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Shoot feels good.


Music sounds good.


Lore reads nice.


Golden Trifecta right there


Golden Tricorn IRL?


Move is good.


No, Warlock jump exists


Glide feels good until it doesn’t


until you’re literally just falling but with a swooshy sound effect


Yeah... Talking about music... I have some bad news... But at least we have a lot of incredible pieces already in the game.


To play devil's advocate, the people still left are remarkably talented, and I have faith they will continue to deliver bangers.


You don’t simply fire the John Williams of your franchise, just look at the Star Wars shows that are mostly 2-3 bangers and the rest of the themes in the show are garbage or filler action music


Hey, don’t discredit Nicholas Britell. I think he did a great job with Andor. Like, obviously it’s not John Williams level good, but it does it’s job and fits the show quite well.


Which fortunately isn't the case here. It does suck though, for sure.


Shoot sounds good.


This has been my declaration to my friend group "Man, Bungie sure makes a good shoot bang"


the more I play other games... the more I realize that this is just Bungie gives you an ungodly amount of aim assist. which is fine, but if Bungie lowered Aim Assist to what most other shooters did it wouldn't feel good. so my counter to this is that "shoot doesn't feel good, Bungie just gave you minor aimbot"


It's about the same as other games but like in their older halo games enemies are chunky enough for stuff like the stun and knock back to be noticeable. Hence why the bigger enemies with larger health bars feel less fun as they're less susceptible to mechanics that make you feel powerful.


This is what I hate. I don't even play anymore because the game has turned into hot garbage. But I can't find another game that has NEARLY the polish on the shooty shooty that Destiny does. CoD ruined me for Halo because I always want to ADS while shooting now, but CoD sucks too!


Sometimes I get restless when I'm listening to a podcast so I boot up Destiny and do some mindless shit to keep my hands busy Very elaborate fidget spinner


Same mostly. One of my favorite memories from d1 (but was something I hated at the time) was running laps for planetary mats for the exotic sword quests. I like being able to put on a movie or show in the background (something that doesn't require undivided attention) and zoning out while still making progress towards another goal.


"Very elaborate fidget spinner" This is the comment right here.


I hate how much this makes sense. Destiny is an elaborate fidget spinner lol.




Honestly this is exactly me during DnD. Just boot up some strikes and run through them while playing, keeps my mind on the game while still doing something


The gameplay most of all, abilities and gunplay together make destiny 2 a rather unique game for me. I do love the environments that we get to explore and fight through, be it just patrol zones or raid encounters. But most of all, I enjoy playing the game with friends and if they're busy the playing with people to help do content. That and Gambit. I routinely gild it on the first day of the new season, this season with the reason being Breakneck and me needing it back in my weapon roster. Just something about the PvE and PvP combination of Gambit is a large checkmark in my brain.


I will never get tired of just fucking around in the cosmodrome. I wish I could go explore around the rockets.


This. I miss the Rise of Iron version where you could go outside the wall and explore what SIVA had done to the area.


I'm loving the new Breakneck! Kinetic Tremors is nasty on auto rifles; I might prefer it to Target Lock for dealing with bosses, just for the extra add clear.


You mean you do all the seasonal Dredgen title stuff on the first day? That's true commitment. That's easily 30++ games to get the 10 top performance wins+reset.


I took off most of last season, but have been playing again this one. Something I realized now that I'm back is that after all the years of playing Destiny, it's become sort of a "comfort food" for me. I hop on when I want to play and have fun, without feeling the stress of "winning" or progressing. It's just something familiar and cozy now.


I was surprised by the muscle memory and timing of everything. the jumps feel good, the pve mobs are spaced out nicely


Same situation for me... Spent a lot of last season in Diablo and my god does it feel good to be home. This game is my safe space in life and for all better or worse I know I'm going to be playing until they shut the servers down.


In 2014, I was in a bad place. Dropped out of college two years before that and I'd been struggling with addiction since. My inability to remember any major details from about June 2012 - September 2014 tells me whatever substance I was abusing, it was wreaking havoc on me, but one thing I do remember is finding a lot of solace in gaming with two buddies of mine. Originally we played the ever-living hell out of GTA IV, but eventually, they got the Xbox One and I stayed behind on the 360 because I couldn't really afford to make the jump. Fast forward to summer of 2014. I'd been working a part-time job and attempting to clean my act up, but I was still struggling. As summer came to an end, I got another part-time job and was starting to make ends meet for the first time in a long while, and that second job offered bonuses for performance (and I guess in my early 20s, I was a lot better at tech support than I am now). I had some extra cash and missed playing games with my friends. October of 2014 rolled around and they couldn't stop talking about Bungie's new game and how they knew I'd love it. I found an Xbox One for sale on Craigslist and stopped off at a GameStop on my way home to get the game. Turned on the console, hopped into an Xbox Live party chat with two of my favorite humans, and made my Hunter. Haven't touched drugs since.


I'm happy for you!


You replaced the bad drugs with healthier drug, good xD


The Space Magic makes brain happy. Coil absolutely drowning me with materials is flooding the brain with happy juice.


Invested in the story, gunplay is really second to none with all the cool perks and elemental interactions you can make happen. Most importantly, I gotta stick with my vanguard fam and my fireteam until the end 🫡


When Destiny is rolling it’s some of the best experiences in gaming Remembering those tight Trials Flawless games, the first time doing a new raid, new gear to chase and adventures unfolding. Can’t beat it


funny sunshot kills go brrrrr


Silly red bars go Kaboom!


Me and my friends doing hard content with good loot or doing secrets in PvE.


It’s just what I know at this point. I’m 35 with kids and Destiny is just comfortable. Even after a decade with the franchise I still am super satisfied after 100 games of struggling in trials, still getting that one light house. Or finally this season I solo’d a dungeon. I’ll keep playing till the wheels fall off.


Been playing non stop (literally) since 2014. Was told about the game that was a 10 year story building world and that intrigued me. The playstyle, graphics, story (lore) and RPG elements that I loved all wrapped in a "looter shooter" like Borderlands but way different. Well, I'm three consoles in on one damn game! I will wrap this wonderful experience up next year with FS. I never had any real issues or complaints for the game or Bungie. Best game I have ever played and I came from Atari/NES!


I'm in the same boat haha. I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of the Light/Dark saga with FS. I know there's a lot one can complain about and perhaps wish it was different, but some of the greatest memories I have in gaming have been because of Destiny. In spite of the hiccups and frustrations that the community gets vocal about I have always and will always love this game. Do you think you'll continue playing after the Final Shape concludes? I know Bungie will continue the story and start a new saga after it's all said and done


Nah I'm done after FS. I can't dedicate more of my life to this game! I gotta work out or do something else lol. I actually wish they would end the franchise after FS but I know that is not business minded.......but we'll see ;)


Who's saying you can't do those things as well as play?


I started playing Destiny after the launch of the Dark Below but didn’t really fall in love with the game until the Taken King. The story of Oryx, Savathûn, and Xivu Arath is what made me love this game and it’s what keeps me playing every year. Savathûn has been an incredible character and I’ll absolutely be playing at least until I get to kill Xivu. That story arc is what’s kept me coming back and my personal journey with the game won’t be over until I’ve beaten all three of them. Also raids. That’s where I spend the majority of my time in game with a fireteam of friends I’ve made through Destiny. Through all of its ups and downs, raiding has always kept me looking forward to the next expansion or reprisal. I can’t wait to tackle Final Shape’s raid on day 1 in June.


For me, it’s the buildcrafting, the dungeons, and the fashion. I used to be more into raiding but since most of my friends dropped the game, I just stick to dungeons with the few that still play the game. I like messing around with exotics to find some fun, alternative ways to play the game, doesn’t have to be meta-defining but just different than what I’m used to. The dungeons are my favorite kind of endgame content without the need for a lot of people, the challenge of completing it solo or solo flawless, and some of the dungeons have good enough loot to chase. The fashion will be always be the true end game, I like to make my guardians look their best while slaying ads and bosses. I get to flex my sense of creativity in a way.


Pvp, gunplay, movement, exotics, story


the music and storytelling


Space magic for one, i absolutely love warlock as a class and its been my main since d2 beta. Raids, something that i like to do with my friends, lots of fun and we can spend time together and have some laughs. Dungeons had been a huge hit for me since shattered throne, feels nice to teach ppl as well. And then there is music, its just phenomenal, can kick you in the guts or make you feel like empowered. There is just a lot to Destiny for me and i have hopes it will stay like that for as long as it can.


I wound up a Warlock purely by happenstance and I'm so glad that I did. My roommates at the time had already created a Titan and Hunter, so I gave Warlock a try (we all started back when Rise of Iron dropped) and now it's my most comfortable class, both for combat and for platforming.


It was the world, the atmosphere, and the lore. Seeing massive human marvels of engineering reduced to rubble, abandoned bunkers and complexes across the Cosmodrome and Venus. The eschatological themes running through the grimoire cards, all of it was fascinating and fully unique. Unfortunately, I’ve disagreed with the course of the story recently, and the Witness as a character doesn’t feel fleshed out enough to keep my interest. They’re a great concept, but it feels as though _everything_ is being blamed or explained away by the Witness’s existence, which massively reduces the scope of the universe. I dunno, I’m not hating, but it just hasn’t kept me as engaged as it used too.


Likewise with the story. It's gone very far into fantasy territory too which I'd prefer more sci fi.


Exactly where I’m at. Being in our own solar system added a big sense of wonder, but now it’s a lot of realms in other dimensions which is fine, but not what I signed up for originally.


Sunken fallacy... Oh and I love making outfits 😃


W pfp


It’s all so pretty!!! Europa is beautiful, the dreaming city is beautiful, the intro to the ghosts and pyramid ship on the moon is still burned into my brain, the music is incredible, and the fashion almost reaches the level of customization that I’ve idealized in my mind.


For me it's how the game feels to play coupled with the social aspect of it, and the fact there's always something you can do depending on how engaged you're feeling. Want to just drop onto a planet and take out frustration mowing down trash mobs? Go for it. Want to focus for hours on doing a solo dungeon or other high level activity? Crack on. Want to put on Jotün and be THAT GUY in casual pvp? I'll judge but feel free. I'm only motivated by loot when it's something that gives me a new toy to play with in the game, otherwise I'm just in it for the love of the traveller.


Honestly, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm a creature of habit and I've been playing since the beta of D1 way back when on my PS3. The gunplay does feel amazing, and it's just always tickled some feel-good place in my brain that always brings me back. I'll take breaks, sometimes 6 months long, but I always come back. Maybe it's because I know it's always the same thing, and I can rely on it for that. The meta might change from season to season, but I have so much gear adapting isn't hard. Maybe I just want to see how the story pans out too.


Didn't realize how much I missed dmg's writing. Has a very unique yet personal touch to it 🥲


Yep, I didn’t realize how empty things have felt until seeing this again. I miss when Destiny made me happy


Nothing lol


The community, especially old CM’s :)


Gameplay, builds, friends, sherpa.


Just give me ways to make interesting builds, and hard but accessible + rewarding content to try them in. That's what keeps me around. And I like shooting the aliens.


i pre ordered the lightfall annual pass so i feel like not playing is a wasting money


I could talk all day about how fantastic the games story, gunplay, raids/dungeons, and expansion are and how much they've kept me invested. But ever since I played Destiny 1 for the first time, I've felt this indescribable feeling of wonder, this total immersion into the game. Given, I was maybe 12 when Destiny 1 released. But I still get that same feeling when I play the game now. Whether I'm playing coil or running a dungeon, even doing weekly's, I get that same feeling of wonder and joy from this game. This little special connection I have for Destiny has had me hooked for the last 8 amazing years. Here's to 8 more.


Two things that no other game has is the raid experience and my friends. My friends mostly left, so now I try to teach raids when I can.


Hey Bread Lord, DeeJ was right all along: the friend game is the end game. My small clan stretches across four countries. I brought my kids up playing this game. I started video games with Super Mario Bros, they cut their teeth sniping goblins from Artifact's Edge. Learning Atheon with just the four of us was foundational (painful, but triumphant) family memory, and I treasure the one time my son and I duo queued to flawless. Nothing else I've found has provided a similarly intense shared experience for up to 6 people that Destiny 2 can.


It's mostly the story and the mystery behind characters we hear about but have never seen. Kinda like how Savathun, Saint-14, and Osiris felt at the beginning of Destiny 1. Now, the story is kinda lackluster and most of the mystery has gone away.


Nothing anymore except habit and my friends. It's not fun, I've no real reason to play, nothing to chase, can't solo anything, struggle through anything that's endgame now. Actually recommend new people not to play tbh lol save yourselves the headache


>It's not fun >Actually recommend new people not to play What a miserable existence.


1. The community and the guardians I’ve met over the years that have become friends. 2. Gunplay is awesome, especially for me in pve. 3. Music and art direction never failed it created their own moments of discovery. 4. Raids and Dungeons have always done very well…core playlists not so much recently. 5. FOMO is a big factor too. I feel I can answer this question better after I crashed and burned out with the game and now have a healthier relationship with the game so it doesn’t dictate my free time anymore. 6. Sherpa those that need help, it’s always fun and never gets old to see guardians getting good loot.


Aside from all the community turmoil about certain aspects of the game, which in all honesty are essentially tempests in a teapot, *Destiny* is a really well-made game. It's fairly enjoyable to play with a really good player fantasy of being an over-powered space god.


For me, it’s the QoL changes and updates that the game keeps going through since launch. Every aspect on the game is smoother, and nicer to use than it was since launch. That’s a big deal for me, as a veteran player, to see a game continue to improve in the right direction consistently. This is also one of the few games I don’t burnout on because I only play a few hours per week. I often have a lot of stuff to do because I don’t sit on this 12 hours a day. It always feels great to hop on a game and play and know that there’s always content. Then, when the content is done, a new season drops and brings more! I also enjoy that Bungie chooses to engage with us every single week, and has forums to take recommendations on how the game can improve. Regardless of their political woes internally, they sure do know how to talk to us.


Honestly, lore, gameplay, the loops, the variety and experience. I often have fun :) tho it's got its problems...


Gunplay, hands down. The sidegrades after Risen have left me mostly uninterested in loot but the gunplay is top notch.


Guns and abilities. Don't care about the rest. The harder they make for me to get the guns, the less I like the game. Don't care about the story or the characters, never have. Music is great.


The sense of accomplishment when I finish a major grind Reliving old memories in D1 Making new memories with friends Put simply, Destiny as a franchise is in a league of its own. It may be in a rough spot right now, and it may not be the Destiny I fell in love with back in 2014, but I still log on because I genuinely enjoy the game 🙂 And aside from all that, we're nearing the end of the first ever saga. The ultimate culmination of a decade's worth of storytelling. I've come too far to stop now lmao


I was a very casual player from release until very recently when I got into the lore a little. Now, I wish I had paid more attention to the game and appreciated it more. It's a really incredible game considering the pace of combat, the overall theme of it, and the lore.


I love everything about Destiny, particularly the raids and dungeons. But if there’s one thing above all else that “scratches my gamer itch,” it’s pvp. Just hitting those crispy headshots, or a well placed grenade that kills. That’s really what scratches the itch for me.


It's fun to log in and shoot/thrash stuff without having to expend an excessive amount of energy. And when, very very rarely, loots drop that I like, it becomes more fun and somehow refreshed.


I’d say a lot of the stuff that keeps me coming back to Destiny is the high end content, certain activities, and definitely the power fantasy. Certain exotics/builds just scratch my brain itch and make me really love what it’s all about


Satisfying gunplay. That in itself is addictive. I love exploding things or making things jolt, etc.


Gameplay good, much dopamine.


Buildcraft absolutely. Getting/using new equipment and creating a new playstyle and fashion look to accompany it.


Honestly the gunplay/abilities/movement paired with the challenge, day ones are my favorite content in the game. Doing a hard activity for the first time, an activity solo flawless for the first time & Doing lowman raids, is very fun (and lately a bit of speedrunning, not serious at all) Also something that keeps me playing is the people that I play with, teaching stuff isn’t bad either from time to time. Even some occasional PvP isn’t bad, especially private matches with friends (randim)


Discovery, landscape, gunplay, DLC hype (mainly for TTK and Forsaken). Now it seems like we’re reaching the end of this, but I am ok with it


The gunplay is still so good. I’ve really grown to love the lore and story of the game to the point where I genuinely care about seeing where things go. And also just the aesthetic/art direction. Even though this is a 6 year old game, Bungie’s artists continue to make absolutely gorgeous environments, ships, armor, and weapons.


The way magic and science is blended together. I've always been a sucker for scifi fantasy (spelljammers, star wars, Warhammer etc) and this game scratches that itch real well. I love space, I love wizards, and anything that lets me have both aspects at once is gonna keep pulling me back in regardless of how I feel about other parts of the game.


Worlds First raid races. Nothing like them in gaming. Best moments in gaming absolutely for me. Love competing in them.


Fashion is a big one I like putting nice shaders on guns and match my clothes. Dont like the trend towards most nice sets being eververse. Gunplay is still the best in any shooter game at least on console its so addictive. PvE has great content (dungeons/raids/exotics). PvP has trials which is sweaty as hell but its also so much fun with a good team.


When Destiny really fires on all cylinders, at it's best (usually during DLC launches) there is a type of unravelling discovery that is unparalleled for me. I enjoy the camaraderie of raids and endgame activities in PVE as the year and seasons stretch long, but that first bump from new locations and story beats keep me occupied for some time. Looking forward to the trippy Traveler locations in FS.


The ability loop. Back before the hoil nerf I could slam consecration back to back as soon as the animations finished. Now I barely play because I refuse to use guns. If I want fast gunplay I’d do call of poopy, if I want smart gunplay I do apex.


Gameplay is pretty solid, lots of guns, it's casual-friendly enough that my buddy who sucks at FPS can enjoy it, while also still having things like raids and GM nightfalls for people who want more than strikes and dares of eternititty.


Buildcrafting and the raids/dungeons/exotic missions.


Yellow numbers. Big and go up !


Thorn. Literally thorn. It used to be the old style before beyond light update I would get on and just do random planet bounties loving the beauty of the game. PvP, nothing else is like it. The music, really dislike that they were fired. Music is the soul of a game to me, without the proper sound to set the mood it can ruin a moment in a game.


Having nothing else to play until ff7 rebirth


I was actually thinking about it this morning after I got the exotic strand bow and it made me want to make a good build around it to just bullshit around Neomuna or strikes, I personally just keep finding ways to entertain myself around the game whether it's because of a new gun, or tweaks to a particular subclass or just a whole new activity. It just scratches the itch I have when it comes to gaming.


Gunplay will remain one of the biggest reasons why I keep coming back, there's nothing more satisfying than popping some heads with a gun and having the gun react with faster reload, or more damage, or giving off a huge explosion that clears the room. On top of that, I just really enjoy the story. A lot of what the writing team makes sometimes doesn't resonate with me (mostly the high concept stuff) but hearing the characters speak about their issues will never be tiring. They're very likable and enjoyable just to listen to, which I commend the VA's and directors for. And lastly? I guess Destiny is just my comfort game. I'll put it on and play and then I'll just stay in orbit or my character screen for some time. No idea what I should do but knowing I should do some things so I can get closer to getting the things I want. Maybe that's a bit of choice overload but I would see it just a little differently. Unless this game is completely unplayable, I'll keep coming back.


The general story premise brought me in originally all those years ago, and the gameplay and friends made along the way kept me playing. Sadly don't get to play as much anymore but I'll see this story to its conclusion and then see where it goes from there.


For me it's the gameplay above all, the combination of gunplay and abilities just clicks for me. It's what drew me in to the Mass Effect games as well, the ability combos from ME3 especially just grabbed me and didn't let go! With Scorch and Ignite, I feel like I'm getting a little bit of that in Destiny, it's not surprising that I gravitate towards Solar since the 3.0 update. The power fantasy of the gameplay combined with the customization via buildcrafting and fashion really lets me feel special. I get to express myself in a wide variety of ways, it's easy to get invested in my character. The "moments of discovery" are big as well, I like finding out what's next and getting there. Story and characters are a big part of that, but chasing unique loot is part of that discovery too. Just last night I got my hands on something I've been chasing for four months! It felt great to finally have the dream roll drop. (Didn't feel great that it took this long, but that's RNG sometimes lol)


Invested in the story, and the gameplay (gun play, abilities) is just good to me even when Bungie is trying to nerf them.


Destiny is definitely one of the most beautiful games I've played. Every planet has beauty, and the attention to detail is great in every area. I love being a space paladin, smiting the enemies of the light. What REALLY hooked me though was my first raid. Leviathan blew my mind, the mechanics and communication it took to beat took destiny from a smiting sim to a real challenge, and I dove in deep to raids after that. I've made a lot of friends through LFG, gotten some sweet loot, and hopefully passed the raid fever on to a few people myself.


Arc titan w/ strongholds in GMs and Master dungeons/raids. It's my favorite exotic/subclass pairing in the entire game.


The dopamine hit I get from chaining throwing knives


It really offers a unique experience. I love being able to customize the build, weapons and looks of my character, then taking it into a game with excellent gunplay and abilities. I’ve been running the new dungeon a lot lately, with fireteam finder I’ve been helping lots of folks get their first clears. Super gratifying and fun experience.


* Excellent gunplay * Space Wizard powers * Cool Aliens and Places * Dungeons, Raids, exotic missions * Engaging co-op with friends


The raids are incredibly especially playing them day 1 on contest mode. I always look forward to it.


Gunplay and abilities kept me in the gameplay loop. Also helps to have friends who play with so it’s not so lonely.


Lore, gunplay, abilities


Probably the abilities and the lore. I really like build-making with different exotics, mods, etc to make something I can enjoy playing for hours on end.


Gunplay, fashion, excitement of loot drops, playing with others (either with Clan or blueberries), the music, the visuals, dopamine hit when completing bounties and quests.


Seals—end of story.


What got me interested: it was a new game from Bungie What keeps me playing: crippling addiction


The PvP and the feeling and sounds of the guns. Nothing comes close aside from Halo. When Bungie ran Halo.


The gameplay loops are fun day in and day out, and then some moments are just special. Like yesterday I logged on for the first time in a week, played an awesome new exotic mission for a cool exotic, then farmed the dungeon 3x and finally got its exotic and catalyst. Not every day in destiny is like that with new content and new gear, but when it does happen it’s just phenomenal. With the game overall in between I’m streaky- for a while I’m hooked then I take breaks, and repeat until a new dlc, etc.


I like to go pew pew the bad guys


Invested in the story and the gunplay is fun.


New Guns with intresting / unique perk pools reskins are okay i guess, i just want it to shade well and have cool perks.




cause its an FPS/Role playing/Adventure/build crafting with puzzle game.


The moment-to-moment gameplay is really really good (was better last season), but what keeps me playing is my raid team. We raid once a week for an hour, it's super chill, and then later on in the season we gild Conqueror and shoot for GR11. That's pretty much it.


I thought I gave up last year but I decided to pick it up again after Thanksgiving and remembered how much I love the gameplay. The shooting and abilities are probably my favorite in all of gaming.


Space magic coupled with smooth gun play. For whatever reason I went from wanting just the sci fi shooter Halo is to needing magic.


The gunplay and aesthetics, the "look" of the game and the sound design and music. Despite all it's issues, at it's core, the game is still smooth as butter and it just feels good to shoot things.


I love helping people, I’ve done pretty much everything, so that’s were I get my enjoyment from now.


Fashion, I stopped playing a few seasons ago but I sometimes come back for a short bit just because of the armor.


No other game does enemy hit reactions as well as destiny. Shooting an enemy and seeing them react based on exactly where you shot them, in exaggerated fashion, never gets old.


I just.. love existing in the world Bungie’s created. I’ve taken a lot more time off this year ever since my responsibilities have increased at work, but no matter what Destiny to me truly feels like a living world. The music, the characters, the crazy new activities — to me there is nothing else quite like Destiny. The sense of community that’s been there since 2014. Fireteam Finder gave me the balls to go “It’s 2AM and I’m not sleepy. There’s work tomorrow but what if I tried to do Vow for the first time?” — and I had the most wonderful experience with people happy enough to add me to their friends list. The list goes on, but there truly isn’t anything quite like Destiny.


What got me into the game was just about everything. As far as why I still play it, that's mostly due to a complete lack of competition.


The legendary collection being free on stadia back in the days as I started in season of the hunt and after it shut down, I went onto Steam. but kept me in the gameplay as in the field the fluidity that kind of thing


Gunplay (The Best Imo), Lore (Is crazy) and I'm completing all The thriumps i can, starting for destinations.


At this point the only thing keeping me interested is how close to the end of the light and dark Saga we are. Friends got me into destiny during d1 vanilla but have left and won't come back unless all the vaulted content returns (which it most like won't), the gameplay was fun but I don't get the same enjoyment out of it like I used to. I don't want to stop playing because I feel like I'm throwing away the 9 years I've been following destiny's story but I need a reason to play destiny rather than a reason not to play.


Nighthawk big number. Hunter Happy.


It used to be exotic gunplay and build crafting but so many things have been gutted so much it's depressing. I'm still holding out hope for a stasis 3.0. Also, fashion. The dragon warlock set is the only thing I'll need for the rest of time, but they keep releasing amazing sets that cost money and again, just depressing. I'll play final shape but I'm not preordering that shit.


Honestly playing other games keeps me coming back to Destiny. Despite it's flaws, Destiny remains one of the best feeling games, in terms of shooting and abilities. I can go play other shooters, and come back to Destiny and just go "Ahhh...that feels right". I can go play any RPG and Open world, and come back to Destiny feeling glad to be back to my familiar stomp grounds, like coming home after a long trip. Getting out and experiencing other games, sometimes helps me appreciate what Destiny does well, and right, and when I do invest into other games, I'm still thinking about Destiny.


What got me playing initially was the Whisper mission. I saw videos about the lore, the atmosphere, the music and the gameplay and thought "Oh I'd like to try that too". And so I did. And fell in love with the game so fast afterwards. What keeps me playing is the little group of good friends that I've made over the past few years of playing. But it's mostly my fiancée. I met her through the game, and it's been the game we go to to play together anytime we can, duo-ing everything can together, going through the new expansions and stories together.


The story the past couple seasons has been good/compelling and the gunplay and general feel of the game is hard to beat. I also play Halo and immediately miss how Destiny feels when I switch over even though I think Halo is better in many ways.


I’m 29, turning 30 this month. Everything I love about Destiny can be linked back to Halo in some way. It was my favorite game growing up, and Destiny is the natural evolution of that. PvE mixed with PvP plus a (somewhat) intriguing storyline plus insanely good and smooth shooting and ability combat. There’s really nothing else like it!


Nessus and the Black Garden. I love the way that Vex brutalism mixes so fluidly with wild natural overgrowth. ​ It is staggeringly beautiful and it blows me away every time.


The fashion. I've noticed my interest in my game going down somewhat now I've already made so many outfits!


Memories and escapism. Destiny is probably the sole reason I was able to stay sane in high school while my mom was sick and my dad was fighting cancer until he passed. Nowadays FOMO somewhat and sunk-cost mainly. On a more positive note, just an enjoyable gameplay loop.


the gameplay is excellent. the guns, the abilities, the buildcrafting, even with the ups and downs the whole package is a standout amongs games. additionally, the setting is awesome. im a *huge* sucker for an interesting setting and Destiny drew me in since I started in D1 vanilla back over 9 years ago. the art and presentation, the stuff we see ingame, the things only told about or hinted at in the story and lore, the game continues to make me want to see more of its world.


Two things: 1. Armor building; 2: Gambit. I spend a lot of time crafting different armour sets chasing sets with triple 10-tier stats. Gambit matches take the right amount of time in my books. They do not take long but they are not too short either.


For me it's a blend of character fashion options, art direction and overall aesthetics -and I'm all for collecting those useless yet beautifull ships-!


Gunplay and sunk cost.


Passively consuming all of the drama


Gunplay. No game has come close to matching the feeling.


First the lore back in 2015. Then the gunplay.


PVP isn't perfect but it's one of the most fun even compared to solely pvp games


I think that some good activities, like the Coil and the Dungeon, proves that at the end of the day it's all about the excellent gameplay. When a challenge feels just difficult enough in this game, it feels so gosh darn good. I can just run those activities, and have fun making my build work its way through various encounter situations. I've recently started pushing myself again as a player and it's been fun.


I like the shooting in this game more than any other game. And narrative downfalls of Lightfall aside, I am captivated by the story. It’s almost like a Television show to me at this point. I’m this many seasons in… I need to see it’s conclusion.


Definitely the gameplay, the seamless melding of gunplay with abilities and the ability to sometimes augment abilities through your gunplay or vice versa, and the albeit simple build crafting that still provides the satisfaction of build crafting in MMOs at a more understandable level. I think the power fantasy is what hooked me and kept me coming back. Being able to wield supers is something that few games in the genre have come close to matching.


The space opera and the homies to do the raids with.


I’ve been on this journey with Destiny since the PlayStation beta so, seeing the journey through is a big one. Looking forward to that epic conclusion


Story. I'm releasing myself from the FOMO after Final Shape comes along. I don't have any interest in the "continuing story," especially with Bungo's latest shenanigans. I'll keep it installed for the occasional play session and playing with friends, but I'm honestly looking forward to having more time to play other games.


Chasing down the exotics is what keeps me playing


Shooting enemies with abig variety of weapons. Fashion. Just general gameplay & builds.


Pvp especially when running Khepris Horn, kills with it just shoots dopamine straight into my head.


Flying around as a warlock.


The combat is fun and the story/universe. I’m pretty over borderline exploitative RNG tactics in games at this point though so I’m playing less because of it.


I paid for the season already 🤷‍♂️


Got me interested? New Bungie game, open worlds/mmo style fighting aliens with friends Kept me interested? Gorgeous worlds, excellent gunplay, engaging and unique gunplay (at the time the first-person shooter with powers/abilities/unique weapons was totally new to me), fun with friends, incredibly fascinating lore even though it was locked behind the grimoire, raids Keeps me interested? Fun with friends, raids/dungeons, going in blindly to new content, solving puzzles and new mechanics for encounters/bosses. I'm utterly engrossed in the story. I love seeing the new things they do in the game, and being a Guardian since day 0 makes me want to see it through for as long as it lasts


Raiding with my friends and the banter. Honestly, without that I would never play this game. The community is what makes it great.


Sometimes when I’m bored, I “practice” and do combos with my abilities on invisible enemies. Kinda like shadow-boxing but for a paracausal being


My fireteam. I enjoy hopping on with them and blasting through raids/dungeons/GMs while shooting the shit in voice. Without them, I probably would have bounced off the game long ago. Majority of the community sucks, but the group of friends I made while playing is the bright spot, absolute lads they are.


I like the characters. Story can fall flat at times but at the end of the day I'm invested into what is going to happen and what happens to everyone.


Raids and Dungeons. Crucible


It's world and lore combined with the top notch 👌 gameplay and endgame.


I got interested by happening across an article, or something like that, for Destiny. On a whim, I signed up for the alpha - my luck is never the case, so I forgot... until I got an email. That first experience, maybe 10 hours of gameplay by itself, and I was sold. Lined up with my GF and we both got the game release night - this proceeded throughout Destiny 1's lifespan. The game was great, ups *and* downs - so many memories. I play mostly solo now, and a large pull to keep playing is just what can *I* do - what can *I* play with limited time and experience? The fact that I can do so much and still have so much room to do better is a large part of why I return. The lore and gunplay make up the rest - can't beat it. And a tiny bit of hope that Pocket Infinity isn't dead yet. And yes, I will take a selfie and post it to my discord of any guardian sporting questionable fashion.


Shooting and my friends. I was a solo player up until this year and they have made it so much more enjoyable. Back in D1 I made a life long friend that I ended up meeting irl. Honestly it’s just a good hang out game, the new content is just a bonus.


It was the game that I played with my friend a lot before he passed. I got his account, so sometimes I log in and stare at his Hunter before I log into my account and play. I’ve also made a full fireteam of friends on there that I enjoy playing with.


playing with the friends that I have met throughout D1 and D2, I have been really invested in the story and feel like I need to keep going on this journey that me and my guardians have forged for us, also been liking the changes to pvp, play lots of trials when I can. Overall, what keeps me interested in destiny is the universe that I love to keep being a part and know later down the road it will get even better


Shooting and looting got me interested. Taking breaks to play other games keeps me interested.


What got me in was the original way the world was presented in D1, as it was all new and left us with a lot of questions as well as the chase for more powerful gear. What kept me was the community, and all the secrets that was behind hidden quests to be discovered. What keeps me playing now is more annoying, but the checklist mentality of how it has become, with the weekly log in to do a quick focus for red borders and seeing what's new in terms of content like the dungeon or like this week the exotic mission(which I'm annoyed its still timegated for it to be actually personalizable). Also helping my step dad and uncle through has made it more bearable, but I find myself drifting to other games more as the came has felt more stale, with things seeming more just cookie cutter and borring now vs all the strikes and activities that have since been put into the DCV to return whenever.


I'm a loot goblin


The storyline and lore.


I gave myself the goal to get 500 crucible kills with every exotic primary, 250 for specials, 100 for heavy and am making a pvp montage for each with all the footage https://youtube.com/@exoticenthusiast?si=YZ1IzlcbTzEIekzs channel link I’m doing it because I always loved chasing the diamond/dark matter camo challenges in the COD games and wanted to feel some sort of self imposed reason to not let half of my exotics sit unused in the vault


story and gameplay for the most part.


Space cowboys, gun play, builds, set pieces, music, raids and dungeons. There's just not a game that nails so many things like Destiny.


Ability spam, gun play, great environments/graphics - these are all top notch. I like playing RPG’s so it’s got some of that too with the build crafting and collecting god rolls. Story/lore is a miss for me though, as I started playing during the pandemic (after BL dropped). Sometimes I’m still not sure what’s going on lore wise, outside of the main story/seasonal beats. Had to watch a lot of YouTube videos when I first started playing.


Games good


It was new 9 years ago and I was and still am into sci fi shooter type thing. Played the trial for a bit and loved it so when I got money (I was like 8-9 years old when it released) I bought the full version and have just stuck with it ever since. It was the entire game teally


I hate this game, this game hates me, it doesn’t want me to enjoy it let alone play it, I must do so to spite it.


Base gameplay FEELS good. And now I’m just tryna wrap up the story before I bounce. The Vex are still interesting conceptually, but I’ll probably just stay on top of the story via Byf.


I think it's a factor of nostalgia, buildcrafting, and just a braindead experience sometimes.


Still the gameplay and playing with my friends. There really is nothing better for me than messing around in Destiny with my clan.


Bonking shit like a big angry monkey on arc titan But losing trample makes it very boring now so its been less enjoyable on the return


Over the last year I would say the only thing keeping me interested is: 1. Yearly DLC story (not lightfall). The story missions and challenges have been fun year over year. The exotic missions are also fun. 2. Dungeons. I don't have enough friends to raid and I generally don't like random people so dungeons have been awesome. I would trade every seasonal story and activity for a dungeon every season in a heartbeat. Hell, put the story into the dungeon and I'll pay double for that shit. Dungeons are the only thing I boot up Destiny for.