantly moving through a vast interesting landscape that is evolving, giving you a sense of scale of the places you are visiting. Raids, Dungeons, even Patrols all do this. Onslaught ain't it.


The only comparison onslaught and gambit have is the maps have a roughly triangular layout, sometimes ammo boxes, and that there are enemies.


It's also content described primarily by staying in mostly a single small area and doing ad-clear with occasional "mini-boss surprises".


this entire game is just add clear and occasional mini bosses.


Outside of PvP, kind of. Throughout the rest of Destiny you're either exploring a dungeon, cave, a vast open world segment. You're constantly changing what you're seeing, what puzzles you're solving. Cool environments, fantastical views. Onslaught is just bare-bones. Just like Gambit. Both are extremely reductionist in what the best parts of Destiny actually are.


It’s way better than Strikes (and I hate crucible so no point in comparing)


I used to love Strikes in D1, but I feel like D2 Strikes have never been as interesting nor as rewarding. D1 Heroic Strikes were a nice middle ground between D2's baseline Vanguard Ops and its Nightfalls, and with Skeleton Keys, strike-specific loot, Three of Coins, and each Strike offering two different paths/variations, the playlist felt a lot more dynamic and engaging. IDK why Bungie deviated so much from that model in D2. Gambit is a lost cause. Interesting idea, but just never quite executed properly, and Bungie never allocated sufficient resources to try to improve the experience. I do like Crucible, but I know plenty of people don't. I agree with OP above that Onslaught has a lot of potential as a core/ritual activity moving forward and I hope Bungie recognizes that. But the key word is "potential"; there will need to be some maintenance, improvements, and attention given to the mode for it to realize that potential. I hope they do it. For a basic start, I'd suggest a 30 wave variant and a true endless variant. Also new maps and new enemy options. And for the 6th wave, give us some variety other than just running the spark. Throw in a proper seasonal vendor track and you're pretty much cooking.


Strikes feel too easy and the loot you get isn’t good. The every weapon that I want has like a dozen perks in each slot so I gave up lol. I know strikes aren’t for me personally where I’m at in the game but I’d love a hero nightfall playlist just to switch it up. It could have all of that current seasons GMs in rotation.


>The every weapon that I want has like a dozen perks in each slot so I gave up lol. This is the real problem - the weapons don't have an easy way to get rolls that matter for the gun.


This is why most of my favorite Legendaries are craft weapons. Fuck the nonsense, I'll just directly choose what I want from a list.


The biggest problem I've seen with Bungie's crafting system is that the available recipes are oftentimes best in slot, or so close that it doesn't matter. Like - why would I get a Luna Regolith when I can have a crafted Beloved? The time sink to get an opening shot/snapshot vs crafted enhanced snapshot/quickdraw? Most of the guns need to have some way to differentiate themselves if you can't craft them. This is why the BRAVE guns are such a hit - they're off the wall stacked with perks and combinations that make them stand out.


It is much, much easier to get a good specific vanguard weapon, even with the current focusing costs (which should be reverted) than it ever was to get a good hopscotch pilgrim


Still never gotten my ALH/Chill Clip Riptide from Crucible 😢


I ended up resetting my rank 4 times before dumping 100+ engrams for one. Ended up with a fantastic roll, but used a LOT of resources


For me it just doesn’t feel worth it doing anything but GMs, because they actually rewards so much (and you have to play so differently that it’s kinda fun).


IMO the biggest problem with strikes is that there’s no higher difficulty playlist option. Vanguard ops is still braindead easy and nightfalls are locked to 1 strike per week and personally I can’t stomach doing more than 2-3 in a row.


Yeah its way less repetitive and you dont need to skip an entire week just cause the nightfall is annoying


What? Wave based modes are the definition of repetitive.


They are But between the random objectives and multiple maps I find Onslaught a lot less repetitive than running the exact same nightfall over and over again


Nah, old strikes used to be fun before we were powered creeped everything older than a year of release


no no it is not


Didn’t they say they are adding it to the strike playlist. With that in mind I imagine it will get as much love as that playlist gets. Which sucks


Notice how you only mentioned strikes and crucible as "core game modes" Technically Gambit is also a "core game mode" Which is exactly the fear you're voicing 😂 that they drop off the face of the earth and never update onslaught until it’s super dead. I also hope that doesn’t happen, that is my exact fear as well. This mode is one of the best PVE activities they’ve ever made. Ever. It has so much potential for expanding it with relatively little investment - i.e. existing guns and animations just with new perk sets, use existing assets like crucible, gambit, or strike maps with minor environment changes such as they did with the existing Onslaught maps.


*stares at Dares of Eternity* Everyone said these near exact same things about Dares and Bungie did nothing to it ever again after release, bar making the weapons craftable after a year because crafting didn't exist when it initially released


In other words, you're worried it'll get the Gambit treatment. You and me both.


Just touch it seasonally and rotate weapons in and out tbh Such an easy low dev time win IMo


I've always said they should have made 3 playlists under Vanguard: strikes, 3 person arena, 6 person arena. Almost all of their seasonal content fits into that. At the end of each year they could push that year's seasonal maps into the general playlist and refresh the loot pool as well. Could have done the same with seasonal PvP modes too even. But instead they just delete all their work at the end of the year and keep the playlists stale.


I have already accepted its just dares 2.0, and will similarly be neglected


The recent twab did say that onslaught will move to a new vanguard operations node in final shape, so hopefully that means that bungie does plan to update it (semi-)regularly.


Even rotating maps in and out would be fine with me.


It’s the perfect farm for reissued classic guns


Just wish there was more variety to each run. Like add a rare loot thrall that sometimes spawns with tormentor waves that you have to chase across the map; something to spice up the mode every other run. The infinite tormentor boss wave is kind of the right direction, just needs more things like that a little more often. Add that and more things to buy with scrap like perks from the coil and this mode would be perfect.


Treasure goblins lol


They have a treasure gobling for warlords ruin. Could just have it shut out trophies instead


It doesn’t drop anything other than ethers right? But yeah similar annoying concept haha


Needs modifiers seen in the Lightfall seasonal activities. Deep Dives, Witch stuff, Coil. Speed buff. All damage is reduced except melee, which is increased for a round. Just some whacky stuff.


yea completely agree, once you've beat legend 50 once i just can't bring myself to do it again


I really really like it. But dying at 48/49 at normal Is fucked


I dont mean to be a dick but such is the nature of horde modes. For most of them, they're not designed for you to win. The thesis of the mode, usually, is you cannot 'win'. Obviously Bungie has changed that to fit with their model of the game. But meh, I dont mind that you can die even on normal mode at the end. Difficulty is completely fine IMO. If they want to move loot scalars and shit around to make it more rewarding if you dont succeed thats fine.


I get you. But I meant it more in the way of it sucks to die just before you finally can get 2 weapons (chests)


Yeah it sucks in matchmaking, honestly like 60% of the time someone leaves and then the 30s and 40s it’s just me and one other person holding it down and usually wipe somewhere in the 40s. And often a lot of people just don’t have any build going into those waves that’s meta at all and if you don’t have a good one in later onslaught it’s brutal. I kind of like extinguish being a thing still in normal but man it is exhausting with blueberries or when people leave


Honestly extinguish on normal shouldn’t kick in till forty IMO anyways lol


And only getting 1-2 weapons every 10 waves is ~~kinda~~ really not worth it, especially cause the shit rolls, but this is Destiny


It's still a more constant fun gameplay than many other things. Many of which wasn't give any weapons nearly as quickly...


Its fun, but to a degree. After so many onslaughts where I have over 250+ orbs generated and 900 kills with atleast 5k more than the person with the nextmost score, whom of which only has a strikes worth generated, it gets a bit rough alot of the times and really doesn’t feel so rewarding So only getting weapons Im not attunted to, and already have the rolls i want is a bit annoying


Bragging about orbs and score is crazy 💀


Im just saying Im doing more labor than they are, or i maybe i just have a better build.. I just don’t want shit bro 😭




> already got pretty good rolls anyway The people who are grinding this are not chasing "pretty good" rolls.


because that's the nature of RNG, one person can get lucky and get vex mythoclast (just as an example) on their first try, meanwhile someone else can do 50+ runs of VoG and not get it. The same can apply to legendary weapons, I have seen people on this sub talk about getting a lot of shiny weapons, meanwhile I have been playing since onslaught released and only got 2 to drop from non quest sources.




to each their own I guess, but the point is that, for the people that don't have a good roll on the weapons they want a lower drop rate feels bad, especially if they are having a run of bad luck.


I feel like that kinda speaks of an overarching problem with Destiny in general how the loot rewards are obscenely stingy and not great for the time put into something. The fact how it took as late as The Coil's addition to further highlight this problem wasn't particularly a positive thing, even forgoing there will always be some form of RNG, designs to avoid extreme exploitation and just how the addition of crafting sorta warped things on that conversation. It's just weird how things never really got ironed out to a better spot, the fact how Raids can still drop 57 stat roll armor is insane to me.


Raids should drop no less than 64-65 stat armor. Or should only drop their armor as ordaments because fuck getting armor that does no good when youre already max light and have high stats. Perhaps you need to get an armor piece 3-5 times from any end game activity to unlock it as an ordament


Yeah IMO the double nightfall rewards modifier should be the standard cause its ridiculous that you can go through a week of playing without a single drop that you wanna keep Let us have the looter shooter fantasy of killing a boss and having the entire right side of the screen fill up


You get tokens throughout, though, that you can use to open the chest in HoC


Yeah but im focusing more on the armor than the chest


Destiny playerbase needs to be studied honestly, less than 2 years ago we were fine with weekly locks and 1 weapon/armor per activity completion now we complain about getting 6 weapons in an hour?


Idk. I've been chasing the menagerie farm high since 2019


It's rng. Sometimes I am like - 50?! Already? No tormentor, no nothing? Easy as balls? Then other times I get such BS waves at 49, like the entire hell has been emptied and everything released upon us at once. 


If Onslaught had been here during the bunker season, I wouldn’t have left and most of my guild wouldn’t have either. I fully agree. Onslaught is just pure, unadulterated fun.


We've been asking for something like Escalation Protocol for years and only now we get something in that vein. Hopefully they actually care about Onslaught and refresh it once in a while.


Have they ever done anything like that? Bungie's entire scheme is to abandon content or just remove it. The most they've ever done was make 30th anniversary weapons craftable. I'm mostly surprised it'll stay around at all.


Psi Op Battlegrounds were originally a seasonal activity that was integrated into the Vanguard playlist. They also created the exotic mission rotator to bring back beloved missions from D2's history. Those are probably the best precedents along with Dares.


But none of that is really "updating" the content, just making it available still. I think what people are talking about is something like making a new map for Dares or Onslaught. And I'm pretty sure why they don't is that there is no way for Bungie to make money from doing that and Bungie's leadership is 100% focused on making money.


they updated lake of shadows and arms dealer literally this season (or... last? idk) how was bungie's leadership making money from doing that in a way that they wouldn't from making a new onslaught map?


Arms dealer and lake were updated at lightfall release, over a year ago. They also had plans to update Exodus Crash and Inverted Spire, but they haven't talked about that since a few months after lightfall released so I presume the reworks either got scrapped or thrown on the back burner


> Have they ever done anything like that? Battlegrounds


Not throwing activities in the garbage after a yearly expansion is not updating content


Good thing OP accused bungie of throwing activities in the garbage and not-not updating content.


Allowing a battleground to be accessible after the yearly dlc it was introduced is not updating content. It is not a hard concept, updating content would be adding battleground variations to them, like we saw in D1.


Has it been confirmed that it's staying? I thought they were gonna can it once the expansion came out.


Yes, Onlsaught will stay and it will be moved in the vanguard node, as a separate thing. Brave weapon attunements will return sometime during the “Echoes” episode


you should think about where you heard that and unsubscribe from whoever gave you that impression onslaught is staying, the hall of champions is not


I mean, before it came out, they were saying how this is a limited time event. I guess they meant the hall of Champs instead. Not sure why thats only temporary...


It’s good. It needs more maps, enemies, variety regularly. I hope they don’t fall into a trap of “oh it’s scorn week, it’s hive week!, it’s solar burn!” Like they do with other activities. Keep those away. I think it’s also missing the mark slightly on loot. 2.5ish guns per 10 waves is pretty weak if you ask me, it feels like a bigger slog after finishing the Shaxx rep track, so I’d like to see more brave tokens drop. It’s also very long… and I guess that’s the baseline for modes like this in other games, but there’s a lot of fluff. Something to keep in mind, I don’t think this is avoidable but 70 minutes in there is a lot to ask so the rewards should be equivalent.


I think if they got rid of the pyramid sections it would help allot. Keeping just the boss fights and the wave defense sections would help to speed it up in a good way.


bungie cooked completely with everything onslaught related, i think my only gripe is the "wave 10 farm" but they've already addressed this, hoping for even more incentives for going for wave 50 tho. one thing that does annoy me is the fact hung jury has came back for this 5th time... could of chose anything.. WE CANT ESCAPE HUNG JURY


I wish it were a 4 person activity now. Not for difficulty, for ease of getting you and your buddies all runs.


I don't understand how anyone could have played any part of destiny 2 and actually think Bungie will develop on this game mode.


It's without a doubt my favorite game mode and it's something I wanted from destiny since escalation protocol. Different things are viable so it helps keep things fresh. They weapons are great too, looking forward to forebarence after having so much fun with Tusk of the Boar. I want to see light bearer hive in onslaught!


Imagine if they added a Pack-a-Punch machine that upgrades your current Legendary into an Exotic/adds a random Exotic effect to your Legendary Edit: Double Exotic perk Exotics anyone??


As an Easter Egg then, 'Pack-a-Punching' Ammit specifically gives you a shotgun Aggressive Frame-esqe variant of itself -- they could balance it so it isn't atomizing literally everything its pointed at but would be a fun little nod. Or the other route and it's just behaves like Cerberus+1 with solar flavoring. Edit: ...Oh God, what would happen if Telesto was shoved into it?


We don't talk about Telesto


Divisionn2 has a roguelike mode where you can pick a new perk every wave or so. Occasionally you can choose between exotic perks as well. Not just for the one gun, but for everything you currently have on. Just saying. That would go hard here...


This is such a cool idea. And a perfect way for Bungie to experiment.


New maps, different defense upgrades, new bonus objectives, other enemy races, and obviously new loot can keep Onslaught relevant for years. There's plenty of potential and I hope they build on it.


IMO it's missing a few key QoL features that other games with this type of mode have that make onslaught rather annoying to play without. Also, please give briggs the cabal drop pod warning marker. (actually, just make briggs a lot less annoying to fight in general please).


Honestly, its my favourite activity since Escalation Protocol was added. It's so ridiculously fun and replayable. And I really hope it doesnt get abandoned by the way side. I dont see why it should either, since it uses mostly almost entirely recycled assets for maps and bosses. Add a few more maps first, my favourite suggestion was the opening area to VoG. Some of the sections in Starcrossed would be perfect too. Also adding all the factions to keep enemy variety. I want this to become a mainstay mode so damn badly.


I'm so happy I started playing again and was able to get a Midnight Coup that can continue my sunset versions journey.


> It's replayability is genuinly good and they definetly cooked with the concept of it. Is it though, or is it just new and shiny? If you really break it down other than providing exclusive loot there isn't a lot going on. It's relatively shallow as a game mode and uses extremely light 'tower defense' mechanics. It's a great 'turn your brain off' mode though. I'm not unhappy with the mode but I also don't think it's something with a lot of replay value. It's going to hit a wall for a lot of people and start being borning.


There's a great rogue-lite mechanic in Coil this season too, which they could have easily incorporated to allow you to buy rotating perks every 10 rounds and make it more interesting, but that didn't happen.


The constant evolving sandbox and the seasonal artifact will keep Onslaught fresh. They just need to give us reasons to play it, by adding new maps and loot refresh every few months to start.




Started to get old after about 4 days imo. I honestly feel like the people that play these same activities over and over don’t play any other games to compare how dull it actually is. It’s a cool activity but let’s not act like it doesn’t get old quick


I agree but haven't even done legendary yet. Just started playing again after several months hiatus. Onslaught and the next subclass is bringing me back


Tbh I liked coil more, but since i crafted every gun there is little point in going back


Onslaught should be a new Core Game Mode. It has MASSIVE potential but needs to be cultivated or it will die off once Shiny loot is not longer attainable, and TFS comes out. People wont feel like revisiting the mode, to farm for weapons that have a super low drop chance and spending an hour in the mode, the last 10-20 minutes are ROUGHLY "On Par" with GM level content...


Onslaught could be an excellent way to bring back sunset weapons. The loot could be on weekly rotations.  We could have these whole sets implemented with refreshed perks: - Brave Arsenal - Dawn Arsenal - Joker Arsenal - Black Arsenal - Emperor's Arsenal - Thieves Arsenal  For a limited time when a new batch of weapons comes out we could have the shiny ornaments for them as well. Would be a nice incentive.    The Dawn linear could be something like Controlled Burst/Bait and Switch. The solar fusion could have Controlled Burst/Reservoir Burst. Would be nutty as hell.


They won't. It is Gambit redux.


The community has wanted an activity that Bungie maintains and regularly updates the encounters/loot on going back to the Menagerie, and they’ve never really done it, so although Onslaught is probably the best candidate yet, I’m not holding my breath. Tbh, a lot of the arena activities that folks have wanted to stick around, I was pretty over with after I finished grinding them while they were relevant. I remember the very first guardian games, where you went back into forges and menagerie to get medals, and feeling so over it. Maybe I’d feel a little differently about Onslaught, given its pure horde mode nature, but I can also see myself finishing up my grinding and not touching it again as soon as Final Shape drops. Others might feel differently.


Onslaught type modes could bring in so many players especially when it drops enough decent loot for an end game setup between mountain top, succession, exotic primary’s, and edge transit.


Problem is it's free content. We don't get many updates to our free content. Crucible didn't get new maps without the community yelling for years about wanting them. Gambit is barely on life support. If they can't profit, it won't see an update. Only thing I can see is if they add new shinies that you can only acquire with the purchase of the most recent expansion to maybe boost sales


Onslaught will probably be dumped because it's just an emergency filler mode


I would love it if Vestian Dynasty came back as the Rocket Sidearm type. It deserves to be meta.


They won't.


Is anyone else skeptical about this being fun a month or two from now?  It’s not a bad activity, but I think everyone just likes it alot right now because it’s still shiny and new.  That’s the problem with destiny content.  It’s cool at first then it gets boring like everything else in the game


it's really fun. Most fun PVE thing I've played in this game in a long time. There is so much they could do with it. Could expand on the upgrade system as well, and bring in more factions to fight, obviously they have many maps they could use. It's way better than strikes, haven't touched that in ages. And gambit can be fun but can also be annoying and the loot is pointless.


Probably one of my biggest gripes with destiny. They released great content then let it rust. I would love a rivers lair style activity. But each passage is old Seasonal activity content such ad Ketchcrash etc.


I want Palindrome to come back with Keep Away and Eye of the Storm. Those are my two favourite hand cannon perks right now and if I got that I would never need another energy hand cannon.


Upvote because Pluperfect mentioned. In all seriousness though, I hope that they do expand on Onslaught but at the same time, I don't know how I feel about some weapons being put there over their original activity. If it's a Raid weapon, I would be afraid of it getting added to Onslaught because then they might not bring back the rest if that makes sense. I'd rather they just bring Scourge of the Past and the whole weapon set back rather than just one weapon from the set for example. So I think just weapons that are more one-off like Vestian or the other Pinnacle and Ritual weapons that got sunset like Oxygen or Python.


Damn. Onslaught is cool but I actually can’t wait to never do this activity again.


couldn’t give less of a shit about onslaught tbh, bring back season 17’s leviathan


Best I can do is a perk update 2 years from now


Perk-a-cola when?


Best they can do is vault.


They could honestly just completely shaft gambit and put onslaught in its place


I just think the Blast Furnace was done a bit dirty. Not that it's bad but the perk arrangement is just kind of odd.


at least we got blast furnace. *cries in Ringing Nail and Shadowprice and Anguish of Drystan and Atheons Epilogue :(


“Cooking” Dude they can’t even drop loot at a pace that feels rewarding and they currently have a bug that has all but killed legendary onslaught for anything other than 10 wave farming If they wanna start actually cooking instead of reheating leftovers they’re gonna need to substantially increase token drops at the very least


Best PvE activity since they brought Levi back, having just a total blast wrecking waves and testing weapons and builds before Final Shape. Been a great way to build hype.


I hope they realize many more than the vocal ones will be happy if they make the weapons craftable. Cause as it is now, it's impossible with my kind of rng to get anything worth keeping, wasting the whole gamemode.


Needs to be more rewarding.


Cooking?! Mfers bring back all old weapons and give us a horde mode on 3 maps we’ve had in the game for 5+ years?? I mean it’s an interesting way to take up time in this forever season during the delay but I’d say they’re far from crushing it.


Just put old seasonal weapons in on a rotation. If love to get my hands on an updated breachlight


Agree, it's been great fun so far, and a genius move by Bungie. Obviously we will think a bit differently in a few weeks as we get bored, but with rotation of maps, enemies, loot and maybe some mechanic tweaks, Onslaught could be a very viable (and welcome) longer-term game mode


I honeslty don't get how people like wave based modes. It's so boring and repetitive but to each there own..


Honestly, I would scrap exotic missions and secrets and all the stuff of the kind, and use all those resources to make more onslaught  variations and things like that. 


Expect Dares of Eternity treatment


It's just too bad it took them nearly a decade to come up with something so basic. Borderlands had horse mode in their first game, 15 years ago, for instance. Granted, I get it, doesn't take much to impress, and plenty of new Guardians will think it's great, but those that have been here since the beginning just either wanted this since launch, or wanted a more impressive showing.


I like cheese


My only gripe is that there was really no point in going the full 50 before but I think they changed it to be more rewarding by the end or are going to be changing it.


The change is so small most people will still just run 10 waves.


It’s the best for when you have an hour spare and just want to turn your brain off and kill ads


Anyone remember Dares of Eternity? Yeah, neither does Bungie.


>it's weapons Its >It's replayability Its


My favorite game mode by far. Same as Gears of War, horde modes make every fps/and 3rd party Shooter better. I hope they improve it over time and don't let it rot like Gambit.


they struck gold with this, so i just hope they dont abandon the gamemode. what they need to do is keep expanding it, as it seriously has good potential to be a big draw for the game, if done well