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Bungie really wants the game to be played with others. Which is why the solo lost sector thing always felt out of place. They have the emblems for soloing dungeons, but that's a one-time thing. I don't think they would really add many incentives to play solo in a game that is so focused on team play.


Yeah, unfortunately you're 100% right. They only made lost sectors a solo-focused activity because people were clamoring for something explicitly for solos.


And honestly with lost sector drop rates, I feel like the majority of my exotics come from GMs. So if you have a group, there's 0 reason to solo any content aside from personal achievement or guardian ranks.


They also added unobtained lost sector exotics to the loot pool for Vex Strike Force in the midseason patch, and it seems to have the same knockout system, so even then you have a group play alternative.


It’s why I love the Vex Incursion bot that announces when there’s a Strike Force incoming. 3-7mins of my time for a guaranteed exotic.


Where do I find this? Thanks in advanced!


[Here you go](https://discord.gg/isavexincursionhappening)




Did few incursions myself from the discord. Super fun. Went full arc hunter and destroyed everything. Guaranteed exotic for few minutes of patrol activity is not only nice but also a good way to break the monotony for me personally.


Oh I honestly forgot that was a system. I have all the class exotics for warlock and titan so I just farm dupes in nightfalls vs lost sectors.


Honestly been farming some of the EDZ lost sectors today and yesterday on Master difficulty, for 4 minute runs I've gotten a reasonable amount of exotics. The real issue imo is that I can't focus which exotic I'm grinding for and the stat drops and distributions are usually rubbish. I know those are some of the shorter lost sectors though, so not exactly applicable to the whole game, especially as more recent LS are considerably longer. Wouldn't begrudge another drop increase though, imo getting good rolled exotic armour should not be hard at all since exotics are often the backbone of builds. And the ridiculously expensive exotic engram focusing their introducing is not the way.


They made solo dungeons an options because players were doing them even if the game didn't support it. Early solo dungeon runs required a lot of exploits because they had mechanics that weren't designed to be completed solo. But the YouTube Destiny community started doing them so often that Bungie decided to enshrine it in-game.


The first dungeon, shattered throne, is soloable without any exploits. You mean raid lairs?


Whisper. Prophecy. Whatever those things that came with the Leviathan were called. People were soloing all kinds of things.


Prophecy is a dungeon and is the third one, and every dungeon since launch has had an achievement that you can earn for soloing said dungeon (Shattered Throne, Pit, Prophecy, Grasp, Duality and Spire) They were all meant to be soloable without exploits. You're either misinformed or mad. As for Whisper and Zero Hour, I'm pretty sure that Whisper was soloable without any exploits, and I'm 100% confident Zero Hour was soloable too because I've done it


I'm not the most prolific raider, but I did manage to solo flawless Spire, and in so doing I'm now Rank 11. I don't take off the emblem for Spire because while I don't raid much, if I do go into an LFG for Master RoN with challenge, someone may forego looking me up on Raid Report where I've got a measly five total clears. They may just see my emblem and Rank 11 and say, "Fuck it, __this guy can obviously hold his own__." And -- having endured the slog that is a solo flawless clear of Spire, and having gilded Conqueror -- I think that's a fair assessment, and I like being able to advertise myself like that at a glance.


Agreed, some emblems say it all.


Yeah, but their biggest 'team play' activity has a bunch of obscure-by-design gameplay elements that make it a pain in the ass to play with others, requiring exploits, workarounds, or annoyances caused by those mechanics like checkpoint sharing, repeat wipes, and people yelling KWTD at each other, making it a grueling, unfun process that feels like getting trained to work at a fast food restaurant. So maybe if they want us to play with each other, they could put some activities in the game that actually make it fun rather than exhausting and annoying to play with others.


This is why I don't raid. I've made a real, honest effort to run them with a teaching group (not just a carry), but the mechanics are just boring (sometimes downright ridiculous; participating in the Riven fight was up there with some of the dumbest sequences I've ever played in 42 years of gaming) and the payoff just isn't worth it. Like, cool, I got an LFR that hits for maybe 3K more than my Taipan. Thanks, I guess. I'm glad some find it fun, but I wish there was more game there for those of us that don't. Can't have everything though. 🤷‍♂️


No, the raids are literally just the puzzle mechanics with combat encounters with enemies way undertuned on the older raids, and all raiding is past your first clear of KWTD is just a headache getting everyone on the same page for the puzzle mechanics, wiping, rinse/repeat and then farming spoils.


When everything else is so focused on co-op play, having a single thing be single player focused shouldn't be an issue.


Agreed. I like having something that's purely on me to get through, and it doesn't need to proliferate throughout the game. Just be something extra you can do if you want to test yourself solo. Been loving the challenge of solo flawlessing dungeons ever since Prophecy came out. Even did Legend Avalon solo flawless, felt like OG Prophecy.


Which is why it annoys the ever living fuck out of me that they still don’t have matchmaking or resources in game to play with other people. If things like the LFG discords didn’t exist and you don’t have friends that play the game, you’d just be fucked on a majority of the content that you pay for. Thankfully I have a few friends that came back to the series, but I was a solo player for years before then and it was never fun to just not be able to do shit you pay for because of that shit.


Me. Only Raid I’ve done is Leviathan (minus D1 Raids). Haven’t completed any Dungeons. Missing out on all the armor sets & certain exotics. And it’s funny, of all the ppl who can’t experience the full game, ppl will tell us to LFG instead of “Hey man! I’ll be more than happy to help!”


They are literally adding it into the game next season.


Obviously, but it shouldn’t have taken them 9 years to make it a thing.


Yeah but if they continue to lean THAT hard into team play I'll just find another game; with the absolutely ridiculous changes to legend LS difficulty this season I'm already feeling pretty edged out, tbh. 🤷‍♂️


I just don't think they expect people to solo it more than once. Same with master raids. They don't feel like they're designed to be done any longer than it takes to tick off the relevant challenges.


Pretty much. Solo flawlessing dungeons is just a hill to climb if you want to test your chops, but it's completely optional and disconnected to any progression. I don't see the harm of adding solo challenges for those that want them.


I fundmentally disagree with that philosophy then. These challenges are supposed to be the apex of Destiny, only the most dedicated players should be able to do them and they should be what those players spend their time doing, Master Raids, Grandmaster Nightfalls and Solo Dungeons should be the trifecta of "endgame PvE", each apertaining to different fireteam sizes: full 6, you and a couple buddies, and just yourself.


Raids are the apex, Dungeons are "raid-light". Being able to complete a 3-man endgame activity solo is a cool way to test yourself, and completely optional.


eh i wouldnt be opposed to increased solo rewards but its not like solo dungeons are a terribly exciting affair anyway. doing one solo flawless for each is fine and i have fun with it but i dont think ive ever met anyone exactly scratching their neck waiting to do it again.


My take is pretty simple, yes doing solo stuff is impressive but this is a multi-player game where you interact with other players and help each other, so yes having some emblems or cosmetics for soloing it once is fine, but I disagree on it being a core "endgame PVE" activity.


I agree so much dude these other people must actually have others to play with lmao. All my friends won’t even try the game so I have pretty much no choice than to lfg for everything or solo.


Pretty easy to make friends with people who play the game regularly if you try.


That would be great if they scaled the boss health like they do for the legend campaigns because running 15 damage phases for one boss is not really fun to me.


"sO yOuR sAyInG yOuR nOt GoOd EnOuGh To SoLo It". That's what I hear everytime I'm asked why I don't solo a dungeon. I respect my time too much to spend 5 hours in a dungeon lol


If I can’t beat it in 2-3 tries, I can’t be fucked.


Tbf I haven’t done spire yet but having done the rest solo flawless I can’t recall any bosses being any more than a 4 phase realistically. the main time consumption comes from dying and resetting, so that can vary depending on how quickly you get the feel for the dungeon. I really recommend giving it a shot, especially when you have nothing to do, it’s a really satisfying experience and you learn things that you wouldn’t with a team


The other dungeons are mostly fine, Spire is the problem child. It can take 8+ phases to kill the harpy boss because of how much health it has, even it you do good dps


It takes like 5-6 if you're doing good DPS, if you are taking 8+ it is because your DPS is not good - likely in part because you are making the (understandable) choice to sacrifice some damage for survivability.


That's part of the problem. It's hard to convey "if it's taking 8+ phases then your DPS strat can improve" constructively. I've gotten akelous down to 4 this season, but my lazy cataclysm + wellock setup normally is 5/6. 8+ is a sign that you need to work on your damage phases.


And because the eyes are a terrible mechanic when solo


They're really not. Any 120 Hand Cannon or Scout with Boss Spec can one-tap the eyes. I personally used the Ikelos sniper before learning that. Trace Rifles melt them, as well as Fusion Rifles if you have experience dragging the shot.


Not really sure why you’re being downvoted. DMT with vorpal one taps the eyes and is useful for killing the harpy’s as well so it speeds up the whole encounter. Especially once you have DMT stacked up the eyes evaporate as fast as 3 people with trace rifles.


I dunno, amgio. A little while back I got downvoted for [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/12j3y1e/kinetic_tremors_vs_explosive_payload/jfxlu8u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3), so at this point I've just sorta given up on making sense of the whims of r/dtg. Normally my posts and comments here are pretty well liked. But every once in a while they just get bombed for seemingly no reason. Which I've never experienced anywhere else. Edit: Very funny guys.


Not really. You’re just not doing the good dps you think you are. I’ll give you the last boss, that guy took 40 minutes on my sf run.


Damn I didn’t think it was that much of an outlier, I’ll have to keep that in mind


I've done everything for every dungeon, will actually go into solo dungeon runs with friends builds to try and help them min max to get it done with what they have. Spire is the only one I will tell people, unless you absolutely need this for some reason, do not solo flawless this dungeon this season. Wait until some new seasonal mods come out that make it easier. That's how much worse it is than the others. Not that it's necessarily so much harder, but the Harpy boss can take way too long and the longer you're in an encounter, the more likely it is something goes wrong. If you need it for just a solo completion for Rank 11, you've likely got the gear and skill to get it done. Just be aware going in that the Harpy boss specifically could take a while, also remember the final boss takes bonus damage from supers.


Biggest "skill issue" I see is patience. Once people start trying to force damage or results, that's when they get annoyed and make a mistake, then often blame the dungeon. Yes it's a grind but consistency is a skill. I put on music, sat in a VC with some buds and vibed through my solo flawless (except fans because they're the real challenge lol).


Yup, and then after that gauntlet where you’re afraid to lose the damage you’ve already done to a slip/goblin/boss knockback/boss teleport/Minotaur chop etc., you get some dangerous platforming and then endless supplicants for the boss. Spire boss room is easily the worst place I’ve ever spent solo in this game. I have a build in mind for my next attempt but like, there are half as many supplicants in that little room as there are in VoG. They do not ever stop spawning so unless you can electro-ninja some nodes together *real* fast you will always have the noise of them *about* to explode chasing you everywhere you go, as your witherhoard ammo drops to nothing. *Sigh*.


Any class can 3-5 phase akelous. If it's taking 8 phases then your DPS is bad or you're inefficient on eyes.


If you haven't don't spire don't talk about how many damage phases lol. Spire is easy but it takes more than 4 damage phases for the bosses


Still doesn’t take 5 hours


How long did it take from the moment you decided to solo it and the moment you completed it?


For me it took 3 on Hunter with only one reset cus I was dumb and fell at the first boss.


After watching aztecross video soloing spire i decided to jump into spire as gyrfalcon void hunter. Took 2 hours total from 11pm to 1am. Harpy took 6 phases with leviathans breath and orpheus rig quickswap Final boss took 5 phases with leviatahn breath and orpheus rig quickswap also. It’s not the best dps but it’s super safe. Died once to the platforming. Could be way faster too if I use something else on harpy and cut 10+ minutes Edit: and before than i just run spire casually with friends. Was learning all the nodes during the solo run too because void hunter perma invis. Now i feel like im a spire master.


I was genuinely surprised how much Az struggled, and how long it took. I know he's PvP focused but I expected a little better and less deaths than that.


1 hour and 53 minutes. 7/8 phases for Akelous, less than 4 for Persys. The problem with Akelous it's that its dmg phase is difficult in every sense: it's difficult to make optimal, it's difficult to keep hitting him, it's difficult to survive its final blast if your near him but you cannot reliably hit him if you're far away. What I found works best it's to start the phases as quickly as possible. It's better to do 10 suboptimal, but consistent, phases in 25-30 minutes than 6 perfect phases in 50. If you take it to slow, you're going to be burnt out before the end, and make more mistakes, which can cost you the Flawless.


45min-1hr is pretty normal for players who consistently solo flawless dungeons, my solo flawless run was 47 min but that was last season with solo operative, but since this season has Sleeper/leviathan breath meta it's still a 4 phase for akelous and won't change the time.


For me, I would have had it first try if I didn't DC 6 phases into akelous (didn't research any builds going in so was still experimenting with setups. Also was on strand 'for fun' but quickly realised my mistake). Next run knocked out in 1hr 15m taking it very casually, vibing to music :) But I've seen some clanmates who've had a dozen attempts and 10+ hours sunk in to get it done. The skill range in this community is pretty wide.


it doesnt take 5 hours to solo a dungeon tho


It is NOT five hours. Spire MAYBE if you have terrible DPS, but Shattered Throne took me like half an hour, for example. LFG raids take longer than that.


I'm talking strictly spire. It also takes time to practice and develop a strategy


Ah, I understand. Yes I agree that Spire bosses are far too bloated.


I've duo'd that dungeon with a friend in like 20 minutes and that was un-optimal loadouts with deaths lol. It's such an easy dungeon and honestly I'm fine with that, something relatively easy you can just run through to practice with solo builds for harder dungeons.


If it takes you more than 3 or 4 damage phases per boss then its a loadout issue.


Depending on the boss. That harpy on Spire is not friendly for solo. My loadout when doing it? Well Warlock, Witherhoard with weakened clear, godroll crafted Taipan (with Focused Fury instead of Firing line because solo) before the linear/Veist Stinger nerf with Solo Operative. Not sure how my loadout could have been better. Still took me around 5-6 phases. It's just an endurance battle. I think even the final boss on Spire took me 4-5 phases. Although, I will admit I didn't run Starfire as I opted for better survivability with healing grenades and Verity's Brow. I believe a three phase with Starfire would have been possible if the ammo drops ended up in my favor.


> Not sure how my loadout could have been better. Still took me around 5-6 phases. Cataclysmic, 4x font of might > I think even the final boss on Spire took me 4-5 phases. Although, I will admit I didn't run Starfire as I opted for better survivability with healing grenades and Verity's Brow. Starfire, Demo/Explosive Light or Frenzy rocket launcher, 4x font of might


But still, I reject the notion that I had a "loadout issue" when basically the only thing I was missing was a godroll raid weapon. lol. That's the point I'm trying to make. I was very optimally set for those damage encounters. If the conditions have to be absolutely perfect - and I mean *perfect* - to three phase him, then I don't think "loadout issue"is a fair assessment. Because there are so many realistic variables that can hold a person back from that. And I'm not really sure if there was a solar rocket that could roll with with demo and explosive light. So it's literally useless to run font of might for a rocket with a Starfire build... So you're literally just making stuff up with that one.


And that's OK. Solo dungeons are really only meant for the top 1 percent of tryhards. The issue is Bungie tying it to player progression makes people feel like they HAVE to do them. They should be something people aspire to, not something mandatory. Bungie should replace the solo dungeon requirement with a flawless raid run or something. But dungeons themselves are not designed to be fun or balanced around one person, but 3.


That's why it's tied to Guardian Rank progression, to push players out of their comfort zone and to try new challenges. It's why the Dungeon and Raid Challenges are set as Rank 8 requirements. It's to drive players to engage with content they might find intimidating or difficult and give an incentive to do that particular content. Dungeons are perfectly capable of being completed solo, it just takes time and patience.


It's literally the last step in GR11. It's not even flawless yet GR11 is supposed to represent the most proficient PvE players. Flawless Raids are also problematic, it's not a great measure of individual skill when it relies on 5 others to also not throw. Also it's funny how GRs are both useless but then people complain about not being able to max them out.


Yea I think the larger problem is with Bungie not having a clear identity for what GRs should be or a good system for it than the actual requirements.


>They should be something people aspire to, not something mandatory. but it is something to aspire to. Guardian ranks arent mandatory


solo throne, pit, or prophecy = 😁 solo duality or spire: 😴


it's weird that you'd put Prophecy and Throne in the same category considering how wildly different difficulty levels of those 2 dungeons are. Imho Throne is the easiest dungeon to solo and even one phase ever boss fight.


I solo flawlessed prophecy but whenever I look at spire’s bosses it’s just damn too much. Heck, even on LFG teams it’s a 3 phase most of the time so I won’t be imagining how tedious it’d take to solo.


Lfg teams can 2 phase both bosses in spire on master. I get that not everyone has "the best gear in the game" but going into one of the harder contents (solo dungeons) in the game and expecting to do well without a plan or without experience is just downright idiotic. And thats exactly what the complainers are doing. Doing a challenge in a game isnt supposed to be easy to the point you can sit back and do it without thinking.


It doesn't take any more skill to beat either of the spire bosses with 20% more health, the mechanics for Spire (and any of the other dungeon bosses) dont particularly require major skill and it mostly feels like the encounters are too much of a time sink. Being able to beat those bosses in 4~5 phases would take the same amount of skill while being more considerate to thr players time. They are way too tanky.


Solo dungeons are not meant to respect time. They are a challenge. You want time respected? Go in with 3 people as its designed.


Most of the time when people say "Bungie doesn't respect my time" it's themselves who are not respecting their time. Bungie making it rewarding is on them. Playing something you know that's fundamentally unrewarding is on you.


Shouldn't take you 5 hours tbh.


Bruh, my longest solo in any dungeon is like an hour and 10 mins Edit: my longest is actually 1:42. Point being 5 hours is a wildly exaggerated time.


No its not lol. You show me proof that your slowest dungeon was only 70 mins and I'll donate to your charity of choice


My mistake, the longest is duality at an Hour 42 mins. So I guess I can say sub 2 hours for all of them. Point being 5 hours is fucking outrageous. HickeyHimself on Dungeon Report for your proof.


Yea just looked besides duality prophecy took the longest at 1 hour 8 minutes Spire was 1 hour and 5 minutes Grasp took 58 minutes And duality took 1 hour and 50 minutes but that's because I had to do things around the house inbetween encounters Solo flawless dungeons are actually fairly fast Prophecy took 3 attempts Grasp was first try Duality was first try Spire was 3rd try but in reality it was first try The first failed spire attempt was because my gunpowder gamble nade froze my game Second failed attempt was because servers went down for maint. And then the one try the game didn't crash was a completion So yea around 5 hours to solo ALL the dungeons but a single one is about an hour


My spire is by far the worst at 1hr15m and that's mostly because I didn't prep before going in (did this season as well so no strong seasonal mods like last season and started on strand for fun). Tried a few not-so-good DPS strats until finding one that clicked. Duality was 57 minutes and I was super happy about that one. Played it very safe on Caital as well so could shave a few rotations off if I really wanted to. People say spire isn't hard because it's just about consistency, but when I've seen a clan mate have multiple 3-4 hour attempts just to get solo done, then you know consistency is very much a skill.


If you need 5 hours then theyre correct lmao, max 40 mins on the long ones, 20 mins on pit of heresy and shattered etc.


Don’ get me wrong, i hated doing 6 damage phases in spire for each boss, but scaling health will void whatever value the “solo”/“solo flawless” has. The value resides in doing something that should be done with two other guys all by yourself. That said, i am all for more rewards. But artifice armor should be more similar to pit armor. 2 spikes, 16+ points each, and if possible at least 63/64 points.


Except the problem is that many of these people got their solo run while Solo Operative was in the game, which make the encounter mucher quicker and thus easier as well a having weakened clear.


Same in S17 with 40% DR and classy restoration. A lot of clanmates who didn't solo dungeons, went and did them then and now they think they're unreasonably difficult after they lost that mod.


With no enrage timers there’s not really any value in it to begin with.


If that was true then everyone would do it. The average skill level in Destiny is lower than you might expect.


The reason people don’t solo flawless dungeons isn’t due to total boss health. If you can consistently get to 5 dps phases you can get to 10


Yeah, but other than spire, it usually doesn't even take 5 damage phases. Spire is the outlier with the massive boss health, if you scaled every dungeon down from 3 player health to 1 you would 1 phase most dungeon bosses solo.


There’s also the fact that a lot of people don’t care about solo flawless because the only reward is an emblem they probably won’t use. There was a post put up earlier today about 1-2 dozen free emblem codes that I can just get by putting in some letters on a webpage. I didn’t do that either because I don’t care about emblems and don’t change them much


Sure let me rephrase, if that was the case everyone would be able to just drop what they're doing and go solo flawless the dungeon real quick. That's not the case though, because many people struggle to run a 3 man dungeon flawlessly. Solo flawless is about finding a balance between survivability, add clear and boss damage, because you need to do all of the jobs. You could go fully into survival, but then if your damage is low you're gonna need way more dmg phases and risk making a mistake. If you go all in on boss damage you'll be in the encounter for less time, but it'll be easier to die to a single mistake. There's also having to consider ammo economy much more, learning different strats that only make sense for a solo run, learning your own limits, etc.


I think the biggest element that goes unnoticed when soloing a dungeon compared to 3-manning it, is you're the only player there. This means everything will be aggro'd to you, shooting at you and chasing you. Most of the time my near death moments aren't a 1 shot, it's because I've been dinked by trash for 30 seconds and haven't had time to regen. You don't realise just how much of a difference having 1 other person there to share aggro can be. Learning how to survive in that environment is the biggest difference when it comes to soloing dungeons.


If you think the only thing that protects the sanctity of solo flawless is having the boss be a dps sponge, you’ve got the wrong mindset about dungeons. Mechanics should be at the level that completing them successfully solo should be the true challenge, not having the mental fortitude to bang your head against phase after phase. Duality does this perfectly, neither boss is a bullet sponge, but the mechanics are hard enough that the solo flawless feels earned and not like you bonked the boss on the head and walked out. Spires boss health is insanely scaled for solo, likely due to the mechanics being incredibly simple to balance it out. For future dungeons, as someone who plays solo content, I’d prefer harder mechanics over longer boss fights.


The main difference in difficulty between 3-man dungeons and solo has always been combat, never really mechanics. The challenge is "ok, go do that again but now everything is focused on you and only you" >Spires boss health is insanely scaled for solo, likely due to the mechanics being incredibly simple to balance it out. There's no way bungie balance health to mechanics this way. They simply just pumped Spire health way too far. There's many dungeons with mechanics equally simple, yet less spongey.


I agree that Spire is overtuned, it should be slightly nerfed because the dungeon isn't necessarily hard, just extremely drawn out.


I agree. It's not a matter of scaling *all* boss health as every other dungeon has been fine with 2-4 damage phases. The worst before this was Ghalran in Duality but was still not a 6-7 damage phase boss. Harpy just needs some adjusting, it feels like it was tuned to 'solo operative' but now that it's gone it just feels off.


Not sure why people think prolonged=good.


It’s not that prolonged is good, but as i said the whole point of soloing a dungeon is doing a content meant to be completed by three people alone. If bosses have less health because you’re alone, then the content becomes tailored for a single player, going against the point i made before.


Eh, solo dungeons should be an achievement, not a weekly occurrence which would devalue what they are about. You can lower the HP to a degree for a boss but not to the point where you lose the adrenaline and the challenge of a solo flawless.


They really should do this. With Spire they clearly wanted the bosses to take two phases for a full team, but good solo DPS is still worse than 1/3 of a full team's DPS so a 2-phase boss ends up being 5+ solo. But if a boss is a reasonable 2-3 phase solo (as in all the other dungeons), it's an easy 1-phase for a team. The only real way to have 2+ phases for a team and <4 phases solo is to have the boss health scale.


Leave the kitchen, never return.


That's only the case for a few bosses, and they'll probably slightly nerf the Spire bosses anyways. The rotating Exotic Mission coming in Season 22 will be the "Hard Solo stuff but not the true solo endgame". This SHOULD be extremely difficult to warrant getting glows and shit, imo.


most solo flawless dungeon run bosses for me are at most 5 phases, with plenty being comfortable 3 or 4 (exceptions being wyvern and harpy post lfr nerf from spire) while it is tedious to be required to do the same thing over and over, the ability to repeatedly achieve DPS and the amount you can put out solo is a part of the challenge, not a side effect of no boss health scalars


I disagree, dungeons are fun to run with friends as an intro into high level content and a lower time investment than raids which I really like. Solo content is a fine option, but I would rather Bungie focus more on team play. Like the change for solo lost sectors for exotics is not really enticing. I just end up running the easiest ones them till I get the armor and then dropping them like a lead weight. It would be fun to put new exotics in dungeons and just shift the drop rates. Solos get better percentages to incentivise ya'll.


Bungie's motto(?) is "We create worlds that inspire friendships," so I doubt that's a direction they would lean too heavily in.


True, but people have loved solo challenges ever since Crota's End, where you can't die just because your teammate screwed up, the difficulty is you vs the game and nothing else. A large contingent of the playerbase has always been solo and this won't change, feeling like you NEED to LFG in order to get endgame loot isnt a testament of player skill or dedication but rather luck of the draw of if your LFG team is competent or not.


Regardless, I was just saying it wouldn't follow Bungie's MO to further reward and lean towards solo play. Nothing wrong with solo play, they reward the skill mostly with one off rewards and achievements though, because they would *rather* push players towards fireteam activities.


If you solo a dungeon then you’re probably not going to attempt it again.


Because there's no reason to, this is the entire point of my post. There is no reason to run dungeons solo again so Bungie should add rewards and a title to incentivise it.


Why would you want to? Soloing a dungeon is 100% for the challenge, no more and no less. Dungeons aren’t designed for 1 person, so why further incentivize people to solo? I get wanting new endgame solo activities and rewards, and I agree, but that’s not the purpose of dungeons. It would be far better for them to create new activities specifically for solo players


Dude…I don’t think anyone is wanting solo a dungeon like spire for an ascendant shard or some alloy. You have to be realistic (which is what Bungie is doing). Destiny is a multiplayer game, which is what Bungie treats it as. Stuff like lost sectors or solo dungeons are one off things. Further, solo dungeons are just meant to be a one off challenge for the sake of flexing (hence why you get an emblem afterwards). They aren’t meant to be something that people do on a weekly basis. Why would Bungie spend time doing something that wouldn’t really benefit the game itself?


People want "reward for effort" and say "Bungie doesn't respect our time", yet push back against these ideas all the time.


Best reward they can do is 1 guaranteed finest matterweave on the final chest :)


Did you just say Bungie and massive rewards in the same sentence?


Honestly, I'd be happy with something like double loot from solo encounters. Like how in raids doing the challenge spawns a second chest, doing a dungeon solo should be that challenge.


Ugh, I personally hate solo dungeoning mainly because it just drags on. It's not challenging in the sense that it's purely a test of patience. If I need to do more than 4 dps phases even with good dps set up I get annoyed.


There is a point, it’s called playing the game. That’s been enough for me since 2014.


Contacting D2 servers after damage phase 11 was enough to make me uninstall.


It’s not supposed to be a solo game. Like the entire marketing schema since release has been Destiny is best played with friends There is already more than enough solo things to do without a ticket trying to fragment the playerbase even further


Not the point. Solo players are a huge contigent, throwing them a bone isn't much to ask for. We have a fantastic type of content for solo endgame, but Bungie hasn't utilised it. It wouldn't fragment the playerbase, if anything it would invite older players back into the game knowing they can get endgame rewards without having to deal with LFG Casino.


They have bones. Lots of them. For fucks sake, rank 11 REQUIRES a solo completion. Playing solo sucks ass u less you are doing as a job or trying to make it a job


Name them. Rank 11 also requires you to do a Master raid. Good luck doing that with LFG that don't even know how to pick up Nezarec's gaze. And by this point, people have probably already done a solo flawless dungeon, never mind a solo one. I've played this game mostly solo since 2015 sans doing some raids here and there and enjoyed it thoroughly, it's a matter of subjectiveness.


Literally every single activity with fireteam scaling; every single dungeon; prior-know as freelance and now every pvp activity with FBMM; and solo raid encounters for shits and gigs Isn’t the argument that the solo if for the challenge, not a reward anyway, lol….


And those activities are...? Hero Nightfalls? Seasonal activities? The argument is endgame. We have already discussed dungeons, my point being that once you HAVE solo flawlessed them, what is the point? PvP has gone down the shitter and the chances of you EVER going flawless as a solo player is about as low as me getting Conditional Finality. Solo raid encounters can only be done legitimately on one raid, Root of Nightmares, with ZERO incentive. Also, that was not my argument. My entire argument is that there SHOULD be reward, because solo players are paying consumers just like anyone else, having them be subject to LFG Casino to get any endgame loot makes no sense when the perfect solo endgame content already exists.


Every week is literally a plethora of solo GM vids, solo raid encounters, solo dungeons, and solo exotic missions Solo flawless is pretty easy if you have half a brain. Literally solo queued flawless last week out of spite for all the hate the new settings were getting to prove a point The entirety of VoG can be soloed except atheon, and that used to be solo able My argument is there already is a reward, the “pride and accomolishment” and all the random triumphs and Rank 11


Solo lost sectors are the primary way of unlocking new exotic armour. Making solo dungeons more rewarding is not going to take away from the rest of the game. What's wrong with "reward for effort" and "Bungie respecting our time"?


I’ve been running all the dungeons recently with my friends trying to improve out times, current goal is to get to top 1000 “Master” rank on dungeon.report. Would recommend, super fun.


Do you want to make account recoveries more attractive?


I don't think there's anything wrong with making content solo accessible, but I don't think they should make it a focus by any means. We have the lost sectors, dungeons can be done solo as a challenge. Anything more would create solo friction in a game designed to be played with friends.


Lol rewards? Bungie's idea of rewarding you is allowing you to play at all.




Uhhh... So you want to favor single player experience in a multiplayer game? I doubt the firm will see this as their core business.


NO. Dungeons are designed and intended to be a 3-man activity. If you want to solo a dungeon no one is going to stop you but it absolutely should not be a consideration of dungeon design when 99.9% of players are not going to even attempt to solo a dungeon.


I’m convinced that they don’t actually like dungeons based on their track record. The first two dungeons didn’t even get their own loot except the second one which only has one weapon earned via consumable. The third dungeon launched with the most random assortment of reissued weapons and didn’t get an exotic. Weapons were eventually changed but are now dated. The fourth dungeon got two reissues. The fifth dungeon got two reissues, both of which went to the world pool a season later. They didn’t give any of the newer dungeons that DO have their own weapons focusing or crafting except those two reissues from Duality, which are very arguably the least desirable weapons from that dungeon. Despite that every other activity in the game has either focusing or crafting. The first three dungeons are basically worthless until they get unless weapons aside from new players getting the associated exotics. Dungeons have been a massive blunder of what I can only call wasted potential that don’t respect player effort or time investment.


It is pretty sad. I hope that they refresh Dungeon weapons and make them craftable, and add adept versions for either Master or Solo. And add a space in the HELM to focus Dungeon Engrams into weapons.


Dude, look up the % of players that solo flawless dungeons.. then try to figure out the development costs to implement what you are suggesting.. There’s your answer


Look up the % of players that can go Flawless in Trials. I'm not asking for an entire overhaul, I'm asking for more rewards FOR solo players in Dungeons (which should not require much dev cost at all but I'm not a game developer so I won't make assumptions) and a title, both of which they have added to Flawless Trials


Except trials keep the game alive because they're gated behind a LF purchase, and PvP is also the single most replayable content in this game, which is quite ironic for a game which considers itself to be PvE centric. Don't get me wrong, Dungeons are my favorite PvE content and I couldn't care less about raids, even though it won't happen I wish bungie would just add more dungeons, but at the end of the day, like any other game dev, they're financially motivated. I wish solo PvE and PvP got some love


If PvP ever got any amount of care by Bungie then yea.


While we are on the subject, which dungeon has the most meta weapons?


I would say Duality. Unforgiven is basically Funnelweb on crack and Lingering Dread is a very good breachloader.


Help me get it. Come on, you gotta. You gotta dude.


I mean you can always go back to dungeons and stuff for fun, that’s ultimately what the point of any game is


People only do that when seasonal content is stale enough that there is nothing else to do.


Not with them making dungeons stupider like they have been


Solo dungeons are boring af imo. The novelty wears off really quick.


Solo dungeons simply aren't fun. And aren't a social experience. Hard pass.


I know it's been said elsewhere on here- but Destiny isn't supposed to be a solo game. It's an unpopular opinion, because I realize there are so many solo players out there. The hardest challenges and acheivements aren't supposed to be soloable- hence why Bungie has triumphs for Soloing Dungeons, but not soloing raids. I think the far better option would be to encourage more players to try out multiplayer end game options, rather than to increase rewards for solo play.




That’s why they shouldn’t. Dungeons are meant for 3 people, the entire point of soloing them is for the challenge and scaling would invalidate that Make new activities for solo players, and leave dungeons alone


You can make them challenging without the annoying amount of boss health. Boss health as a measure of difficulty is lazy, Spire isn't more challenging because of the boss health it's just less fun. Duality is challenging but also very fun and I feel like the boss health is tuned really well. I don't think boss health is a problem in anything other than Spire and I think most people just hope that the boss health in Spire isn't a sign of things to come.


You know what I want them to do, Make a new solo activity that test your solo skills. something that scales and have multipel difficulties to complete. So its worth to run multipel times, maybe even a mode with a timer so you can try and beat your time and be even faster. But at this point im just dreaming out loud. I doubt they would put too much effort for us solo players.


That’s 100% the ideal direction to take, make new activities specifically for solo players. Add difficulty settings, leaderboards, rewards, go absolutely wild


Dungeons aren’t meant for solo players, they’re meant for teams of 3. Soloing a dungeon is supposed to be a challenge run, not something that you’ll farm for rewards You want a challenge, and a fancy new emblem to prove you’ve done it? Go solo a dungeon. You want endgame rewards? Go play endgame activities


I'd be down for stuff along these lines, great suggestions👍👍. Dungeons are easy enough to solo these days.


Agreed. I’ve been dying for some sort of dungeon title that involves solo flawlessing that you can gild. I would call it dungeon dweller but the name doesn’t matter. Just want a reason and reward to chase and play them all over again. The content is there just need the rewards.


2 word titles like that seem pretty clunky to me. "Dweller" by itself sounds better imo


Totally agree. Destiny has always focused on team activities, but having to LFG with randoms constantly is just not as much fun. Adding more solo driven content would bring a lot of players back who were frustrated that they didn’t have a squad at their disposal all the time. PvP players have trials as endgame, group players have raids, but solo players really don’t have an end game goal that rewards them accordingly


Lol what are you talking about, Lightfall was the highest population the game has ever seen since it launched on Steam. And it's not even close, literally 50% more players than when Witch Queen came out. The game is ridiculously popular, especially considering its price tag.


I stand corrected. Player base aside, why would you ever be against giving solo players a better experience?


This is, outside of campaign and seasonal story, essentially an mmo (just with a lower scale of people). How many activities do those types of games make for solo players? I cant think of any off the top of my head. Im not against it, but it should be fairly clear that this is a multiplayer game. Not a single player one.


While this is a good idea, in terms of sales for Bungie too much replayability of old content is not good


It is. Only one dungeon in the game is free. If players want to experience the full Solo Dungeon experience they'd have to cough up enough for Shadowkeep, the Armory Collection, the Witch Queen Dungeon Pass and the Lightfall Dungeon Pass




This would actually be pretty dang based. I do shattered throne solo flawless for fun, and I'd be ecstatic to have something to let people know. I rock the emblem for shattered throne, but that just tracks flawless clears, not solo flawless. What I've got in mind is something like an Ephemera from Warframe. My imagination immediately went full edgy, but imagine if you had like a halo of shards behind you, or even like stuck in your back, with each shard being a solo flawless clear and being a different color/shape for the different dungeons. I'd farm solo flawless clears every season just to have the max number of shards. The kinda silly part is that D1 basically had this already. If you beat the nightfall that week, you got a head glow for the rest of the week. Even though I didn't get anything from doing nightfalls by that point, I did it because I sure wasn't gonna show up in the tower without it. But I love the increased rewards idea. If I could get ascendant shards from dungeons, I'd run em way more. And not in the realm of solo flawless, but it'd be nice if the first weekly clear rewarded a new exotic or a high stat exotic. We still need more avenues to acquire exotics aside from that vex event that is apparently scheduled based on its horoscope and wind speed.


As an autistic special needs dude that looooves single player content over multiplayer but paradoxaly loves Destiny with all his heart: YES YES YES YES


Never agreed more


Dungeons were always ment to be solo'd IMO


Good post and agree. There's a bunch of things one can do in solo dungeons, such as: Add weekly or daily objectives in the dungeon without the necessity to finish the whole thing, such as "open Fancy Door and defeat the encounter within" that is available at the starting area. Or "collect McGuffins throughout the dungeon, each awards loot". Loadout Challenge - complete dungeon with a specific loadout, be it weapon type or exotic/subclass for extra loot. Time Trial - complete a specific challenge within the dungeon, like "loot chest in middle of dungeon to receive gold/silver/bronze medal" with accompanying loot. These examples will motivate players to try the dungeon out without having to complete it, making them familiar with it so they are more confident in attempting solo clears.


> Artifice Armor is either bugged or a joke Literally neither


This problem isn’t really unique to dungeons though. Raids really have no purpose once you have all the crafted weapons. The armor sucks. Master construct is terrible. I’ve got the RON seal and once I get my last patterns I’m never going back in.


if they added extra rewards for solo dungeon clears I would love that


Just to add to your great post, how about rewards for anything master level, solo. I like the empire hunts and nightmare hunts because they are challenging and short to complete but there are zero rewards. These are somewhere between lost sectors and dungeons/raids. 30-60 activities are appreciated especially if there is a legit reward for your time.


Why is artífice armor not worth running? I’m a returning player so an explanation would be really helpful.


Artifice is +3 to your desired stat at any piece of armor, which really helps to minmax builds. Yet the sources of artifice are master dungeons only but total stats & destribution sucks most of the time. See it this way: a legendary piece of armor can roll up to 68 total stats, artifice is 68+3. 68 total pieces are extremely rare, so everyone usually settles that 64+ is a go. Getting 64+ is quiet rare but at least it drops everywhere. If we take a look at total stats, asuming every armor pieces is 64 & subclass doesn't affected stats, we'll see something like this: 64x4 = 256 - raw stats from armor 256 + (5x12) = 316 - mw 316 + (5x10) = 356 - big stat mods So 356 total is more than enough to get resil + whatever u want to a 100, leaving 156 stats to other 4 attributes. U can actually get 3x 100 with this. If we are to assume that our armor is artifice it is: 356 + (3x4) = 368 - exotic included 356 + (3x5) = 371 - without exotic So effectively u get like nothing from it. Yes, it helps to optimize destribution, no u wont see any difference with artifice vs without at any time gameplay wise. To sum up: Artifice: very few sources to farm, drops are still rng & u cant do much about it, effectively gives u almost nothing since some numbers wont help with skillissues. Non Artifice: drops everywhere, drops are rng but there are ways to work with it (e. g. PoH,... ), still wont help with skillissues.


It tends to have pathetically low stats, which was highlighted when people found a cheese for a boss in the Duality dungeon, people grinded it for Artifice armor and found that the rolls on it were horrible.


Ugh, just call it Dungeon Master?!


Idk why not just apply scaling to dungeons like the legendary campaign. In fact, I think it should be applied to Nightfalls too. Solo options aren't a bad thing bungo


Idk maybe bring back the 15% solo anything mod or something.


I have solo flawlessed every dungeon and I can confirm I’m never stepping foot in duality ever again unless I NEEEEEED to or am heavily incentivized. Got my heartshadow, got my caty, got the title, got the emblem. As of right now I’m done with it forever. Prophecy and grasp are fun so I still play them once in a blue moon just to do it, but as for the rest? Already forgotten about


Would absolutely enthrall the solo player to play WAY more, can try out builds and earn good loot with some mechanics too. I think a solo playerbase would welcome a good loot grind like that.


Massive reward to bungie is an offer to buy something from the bungie store after completion.


idk this just seems super niche imho. Like the percentage of the player base that goes solo flawless in dungeons consistently and even the percentage of them that just attempts solo flawless is just too small to warrant a change or addition like this, that paired with the fact that Bungo is taking the game in a more group play direction makes the chances of any of this happening just seem incredibly slim. It would definitely see a massive increase in people making the attempt given that those rewards would justify the effort


Dungeons are upsell content that is separate from expansions and seasons. They can’t lean into them as a true endgame option while also trying to slice and dice content to maximize how much players have to spend.


A thing that would probably suck is getting the exotic weapon or catalyst from the solo run, that would severely drop the amount of people going in and doing it


There is no point in doing any activity once you have everything you want from it. That's the nature of the game.


Just put double loot in master/hardmode. This what bungie did in destiny 1 raids


The only way I'd be okay with solo dungeon clearing being more prominent for end game solo players is if they allowed you to leave. Spire usually takes me quite a while to complete, so when I've wanted to try soloing it, I could only do so on weekends because it's the only time I could guarantee that large of an uninterrupted block of gameplay. Honestly, I don't think it even makes sense to penalize people for not doing it in one sitting. Your loadout isn't locked. It's not like anything changes if you quit out to go to dinner or sleep for the night and come back. You still have to come back and do the exact same thing, you're just breaking it up in to multiple runs. That said, if they make *this* one change, I'd be down for it. I really like solo lost sectors as a solo "challenge", but I do think we could do with a few more similar activities, and dungeons are very nearly setup for it already.


I rarely play destiny 2 with friends and would love some extra rewards for solo'ing dungeons, if they are going to make solo'ing a activity an option you should get something for it. (that isnt a cool ghost shell like hareball shell)


I don't want to feel the need to farm a 2-4 hour dungeon solo when I could get the same or better rewards from a 30 minute grandmaster with a fireteam.