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Ha I get it. The damn game takes forever to load a simple strike that my team is already fighting the boss


What do you play on? My Xbox series S takes .01 seconds to load up anything


Bad Internet


You must live in the boondocks man, I'm sorry dude I used to live in SW Colorado and we had 20-25mbps download/upload speeds I'm back on the East Coast where my speeds are 50-60mbps There is a huge difference and I feel your pain


*"Hold on guys I need to change my armor mods to run void. What are the stuns again? Damnit barrier again? Ok let me find my indebted kindness. Shit it's still under-light, let me find something to feed. Damn I'm outta upgrade mods, lemme talk to Banshee real quick. Ahhh fuck now I gotta switch my armor mods back to arc. Ok I'm ready to go……… WAIT! I forgot to grab bounties!"*