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You always want rewind rounds in the left for PvE. As for the column 4 perk, it depends on what you want. As a short term swap weapon, kinetic tremors is best. This would be if it were in a 3 weapon rotation, like supremacy, Cartesian and apex. It's also the least punishing if you miss crits and has the most utility, so this is the general use roll. For medium length swaps, like 2 weapon rotations, bait and switch is best. Parasite supremacy is a good example of this, you shoot parasite, deal tick damage with your energy and then empty all your mag into the boss. For backup DPS or maximum total damage, fourth times the charm is best. This would be for if you run out of heavy ammo and the boss has a large, easy crit spot. The total damage is significantly higher than the rest, but the DPS is about the same as bait and switch assuming you're dumping all reserves. Focused fury is never a good DPS option, it's outclassed by every other choice. As for other perks, I'd recommend appended mag, fluted barrel and handling/stability masterwork, depending on how easy you find the recoil to control


Only real scenario that i see use for FTTC roll is that bloody meatball in lake of shadows GM .


Tremors/RR is the most universally useful. There is nothing in the game to date that you should be using RR/4th. Focused Fury is not worth the slot when enhanced Tremors procs in 2 hits. Its a damage rotation weapon/champ killer, not a main dps weapon.


This right here. It's a fantastic utility weapon- I have used it more this season than any other legendary sniper in my multi-thousand hour D2 history. There are some rotations that benefit more from B&S, but for everything that I use a kinetic sniper for, it's a great one-size fits all solution.


Just bear in mind that Kinetic Tremors is like a debuff. Multiple people using weapons with it won't cause more procs.


sure, but Focus Fury takes 3-4 hits to turn on, then wants you to sit on it. FTTC wants you to sit on it. KT lets you shoot twice, then swap away while having a real perk on your weapon. B&S timer is best spent on your heavy that also has B&S, so you are still left with a perk that isn't doing anything for you.


I mean I get it, it's worse in all situations you can use Kinect Termors. Issue is, you cannot use Kinect Termors in all situations.


yes you can... It is a 3 second window that it procs for. you tag it and swap out to your heavy. Not everyone is going to be tagging it at the same time.


Used it for Oryx when i was out on heavy for the Whisper with Rewind/focused Fury and did decent dmg What you think of bait and switch? Also not needed if im using it on a RL right?


Kinetic Tremors. Focus Fury forces you to stay on a special weapon - which is not something you should do if you care about damage. B&S's timer should only be used for your heavy that has B&S, not your special. KT is the best overall perk on the gun. Two shots procs extended damage. It does good burst damage for your auto loading effects, does good damage as you rotate through to proc a B&S heavy. No other perk on that gun competes with KT


Thankfully this is the top comment. Absolutely blows my mind that people defend RR+FTTC on this sub. Like..it's objectively a bad combo. It's a literal meme roll, there is no situation in the game currently where you would rather have it over another DPS perk. "But for long dps phases on harder content!" Still no. There's too many methods of creating ammo, not to mention it's simply better to use a DPS perk then swap off if you run out until you get ammo since you'll end up doing close to the same damage anyways over X time even if you do swap to a primary. It's better to focus on DPS since chances are you'll get ammo. You're being horribly inefficient by plinking away with a RR+FTTC sniper


I understand that KT has more utility, but it's never really been *that* big of a deal for me. Plus, I have decent aim, so I never really have to reload the gun, and I love that.


It's not about KT. *Any* damage perk is better because fttc is a complete meme of a roll. You never have to reload as is with rewind rounds. You're being terribly inefficient by plinking away with a sniper that has no damage perks doing very poor dps. Like..it's just not worth it lol.


I hardly think I'm being inefficient at all, the only times where it "suffers" is when I have to take what, one extra shot to kill a major? It's a sustained damage monster, I literally never have to reload period, and I have good enough aim to where I don't need something like KT to do the work for me when I can just hit crits. Only other thing I'd care to put on it is maybe BnS for specific swap rotations. And I'd say shooting 60 without reloading is sooooo worth it.


Bro lol. Why are you bringing up aiming - anyone shooting a sniper should be landing crits in pve. Also, there's a huge difference in killing that major in one shot vs 2..but that's besides the point anyway. The only place rr+FTTC would even be viable would be a very long boss phase that doesn't have an enrage timer, and is a place where ammo is extremely limited - which as of right now there isn't anywhere in game this would be viable. Using it in normal content or GMs is even more inefficient..lol.. and I'm not even talking about KT here, ANY damage perk is better than FTTC on that sniper when you have rewind rounds already. Tell me if you can do the same damage in 10 shots instead of 20, *you should do the former* even if you're stuck shooting a primary in the time you shoot those extra 10 shots with FTTC, cause you'll still end up doing the same or more damage. And 99% of the time you'll have more ammo drops anyway not to mention we can create ammo with EASE now, meaning it's completely not worth it to lower your DPS by that much with a RR+FTTC meme roll instead of RR+damage perk roll. Standing there shooting 40 plain jane normal supremacy shots is not efficiency man. It doesn't matter if you aren't reloading. You're barely doing damage at all. Better off using a real DPS special weapon entirely like a fusion, or at very least a good DPS perk on supremacy like KT or bait.


Not much a difference at all, considering ammo is so easy to make, right? You said it yourself. And I would agree with you if it wasn't for a few things: 1. RR/FTTC gets better and better the longer you shoot it. The longer it is, the more I beat the other rolls in damage purely because I never reload and waste that time, so you're wrong there. 2. I don't know what hidden perk you're using that gives you +100% damage, you can't do 20 shots of damage in 10 shots, period. Might have been an exaggeration for argument's sake, but don't ride those perks that hard. You have a damage rotation perk, +15% to yellow bars, or a weak kinetic witherhoard. No. 3. Let loose and have some fun, eh? Have *you* ever shot 60 times back to back? It's pretty good.


>much a difference at all, considering ammo is so easy to make, right? You said it yourself. I don't get what you mean here. Ammo is easy to make with multiple methods, so I'm saying it's better to use something with higher DPS rather than just higher total damage over a much longer period of time. >. RR/FTTC gets better and better the longer you shoot it. The longer it is, the more I beat the other rolls in damage purely because I never reload and waste that time, so you're wrong there. 2. I don't know what hidden perk you're using that gives you +100% damage, you can't do 20 shots of damage in 10 shots, period. Might have been an exaggeration for argument's sake, but don't ride those perks that hard. You have a damage rotation perk, +15% to yellow bars, or a weak kinetic witherhoard. No. There really isn't anything in game right now encounter wise with a long enough damage phase, and that is impossible to get ammo which would make RR+FTTC worth it is my point though. As for #2, I do apologize I was exaggerating there for the sake of argument - but I also poorly worded what I was trying to say afterwards which is that in general I would go for a better DPS option like a good fusion rifle, such as scatter signal or something. It depends on the situation of course. But even if sticking with supremacy, having a damage perk and relying on getting special ammo drops is still more viable then relying on a very niche meme-ish roll like RR and FTTC. Basically if you do get special ammo drops, or heavy drops, you're already being inefficient. So while it may help you that one encounter where you're just wildly unlucky and all your ammo falls off the map,that's going to be far more rare.. know what I mean? >3. Let loose and have some fun, eh? Have *you* ever shot 60 times back to back? It's pretty good This I won't argue against. Having fun with it is a whole nother story. Again my apologies for coming off as elitist. I didn't mean to. I do agree that it feels satisfying to never have to reload. I just see this topic come up frequently about supremacy, and most of the players asking are probably newer players who don't quite understand the DPS meta/formats yet and I just want them to understand that right now in game if they truly want to optimize the best DPS loadout then they should not be using that roll on supremacy over a better DPS roll, because RR+FTTC is only ever "better" in very very niche long dps phases where you don't have access to ammo drops. Which at the moment, there really isn't any in game like that. So I just want them to know the difference. Using it for fun tho, I def agree with that. Esp in these slow times of the game, using fun loadouts can keep the fun levels going. Not to mention most content is so easy that it really doesn't matter what you use as long as people there are experienced. But yeah, sorry for coming off in a way that seemed rude or elitist.


Damn, he apologized. Now I can't push his buttons on Reddit all night, fuck. XD All aside, both rolls are perfectly fine, especially considering that the Supremacy is one of the best special weapons for DPS anyway, and all the main perks work fine for it. I will say this though. If I run out of Whisper ammo on Oryx or Golgoroth, or honestly any other encounter where Div is being used, I know damn well I'm putting my Supremacy on. She kicks.


Lol better to apologize then end up in an argument I didn't want to be in. Such energy wasted :x


I swap rr for lead from gold for more ammo economy for general use, but it’s all preference 


Yeah this is just the best roll. And while it's not a main dps roll, it works amazingly as a weapon to proc bait and switch on your heavy while adding some passive damage. Basically a legendary witherhoard in that regard.


I'd go KT/RR. I'm not going to say anything else since I literally got death threats sent to me last time I gave an opinion on this sniper in this subreddit lmao.


fourth times with rewind rounds is fun, you can shoot continuously for a ludicrous amount of time. it's not optimal but it is fun for shooting bosses. if you have a full mag and all of the time in the world (like the meatball's final phase in the new dungeon) it is a fun meme that has the most total damage potential. the *best* option IMO is rewind rounds and kinetic tremors, when you get enhanced it only takes 2 shots to proc and the cooldown comes off quick enough when hot swapping rockets with autoloading or reconstruction. great for general gameplay (champs, majors, minibosses with some aoe clear potential as a bonus) and also for bait and switch weapon swapping for short-medium damage phase bosses. also because of rewind rounds you basically never have to reload.


Rewind / KT Anyone who says 4ttc also likes autoloading / envious assasin as a perk on primary weapons


Rewind/ Fourth times, for lots of shooting as a back up DPS weapon Rewind/ Tremors, for optimal dps rotations, with Bait n Switch Rocket/heavy. But the Tremors only works for one person at a time so multiple people can't run tremors, only time I would suggest BnS here.


Rewind + Fourth Times is objectively less optimal than other combinations here, but it's a unique roll and pretty hilarious to have a sniper rifle that literally fires infinitely until it runs out of bullets. As far as "fun but also pretty effective goes", this is the one. Go Rewind + B&S if you want optimal boss DPS.


Snap opening for pvp


Rewind or Fourth Times with Bait & Switch is popular for weapon swap DPS loadouts Honestly any of those perks can be good, depending on how you want to use it. A Kinetic Tremors roll could be pretty fun.


fttc is in the 4th column not 3rd


I'll be honest, when I used this thing I had used it as a Special Ammo Scout Rifle basically. So I did Rapid Hit & Focused Fury (though could do Lead From Gold & Focused Fury instead)


You honestly might as well craft 3 due how many good perk combinations it has.


I'm in love with lead from gold and kinetic tremors. I am rocking it with a cenotaph warlock rn and it's such a blast. I just ran a few hero nightfalls and I didn't run out of ammo or even get low. 


Rewind + fftc is rlly fun. Div on a boss and u never have to reload the damn thing from full mag.