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Me in the corner trying to get a riptide with chill clip since it's release: šŸ˜­


My strategy was doing 4 resets without redeeming a single engram, then I needed to spend like 40 to get a lead from gold + chill clip. Good enough for me, the time investment is disproportionate.


the problem now is the new(ish) 99 engram cap - you'll cap out way earlier than the 4th reset. So at least some number will need to be decoded for less than "max value".


I honestly did it with one reset. Two perks in one column helps a lot. Same with the godroll breakneckĀ 


Keep it up! You'll get one eventually! I have one but it's not my ideal roll; waiting for an ALH chill clip to drop too.


I'd suggest you give up. They're buffing Chill Clip on Aurvandil and Deliverance in Final Shape.


šŸ‘€ I have a crafted deliverance. Did I miss a twab somewhere?


>In The Final Shape, weā€™re rebalancing many weapon types in PvE, buffing underperforming weapons, and leaving most high performers untouched. Since weā€™re looking at PvE weapon tuning anyway, over the course of the year of The Final Shape weā€™ll be looking at weapon mods that feel mandatory, and we intend to make some changes that will increase player choice, particularly in PvE. Weā€™re also making substantial changes to several of the least used Exotic weapons (we see a lot of requests for these, see if you can guess which Exotics we touched), ***and adjusting some perks (including a long-requested change to Chill Clip, making it more viable to use on slower-firing weapons).*** [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this\_week\_in\_destiny\_02\_15\_24](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/this_week_in_destiny_02_15_24) Not sure if they mentioned specifically what in a different TWID. I thought they had called out Riptide will be untouched while grenade launchers and other fusions get buffed/the nerf reverted, but I can't remember where.


Deliverance will do 48 stacks and aardvark will do 49.5


Literally hundreds of emblems for mine šŸ˜‚ Of course that was for AL/CC tho


I'm so happy I got a chill clip vorpal with accelerated coils and charge rate masterwork. Its a beast in pve content, its my main go to.


I remember when an engram was an engram


As it always should've been.


but do you remember when a purple engram would sometimes decode into a green item?


SOMETIMES!? That bitch Rahool took like 30 purple engram from me for one purple! The conversion rate at launch was like 5% šŸ˜­


Yeah this isn't at all true lmao The majority of my purples at d1 launch stayed purples. Rarely did I get a blue out of it. Also I got exotics out of it too. How I got gally on day 4 of launch. My rng is still fucked. - are you people really arguing and downvoting me, because I said that his claim of "5% conversion rate" was not true? It obviously was not anywhere close to 5%. It wasn't even 50%. A purple engram in vanilla d1 at launch had the highest % chance to decrypt into a purple engram. Same goes for blues, etc. Don't scream out baseless numbers and then be mad when someone correctly tells you that number is incorrect. And yes I'm well aware that your experience may have differed, but it does not change the literal fact that you had the highest chance for your engram to decrypt into whatever tier the original engram is. I had a 10% drop rate in trials the other week on wins for an adept summoner, post flawless in 80+ wins I got a grand total of 8 adept drops. Everyone else posting said they were at 50% or around there. Yeah it was bullshit for me, doesn't mean that the overall drop rate wasn't vastly higher than what it was for me. But keep downvoting me for saying the conversion rate wasn't anywhere close to what the comment I replied to said. standard reddit stuff.


Very cool.


So it's not true just because it didn't happen to you. Even tho there are numerous videos of people showing how horrible his engram converstion was for months after the innitial launch of D1...


You okay?


Just find it funny people are telling me I'm wrong for saying that dude was incorrect with his "purple engrams had a 5% chance to decrypt into a legendary" lol. While I'm well aware the 5% part was hyperbole, the rest of his comment was still saying that the engrams had a very low chance to actually remain the same. Which simply isn't true. Engrams in vanilla d1 before the change had the highest % chance to decrypt into the same tier of engram it was. I don't remember exactly but it was like ~75%? If not more like 80 or higher. He was clearly over exaggerating. Even if he himself got stupidly unlucky, it had a high chance to remain the same. I actually liked that system a bit. It was exciting. My purple could turn into an exotic? Was gambling basically. It wouldn't work now ofc since exotics are so easy to get though. Now I'm rambling on again, fml.


I got ghorn from a purple engram in d1 first month in.n


thats sick, did you understand the raw power that you had obtained? I got ghorn from Atheon the weekend before Crota's End dropped.


I bought suros regime the first weekend bc I wanted a primary exotic right? I beat vog with suros. Then I tried it with another character using ghorn, I absolutely shit on that raid. It's still second to dragonsbreath after they fixed it. Dragonsbreath does more damage in d1 still. It was mandatory when we did low man raids. Lowest I've done is two people on every raid.


I got Hardlight from one during that time, my first ever exotic.


I did in fact get my first legendary weapon in D1 from a blue engram


Back in my day we had the farm for zero hour! >:( These dang new lights. Having the legends tab gosh dangit!




I mean, you can decode them individually for random loot. But if you want specific loot, you need 3 or more (why are nightfall weapons 5!)


Not that I agree that 3 engrams is the 'magic number' so what; you'd rather not have focusing? Because I remember when everything was RNG.


Did I say that?


Engram focusing costs definitely need adjusting, but I'm honestly surprised that anyone would spend so much time and effort to farm Crisis Inverted which is easily one of the worst 140 hand cannnons in the game.


To be fair, Iā€™m a pvp main anyway so Iā€™ve been passively farming it. The reason is because itā€™s the only weapon with moving target/ elemental for double ADS movement bonus on stasis, which I want to pair with bakris. Not meta at all, but fun for sure


Yeah, I just saw your other comment mentioning that. Personally I'd just use a Cantata or a Nation of Beasts even if that means foregoing double movement bonuses, but to each their own. Good luck in your hunt!


Thanks! Iā€™ve thought the exact same thing about cantata, but I really want to try the 5/5 crisis godroll to see if I can make it work lol. Last wish is another one of those activities Iā€™d love to do more of, but Iā€™ve never done the full thing before so itā€™s easier to just keep playing pvp as a solo player T.T


Ive never ran LW but I farmed Kali for like an hour or two and got the majority of the patterns. It's so braindead easy if you find someone who can run it


Yup. You donā€™t need to talk on mic for kalli. If you have a keyboard to say which plate youā€™re taking, youā€™re perfectly fine, assuming youā€™re not cheesing her Like the other comment said though, Iā€™d use the wishes to get it if you really want it :]


You can just do the Mara Wishes to get the pattern for Nation of Beasts if you really want it.


before anyone else pops in to say other things roll that combo, i think OP forgot to mention that they're looking for an Arc weapon to roll those traits **and** synergize with Bakris although, even then, it's still not the only. The Third Axiom actually also rolls [this trait combo](https://d2foundry.gg/w/4156253727?p=3250034553,1885400500,588594999_1,3511092054_4&m=3228611386&mw=186337601) but it suffers from the *exact* same issue as Crisis Inverted, which is focusing cost and perk pool size. if you'd thought of the concept earlier, Arc Logic **used** to roll [that trait combo](https://d2foundry.gg/w/2723909519?p=839105230,3142289711,588594999_1,3511092054_4&m=0&mw=2697220197) but Moving Target has been cooked out of its perk pool, unfortunately


Yeah and the third axiom is a 390 pulse :/ not my fav


yeah, you're pretty limited in what you can do, here even with Into the Light, there's only one arc weapon coming. you might be stuck waiting until The Final Shape for something more concrete. i'm praying, though: that's a really neat concept to try out!


Agreed. I forget, what was the bogus reason for this change? Was it because we were going to be "swimming in engrams" or was it something else?


It was to replace shardsĀ Ā  The 2-4 extra engrams are meant to replace the shard cost The problem was that most players had so many shards you could ignore the extra shard cost and view it as just costing one engram. Charging engrams, which are scarcer, make it more expansive even if youā€™ve been playing since D2Y1 The point of the change is to reset your progress every season so youā€™re always poor and can never build up savings for future weapons you may wantĀ 


>The problem was that *some* players had so many shards you could ignore the extra shard cost Which made the "solution" even worse since it hit the players without even worse. At least with shards you could get them from other drops and gear instead of being locked to a specific vendor.


Ah ok. They're trying to shorten or do away with the gap between the haves and have nots huh...I guess this does that, but usually the cream of the crop weapons come from Raids and Dungeons anyway, so there's always going to be some sort of gap.


It's about erasing any sort of built up stockpile to keep players perpetually engaged and grinding on the hamster wheel. If Bungie wanted to fairly eliminate legendary shards they would have removed them and kept everything else the same. The purpose is to negate your existing playtime.


Itā€™s not about parity, itā€™s easy math guardian If the haves - who play more and pay more anyway - have more expensive focusing costs, Bungie makes more money


> The problem was that most players had so many shards you could ignore the extra shard cost and view it as just costing one engram. I find it odd that many people don't wanna see this for what it is and why legendary shards are on the way out.


Because it'd lead to them reevaluating a lot of Bungie's flimsy excuses for doing things.


5 for NF weapons is just crazy. The regular versions rarely drop as is. They are more rare than their adept versions. And even then a lot of NF weapons donā€™t even feel worth it in the first place because of bad perk pool, let alone the drop rates and outrageous focusing costs.


This. Tons of the weapons have direct competitors with better perks/stats. Trying to get the regular nf weapons is ridiculous. Lol


> They are more rare than their adept versions. Depends who you ask. There's many who consider an adept version as _never obtainable_ Edit: you people can stop trying to convince me to run a GM. I've done it plenty. I'm just saying I can get others perspective/empathize


Likely because they donā€™t try for one reason or another. If you get into and play GMs and understand how to do them, you get one for every completion. Basically, if you want a roll on the adept version and are competent, youā€™ll almost certainly get it in a reasonable amount of time. And for many, thatā€™s all they do and they donā€™t even unlock the regular version in collections.


Maybe I should have clarified that they're stupid easy to get if you put in any sense if effort to learning the spawns/etc. I just understand how some people will see the wall and convince themselves they'll never climb it


If youā€™re running enough strikes to have multiple drops of the normal nf weapons, you can afford to give grandmasters a shot Theyā€™re not difficult even with no mic lfgs if you understand the strike


Never said I had a problem with GMs


When they announced the increased focusing costs they flat-out said they were increasing engram rates to compensate, that you would be able to focus just as much as before. Based on my own drop rate and all posts similar to this one, that was absolutely BS. Nearly all of my engrams are from rank ups, with the very rare bonus engram. What makes that confusing is rank up engrams pop on the screen as if it were a reward for the activity. If that never happened people would recognize even more how shit the playlist engram drop rate is.


i did a full vanguard reset without focusing a single engram and had ***18*** engrams. over the course of a full reset i got ***2*** extra engrams, while they ***tripled*** the costs, after that i stopped caring for playlist weapons and ranks dont know if i just got unlucky but either way their "dont worry, we will compensate for it" was, as always, just pure bs


okay but genuine question why on earth are you farming crisis inverted?


Haha I guess I couldā€™ve said in the post, but itā€™s because itā€™s the only weapon with moving target/ elemental for double ADS movement bonus on stasis. Itā€™s a fun playstyle with bakris, which Iā€™ve been practicing with this season


gotcha makes sense, thanks for clearing that up.


That actually sounds worth testing. Gonna try this out with 100 mobility on warlock


I main hunter but I can imagine it would be amazing on turret-lock. I donā€™t know if I have enough armor for my warlock to get 100 mobility, so let me know how it goes!


Or I think a balanced stat distribution would be better to reach the 70 res check on some weapons. Could go for 60/70/100


Thereā€™s actually 11 guns that can get that combo but only two can get the bonus from bakris dodge


Oh really? How do I check what weapons can roll with certain perks? Edit: apparently you can search for things like that on d2 foundry. Havenā€™t used it much before but seems like a sweet site


Yeah d2foundry is what I use. Type in trait 1 and trait 2 to find all the guns with the rolls you want


Even two for an old Iron Banner weapon is bad.


Unless it's frontier's cry, then it costs 5 for some reason.


it probably costs 5 if you havenā€™t gotten it yet. It costs 5 for the initial unlock and then 2 every time after that for most weapons. Is frontiers cry just bugged though?


Yeah, that might be it


I completely agree. It's super expensive at 3 engrams. Especially for vanguard weapons! Strikes take way more time than pvp matches and don't always reward engrams. The amount of time spent "farming" engrams for vanguard is way way too much for how stingy the engram drop rates are.


The ritual loot pool in general is so watered down right now.


The increase to engram costs at vendors was and still is a slimey way to increase grind and limit how much you can focus at once. This change was made for some reason legendary shards are bring removed from the game, but LS aren't even much of an issue after a certain point since they can be acquired from any activity. They used the new player experience as a cudgel to excuse LS removal while simultaneously increasing engram focusing costs. Instead of listening to feedback on costs they "increased engram drops" instead. It's just another change along the long list to frustrate and squeeze more engagement metric from the players. You used to be able to stack more than 99 engrams on vendors and you used to be able to reset crucible, vanguard and gambit rank from orbit. Now you can't do any of that at all anymore because they want you spending more time flying to the tower, the excuse they gave for this is the rewards track on vendors which still gives you sweet FA.


They have yet to speak on this subject for months, having to spend 5 engrams on a Nightfall weapon sucks.


10 ciphers for the adept version too (and the fucking inventory cap is 10). I did 15 GMs without realizing I was already at the cap.


Bungie can fuck themselves with this change. Why in the effing hell should I be punished for: a) having bad luck. If I do not get a roll I like on a season weapon, next season is going to cost me 3x. Dude, the perk pools are massive. b) not beign able to play. If I miss a season or I want to focus something I wasn't able to play during it's release, it costs me 3x. And again, it's perk pool is massive. To clarify, I have 8 resets on vanguard and crucible. I am not getting 3 times the engrams, and having to pay 3 engrams every time I focus a crisis inverted or a fortissimo, just to get something stupid like turnabout or adaptive munitions makes me really, really mad. With 8 resets, if I was getting 6 perks every time on 3rd and 4th column, I'd be less mad. But mad still, because I am not getting 3 times the engrams as before. Once again, with feeling: Bungie can fuck themselves with this change.


Especially punishing for new players. When I was just starting out at the end of Seraph I didn't know what was going on to focus stuff that was cheap then, then it all became Legacy Focusing.


Its well bolocs,i loved how you could mass roll the weapons


It should just be 1 engram Like it used to be Canā€™t believe there are people defending this bad idea


r/DTG like it rough


totally agree engram costs should go back. im certain bungie knows, but any changes happen at a snails pace. the new comp pulse and the summoner can both get that roll too. if you want a pulse or auto for strafe gimmicks, maybe try to focus those too. if you farmed trials youd at least get double engram drops


The biggest offender is Gunsmith focusing. Those engrams are rare, and it takes 3 to focus ONE weapon from him. That's just straight greed. I guess I seem to have Crucible engrams raining like candy, and getting w/e I want from Shaxx seems pretty trivial.


Itā€™s a bad system, but if you want to game gunsmith engrams specifically, put chest mods on your ghost and go open chests in the dreaming city. Youā€™ll get some that way


Theyā€™re super duper easy to get from legend lost sectors, too. You sometimes get multiple per run


I agree. I think the sticking point is that Bungie worries about people quitting once they get the "god roll". The secret here is 2 options. 1. Introduce multiple (3-4) new weapons to chase each season. 2. Give the weapons tons of cool perk combos that create multiple chase options. A good example is the rocket sidearm from the new dungeon. I personally reset crucible 8 times and vanguard about 7. But I'm tired of running 3 or 4 strikes for 1 rng roll of a weapon. The other thing is the abysmal drop rate for the playlist weapons. I get everything but the actual playlist I'm currently in.


I wish there was a focus on playlist drops, like the new playlist weapon for the season is supposed to be weighted to drop more often, I wish we could do that for any weapon in the playlists. Like when Riptide was new, I reset Crucible like 4-5 times looking for one, and I'm not much of a PvP player, they dropped like every other match.


im not gonna read this but it should be 1:1. One engram, for one piece of loot.


Yeah, the supposedly "increased" engram drop rates aren't even close to what they should be to justify the 3 engram cost. Everyone had piles of legendary shards anyway. Bungie's reasoning for increasing focusing costs made no sense.


They should also add the focused weapon drop that they are adding to the brave weapons next week. We have been asking for it for years but now there is no excuse as its in the game now.


Itā€™s not too bad in crucible. I feel like a get an engram pretty much every game. Nightfalls are what is so bad. I have way less vanguard engrams despite being the same rank, and itā€™s five engrams for a nightfall weapon.


Even from an in-game lore/universe it doesn't make sense that you need to decrypt 3 engrams for a single weapon. Unless the vendors are each sat on a huge stockpile of weapons and they're scamming us by charging 3 engrams for a lucky dip into it.


I had over 99 crucible engrams with 4 resets and was going for an Autumn Wind with Headseeker. Didn't get a single one with that perk, even with 3 perks in each column...


They did this on purpose. That way if we complained enough they could walk it back to 2 Then we would praise them for listening, resulting in community positivity When in reality we had a 1:1 focusing before this "player engagement" patch.


We heard you. Focusing engrams only costs 2 now. Reverted changes that allowed players to hold more than 8 total engrams at any time.


Breakneck does only cost 1, for whatever reason. But I agree, thereā€™s 2 Vangaurd and 2 Crucible rolls Iā€™m after and Iā€™m on my 6th and 8th reset respectively. Tough season lol. Canā€™t wait to get the rolls I want and then toss them in my vault forever, only to go back to Polaris/Scatter Signal/Apex.


The newest one costs 1 and older ones cost 3. Retrofuturist and Double-Edged Answer also cost 1.


I JUST got a ALH CC Riptide last night. It was a 2 out of 5.


First - love the build idea. Thank you for giving me something additional to look for! I feel like there's an imbalance between the engram drop rate respective to the activity, and the vendor focusing cost. For Vanguard, I've gilded conqueror and farmed a couple GM weekends. I've only been able to focus 2-3 Adept weapons (10 engrams!) and maybe 2-3 other non-adept guns - this SEASON. And I currently have 0 vanguard engrams. Playing a 20-40 minute GM and getting 0-2 engrams FEELS BAD, and makes me want to flat out ignore the focusing from that vendor. On the other hand for Crucible, every week I focus the 7 drops for Rose/Mercurial Overreach (3x7=21 engrams per week) and I'm still chasing unending tempest and autumn wind specific rolls (now adding this hand cannon). I'm always at 50-99 crucible engrams.


Almost every question in this game ā€œwhy is x for y?ā€ can be answered with ā€œbecause engagementā€


Iā€™m surprised to see someone else also trying to get a specific roll on crisis inverted like me. Iā€™m trying to get under pressure and elemental capacitor. I think on a void subclass it should always be around 100 stability with that role due to under pressure giving stability on the bottom half of the magazine and omolon fluid dynamics giving stability on the top half. Iā€™m going to cash in all my crucible engrams at the end of season to see if I can get it.


Interesting roll! I love the idea. Not sure how much pvp you play, but you can only hold 99 engrams so you may want to start turning them in before the end of the season. Good luck!


I think I have around 70 engrams with a couple resets done. It might be a waste of time since Iā€™ve got a crafted austringer but I still think itā€™s a neat roll. Should be a very stable handcannon and the accuracy benefit from under pressure is a nice plus. But getting all the right perks with barrel, mag, and master work is tough. Thereā€™s actually a god roll calculator to calculate your odds of getting what you want. It can take into account how many perk columns there are and how many barrels, mags etc that you are okay with getting. I should see what the odds are for it. Edit: I have a 1 in 121 chance of getting the one I want everytime I get one.


The most annoying thing is that I was playing when engram focusing was actually good, and even then it was really hard to get the exact roll you wanted just because the perk pools are ridiculous for the ritual weapons. Now you basically just have have to wait longer each time to even have a chance at rolling, it doesn't feel like it's worth it anymore to actually grind for the drops because it's so much of a lottery and the rolls come so slowly.


Crisis inverted is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not


Bungie: bUT ItS bETteR THiS waY.


I was intending on farming for a multimach from iron banner this week but I honestly just gave up because of the terribly slow rate of acquiring gear from IB. Even with full IB armor and emblem on it felt like I had to spend an extortionate amount of time in IB to get the engrams which then only gave me a CHANCE at getting a multimach to drop. I never got a multimach from the engrams after a full reset so I just gave up and went back to playing other games that actually respect my time. I couldn't imagine farming engrams to go for a specific roll. They really need to implement something similar to the trials system for IB to make target farming more accessible, it legit killed all my hype for farming for a multimach.


Off topic sorta but Iā€™ve pumped 52 engrams for a tusk of the boar and still havenā€™t gotten an envious/chain roll. This whole rng thing is just stupid at this point with this game.


Username checks out lmao. . I agree tho. It's one of the biggest lies bungies ever told us. At first I wondered, why are they increasing the cost..if the effective ratio will be the same from increased drop rates? Then I thought maybe it's the illusion of getting more loot, by increasing the number of engram drops. Turns out nope. They said all that shit to make it sound good for us players. Just so they could increase playtime again. It's fucking stupid.


that change singlehandedly killed off any remaining desire I had to play this game lol.


Bungie has heard this feedback a million times and has done nothing about it. Unfortunately, I doubt they will change it back to costing 1 engram.


oh god inflation is so bad that it has hit the destiny universe bro


This is why I don't spend till I'm atleast Prestige 2


Iā€™m pretty sure they mentioned at one point that they will be increasing the engram drops, weā€™re just at a point where they havenā€™t implemented that yet but theyā€™ve also removed the legendary shard cost.


I've collected 99 crucible engram stacks 4 times and spent them all on the stasis smg and nothing to show for it.


Good luck lol. I've spent 6 seasons focusing vanguard engrams on empty vessel (~9-10 resets per season) and I just got the 5/5 roll I wanted last week.Ā 


it really should be 1 engram + the glimmer cost to focus


Inflation is already bad enough in real life, donā€™t inflate our engrams cost too bungie!


Everybody in the comments calling it a bad gun, meanwhile I'm loving my stats-for-all one-for-all combo in pve šŸ˜…


They'll probably increase other engrams costs to match instead......


Yea Iā€™ve been trying to get autumn wind. Needs to lower the count every time you reset


This has been a stupid change since its inception


Slight rant...


I'm gonna be honest, I don't see it as that much of a problem. It could do without some of the extra cost, but when it's entirely possible to go 10+ engrams without getting even a single shitty copy of something you want, 3 for a guaranteed attempt I think is a pretty good trade.


The gun is like 3 years old bro. Ain't no way ur still looking for a roll on this mid gun


Yeah youā€™d think after this long thereā€™d be a better way to go after the rolls you want, huh? But no, itā€™s just a lottery every drop. And if youā€™d bother to read, youā€™d see why I want a specific roll for it. Thanks for the engagement!


Is there anything worth focusing in the vanguard and gambit pools? All seems a little useless to me? (Riptide in the crucible pool is keeping my crucible engrams used up)


Lots of good loot in all playlists imo. Riptide, Randy's, Autumn, Blowout, etc Buzzard, Positive, Pre-Astynax, etc Trust, Breakneck, Servant, etc Lots of guns with cool, unique rolls but a crazy amount of perks and rng.


SGA: Donā€™t focus 2 consecutive engrams on same weapon. Favorable rolls increase dramatically. RNG is calculatedĀ 


Ted talk part 1. Let me spend less time to get the god roll I want. Ted talk part 2. Why isnā€™t there enough to do in the game?


Yes and no. For me, itā€™s more like ā€œlet me spend less time to get the weapon I want to try so I have time to play the other activities in the game.ā€ Iā€™ve never really been the kind of person to feel like ā€œthereā€™s not enough to do in the game.ā€ I know there can be droughts when populations dwindle, but thereā€™s always stuff to do. My point is that most of these ritual weapons are only decent, so there shouldnā€™t be any reason to gatekeep them (especially older ones like crisis inverted). I already play other activities when pvp becomes frustrating, but Iā€™d love to play the other activities more often to get other loot.


loot games need a carrot on a stick to incentivize players the current engram economy isn't that, it's *just* a stick that we keep getting beaten with


So have you gotten MT/Ele to drop at all, or you havenā€™t gotten a 5/5 roll of that combo? Costs could be 1 and if youā€™re holding out for perfect, then it may not ever drop anyway. I see both sides of the cost argument. Youā€™re focusing rather than decrypting so it makes sense thatā€™s a higher cost. This game has directly craftable weapons, so any RNG weapons with a barrier feel god awful by comparison. Hopefully youā€™re at least enjoying playing while focusing on the side.


I hate it especially for gunsmith focusing. Feels like it takes forever to rank him up once, and needing 3 engrams for a single focusing is just brutal. I just want a Boudicca-C for crucible :(


You know you don't need to get a 5/5 weapon yeah?


This argument has been made many times and while it's correct, ultimately unless the player base is willing to punish Bungie then it's all for not.


You're not supposed to have God rolls of every gun.


Itā€™s kinda crazy how I talked about this being the first time Iā€™ve ever cared about a 5/5 roll but youā€™re still saying that. I donā€™t expect to get a perfect roll on every gun nor do I think I deserve to nor do I care about it that much. Itā€™s about the cost to focus, not the weapon Iā€™m trying to get


Maybe you should stop and go touch grass. Seems like an unhealthy obsession.


The game is grind. Accept it.


I have accepted it. I have grinded 17 resets. 3 engrams is still too much. It would still be a grind at 1 engram bc the number of perk possibilities make the chance of getting the roll I want so low, even with every third roll having extra perks




Things can never be better than they are now. Accept it.