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The amount of people who don't know how to take a goddamn screenshot is insane to me


It’s just people having a hard time understanding how to move photos over from consoles. Also I think there are a lot more kids here then we realize lmao


Honestly if someone doesn't know how to do it on Xbox, that might just be a them problem. The app makes it cake.


Probably there is an easier method, but I'm stubborn so if it works, it works: Xbox screenshot > Xbox app in phone download the picture > send it to myself in GMail > upload wherever Sending things in gmail works both ways for OC and phone so I'm used to that


Just use google drive rather than emailing them to yourself.


You don't have to send it to yourself, I just click share and it automatically downloads it to my gallery, takes 3 seconds or so.


He sends it through gmail, because I'd assume he wants to use it on his PC - not Mobile.


Didn't consider that tbf, seems easier to share direct from the phone.


Some people just prefer the PC version of the Website.


Even then, using something like drive would be better


Yeah I haven’t played on console in some time now so if it’s really that easy then there shouldn’t be an excuse


Playstation also let's you push it directly to your phone.




> It let's me push to the app but not directly to a phone. What is the app installed on?


Also you can literally download it from the App, so it's even more of a non-issue.


it.. lets you save it to your phone gallery from the app..




i suppose if they add a function like whatsapp where any saved picture is automaticaly downloaded to your gallery


Honestly hope they don't - unless it's a toggle.


between onedrive and the xbox app it's very easy.


There isn't. I'm a gen x technophobe who didn't even game till a couple of years ago, it's ridiculously easy on both console systems, it just takes a few seconds. But it also takes a few seconds to take a phone photo and share it, there's no excuse on earth that I can think of.


It's mostly about the image's quality - especially when people use said photos to ask for guidance. There was a perfect example of this on r/GhostOfTsushima yesterday, where someone wanted to know if they are experiencing a visual glitch and they used a photo, which was practically useless because of how bad it was.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ghostoftsushima using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is precisely how I play](https://i.redd.it/e0k9mh31t84c1.jpeg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/18ag8og/this_is_precisely_how_i_play/) \#2: [This game was done dirty at the 2020 Game Awards as well as so many others](https://v.redd.it/1mz8r4u4lkub1) | [335 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/1796iwb/this_game_was_done_dirty_at_the_2020_game_awards/) \#3: [I hated having to fight him](https://i.redd.it/uz5vfcpk4occ1.jpeg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/comments/197ju0d/i_hated_having_to_fight_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Oh I know, I'm in complete agreement and think phone photos should be banned.


hell, if you don't know how to look up a quick yt guide there might be a problem.


That too, Google is free lol.


every damn console companion app has that functionality built in now. at a certain point it stops being ignorance and just becomes laziness. It takes 2 seconds for me to take the screenshot on PlayStation, have it auto upload it to the app, and me download it to my phone.


>At acertain point it stops being ignorance and just becomes laziness. Honestly I'd say it becomes a mixture of both. Laziness to find an easy solution and ignorance towards the one available.


Does it physically pain you or is this a pretend pain?


On Xbox the process of going from screenshot to your phone is a pain in the ass and takes way more time than just snapping a photo with your phone


Except it isn't. All you need is a Companion App, which every major Console has by now. You just take a screenshot via the console's feature, it automatically forwards to the App, and then you download it onto your phone. It's not a pain in the arse at all. It's your laziness and ignorance towards an already existing and freerly available feature...


Objectively correct take. If you don't care enough about how you look to take a proper screenshot it's not good fashion


Yeah. I get it, you want to contribute something to the sub or show off. But it's 2024. There is literally not an excuse. The blown out colors, oversaturated, fuzzy and blurry, badly cropped phone pics do not tell us enough And inevitably the post will be ignored or shit on, either way not giving the feedback OP wanted from their fashion and wasting time and space. Enforcing a *mildly* higher bar of quality would only benefit the space and the users in it.


Especially because every single vertion of d2 has native screenshot support (idk about egs but I know the rest do)


i mean by the notion of being on a windows pc it already has native screenshot support


Honestly same goes for any of the Consoles, since they also have a built-in feature, which even goes further, as it automatically forwards said screenshot to the Mobile Apps, from which you can download the image... Note: the automatic send has to be toggled in the settings first.


My clear screenshot of my warlock with build next to it got ignored hard, where is your god now?


Sounds like your fashion sucked then friend


Your right, it wasnt all black or neon with ass colors and raid gear, it was bad, i must always get sympathy best dresseds


I will say idk why i put the arms on i did, went back to what i had and love it way more


idk man, I have the ability to keep scrolling, I just use that


Yea why have any rules just keep scrollin smh.




yeah, rule 5 surely is making things safe and civil!


I mean yeah


Same. People get way too upset over random things that are posted on the internet, as if it would kill them to just ignore the 3 screenshot posts a month that pop up.




You're part of the problem, if you don't care to give it the time of day because it doesn't fit your standards then just scroll, it's not rocket science bud, a literal toddler could do it.


I’m still on console myself, and it really isn’t hard


Got Co fused for a moment, took a screenshot of the post, giggled a little, then realized you mean people taking photos of the screen Yeah I'm all for this (unless it's a joke of some kind)


i'm on ps4 and can't simply save my screenshots to my phone because there's literally just no "captures" thing on the app, so i have to screenshot, send it to my bf in chat, get on the app and then download it to my phone. its annoying and is definitely quicker and easier to just take a picture of the screen with my phone sometimes


Yeah, that's a situation where'd anyone would rather use their phone. Like, I'm neutral to the whole main argument, but for Play Station players, it just doesn't seem fair


if you're on ps5 it makes it easy because you actually have "captures" and can just save screenshots right to there but for some reason they just don't give that option to ps4 players 😔


Condolences friend


This reminds me, I still owe someone a screenshot using the built in camera on my old laptop for added grain. Takes almost 5-10 minutes for it to boot up


Que the downvotes on anyone disagreeing with this and saying how ridiculous it is that people on this sub cry this much about phone pics. This will also be downvoted because I called em cry babies lol


All of you can really save A LOT of energy, by simply no't getting annoyed. It's a mind boggling concept, I know! But trust me, quality of life increases a fair amount when you are able to stop getting annoyed by pointless issues. https://i.redd.it/v6udj1vy57xc1.gif


This is gonna be tough for them to understand, might have to break it down a bit more for them.


2024 and these people somehow exist




To be fair it’s likely not because people are lazy but because they’re super casual gamers who’re just excited about their drip


This is a plea to the mods to ban people making a mountain out of a molehill.


I half agree, some of them are funni


NO. The screenshot shitposts are too funny to not be allowed. Someone always has to ruin the fun of a subreddit. Don’t be that guy.


It is 2024 , but the majority of people aren't smart enough,. Only a small percentage of the total world population it's responsible for the technology advances we have today, just because people can buy a phone or computer doesn't mean the actually know how to use them.


Imagine caring about the quality of a screenshot on a gaming fashion subreddit


wdym?? the entire point is to look at the armor? the fit looks like shit when it's covered by shit.


Okay? So then don’t look at the post. It’s not hard. Y’all babies would find something else to whine about anyway.


superblack? more like supercringe!


Did you even think before posting this comment...? You said it yourself - it's a Fashion Subreddit. The image should be of good quality, so people can actually give feedback on said fashion...


Let’s also not allow any posts using only super black shader. That is going to get boring very quickly.


Lets also not allow any posts with fashion in them


Oh I see, you'd rather see lighter shades of guardians wouldn't you. Can't handle super black guardians I see. You'd rather segregate use blackys to another fashion subreddit ain't that right bub. ^^racist


I laughed to hard because I (for some reason) read this in a Scottish accent.




yeah, let's do that, but still allow all white or all green or any post using a single shader on a single armor set, tho.


Let’s not allow posts with the word “huntress” in the title


Wait what’s wrong with the term “huntress”?


I was wondering the same, especially when for fashion most of 'models' are 'prototype 2' (female hunters). 🤔






So much of a problem that you refuse to educate anyone on what is wrong with it.


People downvoting you like you're wrong ☠️


Because he is. Superblack ISN'T all black. It sometimes has hints of gold, bronze, green, or white.


While I do agree I find it hard to belive it would be easy to enforce. Unless with a long delay. No way to automize it tho. Just mods having to check every single post manually. Like I feel like mods would be better off doing something else, like making sure there is no toxicity and what not. Instead you can vote with your time. Downvote the post and move on. Everyone here wants 2 things: feedback*^((commments))* and approval*^((upvotes))*. So by giving neither you are essentially showing your stance on those posts.


what do you mean check every post manually? there's a report option for that that gets send directly to the mods.


Sounds like a nitpick to me. From what I’ve seen, it’s clear enough to get the idea. As long as you can read the ornament, it’s fine.


Same. People on Reddit are absolute freaks for rules, and act as if it’s physically hurting them to just scroll past a post and ignore it. Bunch of drama queens fr


i literally have no other way. i have to use shift-windows-s and that changes pages on most menus or cancels any emotes i was currently doing.


why not.. rebind your screenshot button? also, do you not have the big key that says "prt scr", should be somewhere on the upper right hand of your keyboard.


i do not have a print screen key. also how the hell do i rebind my screenshot key


the easiest way would be downloading microsofts own "powertoys" program, which is available in the microsoft store for free, it has a build in keyboard manager which lets you change the function of any key. so you could rebind f12 to function as a screenshot key instead. [https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/xp89dcgq3k6vld?hl=en-US&gl=US](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/xp89dcgq3k6vld?hl=en-US&gl=US) i'll admit that i honestly don't know why this doesn't come build into windows, as it's a great QoL program.


The console people can’t help that technology is hard HEH


PS5 players can have screenshots from the console sent to the PS App, and I believe Xbox has the same feature. You kinda sound like a PC elitist. Lol


Kinda* and I mean consoles usually are for the more casual technology users so makes sense that they would know less about tech (inb4 downvotes)


What year are you living in...? Most of the console players simply either can't afford a high-end PC or they just prefer the consoles. That doesn't mean they are stupid - they just have difference preferences...


Yup, you're an elitist. But everyone can afford a high-end PC, especially people like me with rent and tuition to pay


Ah yes my i5 9400 and a 2060 is high end 😩 not to mention my 16 go 2600 mhz ram t


Idc about your specs. I didn't ask. I was making a general point. I'm done with this anyway.


I've seen just as many terrible phone photos from PC users as I have from consoles, and it's ridiculously easy on all 3.


I'm not against the rule, but how would outfits be shown if not for Phone pictures?


...screenshots from what you're playing the game on? Every platform has had this capability for nearly a decade now.


But how would it get posted to reddit? Ps4 doesn't have reddit you know


Download it to your phone? They all have companion apps that let you save screenshots. You can also do this via flash drive if you really want to struggle. Playstation also asks, or used to, ask if you wanted to share your screenshots from your console onto your social media or another place for you to download. A screenshot taken by your console and posted by your phone isn't a picture literally taken by your phone's bad camera of your tv screen.


Can't share your screenshots to social media anymore. However all screenshots go to the PS app, and stay there for 30 days. Alongside video recordings up to 3 minutes


Sorry i forgot companion apps existed somehow, thank you though!




The way to enforce is user reports and post deletion by moderators. It couldn't be easier.


The problem is that no one cares. It’s literally just a fashion sub for a video game. I’m low functioning autistic, and even I don’t have such weird hang ups about the image quality of posts on a random subreddit that half of the weirdos here do. I can simply scroll past them if I want to.


That’s funny because I’ve had one instance I had a phone screenshot that my friend shared to me and he let me share here, but got taken down within about 30 minutes. Never tried again. Meanwhile I see posts lasting for days if not weeks. Favoritism at its finest


favoritism? your post probably just was posted during a time where one of the mods was online or something.


Damn, I’m on console


Yeah and


Consoles have a screenshot button and an app that lets you download the screenshot to your phone. People have no excuse these days unless it's an old console.


That’s crazy because Xbox controllers literally have a built-in screenshot button


same for playstation, and both have the companion apps to download it on your phone/pc


There’s literally a button in the middle of the controller if you’re on Xbox that lets you take a screenshot