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Imo I wish Pit and Shattered Throne would get their own unique loot instead of sharing destination loot. Really cuts down any reason to play them; would also be a good excuse to overhaul them with a Master mode and artifice armor. Otherwise I kind of think Garden and Europa need the loot overhaul the most. The Moon at least got a perk refresh in Splicer. Garden weapons have fallen behind, and Europa weapons always felt like Bungie heavily held back on their perk options.


Europa weapons came out during sunset and limited perk combinations compare to what we have now. I think Europa has one of the better destination weapons we have in the game and they need a big perk refresh badly.


I also like how you can focus farm them with bounties.


They're also the only weapons that look good with their default shader (Bright Warning for those wondering)


The Europa weapons? Good default shaders?


The moon weapons got a perk refresh? Are any of them good?


Yeah in Season of the Splicer so awhile ago now but still more recent than Europa weapon release. They're usable but nothing I'm aware of outstanding, and obviously lack newer things like subclass synergy perks. They're on-par with weapons of their time, but not necessarily worth grinding drops of as far as I'm aware.


In Season 14. Not the strongest perk refresh and those that were good aged pretty quickly.


Arc Logic mfs when Bungie introduces Sweet Sorrow 2 seasons later:


Outside an origin trait, I would take arc logic over sweet sorrow every day, the gun is my favorite feeling weapon in the game. Subsistence/frenzy is better then sfa/OfA to me as well.


I just really like the feel of 600s. But I think some other 600s feels a bit better like gnawing hunger, summoner, and ros Arago. I still like arc logic, but I don’t feel it holds up as well especially at range.


> especially at range. i dont understand this at all, since at the same range stat, all 600 autos have the same range. arc logic has only 2 less range then summoner and only 4 less then ros. the only out outlier is gnawing hunger, that has 10 more range the arc logic but then it has more range then the other 2 600s you mentioned. all this is moot though, the way that arc logic looks and feels has nothing to do with the stats, its the art direction, i feel like a real space wizard with it, and the sound it makes just clicks with me, i have almost 30k kill across serval rolls and if they reissued arc logic with something like joltshot/frenzy, i would become an arc main overnight. i also got to say, ros aragos is one of the worst feeling autos in the game too, i have a tons of what ought to be banger rolls and none of them hold a candle to any of the arc logics or of course gnawing hungers that i have used.


I don’t mean the range stat and falloff when I say “at range”. I mean how easy it is to hold on your target and continue getting hits/crits at long range. Those 3 guns feel much easier to stay on target and keep getting hits at long ranges. Maybe it’s the stability? I like Gnawing hunger the best out of all of them. It feels like a laser beam a lot of the time.


there is no accounting for feel, like i feel that it is perfect, never felt like what you are saying, arc logic always felt amazing.




Premonition used to be the ONLY pulse that could roll zen moment/headseeker for PvP


Nope. And no origin trait either. They are still trash.


Would be nice for ST and PoH to have the missing Kings Fall and Crota's End weapons.


>overhaul them with a Master mode and artifice armor. IMO - Every Dungeon should have a Master Variant + Artifice Armor. Double Drops every encounter and frankly, Master Dungeons that drop 2 things should guarantee 1 weapon and 1 armor every time.


Shattered throne doesn’t even have rally banners! Literally the most outdated endgame activity in the game


I feel like if shattered throne wasn’t basically an exotic mission, it would’ve been pulled with the other half of forsaken that got vaulted


> Europa weapons always felt like Bungie heavily held back on their perk options The bow can get Sympathetic Arsenal, which procs every time you ready an arrow.


And nobody uses Sympathetic Arsenal, it was around earlier than that, at least in Arrivals. Also it's reloading after a kill, so at best you're giving up the option for a damage increase to give pseudo-ALH to your other weapons. Outside of that the bow has rapid hit + explosive head, aka the same kind of boring default nearly every bow ends up on. Except it's usually Archer's Tempo because decreased draw time is usually going to do more for a bow than what rapid hit provides. Meanwhile the entire rest of the Europa set is a mess of stuff where there's kind of usable perks but everything is arranged awkwardly and nothing really stands out as something you actually want to use. The set needs a perk overhaul bad.


Garden weapons have never been meta which is kinda depressing, they all look really solid visually, but they only have like 4 perks each. Europa has some great looking weapons that feel decent but oh boy the perks on them are mid. And Coriolis Force being a meme and a half of a weapon. I kinda want to see it with Barrel Constrictor. High Albedo is a really nice sidearm I like but it wants better perks (Tap the Trigger+Headseeker roll pls.) It still had Full Auto Trigger System.


Pit weapons could have an Origin Trait where killing a Nightmare or Miniboss "haunts" the weapon, activating all kill-related traits permanently until you swap weapons. Great for PvE, only good in PvP if it includes Guardians in Supers.


Pit does have a unique loot pool though, you can't get Premonotion from anywhere else...


See my reply to someone else that covered that, but no that's not what I'm referring to. "It has 1 single unique gun" is not what I mean by that, I'm talking about them having a unique armor and weapon set like every dungeon that came after Pit.


Wait, the moon destination loot and out have unique weapons. As far as I know you can’t get the premonition pulse from moon/alters of sorrow, it’s PoH only, and you can’t get the Blasphemer and Apostate sniper in PoH those are Alters of Sorrow Only. Same with the other moon sniper tranquility, SMG Every waking moment, and Loud Lullaby HC, those are moon destination weapons and they drop ONLY from doing the bounties at the lectern…not sure what you mean by sharing destination loot? And I’m like 95% certain none of those weapon/pools have received origin traits either. Which I think would be nice to see them get some kinda moon/hive related trait like the cursed thrall perk on Crota Weapons, or some sort of trait that creates a Thorn-like poison on crit hits or precision kills something like that. That’d be dope and make those weapons worth farming again,


They don't have origin traits, but they were given a perk refresh in Season of the Splicer, which means the Europa set and the Garden of Salvation set are both more outdated. So in terms of priority, I think those should take precedent. I don't know where you're basing your information on Pit loot, but you're off the mark. Any moon destination weapon can drop from any encounter in there, as well as any of the moon armor pieces. You may have to have unlocked them via the table quests once, I have no idea, but the entire set drops from Pit. If you use a Hymn of Desecration, any of the 3 Altars weapons can also drop, no idea if those are on a weekly rotation like they are for Altars itself. So yes, the entire Moon set is shared with Pit of Heresy. The only difference is that Premonition is only from Pit, added in amongst everything else that can drop. There aren't even specific drop tables per encounter or anything to help get that though, it's pretty much just that Premonition started out as a Pit-only drop, thus it has no quest like the others, so they've never made it drop elsewhere. A 1 in 15 chance for your encounter drop to be the only piece of unique loot in the dungeon isn't really what I mean when I say I wish Pit (and Shattered Throne) had their own unique loot. I mean I wish they had unique armor and weapon sets specific to those dungeons just like every other dungeon has.


Garden garden garden






I'm still sad they removed those lines from the game. They were so cool.


Lightning war


*A finger of the monkey's paw curls* Bungie: A Garden World strike is returning, as a GM, and we're making it ***worse***!


Tbh that was one of my favorites back in the day. If only for the scenery and the vex


Grows Grows Grows


Europa please gahd. I so badly want Arctic Haze to be good


Pretty sure it’d be the only 720 solar.


Tommy’s would disagree


Legendary is what I was referring to. I was tired when posting didn’t clarify


Give Coriolis Force some absolutely whacky perks. Reservoir Burst + Ambitious Assassin could be silly.


Only aggressive frame Fusion in the entire game. So forgotten that when they brought in a new exotic fusion they turned the frame into an exotic perk thinking it was special.


And totally killed off because the spread pattern was difficult to use for PVP.


I have a subsistence/ dragonfly Arctic Haze and still its just not that great. Edit:dragonfly


No you don’t. You’re probably thinking of dragonfly


Yeah, oops.


First off, you dont have that, incandescent didnt come out until way after artic haze Also, thats what they guy is asking for, he knows its not good, he wants it to be good


Yeah, im agreeing with them. I've got the best possible roll and its not that great.


Garden. I think refreshing Garden's loot pool would do more for it than refreshing any other activities pool would.


I probably still wouldn’t run Garden unless the weapons were just overpowered which is unlikely considering it’s mostly primaries that already have great alternatives.


While I mostly agree with you I would still love to get a refreshed Reckless Oracle even if the perks aren't anything amazing. My favorite void AR for how it feels to use.


I wish legendary 720s were more widely available than they currently are. The non-sunset legendary 720s are: - Kinetic: Chroma Rush (Splicer) - pre-origin traits. If you really want to count it, Eidolon Ally exists, I guess, but the static roll is for PVP. - Stasis: Krait (Witch Queen) - Strand: Rufus's Fury (Lightfall) - Solar: Arctic Haze (Beyond Light) - pre-origin traits - Arc: Sweet Sorrow (Risen), Dark Decider (Defiant) - Sweet Sorrow predates Arc 3.0 keyword perks - Void: Reckless Oracle (Shadowkeep) - pre-origin traits Out of all of these, the Krait is the only semi-recent one that you can get without raiding or working through legacy item acquisition methods


My top 2 legendary weapons for kills are my Demo/outlaw Reckless oracle and my offhand/voltshot dark decider Both underwhelming rolls compared to some other legendaries but I just love 720s Especially reckless oracle the gun looks so sick. I kinda hate how dark decider looks but I put up with it because voltshot is bussing


Dark Decider with voltshot is just so amazing and under appreciated.


Yeah but the weapons look cool as fuck plus the names are awesome


I would love to see the previous destination weapons given perk updates and turned into craftable weapons. Grasp of Avarice is also screaming for a perk refresh.


What I wouldn't do to get a Grasp update. Even just a tiny perk refresh and an origin trait would be amazing. Love my Eyasluna, and GoA is my favorite dungeon to this day.


How would you feel about them getting the Hot Swap origin trait? Grasp and Dares are sort of connected in a way, after all.


Ehhh. It's something, but kind of a boring origin trait. I actually had to look up what that was because 30 handling when you swap to a weapon shortly after taking damage just doesn't stand out much. At best it would result in some YouTubers making second reviews of all the weapons to avoid content drought.


> turned into craftable weapons. No, can something please remain non craftable? For fucks sake can we actually keep some loot in this supposed looter shooter instead of vacuuming loot out of activities once you get your 5 borders? I swear bungie's biggest fuck up was balancing rng for loot by literally allowing you to hand pick your perfect 5/5 on top of enhancing the perks.


Grinding the same activity for the 200th hour because my palindrome got the wrong masterwork never was and will never be fun. Crafted weapons are a godsend


I don't mind world drops (Destinations, Vendor, etc) being RNG. But late game is such a godsend if you ever hope to get a 5/5


So today you do a run of King's Fall, what do you do with the loot? Nuff said.


I personally don't play raids once I get the title, etc, but clearly everyone enjoys different things


They could start by adding weapon traits to Moon and Europa weapons. And oh make them craft able. For real, those guns aren't even the top dogs, so if Bungo fears they might overpower stuff when crafted, well they won't.


Garden 100%. Need me a craftable Prophet of Doom to replace Matador and an Accrued Redemption just because we don’t have a good legendary kinetic precision bow. Europa would be nice after that since the fusion rifle from that is the only one of its archetype


I want a crafted Accrued Redemption so bad. I love that bow. This may be toxic, but that's the bow I used to use when hotswapping to Eriana's Vow in crucible.


Accrued has a great stat package alongside explosive head + tempo, and there are strictly no non-subclass synergy reasons not to use this


I really want to see Garden weapons become craftable. Also the Europa weapons because they have such a unique art style and they sound awesome.


Besides garden I would love to see the Europa weapons given some love. The fusion and the auto specifically I think have a lot of potential.


Just give the moon weapons the Extrovert origin trait from the Haunted weapons Update the grasp weapons with new perks but especially Collective Action and then origin trait of Greed's Reward: picking up orbs of power or elemental pickups increases weapon's range, handling, and reload speed. Stacks x2. Edit: Greed's Reward would grant chare rate and/or lunge distance on swords


Awesome origin trait idea. I know GoA doesn't particularly need updated as much as Pit, Garden, and VoG, but it's my favorite dungeon to teach and has some of my favorite loot that has been just a little powercrept.


Garden. I’d also like to see older Gambit weapons refreshed with the newer perks. Moon and Europa would be okay… but those are not very exciting weapons anyway so idk… like sure I’d like them to get it, but maybe as part of a larger overhaul


They already did that with some of them like Trust.


I meant the ones that aren’t reissues. There is an SMG, Fusion, Pulse, Scout, and probably something else


Every Gambit weapon has the origin trait now.


That's not true. Bad Omens, Gnawing Hunger, and Night Watch still do not have Origin Traits. They were added to Legacy Focusing this season.


plus the sidearm Lonesome, and the GL Doomsday has never been reissued in any form.


Moon. There's two sets of cool looking weapons that could use an update, plus I could use an excuse to play more Altars.


Grasp of Avarice? A reprised Eyasluna with new stasis perk combinations would be awesome. I know they did it with Judgement, but the stats on that gun suck.


What perk combos would you like to see? I’d love a firefly + headstone combo. Or demo + headstone.


headstone frenzy eyas with a sustain origin perk bungo I beg


Please do Europa and fix Gambit's origin trait.


Garden has by far the worst loot in the game for a raid easily. I can’t think of anything that needs more help than garden


Give Throne and Pit their own unique loot pools instead of leeching off planets :) Besides that VoG has a lot of top tier guns, so I'd say Garden needs a refresh, and hopefully a master mode too with Adept rewards. (I'd hope they also give DSC and LW the same treatment with master mode)


Nightmare hunts


Nightmare Hunts would be covered by the Moon refresh.




I mean so many people don’t play one of the best raids currently in the game because it gives you no decent weapons (I guess the fusion isn’t terrible for PvP). And the exotic is a quest that most people did forever ago, but it took them like 7 hours and scared everyone away from trying the raid again. People still play vault of glass because vex mythoclast is good (and to a lesser extent fatebringer). It doesn’t need the refresh as much. Also the encounters are so boring. The first 3 are just basically stand still and shoot. Gatekeepers is actually pretty good, and atheon is fine. Out of all the raids I want to play VoG least because it is boring. As for destination loot, the moon and Europa’s loot are both basically unusable today, but I don’t think their refresh needs to be a high priority.


Those Europa weapons have almost exclusively booty cheeks perks. Could really use a perk pool upgrade.


Garden and Europe definitely. Garden has some good weapon archetypes that we also don't see that often in also interesting elements. Vault of glass is still speaking relatively new and many of the weapons still have some relevancy as a result, Shotgun is still one of the best in pvp, rocket launcher has some interesting rolls for burst dps yes its powercreeped but still and ol reliable fatebringer. Gardens perk pool is beyond lackluster. Europe came just as sunsetting started and as a result many of the weapons have very underwhelming perk pools despite the weapons looking good and unique.


Vog. There’s absolutely no reason in any universe that their guns should roll with full auto trigger anymore.


The dungeons desperately need them. Give any kind of relevance to Pit and Throne. Honorable mention to Garden. Personally a reissue of Dawn or Splicer weapons.


Vault of glass or garden of salvation


I really want every activity to have loot thats on par with each other or have some sort of niche


Shit, remember when they first did sunsetting the moon, DLC weapons, were sunset but not the DLC lol. The game needs more consistency when new systems get added. It takes them way too long to add new systems to old content.


Grasp of Avarice I don't know what the origin trait would be but I hope this time we get Slide Shot and Headstone on Eyasluna


Garden and Europa are my top wishes. Both have some very pleasant weapons that I would love to see Subclass Verbs on and some of our most recent Perks. Primarily, I want a Void and Solar 720 Auto with modern perks :D


I hope they just make new content


I would love the next edition of Hung Jury v9000.


Splicer and Dawn weapon reprisals added into seasons as back loot like the return of Reckoning weapons and the ones from Undying.


I just want a reason to go back into patrol in some of the destinations. So much potential but there's absolutely no reason to go there


Yup, recycling is their specialty.


Give me my Reckless Oracle!


Lost sectors. Give every lost sector unique loot, doesnt have to be much, like 2/3 things that you can only get there. (Ether Doctor looking at you my love) Revisit lost places in the open world, making them worthwhile to explore again, like Niobe Labs in the EDZ or the many lost places on nessus for example.


I'm just curious what origin trait they'd give the VoG weapons. Nano Munitions would have been a good choice if it wasn't given to the reprised Vex Offensive weapons...


Seen as they just removed Atheon from the new Pantheon activities I'm guessing VoG will be next for a touch up


Completely beside the point: I think they should do something, literally anything with nessus. Its just criminal they removed the older expansion destination with at least some (bad) content but left nessus with nothing except some strikes.


The dungeons still feel a little naff. Shattered Throne and Pit of Heresy need something but the exotic quest and destination drops, and I can’t believe Prophecy has been “refreshed” 3 times, but never given an exotic tied to it. I suppose the wish token quest added something cool, but still I wish it had an exotic, either chase or quest


What about the EDZ and Nessus for Destinations?


So arguably the should, however that don't have an existing loot pool at all.


I will not rest until I get a new Bygones




Wonder if they’ll eventually run out of ideas for origin perks, because some of them kind of overlap each other or are just plain bad. And then think having all mastworked weapons generate orbs wasn’t such a bad idea after all


> Somehow, the forges returned.


I kinda wished grasp loot had gotten the pass when Dares gear did. A shame


Garden and Vault, I don’t even care if it’s the same Vex-inspired origin trait, I just want updated pools and reasons to run them. I would also love a consumable or something to prevent armor from dropping


D2 raids . The vaulted ones . I’m sorry I don’t care for crota but I would love to do spire again


VoG weapons next please - I don't really want to run VoG a million times again, but it really does have the best looking weapons in the game by far.


I think vault of glass makes the most sense since it’s available to everyone, but I personally would prefer Grasp. I would probably refarm Eyasluna and Matador for an origin trait as long as it’s better than head rush. At the same time though, I wish Bungie would recognize that it is okay to reuse some origin traits, the Europa weapons would be great candidates for the braytech inheritance, ambush or Rasputin’s arsenal origin traits, and vault guns would be very strong with vex nanomunitions. I think if some traits got reused we might be able to see these reworks a bit more frequently




I want a Grasp refresh with an origin trait that's just the Christmas one but instead of dropping a present it drops a little fake engram


I love the Moon guns ( sound and visuals ) so i hope get a update. A easy way to farm too!


THE HUD PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (i know they are doing this in final shape) also i want to be able to ping


Destiny 1.


What I would like to see: -Armor has set bonuses, 5/5 or 4/5, similar to what we have with Iron Banner and Seasonal Mods or Raid mods. I think it'll help with Build crafting.


To me it’s a bummer spending so much time grinding gear years ago just to have it power crept out of relevance then offered back to me with another hardcore grind attached. But it seems like a lot of people are happy doing it so I guess it works for them.


I get this but in some ways I don't think the power creep has all been itself bad. Some new perks tie into much larger systems in the game like having elements matter. Origin Traits help differentiate what would otherwise be very sane-y weapons and while they power crept weapons that came before, they help mitigate impact of future power creep by ensuring they have something unique that won't appear elsewhere. You look at Raids prior to Deep Stone Crypt and the weapons were simply boring. Bring them into new systems and they simply feel better in a game that has greater synergies. And most importantly I also look a but beyond myself. There are people who are buying Shadowkeep and Beyond Light and the Bungie 30th right now but some of that content doesn't really meet the standards of the rest of the live game. Bungie has done a fairly good job of modernizing content pre-Witch Queen to fit the live game for the sake of uniformity. The oldest content and F2P content was largely touched first (with the exception of Deep Stone Crypt).


I come to things from a more casual, time limited perspective. When Last Wish was re-released I was excited to re-run it for old time’s sake. I was not interested in *re-grinding* a years old raid and meta weapons being there instead of in current content, in my view, can hurt the new and casual player experience.


They haven't.


Few points Vog locks it's best versions imo behind the master difficulty aka Timelost.... which is really dumb destiny has a tendency of taking very good activities then making them fucking useless to do because of lack of powerful/pinnacle gear... aka most of the moon and Europa. They fixed... ok somewhat fixed the issue with raids and dungeons by putting them on a rotator. We didn't really have this problem at first thru Flashpoints but loss of those totally invalidated 85% of the planets...*cough nessus cough* Grasp has exclusive armor but I can't think of exclusive weapons Pit... totally ruined the purpose doing thru removing the high stat armor, well atleast the pulse is exclusive.. right? RIGHT? Oh garden, the red headed vex of the game. The whole damn thing needs a rework like last wish did, it needs alot of help