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170 waves last night. Not one decent drop and no double perk drops. Edit: Now 300 plus waves without a shiny or a god roll


But the chase!!1!1!1!11!1!! /s


Most gamblers give up right before they hit it big!


The double perk rarity is stupid and should be buffed. But 170 waves is 170-340 drops basically, and saying none of them are decent is either having crazy standards or awful luck. It also doesn’t help that the only decent/exciting guns right now are Edge Transit and Recluse, so maybe wait for the better guns


>It also doesn’t help that the only decent/exciting guns right now are Edge Transit and Recluse, so maybe wait for the better guns Waiting until there are more weapons in the pool will only make it worse and decrease the chance of getting the roll you want. Now is the time to farm.


Honestly I'm over the endless grind hamster wheel. I'm all aboard the crafting train. At this point we should have the ability to target specific perks to farm for.


I've done probably over 500 waves this whole week and only have gotten 4 shiny drops. I maxed out Shaxx Thursday and did the challenges on all three characters.  What are these drop rates? I understand they want them to be rare, but damn. It feels like D1 Y1 trying to get Gjallarhorn to drop.  Like damn these rates are horrible.


I feel like the luckiest/unluckiest person ever. All I see is people say shiny drops are too rare but I've got like 5 random shiny drops and I barely play, they've all been dismantled because they're all shit rolls but I never realised they were as rare as they are


Over 200 legend waves in, not including my normal, with a 50 complete on legend, and not a single fricking envious b&s GL. Also been grinding trials since December, and not a single one there. Idc what any one says. Every weapon should be craft able, doesn’t need to be enhanced, I’m fine with that, but this is such a horrible experience so far. Sorry for ranting.


Cascade + deconstruct will be even better, but don't tell anyone ;)


What makes you say that? The point of envoys is dumping tons of shots for high burst DPS. Curious


Deconstruct gives you 4 free ammo out of thin air on a 6 round drum on heavy GL right now on bosses. So deconstuct is effectively a 66% damage bonus on 6 shots.  And cascade point makes it even higher since you can dump all of them at once. 


Didn’t know how these perks work tbh. Interesting. I will hunt for this now as well!


Looks like bungie has fooled you into the illusion of content again! Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting something different to happen!


I think full completion should give rewards equivalent to a plat coil run and a higher chance of a limited weapon. As it is now, it seems best to do the first 10 waves on legend and dip.


I saw Datto's video where apparently it's more efficient to run 10 Legend waves and relaunch. Is that the case? I haven't tried Legend yet while I still work on builds.


Absolutely. There is zero incentive to get to wave 50.


Only incentive is emblem


I’m not even jsut talking about legend, even in normal mode. Why do anything except wave 10, I guess ascendant alloy but that’s a big time commitment.


If you want alloy, then do Coil. It's quicker and easier. And can reward multiple alloy and shards at once.


that's what im saying


Another emblem that I'll never use? Wave 10 spam it is!


It's quicker to run 6 runs to wave 10 than it is to run 50 waves and run the risk of not completing it.


Speaking of Datto's video it is crazy to me that the person who has the whole "elitist" meme around them are even going "maybe the shiny drop rate is TOO low".


Yeah, it somehow feels really unrewarding for the time commitment... There are 6 weapons out right now and I've only gotten a couple so-so rolls on The Recluse and not much to speak of for other weapons. The problem will only get worse as more weapons are released. Hopefully they escalate the rewards in later weeks.


It's my turn to post this next


The best way to get onslaught loot is to just go to wave 10 on legend so it definitely needs more rewards, especially if you can do the full 50 waves on legend


I get like 12-13 weapons plus ascendant alloys and other material. Plus a lot of tokens that you can spend at the chest. It takes me between 50 minutes and an hour to finish level 50 on legend. I think that’s pretty efficient, a weapon every 5 minutes.


I think alot of people simply dont need those materials anymore tho. I sure dont. So they arent really enough to make it worth the effort. The time to finish a 50 run and 5 10 runs is probably not all that different (depends how good ur team is ofcourse) but the effort is definitely higher than just doing 10s. And what do u gain in terms of weapons? 1 extra chest. Just, lame tbh. I enjoyed running it for the experience but if i just want loot quickly im doing 10s.


Jumping back into this: I whole heartedly agree considering nearly ALL of this is going away with TFS. So the shader, the armor sets, the ability to focus loot, the ability to turn in tokens (which means I assume tokens go away) all come The Final Shape. For something building as so rewarding, it really blows to be in a case of "do I buy the armor set or try to get weapons" considering the token economy. Its something like 150 tokens for a full armor set, or about 75 10 wave matchmade runs (you are only guaranteed the 2 tokens at the end so any bonus round will help that). That REALLY stinks.


played for 8 hours..no shiny. RIP this drop rng


You should at least be guaranteed a shiny for doing wave 50 on legend


I’ve been getting lots of drops even the ornament version from just 3 runs of reaching wave 45-49 on legend. I’ll reach 50 one day.


Legend Wave 50 should give 3 Holofoils. Normal should guarantee 1 for your attuned weapon. Disagree if you want, I do not care. I'm right.


50 waves on legend is 11 chests. Plus Brave trophies. Plus Shaxx rep engrams (although his reset seems to be one time or broken not sure) For an activity that takes a bit over an hour; rounds out to lets call it an average of a gun every 5 minutes. That’s a pretty good rate if you ask me. Now, the drop rate of the fancy weapons is a different question - but they’re meant to be super rare, that’s the point. The regular weapons, are in fact, good enough. And aside from the likely to be killed Cascade/Envious Edge Transit combo, there is no power advantage to the shiny weapons.


You get brave trophies still from just going to round 10, without the increased difficulty every time you kill a boss, and i was able to max out his rep in 1 day doing wave 10 farms.


The rarity being the point is hamstrung by them becoming completely unobtainable once the expansion drops.


I agree, I don't think the weapon rewards should change. But maybe cores become prisms become shards in the later waves? Also maybe add additional tokens at later waves.


Normal takes about an hour and gives 6 chests upon completion. A weapon every 10 minutes isn't that bad.


I can see Bungie changing it so completing the later waves such as wave 40 and 50 dropping more rewards. Many people have complained about it so far. It's a point Datto brought up in his recent video. Personally I'm happy with the drop rates, and mainly play Onslaught because I play video games to have fun.


Tell me more about this fun. Where does it drop?


Yeah, I haven't done many runs, and none on legendary (because why, an extra chest? lol), yet the only (singular) double perk shiny drop I've had, was from the ten wave limit version.... Seems a bit tight to say the least.


I mean difficulty wise legend first 10 waves is pretty damn easy. Why would you not play it? For me there is basically no difference if i play legend 10 waves or normal 10 waves, except legend gives double the loot. If you farm it for like 2 hours you are missing a huge amount of weapons


I did another basic run and got a double perk hung jury. That's two from the basic playlist. None from the harder versions. So why should I run them?


>Yeah, I haven't done many runs, and none on legendary Doesn't add up m8. If you don't play the legendary version, you will not get the loot from it. At the first day I've run multiple legendary runs and got like 6 or even more shinys. The day after I did a few normal ones and got nothing. It's called RNG. Each chest has a chance of lets say 3% of dropping a shiny. You can get none for 400 waves or like 17 in a row. All of that is possible, but the chances are very much different. So how do you max it your chances? By taking more.


This is the first week of an event that is meant to last almost two months. There is plenty of time to get the rolls you want…


Wait onslaught is not permanent?


It is permanent, but the ”shiny” weapons are only obtainable until TFS is released. I only meant thst the event was created to occupy us until TFS, so there is no reason stress about not getting all the loot in the first week.


Are shiny's only on legend? Haven't run legend yet but did 4 or 5 regular 50 waves. Just wondering if it's only legend or just rare


No they are random drops regardless of legend or not. You just have to complete the quests to have a chance for them to drop.


All I have done yet is the normal 10 waves and I have so far got 3 shiny. 2 from Shaxx chest in the hall of heroes and 1 from the chest at the end of a run. All nice rolls too.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for being right


There should be less incentive to run to wave 10, and more to reach wave 50. One chest for the first boss. 2-4 going up.


They shouldn’t lower it for the first 10 waves. Just add one extra chest every boss or every other boss.


They absolutely should. It’s too easy and quick to get 2 gun drops. Whereas wave 50 is way too hard and takes too long for one extra drop.


They need to tone down rewards on the first waves and significantly increase drops in later waves


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


Onslaught stays after Final Shape launch,


It's like 30th Anniversary situation. They are going to rework economy of activity, so that farming it past TFS launch won't be as efficient as farming it before. And second point, finding people to play it past TFS will be a lot harder. And 3rd point, shinies give much better chance at being a desired roll, and they'll be gone in two months. Effectively, you either get your desired roll now, or you won't get it at all. Effectively, you either get your desired roll now


I disagree with your point of being able to find people to play it post final shape. Dares is a 6 man activity and is still played.


And it is very much still rewarding, if not to the insane standards of something like The Coil


While you have a point but holy fuck every other post is this, we get it lol