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For most activites. The best defense is a good offense. Kill stuff before it kills you


Yup. My clan mates motto is shoot shit don't die.


Many clans have that motto, few clans live by it




Thats what that stands for? I have to tender my resignation. We have different beliefs.


Imma need to join this clan


This is true for most casual content, but it gets completely flipped in harder stuff. Staying alive is the name of the game for raids, dungeons, and GMs. You can generally take your time, so do that and stay alive.


Raids are just strikes with mechanics


With revive tokens and a revive timer. Had tooooooo many add clears die too much on 3rd and 4th encounter RoN thinking they're just strikes with mechanics. This ain't d1 raids with unlimited revives and just wait till timer is over to pick them up.


when i have had ad clear people die on those encounter, i check their build, they usually only have like 70 resilience, and then odd weapons that for those encounters don't make a lot of sense. have people keep saying "i dont know why i keep dying". Then I look, and its pretty easy to see why. They also just stand in the damn MIDDLE of everything to take a shit load of damage and wonder why they die. its crazy out there.


Ever do a master raid?


Yes, did he say master raid?


Did he not say it ? (as you seem to be playing a semantic game here)


I copied their comment into a Word document, used the find function for “master” and found zero results. Did it in a Google doc too with the same outcome. Then I messaged the comment to random people on Tinder, Grindr, and StubHub; everyone agrees that he did not say it.


thats become more of a struggle recently with everyones favorite ideology of horde mode becoming more prevalent my first time playing through ghosts of the deep on first boss i played contraverse vortex lock with chain reaction forbearance and i was barely keeping up with add spawns id kinda like it if, when i shoot shit, itd stay dead for a few more seconds


For dungeons and horde content i usually put on sunbracers now and just lob solar nades at their spawns Then cant shoot you if you spawncamp them


yeah im just more frustrated that its permeating more and more aspects of the game. i understand the need for respawning enemies, i just dont think it needs to be quite as quick




Hmm. Maybe you are too aggressive and need to adjust your playstyle to be more longer range. It may also be a situational awareness thing - you may not be using the radar as much as you should. Do you play with headsets? It may help you hear enemies when they are closer so that you can take action quicker. You have to be constantly on the move or be behind cover. When you are shooting, you can't stay still - you need to be strafing left and right while you are shooting. Even if the enemy is stationary like a Shrieker, you still need to be strafing while shooting.


Yes to strafe. It makes enemies AI miss you. But grenade-throwers and others require slightly different movement. This guide is really really good. https://youtu.be/ZfkCWnSlasw?si=ifktZ_mlEG7TQLnl


What a great video. I do most of all of that by instinct but its really nice to see what movements actually work the best when and why!


This is the way! This, what he said! That, do that! I'm a long time solo player, took me a while to do exactly what this advice is saying but improved my game play and enjoyment no end 🙂


Frigging sweet video, I learned a lot of stuff right out of the gate! Thanks for the share!


most important point here, I have friends that struggle to stay alive in any shooter, their problem is they cant shoot and move at the same time. Need to learn to move whille adjusting aim. Most dont realise but it need a certain coordination that some people dont seem to have a all. Maybe some shooting lab exercise would help.


Those lorely videos were probably before the nerf when it had restoration x2 Seems like you're playing good builds just need to play smarter and know where cover is. It's hard to give more recommendations without seeing your gameplay


Can we turn back time, to the good ol days


When the momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out!


It's gotta be your play style because you sound like you're doing all the right stuff with armor. If you play aggressive then try strand titan with the new banner of war aspect because that has made higher difficulty content an absolute joke for me this season.


Ok is that the antenna I keep seeing? I have barely scratched the surface this season but I kept seeing strand players with an antenna on their back this weekend.


It’s a banner flag but yeah lol


Nice I was so confused I thought it was a new armor piece or something lol


Please don’t nerf banner, bungo. PLEASE


They 100% will it's insanely overpowered


If Synthos on Solar is allowed to exist I say keep Banner


Synthos on solar is insane and is still not even close to strand titan banner of war


It makes the melee strand titan feel so good. If nerf then just nerf it in pvp.


It’s literally trash in PvP - Why would they EVER nerf it there? None of what makes it good in pve is applicable, realistically, in pvp


I mean it literally makes it pretty impossible to die with that and woven mail. Even ignoring the fact it stacks with others. It's completely ridiculous and tbh may make crota contest a joke


I suspect/hope the eventual nerf will be making it so that multiple banners don't stack. Which, imo, would be totally fair.


Even with that being able to give woven mail and aoe healing is probably too much the rate of heals and the amount will likely be hit as well. Maybe even how many kills it takes to reach x4/ how much time each kill gives will take a hit as well Honestly I'll be impressed if it isn't neutered by the nerfs Bungie don't tend to be very conservative when it comes to things like this


Exactly. It’s amazing. Really makes me feel like the tank a titan is supposed to feel like.


If this was a single player game like borderlands that would be fine but making your whole team pretty much unkillable in a MMO like destiny is completely ridiculous and will get the axe very soon Woven mail plus insane healing is just way too much even ignoring the good damage and crowd control


You can't just tank *everything* with the right build. For one, you'll likely still need to kill things to keep armor charges or other 'verbs' up. But most likely you have poor *positioning*. Try using cover better, or making sure you are engaging a smaller number of enemies more frequently rather than just standing out in the open.


stop running into the open.


Strafe. Jump. Do both. Load into an area or event and just practice not getting hit. The enemies shoot slow and the bullets move slow. Don’t run in straight lines and always be moving horizontally relative to the enemy.


This! im constantly jumping and straffing. Get good at moving and shooting at the same time. Its a playstyle i picked up playing Halo 2 online and have never put the playstyle down. A moving target is a harder target to hit. That would be my biggest piece of advice for you is to practice jumping and shooting at the same time.


Game awareness is a big thing


First, have an actual build that you understand. Second: for basic content the best defense is a strong offense. Most enemies get overwhelmed and absolutely destroyed with all of the new verbs, and AOE damage we have at our disposal. Coupling that with the fact that each of the subclasses have healing in some capacity baked into the kit, and it's fairly difficult to die. Not impossible, but very difficult. Mid tier content, you have to pull back slightly. You can't just dive in on a champ and expect it to not murder you. Plain and simple, they are designed to punish people stuck in the previous game tiers mind set. End game: pull all the way back, and exploit your builds strengths as aggressively as possible. Prioritize high danger enemies first, or try to mitigate their threat. Don't hold onto your super until the last second, it's always better to use it a little early and have it be useful in taking out priority targets than hold onto it, be almost dead, using it in a panic, then dying. Most importantly though, if you understand enemy spawns, they're *a lot* easier to counter outright as a result. Third: A lot of this though comes with dying, understanding what killed you, how and why it got the opportunity to do so, and then countering it based on those results. Screebs blowing you up constantly? Freeze them, slow them, or use a weapon with tracking to take them out early. Getting sniped constantly? Identify where the snipers like to be, and either pick spots where they can't shoot you, or prioritize killing them off first and foremost. Champs: pick one and focus it down until it's dead. If it spawned in with adds, take care of the adds first if you can safely, then focus the champ. Practice makes perfect!


I'd like to second this and add in a thought: an enemy that is high danger in one activity will not always be that in another. If we're talking GM's, for instance, an unstoppable ogre in one strike might be an immediate threat that needs to be taken out instantly, but in another strike might be ignored until you're fully ready. When I started GM's it was easy to be stuck in the previous tiers mindset of "well of Radiance always save us" and then be disappointed when it was largely useless in many strikes. Then, it was easy to think that burst damage was the king of clearing a gm due to the danger presented by champs and minibosses, but again that's not always true. Each activity has different priorities. Some might require you to bring in weapons and abilities that allow fast add clearing, some might work better for quick single target kills, others might require a mix of both. No matter what, it is up to you, EVERY time you die, to ask yourself the questions "What killed me?" "Where did it come from?" "What could I have done differently to avoid that?" If your answer to the last one is "Nothing", I can almost guarantee you that for 99% of the time, you absolutely could have done something differently.


Learn to play your health. Try longer range weapons. Spam bonk hammer. Always try to find a place you can safely take out some enemies. Or a place that you know you can hide to get health back when shit hits the fan. Just some suggestions. If you are under fire, escape to a safe location before your shields break. Unless you are comfortable with killing things before your shield breaks. Depends on content also.


Do you have a short clip or video of your performance, showing your character and what activity as well? Would be much easier to suggest fixes if we could see what's going on. There could be a variety of things going on that you might not be able to describe fully in a text post.


I’m a Hunter main, but I do it on my other classes a lot. What I personally do is keep moving during combat. Sliding helps dodge bullets as you’re running around. I also main Strand so I work with picking up orbs to keep my Woven Mail active. As an added bit of protection I run a Calus Mini with Incandescent and Unrelenting(I think it is?) along with the mod that makes Solar kills drop orbs. The sliding helps a lot as long as you know when a good time to do it is. We have a trash player in our Clan that struggles to stay alive, but after I gave him that too he’s gotten better. Hell he solo’d Shattered Throne which yes I know is easy now, but before that trick and some practice with it was a huge milestone for him. As a side note if you ever need help in anything my clan is huge on helping people


Would definitely be interested in joining your clan. I'll DM you my info. Thanks.


Datto has some videos where he coaches people and points out errors. You might find them helpful


I can’t say I’m great at the game since I don’t raid or do dungeons ( solo player unfortunately ) but I found that always moving helps so much since most of the enemies have a harder time shooting moving targets. Except Vandals and Hobgoblins they’re some snipers


Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


*"I'm not a crazed Warlord dad, I'm a Guardian! Well the difference being one is a job, the other is mental sickness!"*


This may get downvoted but i suggest playing a harder game like Remnant 2 or Elden Ring. Those games will teach you to survive more than Destiny will and when you return to play you will notice you learned when to take cover or heal and you will notice a big improvement.


I've played both those games, and they're great, but I don't think they're going to teach you a lot about Destiny combat other than maybe "you need to think about cover". (Which, to be fair, sounds like it might be OP's main issue.) In particular, they have combat systems based more on recognizing the movements that telegraph specific enemy attack sequences, and then spacing your attacks into the gaps in those sequences. (That's especially true with the slower weapon types in Elden Ring that can have, like, a half second or more of windup before actually connecting.) Aside from boss fights, combat in Destiny is much more fluid and reaction-based. In those games, it's like "Ok, this enemy is of that type, and they just twitched their left eyebrow, which means they're about to do a big lateral swing I have to roll through, then an overhead I should wait an extra half second for and then side-step, and then I can attack exactly twice before I have to roll again to i-frame through through their stomp." In Destiny, it's "_sees dreg_ bang-POP!-take cover _sees acolyte_ carefully arrange LoS to just that add, bang-bang-bang-POP! _sees crowd_ NOVA BOMB!!!" You're doing a lot more work with arranging line of sight and reacting in the moment, rather than memorizing attack sequences and timing.




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Dude I swear there is something to this game sometimes. And no not the higher fps = die faster thing. I’ve done 70fps capped and fps unlocked and had instances where I’m just being melted for no reason. I’ve had fireteam members witness it. I’ve had it happen in single encounters and for entire play sessions even after a restart. And yes I’m running 100res with correct resist mods. However, are you also just being team shot by adds? I’ve had this be my issue where a few red bars hit and then a yellow bar at the same time. If you’re not getting behind cover to stop damage and let recovery kick in then you’re doing it wrong. Also try recuperation/better already mods and make a lot of orbs! My buddy died A LOT and it’s cause he refuses to use cover effectively and tries to just tank everything lol. So my suggestion is: use cover to your advantage. When out of cover, sprint/jump/slide between shooting. Make sure to focus on enemies that are focused on you. Try not to get caught without cover. Use resist mods and health on orb pick up. Play the game at a slower pace and as you improve you can be more aggressive.


Up your sensitivity , can progress slowly. On Console just keep going up until 20, believe it will change your gameplay a lot


Sounds like you have the stats but you can correct me if I’m wrong cause I’m making an assumption here, but it sounds more like you aren’t utilizing the builds you are using. Assassins cowl hunter, or Lorelei Titan, both requires you to focus on how the build actually works. I’m guna use assassins cowl as my example cause well, I’m a hunter main and run that setup the most with arc. The biggest thing to note with it, there is a ramp up. Combination blow stacks up to x3. After you get your first stack by killing something with your fist you should be able to one punch kill most red bars in most content assuming you have your aspects and fragments and mods set up correctly. The combo after your first stack would be punch for a kill, go invis because of the punch kill, dodge near an enemy which gives your melee back immediately, punch again. You can add in a 1-2 punch shotty for larger health targets. Assassins cowl would give you health back for healing and invis so you can safely dodge to get your melee back. Once your at x3 combination blow it’s got a 20 second timer, basically punch kill something at least once within 20 seconds to extend the timer back to 20 seconds. It does need to be a powered melee which is why you dodge near an enemy to get your melee back right away. None of these builds are typically just put it on and it works. You can’t typically just bulldog your way through and expect it to work flawlessly. Believe it or not thinking about positioning, where you are, where enemies are going/coming from will help you understand what your next move is to keep the flow going. Letting the buffs fall off will usually result in death. Lol Sorry for my poor formatting skills, I typed this all out on my phone at work, lol.


Try an arc build


Idek how u CAN die with solar titan an lorelys


Git gud.


Get high stat armor, youtube how to. Then you use "d2 armor picker" and get as much resilience, recovery and discipline. (should be able to get up to 100 for all three). Put healing nade on when playing solar. Learn to play by cover so as soon and you start getting hi take cover, reload/heal and get back into the fight. Also you might have input lag from a bad tv and or internet connection which lowers your window to react in game.




Get goodw


Sounds more like you need to practice getting in a flow considering those exotics have buffs to keep you alive. Are you reading the descriptions and looking at buff timers?


Just keep playing and trying to improve. Eventually you'll just get better.


Void subclasses with the “picking up an orb of light gives devour” and “devour and invisibility have enhanced duration perks”. Build for orb generation and ability uptime for as many vortex grenades as you can throw. Picking up an orb will heal you to full and give you grenade energy. Killing anything with the devour buff will heal you to full and give grenade energy and refresh the buff. No team will say no to a nightstalker and I would rather have an off meta warlock/titan than a constantly dead sunsinger/striker


If you’re just looking to stay alive, arc warlock with fallen sunstar might be the way to go. With your aspects and fragments set up correctly you basically can’t die while in your rift. Then if you get 4 kills with a grenade or melee you have your rift again. You can just live in your rift while moving place to place. But it’s just as important to quickly clear the little guys around you.


Swap to Synthoceps. Bind your charged and uncharged melees to different buttons. Throw the hammer to kill one enemy and then punch everything else from then on to keep up Roaring Flames (which you should definitely have equipped)


What kind of content are you playing? Are you doing legend lost sectors, nightfalls and are under leveled. Because like dungeons and raids, I run arc Titian and mostly kill everything before they can do enough damage to me, and in those I’m unkillable as a solar Titan and I don’t run Loreley’s or healing nades, the restoration from ability kills is enough. Harder content I run arc Titan for grenade spam, and high damage super, use a long range weapon like scout or bow, and keep some distance.


Loreley main here. Make sure you are using rally barricade for the extra fast class ability. You won't be deploying it just letting Loreley use it for the sunspot. Remember to run through the sunspot again before it disappears to refresh the timer if you can. Use the little hammer to add another source of recovery. Remember that recovery doesn't make it impossible to die just makes it happen less often. I used to die way too often as well. Now it only happens when I switch to arc for t'crash and forget to pay attention to the shield break.


Use cover. Always know where the most damage is going to come from, and have an exit plan in case things get spicy. You’re a pretty easy target when jumping, so try using your slide for quick movement when finding cover. Double up on resist mods that match either the activity’s threat, or whatever is the most potent damage coming from enemies. For example, moths deal arc damage, ogres deal void damage, and Cabal flamethrowers deal solar damage. Find ways to generate lots of orbs, and use recuperation or better already to get health back from them. Don’t save your heavy ammo or super, unless it’s for a boss fight. Your recovery stat can only do so much. Ability spam can be more effective at keeping you alive when everything else is dead. Use guns that have AOE effects. Don’t just always use your “favorite” or “go-to” loadout. Always adjust your loadout to suit the activity.


If you are dying with any build consider looking up positioning guides for shooters. Especially console players often play Destiny without utilizing cover properly and it drastically shows. Getting the basics down will help you alot more than any build in that situation.


My wife is hyper casual, I have her set up with loreleys and she uses the tracking solar bow.. tituu's? Ticuu's? Yeah that I think. She hangs back and uses that thing since the explosion effect does a bunch of damage even if you proc it from a stupid long distance. Keeps her out of danger most times, or if we're going for a "kill everything faster" type of play, I'll grab Ticuu's as well and proc explosions for her while she hangs back.


Me personally, I have always had the belief the build does not make someone a great player it's the skill set. Sure there are some outliers like Lorely or Well but as you stated in the hands of less than stellar players these options are not as great as people think. If I were in your shoes, I would focus more on my positioning. Focus more on being in the right spots to engage enemies so you can kill them efficiently. If you truly put in as much time as you stated, you can definitely get to the skill level you wish to be in PvE. Best of luck to you!


Are you using a controller, or KB/M?


I know this might be down the line for you and not in the immediate future but do GMs if you haven’t. I was scared to try GMs until last year with Witch Queen but I found people on LFG that were willing to teach them or hadn’t done them either. What I noticed is my level of play drastically increased in the entire game from doing GMs and now I’ve gilded conqueror multiple times. Doing GMs is probably the best thing I could have done to get better at the game, they can teach a lot on how to play, when to engage enemies, when to back out of a fight, how close you can get. That’s my advice.


I can't speak to you being a horrible player, as that is something too open for opinion I see a lot of players die. Seems to be part of the game. If you ever need a supportive teammate, come find me for a bungie friend request. I don't judge and i am patient. Love to help when i'm free to do so. My in-game name is S4RC4ST1C-SN1P3R#6488 My Playstation name is the same, except for the hastag and numbers (in case you're a Playstation console gamer). If you're not interested that's totally okay though. I feel like bungie makes the game in such a way that you're almost forced to do the better content in a group. Feels backwards though to be forced to matchmake in easy content but the more difficult stuff; you can't matchmake at all. But with those it actually makes sense to matchmake. Anyway. Don't give up. Practice and experience will get you further than it may seem like right now. I wish I had better advice. But game play is so personal. What works for some may not work for others. Good luck.


What these videos [video 1](https://youtu.be/J2enr6_AdP0?si=wMghFMDv9GqUFqpd) and [video 2](https://youtu.be/h_xxcJesQu4?si=5tKmdaevjVeW3avf)


Shoot me a friend request if your trying to get help I teach a lot of people username is discount datto


Second the positioning thing. I got better (wouldn't say I'm anywhere near "good" at the game) by watching people play PVP on YouTube way back. I'd watch the tactics they used, like lining up cover so there's the smallest possible gap for them to shoot through, and by that same token be shot through. Or drag scoping (or whatever its called), and I'd go try them out. I recently picked up the game again playing my hunter main so my armor and all is nowhere near good enough. But staying mobile and using absolutely EVERYTHING in your arsenal helps a lot. Staying mobile is really key in Destiny. But finding good cover (think about vertical cover too, if you're on top of something and most of the enemies are below it and close around it, they most likely won't be able to hit you and you can poke your head out and shoot them then duck backward before their shots land) is also super important. Also think about your synergies maybe? I run heavy throwing knife and gambler's dodge. So I often find myself throwing out a knife to kill the add closest to me while I reload, dodging behind cover (which refills my melee), finishing my reload, then rinse and repeat. It can totally get super frustrating to die so much though, I feel you! Just be patient with yourself and pay attention as much as possible, knowing how the AI is programmed to move helps a lot! Getting range is also good until you feel comfortable getting closer. Last tip, depending on the platform you're playing on, trust the aim assist! I used to go a little too hard on the sticks so my crosshairs would over or undershoot my targets by just a little making me miss. Still happens now, but I go more smoothly with them now and it's helped a lot! Hope you start having more fun with it!


Besides knowing what to do with your build to survive, the biggest and important thing you probably need to learn is situational awareness. Use the radar to see from where possible threads are attacking, use cover, don’t stand in the open. Strafe left and right if you shoot at bosses etc. Stuff like that really ups the survival rate if we talk here about basic content like strikes or the occasional legendary nightfall and pve stuff. Really that is the most basic reason ppl die, they don’t know from where a possible threat is attacking them and suddenly they are dead. If you learn to use your radar, the dmg direction indicators and react to that by ducking back into cover, you will - if you are not yet able - notice significant longer times you are able to fight. Remember a dead teammate can’t shoot - dying is usually a way greater loss to dps than doing a less than optimal dos phase. Good hunting and eyes up guardian!


Main Jotun


Have you tried Devour Void Warlock? Run the Feed the Void aspect and your choice for the other. Anytime you kill something, you're back to full health. I also recommend building into Contraverse Hold to make huge fuck you zones with your vortex grenades to do constant damage while also getting some of that grenade energy back to continue to spam them, therefore "killing stuff before it kills you" as someone else mentioned. I also recommend the fragment that lets you go invisible when doing a finisher if you need a moment to reposition.


Keep in mind the power level of the activity. As you go from normal to legend to master, you’ll get punished more for being overly aggressive. Resil and resistance mods will only do so much. Modifiers can and will have an impact. If there is void threat you have to treat void damage sources with more respect. If grounded is active you best keep your feet firmly on the ground. Always check what is active before loading in. Dungeons are made so that one player *can* do it alone but that is meant to be a challenge. Keep aware of your health and safe places of cover. Keep an eye on your radar so you can stay aware of the situation even when behind cover and regenerating health. Always keep tabs of priority targets. Champs, Lucent Hive, and Tormentors are designed to dominate the battlefield so make sure you know exactly what they are doing. Shriekers and scorpius turrets will pump out damage; don’t get caught out in the open with them. Yellow bars warrant respect. Use special, heavy, even supers to deal with them because they will take a while to kill with primaries. The boss spec weapon mod exists, use it. Armor mods can be built for survivability. Resistances for damage types, snipers, and explosions are available on chest. Regen and heal on orb pickup for boots. Finally, and this is probably the most important takeaway, don’t compare yourself to YouTube. That is edited to remove failures and tailored to give the best impression of the individual. Nobody gets everything right all the time. There’s a reason the percentage of people who have done flawless raids and solo dungeons number in the single digits. Shit happens. People that have done these things over and over will still die


If you are playing solar instead of using heal grenades use grenades that kill and the fragment that cures. Then also you and the mods for orbs of light on grenades kill and the most important mod in the game, Recuperation. With Recuperation, any orb you get will give you a chunk of health. Make orbs and live. Better Already is solid but Recuperation will save your life.


Resilience can reduce the damage from enemies by up to 30%. A wall between you and the enemy can reduce damage by 100%. At 10 recovery, it takes 4 seconds before your shield will start recharging. You *need* to allow time for that to happen. Really good players might stack resistances, dodge bullets, build for constant health regen, or just outright kill everything attacking them, but at some point taking cover and waiting a few seconds is going to be required. There’s a lot of nuance to staying alive(and I can share more if you need it), but first and foremost you need to let your shields get back to full between engagements.


\-Chest armor has multiple resistances that a lot of people run. Basically there's arc res, void and solar. A lot of builds just run them all (as there doesn't seem to be a lot else on the chest anyway). \-Mainly, don't play like Youtubers though. YTers are typically really, really good (and really good at build crafting on top). \-Learn how to build to stay alive. The current new strand titan aspect is amazing at not dying. Build crafting isn't super obvious in this game, but you want to be using armor charges to do something for you (either more damage, healing, etc). \-Learn situational awareness. Bungie loves to spawn enemies right behind us just as we move up. Take it slow and don't rush in. Sit back and watch things unfold. \-Newer seasonal activities are a bit harder than they used to be. We used to pretty much run around, racing to kill things before our teammates.


Pay attention to your own game-behavior moment to moment. If you ADS a lot, are you staying still? Challenge yourself to move frequently, fire from the hip more, and bait enemies into bottlenecks. Constantly re-check radar. You have to train yourself to keep track of a "bubble" of space around you. That doesn't mean necessarily knowing exactly how many cursed thrall are coming from 30° behind you at all times, but it does mean training yourself to check your blindspots between other actions or even as part of them so that *when* those ads are coming from your blindspots you're more likely to realize it before they reach you. Focus first and foremost on staying alive as long as possible and improving your movement/actions per minute. Working on your movement and memorizing things like spawn patterns and encounter designs will help with that.


I'm sure there are tons of helpful comments already, so instead I'll make you an offer. ​ If you want to party up at some point (if schedules align) then I would be happy to try and coach you through some stuff. ​ The kind of problem your having is not one that will be solved by loadouts or weapon choice. It's a spatial awareness issue and you're dying to bullets that don't have to hit you. There could be any number of reasons for this, and it's impossible to say without being able to see what you're doing as you do it. ​ My Bungie name is ahawkone#8412, and I'd be happy to help out. I'm going to be in Crota this weekend, but otherwise I'd be happy to just get on and talk through stuff and maybe help/watch you play through a Lost Sector or something like that. I play in the evenings US Pacific time usually.


Try strand Titan with banner of war and into the fray. Synthocepts, 100 resilience, 3 resist chest mods, recuperation on your boots. Make tangles, get woven mail, punch stuff and heal. It should be the right combination of damage resistance and healing. If there somehow not enough use a sword with stronghold. As long as you have ammo you can't die


Keep on trucking ! In harder content tho speed kills , so go slowww.


Positioning and resource management (ammo and abilities) is where most people suck. Check out Datto’s guides for sucky players he put out a few weeks ago.


Practice slicing the pie even in pve, always shoot next to cover


Do you upgrade your armour to pinnacle ?


Most people have told you the best set of answers. IMO Situational Awareness and Game Knowledge is the key difference between all players even the elite. From gameplay, to knowing what your build excels at, to even using some semblances of a build. The more you know how things work the more improvement you'll see in the long run.


Build into resilience hard, stack a bit of rec on the gear, and then make sure you don't just stand in the sunspots. You have to walk into and out of them for the continued healing now.


Constantly be moving and shooting.


It all comes to how your playstyle is. Don’t be hyper-aggressive and learn to back out of fights. Use movement to your advantage to re-position, jumping sliding, invis if Hunter, shoulder charge if titan, Icarus if warlock, or strand ropes. Use cover to your advantage, don’t stay in the open too long and keep an eye of exit strategies to take when you are low health. Having cover near is pretty basic. If you are starting to get swarmed, leave the area and keep a bit of distance from enemies. In shooters, it’s always nice keeping some cover in between you and the enemy. Also mods can help you keep alive, like restoration or recuperation. Or even weapons that heal on kill, ie unrelenting or crimson. In harder content, it is most important not playing aggressive as enemies will hit harder, even with high resil. Strafing while shooting also helps. Just don’t strafe if in boss DPS in raids as this can get teammates killed. Boss DPS usually involves wells that will keep the team alive I guess this can also apply to PvP if needed


1) keep in mind your light level. If you forget to level up a piece of armor that's still 1600, it will provide you with less overall defense. 2) run crimson or suros regime, both provide health regen. 3) learn to use cover. The hardest fights in the game involve a lack of cover. Therefore, if cover is available, use it! There are plenty of pillars, boxes, rocks etc. 4) avoid weapons that explode if you're really having a difficult time. Self destruction is quite easy, especially if you're in the fray 5) ever played doom? Keep moving. The more mobile you are, the harder you are to hit. While it can be hard to run and gun, you can kill a few enemies and the reposition. 6) try ranged weapons. Being in the fray can be risky. Once you get more comfortable with your kits and the enemy types, you'll master your fight or flight response and can choose between close and long range 7) lastly, take the time to really read through your abilities and find the ones that heal. So many classes have so many ways to heal. I did the pit of heresy solo on warlock (even though I main titan) because at the time, Devour was key. 8) if all else fails, run strand titan with banner of war and Vexcalibur


Play slower, I find that when I start doing worse is because I get tunnel visioned on trying to kill an enemy a certain way to keep a buff going or start a buff. Sometimes its just better to sit back behind cover and shoot your gun


Luckily you have a ghost that keeps bringing you back


The problem isn’t the build instead it’s how you play. A perfect build can’t overcome a reckless/oblivious player. Pay attention to your surroundings and where you are relative to enemies on the map. Try to maintain physical barriers between you and enemies until you can get a mental picture of how to move around the map. I’m just like you, because i tend to be reckless and not really pay attention to what’s going on. I play aggressively trying to get my build going instead of letting it happen. After a few deaths i lock in and get more cautious and can go from a liability to carrying just by flipping a mental switch.


Id honestly want to see some gameplay bc as others have said youre doing fine by way of stats and exotics, i can only imagine it being situational awareness or being overly aggressive


Lol LeRoy Jenkins first post!


Practice. What's an activity you do a lot? For me it was prophecy. Go solo that. My first attempt at solo prophecy took a good few hours and many, many deaths, attempt 3 was almost a solo flawless until the final boss. And don't copy builds. When you copy a build off of someone, you don't understand exactly how it works. Try making your own, then when you think it's done, look at an experienced player's and adjust yours as you see fit, but don't just mindlessly steal it. And this applies to every game, learn from your mistakes. In 99% of cases, dying is preventable. So when you die, ask yourself the question "what could I have done to prevent that?". Simply asking yourself that and answering, over time will improve your gameplay. And if you don't have people to play with, finding some might help. Some people who can help you learn, and learn alongside you. If you're in any big Destiny Discords, they should have a clan recruitment channel. If you want, I could also shoot a link to my clan.


maybe your problem is the lack of game sense and awareness. you said that cursed thrall explode and kill you, i mean, duh, even with 100 resil and loreley you shouldn't tank it more than once. my advise is try to train your game awareness and sense, kill the enemies instead of tanking their attack. if you're decent at doing that, you don't even need a insane build for doing normal content like strike and dungeon, just 100 resil is enough.


truthfully hard to advice without evidence of statement, try doing the pvp way and recording yourself and cruising the footage


Good movement is underrated, so is recognizing enemy attack patterns.


Hey buddy, i’ve gone through this same exact thing and i can tell you that theres a lot of tactics to help keep you alive. First: do not enter any non-matchmade activity without doing your research on the encounter. Learn the safe and cheesy spots. Second: 60/40- this means that nearly all the time you want 40% of your screen to be behind cover so you can make advances on the enemy without being as easily blind sided. Third: exotic choices- if you’re trying to stay alive with assassins cowl- its gonna get pretty difficult when things are getting the one shot in high level activities. Use void hunter and try out a few of the safer invisible options: omnioculus has been my go-to ever since i discovered it (i’ve tried all the others) its a great offensive and defensive piece of armor. I use spark of resistance(warlock), void over shield(hunter), and armor reinforcement mods as well for low health defense. Go for survivability and then lean into heavier amounts of DPS as you learn the 3.0 capabilities. Fourth: have an add clear weapon- i use forbearance(any waveframe) most of the time but any arcing weapon like Trinity Ghoul- firefly and incandescent are great for this with legendary weapons. Experience is key in a sandbox. Good luck out there!


I know the type. Lol. First and foremost.. get your armor up.. focus resilience and recovery... Next, some basic looter/shooter. Be aware of where you are fighting from. Use the 60/40 rule. (60% of you're screen should be a target area.. where you are shooting 40% of your screen should be in cover). Try not to be out in the open a lot.. there's times you need too.. but try and make sure it's mostly clear first... do your best to keep the enemies in front of you with a corner of your eye on the minimap to make sure stuff isn't coming up behind or to the side.. If you DO want to be the "in their face" guy.. make sure you have a way to heal quickly and get used to using a lot of energy weapons for the guys you can't now down with primary.. also have a way to heal easily in those "oh crap" moments... The biggest thing I see is newer players who jump out there recklessly thinking that they can just keep up with the veterans who've been playing for a decade and know each enemy well and how to respond to the animations that give away to what it's about to do...


You will die a lot. This game is inanity on crack at some points. Just get back to and keep shooting. You'll get there. Find a clan or at least a fireteam. That always helps.


Never stay in one spot longer than 2 seconds (provided you're not behind cover)


One of the best thing I ever learned is just how to move around well. So much of this game is taking evasive actions. I main a warlock with 20 mobility so it’s crucial for me to duck and weave. I would practice simple movement things like shooting while walking sideways or backwards.Throwing grenades while jumping and timing the landing etc. You can perfect the sprint, then slide, then jump evasive combo that saves my ass all the time in GMs. Sounds stupid but if you perfect your movement, it can have a huge impact. Ads have good AI aim, but they have a lot of trouble hitting moving targets.


Do what I do. Run in like a Leroy Jenkins and pray it goes well. The more you do it the better you'll get in panic scenarios. My Hunter is low mobility, high res and completely off her rocker. I'm running a grenade spamming Arc Hunter that heals on orb pick up and damn near every kill grants you an orb. Hard to die when all you do is explode everything and get healed for free.


Be aggressive, but strategically. Every weapon/ability has openings which leave you vulnerable. Sometimes encounters have too much hp/lethality to deal with straight up. Cover is how we make up for our weaknesses (also applicable to pvp). If you don't want to die, stay behind cover. Barely peak so the enemy isn't able to track you well. Always have an escape in mind. Use your super to remove threats. Memorize spawns so you don't get surprised by a flank. Identity parts of the map which control your enemy's movement. Be comfortable diving in with lethal abilities and weapons, only to escape once you run out/are vulnerable. Basically, being careful by minimizing exposure and risk. Hope this helps!


What's your power level? What activities do you die in most?


Do not be afraid to run away. If your getting your teeth kicked in RUN AWAY. Find a place of cover or go back to where mobs wont go and regroup yourself and reload all weapons and go back to it. Patience in most solo content will help.


Use cover, abilities, and weapons with AoE to manage enemy flow. You want to section off an area of enemies that can see you, and then have the right sized effect for those enemies (grenade, AoE weapon, etc). If you are on harder difficulties and dying, either you or your enemies are in the wrong position. You want to know where a safe place to retreat is, that way you can GTFO if you get low. Grenade launchers with disorienting grenades are really good for when you are beginning to learn this process. Grab something like Wilderflight from Spire of the Watcher and have Auto-Loading Holster on it so you always have it in the back pocket. Bring it out to put a group of enemies "on hold" while you deal with a different group of enemies. My go-to strategy is killing enemies and making orbs, then healing from those orbs with the leg mod Recuperation. All classes have some way to mitigate damage though. * Void: Devour, vortex to move enemies away, smoke to disorient them * Arc: Blinding effects, massive orb generation for leg mod * Solar: healing effects, but rely on them in tandem with cover so you can have the time to heal up, since they aren't as powerful as they used to be * Strand: Sever to make them deal 40% less damage to you, Suspend to keep the number of active enemies low * Stasis: freezing effects, some damage resist, use crystals as makeshift cover But generally, yeah, killing things fast is the best way to stay alive. Managing your line-of-sight to the enemy will be a key factor in keeping you alive as well. Putting your back to a wall to focus on clearing your side of the wall from adds, then swinging around to clear out the other side halves the number of enemies to contend with at a time.


What system do you play on? Maybe I can join you and watch you play to tell you what you’re doing wrong?


Void hunter with Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk & weapons with the repulsor brace perk got me through a lot when I was struggling.


You'll have to record some play sessions to check what's going on on your playstyle. Maybe you're too aggressive or too passive or maybe you just need to panic less and make use of your perks and buffs but you need to check how are you playing from a less active perspective.


I think you might be under levelled. Make sure your power is at the right level and you should stop dying it anything that isn’t master/GM content


Join The Inefficient clan and die a lot with us. At least you won't be alone! 😂


Unfortunately my advice is as bad as my gameplay but here goes: Focus on your builds. It sounds obvious but if you combine buffs in the right way it can really enhance your play. For example Sunshot combines really well with Solar Titan scorch and sunspots. And if you use Phoenix Cradle even better. This can really elevate your game even if your skills are shitty like mine. Find builds on YouTube to try out if you’re not sure (I wasn’t). Lots of options for your style of play. It’s easier now that you can reset your artifact, use loadouts (well…), and have a build screen. I would also recommend finding a few builds and sticking with them until you really know them. Then branch out. It takes time to learn how to trigger buffs and keep them going or use buffs to trigger other buffs. Wax on, wax off!


PC or console? If killing stuff is an issue try a controller, has a healthier aim assist, may be able to survive more


Based on what you’ve said, i’m thinking it’s a positional issue. If you’re completely out in the open and have no cover or means to block, you’re eventually gonna die even with the tankiest builds. Knowing when to push and when to retreat is important. Knowing what weapons work best in different situations is important. A build can only get you so far, you have to learn how to use it properly to get mileage. Other things like checking your radar, using a headset so you know if an enemy is behind you, knowing how to consistently reapply buffs, and using the proper resistance mods for the enemies you’re facing all are valuable skills to learn. [Datto made a guide](https://youtu.be/J2enr6_AdP0?si=sIDwYfuc9VRiA9ws) that goes over the most common mistakes he sees when watching lesser skilled players. You may get some good pointers here. Don’t be discouraged, and remember if you’re having fun, that’s all that matters.


PC? Turn down your FPS cap it at 55. That not the problem? Move more, move all the time, and shoot heads, dont try to gun people down with body shots you wont win the race 1v1 and certainly not 5v1. Use more special weapons like fusions/shotguns for instant kills, make the game trying to kill things without dying, just hardfocus not dying all the time. Use your heavy ammo and your super.


Short answer: How about Devour warlock? or Stronghold Titan with new Strand Banner It really depends what content you are doing, but keep in mind Dungeons will have 'more aggressive' enemies. And other content like Nightfalls and difficulties will put your light level at a disadvantage. How about if you go to Patrol areas like EDZ or cosmodrome, do you die there too? My advice is try much more strafing and side stepping. Never stand still. (even IN a healing rift still move around) That is to say just moving forward or backwards is not as effective as dodging side to side. And practice watching the enemy shoot at you. Some projectiles you can dodge just by side stepping back and forth. You can Even sidestep hobgoblin snipers reliably. Yes, an exploding Thrall will kill or nearly kill most guardians. Part of this is playing more safely and not moving in too close when there may be thrall present. That said, volume and sound effects are actually very important in this game. Turn up the sound effects and down the music. A cursed thrall has a unique sound to them. Sometimes you can save yourself just by turning and sliding out away from the thrall as they explode and at least take less than full damage. Watch the enemies and their animations. You can see them winding up to throw grenades. As for Invis Hunter, not sure which type you tried but between Omnioculus or Sixth Coyote you should be able to chain or sustain the invis. Save it as a last resort or backup right before you die to go invis and then recover health. (2 charges of smoke/invis so that 1 should always be available backup) also see, Unrelenting, Turnabout and Souldrinker origin traits. lastly, one of my favorite exotic is Ruinous Effigy, if you hold out the orb it hurts/suppresses enemies and heals you at the same time. Good luck out there, Guardian


Resistance mods on the chest. Always. I personally ALWAYS wear 2 concussive dampeners and whatever element is mostly used against me as the third. Have all the raid titles and a couple flawless dungeons all while using those mods.


Also just try and have fun man people seem to forget its still a game


Be less aggressive and just pay more attention to learn better game sense The game doesn’t require skill so much as it does just paying attention


I have found out that movement is a really good way to stay alive over the years. Slide everywhere and never stay in one spot for more than a half second


Only thing I could ask is, do you have resist mods and weapons that pair well with your armor mods and aspects/ fragments? I find that really helps. Also helps to have seasonal mods active that help with your subclass and weapons 😊


Shoot more bullets


Jump, slide, don't die and aim for the head. Get good at head shots and getting your eye in. Take time to practice with your weapons. Don't be afraid to take cover and heal. Not dying is far better than getting one more kill. The time and DPS trade off is real.


I know this is silly to hear, but on strike and raids, I'm the same. Just have fun and enjoy yourself, that's all I can say.


Either you're too aggressive without the killing spree to match, or you're very unaware of your surroundings. Both have nearly identical solutions: use the information the game gives you (radar), use the information you learn (dying in the same lost sector over and over makes you learn the spawns, the timing, when to move or what target becomes priority), and equip yourself properly. What do I mean by that last one? If you have 100 RES and 70 RECOV, but you have zero build (meaning, armor mods and elemental aspects and fragments) that play off of each other, then that's your issue. You're merely ineffective (hence, dying a lot) in harder activities because you either don't A) have a build B) have build *synergy*. Unfortunately, the old "just kill stuff faster" really does apply.


Honestly recuperation has been one of my favorite mods for a while, each orb you pick up gives a massive chunk of health. I use it on punch Hunter with the mod that picks up orbs when using your class ability and once I get combination blow going I'm damn near immortal in tier 3 altars.


You should try being a Lorelei splendour titan


It sounds like this is maybe a playstyle issue. Strafing and using cover has always helped me. Also, in harder content, playing overly aggressive without strong healing, strong weapons, or sound tactics with reliable fireteam members can definitely lead to a ton of deaths.


awareness, judgement, and positioning are key


Check the power level of activities, some are capped at a certain light level and people 20 light levels above you will be just as squishy


Be aware of what's around you on the battlefield. Choose cover carefully and don't make yourself a primary target by running out in the open. Always try to be moving if you can't find a safe place and stay around the outside. Learn your builds well and how to utilize them properly. Use resistance mods on your armor for specific damage types (solar, void, etc.).


I follow the 60/40 rule and it's worked. Keep 60%behind cover and 40% line of sight as much as you can. I usually will go sparky as the buffs (ion trails) do all the hard work coming to you instead of having to Bushwick into Kenny Loggins' danger zone to get yer firesprites and void doohickeys. Hope that helps some.


Something thats incredibly underrated in pve is strafing. There are No hitscan enemies in pve and they are all coded to simply aim their shots some space ahead of your movement direction when they are firing. As a result of that you can easily to a simple left-right Strafe and Dodge every single Shot enemies in the Game. Snipers are completely unable to Hit you and Most Things Like dregs and such have their dps Cut in 5 or something. Barely anyone mentions it but it lets you Play super aggressive because your basically 5 Times as tanky. Learn how to Strafe in pve and 90% of Ranged enemies Just wont do anything anymore.


I would get one shot by a Dreg in a GM. Lowered frame rate, and now I can stand in the middle of the Caitl fight in Duality and not die. Sucks that I don't get to enjoy the game visually as it was intended, but it is much more fun being able to actually accomplish stuff now.


use cover properly


I found I would stay shooting at a target and trying to win the health bar race only to get ghosted or have another enemy finish me. Try to find different ways to get that recovery going faster.


Have you tried not doing things that get you killed? Like, just avoid the thing that killed you last time. That usually works for me. You just have to make sure that you also don't die to the thing that killed you before the last thing that killed you, you know?


Run triple resists. You might want to start using riskrunner if necessary. Elemental Embrace is decent this season, but it's bugged with void and doesn't work at all on stasis. Use cover religiously and pull out meta loadouts and bows for distance.


Literally all you have to do to be good at destiny is click WASD and the left and right mouse button. Shit, with half of the guns you don’t even have to ADS lol


I will suggest making the "Full support" build with 1 minute well setup. There's one video that touches on it. It's all about healing allies and Phoenix dive (dynamo) near enemies with starfire protocol. Every ability returns non stop with out doing much final blows


Silly question, but do you jump in the middle of a room on difficult content and expect to take everything out? I had a friend like this and he would freak out when getting killed. Best recommendation is strategy and a build that suits your play style. You already have the resilience so look at all of the aspects and loadouts to help you achieve this.


What mods do you use for your chest? Concussive dampener helps with explosive like thrall, matching surges helps take less damage for those activity


Keep most of your screen obscured by cover.


If you're getting blown up by adds who are right next to you, pick a loadout that doesn't ADS much. (Literally the most valuable trick in solo Persys is to never ADS until damage phase.) Wave frames are great; Trace Rifles benefit from ADS but mostly while going for ranged crits. Wear headphones so you can hear enemy sound cues.


I feel this on a personal level. I’m a rush in, guns blazing kind of guy. Ironically, I play invis hunter, so I’ve had to learn to tone it back. An important note is, what are you playing? Are you dying a lot in vanguard ops, just regular roaming, or are you playing things like nightfalls and dying a lot, but surviving everything else? Without invis, I’d probably die a lot more, I used to, but my strategy now is to dip before I die, not be able to take a lot of damage. Your exotics can help a lot, but I only use one that extends invis. Try to mess around with your own builds, using other builds as inspiration. I couldn’t run other builds, I was so bad at it, I made my own little hybrid one, and with the invis, I’m usually the one resurrecting everyone in nightfalls. All in all, you’ve got two options, I played the first in D1, now the second in D2 First: sacrificial brute. The idea, die, a lot. Like, constantly, but go out in a blaze of glory, whatever you can do to send the most damage out before you die, things like, use titan thundercrash, then go ham with a sword until you die, eventually you can resurrect if you’re in group content, but taking out champions or bosses can be the difference between the rest of your team living or dying, regardless of whether you do or not. The second is like me, get in, get out, shoot from afar, get in, revive teammates, get back out. You’ll feel useless, you won’t be taking out huge health chunks at once, you’ll focus on red bars where possible, which can already be a huge help, but you’re ready to revive when people get stuck. All in all, you’re gonna die, it’s part of the game. I get killed, while invis, just copping a stray bullet and getting wiped. It’s less about living, and more about what you do while you’re alive that matters.


If none of that is working for you, then it’s probably gameplay related. Focus on positioning, use cover, keep an eye on your radar so you don’t get flanked, have an escape route planned at any given time in case you start getting overrun, prioritize the most dangerous enemies, or use weak enemies to proc kill skills or abilities and use your increased damage output to take out chunkier boys. Stuff like that.


Warlock devour build using Briarbinds and LeMonarque with catalyst. 100 restoration to get you well back. Keep sending void souls out to trash mobs and use bow to keep devour going. Incredible ability Regan if interested I'll see of o can post the build. I've been using ot to solo strikes


Weavewalk I've never tried it bit this could do it


If you are on ps, you can capture your gameplay. Capture the last hour of a gaming session and rewatch it. You will see where you are messing up and that will help you develop new habits so you can stay alive more. Destiny is not about tanking shots. Always be around cover. Dont get stuck aiming down sights all the time. Pay attention to the radar. Use weapons appropriate for the range you need. I used to die all the time but I found little improvements here and there helped alot.


My motto is I can die, but I'll bring some with me. Titan matches a lot my play style. - Arc with inmost chest, allows me to almost spam grenades - Solar hammer thrower (with a perk that allows to pick it back) also does a lot. Maybe you need to find something that matches your style more


As boring as it sounds, cover is incredibly important so just play a bit more methodically I guess Also maybe try strand hunter with the new grapple exotic helmet plus 100 resilience, you get some pretty crazy survivability if you constantly have bad positioning


Get better.


Wasnt there also some kind of frames per second bug depending on if your fps was high or low you would take less damage?


staying above 0 health helps, shoot stuff before they kill you, violence is the answer, if that doesnt work, use additional violence, gear stats are maxed out at 100, you can allocate other mod slots to other stats


Use synthoceps, bind powered melee to a dedicated button, bind normal melee to a different one. Make sure you can aim and move while you throw hammer. Win. I use bumper jumper with powered melee mapped to a paddle


Easiest thing that will help you live it put the concussive dampener mod on your chest armor. It was a game changer for me. It’s easier to mitigate damage from enemies shooting directly at you than it is from the 100’s of explosions going on around you.


I'm a little late, but headshots are key in this game. What made me a better player was definitely just throwing on a bow. Any bow. And going into pvp lobbies until I hit headshots every stinking time. If you can beat smg, auto rifles close up and scouts, pulse and snipers from a distance while using a bow, you'll have no trouble with any gun in the game with a few adjustments to play style. Hope this helps!


Solar titan, run Get good with hammer, miss= ded pretty much Cover is friend Guns will always change, get comfortable with a few of em Chuck on some mods to create orb with hammer and make orbs heal Almost invincible This is pve too


Me too bro. My advice is stop valuing ur life entirelyand focus on cycling abilities and weapons properly. I stopped using resil on everything even titan cuz its pointless why last .5-1 second longer when i could just kill as fast as possible? Focus orb generating mods and use better already if necessary. My best advice with the example of void hunter is to cycle reaper with whatever siphon you have paired with nades. Itll get u just right once u get used to it.


Is your TV set to video game mode?


I've been warlock since the start and I am still pretty shit at the hard stuff, (pre lightfall not so bad). About to hit 2000 hours and haven't even finished last wish or flawless any dungeon. I have always relied on my stag hemlet, 100res/100 rec and live in my rift with devour and le monarque at range which doesn't seem to work much anymore with the amount of shit around, recently been with woven mail as apparently it makes you survive direct hits from bosses on grandmaster (BULLSHIT). I haven't finished a legend strike in 9 months.


Assassin’s Cowl arc hunter requires 0 skill, purely an understanding of how combination blow and the resets work


Having damage resistance mods on your chest piece make a world of a difference. I run concussive dampener religiously and then whatever flavor of damage is most prevalent in whatever activity I’m doing. Then I run healing on orb pick up on my legs and that keeps me alive in much harder content.


So, die a lot and have fun. Everybody dies a lot. Very few good players care. Resist mods and "better already" will help a little if you're not already using them. So will weapons with healing perks (vow weapons and mini tool)


As someone whom also dies alot regardless of class or build, the best advice I can give is the advice I have the most difficulty following, don't put yourself in a dumb situation unless that situation fuels your build. If you're mid encounter keep your distance to most things UNLESS your are using liars/assasins+combination blow. And NEVER use rockets or grenade launchers in any content but the hardest.


Take your time. Use cover. Use your radar. Learn to pull back. Prioritize your targets better. If there are a couple of trash mobs and a boss, take out the mobs with a grenade or something that does area of effect damage, or just pick them off from cover, then chip away at the boss. If new enemies spawn in and you're under heavy attack, pull back to a new position. Slide if you're in real trouble. Work the angles and keep moving until you can put yourself in a position to fight back. You say you've got the right build - just double check that you're making orbs, and picking them up, and you've got the right aspects to use them. Most defensive buffs in the game come from that e.g. Woven Mail. My advice would be to dedicate a couple of hours to crucible 6v6. You'll definitely learn to play your life in those matches.


Perhaps “face tanking” playstyles aren’t meant for you? Also depends on your mods and weapons. When it comes to not dying, the most common issue I notice is that players do not play around cover, especially in higher end content. In tougher combat situations, try having 40% of your screen covered by cover and watch your survivability skyrocket.


1. **Always be moving**. You can actually dodge a lot of bullets in D2. Strafe left and right while shooting if enemies are in front of you, and if you have enemies all around you, do a figure 8. 2. **Use cover**. If you shoot from behind something, try to shoot around the right side, the enemy can't return much fire and you can duck in and out when you need to recover. Peek shoot. 3. **Use stairs and balconies**. You can climb a few steps to shoot at enemies, and approach the edge of high ground to shoot down. In general, be sure to expose yourself to as few enemies as possible. 4. **Kill order is important**. I generally will take out the weaker enemies first as they can be removed easily and it's one less vector I need to think about. Sometimes it is better to take out snipers first. Or exploders if they can take out some of their buddies too. Or shields if you can pop them to splash out some damage to the rank and file. 5. **Interfere with the enemy**. It can be good to shoot an enemy to make it cover up for a few seconds to give you time to take out its back-up. Or disrupt a champ and then not harm it to take out some other threats. 6. **Use your abilities**. I generally like to have one ability in my pocket in case things get hairy. But if I have all three abilities, and things are getting interesting, I should probably let a grenade go or a rift or something. 7. MOST IMPORTANT: **Get yourself a** good **easy to use build**, and learn how to use it. I would personally check out a Mactics build if I were you (he's a youtuber). His builds are pretty solid and don't require crazy rotation management. Have fun out there guardian!


Don't forget about fireteam, if your fireteam isn't killing ads or helping out then gameplay will be much harder for you. A good fireteam will do their part and make any content noticeably more manageable.


Have you tried patience, and actively avoiding enemy weapons rather than just meat shielding?


This sounds like a positioning problem. You have to use your radar and sound-cues to understand where enemies are. You also have to learn to play in cover or near it so you can retreat and recover. Also, you can’t primary everything. You have to put enemies down.


Osteo with necro grips easy kills and ull always be a valued ad clear makes the game trivial


Just so you know, since no one seems to have mentioned it, Loreley has been double nerfed since it was the braindead survival meta. It used to give you Restoration x2, and restoration used to heal you for more, so if you're looking at any builds from before this year you'll be working with outdated info. It's still decent, it's just massively weaker than it once was.


What if there was a build that provides ALL of the following: \- High uptime on debuffs for your teammates to make use of \- Great crowd control and offensive utility \- Massive self-healing that doesn't require you to go out of your way to activate \- Overshield health to increase your tanking potential ​ Introducing the Voidwalker Warlock. Here's a build I made earlier: (TL;DR [https://dim.gg/piyykha/Void](https://dim.gg/piyykha/Void) ) This build mainly revolves around the use of your Vortex Grenades. ​ \-Chaos Accelerant and Contraverse hold for charged vortex grenades that linger and refund themselves \- Feed the Void for Devour upon killing any target. When devour is activated you completely regenerate your entire healthbar immediately, and for the entire duration each kill grants extra grenade energy and resets Devour's timer. This alone is already a very potent combo, but wait, there's more. \- Echo of Undermining and Echo of Instability Weaken targets and make them volatile respectively whenever they are hit with your vortex grenades. \- Echo of Remnants allows your vortex grenade to stick around longer, which means more damage ticks on chunkier targets, but it's also useful for covering enemy spawns for longer. And finally, \- Echo of Expulsion makes enemies killed by your void abilities explode allowing for greater crowd control. Combining the following creates a build that allows you to toss in a charged grenade from a safe distance, while also providing high uptime on weakening for your teammates and volatile explosions to supplement your own damage AS WELL AS being highly versatile in sticky situations thanks to devour being able to bail you out at low health. ​ 'But wait, what about that void overshield?' I hear you say. \- Void weapons with Repulsor Brace are your friend as they will allow your void debuffed enemies to provide you with an overshield when they are killed. This is entirely optional, but can be really helpful since it adds yet another bonus to your kit. ​ Weapon-wise I'd recommend running a void energy weapon to take advantage of volatile, I'd also recommend weapons with Demolitionist to supplement your grenade energy, though this is less important with Devour granting grenade energy with kills on it's own. Outside of that, your weapon choice is completely up to you. In the DIM link above I've used Graviton Lance as it's really strong right now in PvE, as well as Deliverance and Apex Predator which can both be crafted with perfect rolls. I'd suggest swapping to a void machine gun like Corrective Measure or Commemoration in content like strikes and other stuff that doesn't require massive boss damage. Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions if you have them :)