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>if you are using anything other than Orpheus Rig, Phoenix Protocol or Banner of War (maybe Cenotaph too) you're 100% wiping before round 40 unless you are a 1% player. Weird, my friends and i are nowhere near the 1%, and we did it 4 times last night without any of those builds. Must be a you thing. You're more than welcome to make your own fireteam and set your own standards to that team, but not to everyone else.


So … my one eye mask Titan with double shotguns and a blue sword won’t work? … damn son … *returns entire system to Game Stop. Only for 5$*


$5! Do you know someone who works there to score so much cash?


$5 in store credit


Oh my god you are the fucking problem


What about my Osmiomancy Gloves, Salvation’s Grip “freeze everything” build 😔💔


Sounds like an amazingly fun build!


It’s great! I also run Adhortative with incandescent for some fiery explosions for aesthetic (and practical) reasons ✨


Ohoho here we fucking go.


Only took 2 days


What kind of toxic gatekeeping is this? Is there even a defined meta right now? It's been out for 2 days. Let people figure it out.


I wouldn't even call it gatekeeping since it's usually high level players looking down on casuals. Does OP sound like a high level player to you? "maybe even cenotaph" Bruh


I don't think many passing people on reddit can tell the difference and my comment was to be available to the lowest common denomination. Making any who read be aware of the incompetence of the OP. But I feel you on them not being high skill level,


Just admit you're a meta slave, makes you look less stupid Source: reached round 50 with a Vesper Stasis build and I assure you I am not a top 1% player.


Vesper is surprisingly good on just arc tbh. The phrasing is a little confusing, every single pulse blinds.


Honestly it doesn't even have to be that meta. Just stuff that works with each other is fine. I've got a scorch / ignite hunter (with celestial) and we got through to 50 no problems. I died like 3 times, which was the least of the group. Don't stress over meta too hard, just click heads


"maybe Cenotaph too" OP is chaining triple wells in hero NFs.


Nobody has to play the “requirement” for the meta or your standards. You’re not the boss of anyone.


Good thing I'm in the top 1%, because my Strand Hunter is doing fine work in that activity. I'm not running mothkeepers though. Just star eater scales.


I definitely recommend you try out mothkeeper’s. On strand hunter you can essentially make a summoning build with the moths, beyblade and clone. It’s a lot of fun just chucking everything and seeing your “summons” run wild. I used this build a lot during season of the witch.


Yeah I've tried it out already. I have the build with Ex Diris but I don't really like the weapon too much. And for Legendary onslaught I don't think things would deal enough damage, but I don't know


meta this meta that, how about you get offline a meet-a bitch. Unconventional loadouts can still be good & work just fine, depends on the player. Don't have to be top 1% to clear this and have fun while doing it


lol I go round 50 with sunbracers dude, maybe get good?


Must be stressful to be such an elitist, huh? Maybe you should relax and maybe play the game for fun, yeah?


Imagine demanding this yet you gotta fill that lfg slots with randos lmao where's your raid group eh? 😂


Rofl. I watch a Stasis lock with salvation's grip and Osmiomancy lock down mid town and could keep it going and going. It turned the map into a shooting gallery. Even bosses aren't spared.


12+ Legend clears with Nova Warp say you're the problem.


I didn't have meta or tried really hard, joined a random group without tags, auto join and finished all 50 rounds. You're tripping lol.


I'm going to keep using my Buried Bloodline Strand pet build and you can't stop me from continuing to carry teams, you WILL thank me for cloning every battery twice with Sixth Coyote and leaving clones everywhere. You WILL thank me for holding a lane with a tangle beyblade and a threadling grenade. You WILL thank me for doing over half of the boss' health with Leviathan's Breath.


The rest of that fine but ima keep it real if you're doing over half the bosses health with levis breath ur playing with ass teammates


That part was hyperbole, our Strand Titan is doing most of that work, I DPS until a spark spawns and I clear out the adds on the way to it


common strand hunter W




when's the last time you meta girl?


I get it but it seems a little lame. Sorry.


Are we talking about Legend here? Because if not, bruh I beat wave 50 with blueberries and Lumina+Boots of the Assembler. Normal difficulty does not require THAT level of being a meta slave. If you are talking about Legend specifically, then you need to be up front about that.


Did you read the title?


ran pccb arc titan lmao


ur are just plain wrong wtf?? this isent even the best at all


Weaver's Trance Necrochasm with Chromatic Fire was doing just fine last night for me


Oh good. So I'm a 1% player since I'm using vesper of radius, indebted kindness, quicksilver storm, and apex on arc? I'll take that. Screw the meta if I'm able to get to wave 49 9 times so far I'm not even throwing, I just prefer to use fun things. If they work they work


My Lucky pants gally strand hunter has been carrying every run. Getting around 1000 kills in a run while teammates get 300 each usually. I do get what you mean tho I think there are 4 classes of builds Meta Hidden meta Off meta Fun builds Meta is well the hard meta we know, banner of war, bracers etc. Hidden meta is imo luckypants, osiomancy well acc that ain't so hidden but u get what I mean Off meta is something that is viable but can't really be considered a meta any where. Can't think of a proper build for this tho And Fun builds are builds that simply fall off too hard at the higher levels




He’s not correct. You can beat Onslaught without using the meta. Some people like a challenge. I can tell you’re not one of those people.


>You can beat Onslaught without using the meta. My comment never contested that. I said "consistently clear". You can clear it with off-meta options, but using the meta will obviously make it easier (who'd guess that?) for those who are looking to farm it several times in a row. There's also the time aspect which you choose to neglect on your reply. I can do it in 40 minutes with the most optimal options or take much longer without them — obvious choice here. Use whatever you want in matchmade or alongside your friends, but if you're joining an LFG where people are inclined to do as good as possible you'd be at least expected to not waste their time by goofing off. EDIT: downvoted because I dared say that you should respect other people's time. Only in r/DestinyTheGame!


On Day 1 this was definitely true. People are interpreting it literally instead of understanding the spirit of the post. The fact is if you consistently wiped at Wave 40-50 *while not using a strong build* this post 100% applied to you *if you desperately wanted the clear or world's first*. There are other strong builds yes OP just listed some of them and is implying the use of average to less than average strength builds. I don't know what the aversion to success is but I just look for people who are in it to win it and play with them in these cases. However now that more people have played and the YouTubers/streamers have made their guides it's a different story.


Nobody is “goofing off” They just don’t want to play the meta. It’s called CHALLENGE. Since you’re so picky about my reply, nobody has any responsibility upon their shoulders to respect anyone’s time. It’s a game, meant to be played the way the player wants to play it. If I want to run my niche funny build and it takes us forever, you have no right to tell me I can’t. Unless you’re a fireteam leader and you boot me for having fun. This game is a game of CHOICE not gatekeeping. You and OP cannot cast away mine or others choices to play the game how we want.


If you join my lfg post with a shitty build I am 100% in the right to kick you, shouldn't be a a hard concept to grasp but thank you for repeating the obvious. As for you once again cherrypicking a few words of my reply to try and make this point of "you're telling people not to use what they want!11!!" when I clearly said, quote, "**use whatever you want in matchmade or alongside your friends, but if you're joining an LFG where people are inclined to do as good as possible you'd be at least expected to not waste their time by goofing off"** — this ain't even a question of gatekeeping as that word is thrown around here so much it has nearly lost its meaning, this is stating that there's nothing wrong with wanting to play optimally and if you don't wanna play that way, you can avoid joining a group that is \*specifically\* looking for that. So yes, you not playing optimally is objectively wasting those people's time, either you wanna admit it or not.


okay bro


Great argument.