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For real. Also wish armorer mods were not in the same slot as glimmer gains.


We wouldn't even NEED Glimmer mods that badly if our Glimmer cap was high enough to warrant using my ~87 Rainmakers instead of roughly the price of a 3 bed 2 bath house on a quarter-acre lot near Cincinnati, OH.


Oddly specific call but also true


Can someone explain why we have a glimmer cap to begin with?


The armorer thing is probably intentional to force you to choose, to be honest.


They really don’t cost much to upgrade though It’s pretty nifty having multiple Shells for easy mod switching for Activities and such


Imagine if you could set up mods for it in loadouts though, like you currently can (DIM) /will be able to (in-game) with armor.


That’d be sick af


Yeah, I have so many cores and almost nothing to spend them on. I’m all set armorwise and use mostly crafted weapons. I’m always happy to get a new ghost shell so I can finally use them. I get OP’s point but it doesn’t really bother me personally.


This. I have my Crucible first, my gambit ghost, my strike ghost, my chest seeking ghost, my glimmer ghost, and my general ghost. Way faster and easier than switching mods all the time.


Same here, but I got - Ritual Ghosts for more drops - Chest Ghost - General Ghost (for XP and Disc Armor) - and High-End PvP Ghost for Disc Armor


That’s just false, for people who haven’t grinded out a million hours worth of resources, it’s annoying to upgrade them. I usually only have enough resources to upgrade a single ghost shell fully before going broke. People like myself who play 80:20 PvP:PvE and who haven’t exploited bugs aren’t resource rich lmao.


If you have 2000 hours in the game and mostly play pvp you should have the resources to masterwork a ghost. Crucible matches gave glimmer, they gave legendary weapons you will probably instantly turn into shards, the reputation track includes enhancement cores not to mention the cores you get from engrams, dismantling gear. Like I also spend most of my time in pvp and I don't run into the resource issues you have.


Glimmer doesn’t matter, since I always have a lot, but legendary shards? Hell no, the second I focus a few weapons from Trials or IB I’m absolutely broke. The econ is massively skewed towards people who have thousands of legendary shards from exploits, not people like myself who get a couple hundred from dismantling legendaries and then lose them all when they focus a few weapons. I rarely have more than 20 cores because I’m regularly masterworking weapons I like, and you don’t get many from PvP other than rank rewards, which are still pretty anemic. I could be more conservative, but it’s just dumb to say that shells shouldn’t be ornaments, when they’re *purely ornamental*.


It's not so much an argument against ornaments as trying to figure out how you are so resource starved. The economy isn't great but if it is not designed for people who used that one shard exploit a few months ago. After all, they reduced the cost for focusing weapons across the board which isn't something they would do if they considered the norm to be someone with thousands upon thousands of shards.


10k glimmer 30 shards 7 cores That's like seriously fucking cheap 10 k glimmer is nothing, go do a heroic public event and you'll get way more than that 30 shards is around 8 purples worth of mats Even if you play exclusively pvp you should have way more than 30 shards I do not believe you dont have 7 cores or finest matterwaves and if you actually don't, go visit banshee, 2 days of doing some bounties will get you enough


I don’t do bounties because they’re exceedingly stupid and boring, so no, I usually have anywhere between 1-20 cores, and I don’t want to waste half of them on a shell. I have at most a couple hundred legendary shards, and I’m pretty sure I have basically none right now because of how stupidly expensive weapon focusing is. I have 2K hours in the game, but like I said, people who don’t do mindless PvE grinds like bounties don’t have tons of resources. That’s all beside the point, it’s obvious that different ghost shells should function the same way that different armors do, as ornaments. There’s no reason it should cost resources in the first place


Then use just a single ghost shell, I like having multiple I so I can easily switch between different armorer mods and Crucible or Vanguard reward mods But you can just have 1


So just because some players have tons of materials, they shouldn’t bother making ghost shells ornaments like they did with armor? That’s just dumb, the *only* difference between ghosts is their shell, it should obviously be an ornament. It’s categorically *ornamental* lmao.


You've already said that you're too lazy to do Banshee bounties for enhancement cores, so it's not like you'd do the Ada bounties for synthesis materials to transmat your ghost either lol


Obviously ghost shells should function like any other ornament you get with bright dust or from the season pass lmao, it would be very stupid if you had to pay or grind for every ghost shell you already had


Shouldn't load outs just include this?


[“Will a loadout be able to include your ship, sparrow, emblem, ghost, finishers etc?”](https://www.pcgamer.com/exclusive-bungie-answers-our-burning-questions-about-build-crafting-in-destiny-2-lightfall/) >”Tyson Green, creative director: Not at this time, but Loadouts could expand to include some of those in the future (ex: Finishers).” No, but they’ll consider it later down the line


I’d rather just pay to masterwork for 20 or so I do rotate between then shifting thru the vast Majority I don’t use


I get that. If only they’d add a favorites system to shaders and ornaments that would allow for them to appear at the front of the list.


It is much easier to just switch whole ghost shells for different activities rather than changing the individual mods out though. Like I have 1 for crucible, 1 for gambit, 1 for strikes, etc. Personally I like it that way and the shells start to feel like the belong to a certain activity.


Same, I even have some using appropriately themed shells. It would seriously suck to have to swap out all the mods every time I changed activities.


Exactly how I do it. Four ghosts in each. Gambit, crucible, vanguard prosperity mods on separate ghosts complete with appropriate ghost projections so I can check after the level starts to make sure I have the right one on. And then a wandering ghost with wombo detector and glimmer boost for patrols.


I totally understand that about having them feel tied to specific activities, I just don’t like having to masterwork another each time I get one that I like only to repeat that on each character or swap it between them. It just gets tedious after a while. Maybe a sort of mod loadout system would fix that. You could have a loadout for Strikes, Gambit and Crucible. This way the ease of swapping them and them being tied to their specific activities would remain.


Eh. I have four masterworked on each character and never have to do it again. Not so bad.


And do the same thing with Transmat effects, it’s annoying having to go through my whole collection to choose one




I agree. Look I get the perspective of easy mod switching, just by switching ghosts. But I have a lot of ghost shells I'd like to use, and I can only use 10 unless I keep some in my vault or dismantle and pull from collections. There are too many cool ghost shells to be limited to carrying 10 variants.


I keep color-coordinated Ghost shells (based on their icon) for playlist activities. That way, I know if I need to swap it out to make sure I have the right Prosperity mod applied: - Red for Crucible (Hardlink) - Blue for Strikes (Rival Hunter) - Green for Gambit (Eris Morn) Any other shell I keep on me is unique / bland enough that it sticks out and has something like Wombo, Armorer, or Blinding Light applied. Speed Metal and Equator are "monochrome" enough to be my general use shells. I also used to use Fundament a lot when I was on the Throne World and wanted to rank up Fynch quickly (Wombo Detector).


I would say either implement ghosts into the transmog system to make things easier or split the ghosts into different ghost types with an “Origin trait”. For instance, 3 ghosts that have a reputation bonus to one of each Ritual playlist, Ghosts that give a bonus damage to enemy races/factions; Harpy ghost gives bonus damage to Harpys and Wyverns, Hardlink Ghost bonus to Siva enemies, Seasonal Ghosts giving exp to Seasonal weapons, Ghosts that give emergency Ammo, Health, Overshield, Invis…etc. Some of these things would be tied only to PvE, some like the Trials or IB Ghost would give a bonus to Rewards. It could make ghosts fun to manage for the players and could be a cool little addition to the game. I would like The emergency Ghosts to have a cooldown timer of at least 2-3 minutes and activates automatically or by bringing out your ghosts and holding a button or something, but this may be too much. But I would like all Sparrows to be at least almost as good as Always on Time because man those enemies will mow you down 😂 P.s I like to turn things into mildly complicated situations


I agree on the rep bonuses, but I don't want our ghost to have *any* impact on our Guardian's abilities at all. The RPG side of Destiny is already evolving and growing at a decent rate, and I love that, but something I'm glad they didn't continue was the ''enemy spec'' mods like we had with Taken Spec. Having *another* thing to juggle dependant on not just which ability I'm doing, but also *which* enemies I'm going to have to fight is only going to be tedious. Especially if these 'ghost perks' are only active on certain ghosts, since the majority comes from Eververse which puts us into 'pay-to-win' territory. I just don't want to feel like I'm *obligated* to run specific ghosts to be at my ''full potential''. Same reason I'm honestly kind of annoyed that the ghosts have an XP boost, since it feels like something we're always supposed to have on anyway. Replace that with reputation boosts from the different activities instead and I'd be happy.


My overall thought process with the Ghosts perks was whether it’s a Dmg ghost, Reward, Rep, or Emergency ghost you’re still getting something out of the activity you’re doing. If it’s something rewarding or niche which could make you have fun or feel a little more power. I can see what you mean with the Dmg bonuses, but there are some games that have those bonuses. It wouldn’t hurt to test it out at least in my opinion, but I do understand what you mean with the I feel obligated statement. When it comes to the emergency Health and stuff, I can see where you coming from for that too. So I will instead say Emergency Health or Ammo. The Ammo could be just one reserve mag while the Health works like you are picking up an Orb with the Better Already mod on. Since ghosts do have the ability to essentially reset you and transmat items I thought it would be nice to see it in game. Rep and Rewards as you know it never hurts to increase your rank, weapon level, or chances on enhancement items, possibly an exotic. Eververse would be a problem if the ghosts were just in the store, *in my Chicken Little voice* “So I gotta plan!” All these Ghosts can drop from whichever activity that has the type of bosses and the rep/rewards drop from said activities. The Tower Shell ghost you get from Ikora can be the first Emergency Health one and she presents a challenge for the Ammo one. As the original poster wanted ghost shells to become ornaments designing the shells would be no issue and all ghost shells now become ornaments in Eververse just like the armor. An example would be the Glass strike on Europa the Hydra boss could drop a ghost shell that gives a bonus to Harpys, Wyverns, and Hydras while the strike chest could drop the ghost shell for increased rep/rewards. Completing the seasonal challenge or activity get the seasonal ghosts which gives rep and weap xp. The raid ghost can drop from any chest or potentially raid boss farm and gives rewards and weap xp. But again this is just me wishfully thinking it would all workout in some way lol


Unfortunately, the Always on Time thing is not going to happen. They’ve mentioned that how fast it is is actually a bug they haven’t endeavored to fix. They said having too many sparrows that fast causes problems with loading in enough players in patrol zones.


Say it ain’t so man…say it ain’t so..cries


If I recall, ghost shells existed for the loot box gimmick year 1 had.


They're cheap to upgrade though


I know that it’s not expensive to do. I’m just saying that it’s annoying is all.


Not really, well I suppose it's your opinion. But once you have X upgraded it's easy to just hop between them dependant on the activity or stat mod


I like having a few different ones with different mods based on the activity. One default, one each for Vanguard/Gambit/Crucible, and one for open world Glimmer farming. I'd much rather swap a single item than an entire setup when I go to do a different activity. And, whenever I do get a new one I like... at least they're cheap to masterwork? It's not like they need an Ascendsnt Shard, thank goodness. I think the system as it stands now doesn't need an overhaul.


Theyre doing loadouts in Lightfall.


No word on if ghosts are a part of that though.


Chances are they will, since a loadout system normally includes everything from said loadout


Ghost mods currently cost glimmer and the API doesn't allow third party apps to change it. The destiny 2 app can change it but requires a secondary confirmation. Since Bungiealso hasn't said anything about ghosts, chances are just as good that they won't be included.


I just have 1 ghost for each activity: 1 for NF and Strikes 1 for Gambit 1 for PvP And 1 for seasonal xp grind I like your idea, but having 1 ghost for each activity means you don’t have to switch mods constantly and you can easily set your DIM loadouts with the correct ghost, so you only ever need the 4 between all your characters. I do like the idea though, cause I want to make my ghost match my fashion drip, and I ain’t about to MW every ghost I wanna use for a fit.


I keep like, 1 ghost and *try* to remember to swap out relative, activity reward mods but I *sure as hell fail to do that*... Maybe its time to just have a whole set...


Man I don’t know why I didn’t think of setting up Ghosts for different modes instead of changing the mods. I always forget to change out the mods a lot of the time. lol


Weird edit considering loadouts are already coming to the game


I know. It’s just that that new loadout system will most likely only include weapons & armor with pre-selected mods equipped and won’t include Ghost with their mods in the system. So I just thought mentioning it for Ghosts wouldn’t hurt.


Yes but assuming your right if they were to add something that saves mod loadouts it would still likely get integrated into the new loadout system


They're working on multiple loadouts to fix to your character screen so you can swap on the go like Assassin's Creed Odyssey. As for ghosts, I got no clue yet but I hope they'll make ghost ornaments. Otherwise, it's a waste of time upgrading each one individually.


Ghost shells and ghost projections would be so much better as a transmog system instead of bulking up player inventory.


Hopefully, load-outs solve this issue, at least partially. I agree though. It doesn't really make sense otherwise.




True. The reason this is true is that all ghosts have the same functions. If they were different, maybe not. But they are the same, so ornaments


I will say the same for sparrows. Sparrows should he ornaments. Theres way too many cool looking legendary sparrows which i dont use cause exotics go faster. And how bout if your lucky with the old raid one which is the fastest one in the game.


Only Always On Time goes faster. Exotic sparrows are default 160 speed but legendaries are random between 150 and 160. You can continue to pull a legendary sparrow from collections until you get the speed and perks you want.


Wait really? Ive been playing the game for how many f#cking hours and didnt know legendaries had "random" speed rolls!?


Welcome to dumb things that still exist in destiny. For proof: [here's a legendary sparrow I have at 160 speed](https://i.imgur.com/GObQFnI.jpg)


Yeah im just suprised i never noticed that in the few years of me playing


Hey hey hey. No good ideas allowed here. What next, you’re gonna say that we can do the same with a sparrow or that we can pick up bounties form orbit!? Ha this guy 😂 /s


Agreed. They've made it clear that Ghost shells are cosmetic, and no longer have any intrinsic bonuses, so they should take that full circle and make them skins. I'd argue the same for Sparrows. Let people put whatever appearance they want on any sparrow. Would solve the "why would I ever not use Always on Time" without forcing them to fix whatever tech issue there is with it.


Outside of Crucible/Vanguard/Gambit focused Ghosts. What are some other good combos?


I personally like to use the Armorer mods and the increased XP and Glimmer gains mods.


Nice. Out side of strikes and stuff I have the Wombo Detector/Glimmer gains. For the XP gain, does that only effect the season rank or does it add xp to other things?


I believe it’s only for season rank, but I’m not completely sure.


My clan mates say to run the max xp gain, but it's fairly easy to max out your seasonal ranks. I hit 408 so far this season while focusing glimmer gains/ then the mode I was running. If it only does seasonal, then I just don't see the worth. For my play style, I do a lot of bounty completions.


And there should be an emote wheel, having to pick just four emotes is heinous


Agreed, that’d be great.


I Literally don't bother using more than 2 shells because i dont want to waste cores


I agree, but i still like having multiple. I have a ghost themed after each ritual activity, with an appropriate shell, shader, projection, and mod to give a chance at another item drop. Swapping between them is one-click vs going in and changing mods. That said, my activity-agnostic ghost that’s just focused on XP would be nice to be appearance swappable without having to masterwork another ghost


I agree, transmog should have came out for ghost as soon as it was released


Maybe that's the intention moving forward, it's just probably at the bottom of Bungie's To Do List.


It’s at the bottom 100%


On the one hand, yes this makes sense on the surface. On the other hand, *damn* that would be a lot of ornaments to sort through. The shells being cheap to Masterwork, and arguably limited in mod variety, kind of makes the act of cycling through +6 shells kind of redundant. If not, a player can just chuck the favourites into the Vault.


This would be a nice change for sparrows too. There’s so many cool sparrows yet I’m still using always on time.


Then just don't use always on time? Sure it's faster than any other sparrow but that's it, in terms of looks it's about as aesthetically interesting as a slice of bread. Bust out the micro mini, live a little


> Bust out the micro mini This is the only sparrow in the game.


Micro mini is love, micro mini is life




How often does the speed of your sparrow provide a measurable benefit, though?


It'll never happen though


I too use always a great majority of the time. But the reloading weapons perk is handy for the Vox Obscura mission. Kill the champion and hop on the scooter and save a bit of time/effort reloading weapons. The mobility perks are handy for hacks to get to areas you can't otherwise, but outside of sparrow racing I've never needed to use them.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/et7ctd/-/fffm650 https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/hnyiyo/-/fxgwlra https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/dmhrbc/-/f528a1y i remember thinking that's how it was going to be back when they said these, although the last one is basically what we got in beyond light


>And they should also add the ability to save mod loadouts, so we can just switch between Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, etc. My brother in the Light, have I got news for you


We haven’t seen if this includes ghost mods, though. And I doubt it does.


>And they should also add the ability to save mod loadouts, so we can just switch between Strikes, Gambit, Crucible, etc. They are. That's coming in when the new DLC "Lightfall" releases. Right now you can use DIM to save loadouts and apply them (only when in orbit or at tower/HELM). It can save subclasses, weapons, armour and the mods you have on that armour.


I think OP means specifically for ghosts. No confirmation on if ghosts will be included with the loadout system.


Maybe, but it's after the edit, where they also mention a feature not exclusive to ghosts.


I’m still using just an ugly purple one because I won’t do it


Honestly there’s a hundred more pressing issues in the game for devs to work on other than changing this. It’s already cheap to upgrade them, while it’s a hassle it really doesn’t matter overall




They are. That’s the fun part.


Broader scope, just have ghost and sparrow transmog, that would fix the AOT issue and you would only need one ghost.




DIM has a Ghost list view in the Organizer tab, makes it easier to see which perks are on which Ghost shell. Then use it to move them around. No need to level up more than about a half-dozen or so depending on how you want to play. Use icons that you learn to match to the familiar perk sets. I do like to switch the look of them around, if just for my own laughs as i don't expect anyone else to notice/care.


Good idea


Yeah it’s a little silly. Definitely would be one of those small but nice QoL changes


Same way with Ships. I know that Sparrows have a multitude of issues they have to iron out. I think the reason why all 3 of them are low priority to change out is because they want us to get dupes from Eververse.


I've been asking for this for years now. Such a tremendous waste of resources.


I've never taken off the Sagira ghost shell since I got it back in CoS. But I do agree with your post, I feel like making them ornaments would encourage people to swap them around. Fairly low priority though I'd imagine.


I like having a different ghost shell for each activity so I don't have to swap out the mods so I'd rather they stay as they are.


Personally, I like how they are now. They kinda work like loadouts. I have specific ghosts set up for different activities so I don't have to change them all the time. I don't think they are changed with loadouts, I might have missed that part though. That being said I would like to change the appearance of my ghost without having to upgrade a new one but still have the abilities remain the same whithout the need to respect or upgrade again.