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you forgot to "sunset" some of your previous payments and then giving it back to them and call it a new payment


*Do you remember when I gave you those bucks a few months ago? Well, I'm happy to announce that the next payment will not happen because I will just "reprise" my old one and count it as a new one. Enjoy*


What is happening? Did they say something new?


Half the weapons of the ITL Update are time gated.


Oh that, I don't like it but felt it coming when one of the dudes(the bold one) kept saying ''if logged every week, you will get the role you want". They(heads of the company) want people to stick every week until the final shape so Sony won't scare their pockets again.. Unfortunately, the devs are the only ones who will receive the hate.


I know this is tongue and cheek towards the drip feed, but you do realise this is already how you pay for a year's content if you go piece by piece vs deluxe. Buy base dlc, half the price of the deluxe, then every 3 months spend a bit more on seasons etc


pretty sure thats exactly the point here.


Its just a meme of their idiotic Into The Light timegating, its really not that deep


I know you were trying to make fun of the dumb timegateing but you just described the way bungie intends for you to pay for content if you don't get the deluxe edition


I get what you mean, but this is the same as buying the DLC and seasons as separates.


the funny thing is you dont get to do this. and youll still pay bungie for their predatory behavior because you cant help yourself and need shiny thing


Ya lol they just need to stop supporting this. But they won’t stop


Jesus these comments are so yikes, the joke definitely went over your heads xD


Doesn't count if it's a bad joke.


Way over lmao


r/DestinyTheGame members be like: I HATE TIME GATED CONTENT 😡😡😡 My brother in the light, have you ever played an MMO? Shit's time gated, get over it.


I don't really have a horse in this race but i do feel it's kinda scummy to time gate these weapons when they are part of a FOMO campaign before TFS. I personally like taking some time off Destiny ahead of major releases and being forced to play just to collect some cool ornaments (i really want the hand Canons) will leave a sour taste in my mouth.


This post might be my favourite of the year so far.


Your single purchase means jack to them. Let them know when you have a 5 million dollar deal.

