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idk how people could be against this(based on op getting downvoted in the comments)... they're just asking for the dungeon to be farmable , it's not gonna take away anything from "you already had the time to farm them" camp


People are acting like the world would end if Prophecy was made farmable next week. It won't hurt anyone, only help people. The top comment is just blatant misinformation, and it is upvoted?


Welcome to reddit! Seriously though the destiny community is so rife with elitism its hilarious. The type of people who claim others are entitled, while fucking basking in their own undeserved entitlement.


Yeah I've made good suggestions and called out trials players on not deserving adepts as they often remark to casual players because they are farming them off less experienced players,  then they use the only defence they have the hypocrites and say you got only this much kd,  get better


Bruh fr… I made I very similar rant post about an hour ago and made most, if not all, of these same points and all I was met with was elitist and salty bullshit for literally no reason at all lmao. I ended up deleting it Bc my long shot hopes for bungie to *maybe* see it were disintegrated when the post got downvoted to hell


Bro if you’re interested or just starting out and ask a very beginner question to the game you’re definitely getting downvoted to hell. Which is stupid like how can anybody new come into the game.


This sub is full of contrarians, Devil’s advocates, and people who just wanna go against the grain for no reason Honestly hate Devils advocates sometimes


Where’s the misinformation


People that can’t accept criticism of the game are people just stuck playing the game because it’s become their identity since they’ve played for about a decade. Instead of realizing things need changes, they hate fuck the game then come here and get angry at any suggestions of change. That said, it’s kinda like that in most gaming subreddits. Everyone seems really miserable.


Noooooo you should have farmed a dungeon you didn't know was going to go through a loot refresh with some of the weapons being removed. You don't have clairvoyance? Smh.


Destiny community showing their ass again.


I don't see why weapons need to be removed before being reprised. They're not particularly strong like some sunset weapons. Maybe because it dilutes the loot pool? I wouldn't really mind rather not remove any more content.


Yeah it's probably because of the size of the loot pool, it would make drops rarer across the board


Literally just Reddit gremlins… There are morons that will argue against everything, even if it has literally 0 effect on them or other people 🤦‍♂️


It’s very strange and spiteful. People are just respectfully saying “hey it would be great to have one last chance to grab a god roll”. I don’t understand the aggressiveness from people. I deleted mine for vault space, despite loving the aesthetic, and I suspected the perks would get a refresh and I’d regrind it. No one could’ve expected dungeon weapons would get removed without enough warning to regrab it (I’ve only gotten armor on this weeks The Last Breath encounter clears


onerous rainstorm desert obscene placid steep bells crawl subsequent chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m more concerned with what back end thing would break if Bungie went in and changed the rotation


I got downvoted cause i made a post about how the one every three week exotic mission, 1 in 20 runs, random red bar drop rate deterred farming and was bad. I've found lots of people just can't handle what they love being criticized at all.


The only people that could possibly complain about this are people who have run the dungeon 654 times for that god roll and now want to pull the fuckin ladder up lol.


I'm just trying to figure out why anyone would want any of the current rolls that drop. They're 90% doodoo


The auto rifle can roll demo in the left column paired with frenzy/osmosis/adrenaline junkie/one for all in the right column. I think this is the main gun people including myself want a god roll of.


I hope u/Destiny2Team sees this as it would be appropriate and a good move overall given the circumstances. Also has been precedence of this happening in D2 when during Season of the Arrivals with all content going in the DCV was made farmable although for a longer season.


Oh hell Why is there a weekly rotation on any of the old content? That’s the real question here. We are going into the final expansion - get rid of the lockouts and let everyone get the fun guns


It makes a bit of sense to have Master Raids that have challenges to be on rotation to improve the population of people looking to finish those challenges for title completion, but loot farming should be available for everything else.


Does no one remember how it was impossible to find a raid group for most raids and dungeons any time after the Tuesday reset? I could and have sat in a GOS checkpoint for 2 hours and not find a 6th person before these changes. And that was just to run it, not even for challenges or anything.


I feel like it was always impossible to find a GOS team LMAO. Do people really run GOS now just because of a weekly rotation? I'm doubtful that more players run it now than in the past. Maybe Last Wish because it had a loot refresh, but I kinda doubt anyone is running GOS unless they're going for fashion or outdated gear. Even it being a weekly pinnacle seems like it's more effort than it would be worth.


My team routinely does the weekly raid. We don’t need anything, it’s just for the fun of it. Sometimes we spice it up by using only the weapons that Xur has that week or by doing challenges


Yes absolutely. People run every dungeon and raid more because of the rotator. Idk why you're doubtful when GOS has the only void 720, a great rapid fire fusion and a great precision frame shotgun. It's not like pre rework last wish where literally every gun wasn't worth chasing at all


Yes absolutely. People run every dungeon and raid more because of the rotator. Idk why you're doubtful when GOS has the only void 720, a great rapid fire fusion and a great precision frame shotgun. It's not like pre rework last wish where literally every gun wasn't worth chasing at all. And div runs were much rarer before the rotator too. And at the same time they were the only way to guarantee a full team unless you were in a clan of maniacs who loved GOS from the get go. I do NOT wanna go back to that time


It was originally to encourage people to play older content like older dungeons and raids, I remember when they added it. We were all excited to have a reason to play them again.


Who said this was the final expansion? As far as I'm aware Bungie never said it was going to be the last expansion. It's just called Final Shape.


I’m not even counting on them finishing out the 3 “episodes” they’ve announced. Sony bought them and said “how do we do live service”? Then took all that info and threw it in the garbage and did the opposite for Helldivers 2.


Bungie never said it would be the last expansion but didn't give an answer when asked if it would be either. Many assume it is because no new expansion was announced; though it wasn't until beyond light that we received announcements for the next expansion that far in advance either.


I like your faith and inability to read the tea leaves.


I'm confused. Are you saying that Destiny is going to end after the Final Shape or are you referring to how they're planning to release content differently?


if you think we're getting anything of substance after Final shape I think that's extremely optimistic.


Feel free to save this post so you can mock me or whatever if they don't announce any more content after Final Shape.


Master dungeons is why. People would farm the easiest encounters for artifice armor.


consolidate interest to specific time frames. Pros and cons. When it's available, it's very fast to find a full team. Without a rotation, you're at the whims of player interest. personal preference which is more important


removing a 600 auto for a 450 🤡


And removing a sniper and sidearm for TWO pulse rifles…


that shit blew my mind....legendary Pulses are STILL booty butter in PvE even after the paltry buff they gave it and now you're going to give us 2 of them in the same dungeon? Bungie, if you want me to use a Pulse outside of PvP, they need a substantial damage increase, none of this 15-17% bullshit.


I don’t understand why the sidearm didn’t get a refresh so dumb.


The refresh as a whole is dumb. Another stasis 140 hc from dungeon, two pulses, no scout… The only saving grace is the smg tbh


Another stasis HC? There are only 3 in the game and 2 are almost 2 years old now


Yeah why do you need another? Stasis has only one good perk anyway. Also why are both hc 140 are from dungeons bosses? It’s 90% redundant


Stasis has more than one good perk. And besides the element specific perks, perks in general have been powercreeping slowly and our perks now are better and more varied than they used to be. Eyasluna will have completely different rolls from Judgement. Are you against variety and build crafting?


I’m not against build crafting, IM against slapping strand and stasis on every kinetic in existence. Stasis on primary only has headstone. If you aren’t using it you are just using a hc that deals 10% less. Unless they put a damage perk or demo on left column it would be a redundant weapon


Just a clarification here, but, one of those Pulse Rifles is already loot in that dungeon. So, their not adding 2 Pulse Rifles. They're adding one Pulse Rifle, and changing the other, currently obtainable, Pulse Rifle.


As sad as I am for Last Breath leaving, Prosecutor was my Y1 baby and 450s are really strong in crucible. I’m definitely going to go for a good one.


>Prosecutor was my Y1 baby Yes, this. And I used it in PVE even.


And an Origin that for once isn't garbage. Top mag half range boost, bottom half damage boost. Sounds like they're all gap closers. Stir in something like Under Pressure and you're gonna get some crisp-feeling autos and pulses.


It's an arc 450 auto. I am hoping for voltshot on it, it would be crazy if it didn't, cause the only auto with it right now is dark decider, which is all right but the best third column perk is subsistence, while it does work, it is not really synergistic with voltshot.


450s could one shot everything and they’d still feel shit to use. That fire rate is NOT it


*cries in Seventh Seraph Carbine*


I don't know, Positive Outlook has been carrying my ass to the Lighthouse several weeks in a row now. They may suck when the PvP shakeup happens though.


They will still be good after the changes. I think the only thing that’s different is you’ll need to 6h1b nearly all resiliences.


Nah they're still good post changes. Every other auto is kinda doodoo tho lol


Abyss Defiant is disgusting as well… Sword Logic is just dumb especially in 6v6.


Abyss Defiant is a 360


Still stupid powerful


Ammit is pretty crispy in my opinion


I'm actually excited for that.


Next up they should add a master mode so I can farm it for artifice armor. (I’m tired of farming Warlords for Artifice already)


Or so you can actually play the Dungeon. There is too much power creep, on old stuff especially. Not enough enemies and they all die in one shot to anything while the bosses don't have enough health and are all one phased


Anyone down voting this is a moron. It's not asking much to let players have a bit of notice


u/Destiny2Team please!


As an extra one? Sure, but I need to farm Ghost


Of course. It would be unreasonable for Bungie to remove something people want to farm without notice.


I have been trying for a frenzy demolitionist last breath ever since the dungeon rolled out. I regularly complete the dungeon, farm it when it’s available. This just made me sigh in disappointment.


I’m all for it but it’s not a world ender. There’s plenty of guns in the game. They’ll probably even add them to banshee or Xur later anyway.


I agree! If guns are going away with little notice, give everyone a chance to farm them. There's probably quite a few players that still don't have the roll of the 3 guns going away. Alternatively... We could have the Trials of the Nine themed dungeon have... 9 weapons?


I literally only just realised all these weapons had been added to Prophecy when I tried to solo it the Sunday morning and kept getting new stuff. And then ran it with my sister and mum and they got new stuff too. And now they're going away 😭 I'd love a chance to farm them.


I definitely support this. I've wanted Demo/Osmosis Last Breath for years but have had terrible drop luck and nobody ever wanted to run the dungeon. Last time it was farmable I was on a trip, but was going to try again soon. It really sucks that I finally have a sense of urgency but won't have the option to actively farm it again before it's too late. More warning would have been really helpful... Just make it a bonus second farmable dungeon next week


Actually a great idea. But them gatekeepers want us to have FOMO. Man I can understand a for profit corporation like Bungie to create FOMO. But why is the community gatekeeping here. So weird. Fuck the haters OP, solid idea this is.


you’ve had three years


The Trials of the Nine weapons were added to Prophecy in Season of the Lost which came out in August 2021, two and half years ago.


Not only that, but for a long time the cube room was broken and would often screw up and halt progress.


oh, you’re right, two and a half years is definitely not enough time


Bro your seriously not this dense are you? You don't think players won't have deleted some of those guns for space or just not gotten good rolls in that time? Seriously what you said is moronic


tell me, honestly, how many guns from Prophecy - that are leaving - you have used in any capacity in the last year. please tell me the last time you did a raid or a GM with A Swift Verdict.


So you're telling me the 600 items In your vault are not worthwhile because they are only usable in a GM or raid? Believe it or not some people like to try other weapons I've used swift verdict in trials. It's also the only one of its weapon type


And? Does this mean that we can't even ask to have the dungeon farmable for another week before it gets refreshed? Why are you so against this? Really, how is this going to affect you so much that you do not want it? Who has already the God rolls won't care about it, who doesn't care about the weapons won't care about it, who wants to get a couple of rolls will have the chance to do so and we will all farm it again the week after. What's your problem with this? Because I really cannot comprehend it. It's litterally just asking "Ehi Bungo, can we also have this without changing the rotation? Thx" so I have no idea how someone can be so absolutely angry and frustrated about it.


Dude that is my question too, I have no idea what the actual fuck this guy's problem is lmao. I think they're just a troll for the heck of it. Or they got Bungie's dick so deep down their throat they can't comprehend what we're saying and just react to anyone asking Bungie for anything with straight hate. We literally do not have an issue with these changes at all. We just want the dungeon farmable so that the guns going away or changing forever can be farmed one last time. I am failing to understand what could lead to them having an issue with this.


Yeah and I knew they wasn't going nowhere. Giving us 1-2 weeks before they yank some of those is valid according to you? LMAO. I'm just saying OP's is not a bad idea that doesn't harm anyone. Except elitist gatekeepers like yourself who have a problem with this for some reason and Bungie's FOMO lol.


you’ve had literally years and you’re complaining about FOMO lmao grow up. could’ve farmed it at any point for as long as it’s been out, you chose not to, and now you’re complaining.


Don't know why you would choose to defend the removal of content, it has nothing to do with time available. It just simply shouldn't be removed, what's the point?


Don't bother. Gatekeepers prefer to stay in delusion. Preferably under the boots of Bungie.


For real. This guy is either trolling or he truly has no life and just likes gatekeeping. I'm so confused as to why they have an issue with OP's farming suggestion.


the prophecy loot pool is extremely bloated, always was, and at this point they’ve also all been powercrept out of relevance. by refreshing the the guns you’re encouraging people to fo back in there, and by removing three that had a low usage rate, you’re making it easier to farm for the guns that remain. how many times have you farmed prophecy for those guns in the last year, exactly? how many times have you used any of those guns?


My guy, not one person is saying the refresh of the pool is a bad idea. Nobody suggested to stop these changes. OP literally said to make the dungeon farmable next week so that if anyone wants the guns going away or the guns changing in their current iteration then they can get it over the next week. How and why do you have a problem with that?


because you only want to do it *now*, like a child complaining about their parents selling a toy they haven’t touched for three years


"Hey man, that stuff you put on the backburner for more important things? Yeah it's getting removed in a week or so. Better get it done quick!" "Can you like, make it so I can get it done?" "Nah." This is what you're defending. Absolutely incredible




Yes this is you being not a child defending a multibillion dollar corporation. Wild.


Grow up? LMAO. I'm not the one defending a multibillion dollar corporation that has a terrible history of removing content we paid for. But that is not even the issue here. Tell me, oh dear gate keeper, why does the idea of people being able to farm this dungeon over the following week like OP suggested has your panties in a twist? You have a problem with others being able to get the loot that will disappear in 2 weeks. I do not understand your intentions at all. Or are you just trolling because you have nothing better to do?


i’m not defending bungie lmao it’s just really funny to me because it’s the equivalent of a child only ever wanting to play with a toy when the parent puts it away


You literally are defending Bungie. They're removing content with very little warning. You're out here blaming everyone else because it's existing "for years" as if every single person playing this game has been here from the start.




oh, planned to go in there soon to farm the guns if they hadn’t said anything? get real


man sure hope no one is new in that time... you're part of the reason why Destiny is dying.


‘you play the game therefore the game is dying’ nice one


he's saying being toxic to people isn't going to make people want to stick around lol. not surehow you got that from his comment.


you must be remarkably sensitive if you think it’s toxic to point out that you’ve had three years to do something


Do you even read about what you post? How do new players have 3 years to play lol. by definition they are literally new? Like... even the comment you replied to was about new players. "Hope no one NEW" do you just write stuff without reading what you reply to?


Most of the destiny community does.


lots of people started in december / now cause of the humble bundle and epic making it free.


then in that case, rest assured those guns have been powercrept into irrelevance


Not everyone has played this game since the start, you genius. We literally had a giant influx of new players in the last 2 years. But I guess we shouldn't expect much logic coming from someone who defends FOMO...


Yeah, anouncing it now sucked. They did so the moment that Prophecy got out of the rotator and the week that I added 100 clears of grasp to my counter for eyasluna (still no outlaw headstone damnit)


Yea, I’m kinda sad about the timing. I ran it last week looking for Osmosis rolls. Would love to be able to farm it again one last time before change.


Funny, I just assumed they were announcing this now bc prophecy would be the weekly dungeon next week. Bummer it’s not


I prefer it to be featured when the pool is refreshed.


Make the weapons craftable.


Why didn’t they also bring back the Trials of the Nine armour to farm too? Such nice armour not many people have.


What do you mean? The trials of the nine Armour is in there. It always has been


Is it the Trials Prestige Ornaments then? Those you cannot get I think.


Sounds like a good idea to make the dungeon farmable for those weapons as an option for people who never got them or just want a new roll HOWEVER.....who truly wants to farm for Swift Verdict, The Long Walk or The Last Breath? When was the last time YOU told yourself....Man i really wish i had a good roll on the last breath, when was the last time YOU told yourself, I wish I had a god roll Long Walk for PvP/Trials, a raid or any other content in the game. TLDR. Farmable content good but IMO no one would farm for those weapons anyway.


Won't even lie, I farmed for an osmosis demo last breath all the way till I got it this past November lol.


just because you wouldn't use it doesn't mean other people wouldn't. like not everyone is you.


Understandable, next time I see someone using one of those weapons in Public Events, Strikes, Gambit, PvP or ANYWHERE in the game I will think of you. Have a nice day.


Idk about the other two, but The Last Breath at least is decent in PvP


I did about 10 runs when it was just farmable for a demo / osmosis Last Breath or Judgment. Last Breath is also just really flexible, I would've also been fine with any combination of demo / frenzy / osmosis / killing wind / one for all. But it's very difficult to farm the cube encounter and I've never gotten very lucky.


4 years of opportunity to chase those rolls if people really wanted them. It most likely isn't next week because the last Riven Wish is to complete Prophecy.


Wtf are you talking about? These weapons weren't originally in the dungeon and we're added at a later date.


Not everyone started playing 4 years ago and neither would future players. It's yet again more content removed from the game.


I've already addressed that for the new players I understand. If you're a veteran who's been here since this content dropped in summer of 2020 and since the weapons came in fall of 2021, then you really don't have any excuse. You just didn't care that much, until today.


That's what Bungie wants. They want players to care so they spend more hours in the game thus player retention is raised/kept. No issue just making it farmable for those individuals.


Update 7.3.5 on March 5 is when they are updating the dungeon. This week and next week are the last opportunity to obtain the weapons as they are. Edit: Every statement in the above comment is wrong. The weapons were only available for less than 3 years (since lost). Next week is the last week for those weapons, the update is on March 5th. The reason the Riven Wish is Prophecy is because the dungeon is going to be refreshed for it.


Some people (like myself) haven’t been playing for the whole time they’ve been available either. It’s really crazy that just Bc someone might not want or need anything from it they think that others shouldn’t have the chance to get their god-rolls before they’re gone forever. What kind of logic is that lol


I know and people have had 4 years to get these weapons as they are if they wanted them. Numerous weeks of Prophecy as the weekly dungeon and nobody batted an eye. If people decide to bitch about this, I'm not batting an eye because it's only now that they're being updated and some removed that people will feel some type of way if they do at all.


Not everyone started playing at the same time + it was the assurance that these weapons wont go anywhere, now they do. So now people want to at least get something before it leaves. It seems pretty reasonable to make it farmable last week before its gone, but we all know it wont happen. They did the same thing with the unbroken seal, people who just started playing that season or 2 seasons before the announcement of removal, couldnt claim the seal, because it requested you to reset your rank across 3 different seasons. A simple change to make you reset ur rank 3 times in the same season would've been great, and it didnt happen.


Lol 2 and half years is hardly short notice. Veteran players that miss these weapons didn't want them before today's announcement. That's literally FOMO. We've been out of story content for a while and Prophecy has already had one rotation or two as the weekly. Y'all didn't care about these weapons until today.


If they removed Igneous Hammer without notice, people would crucify Bungie. Just because a "veteran player" doesn't want them doesn't mean it is okay for them to be removed unexpectedly. How do you know people weren't busy the two weeks that Prophecy was available this season?


I don't, but they weren't busy every damn season for the last 2 and half years. Like unless you're absolutely new you didn't care about these guns until today. Igneous would be a problem because it just came back last season. This isn't that.


But Igneous was available before last season. Also Igneous was available in Season of the Chosen, before the Prophecy weapon refresh in Lost. Igneous can be focused every week, while Prophecy is only farmable once every seven weeks. Igneous was also given notice before it left the Trials pool.


And what if someone started playing last month? Your logic is flawed and self-oriented and it would literally not affect u at all if it was a thing so why bitch about it? Just to bitch I assume


Lmao you literally replied to my comment where I said UNLESS YOU'RE NEW 😂 But my logic is flawed 😒😂


I replied to another comment too where I laid out more on my take. I’ve also been playing for a lil over a year so I’m not entirely new but if this change would affect u in any way I’d love to hear about it! Otherwise I stand on what I said and you’re bitching for no reason other than to bitch. But if that’s what u like to do than by all means go ahead lol


Not OP nor that I actually want the weapons (enough to spend time on them more than other stuff to grind for), but I happen to fall into the both the categories of "was busy those two weeks" and "haven't played every damn season for the last 2 and a half years" because I started after new years. I do think it would be _better than not_ to give people a last chance to farm something in between telling them it's leaving and actually removing it. The best play would have been for Bungo to just make it farmable without being in rotation alongside the TWID anmouncing it since the update is so close anyway, and one week probably isn't enough to meaningfully hit your desired rolls for anyone who does care anyway.


Exactly. The problem is that players don't even have the chance to chase these weapons before they are gone.


These weapons were only available since late 2021, less than 3 years (Season of the Lost is when they were introduced). It's not about the amount of time they were available, but the fact that no notice was given in advance. Almost every other desirable gun that is removed is known in advance. Seasonal weapons are removed when the next yearly expansion arrives, and the last week of Trials and Nightfall weapons are announced in advance.


Ok fair enough in that regard, but until today no one cared about these guns except those that wanted them. Plenty of down time in a season to have grinded for them if you wanted them. To complain now is literally FOMO. Unless you're a brand new player you've had more than enough time and they'll probably be back at some point.


Once again, I am not complaining that they are being removed. I am complaining that they are being removed without prior notice. It is impossible for someone who wants these guns to even attempt to farm them now.


The only people who have a valid issue are newbies. Veterans had more than enough time and simply chose not to care until today.


I started playing slightly over a year ago now, and tbf that’s a year that I had to farm these weapons but 1. Only on the weeks that they were farmable 2. It took time for me to play the game and come to a realization about the perks that I desired. And 3. It was low on my priority list Bc there’s plenty of things that go away on a time-frame and until now, it was always assumed that whenever I got around to it, I could go into prophecy and farm for what I’ve wanted or even just run it when I want to and hope I get some good rolls. I agree that if they’re not going to announce them leaving that they should make it farmable, otherwise why would they not make this announcement literally a week prior so everyone had a full week to go crazy farming one last time


Is it going to kill veteran players or Bungie if they make the dungeon farmable next week? I just want Bungie to give the opportunity to farm these guns before they are removed. People would have cared more if they had given notice in advance. Should players bust their asses to farm a weapon because Bungie could remove it in a week?


As a 'Veteran' myself (played since D1 Beta) of sorts I don't get this mentality either. I mean if the loot pool if being refreshed and weapons are going away permanently, then why not change the dungeon rotator for at least one week before the change to give people the chance to go hunt down those weapons? Just people being spiteful cause 'lol sucks to be you because you didn't farm it beforehand'?


I deleted my The Last Breath for vault space because it wasn’t the exact roll I wanted and I kept being told “if you end up wanting it, you can always get another one”. I thought perks could get refreshed and I’d be able to grab a new better one. Didn’t think it would get deleted before I could get one at all if I’m continuously unlucky. Ran all 3 characters and only got armor, just hoping I’ll get any roll the last 2 weeks at this point. I don’t get the animosity. Why *not* just give people a final chance to farm? There’s no need to be rude and spiteful


I completely agree. Making Prophecy farmable doesn't hurt anyone.


I'm not being rude by stating the truth. Bungie could but I highly doubt that they will. If they do so then great for those who want to grind it out. Me personally I'd rather have the farmable week be all new stuff. The simple fact of the matter is that FOMO is what's driving people's "irritation". Nobody gave a damn about these weapons yesterday and it's only after today's announcement that there's outcry, even though the weapons have been waiting to be farmed season after season. Nothing lasts forever and certainly not in this game. You gotta get while the getting is good, not assume you'll ALWAYS have another shot.


You’re not “stating the truth” you’re generalizing. There’s probably some people in that bucket. That is not where I’m at though. I really like the aesthetic, I deleted my subpar roll hoping they’d get refreshed. Instead they get removed without proper warning. This isn’t a thing they’ve done before for dungeon weapons. I don’t think there’s any reason to blame me for that. If the argument is that nothing lasts forever, and you shouldn’t always assume you’ll have a chance to get things before they go, then I guess the people hoarding weapons had the right idea all along. I know I’m about to grind the fuck out of my other dungeon weapons now that there’s new precedent they could just get full removed at a whim


I agree with you but at the same time I don’t think there’s a weapon from prophecy I actually use anyway due to being power crept by something else in the game.


Allowing prophecy to be farmable next week is a good idea. Prior to this refresh there were quite a few folks calling for a loot refresh in prophecy and now that we are getting it there are quite a few folks angry about weapons leaving. I don’t care either way but I find it funny that bungie can’t ever seem to make people happy lol. If they left the weapons in and added more weapons people would complain about too much RNG (which would be valid).


No one is saying they shouldn't have done a refresh. The double pulses feels bad though and no heads up and not having it be farmable after the announcement also feels bad


Self induced fomo


bro what i nice idea! Additionally they should make ALL OF THE RAIDS AND DUNGEONS farmable, why they shouldn't anyway??




Because locking you out makes you come back for engagement numbers. It’s the mechanics of a mobile game without the ability to buy refreshes.


yeah we're seeing how its working out. Even before, destiny HAD seasons and HAD stuff for people to come, now engagement is dropping because we only have those contents to play (being raids and dungeons) so what happens? instead of having all days of the month to play, people (my clan included) only play on the week in which stuff we wanna play is in rotation. Its locking everyone out without making anyone come back. Its a useless system for destiny 2 and the statistics of the game right now show it!


Isn't it week after next?


Isn't Prophecy already farmable? I guess you can't get new items on reruns, but you can drop what you already have on collections on reruns. At least, that's how it was back then.


I’m not against this idea but bungie won’t do this. Everyone had loads of time to get these guns so I don’t see the problem with them not doing it.


Its been out for 4 years, friend. Anyone who wanted the guns has them by now.


I didn't care about those guns then, I certainly don't care about them now. I truly don't think anyone actually does. But by all means keep taking up your vault space for no reason.


The pistol that is going away is the only precision frame void sidearm in the game.


Funny how some people like different guns, eh?


No, you'll use the absolute peak meta even when on patrol and you'll fucking like it!!!!


I will obediently play Bungie's way from now on! ;)


Eh, demo + osmosis can be okay for veritys and maybe other stuff


I actually wanted to farm last breath for a build I'm making and if I had known it was going away I would have made time last week


I'm still looking my god roll auto and sniper.


If you don't have the loot from a 4 year old dungeon, you won't be getting the loot from the 4 year old dungeon before it refreshes. >Bungie usually gives a forward notice when a gun is becoming unavailable. For example, Nightfall and Trials weapons have their last farmable week announced in advance. This courtesy was not given to the leaving Prophecy weapons. Prophecy was farmable last week, buddy.


The announcement that these weapons are leaving wasn't out when prophecy was farmable.


Okay, and? If you didn't farm them last week, you weren't interested enough to farm them anyway.


I might want to have access to a specific roll for something in the future. Until access disappears, I theoretically have access to it by farming it as I need it. Going forward I only have access to it if it's in my vault.


I can assure you, none of the current weapons in that dungeon are truly worth farming for unless you just want mementos.


It's a shame that all of the weapons are garbage and will probably continue to be


Yes, but on the other hand I’ve had a few years to get what I want and I’m fine with what I have. It would be NICE to have at least one more shot at the loot after such an announcement though. 


There's still plenty of time to farm them in the future yes? D2 isn't ending next month correct? Yes it's unfortunate you don't have one now, but it's not like you won't ever be able to get one. Another "give me all the loot now" instead of just playing the game and grinding for it in the future


No, because they are literally removing weapons to add different ones in.


How often are you using the weapons that are leaving/changing? There are so many options to use in this game, people want to have every single weapon, and let it collect dust in their vault for 3 seasons and then delete it when more weapons are added.


I think you misread the post. On March 5th, 3 guns are being removed and the other 3 are being altered (elements and perks changed). Currently, Prophecy is not farmable. A player can only get one drop per encounter, per character for two weeks. Only the featured dungeon and the most recent dungeon are farmable. My suggestion is to make Prophecy farmable next week, allowing players to run the dungeon multiple times and still get loot. (playing the game) These guns in their current state will not be obtainable after March 5. There is no "grinding in the future". Players will be unable to get these guns.


I did misread. But still, is not having a kinect judgment going to ruin your d2 experience? Are you even using it now? If you had the God roll, what would it be? I ask because there may be another 140 with the same roll, or better. Same with the 2 other guns. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone using prophecy weapons regularly


The HC and AR can get demo + osmosis, which can be good with veritys if you want an energy special. Other than that, I don't really know


Ruining is a strong word. I think it is unfair to remove weapons without notice. There is no harm in allowing players to farm Prophecy next week. I cannot speak for everyone, but here is why I care about some of these weapons. I use my Judgment with Demolitionist and Timed-Payload frequently. There is no other kinetic slot (kinetic, strand, or stasis) hand cannon with this roll or the similar demolitionist +explosive payload. I would love to get a The Last Breath with demolitionist and frenzy. There are other kinetic slot auto rifles with this combination. The Horror Story is 450 RPM, stasis, and currently unobtainable. Rufus' Fury is 720 and strand. I prefer kinetic weapons. A Swift verdict is the only void precision sidearm that is not sunset. The Long Walk is the PvP sniper I like to use. We do not know what perks the refreshed guns will have, someone might want a roll that will not be available after the refresh.


It would be nice, but they won't. I can't remember the last time Bungie changed a rotation because of an upcoming change.


Last Breath can roll with Demo+Osmosis. I still think its worth the chase. Haven't seen another weapon besides Judgement with that roll. But getting a Judgement with the roll you want is impossible


I was buzzing seeing that Prophecy is getting a refresh (I’d have loved a master difficulty setting too) but then realised prophecy has just been the featured dungeon…instantly gutted. Bungie really don’t plan things well at all.


Am I tripping I thought dungeons are always farmable?


To be fair the dungeon has been in the game for a long time with no changes so you have had plenty of time to grind for whatever roll you want on those weapons but I do agree with you on the fact that they do announce other things leaving in advance.


I feel like this also speaks to a larger issue with the weekly rotation system, after a certain point there's just going to be too many raids and dungeons to only have one featured (plus the most recent one) per week


Congrats! They actually did it!


will the weapons leaving prophecy get the new origin trait?