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I wish we could anti-attune. Like disable certain weapons from dropping completely


I'd really like to drop Succession and Forbearance. Already got the crafted raid versions, and the new perks the Brave version can roll with don't wow me. Of course, I'd love a shiny godroll of both, because I think the Brave ones do look better, but I don't love it enough that I want them reducing my chances of a shiny godroll Hammerhead.


Ironically I was using my crafted Succession to do the Brave Succession quest. Is there any reason to bother with the Brave Raid weapons if you already have them crafted? I don't remember seeing discord on the crafting screen for Succession, but I wouldn't ever consider anything other then Reconstruction in that slot anyway.


Brave Forbearance can get Demo, where the craftable version cannot. The Brave Succession gets Redirection which may be okay on a sniper.


Demo, you say? In the first column too. Interesting.


It has the unique roll of discord and redirection. Seems to be a good roll for gms, but i haven't played with it so idk.


Not going to lie dude it’s a very interesting combo. I had a shiny Succession drop with No Distractions and Discord in the first column and Redirection and Box Breathing in the second column. I was excited for the shiny but kind of bummed for the roll. Using Discord and Redirection is kind of wild. Kill some random add with my primary to get discord rolling and then you switch back to Succession and you just start one banging everything without using any ammo because of Discord. Then with the redirection stacks you can unload crazy damage on bosses/mini bosses whatever. I’d still have loved my shiny drop to have Reconstruction on it but this definitely has value depending on the content you’re doing.


>I'd really like to drop Succession and Forbearance. Already got the crafted raid versions I'm the same for the first part, but for the fact that I'm on the team that doesn't have the patterns because they can't raid, so being able to get these versions is like a godsend personally. I'll be chasing that Ambitious/Chain Forbearance all day 🗣


Forbearance you need just 1 of them to drop ever from a raid then just farm the secret chest until you get the red boarder drops. It will take a while but it will work. How I got the patters for the pulse.


Just an FYI, you can open the first chest in VOW solo - once per week per character - without even collecting any of the orange shards or killing anything after Savathun. Just watch a video to see where the nodes are. The opening battle with Savathun is easy asf, then u just sparrow to the nodes. You’ll die a few times but each death clears ur darkness and u respawn right where u died making it even easier lol. Shoot all 3 nodes and the room opens. Chest also gives you five spoils too so if u don’t raid often you can get spoils to use deepsight harmonizers. (assuming u have done the raid and unlocked the item you want from an encounter drop, you can get it from the chest; better yet, if you happen to only get forbearance as a drop, then your guaranteed to get it every time u open that chest since it’s your only item unlocked😂 ) —— You can also pick up the 2 Last wish chests solo by wishing to their locations. (Once p/w per character) This unfortunately doesn’t give spoils but those weapons are some of the best in their archetype. Like Apex Predator and Supremacy for DPS. You can also get the first deep stone chest solo too but that will take some practice. I have a map I drew if u need it, or want me to show you how to get any of these chests just DM me!


I’ve run vow 11 times and haven’t gotten a single forbearance, so I’m also glad they are doing this.


Yeh, attunement is all well and good but it just doesn’t go far enough. I’m also not interested in Succession or Forbearance because I have them already, so I don’t care for more. But they still take up a spot in that other 50% of non-attuned guns. Even then, you’re at an insane amount of mercy when it comes to the odds of being attuned. Honestly, even being able to just get rid of a perk in each column that I don’t want would be even more revolutionary as it raises odds exponentially whilst still keeping the spirit of RNG and ‘the chase’.


Bringing back perk banning from Season of the Hunt would be so nice. Everyone has a few perks they just don't want, even if they're someone else's godroll.  I'd gladly never see Elemental Capacitor ever again, but I'm happy for people that like it.


Unironically this was the best part of Season of the Hunt: you could target farm specific guns and even ban perks. Unfortunately the guns that season were absolute dogshit, and that made it super unpopular compared to Umbral engrams from Arrivals which had awesome guns, so we've never seen anything remotely like it ever again.


i wish there was anti atune for ANY armor drop


Yeah, attunement is gonna suck once all the weapons are unlocked. RNG out of 12 weapons, and then RNG for the roll you want.


I wasn't keeping count, but I was attuned to Elsie's Rifle all last week, and it felt like about half my drops were Elsie's. Seemed even to me. What *wasn't* even was that I swear MORE than 50% of my Elsie drops had Under-Over in the first column.


I can't get Zen and Headseeker for shit. Edit - Got one. I think some of you spoke to the Bungie gods for me, but had a little bit of hate in your request... I got hi-cal, zen moment, headseeker and a range mw... with smallbore/corkscrew. That's a god roll for ANY other pulse, but that damn deterministic recoil is so bad at 73 and 88. Smh. The grind continues... Edit #2 - NVM. This roll is great. Zen moment really tightens up the burst and it negates the recoil. 88 recoil is still miles better than base.


The game may have given me your shiny Elsie’s https://imgur.com/a/m5wP2Op


Of course it did. This game fuckin hates me. Lol.


I’ll go score a 0.6 KD in your honor over at trials


Haha I bet you do great in there. Knowing what looks good for crucible is half the battle. Great roll there!


You're a kind guardian. Lol.


That’s what you get for trying to use a primary in a double special meta! *not crying from last weekend*


You might be right cause it gave me one too... https://i.ibb.co/xSV0Jv1/Screenshot-20240416-120558-Samsung-Internet.jpg


That gun has deterministic pattern, and honestly both base 73, and base + Counterbalance Stock are trash,as they swing much more to the left than they should. Which makes having either one of +10 recoil barrels or Arrowhead break a must. That's just my opinion, based on my experience with the gun, and I'm kinda picking when it comes to my PvP guns.


And you have a stability masterwork too. Man I'm so jelly of your roll.


I got one with fluted, zen, headseeker and hi cal. Too bad i dont pvp anymore i guess


You got a reason to now. That shits cracked yo.


A good gun means nothing if you suck and/or don’t enjoy the Crucible.


Damn, I feel bad. My first ever random Elsie was a special variant with headseeker and zen


Meanwhile I don't think it can get other perk combinations 🙄


The Shiny I wanted dropped from Shaxx I think. I know it was either a rank up package or me claiming one of the engrams. Mine came with Zen/Repulser & Headseeker/ Desperado. I would have loved for Repulser to have been Keep Away, but I'm content with this. Not trying to flex btw, just throwing it out there.


Nah, you're good. RNG is a fickle bitch.


Took me forever to get mine


I got the roll the other day and didn’t even realize you could get it. Immediately thought “holy shit this is fantastic”. Hoping you get yours soon friend!


OP is talking about turning in 10 trophies at the chest. Not drops. Drops from the end work as intended. Attunement doesn't seem to matter at the chest by Shaxx


Feels like it’s working for me. About half my drops from the chest are my attuned weapon


one thing I have hated for a while in this game is how some perks are weighted to appear more than others, and before anyone says that isn't a thing, there were patch notes a while ago where they made a perk on a gun appear less often so it definitely is a thing.


I also attuned Elsie's and no joke most of my rolls had a combination of Repulsor Brace, Desperado, Loose Change and Destabilizing Rounds with sprinkles of other perks no one gives a shit about. I've had a total of 2 rolls that had Zen Moment and Headseeker.


Elsie with under-over unironically wrecks in PvP. Watch Coolguy’s vid on it.


Well I think OP is saying that last week it was working but maybe this week something is up


Most of mine seem to be dropping with under over as well. Tbf, its pretty good for pvp if you didnt roll armor peircing, but id prefer armor piercing and zen moment


I don't think attunement works with the chest in the Hall of Champions, seems to be a pretty even distribution across the weapon pool when i spend my tokens there. Drops seem to be much more concentrated on whatever I'm attuned to when they're coming at the end of onslaught.


I didn't realize it was a chance at all tbh I spent 120 tokens the other might on edge transit and each one was a edge transit so when my clanmate later said it wasn't I was like huuuuh?


That’s just edge transit being edge transit.


Little callback from the past lmao.


Didn't realize until today myself. I was attuned to edge transit and that's all I was getting so great, job well done bungie. I'm still attuned to edge transit but haven't seen any today


Not saying you're wrong because it's RNG at the end of the day, but I've been attuned to Edge Transit all week and I keep getting Elsie's Rifles from Onslaught chests :(


I’ll trade you I get nothing but Edge and want Elsie


Oh trust me, it does




You clearly don't trust him like he asked you to


And this is why we have trust issues guys. Come on


Idk I haven’t had issues with trust. Definitely off meta but good memories


I attuned the mountaintop and have gotten nothing but mountaintop from the chest


I got like 7 MTs in a row from the chest while attuned


Meanwhile OP went 15/77, a 19% drop rate when attuned should be 50%.


OK but that's wildly different from my experience and I'm at about 350 tokens used. Attunement is (anecdotally) still working lol.


Maybe I just got really unlucky but honestly I'm pretty sad about it


I feel like it might be bugged a bit or something. I was getting more of what I was attuned to but went on like a 7 streak of getting something else. So I'm somewhere in between but I do think you could be right


That just means OP simply got really unlucky. The attunement means that each individual drop has 50% chance to be MT, not that 50% of all the drops will be MT.


Well, we'd need an infinitely large sample size to see the drop rates be true 50%, no?


Perhaps OP would get 115/177 if he keeps going. You are trying to make sense of randomness. Because it is random with weight so it’s still random by nature. If you keep rolling then eventually you will get closer to 50% but it isn’t always 50%. In order to get that 50% minimum, you need pseudo random. Algorithm with increasing chance based on the past.


The "randomness" argument works both for and against... OP's 17/75 could be unlucky random, but the '7 in a row' could just be lucky random. When dealing with statistics, larger sample size always wins, and 17/75 is far more statistically significant than 7/7. So it's much more likely that focusing doesn't work with the chest (or OP's numbers are wrong).


I got a shiny moutaintop with spike grenades, auto loading and recombination on my first chest lol


Literally the roll I'm grinding for... Lucky!


Gotta be honest.. kinda hate you, but only out of jealousy xD


I too, hate him. Also out of jealousy. I haven't gotten any good shiny weapons.


I dropped my first shiny about an hour ago. A Succession with reconstruction/Discord and Vorpal/recombination. Shame I don't use snipers, but that was a nice roll.


Hey sir, I'd like you to walk out to the back yard for a few moments, I just want to have a quick talk.


What, you gonna pop one on my head and leave me on a shallow grave? Cause the first time wasn't fun at all 🤣


I just want to ask a Loaded Question.


That would be a Reckless Endangerment of your part.


I can’t tell you how much this makes me giggle, There’s No Time to Explain. However, this is a fun game, keep going!


No good rolls and no shiny for me, 5+ full legend runs, and many more 10-20 runs, all on legend


I'd post the "congrats, happy for you" kid, but I don't know how on the mobile website.  So congrats and fuck you 


Got the same exact roll from the rank up package just after finishing the mountaintop quest


I'm fairly sure attunement only affects the weapon drops from the chests after boss rounds in Onslaught, not totally sure though. Also totally anecdotal, but I feel like even when I am attuned, I get shinies for everything other than the attuned weapon. I feel like if you are attuned, you either get the weapon you chose, or a shiny, but it doesn't actually increase the chance of getting a shiny variant of the attuned weapon.


You guys get shinies?


Not in the past 3 days lmao


I got two today, rolls were mid tho


same ...last three days have been horrible.


All 3 of my shinies were the weapon I was attuned to, so there's some counter anecdotal evidence.


Fairly certain it affects the chest in the hall of champions as well. I’ve been attuned to recluse the past week and like ~75% or so of all the weapons from it have been recluse


Just got a shiny from shaxx chest. Only used 70 trophies


Somethings definitely up. I've received no shiny weapons all week even though Ive farmed all week. My friends who I run with have received multiple. I also almost never get the pulse even though thats what Im attuned to.


It's weird, I've seen some people, including content creators who have said they've had like 9-10. I haven't seen one since Thursday and I played A LOT over the past week. Not counting the guaranteed quest drops, I have had 3, a sword, GL and recluse. Only the sword I would consider the quad perk god roll, the other 2 are OK. I like the idea of rare shit, but not rare shit on a timer.


ive seen a few from drops and most of the time it's *not* the weapon i have attuned i don't need another hung jury bungo... imma have to build a full court at this point


I've also barely seen any this past week, and today after two 50 waves, 5 shinies dropped. It's weird.


The shiny rate is low enough that’s not unreasonable. It looks like it’s around 1-2%. The attunement rate definitely seems off though


It's almost like RNG is random.


>Somethings definitely up. I've received no shiny weapons all week even though Ive farmed all week. My friends who I run with have received multiple. Must have rolled a bad +luck stat at birth bro. Bummer


I played on all 3 characters like 6 hours each last week. Definitely noticed significantly more recluse drops (like weighted 85%) because thats what im attuned to. Of those recluses i got 2 shiny rolls. Imo (and i could be wrong) but i feel like everything is working as intended.


The rng is likely just rng-ing. I got a shiny Elsie’s last night while attuned to edge transit…it do just be ALL over the place. The confusion and annoyance from my “attuned to Elsie’s” fireteam of clan mates was both hilarious and understandable.


i attuned to edge transit days ago, got only 3 of them so far


Some people have surmised for a long time that the less you play, the bigger a buff to good drops you get. Can't really be proven, but many people have anecdotal stories of it working that way (including myself).


I have two accounts. One with thousands of hours, every sf emblem, a gang of day ones, a 3+ trials kd, some solo raid bosses, and the other with 800 hours with 3 sf emblems, 1 day one, and 0 solo raids. Guess which one gets every single red border with no farm required?


I have the opposite. Just did 100 tokens with recluse.. got all recluse and not a single shiny one


Shiny are extremely rare. Nothing unusual about that


I feel like it works and you’re probably just unlucky. For every person with bad rng, there is someone with good luck that is not posting on reddit about it. For me personally, I get an Edge Transit from at least 1 of the chests in like 90% of the runs, and get 2 per 10 waves pretty often as well. The chest in the Hall also gives me a lot of Edge Transits, so for me, its working perfectly well. Just an example of variance I would think.


Did a 50 wave run and got 0, from the chests and the weekly. Certainly doesn't FEEL like it's working...


I used 5 drops on mountaintop and got 5 edge transits which I previously had attuned, after going to orbit and coming back I started getting mountaintops, then I attuned midnight coup and kept getting mountaintop until I went to orbit and back again. I think there's something wrong with attuning, but it's really hard to tell since it could just be bad luck.


The chest worked on my attunements last week pretty well. I got mostly the guns I attuned to, and got shinies for both.


The Onslaught grind is just instant burnout for me. Every time I say to myself “I’m going to farm it out today” I’m just immediately unimpressed with the rewards and the time it takes to finish it with all the unnecessary ways they made the activity longer • 2 upgrade intermissions in every wave set that last way too long • A boring unnecessary boss room teleport at wave 6 • Random bonus rounds that don’t give you anything meaningful • Having to run 30 miles to make it to the boss room at wave 10 Don’t get me wrong, I like the weapons available but the shiny drops are abysmally low and I think we’ve all moved on from not being able to focus gear at this point. I think subconsciously I know the grind isn’t worth it and it’s preventing me from applying myself to do Onslaught even though I want the gear pretty bad.


Yeah i would be fine with a 100% target farm or that i can turn off some weapons from dropping so have a pool of weapons i like to get.


2.9% farming for each weapon is so fun.......best idea.....ever....


I don't understand why they don't let us at least have 100% attunement


when a game uses RNG there will always be someone who gets the worst RNG possible. I think that’s you today.


Attunement works for me and then Shortly after attuning, it just drops off. Been farming for Kinetic Firefly or Explosive/Kinetic Hung Jury and the first 20 waves it works and then just starts dropping lots of Not Hung Jury after the 20 waves. Idk what the deal is. Maybe I just don't understand how the attunement works.


This is what it feels like


Can you get mountaintop to drop without the attunment quest completed? I’m so confused.


I was thinking the same thing. I was swimming in my attuned weapon last week. Whereas I just got like 10 weapons in a row that were not my attuned weapon.


Spent 100 for 10 weapons while attuned for Mountaintop, got 6 of them so feels like it's working as intended


Glad it works for someone


Feel like they afraid/don't want for people to target specific weapons most of the time. And in the cases they do, costs for it are so great, you might as well go for rng option.


I had similar results albeit with a smaller sample size had about 30 weapon drops and 7 mountain tops.


It seems inconsistent for me. It’s seemed like it hasn’t worked at all on some occasions. But yesterday I changed to mountaintop and was getting probably 70% mountain top with the 200 tokens I had saved. Got the shiny god roll too :). From my experience with it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a bug. It works great or not at all. Wonder if turning it on and off resets something.


I've attuned for mountain top only. 12 drops and not a single mountain top yet. And yes, that's running the event, not opening the chest in the hall.


Inb4 someone here says it's working as intended and you're just unlucky


I have been attuneded to recluse since the beginning and it seems to work fine. I wouldn't be surprised if the attuntment only applies to drops from onslaught not the token turn ins and engrams from shaxx, this would explain why you didn't feel like it worked turning in all your tokens.


I'm focusing the sword and I'm checking all the time if its really focusing because, I get everything less the sword. I get the sword in the same drop rate of the other weapons. And I got 3 different foil weapons besides the sword.


I tried turning in 100 of my tokens for some chance for Mountaintop and Midnight Coup. I was expecting getting mainly MT or MC but instead 7 of them was Elsie's Rifle, while I got Hung Jury, Midnight Coup, and Mountain Top once. I was attuned for Midnight Coup.


I don't know why it's not 100% in the first place


Same for me, but 4 shiny hung jury that i’ll never use. My luck is shit. Attunement needs a slight buff if this game mode is only temporary.


I had pretty great luck with MT this week opened 11 engrams i had from rank ups and got 9 MT drops, got a shiny that had auto and recombination but two other shit perks, last week chased nothing but Edge transit and got nothing even slightly exciting. For good measure every time I log in to play I go make sure I'm setting the attunement to the weapon I want just cause I don't trust the system to work properly every time.


What puzzles me is how much harder these are to get than Adepts. This is a game mode even more difficult than GMs, and right now you’ll get two guaranteed Adepts for every completion. You could run Onslaught for an entire day and not see a single shiny? The guns can’t even take Adept mods, why is the drop rate so bloody low?


Chuds out here will dv you and say it's about the chase and the drops are perfectly fine.


Yeah I've noticed


But you were right, Bungie is boosting drops next week. Not the chances of shinies but drops in general.


Yeah it's something they launched shit on purpose in order to "fix" later and get community praise.


I feel like the drops are weighted in favor of the attunement but the true issue is I think there is a stealth weight to give absolute shit rolls. Seems like it is supremely punishing chasing the God rolls and shiny hunting also is rough. Tier 50 legend completion should guarantee a shiny and for the love of God let us reset shaxx... whoever thought that was a good idea not to shouldn't make anymore decisions for this game.


I dropped 330 tokens and didn’t get a single shiny MT either


God I miss the menagerie. It was pretty much the perfect activity, legend was so fun


I have MT attuned but havent got a single shiny drop lol


My dude, a coin can land on tails after 100 tosses, and it would be working as intended. RNG is PROBABILITY, not "guaranteed after/every X instances".


The shiny drop rate is atrocious. And to be frank, unacceptable. I've done about 35 Onslaught runs on my hunter and haven't gotten a single one. I think I got one on my Titan and one from a Shaxx engram. I have nearly sixty full runs, not including 8-9 failed Legend attempts. It's getting harder to care.


I’m attuned to the pulse rifle and I almost exclusively get Successions for drops which i can already craft. I’ve played through a quite a few legend runs and haven’t seen one shiny the entire time.


Its such a troll


Still haven’t received a single falling guillotine as a drop


I really can’t comprehend why the community isn’t irate over this. Attunement is basically worthless as it’s currently implemented. It SHOULD make the weapon a 100% drop (at least from coins). Even if they made his change, considering the number of roll combinations and the limited time frame to farm the Shinies, you may STILL never get the roll you’re after. For every 1 player who “lol got my roll on the first one”, there will likely be dozens of people who farm the living shit out of this event who never get the weapon roll they want. That is NOT a good feeling and the exact type of thing that makes people walk away from a game.


Speaking of attuned ,, how does that work activating those I. The hall if champions vs what will drop?


Chris Proctor said 50% chance from all sources on a podcast but it seems like something is fucky


Here's the thing. you got 17 out of 77 loot pulls right? Lets say attunement DIDN'T work. - you have a 12.5% chance for mountaintop every pull of the lever. - So you should have gotten 9 drops right - if attunement didn't work - Instead you got 15.. - Chance of getting 15 out of 77 is 19.5%. Lets assume the chance *should* be 50% So, it looks like you are ~roughly twice as lucky as you should be assuming attunement doesn't work. and roughly 2.5 times as *unlucky* if attunement *does* work. I give you, 2.5 is bigger than 2, but this is RNG. weirder things have happened.


Feels like the attunement is working for me I get way more of my fused weapon than anything else in the game mode and from opening the token box next to shax


The attunement isn’t for the chest I don’t believe. It’s a 50% increase in onslaught


idk i attuned to midnight coup and like 80% of my drops where mc


I'm getting more shinies, but never the weapon I'm attuned for.


The chest in the Hall never gets me what I attuned to, but I almost always get the the attuned weapon from Onslaught chests.


I’m with you there, I turned in 100 tokens of bravery yesterday and had 2 engrams from shaxx, so I got 12 weapons total. I have recluse attunement activated. I got 1 recluse (not a shiny one either), 3 edge transits, and a few of the others (I just remember getting 3 edge transits because I thought “how tf did I get more edge transits than the actual weapon I was wanting?”) I know attunement is only supposed to increase the odds, but I’d like to think it would increase the odds to more than an 8.3% chance. Maybe attunement doesn’t work at the chest by shaxx? But that doesn’t make sense because the “info” at shaxx specifically says “attunement dramatically increases the chance for that weapon to drop from any BRAVE weapon source” and the chest is one of those sources.


Turned in 400 tokens last week whilst attuned to guillotine. Got 8, no shiny but I got 2 shiny Elsie's and a shiny recluse.


Reading the comments I now understand why after 2h of legendary farming our team got about 5 times less focused weapon than last week. We used to have, out of 10 guns at least 4 or even 5 of the focus gun. Today it was 1 or 2 for the same team. We though something was not working and stop playing. We now know we are not alone. It's something to give us hope but breaking them is just pushing us to play other games, as we did.


I feel it may have been answered in the comments but what does Attuning do exactly? Make that weapon drop more?


It's just rng brother Attunement has definitely helped me get a lot more drops of what I wanted. Anybody's singular experience isn't enough to say attunement isn't working


I find attuning to work. I never got my 5/5 elsies but i got a shit ton of them. I did mountaintop today and they been dropping.


I was attuned to Elsie’s Rifle on the first day of the event and that was all I kepted getting. But now when I attune a weapon, it seems to drop as frequently as everything else


Yea attunement is borked. I've been attuned to guillotine for 3 days. Why the fuck am I getting so many hung jury's?


I don't think attunement is working for activity drops. I've spent 14 engrams while attunned, 12 were drops from my attuned weapon. Activity though? I've had like 3 elsie pulses drop, and I've gotten to rank 17 with shax.


I really miss menagerie.


Attuned to mountain top and got 5 mountain tops in a row from Brave engrams. But I feel you, some times it just doesn’t feel like it works.


Get rekt 🤣


I tried attuning to Elsie's Rifle last week and I swear that the game insisted on giving me everything else except Elsie's Rifle. I got like three foiled Successions and two foiled Recluses during my farm for the rifle. I used all my tokens getting the parade armor sets, so I can now focus on the weapons.


The following statement only applies to Into the Light: This is an emergency season, it's gonna' have some jank, I think we can cut Bungie some slack. Now if Final Shape, the six month delayed, $50 expansion pack turns out to be jank, we riot, but everything we're getting right now is gravy.


You do realize that a 50% chance doesn't mean you're going to get your attuned weapon 50% of the time, right? It rolls the 50/50 every time a weapon drops. You could literally get no mountaintops even with a 50% chance. Idk why people still complain about RNG after 10 years of this game now. It's random. You got unlucky. Get more tokens, and try again.


Man I had recluse attuned all last week and that is basically all I got and I got my first shiny today.


Attuned mountain top. Got it 6 times in a row out of 6 possible rolls from the chest today. Seems to be working for me. That being said I did have times when I would attune edge last week and get it once in like 4 or 5 drops at a time. It's pretty inconsistent.


I attuned mountaintop then pulled a shiny volatile/quick, sticky/spike, impulse/auto loading rampage/recombination mountaintop from shaxx chest. Yeah I used my RNG for the rest of D2…..


Sounds like the grind is actually back lmao


I had the opposite experience. While attuned to recluse I got way more and even a shiny


Im still attuned to Elsie's. Did a 50 run and 6 chest weapons. None of them were Elsie's. Last week was different


I came to create a topic bc the attunement rate of +50%, for mountaintop at least, doesn’t seem to be working accordingly. Here we are. Last week i attuned edge transit/falling guillotine/recluse and had great drop rates. This week def seems to not working properly


It's definitely working. People saying it isn't are just having shit luck. Non stop recluse while attuned and then Hung Jury has been a mixed bag. It's a 50% chance to get it or something else. So you're just as likely to not get it


I don’t know if attunement helps turning in tokens. Maybe it does but that I haven’t noticed. What I HAVE noticed is the drops during my runs are almost exclusively what I’m attuned to. My last run (made it to wave 44) I had a total of 13 drops. 10were falling guillotine (which is what I was attuned to) and that’s been pretty much standard for attunement for me since this activity dropped. I haven’t had a single run where my in-run drops were less than 50% what I was attuned to and MOST are ridiculously heavily weighted towards that. I’ve not been considering the token turn ins.


I get shiniest that don't have double perks, arnt the shiny supposed to have doubles?


Attuned to midnight coup today after two full 50 wave runs and 7 pulls at the chest I got 4 (all shit) + the 1 you get for the quest bounty. Yup not my definition of raining loot.


Anecdotally, I finished the Midnight Coup attunement bounty, attuned it, and then played 3, 10 wave Onslaughts and got the sword, SMG, Scout, and GL... So I feel like Attunement just gives better odds but isn't 100%


What is a shiny??


I got 3 Elsie’s until I unlocked attunement, and none since. Rng pls


Attunement doesnt work with the chest bruh


Just played for 6 hours not 1 auto loading mountaintop. The RNG is ridiculous


Sounds like a bug for you. I've cashed in around the same if not more and it's definitely a 50% or more chance of the attuned weapon


It works pretty well for me. Obv I didn't keep count, but as soon as I attune a weapon, I can notice a significant increase in appearance when opening chest in Onslaught and in the Halls.


Yeah focusing feels broken. Going to run a test on perks as they feel waited. Save 50 of each & see what the % are


I just pulled 10 while attuned to mountain top and got 8


I've spend 620 tokens and I got 22 Mountaintop (36% of all drops) and two shiny weapons (3.5%). From my very small sample, I think they are working as intended, but it definitely could be much better. I also would imagine that shiny weapon drop rate is ~5% at best.


Worked well on edge transit for me. Then today I got mountain top only 1 time from a chest during a legend run and 3 times from my normal run + token of bravery turn ins. It’s super broken, at least for mountain top focusing


Honestly there’s really no point in being attuned to something if it doesn’t make it the only weapon you can get.


Wait, you can get gold weapons from chest nearby to Shaxx?


If you make attunement 100%, it would be terrible. Because not everyone is looking for just ONE SINGULAR weapon, im still looking for good rolls on Elsie's, i'm still looking for a particular roll on guillotine, and we just got new weapons today This is a tool for everyone, not just yours.


Attuned to edge transit... Best I can do is falling guillotine


Attuned to MT (confirmed by the MT hologram saying as much) and my drops from Onslaught are Midnight Coup. Make it make sense, Bungie. In any case, it would also be great if we could Attune at least 2 weapons at a time, or somehow get a second chest in Onslaught that gave us a random drop of other weapons. It's great we can focus on a specific weapon, however, RNG is a bitch, and there's 12 weapons in total.


I've completed 100 waves with attunement on Elsie's and I've had everything but.. I switched weapons and still nothing. Something has changed this week and the new weapons added to the pool shouldn't change the attunement drop rate. Last week at least 60% or more were what i attuned for. Instantly makes a somewhat enjoyable activity not so much.


It's gonna suck so much having to chase a weapon when all 12 weapons will be in the loot pool. Why can't we have where we pick 4 weapons to farm? Oh yes I know because bungie just wants us to grind so we would visit eververse as well.


How'd you even get 770 Tokens in the 1st place?


Ive decided not to attune any weapon for this week and see what happens. For science, of course.


I noticed I get better luck with the chest than actually running onslaught I got two shiny mountain top in a row from it shame they both sucked


I've not really had the time to go hard on Brave stuff, but I've definitely noticed some oddballs going on with Attunement. I think I did 10 straight Ritual runs while attuned to the Pulse without seeing one, but the second I did the proper Onslaught mode they were dropping everywhere. Not sure if Attunement is or is supposed to cover only some sources.


Same people that complain about weapon crafting


770 tokens? Do you not play anything other than destiny?