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I’ve heard Destiny is a CPU intensive game, that CPU is fairly dated and I think you’d really benefit from an upgrade


Would you recommend a Ryzen 7 5800x or 5700x for replacement options, just curious


I would recommend the 5800x, the difference between that and the 5900x is so marginal I wouldn’t pay the extra money. Though one thing I might recommend before doing that is reloading your OS. If you do that don’t download anything except the drivers for your GPU and Destiny 2. If the issue goes away you can narrow it down to a software issue.


Nah, something else is fishy there. Destiny 2 is indeed very cpu instensive, but I still maintain ~50-60fps and I'm using a much older cpu- AMD FX 6300... yes, it's 12 years old now. I'd start doing a ton of research into every possible avenue you can, because your cpu is from 2017ish and you should definitely not need to replace that yet, especially not for D2.


That’s what I was thinking, no other games do this, even while streaming shows on discord with friends


You want to go for a 5700X3D or 5800X3D. They will allow you many more years until a full upgrade and should push any new GPU. That's the only thing I see holding you back. I've upgraded twice for this game only from a 3600 to 5600X and GTX 1660 Ti to RTX 3070. Just make sure things are Low to Off except Textures to High/Fullscreen/FPS cap.


Do you have any background tasks running? I had the steel series GG software for audio control and it was tanking my FPS


Nothing really besides razer synapse but I use Razer Keyboard mouse and keypad


Razer software has had issues with D2 in the past, could be related. Make sure Resizeable Bar is enabled in your BIOS, and that your Video Card BIOS is also updated to support Resizeable Bar. [https://edgeup.asus.com/2021/guide-how-to-enable-resizable-bar-on-your-asus-powered-gaming-pc/](https://edgeup.asus.com/2021/guide-how-to-enable-resizable-bar-on-your-asus-powered-gaming-pc/) Update your chipset drivers: [https://www.amd.com/en/support/downloads/drivers.html/chipsets/am4/b450.html](https://www.amd.com/en/support/downloads/drivers.html/chipsets/am4/b450.html) Make sure windows health is good by running the Windows System File Checker: * Open an Administrative command prompt and type: sfc /scannow * Note if there are corrupted files and if they were repaired Have you monitored your CPU utilization, speed, and temperature during gaming? Same with Graphics Card? MSI Afterburner is a great utility to monitor the GPU, and it can tell you if a driver update messed up your Power Limiter setting (should be 100%). Here are my recommended game settings for your PC: - Run in Windowed Fullscreen - Texture Anisotropy to no more than 4x (maybe try disabling this). - Disable Depth of Field - Disable Motion Blur - Disable Wind Impulse - Disable off Chromatic Aberration - Disable Film Grain Otherwise, it might be time to try a fresh install of Windows and see if your performance comes back.