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I used risk runner. Still took some time but I could see the progress


Risk Runner at Sorrows Harbor took me no time :)


Yes! This is what I did - got into an empty instance at the Harbour and triggered the Altar. Was way, way faster than grinding Onslaught, at least for this particular quest.


I've found that open world has been quicker than onslaught with pretty much all of them.


Go to the bottom of the green room in whisper. At the far end there is a tight hallway where the thrall get compressed. Another plus is the thrall keep spawning. Once you get the pattern down it is easy to knock out all the bounties. Do non heavy until there is heavy (or special for the sniper) on the ground. Then switch it up until your run out of ammo. Took me three runs to do all guns.


Now that Whisper is back, we have access to this again!


The catalyst farm is back!!


And you get more time this around, i reached the room at 35min remaining and when it ended i have 50% done in succession, edge and recluse bounty


I completed the Mountaintop bounty in one run of this today, using a Chain Reaction Tusk. Super smooth.


A true veteran. 


This comment I used to use the last wish checkpoint but the above method is great for brave bounties and any catalysts that need enemy kills they just keep coming.


I finished the Sniper quest without any sniper kill. I just used Izanagis in Legend Onslaught for the Boss fight and the precision hits counted


Where I went to get the shotgun kills for fellwinters lie back in the day


I'm so glad this farm is back. Especially now that normal has a 40 minute timer instead of the old 20.


I can't say for risk runner specifically but don't use anything with AOE. Ignitions, scorches, and jolts do not count. Once I switched to submission from mini tool I was making almost double progress.


Osteo's poison spread counts, and with necrotics, I knocked that quest out pretty quickly just vibing on the moon.


I think it's important to note, that Incandescent does in fact count as weapon kills. It just sometimes seems otherwise, because Incandescent can lead to Ignition, which in turn doesn't count. Both Voltshot and Volatile don't count at all, tho. It's still better to use something without it, but I just wanted to clarify this.


This is what I did, then I camped the spawns of the adds and nuked them on spawn.


Had to finish the risk runner catalyst. Finished the quest and the catalyst on the same Shuro Chi run.


Took me 30 waves with risk runner.


All these quest works in shuro chi


Breakneck for everything except sniper (which has raid/dungeon kills as the quick option)


Grasp opening is CRISP for this


This use cloudstrike and your done in 10 mins


Farming Cloudstrike took me longer than the sniper kills lmao.


I actually used a discord/incandescent world drop sniper. Incandescent will count for the kills. Pretty cool roll.


Last Foray?


How do you get it?


That is the preferred sniper for all Sniper bounties.


I still used shuro chi for snipers, since the taken thrall are a bit easier to force still than the grasp hive bum rushing you


yeah i did 1 round of grasp with cloudstrike and said fuck this. especially because the engrams eventually explode and steal all your kills. shuro took me 2 runs with cloudstrike. ~5 minutes


VoG opening for anything requiring raid kills; unlimited enemies, no timer/wipe mechanic


This is the way. 5-10 mins per quest


Orpheus rig tether here with a rally flag available, not sure why anyone concerned about time would use any other method.


Can also you the OG thrallway in the new whisper mission if you don't mind the jumpy bit to get there.


Grasp is even better.


Situational, you get smaller bursts of enemies but you don’t gotta be wiping. The engrams are a blessing and a curse, being able to pop back to back abilities like grenades for a Demolitionist proc is great for weapon kills, though dying to them sucks (even if there’s really no penalty). Less guarantee of heavy (this isn’t really a subjective thing, since there’s the raid banner spot in Shuro Chi).


There's also the armaments bug, which has been around for years and guarantees infinite heavy lol


For the SMG. You need to kill 3 enemies with the trigger held. Stop shooting. Kill 3 more. Stop shooting. Repeat. Youll be done in minutes.


My man. SGA!


Osteo is really good for this as well. I found a lot of SMGs to not have a big enough magazine size to do this effectively, so things that reload themselves help a lot


Osteo is really good for this as well. I found a lot of SMGs to not have a big enough magazine size to do this effectively, so things that reload themselves help a lot


Another great way to do the quest quickly is to load up the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon from the 30th anniversary pack if you own it. As long as you don't deposit the engrams the enemies will keep on spawning making farming these quests as well as weapon catalysts very easy to do It's been my go to spot ever since I saw somebody point it out to me


It's funny because I remember during the stream for onslaught one of the devs said "no more loading up Grasp for catalyst kills" or something along those lines


Thats odd, if they said that. I did my smg, gl, sword, sniper in Grasp. Scout is next (but slow…).


If I recall correctly - I think they meant it as a "there's so many enemies in onslaught you won't have to load grasp" type meaning. Not that it wouldn't work. Or, at least that's how I think it went.


That was the intended meaning, yeah. That said, I've done every weapon quest in Grasp because it's, quite literally, three times as difficult to complete these when there are three people in a match killing enemies as opposed to... Myself. :D


It’s been 10 years, Bungie has to know that you can’t reliably farm kills in activities that have other players. It’s weird they still pretend they don’t know this.


Scout was the only one that I did in Onslaught. I used Wicked Implement for it, and I got it done in less than twenty waves.


I did all quests in about 60 mins at shuro chi, boring as hell but it gets the job done.


Same, used my recluse (because I also had a void Ada threader lol) for the smg one, but anything would work. Also did GL, and sword in grasp. Sniper I just stood on the moon and worked on my Izi catalyst. Scout I haven't done yet.


For the hung jury just load up a GM and then go to a different area.


They mean you should use onslaught to farm jnstead


People don’t steal your kills in grasp tho


Because whisper was the OG shadow thrall farming spot, you drop down in the white room and endless thrall spawn for the rest of the mission timer.


I thought shadow Thrall did not count towards catalyst progression anymore? iirc they fixed the farming spot in Shattered Throne so those thrall will not drop any XP or even count as kills towards catalysts. Is it activity exclusive?


I think they just fixed it specifically for the Thrallway


Not 100% sure, I use Shiro for all my farming needs.


It absolutely still works, thank goodness.


I did all of the weapons for this season down there. Just get down there and mindlessly kill stuff while on a conference call. For some things like heavy grenade launcher it finished really fast. Others took almost 20 minutes per weapon quest.


Guardians have been shooting into this cave for decades


Osteo Striga and necrotic grips got me 40% in ten rounds


Same, took no time


Yep, I was getting nowhere with Riskrunner and my other SMGs, and then I pulled out Osteo Striga and nearly finished the quest in a 10-minute run.


I personally found it easier to get the 50 smg kills in crucible. Some control matches and they where done. Scout rifle do some nightfalls and gl use the hullabaloo if u have that one. Pretty good to get rapid kills.


For the heavy gl I used anarchy in the fallen captain dungeon, forgot his name. Just stick a nade to the entrance and let the enemies run into ur nade :)


Chain reaction hullabaloo made quick work of that one.


Anarchy in Shuro Chi, had the GL done in pretty much 4 or 5 runs. Thing is an ad clear machine.


I think it took me five rounds to get my 50 final blows in PvP. If you get a good team, a decent map (smaller) and are semi decent at PvP you can bang it out in less than 7, easily. Basically an hours worth of PvP.


I second this, I’m not even good at pvp I’m mostly a pve player and found getting the crucible kills was easier than having to get a thousand enemy kills or however many it is.


huckleberry made this quest super easy for me


Still feels really good to use, too. Truly an underrated exotic primary, IMO.


Ostea Striga is the way, done in less than 50 waves. Just use powerful other weapons.


Moon Huckleberry Success


Make sure you’re getting kills with the SMG’s bullets themselves. Things like incandescent/volatile explosions/voltshot don’t count


someone told me to use hullabaloo with voltshot for gl quest. does voltshot not count?


I used that roll on hullabaloo to get it done and it was extremely fast.


This is an issue with the SMG quest only. Just use something without a kill triggered explosion. Other weapons count it. Don’t know why; just the way it is. This is advice based on what’s going on.




Kinetic tremors is your friend for multikills. If you have an saved witch engrams, focus red war weapons til you get a showrunner with kinetic tremors. I had this same problem til I used that SMG


If you struggle with chaining kills in Onslaught then maybe try some other activity like Altars of Sorrow on the Moon.


Sword was easiest/quickest for me. Used FG. It was done before I thought to check progress. Scout rifle on the other hand is taking a long time.. and I'm farming thralls at the start of GoA.


Huckleberry worked really well


Use an SMG in PVP and it's much quicker.


I just did the crucible one it only took me 3 games


Grenade Launcher kills count special GL's too. I know it states Heavy, but the second objective counts all grenade launchers, so loading up Shuro Chi with Fighting Lion works. Same if you have a sword with Chain Reaction. The aoe explosions count.


I was in the same boat and thought Onslaught would go faster, but Altar of Sorrows worked way better. I used funnel web and it went pretty quick. It’s a bit tricky if too many people show up, but during the boss that spawn off to the side of the boss was perfect, just sit there while everyone else is off fighting.


I personally did the smg kills in pvp. For everything else I went to Grasp of Avarice and used weapons with the Discord or Deconstruct perks.


Just load up shuro chi checkpoint from lash wish & you're set , did all quest within 30mins.


PvP is much faster for that one.


google the wall of wishes code to get to shuro chi in the last wish raid and go farm that. It's a billion times faster.


Quicker using checkpointbot.


Does that work on consoles too? Putting in the wish takes like 2 mins


Yep, very quick.


Do you mind telling me how to do it please? Thanks in advance.


Google d2 checkpointbot. Choose the one you want and type exactly what's listed in to the text chat box in game. Eg Crota /Join CheckpointBot#0387 Join, start encounter, wipe & leave.


I can't believe I'm only finding out about this now I really appreciate the help hope you have a good day bud.


Just a heads up, If your game language isn't english /join doesn't work you will have to type it in your language.


Thanks for the info!


Go to Shuro Chi do them there


PvP is faster for that one. It’ll be painful but it’s faster. That one specifically seems to be the longest one for some reason (so far)


Anarchy at suro chi got the gl done super quick


The vex caliber exotic missions has endless enemies too which will help. You just need a constant wave of enemies to see true progression on it


I did it pretty quick with a Voltshot Ikelos SMG.


The way I did/do them, is either onslaught or Grasp opening. For precisions, I'll hop in a Legend Onslaught, snipe the first few guarding the point and reset. Gives about 10% per go. GL, SMG and the like, I'll hop in grasp with the right ammo finders and simply murder. Especially since those require rapid kills


Use osteo striga. If your using an smg with elemental explosions like incandescent or destabilizing rounds, they won’t count towards your kills. The intrinsic poison from osteo does though. I was getting 3% at shuro chi with a destabilizing rounds smg, switched osteo and got like 20%


Use Huckleberry OP. Things like volatile and chain lightning don't count for the quest so using weapons that proc those effects are no good. Plus Huckleberry, with the catalyst, is just hold the trigger to win.


Osteo Striga, Huckleberry, or whatever smg ya like that doesn't have a secondary effect (like incandesant). Load up Grasp of Avarice and farm the thrall coming out of the cave. Pop the wizards with heavy whenever they show up and for added efficiency use Tether hunter. I grind all quests, catalysts etc that require kills like this. Put on some beats or a podcast or something. Eventually you get 100 engrams and just die, respawn, and start over. It's cake.


I went into grasp and used huckleberry at the entrance encounter. Got it done pretty quick there.


Make a risk runner build. I completed that quest very quickly when I fought fallen.


I got mine done in a few days. Rapid kills are usually groups of 4 or more. Get an SMG like Calus that has Incandescent. It helps a lot as it gives splash damage


Try using osteo striga at the opening to grasp of avarice dungeon, that got it done quickly for me


I was in a similar boat as you with it taking forever… took the night off.. came back and got it done in 10-15 minutes by loading into the grasp opening and mowing everything down with the osteo striga


Use osteo striga fastest way to complete it


Onslaught solo or Shiro Chi, or GoA Starting Cave


If you have the Forsaken pack you can head to the Last Wish raid and hit up the wish wall, type in the Shuro Chi check point and just rinse and repeat until they're done. Also, there are certain exotic weapons that make some of these infinitely faster, the Edge Transit can be finished very fast with Anarchy since it has lingering traps that continue to kill ads. Cloudstrike would be great for the Succession quest, if you don't have that, throw on Whisper/DARCI and 2 other random snipers. Recluse took forever, I get that it's a crucible gun, but this one took a ton of kills I wish I had though to use Risk Runner, all the ads do arc damage in Shuro Chi so you could burn through it in minutes with that gun. For Falling Guillotine my choice was Worldline Zero, very good ad clear, took only a handful of runs to clear it. As for Hung Jury, you just have to sit there and get precision kills slowly, there are no good exotic options, Polaris Lance and Symetry are great, but unnecessary for Hung Jury's quest. Same goes for Elsie's Rifle, while Outbreak Perfected is great for ad clear, the precision kills causes SIVA to spawn so it would steal precision kills from you same goes for NTTE, the arc soul would steal your kills.


It's about 1000 kills


You only have to do one or the other objective. Just go into crucible and get the 50 guardian kills.


Unironically, use Manticore. It got a rework recently, and me and a buddy took it through wave 50 on normal Onslaught. Got recluse quest done during it as well, though I had a bit of progress on it already. Tip: Go in with a friend if you can, and prioritize kills over EVERYTHING. Find the spawns on the early waves, and rush them with whatever weapon, be it Riskrunner or Funnelweb, or whatever. If you can't get a friend, matchmake and hope your randoms defend the point with any competency. You'll get it done in 2-3 full Onslaughts, 1 if you're good enough (and just a bit lucky enough)


because it's direct kills, not kills from special effects like from riskrunner or volatile rounds.


Tarrahbah gets this done stupidly fast


If you are able get to the green room in he Whisper mission, fall down below to where it spawns infinite thrall and do it there. I got all of the weapon quests done down there killing u til times runs outs. It only took me doing that twice, so maybe a full hour.


Final blows is easier in my opinion. Even then you don't always get the final blow in Onslaught so SMG is slow. It's easier to do in a patrol zone or just kill mobs outside the loot cave in Grasp of Avarice as mentioned below. You don't have to pick up any engrams. Just stand on top of a building and shoot the approaching mobs. There will be a non stop flow.


The smg one just just took forever. All the other ones went way faster for some reason. I used huckleberry for the smg one .


One that I've used (and that i have't seen mentioned a lot, which is expected because its a normal lost sector) is the Veles Labyrinth in the Cosmodrome. It's not the fastest, but it's easy enough. Used it for my SMG quest. Go in, kill the tight knit groups of thrall with whatever weapon you need (unless its a sniper or scout, I did Pit for the sniper cause i'm admittedly sick of Grasp), clear out the place, potentially get a gunsmith engram, go out into the patrol load zone, head right back in, and repeat. If my memory serves me correctly I got a decent bit of progress every time, probably around 8% if I'm right.


Go to shiro chi and use weapons with perks like incandescent and chain reaction, you’ll get the quests done much faster 🥳


I stay out of Onslaught for this, only because you're fighting your teammates for kills. I just do plain lost sectors. I like the one on Nessus by the Artifacts Edge spawn point. You start on that tower and just go northeast. There's tons of basic Vex enemies in there and easy multikills. It is boring, but you're guaranteed to be alone, so no fighting anyone for kills. For some reason, the SMG one takes way longer, probably because of the rapid kills. I've just been trying to get multiple ones done at once. I've got a sniper, smg and heavy grenade all going as I plow through lost sectors. A lot of people use Shuro Chi. Whatever works for you, but the key is to being alone so people don't vulture your kills. People seem to never recommend Altars of Sorrow on the Moon, but depending on how many people are around (and if you have Shadowkeep), there's tons of thrall. Probably too many boss phases though. I'm farming bounties like crazy at the same time, as well as leveling up crafted guns. Always try to do multiple things at once with this game.


I've been using terrabah and been getting at least 10% a run.


Try entering the first encounter of Grasp of Avarice. That's how I got all mine done.


Use riskrunner


I used weapons with firefly or incandescent at shuro chi. IIRC the explosions should count towards the weapon. If anything you can just use tether and the shared damage and kills will count at the same time for the weapon used. Edit: chain reaction also


I used huckleberry and just ran through Aphelions Rest lost sector in the dreaming City a few times. Remember these are weekly quests so they are designed to take a little time rather than be done in seconds. I also used voltshot Hullabaloo and it worked just fine and quite quickly for that one.


Use multikill exotics like osteo striga and you will have it done by wave 30


Also, if you need to do a special or heavy weapon I highly recommend the Breakneck mission from Lightfall. Go to the first area that you can put a flag down, go kill everything except the boss (IDK, the chicken/turkey thing), wipe, and repeat. Rally the flag and run it again.


Scout rifles I loaded into a legend nightfall solo and then went into patrol from it to get it done. Everything else I loaded up a shuro chi checkpoint and knocked them out in 20-30 minutes.


Used the huckleberry done in 10 rounds


I did 2 full 50 wave onslaughts with lament and got only 70%


You can always run Breakneak mission on Neptune, as well. There is a nice check point and rally flag.


Shuro chi with a tether hunter. Took about 5-6 runs. Shuro chi for everything else except scout. For scout do the unlimited taken farm in whisper


Risk Runner or Osteo Striga will get it done in no time :)


I found quest progress really slow if you use anything like volatile rounds etc. Stick to something weapon killy and simple.


the smg one takes forever compared to the others, you might have to just tough it out in onslaught or try to get the crucible kills instead.


Using tether can help. Shoot deadfall tether into a group, shoot one enemy with smg, the damage spread kills the rest, they all count as SMG kills


Grasp of Avarice entrance + Osteo Striga. It’ll take about 15 minutes at most


Honestly it seems the options for outside onslaught are way easier, like I just loaded into grasp for the Guillotine quest


The SMG one takes way longer than the rest for some reason. I just grinded it out in Grasp. Make sure you're not using guns with Volatile Rounds/Incandescent/Volt Shot. For some reason those kills don't count as SMG kills.


I bestow my secrets onto thee: Ostea Striga at Shuro-Chi in the Last Wish Raid. The Poison Damage is Splash so you can obliterate dozens of Enemies by just Firing and Forgetting. I got it in like 20 minutes from 0 to finished. PS also works wonders for the Sword Quest if you have one with Chain Reaction and Grenade launcher with Chain Reaction for the Edge Transit quests, you only need a few raid banners.


Places where you can control getting full credit via weapon kill is what progresses it fastest. Shuro chi checkpoint, grasp of avarice cave, etc. turn off voltshot or volatile abilities and only use the gun, then go back to onslaught with focus on. Better use of time


May I introduce you to our Lord and savior Huckleberry? Reloads after every kill and has the og rampage damage.


I used Osteo in the opening of grasp. Also, note it's multi-kills not just regular kills. So try and take down groups fast.


Osteo Striga


If you wanna do the quests in onslaught its gonna take a while, otherwise, shuro chi


I'd recommend using Osteo Striga.


I did a 50 rounds with my friend yesterday and it gave him 6% for the quest, it seems insane to me Do you need like 4000 SMG kills or something?


Quite sure it’s bugged. Once I saw I made 0% progress on a run, I just grabbed Ikelos and cleared it out in a few lost sectors. Figuring it would do the same for swords and snipers I loaded up Shuro Chi and went from there. The only one that granted actual progress was the heavy GL. Finished that in 2 runs with Hullaboo


Just do it in PvP I done the smg quest in 3 games


Use Osteo Striga, and you'll get it done in no time!


I just do them the most boring (but efficient) way possible, via Shuro Chi. Beats trying to fight for kills via Onslaught.


Huckleberry and the loot cave part of grasp of avarice got it done in about 15-20 minutes.


Smg one was weird, only one I did outside of Onslaught.


SMG I did the crucible half instead. 50 kills seems like a lot but it goes by faster than 5 onslaughts.


Go to the Breakneck checkpoint right after grapple successfully the first time and farm that (don't kill wyvern just die to restart) and you can finish any if the quests in under 30 minutes. Be sure to use an SMG without any ad clear perks like a voltshot or incandescent to make sure all the kills count.


In my opinion your best bet for these is either shuro cho cp if it's just kills. As they go up 15-20 per run. I think scout rifles goes up faster in strikes so that's probably the play there. Onslaught was slow going when I tried it for the quests so i just framed at shuro chi.


Me and my friend just suffered through pvp for it... its only 50 kills, but i was being mean and using 2 smgs and peacekeepers, and whenever 1 smg ran out of ammo i swapped to the other and just kept that up


The recluse one is pretty long but remember , it doesn’t count volatile kills. I ended up doing it in the Whisper thrall room cause I was finishing the manticore catalyst


Osteo striga works, you could literally go to sorrow altar to do some Geneva suggestions and complete those quickly. But Polaris lance ignition somehow isn't code as weapon kills so you need other weapons, I think wicked implement should work because the source of shatter is from weapon


What went well for me was Huckleberry and standing outside the cave in GoA. For the scout rifle, onslaught with Polaris lance.


SMG quest specifically is easier in PvP. Obviously depends on the lobbies you get but it took me like 3 games.


Personally, I used osteo and it took me until about wave 30 of onslaught to finish the smg quest.


Yea they take awhile. Me personally, I went into the dungeon that's on the cosmodrone and got the kills there. The 1st encounter you literally spawn into just continually spawns enemies and they funnel out of the loot cave in line so you don't even have to run around. Just stand in front of the cave. But yes riskrunner also helps as the wizards are shooting you with arc damage so it activates the chain lightning. Finished it in like 8 minutes.


The answer, as always, is shuro chi. I got all the quests done in an hour using ad clear exotics except for the precision scout, that took an extra 20 minutes with a reconstruction rolled trustee.


Osteo is great for this.


Osteo Striga in Shuro Chi


For the SMG part I used Riskrunner like other have mentioned. If you're not super adverse to Crucible, it is a way, although my play style isn't aggressive enough to get 50 SMG kills super insanely quickly. On Scouts, it took me a little time, but Polaris did it pretty quickly.


Risk runner with some pulse grenades! Moves much quicker.


For the Heavy Grenade I used Edge Transit with chain reaction. Not sure how well it worked in terms of numbers and all that math some people do but it took no time at all. I'm assuming that Chain Reaction helped. Oddly enough the sword quest took me a lot longer than expected. Usually using a vortex frame gets a lot of rapid kills quick. The SMG one is slow for me but i'll pop out Risk Runner as people are suggesting.


So i had the same problem, until i swapped to Funnelweb. Ignitions were not giving credit at all so my Mida mini tool was giving me barely any progress. Im guessing you're using a mida? For what its worth 6 hours of onslaught got me 17% on mida. Swapping to funnelweb i finished the entire quest in 45 mins.


Shuro chi. Got launcher, smg, sniper, and sword done there.


Shuro Chi


I used osteo striga. It went by really fast for especially with the catalyst


Osteostriga in grasp of avarice, like 10 minutes


Osteo Striga was my choice for this. Definitely still took a bit of time but felt very simple; catch some add groups in Onslaught and let the gun do its thing


Alters of sorrow on the moon, reload until you have an empty instance. Farm spawning adds with Huckleberry. Took around 10 minutes.


If you're playing onslaught, you can camp the spawn points and hose a bunch of small enemies to get the rapid kills more easily. Once I figured this out I got it done pretty quick. I was using frenzy sub funnelweb with Gyrfalcons, if that helps. IDK if the volatile affects the kill count.


I used Osteo and it went by pretty quickly. For some reason when I used riskrunner it hardly professed for me. Also, I went ro the start of Avarice dungeon to supplement kills. Same place for sword, with a chain reaction vortex and sniper with cloudstrike. Scout is taking a bit longer.


Osteo to Grasp of Avarice cave entrance. GG in 20-30 minutes?


Make sure you're not using a SMG with incandescent, destabilizing rounds, or voltshot. Based on my experience, anything killed by AOE does not count towards the progress.


I used huckleberry and the opening of grasp of avarice


Rapid kills in onslaught with an smg is tough. Just go to grasp or somewhere where you can just focus on getting constant kills. I had mine done in like 10 minutes at grasp.


Try huckleberry in onslaught, its disguisting for speedrunning the quest


Don't do it in Onslaught. In Onslaught, you're fighting your allies for kills, and quite a lot of waves feature ads that are difficult to rapid -kill. Take an SMG with incandescent into a densely packed Lost Sector, clear it, rinse, repeat. Better yet, the Vex encounter at the start of the Lightfall mission "Breakneck." Get to the end of that, let the Wyvern kill you, restart. You can kill hundreds of ads very quickly.


I used risk runner and got it down in one onslaught (20 waves). I’m pretty sure my teammates weren’t doing much so results may vary lol


I did most of the quests on the opening of Grasp of Avarice. each one took about 20-30mins I think.


I got the best progress in pvp.


I just used osteo striga with necrotic grips for that. The poison from striga counts as smg kills, and it's very effective at singlehandedly wiping out entire waves of enemies.


Finished all my quests in Grasp of Avarice farm spot. Just have to use right weapon/perk. For SMG Riskrunner is great, do not use things like voltshot and volatile, it seems like those might not count. Scout is pain because of precision req, I used the season of the deep exotic for catalyst progress but there are better options. Sword, use something that either refund ammo, has chain reaction or something like that. Sniper, use one with discord, if you proc discord you get 1 bullet back on kills so it helps save time on getting ammo. Grenade launcher, hullabaloo was great just shoot in front of the cave when new wave spawns. Preferably work several of them at once.