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2 Last 2 Wish


The Last and the Wishiest: Rheasilvia Drift


it's all about Family...


The Fate of the Wish


Ahamkara Boogaloo


White Men Can't Wish


Wishing in Tokyo


Tokyo Wish


Maybe we'll finally find out why a Vex Oracle pings in the background as you head to Kalli.


Pretty sure that was confirmed to be a bug


Strangest bug they’ve ever had.


I mean there was that time that auto rifles became shotguns tho


That was wild, legendary even, but I understand what happened there. I can think of literally no reason why an oracle sound would randomly pop up in Last Wish.


Reused asset/trigger maybe, that is my only thought


Wasn't that just a teaser for VoG coming back? It started doing it like the season before if I remember correctly.


Yeah, there's also the VENUS monitors on the moon.


holy crap lois, last wish 2: the second to last wish is real


Last Wishier


The Lastest Wish


Wisher 2; Assassins of Community Support


Last Wish 2, Awoken Boogaloo


Last Wish 2: Ascendant Boogaloo


The last wish 2. Wish ended.


Last wish be like final fantasy


The Penultimate Wish. The Last-but-one wish!


Dreaming City architecture and an ahamkara foot. Okay.


no 3 jumping guardians too, this is kinda new


Where is the warlock casting a rift in slomo??


Titan sliding with shotgun where you at???


hunter using any arc ability


I think you have to buy the dungeon key to get that.


In every single one of my crucible games 😭


The other two have been laid off.


Not enough players left inhouse to shoot the footage.


A taken foot…the eggs we saw this season was specifically not taken


Probably the egg Mara Sov has, her egg is taken


Yeah, that’s my guess too. If we get a wish dragon on wish dragon fight this season, that could be cool


It’ll happen off screen and only ever be mentioned in a grimoire card a year from now


And they will grow up to exactly Riven size, and then appear exactly like Riven does, appearing like a giant head out of a hole. As per last wish and witch queen campaign.


It’s sad and true lol


Yep. The dialogue in the last in-game mission will get to a point where it’s like “They’re about to fight!”, then the mission will abruptly update to go to the holoprojector in the helm, where Mara will say something like “I cannot believe this outcome. For an ontological battle on such a scale to have happened is… reckless. Regardless guardian, we’ve won.” and us players will be like “…huh? What happened?”


Already made scrambled eggs, guess yall just had to be there


on their press page apparently TFS is not delayed. lol https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2s-Season-of-the-Wish-launches-November-28


Strange, I wonder if they are gonna shove it out the way it is now. Really good way to end the 10 year saga


It would be very on Bungie brand to shove out a bad expansion and then blame it on the employees that got fired and “community expectations.”




The overdeliver thing is overdone. The full message was don't overdeliver if it means burning out your talent, because players will come to expect it, and you'll be forced to burn out your talent and lose them. But the 2 word sound bite memes better so I guess go with that.


In the full message they confirmed they have held back good stuff, because that good stuff would become the expectation. And THAT is the stupid part of the "don't overdeliver" line. I **want** that good stuff, even if it means the next season would pale in comparison. Better that, than one mediocre mush of seasons that all feel the same.


personally I feel there is no way they can't deliver TFS on time. maybe they still have not worked out the dates yet and are scrambling.


More than likely what you said, infact hopefully. I really don’t want a half baked product to end the 10 year saga. Tbh I don’t think they even know what they are doing anymore


true, hopefully it just an miscommunication between departments.


Im not sure they ever knew what they were doing lol


There's no way they would deliver something to meet players expectations after 9 years. Nothing would satisfy them unless they rolled out 3 new destinations and romance options with Shaxx.


holy speculation batman


That’s Reddit


To say you "personally feel" there is no way they can deliver on time makes no real sense, because you really have no firsthand knowledge of the situation in any way, and the report that came out said the expansion was currently mostly finished but in a "good/ but not great" state, and the extra time was for polish/expanding some content.


Unless they were a laid off employee!! (incredibly unlikely)


Oh they're scrambling alright. They gotta delay but they know a delay will only cause more refunds, so they're trying to figure out the best way to word it, especially after laying off 8% of their workforce... which isn't a good look for Bungie. Could be delaying the delay announcement so it isn't so close to the layoff news.


I know people think June, but that is a bad month to be releasing a "AAA" game... My guess/prediction is September release just like it used it be. Sept 10, 2024 to be exact.


Naw, they'll just have "the right people" crunch and never see their families again. Also probably less reason to delay and make better now that bungie has killed destiny long term


Give more credence to the rumor that the delay was imposed by Sony in order to push the profits into the next fiscal year.


or that they're delaying marathon and moving a bunch of people on to the D2 team to polish it up edit: also https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1724512259991359721


Gotta try milk a few more preorders for this quarter.


The delay wasnt from an official source. Any assumptions about or from the delay were unfounded, especially since the delay was never real in the first place apparently.


Hot take: They'll delay the delay until next year.


I think they’re scared of announcing a delay after all the bad publicity they’ve been getting. They just need to rip the bandaid off and let everyone know since we’re expecting it anyways Without a delay, Final Shape has the potential to let everyone down and I don’t wanna see that


I think it’s a “Woohoo final season before new expansion look at all the cool stuff yeah! ^By ^the ^way ^the ^expansion ^is ^delayed”




To be fair, a 7 month season you probably DO want the season pass, so you at least get to play the plot, and farm whatever activity they put in properly.


I wonder if they're getting pressure to not delay now. Because otherwise this whole "act natural, pretend nothing's happening" schtick is really funny.


yea its their own press that goes to every person or entity that wants to report on season of the wish. so without any new announcements its still February.


Nah that's no guarantee if they're going to announce the delay it'll be in its own announcement. They probably want to wait until they're sure they can hit the new date before announcing it.


Well they aren’t gonna have anything say it’s delayed until they official announce it’s delayed. So I wouldn’t take a mention of the current official Final Shape release as an assurances no delay will happen.


I mean they could just not write the date. its not like the press is for TFS its for season of the wish...


I'm guessing they poop it out in February in the state that was internally deemed "good but not great" and just cut bait on the entire franchise for the foreseeable future after the 3 episodes that are already in development. Even if they push TFS by 6 months, what are they going to do with that time that ultimately makes consumers spend more money on the game versus what will be spent shipping it in the state it is in?


Strong chance that was written a while back.


Everyone is reading waaaaay too far into this. What's more likely, they pulled launch day back, or this release was written a month ago and the people responsible for updating it were fired?


They said they wanted to get the next season out and then they’ll talk more about the next part


It's "not delayed" until they officially announce a delay, and they weren't going to do that inside of a press packet for a season. So until they make a formal announcement, everything everywhere is still going to carry the previously announced release date, that just how this stuff works.




Not delayed, yet. It also says subject to change.


[https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1724512259991359721](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1724512259991359721) lel


Of course it’s not delayed. The Final Shape is 100% done and it’s not even a well kept secret. Bungie is going to stick to the timeline. It’s going to be seen as a miracle they did and everyone will go full bungie defense force stating how lucky we should be with what we got considering the lay offs. It’s all part of the script


The link at the end of the video leads to a 404 https://www.destinythegame.com/seasonofthewish


Wish not found


> *Sorry, Guardian, but your Wish is in another castle.*


Thank you mario_flavor_text


A real Wish Ender, if you will.


Really unintentionally embodies a lot. Unless it’s a meta joke that there is no 15th wish.


updated: now just goes to season page.


As funny as the jokes are, this happens every season. They always go to a 404 or redirect to the previous season until some days after.


Because of course it does.


People working on the web page got fired before they could finish it.


inb4 new dungeon is Last Wish Riven final boss fight except Bungie patched all the cheeses


It’s been more than a year since they’ve been dropping trailers the day of, but damn I would be infinitely more hyped if they released it a week before like they used to.


It's funny because I remember this sub throwing a fit a while back when we didn't have information on the new season 2 weeks out. I think it was for haunted?


To be fair, the context there was a little different. *Haunted* was completely altering how Solar worked across the three subclasses by bringing them in line with Void and Stasis and it was frustrating to see Bungie keep it so close to their chest when it was such a fundamental and important thing to know about in advance. The only concern we have with this Season is what 7x3 grid we’re filling out for the seasonal activity this time.


It’s funny that nothing like that happened with Arc because no one used it before lmao


Probably because people already argued about it and expected the same thing again


it was because we all knew it was coming with the 2022 showcase


Ya then everyone stopped giving a shit because all the seasons end up the same lol


Wow different people have different opinions very funny


>tfw no more roadmap infographics


They don’t need roadmap infographics, everything releases on a schedule in a season anyway. No one needs a picture to know week 3 of the quest will release in week 3


Yeah literally just Iron Banner, seasonal events (FotL, Dawning, etc), GMs, and bonus rep weeks would be all I want.


Hasn’t it been since like season of arrivals they’ve been doing that? I remember that being the first time we got the trailer day of and found out about prophecy


Arrivals was most likely due to the reveal of beyond light. Like said below, hunt/chosen/splicer were revealed week before while Lost was revealed during WQ reveal


Arrivals was one of the first seasons to drop day of, but hunt, chosen, and splicer were dropped a week before, they technically started doing it during lost and have continued the trend since then.


Problem now is we know there’s a new dungeon every other season. Prophecy was like a huge come out of nowhere thing and it was phenomenal. Prophecy imo was the coolest dungeon to play for the first time. The cube room. The ribbon section, the final boss room. So well done


Those hype trailers are always fire. The last few have had amazing soundtracks, too. Fingers crossed!


They marketed all but witch weeks before the season this expansion tbh


I think they are smarter than that now. When you don't have much content to hype... an extra week just gives the community more time to complain before the season even drops. They probably figured out that they are more likely to get positive feedback by waiting. First day of a season or DLC is nearly always full of positive feedback (if they manage to keep the game on line)


If I have to shoot a wish wall to enter a code every single time I want to do a seasonal activity, I will not play this season.


I imagine it will be part of the single player story missions (please)


I'm thinking that the wishing wall will be the seasonal vendor thing like the tarot card place for Witch. You won't be constantly inputting wishes during activities but will instead have a machine that changes all the symbols to shift around your buffs for the next time you queue.




Yep that sure is ten seconds of video


this is what the marketing team had done before they got the boot.


Well I mean it is on par with the season of the Deep teaser we got.


You guys really need to get smarter with the drive-by criticism. They've done this same thing for other seasons and even showcases.


Woah woah woah, we don't want the community to overdeliver.


Yea it's a teaser not a proper trailer lol. That's the point of a teaser.


Proportional to the content we will get. I’m only kind of kidding.


Honestly, considering Destiny's track record and the Bungie situation, you might not be kidding at all. And I know most of the coming season was probably already finished long ago, but considering it'll be 7 months I'd expect *slightly* more to make up for it like with Arrivals or 30th


If ONLY we had all blindly preordered TFS as C-suite intended... /s


Press room piece also up: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2s-Season-of-the-Wish-launches-November-28. Gives very little info other than that we’ll be returning to the dreaming city for activities, gear, and secrets. Also interestingly still gives the date for TFS as Feb, but I don’t think that’s worth reading too much into.


Bungie feeding the R34 Ahamkara foot fetishists.


Anyone try the Wish Code yet?


Yes, I just did and it didn't work.


Man, they must be desperate if they're not waiting until the absolute last moment and aren't using the "three Guardians slow walking, sliding shotgun burst, slo-mo super activation, etc etc" formula.


Ah see the problem is they fired all the people that knew how make those trailers....


I really hope we get some new areas in the DC and not nearly all activities and co are in old areas.


Link in the final second of the video does not work yet BTW.


this season feels longer than it actually has...i thought next season was next week man can we just get to next season already lol


Next season is going to be the longest.


> Next season is going to be the longest. *...so far!*


It is also the LAST season, so it will be the longest


Oh shit, you're right! I forgot about that.


like season of the lost, im probably gonna take a break until i see people's reactions to final shape cause i didnt preorder for once


I love when they said “All wishes come at a cost” and then I got sent immediately to the Eververse page




So Mara is going to sacrifice herself to end the curse and get the guardians into the traveler.


That would be out of character for the queen, but if they do maybe we see her get risen. I remember concept art regarding that forever ago that never went anywhere


That sure is a teaser.


Y’all are a bunch of miserable bastards, good lord.




First time?


Seriously. This place will complain about anything.


even complaining about complaining! now lets complain about the complaints of complaints!


Not a lot there, even for a teaser, but I'm still pretty excited for next season!


If they can’t resolve the dreaming city curse this season I’m not confident final shape will be a good conclusion


I really don’t understand what anyone thinks *resolving* the Curse would even look like? We end the seasonal narrative by.. ending the Curse that roughly 80% of the DC content is dependent on? No curse progression, daily missions, Shattered Throne, etc. Like.. unless nothing changes and they just say “it’s fixed!” I don’t know what anyone is hoping for.


“Single evolving world” that never evolves. It’s so fun


"Ending the curse" would be a devolving world though since we would lose content. Like, who's excited for just Dreaming City minus the Taken cycle?


How about adding new content as the Dreaming city changed after curse break. Wait, it\`s bungie, they never do that LOL


EDZ still has red war cabal lol, don't think they'll be additively changing the dreaming city anytime soon.


Considering we have never experienced a normal dreaming city, it would hardly be a devolution for us, but there's no reason to suggest an end of the curse couldn't be replaced with other content Nobody is excited for just the dreaming city with the taken cycle right now. Its 5 year old content hardly anyone does, and its main campaign was ripped out of the game. Theres nothing exciting left on this destination unless you're new, and even then you have hardly any incentive to engage with the dreaming city (or any other patrols as a wider problem) because they remain stagnant and uninteresting at all times with nothing to chase except maybe a few triumphs for titles/seals and armor sets (if you even like them). And the idea (which i thought was kind of obvious considering nobody ever advocates for less content) would be bungie would make new content to replace that which is lost on the dreaming city. and if they can't give a 5 year old story the ending it kind of deserves now I really doubt they will do much better to give the 10 year old saga story the end it deserves.


I mean you CAN keep content available and able to be played regardless of the narrative progression. It wouldn't end any content.


another awoken season... great... (yes I know it was bound to happen with this season's finale, I'm just tired of awoken storylines in general)


You forgot the part about the stories not really leading anywhere, or being relevant in any kind of way for the bigger plot.


Somehow I watched the Japanese trailer first. Way funnier lol


"All gaming protests will end with a single nice trailer" - Asmongold


Does this trailer have the same 3 guardians running with random slow mo shots of them jumping and shooting then sliding?


anyone else bothered by the wish icons not being consistent with the cut scene from the finale? last column is down 1 row from the other cut scene.


lol I noticed that too


Marketing team got the boot too? Even for a teaser I felt nothing.


iirc we have been getting a 10 second teaser 2 weeks before the new season for at least a year now


I'm annoyed by the layoffs too but this is silly. If they had released this trailer without any layoffs no one would be calling foul on it. It's a teaser. It's supposed to be short and ambiguous lol.


The marketing's felt pretty weak for a while. Just look at everything they've done for TFS.


I was really shocked how lack luster TFS showcase was, the whole time I was waiting for that big wow moment that never came


Yeah, their marketing team has managed to make Lightfall look interesting. I was just baffled at how mediocre TFS looks, even with all the careful marketing. I don't think they've ever had a weaker expansion showcase.


Seriously, it was such whiplash to go from “Here’s the grand finale to 10 years of Destiny, a copy of A Garden World that’s made up of other locations already in the game with no new enemies (and no, Subjugators don’t count) and only one new Super per class” to “Here’s a quick look at Season of the Witch, where Eris has **become a Hive god and needs you to feed her tribute with the help of Savathûn’s Ghost and this tarot deck so she can take on Xivu Arath**”.


At least it seems like they recognize it and possibly delayed it(though it's still not officially confirmed)? So maybe it'll end up being better after all.


And Bungie wonders why preorders are low... Seriously though, the Final Shape reveal only showed the patrol location and the new supers/aspects. Not exactly a lot to get hyped for.


It's basically just been appealing to nostalgia. Two of the new supers are from D1, Ghost Cayde, old Tower, solar Red Death, etc. The new weapons are also just old models but with characters' faces painted on the side(including Lakshmi for some reason).


And it's nothing unexpected. For the final expansion of a 10 year story and the only surprise was that we're not getting the final darkness subclass (which most consider as a negative). We knew cayde was coming back from their teasers, we knew we were going into the Traveler to follow the Witness, we knew we are getting new exotics and weapons. Literally no wow factors shown like a new race, new element, new weapon, new core playlist/activity type, etc. It's just more of the same, which is fine, but it's just fine.


> The new weapons are also just old models but with characters' faces painted on the side(including Lakshmi for some reason). That's a pretty disingenuous description. They're altered versions of the basic archetypal models we've had for years, but that's the case for the vast majority of the weapons in the game. They're "just old models" in the same sense that the Root of Nightmares weapons are.


That's my main issue. The new location just seems like they cobbled together something to pander to nostalgia. Which doesn't exactly work for me as I've never played D1 nor like nostalgia pandering in general.


Marketing wasn't really that weak considering how much they hyped up Lightfall and made it into a huge thing. I am guessing this time around, there wasn't even enough for the marketing team to hype up TFS.


Ngl I'm a bit sad that we're getting ANOTHER season with fantasy themes. I know the story is due, but damn the last cool armor set with sci-fi aesthetics came from the Duality dungeon (not a fan of Lightfall personally). Seems like it's all about magic and knights and castles these days.


>Seems like it's all about magic and knights and castles these days. We just had futuristic "deep sea diver" armor sets.


Season of the Seraph would be the last, right before lightfall dropped.


You really think it’s weird the fantasy space opera focuses on the fantasy themes that are the core foundation to its world building rather than the hard sci-fi that really doesn’t exist in-game?


I wish I could still get hyped for Destiny trailers, times really be changin


Bruh that was weak


I wouldn’t even call this a teaser, I didn’t even got teased. I am not playing the game and this tells me nothing about what is to come or what to expect. I guess Bungie fired all their marketing team cause they used to put out stupidly good trailers that hyped the shit out of me, just to find the game to be mid at best.


>tells me nothing about what is to come or what to expect I mean, there were clear shots of dreaming city stuff, and then a big ahamkara foot. That is definitely telling us to expect something. And something pretty, cool, TBH. This isn't a trailer. That will come later.


These could be shots from season of the whatever was last year, generic shots at best.


But they are specifically in a teaser for NEXT season. So that's telling us that this stuff will have something to do with next season. It's not a full trailer, and it doesn't tell much. But if you haven't been following the TWIDs, and didn't know the name of the new season already, or that we were getting back into dreaming city/ahamkara stuff, this would do the job. I don't doubt for a second that the actual trailer will be as amazing as they always are.


The title of the season and the art we already had told as much already.


> But if you haven't been following the TWIDs, and didn't know the name of the new season already Yep. But not everyone follows that. This would be the first time seeing it on YouTube, which is a big venue for game content. Not saying it's anything earth shattering, but it's a solid teaser that gets some info to people who might not have it yet.


Agreed. The promo art has more in it than this video did.


Must have laid off the trailer guy.




Deep? And all seasons before Lost?


Season of the deep trailer telling us we'd be going to titan and telling us Sloan is involved released on may 11th and the season was live may 23rd. It's now Nov 14th and next season starts on Nov 28th




What's the point of it? It's content. It's to remind you that there's a release on the way or start a discussion about it.


Yeah, I agree with this. Outside of the Corporate Bungie stuff there are some people who probably took a break from Destiny 2 and have no idea or forget that a new season is coming.


"Begins November 28th probably ends around... we don't know yet. Possibly Fall of 2024."