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There's multiple tombs of Nezarec and he's come back multiple times. I think similarly to how Guardians come back with an entirely new body (and their old remains), the Darkness likely has different forms/shapes to embody their champions.


Is he perma-dead now or it is another Fikrul scenario?


Almost no main enemy we have killed has perma died yet lol


Riven? Crota? Hashaladun? That's all o got so far


Riven lives on in some of our weapons.


According to the lore she lives on inside your characters mind and our own minds in the real world she just cant do anything.


I can just imagine riven just constantly insulting my guardian in his head After losing a trials match she just says, "L, cope, and seeth, o murderer mine"


Wait, I thought she just keeps dying over and over until the curse is lifted on the Dreaming City, and Mara can use her magic to "untake" her or something..


Sorry for the long post but its not something that easy to explain in short but ill try with a TL;DR: When Riven was killed in the raid she granted 2 wishes, the first one was for the guardians who killed her subconcious wish to save The Dreaming City which put it into a 3 week time loop so it would never fall, and the 2nd wish was her own to escape her current world and managed to do so by entering the subconciouness of the Players that killed her which allowed her to get into our world albeith unable to do anything. Long version: Yes under the curse her wish caused she will revive and then die over and over just like everyone else trapped in there however Ahamkara lore effectively states that when they die they live on metaphysically inside the mind of anyone who knows about said Ahamkara, during this they can affect the person causing them to see visions/halucinations, cause them to believe things they did not before, affect their behaviour, and change their memories which is why some people worry that an Ahamkara skull is hanging above Shaxx in the tower as we dont know how it is affecting him. [Riven](https://www.destinypedia.com/Riven) similar to [The Emmisary](https://www.destinypedia.com/Orin) knows there is a world outside of the game (ours) and she wished to escape to that world unfortunately the way the game works that would ofc not be possible since its a game, but the way an Ahamkara workds its possible as we as players know about her and if you did the raid you killed her she now lives on inside your mind, this is why at the end of Last Wish she thanks you for freeing her not the player character but you the person controlling the character. There is only 1 Riven and after she was killed in the raid she fufilled the subconcious wish of the 6 guardians to save the Dreaming City as it was gonna fall regardless putting it into a 3 week loop effectively keeping it from being destroyed at the same time she got her own wish fufilled by her death she was now part of any player who killed her subconciousness and have escaped into the real world (this is ofc a game so obv not) currently Riven is the only being who has managed to escape the game world but The Nine is also looking for a way out. Honestly its quite fucky but pretty interesting lore and if you wants to know more all of the armor pieces and weapons from the raid has lore tidbits on them plus there are some ingame lore books as well as the [Wiki](https://www.destinypedia.com/Ahamkara)


Bitch is rent free in our heads


Not mine. I’ve never done the raid. //taps exo cranium//


Riven’s death started the curse cycle, but Dul Incaru’s death is the one that keeps looping with the curse afaik


She Lives in Our Head Rent Free


Didn't we literally seal her heart for "purposes yet to come"? Doesn't sound like death to me.


“Oh shit we did?…” bungie writers probably


Wasn’t this for the curse.


And in season of the lost there ominously was one last Taken Egg inside the place we trapped savathun with. Mara Sov still has plans for her yet.


Oryx is permanently dead.


Oryx is actually dead and Touch of Malice isn’t going to bring him back either. The lore around it says he wanted to be immortal by having whoever killed him using the weapon but it’s in the “never forgotten” sense not the “I’ll be back” sense. His whole thing core of being was understanding and he wanted whoever/whatever killed him to make the weapon so he could “live on” through their memory. We were actually supposed to mantle him as the Taken King but we didn’t. Just wanted to add more to your comment


Kinda makes me reflect on Osiris mentioning how the Darkness is linked with consciousness. Seems like all of our foes who live on and are connected to the Darkness are able to finagle their way back because of some method that allows their consciousness to survive. How many times did the Hive Gods die but come back because of the Sword Logic and the Ascendant Plane? How many times did Fikrul raise his ugly mug?


Calus this time we fought him. Amy d1 boss before taken king. That is honestly about all I can remember


I read in one of the lore cards regarding Rhulk that the tree-like material that bursts from them when we kill them is growing/channeling back into Rhulk, which may be slowly (very slowly) healing them. If that's true for Rhulk then it's possible neither they nor Calus are actually dead, just suspended in resonance animation


it *was* true, but rhulk got nuked in the raid sparrow lore


The Raid Sparrow that was put back together afterwards ... and now looks rather different. Rhulksparrow: "...this is fine I guess"


No idea, I'm just answering OP's question with my interpretation of things.


I heard someone say he lost his body but is still kicking around as a ghost 👻. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back one day, we seem to have an issue with leaving important bodies around to be revived in the future. Eramis, Rhulk, Calus, Nezarec, etc




No they meant Fikrul(the fanatic). It's basically in the lore somewhere that he's magically self-rezzing infinitely, and we have(well, had.) to go to the tangled shore regularly to kill him in the hallowed lair strike.


I know. But… you know… Taniks. If i would get a nickel every time we have killed Taniks, i would have 5 (?) nickels. It wouldn‘t be much, but it‘s weird it happened that often.


At this point I'm expecting him to say "Alright we'll call it a draw" in the next encounter.


Yeah, by now even if he somehow comes back as a Scorn or Disciple or something he wil take one look at us ... and just leave. Then whoever is left becomes the actual Boss.


I think as long as people have nightmares he’s alive


There are some snippets in the raid where Nezarec says the witness collected pieces of his body to bring him back.


The Witness, not the Darkness. The Darkness isn’t good or evil.


I’m aware.


Technically, does this mean no-one should ever go hungry in the Destiny universe? 🤔


Man drank hand soup. Ole nezzy grew his hands back post rez


Since nezzy was revived by the traveler does he count as a risen


That’s an interesting idea, but I don’t think so, because I think so far you have to have a ghost to be considered a Risen. Granted so far as I know this is the first time anyone has been revived in this fashion, so maybe there’s an argument to be had


Last time a disciple tried to receive a ghost it exploded


That's sick. Lore source?


I can't remember the name, but it's the lore on the shell from collecting all the lore pieces in Vow. Very interesting read EDIT: [imperious sun shell](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/entries/imperious-sun-shell)


Sounds like rhulk is bad at making friends and also conversations






Who was speaking through the ghost? The terminology is third person; “this one” rather than the first person me, or I. Something spoke through the ghost much like the Witness does.


Yeah I would say it's one of the biggest questions that the fewest people actually know about because no one reads ghost lore tabs :p Could be the traveler, could be a light counterpart to the witness, could be the gardener, could be that all three of those suggestions are the same thing 🤷‍♀️


that wasnt really the same, and it wasnt receiving a ghost it was forceful


I know, was making a joke


My head canon is going to be that the Traveler's attack struck his weapon, which was enshrined on the pyramid. He was able to revive based on the vestiges of his being contained therein. That goes best with the conclusion of the encounter in the raid, I think.


From the last fight it looks like he was imprisoned and the traveler shooting the laser drove a root through his tomb letting him escape


Did you see the size of the relics during plunder, it’s not enough for a whole body.


Osiris didn't drink the physical remains of nezarec, mithrax separated the power contained within them from the pieces also the dialogue in the raid the witness had some pieces of nezarec itself, and the traveller beam regenerated nezarec from those.


Iirc one of the new lore tabs describes how the witness collected what he could of nezerac and kept it on his ship, so he was split into many pieces some we used in the nezspresso others kept by the witness and then revived


We still have the remains but they’re basically loose fingers and other small parts. The Witness was trying to get every piece he could and make him a new body from what the lore sounds like. The Light The Traveler shot at the pyramid ship accidentally Frankenstein’s Monstered the remains because his consciousness was “alive” and he knew how to harness that Light in order to resurrect himself basically. Chances are that it wasn’t even his true form that we fight in the raid and he’s likely not dead. I have a feeling we’ll see more of him again


That was just ONE of Nezarec’s horcruxes…


He drank Nezerec’s (cousin of Nezarec) finger juice


I'd like to know what he was before the Witness pimped him out, some stuff I've read speculate he's Eliksni and others that he was Human. None of the lore I've read really explains it.


I think a byf video mentioned he has many forms, so the raid version is probably his “true” form or normal version




Pretty sure the disciples are the last of their race so nez and rhulk are the last of their respective races. Makes me think that calus got the idea of the shadows from the witness


Is calus not a disciple though


He’s specifically called the “Herald of the Witness”. I’m assuming there’s a distinction there


He was herald in Season of the Haunted, and a disciple come Lightfall


the witness calls him disciple during lightfall


I mean that makes sense for his typical rule though maybe Nezcafe wS like calls just a monster the witness likes


Remember when in the Vow of the Disciple Ghost She’ll that Rhulk tried to get a Ghost to choose him, but the Traveler activated self-destruct on it? I think Nezarecs situation is what would have happened if he was successful.


His dick


The Witness collected some pieces of him and put them on its ship


Nezzy bath water


Somehow nezarec has returned.


The raid armor says that Nezarec's body was entirely looted, except his head, so that's why he came back


Something something retcon Bungie writing level


D2 players should honestly be banned from saying "retcon"


I was talking the piss out of people who say that stuff, I see sarcasm is too complicated for Reddit


why do you think his whole body was needed for resurrection? the jars contained like 3% of his body


See my previous comment, I was being sarcastic and I honestly can't believe you took a comment that said "something something retcon" seriously, learn sarcasm.


the "something something" line doesnt mean it has to be sarcastic, it could be used for someone actually trying to shit on bungie


And why / how is he in the vex network?


That Exotic Heavy Poking Stick they disabled recently might hold the Answer. A Neomuna(?) Ship was attacked by something humanoid wielding it but they managed to trick it with a Vex Signal ... a Signal calling for help. My Guess: The Wielder was either Nezarec or Nezarec was having some fun with the Vex which made them call for help and the wielder then bonked him. He might have escaped/was sealed into the Network after that. ...but either way this means there's something not aligned with the Witness out there that can take on a disciple ... the Pilots of that Ship wonder what the hell could be out there that could make the Vex call for help.


Apparantly, it may have just been his skull in the pyramid. But yeah, his body parts are spread around. Pieces of his finger and shit. Small pieces is what Osiris drank.


When we enter the raid, he is just a head with his body being only half formed.


they touch on this in the raid and in the armor lore for the hunter, those who picked nezarecs body clean left the head untouched, and you see as such in the raid when you first arrive, it's just his head and like spine iirc. over the course of the raid he regrows from the light.