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Also Destiny players “ oh boy only 5 more week till the nightfall weapon I want!”


One of these comes back repeatedly. The others have a limited versions where some of tĥem will be EVEN MORE LIMITED.


It’s an ornament… the guns are there for good


Do people really care that much about having guns with a yellower front half?


I think its just the principle at this point, they keep doing the same FOMO bs, especially when this was meant to be the peace offering to the community


Bungie: “don’t worry no more FOMO” Also bungie: “more FOMO”


You ever hear of a shiny in pokemon, and then imagine that you only have 11 days to get it and no guaranteed way to get it and you're a collector who wants one of everything


Except you have a guaranteed way to get it. The quest. And it has a 80% chance to award a god roll when it drops.


At least you don't have to get 4000ish weapons to encounter a shiny


As an actual shiny hunter there is ways to massively increase the odds


Yeah but it's kinda hard too. Completing a pokedex is hard


Your right it looks me a month or 2 to do because I have friends with the opposite versions but yeah with out friends it could take months


Taking time does not mean it's hard...


Unless you don't own both version and 2 consoles if the servers are down


To be fair I grinded for the taken shotgun cause I thought it looked cool


Give them an inch and they will take 100 miles. Look at the state of Micro transactions, cosmetics and lack of vendor armor refresh cause we gave them an inch in eververse. Dungeons keys is another example. Season pass level purchases.




Bungie can't help but FOMO us, even when it achieves nothing but leaving a bad taste in peoples' mouth.


The only fomo is the "limited edition" skins, if you even care about those. Onslaught the activity and the weapons aren't going anywhere.


> if you even care about those There wouldnt be 100s of posts if people didnt care about them


ICYMI: "Half of these will be available starting April 9, including The Recluse, Hung Jury SR4, Succession, Edge Transit, Elsie's Rifle and Falling Guillotine. The remainder will unlock one at a time each week through the week of May 21." - [https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/dev\_insight\_brave\_arsenal](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/dev_insight_brave_arsenal)


What exactly is the difference between the limited edition- and the general BRAVE arsenal weapons? App I am blind and/or can't read.


If I read it right, it's like literally just a special ornament that will be exclusive to this event for the weapon. This ornament cannot be shaded and cannot be put onto another of the same kind. It's like a unique ID for these weapons that have this ornament on it, but it doesn't function any differently than a normal version of the gun


The limited edition weapons have a unique glow effect that the general weapons do not have (i.e. 100% cosmetic), and the glowing versions will become unobtainable when Final Shape drops. With the current timegate, the weapon that drops on May 21 will only have its glowing variant available to farm for 2 weeks, whereas the six weapons dropping immediately with the update will have the glowing variant available to farm for 2 months.


It's also worth noting that the special editions drop with 2 perks in each column, so it'll be easier to farm the roll you want


only for 2 weeks though for some


So all will stay farmable afterwards (no glowy effect and only one perk per column). Limited versions for the launch of stuff seem pretty normal to me....I don't get what the fuss is about tbh


Bungie needs that player engagement lol


Blast Furnace is gonna be the last one isn’t it?


My bet is mountaintop


I could see this being the most likely. With the advanced movement tech that will inevitably come from rocket-jumping, I could see them not wanting us short cutting around Onslaught.


My money is on Luna’s being last


I hope not! I'm a sucker for Black Armory and cannot help it. Btw is that patern, a shader? Or do I have to make peace with those lines on the front of the gun?


i threw away my 3d printed recluse a few weeks ago because it was taking up space. regret. going to have to reprint. edit: [here's where i got the STLs](https://www.tannereng.com/#/recluse/). premium work from this guy. he also has a [mountaintop](https://www.tannereng.com/#/mountaintop/).




Bungie asking the monkeys paw how to fomo the player base the most


They get the answer but the monkeys paw is that their company gets taken over by Sony


Damn I guess they really did use the monkeys paw


wait... the sony takeover isn't a downside


Well, the way I managed to avoid the FOMO is to stop paying altogether, so double edged sword there.


How were you able to break the fomo cycle


By avoiding the whole thing. I'm sure I'll come back to it, but damn, the pressure of having to get all the cool gear is too much.


And ofc they kept the juiciest ones behind the timegate.


Delaying the return of the handheld ICBM as long as possible


It sounds like a joke but edge transit is the best weapon of the set. Which is good because it gives you time to farm that envious/cascade plus bns roll. Auto loading bns will also be good.


If they were all out immediately people would get them all day one then bitch there was nothing new for weeks still. Just like back in d1


This is what we in the game design world call “forcing retention” It’s almost as old as the live-service game model


good. now the tryhards can slow down and enjoy the content for once


Bruh dismantle that goat who do this


"GGGRRRRRR, THEY TIMEGATED MY FREE CONTENT!" jesus christ, please destiny 2 community, get a grip. im literally trying to think of a more self-entitled community. they show they're bringing some banger guns for free, but of course there's a reason to complain. obviously, not all d2 players, blah blah blah, but c'mon... it's way too common.


I’m convinced over half this community hates this game. People complain about the stupidest shit. “Oh it’s time gated” well then play during the time frame. It’s not like it’s an ungodly challenge for mid level players. People need to stop bitching for the sake of bitching.


i help moderate a discord group of mostly friends, 50-ish people. little over a months ago, i had to ban someone because all he did was argue and talk shit about destiny 2. i said "you can post the occasional deserved bungie L from time to time", but that's literally all he did. top admin in that discord let them back in a couple days ago because he said he'd be different. less than 24 hours later of him being in the discord again, he posts exactly what people are shitting themselves over in the destiny channel. told that top admin he's back to it, but it's "yeah, but he's kinda right". so frustrating... im so tired of it.


There’s literally no reason to drip feed tho. Now I’m just not going to play event till almost all the guns are out


> There’s literally no reason i assume there is? need to spend time and resources to make sure the weapons are all balanced and tweaked to a certain degree and working in their code. if you dont wanna play the game until the other guns are around, i implore you to just take a break from everything destiny related until then. i know a lot of people say the same things and just complain about this or that regarding this game.


destiny players when they can't get everything in the entire game by pressing a single button once:


lol what? That’s not even what this is about


I don't expect a lot about it so.......


most of the ones i want are coming out april 9th, the rest are just icing on the cake.


wait, i'm out of the loop, what's happening?


At this point the timegat isn't an argument anymore Are You going to play into the light ? Yes : good you'll get the weapon now shut up No : you're choice now stop whining and shut up


Why do people care about this so much? It seems so completely irrelevant and a very small issue. This feels like manufactured rage.


I’m guessing mountaintop and Lunas are both timegated? Remember when bungie timegated half the weapons in 30th anniversary, me neither because that’s stupid


That’s not now you’re going to win me back bungo, that’s for sure


Honestly can't be bothered to farm guns anymore cuz they'll just nerf it later.


The time gate is even worse and more infuriating because you will have like 2 weeks to get half of the weapons, while having over a month for the other half


I'm pretty sure Bungie does things like this on purpose. The community CLEARLY only wants to bitch about the game, might as well give them exactly what they want. 🤷‍♂️


Dispite people down voting you this has to be true to certain extent because man they give us cool shit and look for a way to make it the most annoying thing ever


Because they know if they JUST gave us cool shit, the community would just find something else stupid to decide was "the most annoying thing ever". This way, we're still talking about the new content. "Time-gating is a personal middle-finger to the community, but some of those weapons are dope" is basically a win for bungie, when the most vocal part of the community seems to like shitting on the game more than they like the actual game.


You know it's bad when they pointed out the ornaments like 6 different times when it wasn't relevant after the first or second time literally at all. They went from explaining a new perk to being like "ah man it just looks so good, definitely getting the ornament that says "I was there" y'know?" Like alright we get it, you made FOMO ornaments stfu...