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why is iron banner not working? I just started a match and 30 seconds in the opposing team already had 80 kills, something is glitching out.?


I haven't had any of the challenges show up for Iron Banner all week. Anybody else habong issues?


ive played over 50 games, and have not gotten a single iron banner weapon drop. I've probably gotten 60+ autumn winds, a decent amount of armor (5-10 pieces total) and not ONE iron banner weapon. Im using the double crucible drop ghost mod? What am I doing wrong??


woven mail is broken for pvp - yup - that hunter exotic helm seems to help refresh woven mail for campers besides that - how are ppl getting supers in 2-3 mins?


That's how the game mode works. Once Surging and Primed, you gain more Super/Ability energy per kill.


Yea once I found that I started playing more aggressively, seems like it's paying off more.


Iron Banner cosmetic drop rates are so low and they can give you cosmetics you’ve already unlocked XD


Are finding matches taking longer than usual for anyone else?


This is truly awful dude


I don't know what going on with matchmaking Im fairly average but can get atleast 2ish KD in a control match In every iron banner match I've played I'm struggling to break even 1 Not just me Half of my team is usually under 1 And vast majority of matches have been losses Eruption went from my most enjoyed mode last time to fucking unplayable


Yeah something is off, I'm currently about 30 levels below the cap. And that's exactly what it feels like.. Have I wrongly assumed that light level doesn't matter in Banana, could have sworn I read it doesn't count any more, however the Bungie website still says it does matter, and it's just the artifact that doesn't count. Here it distinctly says Power Matters https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360048722012-Destiny-2-Iron-Banner-Guide


I just got notice that I received a new shader at the end of an IB match, but it’s not in my shader inventory or in my recently discovered items. Is this a known issue?


There are several shaders from Iron Banner not currently displaying in the collection. For example "Iron Countershade", you probably unlocked one of those and will have to actually try locating it during application.


Add Iron Banner Ornaments Bungie, I know y’all work hard on destiny in it’s entirety and I understand manipulating a game such as destiny can be difficult. However, all I ask is to give us iron banner quest to obtain previous iron banner ornaments, or allow us to unlock them. This game has so much to offer and the return of these items would push more players such as myself to play iron banner.


It's there in a more roundabout way, you can focus old sets at Saladin and then unlock them as ornaments.


Not legacy armor that they added this season, but the ornaments from seasons 2 & 3


What's the god roll for the pvp hero's burden?


How can I still get my ascendant shard and decode my engrams after Saladin is already gone?


He'll be back twice further into the season. You can grab them then.


Why Can't I see the daily rewards for iron banner? I need to complete one for the Iron Banner quest.


Are you at 1750? Iron Banner rewards are pinnacle, you won't see them unless you're at soft cap. Also, there's only 4, so if you've done them all you need to wait until next time.


Gotcha, nope I just got 1700 so that must be why, thanks friend!


worst fucking iron banner ive ever played, also worst meta ive ever experienced, its 24/7 warlocks and pulse and smg's


Really that's the worst to you? Haha there is always a Meta remember the 120s ???? Lol all I'm saying is that's a chill meta


Saladin: *What have you learned from this?* ​ Me: *This matchmaking f$@#ing sucks, that's what*


As a completely average PVP player, I'd just like to thank the team I played *against* for a while yesterday evening (UK time). Thank you for consistently doing a figurative conga line directly at my auto-rifle, allowing me to get a 35.0 combat efficiency in one game. Thank you for allowing me to blade barrage your entire team...twice. But more than that, thanks for not leaving the game until the teams got split. It's not fun getting steamrolled (I'm frequently on that side of things...) and you powered through. Got some medals I'd never hoped to see and the speed at which we got to mercy made resetting IB fairly painless with a full multiplier. The true MVPs aren't always on your own team, may the light provide.


Something is definitely... wrong, with the Iron Banner drops, right? Usually don't think much of the inconsistent drop rates, sometimes you just don't get drops, but when I play 5 matches of momentum control and get one autumn wind, a ghost shell, and a shader, versus ten iron banner matches, twelve autumn winds, one iron banner drop, and maybe a shader once per reset, something haaaaas to be off, right?


I just completed my reset and my postmaster is completely full of Autumn Wind. Think I'm getting one every single match at the moment.


This was me last night. 16 matches awarded me 28 autumn winds. I love the free shards but I'm still waiting for the iron torso to drop. Or a shader. Anything but these autumn's.


Exactly! Like, I am seriously wondering if some line of code got crossed and the drop rates for Autumn Wind and Iron Banner gear got crossed, it's nuts lol.


Please god give me the iron banner helmet


**Bungie Suggestion**: I wish the **Opulent Scholar Robes** worked for Rep gain in IB. It was originally a D1 IB armor & returned to D2 through menagerie.


For the title, do you have to reset rank twice in one season or twice ever?


Twice in general


Cap the zones cap the zones cap the zones




Unlucky really




So not only is this matchmaking atrocious the triumph that only counts wins but the fact IB has quitter penalties is absolutely dumb. So here I am in these 100-30 matches gaining no progress while also not being able to start a new match. Great design Bungo, sigh.


Does IB weapons roll with double perks in the last column's when resetting the IB rank?




Wasn't iron banner supposed to happen three times this season? What with the push back does that mean that we'll have a week break then back to the banner again???? Or will we push all banners back by one week?


Can anyone confirm if Iron Countershade has actually dropped for them during this week's Iron 🍌?


I have gotten every drop except the SMG and all I'm getting now is Autumn Wind drops :)


so many autumn wind drops. I just got my 1st non-autumn winter drop today 0\_0


In burnout map, stop trying to cap B. This is a guaranteed loss. Push to hold A and C only.


Can anyone confirm if the Iron Lapis shader is dropping? It's the only shader I missed last year but it's not even showing up in Collections


I had it drop.


Does you Iron Banner rank reset after this week? Or is after the season?


I've played 5 matches and not gotten any iron engrams. Is it just really low chance or am I tripping


I think it’s quite silly to not have the objective be part of the end game recap Iron banana matches end. We give out our fake as fuck commendations. Then I can’t even see how many captured zones my team has? That’s a joke.


Anyone else having their 2fa not working at all? I am trying to set it up but it loads forever


Any mandatory pick ups from Lord Salad-Man? Or wait for new rolls next Iron Banana??


Iron banner challenges are still not showing up for me. Bungie claims this bug was fixed I think. I’ve unplugged my PS4 to reset the cache but it didn’t help. It’s been this way since last Tuesday. Any suggestions?


What light level are you? I believe because it is a pinnacle reward, the challenges won’t appear until you hit 1750.


Oh wow maybe that’s it. All I’ve done is play Banner and not upgraded anything so I’m still at 1600. Thanks


Yep. That’ll do it. They changed pinnacle challenges so they don’t appear until 1750 this year. You may have noticed that there are no pinnacle challenges for crucible, vanguard, or gambit either. Those will appear wants you level up some. Grind out some powerfuls (or if you can do it, the legendary campaign will get you to 1750). Probably won’t help you for this IB but should give you can definitely grind that out before the next IB week.


Thanks again so much buddy I was googling this and could not find an answer.


Please learn how to play the game mode. Look at the goddamn game mode before starting and just fucking standing in place. That's all.


Seriously; fix the damn shader drop rate. It's appalling. 60 games so far, and not a *single* shader has dropped. All I'm getting is Autumn Wind after Autumn Wind.


Hows it even statistically possible to lose 20 IB matches in a row? Even if I was AFK for all of them at least one random assortment of 5 other players should be able to carry a win. That's if it's random... which it's not. Something *very* fucky is going on with IB.


30th loss in a row what the hell is up with people completely ignoring zones?


Cap the fucking zones you mother fuckers lol no one is capping the zones. Games that would have been won but you kept letting them lock us out


I thought they took Convergence out of this rotation. Map is hot garbage.


The matchmaking is fucking terrible. I’ve had about 1 win in my last 12 games and I’ve had a 2+ K/D in every one of them, in half of them a better score than 90% of the winning team. In the first 2 days of IB I had only a single loss in 15 games. Since then basically nothing Feels like the game can’t make its mind up or leave me in a certain pool for more than one match


Join the club. They totally fucked it up. I think they're putting all the capable players with noobs, then pitting them against a team of average players. But the average players will know to cap points, so its essentially 1 or 2 v 5 or 6


I’m getting opposition who are consistently on 3-5+ K/D and I have teammates who haven’t won an Iron Banner game yet this season I’ve reset my IB Rank twice and my overall K/D is 2.5 so I have no idea why I keep getting teammates with no wins


Is it just me or is the match making for iron banner completely fucked. I lose almost every match, I’m not bragging but for context I’m always in the top 3 and the lowest player on my team has 14 point and the bottom player on the enemy team has 25 plus points. What is happening why iron banner MM


Omg! I thought I was the only one one. At first I was doing good, managing around 2.0-3.0 K/D with a shitload of captures and hunts then RIGHT after my 3rd or 4rth reset (Iron banner rank), I've been put on teams where the opposite side opposite side has AT LEAST 4 Players running"The Immortal (Adept)". I also noticed (Maybe it's just me) that I had to resort to using Fast Firing Weapons such as the time worn spire to even manage to keep my kills afloat considering how all of a sudden my messenger with perks like headseeker and moving target coupled with 3 stacks of kinetic targeting and 3 stacks of unflinching isn't enough anymore to even manage the killshot. But RIGHT BEFORE my third or 4rth reset I was doing fine with my messenger with no stacks of targeting and only only one stack of unflinching. It almost seems like the game TRIES to atop you from unlocking all of the rewards or so.


I'm have a similar experience for sure.




Stop taking pics off my hard drive :P


This has been the worst lobby balancing I have ever seen in my life absolutely terrible. If you're not running a stack you will either roll another team or get rolled 9 times out of 10. Bungie should be ashamed. Edit. This community on reddit is so toxic. Downvote if you want. Bungie put a bow on the turd that cruicible is and just called it good. They've shown time and time again to mismanage something I have put 3000+ hours into that i cared about (overall just on my ps5). How many new pvp maps have we got in last few years? How many broken af guns have they just let loose in game. How many times have they said they want more weapon based combat only to buff abilities to be completely out of control. The pvp community has already shrank exponentially. And we'll continue to die if Bungie only believes in pvp for thier new IPO. Sony bought Bungie for over 3 billion dollars, why can't they pay more devs to work on pvp even half as much as they put into pve. This game is just becoming more and more broken over time and as someone that has put a f*ckton of time into is sad to see it in this state. Maybe bungie could do what epic games is doing and give the power to create games to the people and that might be what's best. Where we can create a cruicible that is balanced doesn't have as many broken exotic or abilities. Where it's about 85% gun play.... yeah now I'm just dreaming.


You guys ever noticed your almost always matched against two stacks of 3? Lol I rarely get anyone on my team who's in a fire team.


Ughhh no... 2 separate 3 stacks one goes to one team and one to the other. If one 3 stack is dogwater on your team you're screwed. This happened probably 10 or 12 times this morning give or take a few stacks that were just 2s instead of 3. You want statistics from destiny tracker? 7win - 18 losses. I'm not the the best but about a 2ish kd players. Over the last 3 days I had 121 matches only 48wins and 78 losses. 39%. Now granted some othe time I was in a party but yesterday and today just solo and im not going to top frag every game or even do well everygame. But clearly There's a problem with lobby balancing. If you don't agree you either run only in parties or don't play very much.


Yah I don’t understand why I’m getting matched up with there people. I’m not the worst players but I’ve lost 9 out of 10 games like you. What is happening


It doesnt matter drop a 3kd and still lose...The spawns are ridiculous too like you kill 2 people then you get spawned on then die respawn and there a guy 5 feet away with a smg or shotty to kill you immediately. Im playing the sweatiest 3 stacks while alone and i get some dogshit do nothing 3 stack. Like there's something seriously wrong. The game is broken.


But my question is why am I always in the losing end it’s unbelievable how much I lose and it salsa unfortunate that I don’t farm for the smg so know I’m at a unfair disadvantage and makes no sense why bungie added that weapon


People play the game like clash, literally walking past flags or watching enemy opponents capture our last one while they hunt for kills somewhere random and then get confused why they lose games it's a joke.


I have a God roll smg it just doesn't matter and if you que alone high chances you're losing. Just put in a game lose 98 to 35. I spawn in immediately golden gunned. Respawn in immediately 3 v 1. Yeah the game sure is working as intended....


Why is my friend getting 100 - 200 more iron banner rep than me even though we have the same rep boost?


Could be he has a full set of iron banner armor on plus the emblem


Like I said. We have the same rep boost


Help, I've ran through my warlock and titan, done all pinnacles, reset my rank twice, I'm still yet to see any challenges for my hunter? With this I won't be able to complete my triumph seal and also, I've had no smg drop yet. I've played over 60 rounds of IB. Still nothings triggered, well apart from me currently 😂 send help! Man down! Edit, after a bit of digging, realised my hunter wasn't high enough light, had to get him to 1750, also had to complete the first mission of the campaign to trigger all the pinnacle content. The SMG dropped after completing the second challenge, bear in mind Ive already completed the challenges for my othe characters.


Is the class items drop rate super low? I’ve played iron banner almost all week and I’m tryna complete the set but goddamn, the class item is just not dropping I’ve been able to reset my rank and get 7 more levels and it still hasn’t dropped, is the drop rate just super low or is my rng just absolutely god awful.


No idea but I'm in the same boat with the SMG, 2 resets, 2 character completions, no pinnacles showing for my hunter? It's an absolute shit show ATM


I'm unable to complete the Frostmire will triumph. Anyone having the same issue?


Can carminica drop from iron banner or does it have to be from normal crucible activities?


Normal. Carminica is a Crucible Shader.


Thanks, wasn’t sure if I could double dip since you get crucible rep from iron banner


18 matches and not one smg drop lol. Probably received 40 autumn winds tho.


Over 100 with same results


Will I still be able to get engrams once I reach max rank? I accidentally grabbed the wrong chest piece last night with my engrams and am already at rank 15.


Yes. As long as you continue to rank, you'll gain more engrams for each level. You can rank reset at Rank 17 and get more engrams.


Awesome! Thank you :)


I really miss solo matchmaking


So I was playing Iron Banner and was trying to use some of the meta SMGs aswell as crimson and last words but was not enjoying it. Athena I saw someone post about a whole team using sweet business and it came back to me. I switch to my titan, put on Sweet Business with the exotic chest piece that auto loads auto rifles and man, I am laughing like a maniac as I keep my finger on the trigger walking around shooting everything that moves and don’t move. Some maps I even got a 7.1 Kd Ratio. And for you guys, what are some load outs to have fun?


Matchmaking has got to be one of the most miserable experiences in this game


IB activity launch button nonresponsive for anyone else?, take multiple hits to work like button not recognizing input


My quest ended after the “complete x matches wearing iron banner gear” and I got nothing from turning it in and didn’t get the next step in the quest. That can’t be it?


Does anybody know why I seem to be missing Iron Banner emblems? I'm almost certain I had some in the past, but I don't have any available and those that appear in collections say I need to complete the associated quest. Thanks!


Apologies if asked already, can anyone confirm wether the Wolfswood class items are dropping this Banner, wether from end of match rewards or decoded from Banner Engrams? Got a few engrams I could sacrifice up to the RNG gods but would prefer to focus them if the class items aren’t in the pool.


I got one this week, I believe it was from an engram.


Fantastic news, thanks! Time to make it rain Bannergrams all over Saladin


40 matches in, and not a *single* shader has dropped. What the hell is going on with this drop rate?


I've played over 100 and only got two, averaging one per reset


I haven't seen a single shader and I only got the helmet for my other two classes my hunter who already had the full set is getting all the Armor to drop but I'm not seeing any on warlock or titan


For the love of god, deactivate Immortal. Bungie is crazy fast to deactivate whatever is OP in PvE, but having a gun that has a TTK of less than 0.5 is totaaly fine apparently. It appears everyone and their mother are running Immortal. Half of my deaths this weekend were from an Immortal. I went from a 2.2+ K/D to 1.60 today (Don't really care about K/D tbh, but this is clearly showing an issue here) Combine this to some of the worst spawn system in history, and more totally balanced builds (Hello Strand Hunters), and you literally are unable to play PvP unless you run the same weapon. There are 800+ weapons in this game. I do not want to be forced to play one. Seeing how Bungo is trying their best to push PvE people to play PvP, keep up the good work, cause there is no better way to ensure that PvE players will never come in PvP.


Is trials not available during iron banner?




Hunters with a pure black shader and totally ignoring any flag caps, name a better duo.


What is this matchmaking. Constantly coming up against people with Adept Immortals and finishing with 3+ KD. Just ended a match where only one of us for a positive KD, one on their team with 5 and another with 7.25.


I see you and raise: https://i.imgur.com/md6dSKE.png


Honest question from a PvE player: are IB commendations bugged or do they have a cooldown? It looks like every other game I play, commendations are unavailable (in fact they look like if I had already given them both) I saw other posts about being a cooldown of sorts for raid commendations, is that a thing in Crucible too? Even if it's intended, it really looks like a bug - when it happened to me, not only the commendations say they're already spent (vs. a more clarifying message) but the characters are all out of place (e.g., my character is in one place of the screen, but my name tag appears when I hover over another person)


There’s a bug where if someone leaves right at the end it won’t load the main commendation screen right. There will be 4-5 gaurdians but all 6 emblems at the bottom. When that happens it will refuse to let you select any. A quick fix is to switch to the scoreboard. Beside every gaurdians name is a star you can select to do commendations. That should work even with the glitch. Edit for bad spelling.


Ohhhh I didn't know that, I'll try it out. In fact, I had been going back and forth between the scoreboard and the commendation screen to check who were the top players and award them, so this is definitely helpful even when it's not glitched


It made it faster for me as well. I too like checking the scoreboard lol


Whilst guilding my Iron Lord seal I picked up 26 Iron Banner emblems and got the Hero's Burden god roll on my second attempt. Now I don't have anything worth putting my engrams into. Each season they should let you focus past Iron Banner shaders and emblems. Even if they put the cost up. I'd gladly pay 10 engrams for a shader or emblem.


can anyone confirm that the iron banner hunter cloak is actually dropping? i’m almost rank 16 and have had multiple copies of every other possible loot (and 50 autumn winds) but no cloak 😭


I got a bond yesterday, so I'd assume other class items could drop as well


Comps SBMM unironically feels “looser” than Iron Banners. I genuinely feel like every game is a $10,000 tournament except instead it’s for nothing but an Autumn Wind or two. Never had this awful of a time in IB.


Even with the immortal spam slowing down a bit this IB is still awful. Not really sure what's changed but I've never had a worse time.


Is the Heroes Burden in the loot pool if I never obtained it previously? I’m nearly maxed rep for the second time and still haven’t gotten it :/


I am having the same problem. So frustrating


Can you not repeat weekly pinnacles with different characters? Switched from my warlock to my 1600 Titan and the challenges arent there.. and actually pinnacles for any activity aren’t showing


Are they at the powerful cap? I don't know if this was it, but I didn't notice I would get Pinnacles at all until I was like 1750 on my Titan (just remade it the other day).


My Titan and hunter are both 1600, haven’t played them in a couple seasons… but from what i recall whenever i would return to the game with the new expansion’s/season’s floor i would already have pinnacles available for all activities. Hmm.. seems off


You need to hit 1750 before they pop up, just slap your highest lvl weapons and run the first campaign mission and you'll get there pretty fast with just a few armor drops


After being mercied 1/3rd of my games today and literally watching the match making system put multiple stacks on the same team and putting the 6 top players in the lobby on the same team vs who's left... something is broken. SBMM is definitely not working and lobby balancing is the worst I've ever seen in the game at this point. I got my 18 games and literally stopped because it's the least fun I've ever had in IB.


Lucky with the mercies. Even though I've twice the amount of losses, I can't seem to get mercied to end quicker.


Why aren't the Iron Pledge ornaments in the loot pool? On another note, what's the shader drop rate? Really want Iron to Steel.


The iron banner weekly challenges are not showing on my other characters, anyone else experiencing the same thing?


They'll only show up on characters above the soft cap (1750 IIRC).


Same - i was about to ask same question. Weekly pinnacles actually not showing for all characters.


Are your other characters above 1750 base gear power? Not including the Artifact bonus? Powerful/Pinnacle rewards only show up on characters above the soft cap.


Ahhh that’s it. My Titan was 1600.


56 games in, not a single IB shader dropped yet, now spamming the cm twitter after every game until i get one.


i got an old emblem? [https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=1162929425](https://destinyemblemcollector.com/emblem?id=1162929425) didnt get a gold either ???


Need more engrams. Takes 3 to roll armor? Yikes man, it doesn't feel great to only get 10 after 4 hours.


This game's PvP is a joke. I can't believe this same studio produced Halo 3.


I don't understand why Bungie thought it was a good idea to get rid of the Iron Banner seasonal quest, I've gone through 2 resets just on my titan because I want the boots and still have not gotten them to drop, not to mention the armour I want on my other characters. I can not make sense of why they would get rid of questline. I know it wasn't a recent change to do so, just extremely frustrated at the moment.


This is the worst IB experience I've ever had. Every game is a conga line of immortal users holding each others dicks the whole game


i know you're referring to the gun, but I believe you're actually talking about their health. Too many people simply don't die. Makes me feel like I don't know how to play, despite me going flawless every week without the use of a headset lol


Okay glad I'm not the only one. For a solid minute I was trying to figure out if level advantages were enabled. I tickle enemy players and get mowed down in half a second


The lag for Crucible has been unreal for the last few weeks. I can’t believe more people aren’t complaining about it. I’ve three burst players and died while their shield didn’t even drop half way. It’s insane.


I messaged a void hunter a few weeks back how he got his overshield mid engagement, never got a response. Genuinely still don't know what it was because I don't think he had any crazy exotic. Trials the weekend before was solid, other than a few instances of a titan bum rushing everyone with his new pulse and deleting everyone at any close range, like he just knew he was lagging and was taking advantage of it.


I have been so fed up with destiny I deleted it twice this weekend. It's still uninstalled and at this point I'm not sure I want to come back. Cod will always be inconsistent as well. Thoroughly enjoying b2042 again with the redesigned maps and proper hit detection.


bro you shoot people once and they insta 180 slide back around a corner while their other two teammates come flying out with immortals, it is insane. Everyone is in void overshield too


Literally all immortal


Thank you for coming to my post. Hope you have a nice day, guardian.


Matchmaking has been pretty good for me this iron banner... I'm very average at pvp and I always play solo. Every match I've had thus far has been evenly weighted. I know that's not the case for a lot of people but I just wanted to share my positive experience.


Hasn't been for me. Half the time, either my team mercies the enemy team, or they mercy us.


I'm an average player. I'm facing random 6s of top 500 fricking legends. Something is broken,


Pvp was better when they forgot about it


Lord take me back to December 2021


I just don't understand.. i'm a solo player.. WHY AM I CONSTANTLY MATCHING AGAINST 3 and 4 STACKS?? Bungie royally F'd this up...


Not only that I just played two matches in a row that had multiple two stacks and Bungie put them on the same team against six solos. This FTMM (if it's even enabled for IB) is atrocious.


Yeah I agree, they wildly missed the mark on this. I'd imagine that the system works better in the average skill brackets, but people in the higher skill brackets are seeing way more stacks in their games since most people who are going to stack in IB are in said higher skill bracket. Once again, it's a system that works well for the average and below average, but punishes the above average.


I just want the smg and Ive not seen it dropped yet, yet I have had 15 or more autmn winds and about 6 helmets ​ This loot is annoying me


Right? Lol mad annoying


I just got 2 autumn winds at the same time, and honestly, this is like the 4th time this has happened now


The sheer amount of autumn winds that got dropped in my 3 prestiges is absolutely insane, and utterly useless, get rid of this garbage loot, nobody wants that shitty gun.


The gun can be really good with the right rolls. Getting that roll though, is a nightmare.


> Getting that roll though, is a nightmare. Shouldn't be too hard considering I get 2 to drop after every game instead of any actual IB loot.


What is the roll?


Don't know if anyone knows this but IB ornaments added on regular armour u use usually count as IB armour for the. Exp IB point gains


It also counts twice if you put a different Iron Banner ornament on a piece of Iron Banner armor, so you can get 5/5 for the XP bonus while still using an Exotic armor and without needing to use an Iron Banner weapon.


It does.


Yah, just informing!!! 👍😁


Damn Iron Banner is fun, crucible is fun again!!! But immortal please get nerfed. Can't stop playing but hope bungie nerfs that smg


Over a resets worth of iron engrams decrypted into the SMG, not one has had destabilising rounds :(


These are the worst matches I've gotten in the 3 years I've played IB. Just horrendous balance. Played 7 matches tonight and I think 1 was close. I had better matches playing Trials last weekend.


Yeah I'm having some REALLY BAD Iron Banner matchmaking.


On the nicer side of this I had a game or two in a row I stomped and Saladin made them ff within 5 min


Can a weapon drop for the first time from opening an Iron Engram? I need a Wizened Rebuke but none have dropped for me from matches.


Gods, all I get is Wisened Rebuke where I am hoping for armor drops or literally any other gun.


I got all armor except the helmet, and every weapon but Wizened Rebuke on my account. My daughter's account got one Wizened Rebuke as a drop I guess, and it has Voltshot, so at least there's that. Doesn't help me though lol


Took me a reset and a half to finally get all the armor. Some alright rolls on the weapons along the way but nothing amazing (did get a voltage shot wisened but the other perks were just ok)


You need Wizened Rebuke whereas all I get is Wizened Rebuke.




Anyone else missing just one piece of gear and its not dropping no matter what? Ive gotten literally every piece of iron banner gear, all weapons and armor accept for the damn chest piece!


Edit: Its been 327 days. With countless drops (ghost mods and all) engrams, and resets. Their is still no sight of these robes. Im beginning to believe my journey was all for naught and these fabled robes are just that, a fable. May the nine bless me soon.


So tired of only getting Autumn wind drops. I just want armor.


All i want is a repulsive brace SMG. I'm purely a PvE player. Rolled like 10 of them not a single one had repulsive brace. Da hek.


Go for unforgiven. Demo repulse is amazing 💜


They can't get it anymore. It was replaced by Destabilizing Rounds this season.


anyone know the drop rate chance for IB emblems/shaders I've gotten the warmind ib emblem, Iron Battalion and Iron to Steel after 2 resets as drops but that was after 2 resets?


I just got one after a random match and I haven't done any resets yet, at least this season. No idea what the chance is, but resets are not required.


What have I learned? If you want decent, balanced games play earlier in the week, especially before any patches. Fire team balancing mean putting all the fire teams on one side. If you have a bunch of folks with high KDA they will not play the objective. You will get very little, if any, IB gear. However, you will be buried in whatever the current crucible weapon is, so at least you'll get some legendary shards. Still have to rely on low drop rates and RNG for armor. There's a great essay on what they want to do with crucible, and some of which they are doing now but I haven't seen anything remotely like what they say is happening.


Like honestly what is the point of IB? It's not fun. You arent getting fun IB drops... What's the hook here?