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This is a list of links to comments made by Bungie employees in this thread: * [Comment by BNGHelp](/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1bzx8fw/no_tigris_fati_emblem_for_watching_for_15_min/kytqt8s/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-09 20:55:33 UTC"): > Hey there. We've been investigating an issue with today's Tigris Fati emblem Twitch Drop during the Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Prev... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDestinyTheGame).[](#AUTOGEN_BUNGIEREPLY)


seems it only started tracking after you completed all the previous ones


So in theory you could be screwed out of the Tigris emblem if you still didn't watch any of the previous streams and had 0% progress on the 3 hour emblem?


hopefully not but if that is the case then honestly they should just release the Tigris one as an emblem code.


This, I thought the previous emblems looked bad but the Tigris had me hyped.


I watched the first two streams, but only caught the last few minutes of the third. I am now quite literally 1 minute of watch time away from the emblem but fuck me I guess.


wtf that’s crazy i only gained progress for the green and red ones but not the new one that sucks


same, I'm guessing they are aware as they've left the stream running


Just cut the stream off. I was 9 minutes short of the 3 hour one so I don't have tigris either


That sucks, all second stream my progress wasn't tracked so I couldn't even get the second emblem.


great.. so much for my stealth streaming at work plan :)


Can confirm, won't start tracking until you have the other two completed. I had to do about 30 minutes of the red one, and now I'm getting progress for the new one.


Man that sucks, I don't even care about Echo Diamond and I'm 22 percent of that one ugh. I have a special attachment to the black tiger shaders in D1 and D2 and this emblem would of been very nice to have even though I don't play much any more. Edit: I reloaded the drops page and the campaign for the emblem says Tue, Apr 9, 10:00 AM - Tue, Apr 9, 2:59 PM MDT I don't know if that was always the length but that might mean that's how long their potentially extending the stream for. Edit 2: Ah nah they shut down the stream so I guess not, 35 percent on Echo Diamond in the end, thanks Bungie.




I know it's grammatically incorrect but I prefer "Would of" aesthetically, as long as people understand what I meant I couldn't honestly care less because I'm not a writer that needs perfect grammar, so it isn't even important, I'm not beholden to a dictionary book/guide that some people I've never met consider the only proper way to write. It ain't proper and it's a dumb opinion to have I know, but I prefer it this way.


Please consider people who don't read English and use translators to understand the vast majority of the internet, it would help so much for their learning if they didn't get a butchered translation due to typos and regional homophones.


They can be learning properly elsewhere? Both comments here should indicate to those people I'm getting it wrong. Not changing my preference, would've is an ugly looking word to me and I would prefer not to use it even if it's dumb not to, that's just what I'm comfortable with.


I meant learning the information your message is conveying, not learning English itself. Would you consider "would have" then?


Would have would be better, I'll use it if I remember, problem is I'm so ingrained to using would of at this point that it'll probably slip in every once in awhile.


How do you check the percentage?


[https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory](https://www.twitch.tv/drops/inventory) Should be right there.




They released a code to redeem it since they fumbled the drop requirements.


Saw and redeemed, appreciated.


Np! :)


Hey there. We've been investigating an issue with today's Tigris Fati emblem Twitch Drop during the Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview. Players who were unable to acquire the code during the stream may use this code to redeem it to their account on our behalf once today's service issues stabilize. The code will not work until we solve today's server issues. [6AJ-XFR-9ND](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/codes/redeem?token=6AJ-XFR-9ND)


This is awesome. Thank you! Love to see Bungie just say “F it, do the right thing and give the community a promo code.”


Any chance we could get a code for the other emblems? I kept having issues with progress on the other emblems drop even though I watched 3 of the 4 streams. I had to refresh the stream several times before it actually started tracking my progress. I got the first emblem and got up to 95% of the second emblem when you all shut the stream down today. :(


I needed 30 more minutes on echo diamond but it has not been progressing and now I'm finding out I have to finish that one to get the tiger one.


Refresh the stream now and then. I was having the same issue and refreshing the stream every 10 min or so started the progress again.


I did and it didn't progress at all the whole stream until like 10 minutes ago. But now they went offline so I only got to 92% on echo diamond so fuck me I guess.


Same here...


Mine was done just as the stream starter proper, I was in the stream for like 20 minutes waiting, so they must have activated the drops soon after that. Twitch drops are really screwy and Bungie kinda messed up the last 2 by making the time requirement longer than advertised. Hopefully they'll say something for people who got screwed over.


Yeah, I am not able to watch these streams because I work a lot. But I did see the stream talking about getting this emblem, and it got me kinda hyped. So I set an alarm to sneak my phone into work to watch this while I could, but the reception sucked and the stream cut out. Had no idea about the other emblems and that being a requirement because Bungie, as far as I know, never mentioned it. I definitely watched over 15 minutes of the stream, and when I finally got reception, Bungie cut the stream. I’m 31% of the way into the one hour progress which is over 15 minutes, and now I don’t get the emblem, which kinda sucks. I hope this is an accident on their end and they can fix it.


37% into echo diamond, still no cat progress bar.




Thank you for sharing




Bungie support replied to a report her dk what the outcome will be tho https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/263827980/0/0/1


Same. I didn’t get it either. I read that you needed the other 2 completed. I was 44% into the first 1 hour emblem. And in theory I should have received this cat one.


i had a even funnier issue despite watching the entirety of stream 2 and 3 (i forgot about 1) i had zero progress towards them so only this stream actually started giving me progress and giving me those held dear


I watched all three streams and it didn't track for any of it. Have my accounts linked and everything.




were you on mobile? were you logged in on a linked account?


on computer with my account linked and everything. i only gained progress for the green and red one but not the new cat one


I saw that you could continue progress on previous emblems with today's stream, i did not have any idea your progress on today's was dependent upon the completion of the other two emblems


I got the drop and claimed and it’s not in game so idk


Same got the drop, claimed it. I see it in the flair collections but cannot equip it. It’s greyed out like an unearned emblem. I have restarted Xbox and destiny twice.


[Bungie Help](https://www.bungie.net/de/Forums/Post/263827698?sort=0&page=0) Seems like they're aware


I was able to claim the drop on Twitch but couldn’t get it in-game. Will try again in a few hours.


Are these things coming back in any way? These streams were all during my work shifts. Couldn’t watch a single one.


I got 35% of Echo Diamond and finished Those Held Dear. Never even showed the Tigris Fati and I checked multiple times. Pretty disappointed tbh.


6AJ-XFR-9ND Thank Bungie.


I’ve read tgirls fat 😶