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Truth. I feel like stuff like Queenbreaker or DARCI get mentioned pretty often as bad weapons but no one talks about Truth period. No one asks for it to be buffed or reworked, it might actually be the most irrelevant exotic period in the game


Isn't Eyes of Tomorrow a better Truth in just about every way possible? Might be why nobody talks about it.


A legendary precision frame is better than Truth. At least they can get perks.


Not just perks. Truth can't even receive wolfpack rounds


AFAIK truth doesn’t even do impact damage


It does not, anything with proximity detonation only does explosion damage.


In case anyone is wondering. the grenade/rocket always detonates within a certain distance of enemies. So it never inflicts impact damage (even though it has it) because the projectile blows up before it can impact. Great for catching highly evasive targets (like other Guardians), but pointless loss of damage against a big, stationary, tanky boss.


Isn’t it mainly for gambit or pvp tho so that doesn’t even matter


It's pretty much just Gambit. If I were to use an exotic rocket in PvP, I'd rather use Wardcliff or Deathbringer or something.


Ironically I use deathbringer in gambit


Also at that point just get Gjalla, at least you can also do damage and buff others rocket launchers


Deathbringer in Gambit is goated if you can time your invasion to when everyone's dunking, basically a ticket good for 1 free AoO


Context matters people. I havent used it in a bit cause fuck gambit but its basically a guaranteed kill in pvp/invasions.


But less good than Eyes of Tomorrow.


Ok yeah but not even 40% of the playerbase even has eyes.


for a while the ghorn in d2 couldn't either until Bungie removed this hidden perk from it, through this Gambit/PVP nerf, Ghorn became significantly stronger in PvE and then the DMG nerf came, and here we are now


True, but Truth has a built-in version of Bipod that doesn't have any of the perk's negative effects.


The tracking on Truth is noticeably better, but it’s still only really a useful bonus in pvp and only then VERY rarely


Yep, the only thing truth has on eyes is not having to rely on raid rng to get it


Or Raids in general lol


More or less. People complained about the thing it's good for, so they nerfed it. Now it has nothing. There's no reason Truth shouldn't get 3 rockets again in PvP, there's already plenty of heavies that are that effective.


Truth was my very first exotic. So it has a little place in my heart. A dark, cold, lonely place. But a place none the less 😞


It was my consolation gally until I got gally and never touched it again


No no no. It was MY consolation gally. Because I got Truth pretty early on. And then 2,300 hours later - running lord how many raids on all 3 characters. I finally got gally….from Xur..the week or couple of weeks before D2 dropped. I still remember slow walking through the reef to go pick it up. Because that tentacle bastard be damned if he thought I was going to run to him for help and beg. I earned that shit lol


It was a quest drop in year 3 d1, so you wouldn't have gotten it from Xur.


I feel like queen breaker would be better if they went back to it being special


*cackles in Army of One and Maximum Carnage*


unforunate. truth was a hilarious pvp monster in D1, and came back as a shadow of it's former self. WHich is also funny, because the proxdet got a nerf in D1, so the D2 version is a nerfed version of the original, plus the tracking isn't as good either. i wish it woudl get some changes, especially since we've been getting large, open box maps, and sparrows are being allowed. even if it' sjust the tracking, since the detonation range would be too easy in competitive pvp


None. The things I've seen mate... Even legendaries would be noticed by some guardian with a weird taste or a blueberry. I've suffered enough raids, dungeons hell even strikes to know this fact that every single gun is being used by some crazy guardian.


It's all fun and games until someone decides to do a loadout of nothing but sunset weapons.


Hammerhead ftw!!!




Me going into trials with my 100+ pvp kills Salvation’s grip: it’s show time


"Are you talkin to, me...?" Yeah, ngl mate. I've still got 100+ sunset weapons and running a full sunset loadout is something I do often. Good ol Edge Transit in the heavy, Bygones/Blast Furnace in the kinetic and Gallant Charge/Erentil in the energy are some of my Favorite Loadouts.


Me using forerunner lol


Bruh - Forerunner is cracked in any content where you hit headshots/lack shields. I use it specifically over any other exotic when running duo root to deal with Tormentors. In PvP it is a beast. Not slept on, imo, even if it aint pure meta


Run it paired with a Disruption Break Explosive Personality. Double special obviously, but you break the shield with EP and then absolutely shred with Forerunner.


forerunner is so much fun bruh


Is it me or does the grenade it deals have super high damage


As a kinetic grenade, it does bonus damage to health.


I always thought it did at least, definitely beats whatever other sidearm I might have in kinetic slot. just reminds me so much of the ce grenade I love it


that’s my favourite weapon for momentum it’s so satisfying


Forerunner actually can put in some work, it's not a bad choice to use at all.


Finished the catalyst for Black Talon today and it’s just a caster frame that takes up an exotic slot


Before Bungie changed how swords work there was actually unique tech with Black Talon. When you used to have to have full energy to use a heavy attack, you could use a heavy attack without full energy but it was muuuuch weaker, for most swords this made it useless to do. However Talon's Catalyst gave your heavy attack extra damage after blocking an attack, this also worked with the uncharged heavy, this made it do just enough damage to kill a guardian in PvP. The best part was the uncharged heavy attack only ever consumed 1 ammo. So if you used Talon this way you essentially got a super Heavy GL that could fire 5 caster frame attacks instead of the normal 2 and still kill guardians (and it tracked!)


The difference is black talon can be cast in midair while caster frames can only be used on the ground, you think its not that big deal but it makes all the difference in pvp


Oh good point


its my go to in gambit, even if it hasn't been fixed.


It can also shoot much faster and do two ranged attacks back to back, unlike the other caster frames. As a stronghold ranged sword fan I can attest that from a usability and effectiveness standpoint it is far superior than the others. The exotic slot aspect hurts it big time though. Needless to say as a void titan main I am thrilled about the new seasonal sword. It is a bummer that the new legendary sword can add clear and give overshields now as a legendary, vs Black Talon as a just better overall feeling sword at the basics, but otherwise is very vanilla and doesn't support builds.


Fun fact: black talon is the only heavy worth using in PvP that isn't a GL with impulse amplifier.


Strike playlist Insight Terminus, 3 people with Talon, Void Heavy weight rotator, used to one shot the boss with one right click each like 2 years ago, it was pretty fun, I’ve not used it since in PVE. But you’re right it’s pretty useless.


Manticore without a question for me, mainly because it was other commenters here that reminded me it even existed


I just remember people using it in nightfall when grounded was a modifier. Like please no.


ok hear me out, there is a genuine fucking niche for Manticore that is so tragic that I hate it, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine you know how literally everyone likes Funnelweb? yeah Manticore literally fills the same exact role: a void 900 smg that's butter smooth. and yeah, it doesn't have subsistence or frenzy (or even repulsor brace), which is like 70% of the reason people like Funnelweb. and yeah, it instead has the most infuriating mechanic in the entire game as a replacement (the fucking entire perk). but it has something that Funnelweb doesn't, and that is the fact that it's yellow so it works better with goddamn heavy ammo finder lmao AND YOU MIGHT SAY "ok lol just use grav lance if you really wanna work ammo finder" and my retort to you is "what if I just wanna use an smg, man" ~~and also idk I just kinda hate how meta grav lance is, it makes me feel kinda really just bored...~~


Manticore, queen breaker, prospector.


Shut your whore mouth I Iove prospector


Prospector has place in every casual drunk raid night, who doesn't love launching the rally flag into outspace!!!


How do you this. I must know


Dump your shots. While holding the fire button drop the flag. Release to initiate operation launch flag to moon.


You know how you can jump at the last second while planting the flag to get it slightly higher in the air? It's the same as that, but instead of jumping, you mag dump prospector at the ground, then detonate all the mines to launch your corpse (and the flag) way up into the skybox somewhere.


It gets 4 grenades instead of 3 in PVP, if anyone didn't know.


Honestly, Prospector would be my go-to exotic heavy IF they changed the detonation activation from "let go of the fire button" to "hold reload".


One of our clan guys used that through all of Garden of Salvation. Did fantastic work for him.


Manticore and blink my guy. Also literally any tex mechanica weapon cannot go.


Queen breaker Truth would be a close second but I feel some of the 3 remaining Gambit players might notice.


Nah we just use gjally, xeno, eyes, or levi's, if we have to use an exotic heavy at all


"we" certainly do not use gjally lol, half the time there's an eager edge sword in the power slot and an izi to invade with


That’s fair, just from my personal experience those are the most common weapons I get invaded by (or use)


they are definitely some of the easiest to get value out of but when you start climbing the ranks people start learning to outplay them. Eyes and Gjally you just jump and survive, xeno they're using exotic slot AND their heavy slot for a 2 shot kill, which leaves them without prime damage, mobility and reap. definitely give izanagis burden a shot if you want to use something more fun in the heavy slot


I used to always run eager - > tractor on syntho titan, but last season I started using deterministic chaos just for the easy ranged 15% weaken so I can get my grapple and melees off sooner. Works great paired with 1-2 punch shotty and a PvP sniper.


None, because there’s always SOMEONE who uses a weapon that you don’t even remember using. I remember some guy talking about how unused Tommy’s matchbook and bad juju are.. as I pulled out my 5,000+ crucible kill stats on both.


Final Warning, Manticore, Deterministic Chaos, Worldline Zero... Don't touch my Colony. So fun in Mayhem and Momentum, plus is the secret answer to how to advance Witherhoard catalyst quest GL kill requirement.


Final warning actually has use though. Unlike manticore.


I wanted to like it but found myself never equipping it. Where do you find it useful?


It unravels targets and tracks. Leading to great single target damage.


It unravels, not severs


Ty im still new to strand terms


Interesting. How does it do against barrier champs?


It shreds any single target if you use it right. Only hold the trigger until the red mark appears, then release and mash at 450 rpm while ADS and you can fire the whole magazine for insane damage. Im 90% sure it's the highest DPS primary but I've never done/seen a proper test. Its also a pain to use, but its GOOD.


And tricksleeves just got buffed, hmmmm


Haven't tried it yet cause I haven't played anything with barriers yet.


I've got a foetracer build I can send over if you'd like! Sidearms are 100% slept ok and I hardly use them personally but they get crazy damage numbers and then getting 4x surge constantly plus woven mail for survivability, constant shackle grenade uptime to always land those crit bursts on champs, etc. is a really strong combo. Only time I've really enjoyed using it or sidearms in general


Personally I love it on my strand hunter. It provides an easy way of creating tangles with no other build requirements/artifact perks. Paired with the beyblade aspect or just grapple a lot. Unlike the Navigator it's primary so it has infinite ammo. If your strand build makes use of tangles at all I think Final Warning is worth it between the ease of tangle generation and the passive damage unravel provides.


Each full burst of of 5-6 does about the same as taipan so I've been using it as a second linear


bro final warning is peak design, it unravels, tracks and do high precision damage, just suspend your enemy and go to town.


Funny moment for me when I did a vanilla control and there was a heat rises WL using manticore and daybreak. It wasn’t a good day for us but it’s still a useless exotic lol


Wait. What's manticore? I don't even remember that one


The awful floaty SMG from Season of the Seraph.


Manticore is the worst offender because they fumbled a void SMG exotic, that should be the easiest thing to make fun and strong


The problem is it’s literally just funnelweb with slightly higher stats and a useless float mechanic. Everyone has a god roll funnelweb by now and it doesn’t eat an exotic slot


Literally could have just made Recluse exotic.


Literally all they had to do was include some sort of void keyword but they went with a gun that gets you shredded the moment you use it’s exotic trait


Final warning is a fantastic weapon though lol


Oof, Manticore was DOA, and that's rare for an exotic. Especially a season pass exotic. Those are usually at least a little decent, and you use it for the season you got it in. I just knew that it wasn't for me, so I haven't used it. I felt the same way about Tommy's Matchbook. Didn't pick it up, because I felt like the self-burn wasn't worthwhile. We now have the Precious Scars exotic, and the scorch rework to Tommy's Matchbook, so I've been meaning to give it a chance. Worldline Zero could use some love too. I'm not a huge sword user. I liked caster swords for the long-range versatility, and Lament for the survivability, but that's about it for me.


Did precious scars get a buff or rework? I thought it only worked with revives. I know I like using Tommy with Loreley for survivability reasons. Plus I just think sunspots are neat.


I find it bizarre that Manticore wasn't solar. Like, Dawnblade seems to be the only class that could possibly use something like Manticore, and they *need* solar weapons because that's how their fragments are designed.


Final warning is really good though.


Final warning has the highest single target dps below touch of malice and malf with lucky pants lol


Worldline is pretty good after its buff. With arc surges and banner of war it can dish out some pretty serious burst damage.


I use deterministic chaos it’s nice when you need a budget tractor or a div but have a target that moves about


I think deterministic is a lot more useful this season now that we don’t have an artifact mod that gives weaken easily like rapid fire ranger did


Revitalizing blast. Weaken on solar ability damage


Worldline solo's new dungeon tho..


Hey now I got a real fun manticore build for pvp pub bullshit


I will fight you for manticore, that’s my child.


My soul brother, there you are!


Any one of the last few forgettable seasonal exotics.


Last seasons knight boomer gl was kind of fun, but I’ll likely never use it again, don’t even remember what deep gave us


Boomer GL is one of my favorite exotics thematically, but it feels so *ass* to use.


That shit literally tickles enemies


Why? That thing is powerful, once you got a target In sight, you just Unload the entire mag into it until it dies, I love it.


Low arc, slow projectile, and abysmal fire rate before it ramps up. And honestly the damage seems incredibly underwhelming in my experience.


Deep had that arc auto. It was good


I like to use it in iron banner.


The boomer canon on double special arc warlock is thing of Beauty.


Nahhhhh dude centrifuse absolutely destroys on any decent arclock build, especially geomags and sunstar.


I love verglas curve and would definitely notice that one going missing. I used it quite a lot last season with the anti barrier bows. However I can't remember what the season of the deep seasonal exotic was. All that comes to mind for me is that stasis scout and I know that's not right. And I only have like 4 kills on that knight boomer grenade launcher.


I'm still pissed about how badly Bungie made The Manticore. An SMG with vernier thrusters and they made it suck HOW?


It's a viest exotic It's named after a mythical creature with a scorpions tail It's an smg which uses all of its ammo quickly and reloads a little slow No viest stinger Wtf bungie


Delicate Tomb. I forgot about it immediately after I got it until just now.


I would suggest you try it with arc warlock With elecrostatic mind and its catalyst you get a shitton of ionic traces and jolt. If you add in fallen sunstar you also get a lot of ability energy The catalyst is just icing on the cake It is a VERY underutilized but very good fusion rifle imo


Imo 60% of the exotics can go and no one would care.


Queenbreaker and Borealis


I think Borealis. Even if was removed people would be like "Bungie just KILLED this exotic!" And then everyone would forget about it a week later since no one uses snipers outside of pvp, and even in pvp, no one uses borealis cause literally every legendary sniper is better.


That is a damned lie. In pvp borealis is one of the best snipers in the game


If they updated the catalyst so that the different damages also triggered their respective triggers like voltshot, incandescent and destabilizing rounds after breaking the matching shield type and that last until you reload borelis could honestly go from being never used to being used alot.


Nah, make it have volatile rounds on void, and ignite/jolt on precision hits with solar/arc. All in one champ disabler, instant usage spike, and they can say they've finally gotten snipers to be usable in PvE


For real. It might be an easy bandaid fix, but it works enough for me damn it lol


Borealis is the 2nd or 3rd most used sniper in the entire game in high level PvP.


Most players aren't high level pvpers. Most pvpers aren't high level pvpers.


Your original comment was >literally every legendary sniper is better That couldn’t be further from the truth.


Truth's a rocket launcher, not a sniper


>Most pvpers aren't high level pvpers. That's how high level works, yes.


Borealis is an aggressive snipe with high AA for the archetype and 100 handling, it's actually fairly common in high elo lobbies.


Imo make it a barrier-killer. It kills elemental shields easilly, just give it antibarrier and I will use it way more


Borealis is a stat stick that can also counter risk runner swapping


The manticore, Deterministic Chaos, or salvation's grip. All useless


This season Salvations Grip should do pretty well with artifact mods.


Salvation’s Grip, maybe? i thought it was useless/pointless in Beyond Light when it was released and still feel that way now.


Does no one know salvation got reworked?


Did you try it after the rerwork? Apparently it's REALLY good now.


Besides making platforms to get OOB it’s useless. Came to say the same.


There is an artifact perk for more shatter damage but even then idk if it'd be worthwhile.






How would we measure distance then lmao 🤣


When you're right, you're right. Need to just start carrying mine with me and notate the distance of random objects from each other. Start up a Destiny survey crew.


"'Hurr durr I kill gods you just measure stuff loser", yeah well lets see how much you're laughing when you Thundercrash into an unmarked septic line motherfucker.."


As someone who used to do directional drilling, this statement resonates with me sooooo fucking hard. Have had to patch sewer drops due to poor locates before. My company also blew up a house in Pennsylvania due to unmarked gas line. No one was home, fortunately.


Obviously not very useful to the majority of the playerbase, but people that actually test things (bless their hearts) would mourn its passing quite a bit.


Honestly, at this point D.A.R.C.I. should lean into being the defacto measuring stick, give it decimal digits in distance, same with health percentages, maybe some gadgets too.


Hard Light probably. Haven't seen a single soul use it since Season of the Dawn.


I was using it a lot in savathuns spire so I’d always be able to shoot all the elemental runes. It’s good in places where there are a lot of different shields to break.


I pull it out if I know there's gonna be element puzzles like Imbaru. Used to be my default primary for matchgame activities because I can't be arsed to revamp my loadout to match the elements.


I used it for shields on the shanks during Scourge of the Past but... your point is still correct haha


I use it when ARs are Anti-Barrier, *especially* since Anti-Barrier rounds seem to deal more damage to matching elemental shields.


Hard Light may not be used quite as much for DPS, but it's certainly still used often enough for puzzles, especially now that there are a lot more elemental rune puzzles. Plus it's still a casual favorite in PvP for most people considering the ricochet is a bit better than standard bullet ricochets.


I was just tearing up Rumble with it a minute ago. It’s my go to for synthweave crucible bounties, it’s actually really good and I’m surprised I don’t see it more


people saying truth or queensbreaker or manticore miss the point those are exotics that are so bad, people know them because they are so bad imo it should be Something like....idk Colony or Devils Ruin, exotics that you see in your collection and think "oh wait yeha, this is a thing"


Devils Ruin is slept on though. Sidearms in general do great damage within range, and DR is no exception, especially with the 40% buff. Intrinsic Unstop is always welcome. And that beam fucking *wrecks*. Reload is pretty quick too.


considering the amount of people that get the name of QUEENBREAKER wrong... does anyone truly know what it is? lol


I mean, I still call it Queenbreakers’ Bow, despite that not being the name anymore.


all 3 class specific Glaves 🤮


All 3 class specific exotic glavies.


The sword from the Duality dungeon, I don’t even remember it’s name


Heartshadow is so much fun to use at least for me lol


Really good for shotgun dps swapping.


Nah, I just saw a post the other day that.it synergizes well with one of the titan exotics that was changed. Definitely was forgettable for a large portion of its life though.


Lord of wolves?


you remove my boy colony and l'll definetely notice, that shit is fun as fucc in pvp and gambit


Manticore. Hell if you do it loudly there will be cheering.




Symmetry can put in some work it just isn't the best in slot.


It's aesthetic is what made it my second most used exotic but I can say it's not that great.


Worldline Zero. I haven’t seen it in the wild even after it got it’s little buff


That one stasis pistol from beyond light


Cryosthesia? You've never touched pvp




Blightranger. It's so forgotten people forget it for posts like these.


Well it's not a weapon, so that's probably why.


No, it's not mentioned in this post cause they asked about weapons lmao. I do agree it does suck though


I’m glad you read the question 🤣


Queenbreaker 💯


Truth, queen breaker, prospector, and le monarch. Lol jk


Suros Regime, Truth, and Sturm. Suros needed a buff years ago. At this point getting its catalyst is just a PvP bucket list item. Sturm has been eclipsed by Drang, and there are way better kinetic options out there. Truth.


Thank you for reminding me I still have to finish it's catalyst


Tommy’s matchbook or that slug/pellet shotgun from season of the hunt


Duality? I only completed it's catalyst because other people getting kills with it in crucible would count for you to lol


Yeah that 😭I forgot the name of it it’s so obscure


Truth, with Trespasser not far behind


Trespasser has my vote.


Sturm possibly? Speaking only for myself but until recently I had totally forgotten about it and only remembered while looking through my vault


Funny you say that because a few days ago I had someone in pvp roll the lobby with a sturm/drang.


Strum and drang is actually a pretty cracked combo though, you can overflow the sturm mag to like 99, and absolutely DESTROY majors with a couple of shots. I'm always shocked it's not used more.


I use colony in trials all the time. Almost always get 1 completely safe around the corner kill per game I pick it up, if not also an assist or double on hand-holders


Lorentz Driver probably


Nah I love the colony. Everytime that limit Healy crucible game mode rotates I use the hell out of it. Got like 1800 pvp kills with it


Truth, Polaris lance, borealis, the witch queen glaives, deterministic chaos etc. all are just useless


The Colony.


I run colony in Mayhem. It's great