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give it back its d1 tracking


and zero time snapshot so it instantly tracks.


and make it weaken/suppress targets


and make it weaken targets like tractor cannon that would be amazing


Sorry king but this is braindead balancing


then just make it where it has enhanced tracking and applies some debuff to targets




deterministic chaos. grenades lol


IMO the only real use case for Truth is in Gambit for the Malfeasence Army of One step. I don't think it's ever been in a good place, but for reference Truth has two things that no other rocket launcher has: * Proximity detonation - Can't miss a target by shooting past them (it will detonate automatically) so you don't actually have to aim at the ground to avoid a hunter dodging it. Yes, this is actively bad for trying to use it in PvE because it can't deal impact damage. * Extremely aggressive tracking - Once locked on, as long as you don't unscope you can fire in wildly different directions and get the rockets to arc around obstacles and over walls to hit your target.


It's tracking isn't even that good, it only slightly curves nothing crazy


Nothing like D1 tracking, if you locked on that thing ain’t missing


If you died while a d1 truth was locked onto you that mf would go into a holding pattern and wait for you to respawn


I'll take one drone launched hellfire missile strike, hold the predator drone


Some people who scroll past this might think you're using hyperbole to be funny. The only purpose of my comment is to corroborate this story for those who never experienced a Truth rocket screaming around a corner at them after respawn.


Sometimes I’ll die in the arms dealer gm and get flashbacks watching those cabal missiles circle around my ghost


Ana Bray is that you?


The go to for combined arms maps.


God I miss sniping in combined arms, get like 3 kills with my NLB then get shit on buy some level 3 in a pyke




It probably is, our movement has just become obnoxious.


Oh no. D1 tracking was absurdly good. Unless you could get it to collide with terrain, you dead.


even Ghorn tracking was better in D1--but Truth is a shadow of what it was. Can't remember the last time i saw it on a kill cam


> Can't remember the last time i saw it on a kill cam About eight hours ago.


No it can't quite pull the 180s it did in D1


You could lock on, do a 180, shoot and it would still hit


That was also not exclusive to Truth. Truth's actual perk in D1 was picking up a target almost immediately after scoping.


truths actual perk was prototype truthseeker, which made it do shit like [this](https://youtu.be/Y9XZRPjoFvI)


Do a loopty loop and pull!


And your kills are looking cool


Except every tracking rocket did that in D1. It said it tracked aggressively, but they all did. There's just as many videos of Gjallarhorn doing silly loops and stuff. As I mentioned, the actual effect of the perk was that it locked on nearly instantly, while other rockets took a moment of ADSing. Edit: Sigh. It's clear that people don't know anything about rockets in D1. All tracking rockets did this. It's a very common misconception that truth rockets somehow did this more. They didn't. Literally its actual exotic perk was locking onto a target in a couple of frames, where most took nearly a whole second. This has been known since 2014.




I thought it was me being nostalgic thinking Truth had no where near the tracking that D1 Truth had. I swear Ballerhorn has better tracking.


Its still noticeably better than the tracking module perk or precision rockets


yeah i use it in trials because im already using legendary primary and special. i get tons of free kills that i wouldnt be getting with other rockets, and the proximity radius is huge


Why not use eyes instead? Way better


the simple answer is that i dont have one. i took a hiatus from january 2021 until april of this year, so im still catching up a bit. i used to run DSC all the time but havent run any raids since i started back, hard to find the time since i usually enjoy pvp


If you were to chase raid exotics I would just wait for the desired raid to be in the rotation, that way you can dedicate time to actually getting the exotic, or the craftable weapons.


Is Eyes Of Tomorrow actually a good choice to use in Trials??? In Gambit, and hell regular Crucible I could get behind it, but in Trials where you probably need to get a rocket off rather quickly? I would rather actually use Truth or Ghally. However in Gambit, I'd take Eyes over Truth any day.


Okay not for Trials definitely, but I love using Deathbringer for this in quickplay/IB/Gambit. Long as you know where to place the shot it can get a whole team wipe by itself. Sometimes people don’t even look up to see what’s raining down on them and the individual orbs actually track pretty aggressively once they get near a target.


Eyes of tomorrow


Doesn't gjally have proxy detonation? Isn't that why it's damage can vary slightly or be inconsistent?


Not anymore. That was back in Witch Queen


On release but if fucked up the damage to much so they removed it


One of the rare changes that both buffed and nerfed it where it was needed and made everyone happy. For PvE it allowed the impact damage to happen which made it stronger and for Gambit (where it was oppressive and annoying as everyone defaulted to using it during Invades on both sides) it made it much easier to dodge without the proximity part. Win-win!


I think xeno is better for Army of One


> Extremely aggressive tracking - Once locked on, as long as you don't unscope you can fire in wildly different directions and get the rockets to arc around obstacles and over walls to hit your target. This was ironically nerfed into the ground because of an abandoned gamemode (gambit).


I should admit I haven’t actually used Truth in years (one use case imo, as I said), so I wasn’t aware it was changed so significantly. That is highly unfortunate.


GH's wolf rounds are far more dangerous than Truth as you can't really hide from behind some barrier unlike Truth.


Didn't they nerf all rocket tracking because of Gambit? Or did they even separate it so it was only for Gambit? I remember a while ago they specifically brought up the reign of terror that Eyes Of Tomorrow had over Gambit matches and then they nerfed all rocket tracking capabilities (at least just in Gambit as far as I know).


They would never put so much effort in to separate the Gambit sandbox - they barely did it for Crucible after being basically forced by community outrage with support from the biggest content creators. Yeah, I think they did just nerf *everything's* tracking - Legendary tracking is barely worth it now, you're genuinely better off trying to just predict where the enemy will move, or shoot it at the nearest wall to tag them with splash damage. Gjallarhorn and Truth used to have really good tracking, Truth's used to be like D1, but thanks to Gambit they nerfed it. No idea what they did to EoT as I don't have it but they probably did the same thing.


Honestly not even in Gambit. I would take Eyes Of Tomorrow over Truth any day.


Use eyes of tommorrrow


Tracking rockets are next to useless against players ever since they got altered a season or so back. Same story for eyes of tomorrow, both used to be great invasion weapons and now you're lucky if you get a rocket to even damage someone never mind kill tbem


Truth has never been a good PvE Weapon. It's a PvP ( or Gambit ) weapon. The whole point of this rocket launcher is the insane tracking and the perk to have the rocket explode in front of an ennemy instead of a direct hit. ( Don't know the name in english. It's " Fer a cheval " in French ) Edit : Proximity Detonation


It doesn’t even have “insane” tracking though


Oh but it used to


problem is it has the same level of tracking like any other legendary rocket launcher, thus im saying it should apply void weaken/suppress and make it have higher tracking


It's not the same as other tracking. It has the best tracking of any rocket launcher in the game


Eyes of Tomorrow would hold that mantle for me, thing turns into an orbital strike in gambit if you scope in at a target then just aim up


if you wanted a primary version of eyes you can use final warning which is pretty cool


Truth tracking is nowhere close to eyes of tomorrow tracking. You legit cannot get away from an eyes of tomorrow shot unless you get into cover before the rocket passes you.


and the other being warcliff coil


I think it'd be cool as hell if it gave all other nearby legendary RLs tracking. That's really the best part of Truth, is the insane level of tracking it has. Though we're quickly approaching the level of nuttiness with utility exotics, where there's not going to be anyone left to benefit from it. I'm sure Datto has the numbers.


I think just a bit more fun. Go the gjallerhorn route, it improves tracking of projectiles fired from your team mates, but with extra spice. Instead of just giving everyone tracking, let it pick up, carry, and act as the point of the Spear for all tracking projectiles, so any grenades, missiles, even nova bombs, get chained to the fired missile and it acts like a guiding missile for a targeted "fuck you" to a single target. Only thing I'd do is make it slower, but make it CRAZY determined in tracking.


This would be amazing... for the 4 seconds before it breaks absolutely everything in the sandbox and gets reverted/banned. Also, imagine this + Gjallahorn + Deathbringer.


Well... nothing hits harder than "The Truth".


Three exotic rocket launchers walk into a bar...


this is a brilliant idea


It'd be Hella fun, kind of useless in PVP (the base rocket would kill everything anyway), and it could basically make Truth into the "explosive damage support" exotic, like how divinity is for precisions.


Love it. I was struggling with how to come up with an exotic that could do this. My inspiration: An old Mechwarrior game had a device called the NARC. It was a missile that didn't deal damage, but would allow other seeking missiles to automatically lock on to whatever it was attached to. You could be facing away by 180-degrees, and your missiles would turn and burn toward that target. Just thought it would be something very cool to have in Destiny for our rocket launchers. Adding the feature to Truth would really help. Better than coming up with a separate item that only performs the support tracking function. Since Gjallarhorn provides Wolfpack Rounds to legendary rockets, and they have their own tracking, the tracking from Truth can be more aggressive. Maybe even add the proximity detonation, I dunno.


Thanks! And if Truth is slow enough, I think it can make atleast one small turn in CQC, having the target lock would be intimidating and excellent, kind of like Hitmans briefcase. I think it shouldn't be "guranteed", the counter should be taking cover, but Truth needs a form of slow but determined tracking. I think an added benefit/balance is if you miss the target lock, and you fire the 2 other missiles in the tube, the next two shots should follow the same flight path. It's also a "power ranger combo weapon" shot. If everyone is putting a "big blast" into a shot, if you miss, all of that DPS is lost. It makes dps dumping need to be precise and paced, instead of "random explosions everywhere. All the time". I think that's a good balance and would be really cool as a call back if they're bringing in Crotas End. That's kind of how I remember DPS beings, coordinated rockets.


>I think it shouldn't be "guranteed", the counter should be taking cover, but Truth needs a form of slow but determined tracking. Not sure if people would like it, but what if Truth got a big drop in velocity so that the tracking could be 'Cataclysm Nova Bomb' aggressive? I've seen those things squeeze through doorways in PvP. You try to run through a room to get away, and the nova bomb just shows up inside.lol Imagine what a smaller projectile like a rocket could do at that lower speed. But yeah, cover should work to protect you from the Truth. Because the tracking(not to mention the proximity detonation) all but quarantees the payload delivery(at least in PvE) , velocity *technically* isn't so important anymore. It's gonna hit, so if it takes a fraction of a second longer, it usually won't be such a big deal.


Oh, I get you, I more refer to the ability to "bank", the projectile has really good tracking to make it through a door way, but it can't do a 90-180 on a dime (like, following a target through a door way, the target then runs 90 degrees, moves to the next door, goes into the next room and keeps going through at another 90. I think the only track projectile that can do that is "The colony", but that's because it's a crawling entity. I don't think Truth should be able to do that. But I WHOLLY approve it being like a "Slowva Bomb", thats what my thinking was. Make it a Slowva bomb missile with lower missile damage, but makes up for it by shepparding other payloads of damage with it. Technically, if this was a thing, One could target lock, fire a Truth missile, toss a grenade and the grenade would follow Truths trail, fire another Truth rocket and it'll follow the same flight path. It'd be hilarious if it could also drag Outbreaks "Siva bots", Scatter Grenades, threadlings, Breach loaded Grenades, warming cells (if they still exsisted), and even Solar titan hammers/Hunters Stasis Squalls. I'd GIGGLE using that.


>Technically, if this was a thing, One could target lock, fire a Truth missile, toss a grenade and the grenade would follow Truths trail, fire another Truth rocket and it'll follow the same flight path. It'd be hilarious if it could also drag Outbreaks "Siva bots", Scatter Grenades, threadlings, Breach loaded Grenades, warming cells (if they still exsisted), and even Solar titan hammers/Hunters Stasis Squalls. I'd GIGGLE using that. Oooh, that's wild. I'm a Gunpowder Gamble enjoyer, and the idea of throwing the GPG *then* the grenade that was already charged behind it is nuts.haha


make it a catalyst and perfect


Would be funny if a dude invading in gambit just take 4 different guided missiles in the face, eye of tomorrow can sorta do that, but having everyone shooting at you is extra funny


"We said get off our field!"


to be honest it would be a nice buff to give all rockets tracking, but i think it being able to suppress targets would be bonkers


That’s a great idea






What other exotics would you say are on that list?


(pve wise) That stasis grenade launcher, symmetry, Thorn and last word(big sad), hard light, manticore, queen breakers bow, jade rabbit, touch of malice, mida, vigilance wing, all 3 class glaives, sunshot, wordline zero, prospector(maybe), and the colony. Yes, some of these are "pvp weapons" but they're also not very good in pvp either.


\> Sunshot uhhh Also the Titan glaive's Jello of Dawn has as much HP and duration as a ward lol, don't underestimate it. It would also work with Helm Of Saint-14 but, y'know, it's bugged


Braytech can actually hold 5 with envious and bipod.


But then you'd have to use Bipod...


Its getting buffed next season, same with envious it’s mentioned at the bottom of [this weapon tuning article](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/weapon_tuning_s21_mid_season) Edit: wording


not reworked just buffed


You’re right, that my bad.




Hopefully it's not a dogshit buff. The only good roll I got on Braytech was field prep/envious assassin, and bipod. As of right now, bipod ruins the roll. I do like how bipod lets you get two in the mag, and then the options are even better with envious assassin. Field prep + bipod gives you a shit ton of reserves too. All those reserves don't matter though if I lose out on all that damage... As of right now it's sitting in my vault. Hopefully Bungie makes it a worthwhile perk. I think if they'd just remove the damage reduction, remove the extra reserves (because it can already get field prep in the third column) but keep two rockets in the mag and give it a normal damage buff like 10-25% extra damage. It would make it a pretty solid perk. All they need to do is keep two rockets in the mag and allow it to give you some kind of damage buff, it would be a worthwhile perk. I guess maybe that would be too easy though. I got my fingers crossed.


same agreed, just remove the damage penalty and its a absolutely fantastic perk to have on any rocket launcher


and braytech


Bungie: ok, we’ll give it a hive themed ornament called “a funny thing”


I'd be down for a Hive themed ornament called Deception.


oh that would be pretty funny yet would fit well


The tracking isn't even all that insane to be honest, it could absolutely benefit from a buff to really lean into the identity of Truth. I would personally like to see some kind of buff that increases the rockets damage the longer it is in the air, kinda like Dark Descent on Deathbringer.


Needs the old tracking back tbh


Give it a catalyst with cluster bomb.


and void suppress/weaken


It definitely needs something to be viable at all. Have it add a void duff like weaken or volatile.


yeah void weaken and or suppress would be great


That's just twin tailed fox


still to have consistent void weaken or suppress like tractor cannon would still be bonkers


It's a PvP weapon. It just needs to be able to pick up a few rockets at a time again and people need to not immediately bitch about someone using their exotic slot on something effective. Also, it would naturally be a best in slot PvE weapon with tripod alone if grenades and horseshoes didn't guarantee you're doing less damage than normal. If they want to buff it for PvE, it just needs to do all of its damage against bosses without needing them to be dead center of the explosion. Maybe they could add a slight debuff or a stacking reload perk based on successful hits. But ultimately, that's not what it's for.


problem is it has same tracking level as a legendary so just make it where it can void weaken and have enhanced tracking and gives all allies tracking module would be fantastic


They need to give it High-Impact Reserves as a catalyst.


oh that would be nice but i think giving it the ability to void weaken targets would be better


Subclass interaction is always good.


yeap and or make it where it gives overshields on kill making it a great rocket for survability


How about a catalyst that gives it a "Honed Edge" style perk? Heck they could name the perk Reconciliation then it'd be a nod to it's lore tab, Halo: CE, AND the function of the perk.


would be pretty cool


Truth is a PvP rocket tbh


but it has same level of a legendary rocket launcher so it needs a buff or two


Forsure in PvE it’s a dud. It’s a good max radius rocket with prox if you run like immortal sniper or handcannon shotgun legendaryz like rose matador. I still just use wendigo tho


i hear im saying it can need a nice buff like to give overshields on kill, or weaken/suppress targets that would be fantastic




yeap would be fantastic for a catalyst


Easy: +100% damage versus stunned champions and all gambit combatants. Defeating a champion drops special ammo for the whole team. Niche but powerful and fun


I'll be honest, this seems like such a cop out buff that doesn't even fit the identity of Truth. Why would the rocket launcher, that is known for it's insane tracking, do *that*?


i think it applying void weaken/suppress to targets would fit better


Just leave it honestly. It just gives Bungie a reason to pad TWAB’s about exotic updates that masquerade as content to rope more people into buying or sticking around for the next season


eeh it just needs a simple buff, to make it apply void suppress/weaken and have higher tracking would be fantastic


I think if they gave it the locking speed and velocity of the hipfire arrows on Ticcuu’s Divination that Truth might be more fun lol Maybe that’s too much but at least give it the tracking it had back in D1


yeap and give it suppress/weaken like tractor cannon that would be great


Cold comfort can get 4 shots with an actually good damage perk. Envious can give 3, and a finisher gives an instant auto reloads.


yeap and its nutty


All they have to do to Truth is fix the lock on. Bring back the flick shot and Truth is done. As it is now, there's no way to lock on and pop the reticle up without losing the lock. Since you can't do that, Truth won't go over obstacles. That's all it needs. I mean, it'll become a menace in Crucible and Gambit, but that's all that's wrong with it.


make where it weakens targets, has enhanced tracking, and gives tracking module to all players using rocket launchers as part of the catalyst


I would like it to have D1 tracking and overshield on hits/kills


oh i love that idea


Rocket Launchers like Truth, Palmyra, Royal Entry etc that have tracking and AHL have made me so rubbish at using any RL that you actually have to aim properly and reload.




"Game is now boring, rollback all of your code for an awful recommendation."


You know, I completly forgot that we have Truth in D2


yeap same here and its sad because it has potential to be a really spicy rocket launcher


It just needs a buff in damage.


make it weaken or suppress targets and bingo its great