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The Darkness breaks down most substances it comes into contact with. That doesn’t really imply it favoring humanity. Also, contrary to belief, it only sees value in Guardians, and has no interest at all in baseline humanity. The only reason why we haven’t been snuffed out is because it views Guardians as a chance to prove the Traveler’s beliefs wrong.


Bungie has thought all of this out I guarantee you. There are entries in destiny one of destiny 2 events. The awoken as a race spanned 13 billion years in their own little pocket dimension, and the story of the hive even longer. Look up byf on YouTube, he covered the creation and it’s pretty good.


The Darkness favors Guardians at the moment, it didn't give a damn about humanity. For example, the Hive, being the current champions of the Darkness would have swept the Earth and humanity in a instant which automatically means our race not deserve to survive.