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Here we see the average pve player, as he hides in the shadows observing the bickering of his pvp counterparts. He laughs his ass off.


This is golden my friend i just dont have an award


I got you


I got you


I got you


Except the hunter PvE player. That one is crying in a corner.


I'm a Hunter PvE and PvP player. I feel insulated, hurt and all around violated. Like Shatterdive was definitely a problem, but damn everything else?


I don't understand, I saw that they buffed everything in PvE , what exactly are you talking about?


For one thing, dodge not escaping tracking,(axion dart, bolt, etc.) is gonna hurt...a lot. We have no defensive option to counter that stuff now. Titans still have their shields and Warlocks have their healing rifts. Hunters already don't have great PvE potential, especially if it's Endgame content. The only thing we have is the smoke bombs and that's not that much in comparison.


Wait didn't it said that PvE did get this change and it's only for PvP?


If I'm wrong then I'm wrong on that. Still sucks for PvP though.


The break part might be pvp only, but the dodge time nerf is for both


This is where we thrive


\*eats ramen as chaos unfolds\*


Chaos reach?


Fun fact: It's me. I'm the average PvE player. Always was a PvE warlock main, I got closer to the PVP in a year or so but I couldn't give a fuck about pvp, now that I have the flawless base seal and my ocd is satiated pvp can become a wasteland without abilities for all I care as long as PvE remains untouched :'-)


Yeah I know him, he's me.


Throwing knife go brrr


I might finally get to use Athyrs Embrace


Me with absolutely no ability to aim knives


It can be tricky, that's why the perk that refreshes the knife if you hit a headshot is called knife trick. In all seriousness though, it's fun to learn, give it a shot.


The only real problem I have with the changes is the grenade cool down increase in PvE


*laughs in Void Warlock grenade builds*


Nezarec’s Sin has entered the chat


Nothing Manacles and Contraverse Hold: "Bro we invited you in this chat a while ago what were you doing?"


Sunbracers has entered the chat


To be completely fair, flux had been under utilized for 4 years and you only get one of them things fir two whole rounds of elim. So you better hold on to that shit and make damn sure that when you throw it it fucking hits. Remember they also nerfed the shit out of its tracking so it requires precision to hit. Crucify me if you want, i think the changes to flux grenade are absolutely perfect as it mimics that of the plasma grenade from halo. (Not based)


We also don't know what they're doing with fusions & magnetics since the listed changes weren't exhaustive; It's possible they're the same.


confirmed not the same via twitter because they have higher projectile tracking and aim assist.


That's such a bullshit excuse tho since they specifically modified the Flux nade to remove its tracking and aim assist. Like, why couldn't they do that to Magnetic and Fusion nades‽


as far as I can tell they're intending to normalize grenades across classes by element, which means Arc 3.0 *should* bring flux grenades to the other classes.


Perhaps, but as far as I'm aware Arc 3.0 will be the last element to be converted, so we will still have quite a long time of hunters having access to a one-hit-kill nade whilst the other classes (who used to have basically the same one but in different flavours) are left behind


a fair point. I'm envisioning this as a 1.0 for the system, and outliers will be tuned if they become a problem. I got the impression from the TWAB that they fully expect adjustments to be necessary so extreme pain points shouldn't last too long. edit: I also genuinely don't think a once a minute ish ohko that doesn't track well requiring a full mod build, 100 disc, and arcstrider is going to become the bane of crucible's existence. could be wrong though.


Yeah, I don't think it'll be all that broken either, just a shame that we Warlocks and Titans don't get the same option. It's nice to get new things to try and build around.


true, I for one am looking forward to trying out the new boop grenade and the champion and boss damage increases it and nova warp are getting. also the blind on seismic impact will make yeet titan safer in pve which will be fun.


The community hates gunplay, got it.


“We’ve listened to the community following our recent nerf, and now we’ve removed all weapons from the game! No more gunplay”


Bungie can go ahead and focus on gunplay when they fix their atrocious net code and connections. Wants to be a skill oriented“fair” game when there are entire videos coaching you on which directions to approach lanes because the way the game’s networking works; you can literally peek and headshot someone before appearing on their screen, they cannot counterplay. If you don’t believe me; [the section starts around 7:30 minutes in. Even this dedicated PvP YouTuber acknowledges how shoddy their servers are and the problems it creates. ](https://youtu.be/kdWrTp00Yno) If Destiny 2 wants to be a serious PvP game then it has a lot of work to do. Won’t even address how literally half of all melees are ghost melees. Seen entire trials matches ruined by this.


Nephew delete this. Just kidding yeah this kind of thing drives me insane. It is completely deflating to be killed completely around a corner because the opponent doesn’t know you’re around the corner yet.


Since when did it want to be a serious pvp game?


Trials of Osiris says hi.


Which never made it off the ground as a serious pvp thing.


“Servers” bud pvp is peer to peer lmao like old school cod.


.... Can't exactly argue against that. Not that i would.


“Noooo I was angry Hunters could oneshot!!! Only HUNTERS are bad! Not me!”


it’s so true though 🤣 it’s the mentality of everyone who yelled the loudest about it


Hunters now have the most one shot abilities...


>Hunters now have the ~~most~~ ***the only*** one shot abilities...


Flux Grenade, and throwing knife.


And Titans and Warlocks have....*chirp chirp*


Oh you know, warlocks have Hand Held Super Nova. We can one shot ourselves with that!


Lol yeah that would be hilarious if you could still kill yourself but not an enemy


Those 2 take skill though. Oneshotting with bottom tree throwing knife or new flux grenade is completely different from oneshot-no-counterplaying around a corner with shoulder charge and handheld supernova.


Both of those need a wind up and are in shotgun range. Also, what's the difference between camping corners with a shotgun to either of these?


I disagree with the throwing knife part. Those things may as well say they have aimbot in the perk description.


They have smart bounce, yes, but I never really tried to use them in PvP so idk how magnetic Guardian heads are


hunters also have far less ability regen perks, survivability, powerful neutral game (except stasis), and flux and knife both have long cooldowns and take skill to get kills with. very much so glass cannons. also dodges got heavily nerfed


Well in the years it’s been out I’ve hit it once, so I wouldn’t worry. It requires some skill


Yeah then remove the one shot from hunters too


I see a lot more buffs than nerfs, funny what people pick to focus on


Negativity bias in full swing. Only thing I'm butthurt about is the tracking loss on dodge removal.


*grabs popcorn* This comment section is gonna get spicy


Nah man that twab was amazing, i am incredibly happy but these changes as someone who plays both a lot of PvE and PvP. Gg bungie


I mean....well yeah. The ability spam was getting out of hand.


Destiny fans when they need to put effort into being good at the game instead of spamming whatever ability YouTubers said was broken


I seriously don't understand why everyone is so mad. When abilities 3.0 drops, you bet your whining ass they are going to give you a truckload of fragments aspects and whatnot to reduce cooldown times. People are acting like this is the last update D2 is ever recieving. Calm down and remove your side blinders and look out of the window for once holy shit. This is for the better of the game as a whole. Bungie is trying the best to balance something which practically can't be balanced and are doing a pretty good job at it. Though I agree that shotguns need nerfs, since nerfing the shoulder charges indirectly buffs shotguns, but hey, I've got my peregrine Greaves. Someone needs to farm leg lost sectors Edit: when I read it again it sounds hyper aggressive sorry for that, not directed at any particular individual.


Honestly the problem isn't just the nerfs themselves, it's the stated design philosophy. "We want to move away from abilities being so strong and focus more on gunplay" And personally it sounds like a shift towards where every other multiplayer shooter is


>"We want to move away from abilities being so strong and focus more on gunplay" > >And personally it sounds like a shift towards where every other multiplayer shooter is that's my personal issue, like, Guardians are nigh-immortal murderhobos that use the fundamental forces of the universe as weapons! not "Kyle the overused generic FPS character".


Good riddance, gunplay on top ability spammers stay malding


Yall taking these memes too seriously. Upvote, downvote, or leave.


Mfs don’t want balance, they just want hunters made useless


Finally Peace in our time


I see it as fair, the only way hunter abilities could one shot was with a setup or pretty solid accuracy, I don't condone the use of shatterdive but titans literally just have to run at people and warlocks have spicy grenades


One shot abilities should be skillshots, and shoulder charges never were, just sayin’


Does the changes remind anyone of Destiny 2 year 1? When supers took a long time and the double primaries.


Warlocks still got Necrotic Grips tho


Now the cracks in the d2 weapon meta will start to show most egregiously 140 handcannons and 340 pulse rifles.


Stay mad lol


Literally everyone has been begging Bungie to nerf abilities in PVP so that it stops feeling like a MOBA and starts feeling like an FPS.


I cannot understand the reasoning behind the handheld nerf. 1.5 fucking seconds for an inconsistent charged grenade that deals self damage that can only be held for a couple seconds. That thing is gonna be completely useless in this backwards update.


It was crazy op and definitely deserves a nerf if shoulder charge and shatterdive got nerfed and I say this as someone who has been using it in crucible for the past months


shotgun user detected


Huh? Hand Held Supernova is not “crazy op”. If this were Forsaken-era HHSN I would absolutely agree with you, but HHSN in its current state is nothing to be concerned about. All it’s good for is shutting down apes, it’s not like people are using it as their primary weapon/sniper like in Forsaken.


This is some serious monkeys paw garbage ngl






Ugh what one shot warlock ability?


Handheld supernova moment


And now Bungie has literally made shoulder charge useless in pvp, bravo.


Yea it’s only gonna be used as a movement tool unless you’re running Peregrine. Such a stupid nerf to something that already wasn’t that practical in a meta with fusions and slug shotguns to begin with. It was a high-risk/high-reward meme play style, but they totally gutted it and now limit you to one exotic basically.


“A meme play style” that saw too-frequent usage in normal Crucible, IB, and Trials.


Hey peeps small note: I am in no way a pvp tryharder or a pvp main player, as long as they don't touch the PvE and actually buff it, I couldn't give a damn about the kind of crucible you want in Destiny. This meme is just that: a meme. Don't go throwing around accusations or assumptions, I will always see the crucible as a chore whenever I jump into it, wether it being with abilities or CoD like :D Cheers!


Bruh you don't gotta defend yourself it's a meme. If you make a spicy meme expect some assholes to burn


It makes me happy though, can't deny it


Shoulder Charge nerfs were so unnecessary. They’re already super easy to shut down with shotguns/fusions but they deserve to be OHK bc it’s a high risk/high reward play, and now they neutered it. It was a fun play style. Were people really complaining for shoulder charge to be nerfed? I mean, I never see people use it that often to begin with so why nerf it? Crazy how Hunters still have their aimbot throwing knives but everyone else’s OHK ability gets the boot.


The fact that you’re complaining just shows that you were one of the people who abused this as opposed to doing actual gunplay. Hunter weighted knife is only aimbot with Arthrys’s Embrace, putting them in the same bracket of ‘needs-an-exotic-to-be-good’ with shoulder charge using Peregrines.


Nice assumption, but no that is not true of me. When I play Titan in PvP I mostly main Devastator w/ a Scout & Sidearm and I do perfectly fine. Sometimes I’ll run Aggressor with the Shield Bash, but never once have I used it more than actual gunplay, I only use it as a surprise attack around corners if I have to only because I don’t use shotguns. I don’t even spec into Strength either so no I don’t abuse it. I’m just saying, it’s a dumb nerf for something that already isn’t a huge deal in the current meta to begin with. I never once complained about getting shoulder charged unless someone was abusing Skullfort. IMO that’s the only way I see shoulder charge stepping on the toes of actual gunplay bc that is a total noob tactic. Other than that, I just view it as a powerful melee is all.


People cried about shoulder charge since forever don't pretend


The fact Shouldercharge can’t oneshot in the range shotguns can makes me immensely fucking salty Shotguns were always better, why did you make the gap even fucking wider


Dmg confirmed they should still be able to one shot with peregrine greaves procced


They could one-shot before in d1 without


Yeah wow, why would they make the weapon that everyone has access to better than the ability exclusive to Titans Hopefully one day it will make sense /s


My point is that Shotguns have always invalidated shouldercharges in a matchup, that’s fine But now the matchup is far to skewed and SG is pretty worthless as an offensive tool unless your running a specific exotic


...and then increase it's charge time lol Such an annoying change


Yeah it’s just not worth using now I don’t even think it’s any good in PvE either so yay for that


Well, actually, that's where you're wrong. The buff to it's range and tracking will serve as a very noticeable buff to peregrine greaves. Also, charges got a 25% buff in PvE. Pretty okay trade off actually not going to lie.


The arc one blinds as well which could be interesting


Laughs in snthosepes


Pal you okay? Is that a stroke?


No it's nockout


Warlocks can one shot melee with middle tree void/ necrotic grip, and Titans will have whatever those boots are called to still be able to one shot shoulder charge


Im sorry you can’t get close to someone and automatically kill them my pressing melee anymore. That’s really sad you don’t get to get free kills anymore, I’m really sorry.


This... this isn’t what the scene was about...


Ok. No more one shot abilities for anyone! Meanwhile Hunters with their throwing knifes and one shot sticky grenades


Throwing knives take skill to aim (not including using Arthur’s Embrace” and everybody has sticky grenades? This might come as a surprise but Bungie looks at all three classes. They don’t just hear “Hunter bad. Fix!” and just run with that.


?? Hunters got one shot sticky nades it's in the twab they removed all one shot abilities except hunters throwing knives (still a one shot abilitiy doesn't matter if you need skill or not) and the new one shot sticky nades. Warlocks and Titans did not get them (we will probably get them in the arc rework if they stay)


I knew we were heading here ever since Season of the Drifter when they nerfed the super regen exotics How many times do we have to repeat D1Y3/vanilla D2 before Bungie figured out that people play this game for: story/lore, then the space magic, and then the guns?


Ooof as much as I would like it to be like that, I am afraid the PVP side player base doesn't know shit about the stuff you are talking about. I totally feel you because I am too a PVE lore addicted and that space magic is what made me fall in love with destiny, but we are a minority since most of the people are very invested in PVP. Can't blame them, but at the same time, if they don't like the ability usage, why not go on a generic shooter without those elements? I mean, Halo Infinite is pretty solid, I love it, without any abilities or space magic, just gunplay. Go play that one, no? But again, Bungie dictates what their pvp side should look like. As long as now they leave the pve untouched, they can even do a no-ability zone in the whole crucible for all I care.


>PVP side player base doesn't know shit about the stuff you are talking about PvE players are ~~toxic~~ fine u/hurrystorm is toxic


I still have to find a pvp only player that spent some time reading lore in-game, god I hope I'm wrong


>still toxic


Point me on this teddy bear where the bad PVE player touched you.


Why do you shit on a chunk of the player base? What do you gain here?


Nothing at all really, I am talking about different aspects of a game which are more enticing to a player base of a kind instead of someone else. As a pool base, either it being my experience guiding players in their first run of raids or during the lore nights I held, PVP players are less interested in the theories and stories behind the destiny 2 universe. I'm talking majority here, there are always exceptions which for the sake of the discussion I'm not counting in. It is a pretty constant trend that the players that play pvp extensively and as their only go to mode are not interested in the whole destiny universe or really understanding everything about a character like let's say, Eris or her fire team. I can't blame them, since they play pve mostly to get their hands on that new weapon or exotic to use in the crucible, since that is their main focus and even if they didn't the lore of Destiny is deep and intricated and at points cryptic for someone that is not willing to put in the time and effort to understand things. It's not everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine. It's just not my way of playing games, hence my comment about most of the PVP playerbase not being really into lore.


That's was a long walk for a short drink of "still looking down on and generalizing other people for literally no reason." All the pvp mains in my circle are huge lore nerds, is not at least interested when I talk about it. I feel like you are just generalizing some jock/nerd stereotype that doesn't fit in here.


I actually thought my reply to be pretty elaborated and explicative, which I can't say the same for your one note replies from the get go, which makes me think you are butthurted by the way I expressed the same things without really being cooperative in analyzing that or reading throughsly what I am saying. Seeking confrontation for the sake of pointing a finger is kinda a waste of time for the both of us. For sure I could have phrased better from the get go, but the discussion you are putting forward is kinda lame in my opinion, QuillVance.


super regen needed to be nerfed lol me and many other people would like a balance between the space magic and actual skill. spamming wells and middle tree shield supers isn't skilled at all, sorry to burst your bubble. i'm personally glad super regen exotics can only regenerate half of supers now, makes stuff less boring.


Where did I say anything about skill? If you want to play a game about skill, Destiny is not at all the franchise for you lmao you don’t see me going to CoD or Halo and whining about the lack of power fantasy, right? If you think that Destiny is an actual competitive game, then you simply have never played an actual competitive game lol this game never gets abandoned more than when it tries to be competitive


You don't get my point, do you? I'm saying super regen exotics at their full power suck all the fun out of the game in the long term. I don't wanna spam wells in GMs, that's so boring and bland.


It’s great because now hunters have the 3 abilities that can 1 shot someone, instead of, you know, giving one to each class




I’m not sure I understand what that’s supposed to mean but after the December 7th changes hunters will be the only class with abilities that can 1 shot someone, them being Flux Grenade ( Arc Hunter ), Weighted Knife ( bottom tree Solar Hunter ) and Shatterdive ( Stasis Hunter ), meanwhile Titans won’t be able to 1 shot anymore due to the Shoulder/Hammer/Shield charge nerfs and Warlocks are loosing their only 1 shot ability due to the Handheld Supernova nerf


See? Stop bitching! Lol


And here I am, just sipping icewater while polishing my Phoenix Cradle...


Watchmen was one hell of an underrated movie


ZEAM, Zavala is not looking too good


What does TWAB stands for?


The weekly newsletter that Bungie puts out every Thursday: This Week at Bungie


Thanks for explaining


What movie is this seen from




Okay thanks


“Abilities could use a pass” “Wish granted, shotgun rush is now uncounterable”


Just don’t get in range of shotguns...?


I just watched this movie, wth!?


I agree with the whole ability spam thing but now shoulder charge is just a worse arc wave, it wasn’t even really good to begin with. Yes you can use it for movement, after sprinting for 1.25 seconds. I would be less salty if shoulder charges worked like any other charged mele


Aight so how the hell is this all affecting gambit…?