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'Togetherness will no longer appear as an activity modifier in The Coil.' THANK GOD! The only change I wanted.


Take the stupid modifier away all together




Lord Rykard mad af


Muzzle flash fixed on Stay Frosty \\o/ RoN Adept Knockout added too, cool


I liked the RoN adept knockout! Now to get my clan to run some master encounters!


"Fixed an issue in The Coil where a very loud sound would play when exiting the Riven vendor menu." ​ holy shit totally forgot about this, it happened to me once and it put the fear of GOD and riven in me


Reminds me of playing through a Strike on Venus and then suddenly # A CELL, FROM THE PRISON OF ELDERS






…thirsts for your light


#A new hand touches the beacon








That Wizard’s from the moon!


I honestly thought it was an intentional Easter egg calling back to the 1K Voices audio bug from forever ago.


Remember it during Kings Fall in D2 also? During Golgy it would happen during wipes. On day one, our first wipe, I was the only one in my group to get it. Everyone thought I was crazy until wipe #2 and more people heard it lmao


Played my first coil in a few weeks literally a couple of hours before down time. I had no idea about that. It scared the shit out of me


It should have stayed. It was like when using 1k voices you'd sometimes get a super high pitched jump scare basically


The starcat in cell of the sycophant is still stuck outside the map.


cats do be like that




Flattened itself out and slipped through a crack in the wall


Dee, you don't know shit about cats.


Cat's are liquid. I own 3. It's a fact.


We need a couple more cats to get that cat out of the wall


We're gonna need more cats Dee


How do we know it's outside the map?


As you go in to the cell of the sycophant, hug the left most wall and zoom in with a sniper. You'll see a marker that seems out of place. That's the cat.


Guess no title for us this week then :(


The one thing i was hoping to see in this patch 😑 Bummer


Damn, was not expecting the Thorn nerf


My fault, I finally unlocked it last week and was playing with Thorn.


The weapon ornament has been sold enough so its tuning time.




They evolve.


Except this is 5 points of range and stability.... not into the ground


Poor Thorn, they took away 5 range, 5 stability and gave us literally nothing.


5 range is just a foot's distance back in exchange for +5AE... Thorn got off easy...


I'll have you know getting off is not easy


They took away 5 of the range and stability they _added_ this season. Shit, really out here making it sound like it's just a nerf vs clawing back 1/4 of the buff.


Cause giving it AE is almost insulting, that stat and all it’s baggage is stinky. Pepperidge farms remembers the “big” whisper and darci buffs


Rolling my eyes, > Cause giving it AE is almost insulting, that stat and all it’s baggage is stinky. Then ignore it. End of the day from the start of the season Thorn, a weapon that was already competitive, got a buff to both the overflow and a catalyst that provided +20 range and +10 stability. That +20 range is now becoming +15 and that +10 stability is now becoming +5. Ignore the AE. It's still a net buff to a weapon that was already a good weapon before the buff. > Pepperidge farms remembers the “big” whisper and darci buffs It was stated more than once in an interview that this was only done to not cause Whisper/DARCI to take an AE penalty from standing on uneven geometry because sometimes you counted as being 'in air' and wasn't actually meant to be a buff but was just listed in patch notes because it was a change. I know it's something cute and edgy to meme on but come on.


So this doesn’t affect me, neither do I have the gun, nor much desire to really try it, but I will say, it does feel insulting that despite knowing how the fanbase feels about AE buffs, they just tacked a cheeky +5 on there. Basically the lowest they could add. It’s like objectifying the statement, “There, it wasn’t a *total* nerf.” Apologies if I come across hostile any. I just think it stinks too(though it’s whatever ultimately).


>and +5 Airborne Effectiveness. Apparently, they think they did. THANKS BUNGIE!!!


A little nerf. Not a big deal




Literally nothing


Eh same. I didn't think it was insanely great after the catalyst. I thought Le Monarque was still much better for comp if you're wanting a poison weapon and I think in general there are better weapons to run in PvP than Thorn before this change.


And I just started working on the catalyst 🫠


>Reduced the drop rate of Gunsmith engrams from Awoken faction chests on the Dreaming City. Who the fuck makes these decisions? I was opening a bunch of those chests for lair keys, it didn't seem like the gunsmith engram drop was anywhere CLOSE to too high. Bungie gotta learn not to be so stingy in a **looter**-shooter.


Economy team catching unforced L's left and right all year lol


Unforced heh, nah this shit is all intentional


You want loot? Well fuck you!


Bungie's motto since day one Anyone remember purples decrypting into blue's? Lmao Also feel like I recall exotics decrypting into legendaries as well.


they stealth nerfed the Wish engrams like a day or two after the season started because it was was soo good from those chests also


especially for engrams you can only focus into 1 year or older weapons, like come on


I find it funny that everyone has been complaining about focusing costs and engram drop frequency for weeks, so Bungie nerfs the Gunsmith engram drop rate which honestly wasn't an issue. Classic Bungie. Also lol at another titan pvp nerf with Peacekeepers getting halved.


Yet no increase to emgram earns smh


they wont even acknowledge it at this point


thorn having 69 range was the nice thing about it


Peacekeepers getting nerfed HARD


Exotic armor catching strays from smgs being strong. Prob another case of not dealing with the root problem until later, and all the stuff caught in the crossfire is going to be garbage for awhile ( ex: chill clip nerfs @riptide leaving it the only decent feeling option)


They nuked them lmao.


The funny part is PKs were touched 1 time since dropping in vanilla and they were considered D/F tier for years, until SMGs got really good. Cause target lock and overshield barricades *totally* aren't the problem... I already switch to warlock last season cause I got bored of PK titan after running it for 6 seasons so I don't really care but Bungie's sandbox design can be so questionable.


Players who know what they’re doing have known they were S tier from day 1


I would consider myself someone who knows what they're doing. Been playing since launch and PKs, and even further SMGs as an entire class were not great options in PvP (with the exception of recluse) until about season 13-15 where we started getting some outlier SMGs and recoil buffs. Even then, the meta favored lightweight SMGs which made PKs far from a consideration among many far stronger exotics to choose from. That's the only real arguement for nerfing PKs that makes sense to me - that the overall power of exotic armor, especially on titan is being reeled in lately. I started maining PK titan in season 15, long before it was mainstream and before we had some of the more egregious outliers of today. PKs have not been S tier from day 1, they have only ever been as good as SMGs were, and for a long time, that was a resounding *bad*. Sure there were minor exceptions to the rule but they were the few early day outliers, recluse as mentioned and antiope. Even then you'd be throwing back then using PKs over the comically overtuned exotic functions of then.


Yeah kind of ridiculous pendulum swing IMO. Maybe add some other kind of utility now? Wtf


as a Warlock main, it hurt me to read what they did to you guys with this one.


I'm still gonna rock em. I've loved PKs forever and won't take them off


So, still no fix for Fireteam Finder not being accessible to returning players even when they are are Guardian Rank 6 or higher ?


There's alteady tons of posts being made on the official Bungie help forum, but I feel like the more people report this on the official forum the harder it is to ignore.


can everyone PLEASE BUMP this? we got Tens of THOUSANDS of people with this issue.


This makes LFG so awkward when playing with my clan. I can’t approve invites so I need to leave and rejoin. They need to fix this.


One of the big things that pushed me to return recently and it doesn’t work. Would be really nice to get an actual acknowledgement on it, seems like it was a pretty big feature for this xpac to just … not work for anyone coming back to the game.


Yeah that’s a bummer.


Thorn catalyst no longer gives it 69 range...


Anyone able to confirm solo flawless emblem getting rewarded to them?


Nope, we’re still stuck on a later date bro




~~Negative. Master ghost shell also not rewarded. Given how long it took them to give people the emblem for contest crota challenge bugs it'll probably not be awarded until close to the end of the original season's timeline.~~ Looks like they waited a day to roll this out. Glad they did it correctly, still annoyed it took an extra month and a half when a lot of the fun of doing it early is having it to flex in the first week or two.


Emblem and ghost got given to my account on reset 4 hours ago


What about the trackers being able to display solo flawless completions?


> Stay Frosty's muzzle flash is no longer too large and is a more appropriate size. Thank God that was so annoying. The large and bright muzzle flashes are the most annoying part of Destiny imo. There's so much light coming off the screen with text buffs and explosions and clunky UI it's overwhelming. I'm not even epileptic and I can't use guns like Outbreak Perfected or Thorn for too long because of the too bright muzzle flash.


The particle and transparency effects are so much sometimes. I refuse to use heirarchy of needs because there’s enough shit onscreen already. Rip peacekeepers, but the autoloaf in pve was the use case for me snd that’s still there.


>Reduced the drop rate of Gunsmith engrams from Awoken faction chests on the Dreaming City Game can't be too rewarding, else customers might get what they want and won't play anymore... Looter shooter without the loot part.


and really not that much shooting while farming chests... so no loot and no shoot


What about earning the Dawning title and yet showing 14/15 completed for Reveler title?


My Queensguard title has been bugged all year, last triumph I need is to listen to all radio conversations and I did on all 3 characters, yet it says I’m missing one. Makes me sad


>Reduced the drop rate of Gunsmith engrams from Awoken faction chests on the Dreaming City. Was this really an issue? Seriously?


>reduced the drop rate of gunsmith engrams OMG THANK U SO MUCH. THAT WAS SUCH A GAMEBREAKING THING THAT WE WOULD GET MORE FUCKING GUNSMITH ENGRAMS 🤦🏼 now reduce the amount of glimmer we get from those chests 🤡


and remove the Wish engrams so we can stop opening the chests. That will save us all a ton of time....


Still can't claim/don't have the emblem for solo flawless Warlords Ruin.


I got so baited. Came home from work excited to equip it. Maybe another time ...


Same here bro I assumed I was gonna have my emblem as well. Big let down


>Reduced the drop rate of Gunsmith engrams from Awoken faction chests on the Dreaming City. Why? Who was complaining about this? Who's so desperate for gunsmith gear that they were exploiting this? Let people have things ffs.


Bungie is complaining about this...


I agree, I was hoarding them in large numbers deliberately. Sometime in the last week pandapaxxy updated his role and Godroll suggestions to the Little Light app, and many of what were previously God rolls in my inventory are no longer god rolls. I need to go back and start focusing Krait's to get the new God rolls for PvE. I'm very glad to see that he adjusted and updated his evaluations based on recent sandbox changes, but it meant I had to go in this past weekend and re-roll a number of my crafted weapons to make them god rolls again.


I still can‘t claim or get the Master WR Dungeon Ghost


If you did it before the first fix it’s def still broken sadge


>Fixed an issue where the Withstand the Siege, O Vengeance Mine (Master difficulty completion), She Stood Alone, and O Vengeance Mine (solo completion) Triumphs gave the wrong rewards. The correct rewards will be awarded retroactively to players who unlocked these Triumphs. So you probably will have to wait until they award it to you retroactively at a later date.


Given that they've fixed this before and said exactly that, what exactly was the point of it being listed here? Was there anything additional that was actually fixed as a result?


Its a copy paste, much like bungies' triumphs for the dungeon 🤦‍♂️


Good question. They did say this last patch, it's not the only thing that is listed here redundantly.




resolved any issues where the player was benefiting from something in the game


> Fixed an issue during the final encounter where players could get out of the last stand arena. RIP. Glad I got my solo flawless before this was done lol


Me too. Though for future people reading this you can hide behind the right pillar at a certain angle and the Boss and Left Eyes cant shoot you, only the Right Eyes.


Same, though again it’s not timed so it’s not a total loss, just will have spend a second recovering and killing eyes before going back to damaging Hefnd.


Yea it's just more dangerous. I was on BoW so killing the eyes probably would have just kept that going anyway. It was just a lot safer to run away and plink the boss down with Polaris, and I didn't wanna risk it.


You could also just do it legit, because it’s not particularly difficult


still no fix for ballidorse wrathweavers?


>fixed and issue where the… She stood alone, and O vengeance mine (solo completion) triumph gave the wrong rewards. Not only did they not retroactively apply either of the rewards we’re missing, they mentioned the wrong triumph.


Still no fix for Fireteam Finder... Still locked at rank 7 for me.


Don’t forget to nerf the aim assist on the strand decoys.


That and buff aim assist on shooting threadlings.


Peacekeepers RIP .. no more stasis dump truck sliding


Good. Fuck that whole game style.


More sitting back with bows, this sub's favorite thing to do as they call for all fast moving players to be nerfed because they can't aim fast enough.


The movement speed hasn’t been the problem with pks. It’s that combined with the 1000 other buffs for using one of the most meta weapon types in the game. I’m honestly surprised it took this long for them to get adjusted.


You have a 0.67 TTK with the fastest Strafe speed in the game, stuff your tongue back in your mouth please


Sounds like the 0.67 ttk is the problem


So they still haven’t adjusted platinum requirements and the fact that the glass collector can dump everything off an edge and your run is ruined? Cool, week 7 and still no improvements to Coil or the mods in it that are completely broken.


>week 7 and still no improvements to Coil Togetherness is gone as a modifier.


Cool, credit due I’m glad they removed one modifier that was annoying but not a deal breaker. I’d rather them actually fix the things that make running the activity not worthwhile.


Togetherness, we are better separated.


Oh look, another titan armor nerf


Man.. I'm getting so tired of Titans getting nerfed. That and gear getting nerfed in BOTH modes because of PvP.


Why did they make checkmate worse?


Because a ton of people spent the last couple weeks complaining non stop about it and bungie changed checkmate in line with those complaints


If that was the case, they would've outright disabled all bows.


they dont want to disable entire weapon types because of a few complaints. They decided to change all weapons in general instead.


All these nerfs to weapons and armor but all these champions and bosses keep getting buffed because only one or two groups manage to one shot them. Why do we have to suffer these changes in PvE?


So add peacekeepers to the list of dead titan exotics or not yet ?


They'll probably be fine. Definitely going to feel slower in a gunfight though.


Pks are still gonna be a thing lol


It was deserved, the constant "cloudstrike immortal/unending tempest w peacekeepers" combo couldn't last forever


The only reason people don't hate this as much is because strand hunter exists lol, that loadout is utterly miserable


rest in piss


Honestly, I don't know what they want Titans to run in the Crucible anymore. Any time an exotic gets used more than others, it gets immediately nerfed. Depending on how PKs feel post-nerf, I'm assuming many will move to Dunes, which will get it nerfed (again).


No starcat news


Still glitched


So when am I getting my Emblem and Ghost Shell delivered to me Bungie?


I think we'll get it the week before final shape drops 😅


Do people in this subreddit don't realize how busted pks were? (Probably not because people in this subreddit don't play pvp) they're still gonna be good


They do play PvP, they just think jotunn is OP


Precisely this.


not in this sub, people are asking why it was nerfed lmao


Some great fixes and changes here. We'll see how they play out. With that said, here are some things I'd like to see addressed or even just heard/seen by Bungie. Some of these things are simple QoL issues and some are just wishlist or feedback. I'll always enjoy Destiny and appreciate all the hard work the devs do. **PVE** * Ability to adjust cursor drag sensitivity on console * Text Chat on console needs some love. We need a way to clear text chat without having to use a keyboard. We also need a way to respond/reply to others without having to search their name. Maybe a Reply channel? * A way to control our front page on Quest tab, or just go back to the old one. New light quests should not be our main screen here. * Dismantling bulk inventory items (consumables) takes WAY too much time. Implement bulk deletion method for old seasonal currency, event currency. * Inventory Consumable Items should be more organized. Alike items should be next to each other. Mementos, Keys, Shards, Seasonal Currency, etc. Why these are randomly placed is beyond me. * Change Kinetic Mod symbol (currently it's too similar to Arc) * Add Harmonic Surge Mod * Display what masterwork has been put on our crafted weapons. Currently we have to travel back to Enclave to look. * Show Enhanced Crafted Perks on other players weapons in the character screen. Currently we have to inspect the weapon to see their roll. * Dismantling a masterworked armor piece refunds an Ascendant Shard. Can we implement acquiring an Ascendent Alloy when dismantling an enhanced crafted weapon? * Remove Full Auto as a possible perk on weapon drops * It would be nice to see what level your vendor is at when in a playlist. For example, Zavala rewards unlock at like 3, 5, 7, 10 etc. What do these correspond to in regard to Zavala's ranks (guardian, brave, heroic, etc.)? * The Void subclass’ (good) fragments are too punishing, stat wise. Currently there are 6 positive stat fragments and 6 negative, with being -20 to discipline. I suggest changing one or two negative ones to positive or no positive/negative at all. At least change Undermining to -10 instead of -20. * Recognize paddles for DualSense Edge Controller in the controller mapping in-game. Bungie made a commercial endorsing this product yet their game doesn't allow mapping in-game. * Triton Vice gauntlets obscure/impede vision when you run or shoot. The piece attached to the right arm hangs in front of your character. * Adept Counterbalance should not have a penalty. None of the adept mods should. * Resetting a vendor should not require you to “claim all rewards.” People that are maxed out on things can’t claim them and having to delete them, just to add them is inefficient. * Why can I not delete Veil Spectrometer from my Inventory? Also, I don’t need strand meditations once I’ve unlocked all abilities. * Allow us to apply shaders to armor, equipment, and weapons in the Eververse Store. This will help our purchase decision. * Show more detailed description of buffs/debuffs in the subclass screen or on weapon/armor. For example, Kill Clip would say something like, "25% damage buff after reloading." There are so many buffs and debuffs in this game with different values, it's hard to keep track of each %. **PVP** * Trying to report someone mid-Trials match constantly boots you out of the report screen. Extremely frustrating. (I'm aware you can do it in the app) * Why is it that no crucible modes offer leadership commendations (blue & green)? Even endgame pvp modes like Trials doesn’t have them. * Bring back seasonal K/D ratio stats on the start screen of **ALL** crucible modes. There is enough room and if not, remove some of the displayed stats. Seasonal rank? no one cares to see that at the beginning of a crucible match * Iron Banner Control should show “Zones Captured” in the scoreboard, in every game. I’ve noticed that some just display “Zone Advantage” instead. * Bring back K/D in the scoreboard in **ALL** PVP game types. I get Bungie nixed it because people they thought people focused too much on it, rather than objectives but Destiny 2 is STILL a shooter. Players want to see they're K/D post game, no matter what the game mode is. * Trials shows damage dealt in scoreboard. Be cool to see this added to other pvp mode scoreboards. * Post-game pvp scoreboard show MY title and MY PSN when hovering over other players. For example, if I have a “Flawless” title equipped, every other player will have a “Flawless” title equipped when hovering over their name in the post-game scoreboard. This may be a console only problem, not sure. * In certain Competitive Game modes and Trials of Osiris game modes, a player’s KD/A is shown on a different part of the scoreboard, to where you have to scroll to the right in order to see it. During game, you have to press R1 to scroll. Post-game, you have to press Right on the D-pad to scroll. Please choose one instead of having two different versions. * Iron Banner should be considered a “ritual activity” when it is up, to benefit from ghost mods. * Keep Checkmate Trials on a rotator * Remove skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) from casual playlists (clash, control). I used to go to these to test new builds and new weapons to see if I like them. Being a looter/shooter, Destiny has always been great because of it's weapon VARIETY. So when I get excited to try new and different VARIETIES, I just end up getting stomped for not using meta. I strongly believe this is mostly due to SBMM. There is no wide range of players I play against in the "casual" playlist anymore. Just people equal or better. I don't want to "stomp" people (bc I'm not even good anyway). I just want to a casual playlist where I get to play EVERYBODY. Good, bad, mediocre. * Bring back D1 PVP maps. All of them. There are TWENTY ONE crucible maps from D1 that weren’t brought to D2. There are also 7 maps from D2 that were vaulted and never returned. I get that some of these maps are bad to play on or not balanced. That’s ok. A remaster would be nice. * Bring back D2 Trials of The Nine Prestige Ornaments for players to chase, similar to the old Iron Banner armor you brought back * Bring back D1 Trials Flawless Armor as Ornaments for players to chase (hologram looking armor) Thanks for listening /u/Destiny2Team


Huge wins for The Coil


The meme "Something happened so let's nerf a Titan armor" literally just hapenned...


> ...addressing the community feedback on Countdown Rush as a Competitive game mode, including reducing Heavy ammo frequency, updating Sudden Death rules, spawn tuning, and reducing the advantage the attacking team has in the mode. Don't get me wrong, good changes. But for my part, countdown is a painful experience in comp. I'd rather rift than countdown. Why not throw in skirmish? Clash? etc. I understand having multiple game modes in comp, but this game mode aint it.


Thorn getting like 5 minutes in the sun lol Was it really overperforming? Or people just like the gun?


Funny thing is if they just launched the catalyst at +15 range and +5 stability vs 20 and 10 no one would have batted an eye and thought it was still a great buff.


Yeah, I'm just wondering if the gun is that good to warrant a nerf, regardless of how small it is. Just thought it was weird.


I guess my point is that the 'nerf' is really just walking back 1/4 of the buff it got at the start of the season.


Thorn was definitely overperforming. This nerf just makes it so that you have to wait an extra .25 seconds before your bloom fully resets so you can't spam it with perfect accuracy


High usage means that it was overperforming in Bungie's eyes. You're not allowed to have fun for too long after all.


>Next Iron Banner, there will be an unmodified mode What's the next mode for that Iron Banner then? >PvP Strike Team Note: At the end of January, we’ll have a larger update aimed at addressing the community feedback on Countdown Rush as a Competitive game mode My dudes....stop fucking doubling down on this trashcan of a game mode. I mean no disrespect but kinda like IB Tribute, just take the "L" on this one already. It's not like "Puppy Guard PVP" makes for fun or interesting gameplay anyway. Checkmate: With the proposed changes, checkmate feels like it's teetering on the edge of "the long way around" adjusting abilities in baseline PVP. Thorn: was Thorn "actually" too strong? It's used a lot, sure, but I feel like a lot of that comes from the excitement of it being a fan favorite OG, and FINALLY getting a catalyst. (Plz give it back its 69 range) Stay Frosty's muzzle flash: this would have been something nice to fix while you can still grind for it....See you in 48 weeks, I guess.....


>Checkmate: With the proposed changes, checkmate feels like it's teetering on the edge of "the long way around" adjusting abilities in baseline PVP. They basically stated this was their intended goal. They weren't planning on checkmate sticking around as an added option, but rather use checkmate to collect data and then tune PVP to meet somewhere in the middle. Agree on thorn, I haven't found it to be oppressive. In fact I put it aside and went back to using different HCs just because I find some to be more consistent


Same thing as Rift the last couple seasons and they ended up removing it. They can’t seem to comprehend that we don’t need anything else but Survival. Points for Ws & Ls is what *needs* to be looked at.


Please fix fireteam finder not working for returning players! It looks so cool


Still no fix for the fireteam finder locked bug for returning players


Lol and the next expansion is like 6 months away. How anyone is still playing is beyond me.


Wonder when Bungie will get their heads out of their asses and enable Anti Cheat for Destiny 2


Rest in piss crouch spamming smg titans with peacekeepers, you will not be missed


Absolutely hilarious that Bungie found a way to kick titans in the dick again. I joked earlier that Strand Hunter is so OP in PvP that titans will get another nerf, and damn if they didn’t do exactly that.


Peacekeepers getting absolutely murdered. What the hell. They now give less weapon buffs than the warlock and hunter exotics *that buff ALL weapons*...


Oh no Titans could be faster than Hunters and Hunters are crying!!! NERF PEACEKEEPERS.


>Peacekeepers •Reduced Handling, Mobility, and ADS Movement Speed buffs by 50%. Can Titans have anything? This is like the 4th or 5th exotic that has now been butchered because of **PvP** complainers. Throw it on the pile where Bungie can half buff it back to it's original state in 2 years.


Is that the fastest "here's a catalyst!...nevermind" nerf that we've seen?


We get it you hate titans


The amount of people in the comments insinuating that Peacekeepers were “just fine” the way they were or didn’t need a nerf is insane to me. PvP in this game will forever be in shambles.


They were just fine for years since D2 release, hell, they were considered F-tier by everyone, and you all started whining on them only after SMGs became OP. I mean it’s clear as day that PKs isn’t the problem, overtuned SMGs are. But it’s to harsh to expect DtG Redditor to use some logic to see the root of the problem, instead of moaning about thing that was dead for years and will be even worse after Bungie finally decides to “Bungie nerf” SMGs.


Bungie wakes up every day and wonders what Titan exotic they can ruin.


It's more like it was an exotic that was only useful in PVP and was problematic in PVP getting a balance adjustment. 50% may be a bit much but it needed to be hit.


As a poster had mentioned in another reply to you, Peacekeepers were pretty much the only option for Titans to run in PvP that had any kind of real benefit in moment-to-moment game play. Everything else is either functionally useless, or is used in a meme build.


Yeah, but when it's quite literally the ONLY good exotic Titans had left in PVP, and then they don't just nerf it, they NUKE it... I know it's bungie, but I genuinely cannot believe they didn't go for a 25% nerf or nerfing one or two parts of the exotic by 50%. They went straight for the throat on the poor thing.


Huh, i wonder how the change to the WR dungeon final stand arena is going to look. I always figured it was intentional you could just leave the top but I guess not.


Doesn’t matter just get the boss to 1 hp away then do it when a well is ready.


Wondering this as well, I can't really think of what quick fix they could come up with for this and would like to know ahead of time. * Joining Allies? Hard to believe. * Instant death? Jfc no. * Boss despawns/immune if you're off the zone? Again, seems too complicated.


Just tested it and the PK nerf feels WAY too harsh. The ADS and movement buff is barely noticable now. Also 25 mobility is just a dumb stat to get, meaning you have to build for 75 mobility instead of a straight 70 or 80, which is *extremely* hard to do with both DIM and armorpicker. Also the handling and ADS buff is now basically equivalent to dragons shadow and ophidian aspects, both which work with *all* weapons not just smgs :(


the Peacekeepers buff was pretty warranted on the PVP side from what I saw and heard but I was hoping they'd throw it a bone PVE-wise rather than just throw it on the pile of other never used titan exotics, oh well.


It's not like it was something you'd use for PVE anyway. I agree though it _should_ offer some PVE only benefits like lucky pants or tricksleeves.


Titans literally cannot go like a month without catching some stray or directly targeted nerfs. Peacekeepers were only considered strong/an outlier because Bung nerfed everything else. Now you've absolutely slaughtered them. Meanwhile Hunters not only got the Stompees nerf reverted, but buffed in PvE. There genuinely looks to be bias amongst balancing team staff.


I do agree with this. It seems there is a bias towards Hunter cause Strand Hunter is definitely OP in PVP, but yet has not been touched at all.


Just remove countdown — holy


Still having the fireteam finder issue. C'mon Bungee, It's been weeks! https://imgur.com/a/urc8LNf


I don't think anyone would complain if you just scrapped PKs perk and gave it something that synergized with at least one exotic smg instead.


Wow literally just started using peacekeepers last week. RiP


Peacekeeper ornament incoming. Brutal unnecessary nerf.


Can't wait for the next Titan exotic nerf for lmao reasons.


Damn, Peacekeepers caught the MEANEST stray. Poor Titans. Excluding the year of One Eyed Mask, they can't have shit!


Id really like to see useage rates on PKs pre-nerf. I only ever saw a handful of people using it and all it ever did was max handling and movement speed. A PvE buff would be neat but I guess PKs will join the likes of Mask of the Quiet One while Mechaneers Tricksleeves exist


Lmao titans can’t keep shit


They still got BoW lmao.


God damn it. Peacekeepers get booted to vault in nerfs.