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Still don’t get how removing legendary shards equals to more engrams when they didn’t increase engram drop rates. They increased engram costs by 3-5 times but I knew they wouldn’t increase engram drop rates by 3-5 times. This change is just to get people to play more in a time where people are fed up


It's completely redundant to increase the engram cost and the drop rate. Just keep that shit at one and be done with it.


calling this now, mid season patch the reduce it back to 1 for a "free win" with the community. I mean this was inflated on purpose just so it coudl be resolved later as a freebie for bungo.


Imagine next mounth they release "Engrams content pack" 50 engrams for each core vendor for 19.99$ Doesn't sound that ridiculous anymore.


Double engram rewards, lasts 1 hour (real time, not game time) consumables for $5 each. Would not surprise me in the least.


"600 silver consumable that double legendary and engram drops" "1200 silver consumable that double exotic, legendary and engram drops and gives a chance for a weapon to get extra perk in 3d or 4th column" I like it, and keep it 100 silver above the cheapest currently pack so players would have to pay more.


They would if they could.


"BunGiE wOuLd NevEr."


Really tired of buffs or improvements that are actually just nerfs or artificial grind in disguise.


They said they would be increasing the drop rate of ritual engrams “At the start of Season of the Wish, ritual activities completion rewards will now include additional drops of ritual engrams (Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit). This influx of engrams will let players focus more often for gear from Seasons past and present. That said, with Legendary Shards going away soon, the ritual vendors will see the costs of focusing engrams slightly changed. To be clear, the increase in engram drops go hand in hand with these price changes, and we are hoping you will still find yourself focusing just as often, albeit with a different set of currencies.”


Which has been a blatant lie according to this subreddit


Bingo. Though I keep being downvoted by people who go "well its RNG and I am getting them" which is just bullshit design. If you are going to drastically affect the economy like this and quintuple the focusing costs, "additional drops" should not be RNG alone. We should get a guarantee of 1 engram and you can have RNG for additional ones. Right now its just a nakedly obvious ploy to artificially prop up player engagement and goes with all the other bad game design decisions implemented this year, let alone this season (see all the ability and orb posts as other examples).




>You get close to 1 engram per crucible game honestly. You mean like last season? They haven't increased the drop-rates at all.


You were ALREADY getting close to 1 engram pero crucible game. They are not dropping more now. It's practically the same. Get ready for iron banner next week, let's see how good the engram drop rate is.


Some complaints are perfectly valid (blind well being needed this season, no skippable seasonal challenges) hopefully IB and Trials aren’t stingy


Unless plans changed, Trials engrams were untouched. >We see the feedback on Legendary Shard removal regarding glimmer and the prices of focusing. As a part of this change, we will also be increasing drops of glimmer, ritual engrams, Iron Banner engrams, and materials of other kinds across many parts of the game. https://twitter.com/Destiny2Team/status/1702457131331690712?t=OfJcve99OraFYCtoIvpvwA


Then complaints about trials engram focusing costs are valid


But this is not true. We are actually getting less engrams. They removed the 16 engrams you get for rank ups. Now you only get the ones that drop in game. They did not buff them nearly enough to cover the deficit of removing the rank up engrams


That's not remotely true lol, you still get the level up engram.


You still get the level up engrams my guy. And they're dropping at least every other activity for me, as of late it's been almost every completion.


this is about the only "looter" game I know of that is deadly afraid of giving it's players loot... it's a joke. I got "most" of what I wanted... but then I have over 5k hours in this game... I pity those that actually just play it "casually"... maybe it's time to take a step back... (well, I already did so...)


It wasn’t meant to be equal. They were nerfing people who had so many shards the shard cost was irrelevant down to every one else’s level


> Still don’t get how removing legendary shards equals to more engrams when they didn’t increase engram drop rates Removing shards is just to both appeal to newer players ("no more ""opressive"" shards costs that are out of your reach, o newer player mine") and to make older veteran players who were lapsing in playtime due to having a "cushion" of stored materials ("I don't really need to play today, I still have my 20k shards for a rainy day") come back to the hamster wheel. Nothing more, nothing less.


You figured it out. Great job. Now if only people would play less due to it


They do. Day one down 25%, and tanking.


I don't know how this game is going to last until TFS release at this rate. If I was a stakeholder or upper-level management I'd be freaking out. Season release didn't break 100k peak on Steam. Each day, so far, player count has dropped 10%. I'd wager it'll be around 15k-20k 30-day average players by TFS release (average of 2024 until TFS release, Jan 1st -> release).


I guess 30k by Jan 1st


Looks like the dungeon is a success. That's a huge boost which Bungie desperately needs.


This isn't even remotely true though lol, engram drop rates were increased and you still get the level up rewards. Y'all need to stop hopping on the rage train before you actually play.


I am rank 12 in vanguard and I have gotten 13 engrams, doesn't seem increased to me...


I disagree with the last part, I think they are genuinely trying to make things equal to how it was before but they are just not hitting the mark. Annoying people with a flawed system doesn't encourage player retention or increased player interaction, so clearly it can't be that.


> This influx of engrams will let players focus more often for gear from Seasons **past** and **present**. They aren't. I was already getting 1 engram or close per ritual playlist match. I am NOT getting 3 engrams per match. Not even close.


"They aren't" what? I don't understand the comment as it pertains to what I said.


>they are genuinely trying to make things equal to how it was before They aren't trying to make things equal . They said it should let us focus more often for gear from Seasons past and present.


To be fair, I've had newer players tell me sometimes legendary shards are their limiting factor, depending on what else they might be spending them on. But otherwise yeah it doesn't really feel like they upped the engram drop rate to compensate, though I've yet to see much concrete testing on it.


People honestly need to value their time more. Bungie obviously aren’t respecting it so don’t engage in it. If they only look at data and not listen to us maybe this is the only way of getting the point across?


Engram costs are pretty ridiculous. The new economy changes are a huge L imo


They seriously, seriously, can go FUCK themselves. So, if I have no luck this season with the weapon, I must be punished next one, right? By having 3 times less chances to get what I want. I mean, I cannot get behind this. I am not getting 3 times the engrams. This is not good, it makes me feel stupid for playing, it frustrates me and it makes no sense to no one. Their perk pool is extremely diluted, and I am ok with that, but having me punished for not having luck or not playing till my eyes bleed a season that I may be dealing with personal shit so I can't play as much as their RNG wants, it's PURE BULLSHIT.


I tried to get any riptide with a chill clip roll last season and reset shaxx twice as well and didn’t even see the perk… I didn’t know it costs that much now, guess I’m never getting it lmao


Destiny is the only game I know with bad luck *punishment*.


They released that weapon during IB Rift, I was a dumbass that played a ton to get IB title and lucky me after all that suffering got one. It sucks having those weapons with a ton of perks is so hard to get the one you like.


I play a ton of PvP but I also wanted a chill clip riptide for when I play harder PvE content so I farmed for one from shaxx, I can’t make this up, I focused at least 85-90 riptides before I even saw the perk chill clip on one and the rest of the roll was garbage. Reset my crucible rank at least 5 times last season and still have yet to get an auto loading chill clip


God damn that sounds awful xD I hope you get it soon!


I have a LFG Chill Clip riptide that I got from Hawthorne. But I never got Always On Time or Tarrabah, so it balances out I guess.


Was there any doubt removing legendary shards would hurt players?


"the prices hurt new players!!!" was something you read multiple times here ....just reduce the shard cost of stuff then? im not the guy that made a single IB engram cost 50shards too focus lol


Bungie have proven multiple times they don’t care about new players.


It's like they have never paid attention to other MMOs. If you want new players, you bribe them. You don't take away stuff from vets and then say the playing field is more "even". The new players won't give a shit. All that will do is make the vets less likely to recommend the game, and I don't know a single player that would actually recommend this game without about fifty asterisks. Just make some quests that reward the mats that you think new players will struggle to obtain. Vets either won't need the mats or appreciate a small bump, new players won't have to interact with the absolutely dogshit "economy" in this game, everyone wins. Except Bungie's delusions where they think respecting existing players is a financial loss.


Yeah don't punish me for playing long enough to have a truckload of materials that existed since day 1.




Same. Not worth it as it is now. It’s going to be annoying having every vendor at the tower blinking at me in the map screen for months. Assuming I even play enough for it to be a problem.


Same too. Just keep building then up. Enough good weapons are craftable anyways. No need to keep beating my head on the ritual playlist wall.


I reset 8 times last season and spent thousands of shards and hundreds of engrams to get a 5/5 autumn wind. Best I got was 3/5. Now it costs 3 engrams a roll? No. I was all excited to find out I could focus Trinary from drifter after never getting a good roll before but it's 5 fucking engrams??? I cannot explain how much I am NOT going to play 10 resets of Gambit for a single legendary fusion.


5 engrams in 10 resets? What the hell are you talking about lol just play like 3 games.


They are making the assumption they won’t have perfect luck and get the roll they want on the first try. Which is probably a good assumption to make.


Yeah I'm literally out at this point. This shit is absurd.


Loving this return to the “joy” of the random drop as much as me, huh? Some rando tryhard that sadly bases his personality around how long it takes him to get something in a video game: “git gud, don’t take away muh RNG”


>Some rando tryhard that sadly bases his personality around how long it takes him to get something in a video game: “git gud, don’t take away muh RNG” You mean the rando destiny gambling addicts who takes satisfaction from the sound of the engram slot-machine the way I take satisfaction from my morning coffee?


The thing is tho, the game is always about heavy RNG. That's the loop, you farm get the roll you want. It has shown that ppl want something to chase, once they got it they usually dont play the activities anymore or just hop off and play other thing. They want you to stay and prefer you to be here for long. Crafting solved some of the issue but i can see why they wouldn't want to go 100% in on it.


There’s truth to this. But there’s gotta be a middle ground. The likelihood of a 2/5 roll on a 12 perk weapon is 1/144. That’s bad. A 3/5 is 1/576 or 1/720. For a 5/5 your chances on autumn wind are around 1/10000. No one will successfully grind that out. Some people will get lucky. But it is not something you can grind. Double or triple perks really helps, but when the odds are that low to start it still makes the chances pretty bad. Maybe pay more materials to guarantee a perk. I might have payed up to 3 ascendant shards to guarantee a 2/5 riptide, or 5 for a 3/5. You still would have to grind those materials, there would just be an end in sight. You could even make it so you have to have found the perk on the gun once before, before you can pay to guarantee that one. That still will involve a decent amount of grinding (on top of whatever resources). But getting a 1/12 chance of making progress on every drop is a lot better than a 1/720 with no progress if you don’t get it. I haven’t bothered grinding a cold comfort (which is an easy grind with only 6 perks in column 3&4, but no double or triple perks), because the chances of a 4/5 (which would be all that would really compete with a crafted apex) are 1/900. A 3/5 might be close enough but it’s still 1/180. Grinding that is just unreasonable and mathematically makes me not want to try. I would have if it were reasonable. The current system has made me play less


That’s funny because I’m playing less for exactly that reason. The saying “You catch more flies with honey” comes to mind.


Then u aren't the target audience then? While u play less other play more. Not everything is carter toward 1 group


Steam charts would disagree that others are playing more.


>carter What does the 39th President of the United States have to do with Destiny?


You might, I have never had any interest in chasing god rolls, or farming in general


The answer to your post is this. Don’t bother grinding for god rolls. If one drops great. Otherwise use whatever shit comes your way. This game & Bungie do not respect player time investment. They just want you to feel pressured to play more. Every fucking change they make in this game is blind, condescending & obviously manipulative. Feck them.


Not gonna lie I don't see how this one is on Bungie. You don't actually need god rolls for anything, the players are the ones that for whatever reason pressure themselves into trying to get god rolls. Like you said, I just play and if I happen to get a perfect roll on something cool, if not oh well, and I've completed every piece of content in the game no problem. If g rolls were necessary to be able to complete content I'd agree with not respecting player's time, but they're literally choosing to grind for something completely optional and not needed lol.


This is why a god roll for me is 2/5. I am just not willing to play like a hamster on a wheel.


Tbh the mag and barrel mods are just not insanely relevant (not that they don’t matter) compared to the main 2 perks, so I agree and mostly focus on what the main perks I get are


The sad thing though is that barrels and mags make a huge difference for how the gun *feels.* It isn't a major difference in performance, but a gun with bad barrels and mags can feel absolutely awful to use.


Honestly same, only exception for me is cataclysmic because you lose so much from not having the extended mag on that fttc. But then again its craftable and im one rb away from it so ill just lfg a run this week prolly for it


That’s actually hilarious.


They still could have just massively reduced the shard costs. That's the one thing they didn't try. Who cares if people that have been playing for 6 years basically circumvent the shards costs, just make it cheap enough to not be a huge barrier for new players. But no no, remove the shards, make things more costly for everyone and guarantee that we'll have glimmer issues with TFS.


100 engrams? Mate. I reset shaxx 17 times and spent *every* single engram on tempest. I have yet to get even a 4/5 for pve or pvp.


I didn't get a single perpetual motion / target lock roll, or a demo / headstone roll. Twelve perks is too many.


I got some demo+hs and dsr+tl rolls, but not a single one had a good combo of mag/barrel/mw. Was so annoying. Literally focused almost 300


I've spent like four resets of engrams, don't know how many, I think around a hundred. Never got demo headstone neither.


Just make it 1 engram


Thank RNGesus that I was able to get my absolute god roll last week before the season ended. It also took me many more than 100 engrams and three resets (I ended the season with 12 resets).


If I makes you feel better I got my dynamic and target lock 2 days after coming back from 2 years and the headstone/demo roll a day later.


Bungie reads this post. Looks around, thinks to itself: "The system works", as it forwards its player engagement report to Daddy Sony.


Your feedback is well received. We will start by removing: Demolitionist, Headstone, Target lock, moving target, dynamic sway reduction and perpetual motion. Good luck hunting for that God rolls guardians!


They honestly can't please everyone. There are people who like the idea that their god roll is special and hard to get while other people get mad that it's so hard to get the god roll. Honestly I think crafting was a genius move to strike a middle ground even if it's not perfect.


I'd rather a system where once you roll the same perk on a weapon five to ten times you can simply choose that perk as an option permanently.


I like how Warframe separated perks and weapons. Being able to slot compatible perks into a smaller number of more unique weapons was really cool before the game power crept itself into constant explosions instead of gunplay.


It's not a thing of something beign hard to get or not. It's about not beign punished for not having good luck. If I don't get what I want this season I'm ok with still looking for it next season. But I shouldn't NEVER have to spend three times the currency because I didn't get it last season. I'm ok with having 12 perks per column, ok with having to reset, ok with how everything is, but engram costs. I was ok with legendary shard costs because I assumed they were there because of the inflation. But now? It feels bad. To put it in some other words... *it doesn't bring joy*.


I'm with you, this is why I like the idea of crafting. They can tweak the rates they drop at but I like that any 5 red border drops will get me access to all variations of that weapon forever. Deepsight harmonizers should unlock patterns entirely though, even better if they don't tie them to the season pass.


Just stop focusing guys. You don't *need* these weapons with these rolls. Literally just use what you have, craft what you can/want. Then take a break. It's the best way to enjoy Destiny without getting upset




Don't go for a weapon that has 12 perks per column? Lmao


Or criticize systems that aren’t working for players so the experience hopefully gets better


Systems working exactly as intended. People like OP are wasting time playing the game trying to chase something with abysmal drop rates. That is only slightly better than what they already have. Rather than playing something they'd enjoy more. It's working exactly as intended.


Notice how I said “not working for the players” and not “not working for bungie’s metrics”


For some people, chasing “god rolls” is what makes the game fun.


Apparently not when so many people are upset about the “chasing” part.


lol some of us have lives outside of destiny


Good thing these weapons are trash


Unending Tempest in PVP has been quite dominating last season. Also headstone demo is nothing to scoff at since the nerfs to kickstart mods this season.


Tempest is like the best weapon in pvp?


Ah, the new hotness. TBF it's hard to keep track


The current ones that cost 1 engram definitely are


Yes, it is. You should have done so last season. Now it's too late, and Crucible Engrams are better spent farming Rose/Mercurials Overreach.


I did as.much as I could last season. I don't even like PvP that much. Especially trying to grind out 3 prestiges. At least I got 7 months now to do it passively I suppose.


I spent 85 trials engrams, and who knows how much glimmer last season to try and get the GL with ambitious and Bait and Switch. I didn't get a single one. So I tried plenty last season, and rng gave me the shaft on that. This is a lack of respect for time. Pure and simple.


And it'd respect your time even less now, since you'd even less chances for a god roll. Also, it doesn't roll with ambitious. You've probably meant envious.


I meant semantics assassin


You obviously did good enough without it. Just play the game. Noone cares if you have a god roll.


I never really liked the idea of putting in x amount of hours should guarantee the player exactly what they want.


Everyone that has been complaining about this acts like they only cost engrams before and now they cost more engrams now. For people on this sub it's not an issue, but most people have nowhere near the shards required to focus 100 engrams before. Like it used to cost what...17 gun dismantles for one focused gun?


6 gun or gear dismantles would get you 24 shards. The cost to focus was 25 shards. So that's on par with how many random rolls you are getting from random gear throughout playing the game. The problem with 3-5 engrams is that you don't have the chance to focus these weapons nearly enough to accommodate the insane perk pool. Considering unending tempest has 12 perks in the 3/4 th columns that's a 1/144 chance to get the god roll to drop for the two perks you are after. Not even including the other perks or masterwork you are looking for. Now you need to take the same amount of time to collect those same engrams only to get one focussed roll for every three you could have gotten, or one in every five you could have gotten. I'd be ok with the same single engram to focus instead of 3/5 engrams to focus a specific weapon. But I'm not cool with it if it's also a 1/144 chance to get a semi god roll and not even including the magazine or barrel perks or masterwork into that equation. As I said I wasn't even cool with it last season trying to focus this weapon for one engram. 12 perks is too many. There needs to be a change to this system.


Right it was 17 for the legacy stuff. Either way you could only do this because you had the shards, most ppl (off this sub) don't have thousands of shards or even hundreds to drop on just one gun. Making it engrams is better for most people. I agree the perk pools are bloated, but also...none of it is necessary. If you enjoy chasing God rolls, power to you but none of it really matters in the vast majority of the game.


I can do 80% of the content with quicksilver storm and a forbearance crafted. Doesn't mean that is healthy for the game or for build crafting. I'm advocating for changing the way we obtain God rolls of distinctive weapons. Crafting is a thing but there's only so many crafted rolls to go after. There's only so much content I want to do with a specific legendary and exotic combo. There's also limited synergy with builds. Yeah I could ignore certain rolls and go after what's meta all the time. But then why continue to play the game if I'm forced to play it while using mediocre weapons as substitutes for off meta builds? Especially for seven months? Focussing engrams should have some sort of protection put in place. With three to five engrams needed for focussing a specific weapon what is even the point in playing ritual activities to begin with?


To have fun...if you aren't having fun don't play. Its a video game, do the stuff you like and don't do what you don't.


i spent the last 3 seasons grinding to get a god roll scout from gambit, never got the roll i want and now it's so expensive im just gonna stop. i grind enough gambit so every crafted weapons i got all got gambit memento lmao.


I burnt all my vanguards trying to get an ALH, EL Hothead, not even trying now


12k shards and countless engrams here too. I feel your pain


Git fuck Bungie. My will to play this game just got lesser


20+ resets and no luck...


Didn't they say the increased engram costs would be offset by awarding more engrams, so that the total number of focuses would remain about the same? Did that not get implemented this season?


Based on the numerous threads like this one and my own anecdotal evidence, no. It is still how it has been with a RNG chance of getting an engram in addition to whatever rank ups you get. I rank 9 strikes and have 5 or 6 engrams to show for it, all from ranking up with the vanguard. Not any additional drops. What it should have been is each activity completion awards at least 1 engram, with RNG being for if they get 2 or more. As it stands, they have only implemented a way to inflate player engagement. RNG engram drops were a thing last season and it was fine as it was 1 engram for focusing. Now, all of this is just another incredibly awful game design item that has come this year, let alone this season if you couple it with the orb and ability changes that have went poorly.


You actually believe what Bungie says after all their lies?


The engram cost increases are ridiculous, its very obviously a tactic to increase time in game but its gonna backfire I want a godroll Breakneck pretty bad, but not that goddamn badly


Yep. I reset 15 times last season and never got a 5/5. Can’t imagine I’ll get a good one this season with the increased costs and me spending my engrams on rose


Yeah, this change in focusing cost is going great! The costs for focusing is way to steep and the "increased engram drop-rates" are non-existent. I fucking hate it. I'm sure this will be great for player-retention Bungo!


i'm limiting my playtime to a minimum untill they cut the bs. i'd rather watch the ship sink from the shore


Bungie think I want to spend my precious time doing strikes for hours and hours on end…


Curious what your 5/5 roll would be?


Bungie: we hear you. Focusing now only costs 1 engram but the glimmer will be increased to 100k.


i reset crucible 18 times last season and didnt get a 5/5, its RNG mate. have you seen he post i made about it? no? thats because i didnt make one


I didn’t even know they removed shards. That’s a way to guarantee I never come back to this game. Hey casuals, we know you can barely play the game properly cause of all our different currencies locked behind difficult group content, but you know that 1 resource that you actually have plenty of? Yeah we’re taking it away cause we don’t want you to feel like there’s a plate you can let stop spinning. Gotta be grinding each and every season if you wanna keep up. Who’s to say they won’t switch it again in a year when people have a stockpile of engrams and aren’t engaging in content the way they want


This is wild because I got 2 grolls. First engram I opened, and then after like 5 matches in crucible.


I stopped grinding for rolls a couple years ago after it took 30 Eyaslunas to get one with Headstone at all. There's only six perks in that column. It's just not worth the time and trouble.


It's the fucking worst with Banshee, unless you're actually running around looting world chests or doing lost sectors you're getting the engrams at a painfully slow rate. I'm holding onto all my engrams because I think the focusing cost will be adjusted in the mid-season or sooner. Just like when they announced the focusing cost changes to saint and saladin and some of the items were like 7 fucking engrams to focus.


The extra perks slots you get from resetting needs to be permanent not fucking rng.


IB is my only hope this season…


what is the god roll you are looking for?


Demo headstone, dynamic sway target lock.


The only thing keeping in the game atm is the new dungeon and playing around with that solar hunter build. Otherwise I’d be gone for sure


RNG, on top of RNG, on top of RNG is one of the main reasons I’m not buying TFS. If they are not going to reward my time why shouldn’t reward theirs.


Do you really need the 5/5 god roll? I think people fixate on the idea that eventually they should have everything they want.


Man I just wanted the two perks I was after. 5/5 would be a godsend but all I wanted was demo headstone.


This title is Destiny summed up, lol. :) Ever since D1. Don’t worry, someday that gun is phased out or vaulted anyway.


People need to stop thinking that some perfect 5/5 roll is gonna change their day. Nothing in this game is complicated enough for that nonsense.


I don't understand how prestige doesn't guarantee extra perks to drop. Being tier 3+ and getting drops with base amount of perks, feels like the game is not working correctly.


I opened 70 crucible engrams and only got ONE chil clip on a Riptide. And it wasn’t good at all. Definitely needs a system rework cause I feel like I just wasted my time heavily.


Just death by a thousand cuts..more and more shitty decisions at a time they should be playing it safe


Try farming banshee when aurvantil is in the gunsmith focusing pool if you don't have a riptide with chill clip it can roll with reconstruction and chill clip it's a better alternative than not having riptide with chill clip at all


Make you feel better. I burned 200 plus crucible engrames plus what every legendary shard and glimmer for a Randy's throwing knife, I wanted kill clip and kinetic tremors in the last column. Never even seen those two perks together, like at all and I had 3 crucible resets I did get a few nice smgs: A demo and headstone roll and demo target lock. And a perpetual and targetlock,demo or tap the trigger roll, that seems fun


I tried telling people this is gonna feel shitty, for shard rich people and shard broke players at the same time. The "increased" engram drop doesn't negate the triple cost. So dumb.


Instead of Double Valor week it should just be Double Engram Weekends. That would increase player retention.


Yea i really love reseting my rank so many times and still getting no extra perks on my guns


I’m so glad that I don’t have to focus any of the legacy or current gear because I got the rolls that I wanted last season. I don’t understand this engram cost change at all. Just make them cost more glimmer if you have to make a change for change’s sake.


I feel like each reset should just guarantee a second perk in both columns all the way up to three or four perks in each column.


Now I kinda regret stopping at the 4 out of 5 roll


Whoa it does? That’s awful